Wednesday Afternoon SugarLinks – Horror Experience

by | May 15, 2024 | Daily Links | 160 comments

Young woman reveals horror experience at the doctor after she was told she has a ‘fat man body’ at routine checkup

A young Australian woman has shared a humiliating experience at the doctors which left her in tears.

Kelsie, 26, lives in Brisbane and went to her local GP to get a script refilled for a medication that helps her manage polycystic ovarian syndrome.

She said the appointment should have been “simple and straightforward”, but instead, she was lectured about her weight.

The doctor weighed her and said that she’d gained too much weight recently and then proceeded to body shame the 26-year-old.

“This man said to me ‘you need to take something that is going to make you lose weight because even if you like curvy bodies, what you have is a fat man body’,” she said.

Kelsie said all she needed was to refill a routine script, but was humiliated by the doctor.

Weird. I guess I am also humiliated by doctors all the time. Where’s my NY Post article? HORROR EXPERIENCE


via the looming horror of Warty Hugeman’s well-muscled shadow…

The scientist activist problem: What nutrition and climate science have in common

In both fields, researchers come to conclusions very early in the game about the likely causes of a potentially critical issue of public health – a warming climate in one case, diet-induced heart disease in the other. In both fields, these preconceptions evolve into a consensus narrative despite the absence of experiments rigorously testing their validity.1 In both, this compelling narrative of cause and effect disseminates through the field, adopted by other researchers and institutions, and evolves into the only politically acceptable conclusion of all research. These narratives, after all, inform our understanding of what must be done to save humans lives; they become impossible to challenge, resistant to all contrary evidence. In short, the existence of an initial preconception about a “right answer” to these critical questions, biases all the science (and policy) that follows.

In 2010, the nutritionists David Allison and Mark Cope famously (in our field) coined the term white hat bias to describe this problem: They defined it as “bias leading to the distortion of information in the service of what may be perceived to be righteous ends.” Researchers selectively interpret their data to see and report what they believe they’re supposed to see (and if they don’t see it, they redo the analysis such that they do); Journal editors and reviewers make their decisions about publication under the same influence; journalists covering the field do the same.



About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. kinnath

    Video is restricted. Is that a problem on your end or on my end?

    • UnCivilServant

      I wouldn’t say that’s a problem…

    • Sensei

      That is the result of MegaCorp and its browser policies.

      I experienced your joy here at MegaFinancial about 8 months ago.

      • kinnath


    • SugarFree

      Which one?

      • kinnath

        both are restricted. at least on my end.

      • SugarFree


      • Nephilium

        Not even close to the worst scene in movie history. I’ve watched Madame Web.

        I do not recommend it. At any level.

      • bacon-magic


      • juris imprudent

        The question must be asked: WHY?

      • Nephilium

        1) I have a high tolerance for crappy movies.
        2) I can enjoy several of those crappy movies on their own merits.
        3) I already made it through Morbius and the Marvels, how much worse could this be?

        The whole movie summed up in a short clip.

      • bacon-magic

        4) Spiderboobs

      • Nephilium

        Well, I have now seen two Sydney Sweeney movies. Madame Web and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood…

  2. Shpip

    Researchers selectively interpret their data to see and report what they believe they’re supposed to see (and if they don’t see it, they redo the analysis such that they do); Journal editors and reviewers make their decisions about publication under the same influence; journalists covering the field do the same.

    After all, The Narrative must be preserved, Comrade. And you do want to see your grant renewed, yes?

    • EvilSheldon

      Easy to do, once you’ve convinced yourself that you’re the ascendant hero in the story…

  3. The Late P Brooks

    I’m not clicking on that.

  4. The Late P Brooks

    “Oddly enough, everywhere we looked, we saw exactly what we were looking for.”

  5. Nephilium

    Damn it. I was expecting a whore experience.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    At least he didn’t tell her she looked like a pot-bellied pig.

      • SDF-7

        “An Aussie like that… you don’t eat all at once!”

  7. The Late P Brooks

    Inside story

    This account, the most detailed to date on the Supercharger firings and the fallout, is based on interviews with eight former charging-division employees, one contractor and a Tesla email sent to outside vendors. Only Musk and Tinucci were in the meeting described to Reuters; the four sources with knowledge of the meeting are relaying what they heard about it from Supercharger department managers.

