Violence stuns UCLA as counterprotesters attack pro-Palestinian camp

“You girls told me I couldn’t handle that they/them pussy! Why didn’t I listen?!?”
Violence broke out early Wednesday at the pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA, hours after the university declared that the camp “is unlawful and violates university policy.”
Just before midnight, a large group of counterdemonstrators, wearing black outfits and white masks, arrived on campus and tried to tear down the barricades surrounding the encampment. Campers, some holding lumber and wearing goggles and helmets, rallied to defend the encampment’s perimeter.
Videos showed fireworks being set off and at least one being thrown into the camp. Over the next few hours, counterdemonstrators threw objects, including wood and a metal barrier, at the camp and those inside, with fights repeatedly breaking out.
The violence is the worst on campus since counterprotesters, who support Israel, set up a dueling area near where the protesters were camping.
Some tried to force their way into the camp, and the pro-Palestinian side used pepper spray to defend themselves.
A group of security guards could be seen observing the clashes but did not move in to stop them.
One representative of the camp said the counterdemonstrators repeatedly pushed over the barricades that outline the boundaries of the encampment, and some campers said they were hit by a substance they thought was pepper spray.

riot bukkake
I am legit jealous of the person that dubbed the Palestinian Keffiyeh a “hipster swastika.”
Remember this Holocaust Hottie?
and her gibberish dissertation…
Well, I found her old poetry tumblr…
And, yes, they all mention her “biscuit.”
I suddenly no longer want biscuits and gravy.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. – Luke S.
I’m glad SF is quite continent.
It fit so thematically, but also the poetry of it is a good juxtaposition.
You mean, that was really her “poetry”?
Holy shit.
[caution: not really her poetry]
Dammit. You clever, sneaky bastard.
Violence is the answer.
Yes! Deport everyone involved to Israel or Palestine, give them an AR or AK and let them settle it.
Tough but fair. I like it.
Fortnite drops for all.
Alas, no re-spawns.
Huh. It’s snowing.
That UCLA story reads like a forward operating base after action report.
The Siege of
Khe SahnJew Sea El Ehe.A group of security guards could be seen observing the clashes but did not move in to stop them.
Laughing their asses off, most likely.
I’m pretty sure it’s not in Paul Blart’s job description to wade into the Gaza War’s western theatre of operations.
The dude behind King Slutzky appears to want to put a little ass in Hamas.
“Are You My HuckleBiscuit?”
Dear students:
Life is pain, idiots. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.
And yet there they are trying to get involved in a land war in Asia…..
Debate: Asia does or does not border the Mediterranean?
The US borders the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
This may explain a lot of the problems in the Departments of State and Defense.
I would say “yes” In the Heat of the Moment, but Only Time Will Tell.
Good thing they’re not protesting a country in Europe or it would be your Final Countdown, I assume.
Asia Minor is still Asia, so “Yes, it does” in my mind.
I thought Asia Minor was strictly for Old Men.
It’s Too Late to answer that question.
Gotta risk it for the biscuit, especially if her name is “Slutzky.”
And what, pray tell, is up with the dude wearing the midriff top behind her?
Compare and contrast that dude with David Bowie rocking out a dress and leather boots. We have degenerated, even at degeneracy.
He’s rapidly blinking “S.O.S.”
We won The War on Running With Scissors, and this is what it got us.
There’s a throwback moniker.
Mostly I agree with the people I follow on Xwitter (hence why I followed them). But on this issue I’m seeing some different opinions from Edward Snowden and some of the independent journalist types, who defend these protests. I suppose it’s a good sign that I’m seeing things I don’t agree with.
Snowden doesn’t surprise me. I could see why he would have an exaggerated dislike for Israel given his prior station in life.
Still, the position that Israel needs to be wiped off the map is untenable to the extreme and indicative of mental or moral rot.
Demonstrating for something or protesting against something are all perfectly fine behaviors in a free society.
Taking over public/private spaces then preventing other free people from using those spaces is criminal behavior. Going further and damaging those spaces is criminal behavior. Harming other people trying to access those spaces is criminal behavior.
In the 60s, peaceful protestors trespassed on public and private spaces with the specific intent of getting arrested. The entire point was to generate publicity to support their cause.