    Sounds like Elon is more interested in the next big challenge than the daily grind. Totally unheard of in entrepreneur world.

    • The Last American Hero

      Superchargers at my grocery were installed over a weekend and took 9 months to get permits. In one of the richest bluest parts of the country where one in 5 cars is a Tesla.

      • Chafed

        “Progress” at the speed of government.

  8. Tonio

    Apparently the latest fad among the don’t-judge-me crowd is handing the doc/nurse a card that reads “Please don’t weigh me unless absolutely necessary.”

    • kinnath

      My doctor is a fit gentlemen that runs regularly. He has succeeded in not giving a bunch of shit about my weight for most of the last two decades.

    • The Other Kevin

      If you’re going to a doctor who could possibly prescribe meds it’s always necessary.

      • Tonio

        Yes, as well as for a whole bunch of other reasons. That’s like saying “don’t listen to my heart,” or “don’t take my BP.”

    • Gender Traitor

      At my next annual checkup, I’m going to insist that my doctor not cholesterol-shame me.

    • Sean

      Is the card covered in donut crumbs?

      • DrOtto

        I have a Trey-worthy customer who thought she had a coolant leak. I popped the hood to start checking for a leak. She drove a diesel-gate era VW at the time which had Pink coolant. I found a blob of pink, but not in a spot coolant should be going through. Since most modern coolant coagulated, it dipped my finger into the goop and gave it a taste, it wasn’t bitter like I was expecting, but tasted like frosting. Somehow she had gotten cupcake frosting on her engine.

      • whiz

        How else do you warm up your cupcakes when you’re on the road?

      • Sean


      • Chafed

        There is a sec story somewhere in there.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      My doctor was a fat dude, who recently did Slimfast, or somesuch. He would only talk about your weight in relation to his, which was kind of a good thing, as you know it wasn’t BS.

      Then again, I am not too big.

    • SDF-7

      I’d say that it is rather the doc’s job to let you know you’re indulging in unhealthy habits and that I’d expect it of him… but I haven’t seen a doctor since GHWB, so what do I know?

  9. Shpip

    She said the appointment should have been “simple and straightforward”, but instead, she was lectured about her weight.

    Yeah, once in a while the docs try to use plain language to shock their patients into taking obesity seriously.

    • The Other Kevin

      Just renew my meds and shut up.

    • Drake

      She looks like that fat comedian – Louie something…?

      • Bobarian LMD

        even if you like curvy bodies…

      • juris imprudent

        So fat man body is an actual condition?

      • B.P.

        I took it to mean carrying extra weight in the gut, rather than butt, thighs, etc.

      • Shpip

        That’s one of the signs of PCO, along with hirsutism. So if your girlfriend looks a bit like 1980s-era Paul Prudhomme, it might well be polycystic ovary. Or she’s really a drag queen. We don’t judge around here.

      • Mojeaux

        Yes, and PCOS is generally obstructive to weight loss by conventional means.

      • Tres Cool

        One more reason why I like larger ladies.
        Can be tougher to knock-up.

        /did not work with BabyMama, totes obvs

      • PutridMeat

        Root cause of PCOS in many cases is insulin resistance; that is also often the root of obesity. Fixing insulin problems will likely fix (or at least mitigate) both. It’s hard – impossible – to lose weight with chronically elevated insulin and since chronically elevated insulin also (can) causes PCOS, not surprising to describe it as obstructive to weight loss, but I think that’s a subtle confusion of root cause. PCOS doesn’t prevent weight loss, it’s just that both conditions have the same root cause so you can’t fix either one without addressing that.

      • Mojeaux

        I appreciate the extended explanation because I didn’t feel like typing all that out. LOL

  10. Suthenboy

    “What nutrition and climate science have in common”
    Charlatans? Neither is science? Wife’s TV and the inner tubes are clogged up with grifters hawking all kinds of snake oil and other magical bullshit.

    Working from a predetermined conclusion backwards to evidence is not science. It is also not honest. Think of the zillions of times you have heard someone try to argue to a desired conclusion by cherry picking premises: “We can both agree on A and B…. (logically they only lead one place)
    In both fields that seems to be SOP and it is creeping into other fields as well.
    I dont remember the details but a spike in cardiopulmonary problems back in the ’50s was puzzling health workers. Two theories were explored: A. increase in blacktop roads exposing people to hydrocarbon fumes and B. Increase in smoking cigarettes due to increased affordability of tobacco.
    Problem A was logistically difficult to solve and there was no money in solving it.
    Problem B was easier to sway people into believing and there is an ocean of money to be had solving it.
    Guess which one was chosen.