In current times, not-so-peaceful protestors actively seek to cause inconvenience and even harm on the general public to force the larger world to take action. And they expect to be totally immune to the consequences of causing inconvenience and harm to other people. They are truly both stupid and dangerous.
I have to wonder how much confirmation bias are we seeing on the Pro vs Anti -Pali demonstrations. I’m certainly sure most of the organizers are the typical socialist reactionary cause heads, but the media and others are posting the most extreme examples to support whatever agenda they want to promote.
I liken it to finding one swastika at a pro trump rally and pushing it out to the AP as what the majority of the protesters are about.
Most of these dopes are play protesting to gain social cred and would be doing the same for another cause. In other words useful idiots.
I do like the Hipster Swastika comment.
It’s entirely possible, even likely, that what we see has been cherry picked to show the worst. On the other hand, I doubt that people with a more nuanced (I hate that word) opinion are motivated enough to camp out. So that leaves the radicals and the poseurs.
Absent God, we have a choice between meaninglessness and making our own meaning. And when the education system and social media and your idiot parents have turned you into an emotionally incontinent bundle of unmanaged anxieties, you’re going to make your own meaning out of dimwitted trivialities. And that’s what we have here. And it’s just sad as fuck…
Something else is also at play here, which is that victimhood is celebrated, and these people are play acting victimhood. They’ve convinced themselves they are starving and being oppressed, just like the people in Palestine.
“We demand access to food and water!”
“Is anyone stopping you from bringing in or buying food or water?”
“We haven’t tried yet because we want assurances that we won’t be hassled getting food and water!”
I like that she thinks people will starve in the building if the school doesn’t feed and water them. You know… instead of just leaving the building and going to the store.
Aren’t there sinks in the bathroom?
Indoor plumbing is a tool of the Patriarchy KKKapitalist system.
This is a student… at a “respected” college.
It’s not really so much I *want* you to die, so much as *I don’t really care* if you die.
To quote the late and lamented Mark Penman, “You know what I see when I close my eyes? Not a single goddamned one of you all…”
Hell, the student all have their phones right? Can’t they UberEats/DoorDash/GrubHub/Postmates/Instacart some food and water?
I’m reminded of the old Rollins stand up bit about the beggar (paraphrasing):
There I was, walking down the street, and an able bodied young adult asked me for money. I looked at him, and asked him, “Are you injured?”
He said, “No.”
“Are you mentally unwell?”
“Is there a reason that you’re unable to work?”
I then pulled out my wallet, showed him the money, put it back in my pocket and said, “Well, take it from me.”
He asked, “What?”
“If you want my money, you can take it from me. If you succeed, I will not go to the police, and you can keep it.”
The young adult then turned away calling me an asshole.
I can not read “take it from me” without thinking of my avatar
That must have been old anti establishment Rollins, before he became Democrat cocksucker Rollins.
Ew, that water’s gross. If you don’t deliver Evian you’re literally murdering them.
From Evian to Fiji!
Send us water!
Make it free!
::polite applause::
Yes. This is excellent.
NYC tap water is suddenly unpotable?
“But like, if we leave to get food, the administration will totally just lock the doors to the building. That’s not playing fair.”
Thinking about Ms. Slutzky’s biscuit is making me limp.
Doesn’t the yeast contribute to the rise?
Ugh…does not ferment my brewski.
“an emotionally incontinent bundle of unmanaged anxieties”
Thank you! That did feel good going from the brain to the keyboard…
we have a choice between meaninglessness and making our own meaning
I’m not convinced that there is any choice here. It seems like the choice is between accepting the meaninglessness or papering over it with arbitrary rules based on emotion.
I nitpick because it’s highly relevant to this:
you’re going to make your own meaning out of dimwitted trivialities. And that’s what we have here. And it’s just sad as fuck…
Holding random strangers to a set of arbitrary rules based on your emotions is pointless if they don’t share those emotions or those rules. They’d be just as critical of your thoughts and actions as you are of theirs, and there’s no way to say whose own meaning is the best because there’s really no such thing as “best” when it comes to lies we tell ourselves to avoid the abyss.
You may be right. There are very few real nihilists out there, at least compared to the number of edgy poseurs.
I disagree on the rest though. I have absolutely no problem making value judgements about what other people find important, nor the corollary, ignoring the value judgements of others. One of the benefits of being an asshole.
Judge away. Its just that mustering the mental energy to get to and maintain “You’re expressing your desire for others to adopt your arbitrary rules in a way that violates my arbitrary rules” sounds exhausting.
Most people are animists. They may not say that, but it’s how they act.
“… emotionally incontinent bundle of unmanaged anxieties…”…..stolen
She’s still making demands:
Don’t just stand there
The bill — co-sponsored by nearly 50 Republicans and more than a dozen Democrats — would codify the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a federal anti-discrimination law that bars discrimination based on shared ancestry, ethnic characteristics or national origin.
Needs more platitudinous pontification.
“Activism” now consists primarily of whining about “Why doesn’t somebody (else) do something about all the things I don’t like?”
Well, shit… guess I’ve been an activist for some time now. Dammit.
In more pleasant news, I can hear the swallows nesting outside the window right behind me. I have heard several generations will return to nest in the same spot. Despite Mrs. TOK removing the nests, they’ve come back 3 or 4 years now. I don’t mind them, and it’s fun to see the little ones on my front porch as they learn to fly. Happy Spring.
I don’t mind nesting birds in principle…. but the last nest of f’ing tree rats (pigeons for those wondering) pecked a hole through to the crawlspace above the garage (I can’t call it an attic because you can’t get anywhere up there), so now I’m very much in the “nest somewhere else, vermin!” camp, I’m afraid.
Enjoy your swallows until they have to head back to Capistrano, though.
What are you doing with all the coconuts?
Well, Big College down the road had their own little pro-pogrom demonstration this week, and a few of them actually managed to get themselves arrested (and they look exactly as you would expect).
The things that surprised me were that a) seven of the nine were UF students, and b) they were all willing to get themselves suspended right before finals, essentially throwing away a semester’s worth of work. No word yet on whether this stunt will cause the students to lose their scholarships.
Straight out of central casting.
stupid is a stupid does
Regarding your point b) – I’d betcha a Coke based on the link that none of them had any actual personal investment in either money or effort in that “semester’s worth of work”.
I thought it first
I’m gonna guess they aren’t throwing anything away and are close to failing out.
Well, they might be now.
Here’s a local article with the CV for all involved. Among the usual nonsense (Philosophy major, “Sustainability Studies” major), there’s a Mech. Eng. major and a Biochem grad student who was a TA.
One of the twists is, if you’re good enough academically to get accepted into Big College, you’re good enough to qualify for Florida’s “Bright Futures” scholarship. If the undergrads all get suspended and trespassed from campus, they could flunk every class this semester. That could get their scholarship pulled, and lead to some interesting dinner table conversations with parents who now have to pay full freight for their offspring to get a degree from Directional U. Same deal with the grad students, since they were warned that an arrest meant separation from employment on campus.
a Mech. Eng. major and a Biochem grad student who was a TA.
Evidence that they are actually committed to the cause, regardless of personal consequences?
Or evidence that the Mech E and Biochem programs don’t actually select for intelligence?
Meh, for the mech eng one, depends on what year. We get a lot of 1st year engineering students in our Gen Ed classes who are planning on switching majors because they didn’t realize how much math was involved in engineering.
Roseanna Yashoda Bisram, 20, was reportedly actively protesting and wearing a mask in public; she allegedly failed to obey a lawful command to vacate the premises when the University of Florida Police Department (UFPD) ordered protesters to disperse and was arrested by Florida Highway Patrol (FHP). She has been charged with failure to obey an officer, wearing a mask on public property, and resisting an officer without violence, all misdemeanors.
According to her LinkedIn profile, she is a mechanical engineering student at UF who expects to graduate in 2026. She earned her AA at the College of Central Florida and graduated #10 in her class from West Port High School in Ocala.
I missed that earlier. To get into UF straight from high school is rather difficult — current averages are near-perfect grades and a 95%-ile SAT / ACT.
However, to get into UF from a community college basically only requires a pulse. This chick was likely a self-declared ME major who hadn’t even taken DiffEQ yet. Guess we’ll see in a few years where she actually gets her degree, and in what discipline.
I dropped out of architecture because I didn’t realize how much art was involved.
I could have saved about ten years if I had majored in what I was good at instead of what I thought I was interested in….
Well… women *are* historically underrepresented in STEM, so both could be part of the college’s push to “correct” that. I honestly have no idea, however.
‘ look exactly as you would expect’
Long hair causes antisemitism?