  11. Certified Public Asshat

    “I went to the doctor for vaccinations to leave the country and got told to get on a care plan for my health because I’m a bit chubby,” one added.

    It’s unclear if you value your health or not.

  12. Necron 99

    She is kind of cute, but could stand to lose some pounds.

    Maybe if she took up smoking she could cut back on the food. And everyone knows smoking makes you look cool.

    • Sean

      And a small meth habit.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        The Hunter signal is lit.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      She’s fat Drew Barrymore.

  13. The Other Kevin

    “she was told she has a ‘fat man body’ at routine checkup”

    Well give it back you’re getting it all stretched out.

  14. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    Wow. A twofer, English teeth and Scotch accent. You have outdone yourself, SF.

    At least the chick was cute.

  15. Drake

    I was wondering if those Rebel Moon movies were worth watching. Thanks.

    • kinnath

      The Drinker has savaged them.

      • Drake

        I’ll just watch his videos instead.

      • kinnath

        Good choice

    • Not Adahn

      I couldn’t finish the first one.


      The consensus is that the movies are all of Zach Snyder’s worst impulses without someone to tell him, “Yeah that’s cool, I guess, but it doesn’t make any sense.” I mean if you like slow-motion wheat harvesting, it might just be right up your alley.

      • SDF-7

        Got enough of that with Gladiator


        But Gladiator is a watchable move with a coherent story… Rebel Moon… not so much.

    • Bobarian LMD

      A crappy version of Seven Samurai.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Overthinking everything

    When it comes to the business of dating apps, the most relevant principle isn’t necessarily patriarchal, but inherently capitalist: celibate, app-less women are not lucrative, an issue that the entire industry is grappling with. The business of dating, in general, is floundering: Dating app downloads are starting to fall, and a Pew Research study found that more people are dissatisfied with the apps than ever before.

    “Most of the time when I tell people I’m not dating, they immediately view it as a negative and start saying, ‘Well, you just need to put time in on the apps,’” a 30-year-old woman who is currently celibate told me. “And of course, society reminds me that I am elderly and should have ten kids right now. Thankfully, I’m on a particularly anti-dating side of TikTok though, which helps.”

    Long rambling piece trying to turn dating burnout into some sort of moral crusade. Gee, dating apps suck? People you meet on them probably don’t have the same expectations or desires as you? I could have told you that, and I have never even been tempted to use one.

    It’s a good thing workplace romances, where people had an opportunity to get to know each other gradually over time, are now frowned upon.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Oh. My. God. Becky. Did you see the app on her?

      Also, not being on an “app*” doesn’t mean someone isn’t dating, it might mean that they actually go out and talk to people in real life, and get dates that way.

      *I loathe the term APP. It is a fucking program.

      /hangs onion from belt.

      • Nephilium

        I don’t mind the term app as an abbreviation for an application. I rage against using “app” to refer to a web page (which yes, may have a web application running behind the scenes, but it’s a browser).

      • R.J.

        How about Fap? Can we call them faps? That has a nice ring to it. Is that term being used for anything else?

      • SDF-7


      • Aloysious


      • SDF-7

        I’m right there with you in the onion patch. Application I will accept. Program is better. App is for losers who think “suss” is a fucking word too.

        Now get off my digital lawn, script kiddies!

      • Sean


      • EvilSheldon

        It’s spelled ‘sus,’ boomer.

      • bacon-magic

        suspi link bruh

      • DrOtto

        This comment is sketch

      • kinnath

        All applications are programs.

        Not all programs are applications.

        I’m OK with “app” as an abbreviation.

        It is misused and abuse by many, many people.

    • Bobarian LMD

      “I’m not dating because I hate people! Now get the fuck out my cubicle!”

    • Drake

      Aren’t sports like basketball, volleyball, and powerlifting in the summer olympics? Those dudes are sleeping in kids’ beds?

      • Not Adahn

        Only the athletes from poor countries.

    • Ted S.

      Can’t wait for 9ne of those “beds” to collapse under the weight of a shot-putter.

    • ron73440

      Whoever thought this up and believes it will work was obviously never 20 years old.

      • rhywun

        Hell, I doubled up in a twin for years.

        I would never do it again but poor is poor.

    • The Other Kevin

      “Shot Him 5 Times!”

      Us Slovaks are hardy folk. Just look at the Slovak hockey players.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      He also is a member of the Slovak Writers’ Guild which has said it will kick him out of the club because of this. I guess it’s pretty serious.

    • The Gunslinger

      It’s not a very successful movement.

    • B.P.

      Thankfully, nothing further usually happens when a relatively obscure, 50-something-year-old politician is gunned down in the street in Eastern Europe by a disgruntled activist.

    • Ted S.

      Someone tell Gateway Pundit that Fico is a Social Democrat.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        He couldn’t be Czeched for that first?

    • Nephilium

      There are unchill reggae fests? Kind of ties into the whole culture and vibe of the music.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I’ve been at a reggae fest that was full of strident (white) culture warriors, and that was in the 80s

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Take that, patriarchy!

    Having a female doctor could lower the risk of death or major health issues after surgery or hospitalization, studies have shown over and over.

    The latest evidence, published Wednesday in the British Journal of Surgery, finds that surgical teams with more women see fewer health complications among patients than male-dominated teams.

    The study compared hospitals in Canada where female surgeons and anesthesiologists made up more than 35% of the surgical teams to hospitals with a smaller share of female doctors. Higher levels of gender diversity were associated with a 3% lower chance of serious health complications for patients within three months of a major, non-emergency surgery.

    Not an uncontrolled variable in sight.

    • The Other Kevin

      Couldn’t be that male doctors tend to take more difficult cases.

      • Urthona

        This is obviously the case. Female doctors tend to be pediatricians and family doctors.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Actually I think it’s possible that on average women notice different things than men, and therefore it might be good to have a mix in a surgical team.

    • Shpip

      Higher levels of gender diversity were associated with a 3% lower chance of serious health complications

      Wait, are we talking male / female (which is just sex) “diversity” or one of the 63 available genders out there?

      And is 3% within a decent confidence interval, or small enough to just be random chance within the study?

      • rhywun

        I really hate the misuse of “gender” to mean “sex”.

  18. Not Adahn

    So wait, seed oils are causing Global Warming now?

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Only rape seed oil.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    But the findings shouldn’t prompt patients to lose trust in male physicians, said Dr. Julie Hallet, lead author of the new study and an associate professor of surgery at the University of Toronto.

    “It’s very hard to say a male is better than a female surgeon in general,” she said. “There are male surgeons who are excellent out there, and there are female surgeons who are excellent out there as well.”

    Rather, the findings underscore that hospitals provide better care when they have diverse surgical teams, Hallet said.

    “It’s not only the right thing to do — it’s really the smart thing to do,” she said.

    What was that about preconceptions forming the narrative?

    • Bobarian LMD

      You want to get published, don’t ya?

  20. The Late P Brooks

    even if you like curvy bodies…

    Spherical is just uniformly curvy.

    • Ted S.

      [assumes a spherical cow]

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        True libertarian, TEDs is.

  21. Brochettaward

    It’s getting First in here…so First in here…getting First in here….

    So take off all your clothes.

    • Aloysious

      I’m at work, but okay.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Made for each other

    Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a former aide to and longtime confidant of Melania Trump, on Tuesday explained what she believes is the “transactional” nature of the former first lady’s marriage to Donald Trump.

    “I think people have to remember who Melania really is,” Winston Wolkoff told CNN’s Jake Tapper during a discussion about the presumptive GOP presidential nominee’s ongoing hush money trial in New York.

    “There is no enigma, there is no mysteriousness,” she continued. “Melania really is who she has portrayed herself to be. There is a strength within her that is unlike any other individual I have ever met. She does not care what others feel about her nor does she feel she had to ever explain anything to the American people.”

    It’s a “transactional marriage in so many ways that they both garnered so much out of their relationship,” explained Winston Wolkoff, who penned the “Melania and Me” tell-all after falling out with her longtime friend.

    She’s a totally honest and believable source.

    • Brochettaward

      Corporations are always going to look to get theirs. Is greed part of the story? Sure. Businesses could in theory live with declining profits. It is possible, though antithetical to the corporate model that dominates.