I don’t think the science works out on that… I mean, what about boneheads?
Shouldn’t Charles Nelson Reilly be in the center square?
Oh, come on….
A couple back-to-back here:
We have to protect those phony baloney jobs
For colleges, too, the delays pose a major threat.
Enrollment decreases like those being projected now could put many small colleges out of business, or necessitate deep cuts in staff. Some colleges are pushing for emergency relief just to stay afloat, said Angel Pérez, CEO of the National Association for College Admission Counseling.
“If they don’t get checks from the federal government to basically get them through next year, they will not survive,” Pérez said.
Wouldn’t that be tragic? What if those kids realize they don’t really need to go college, and just start living their lives?
good riddance
Locally, there’s been at least three colleges that have either closed, or had large budget issues over the past several years. (Notre Dame College, Baldwin-Wallace, and Lakeland Community College)
Yup, one near me just said, “we’re done here”.
Small private schools like that are toast.
Yep; there’s a lot of factors that go into it. But one is that many of those small colleges can’t compete with subsidized state schools.
The U of A in Tucson buttfucked its finances to the tune of $170MM ( maybe, the number keeps jumping around).
[caution: not really her poetry]
It seemed suspiciously erudite, considering the source.
Not your typical canned biscuit poetry?
Interesting read about GM not wanting Apple into its cars. They have a valid concern, but I’m not sure the customer will let them at this point. Also the BS reason they initially gave for this makes me really think they hold their customers as absolute fucking morons.
Will GM Regret Kicking Apple CarPlay off the Dashboard?
Got the batteries changed out on the tire pressure sensors. Only one tire appears to need air, and luckily it’s the inner dually (the easiest valve stem to get to). Tomorrow is fill the tires, pick up the rental car (for my helper boy), pack up the outdoors and indoors, and dump & unhook the sewer.
Friday, we roll!
I missed earlier discussions. Where are you headed for?
Just up to the mountains in NC, but likely permanently.. Going to look for property up there
Arizona Senate passes repeal of 1864 abortion ban, sending it to governor’s desk
The Arizona Senate on Wednesday voted to repeal a strict, Civil War-era abortion ban that was recently ruled enforceable by the state Supreme Court.
Two Republican senators, T.J. Shope and Shawnna Bolick, joined the 14 Democrats in the minority and the bill passed 16-14, over vocal GOP objection.
See that wasn’t so hard. No need to rely on judges to do your work for you.
Of course, you’re now on the record and will have to pay the consequences of actually voting one way or the other.
re: trshmnstr and IU Bloomington– “My brother is one of the cops involved in clearing the protesters out of IU Bloomington. He said it has been a massive annoyance, but that most of the “protesters” are well known to the cops.” Sounds ’bout right. IU and B’town had plenty of known Urban Campers. They were well-behaved in 2005-’09, AFAIK. I was in Collins, a smaller, semi-private, gifted/artistic-oriented dorm. They woulda been RIGHT UP in that shit at Dunn Park. All of the Woke Flags were being signaled. Back then it was still (mostly) gay rights but expanding.
I signed a “Communist Smoke Pact” there. RuhRoh. Well, I totally agreed w the compact rules. I explained this and signed. To the effect of: “All signers agree to share a smoke with a fellow ‘Comrade,” as long as the Lender has more than three smokes.” If three or fewer, the pack-holder is in the clear. *Shrug* Good rules. We all followed it, or at least learned to not fuck with someone’s dying pack.
I worked at uber-woke co-op Bloomingfoods. Bastards with PLENTY of money, coming in from multiple directions, were straight-up buying wine and primo lamb cuts on EBT. Frequent, this was.
Ha! Fresh year, I dormed w this dude in 306. We got along just fine, but didn’t hang. Turns out he ended up teaching ESL in China. He’s fluent in Mandarin and moved on to Taiwan. I strongly approve. We’re still on FB and have shared int’l pics, etc. Back then FB was the *only* way to stay in swift, reliable and global contact w many. Not untrue now. Hrm.
Of the several hundred arrested at Columbia, what happened to them? Media hasn’t said? Are they in Rikers or was it catch and release and they are back at the demonstration?
Maybe they’re all being put up at the Roosevelt Hotel.
10 hours community service
Does protesting count as community service?
In the Roosevelt Hotel.