      But only fucking morons think that all corporations are in cahoots to raise prices on everything across the board, and that some magical price controls or taxes will do the trick to show’em. My brother is one such mouth breather.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        You have a brother? Who’s older?

      • DrOtto

        It’s a joke to even suggest corporations pay taxes. Their customers do.

      • creech

        Sometimes not. If my company is paying 8% corp. tax in domiciled state and my competitor is paying 4% in his domiciled state, then I might not be able to pass that extra tax burden on to customers each of us is trying to attract.

    • Suthenboy

      I dont really get it. CNN has been lying their asses off to prop up a bullshit leftist narrative for years…what difference at this point does it make?

  23. grrizzly

    I arrived in Russia only on Sunday, but by now I’ve already achieved the ultimate level of the Russian version of social credit: I’ve got a Russian phone number, renewed my internal ID, got a Mir bank card and finally linked my bank account with the government services account. That’s like living in a parallel universe.

    • Sensei

      How did the meeting with Yuri Kuznetsov go? 😉

    • Ted S.

      Wouldn’t the ultimate level involve becoming a gopnik?

      • grrizzly

        I could never understand why the Westerners found so fascinating riding the Trans-Siberian railway. The best you can do is to don your Adidas tracksuit and keep drinking vodka for days. Like a gopnik with money.

      • creech

        Maybe they think they will be riding with Pasha/Strelnikov?

    • Urthona

      What is going on here?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      So the Glibs aren’t censored in Russia? What kind of dictatorship is Putin running over there?

      • grrizzly

        A smart one, I guess. Twitter and Rumble are censored.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Well he’s just protecting his democracy against misinformation, disinformation and malinformation. Who could be against that?

      • juris imprudent

        In fairness you don’t see Russians electing a Trump or Biden, do you?

    • The Last American Hero

      Did you throw them one at a time on a bed like Jason Bourne?

    • slumbrew

      Extended stay, then?

      • grrizzly

        It’s really nice here. Plus, I’m here with my partner, no downside. Last fall Russia drastically simplified how its visas are issued to citizens of most Western countries, except to citizens of the Anglo-Saxon ones. Fortunately, my partner has a Hungarian passport as well.

    • Urthona

      Be sure to try the salad dressing. It’s based on Thousand Island

  24. The Gunslinger

    – “I am not entitled to the same health care as a man is entitled to or a straight-sized person is entitled to,” she said

    What in the world is a straight-sized person? Can someone help me visualize the size of straight?

    • Suthenboy

      You lost your Gibberish/English translator?

      • DrOtto

        Mine said to “drink ovaltine”.

  25. DEG

    They defined it as “bias leading to the distortion of information in the service of what may be perceived to be righteous ends.”

    “Lying” is much more succinct.

  26. B.P.

    Denver is enrolling people in its new Asylum Seekers Program, which lavishes benefits on “newcomers.” Not every illegal immigrant is eligible.

    “Critics say while the program offers intensive help to those who are eligible, it offers less help and shorter shelter stays for those who arrived after the city piloted and announced the program.”

    It’s true: No one is critical of pouring resources on people who came to the country illegally with no plan and are now expecting someone else to foot the bill for staying. The only critics to be found are the ones who say it isn’t enough.

  27. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    Hi, my name is Nick.

    I might have a chicken addiction.

    I’m off to pick up 10 more chickens to add to our current flock of 18.

    • Urthona

      My uncle was an unsuccessful chicken farmer

      Be careful not to plant them too deep.

    • Fourscore

      Careful with the eggs, you don’t want the yoke to be on you

    • creech

      You know who else was a chicken farmer?

      • Mojeaux

        Agent Sloper?

      • Urthona

        Eggdolf Hitler

    • Suthenboy

      You peckers went and started another pun war. *sigh*

      • Shpip

        You want to set the ovum / under on how many this thread gets?

      • R.J.

        ‘Tis but a scratch. This lot can do better.

    • Aloysious

      Why did the chicken cross the playground?

      To get to the other slide.

      • Shpip

        Why did the farmer name his hen “Taylor Swift?”

        He wanted her to have a best-selling albumen.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    You know who else was a chicken farmer?

    Carroll Shelby?

    • Tres Cool

      Chicken George?

  29. R.J.

    @Steel Panther in Dallas. Looks like Aquabats are coming to this same place.

    • db