One-way flight to Raffah?
Another reason I’m happy I’m not in Europe.
We’ll have it soon enough too.
As with almost all new car regulations — this sort of thing only convinces me to keep my ’03 maintained and running as long as humanly possible.
It is impossible to get a car without stupid gee whiz gadgets in them anymore. Why do I need a touch screen for my speedometer?
And I asked about the warranty on the screen? 2 years.
Touchscreen for wipers. How about a manual transmission with touch screen shifting?
Two 2006 Hyundais and a 2002 Ram. Yeah, we’re keeping them.
Yeeeeep. The tech advance has been true for just about every generation. Nascent Skynet is now advancing so rapidly that *I’m* well-behind on the tech-modernity curve. I was born in ’87 and we got Windows 3.1 in ’95. I was raised all-up in this shit and I already see the writing on the wall. My generation, let alone younger ones, are absolutely fucked if the power goes out for five days.
I do hope the US military has worked on that extensively, with contingency back-ups as far down as the turtles allow. That is such an easy spark for WWIII. Tick tock. I prey it happens… sometime after the 21st century.
‘Do you want students to die?’
I mean, I wouldn’t MIND it…
I was thinking “Yeah, I do. If they kick off now we won’t have to wait the 70 years of hell-on-earth it takes for all utopias to collapse, that is the time it takes for all of the useful idiots to run out of other people’s money and die.”
If the driver does not slow down, the technology will then take over and reduce the speed of the vehicle to the posted speed limit.
It will then alert the authorities, pull over, and await a ticketing officer.
Actually the future of car hacking will be incredibly fun.
No, it just automatically debits your account and activates the DOOMCOCK conveniently located under the driverside seat…
Under the seat?
It is impossible to get a car without stupid gee whiz gadgets in them anymore. Why do I need a touch screen for my speedometer?
And I asked about the warranty on the screen? 2 years.
Which brings us to an extremely popular question among people who work on cars fifty (or more) years old: will any of these whizbang technomarvels even be driveable in ten years or more?
If I get ten years w/o repairs I’m happy…
That’s like being happy to replace your roof every 10 years.
Yeeeep. Ten years, say $30k (back in MY day) .. That sounds like fantasy land. My 2013 Chevy Malibu w ~111k miles was $7k. In 2005, my 1994 Mercury Sable was $1800. (I drove that beast-boat for 2.5 years. Fond memories.) Tech and enviro regs are the obvious cause. Coupled with motherfucking Cash for Fuckers? Yay! Screwed the cheap used-car market! Me not happy.
We have seen this movie at least a dozen times. Wake me when it is over.
And, yes, they all mention her “biscuit.”
So… shall we refer to them as The Biscuit Monologues?
“I’m playin’ with my biscuit, MOM! And there is nothing you can do about it!”
It’s not like anybody else will play with that disgusting thing.
Well… maybe simps.
I think this headline might be a little overwrought: “Kimberly Guilfoyle touts her dog book as nation reels from Kristi Noem’s puppy killing”. Is the nation really reeling?
No. No it is not.
Sigh. Fishing is a dying sport.
and her gibberish dissertation…
I tapped out at the first sentence in her bio.
oh boy. I expect the usual suspects will make hay of this one.
An author, libertarian activist, and former Republican state representative candidate from Hooksett is facing sexual assault and other charges next month after being accused of assaulting a girl at the Porcupine Freedom Festival, the annual Free State Project event in 2022.
Elliot “Alu” Axelman, 31, of Heather Drive in Hooksett was charged by Lancaster police in August 2023 with false imprisonment, two counts of simple assault, and four counts of sexual assault, all misdemeanors. The charges stem from an incident at Porcfest in June 2022, an event he reportedly attended. The victim, a girl who was 14 at the time, was also at the event with her family.
Maybe the name PorcFest got him confused.
If you can’t free your prick at the Porcupine Freedom Festival where can you?
So the incidents occurred 2 years ago, he was charged 8 months ago and the trial is just starting? Wtf? Either try the guy or don’t.
Sexual assault on a minor is a misdemeanor in NH?
Apropos RSA (Assuming the article has the charges right):
632-A:4 Sexual Assault. –
I. A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor under any of the following circumstances:
(a) When the actor subjects another person who is 13 years of age or older to sexual contact under any of the circumstances named in RSA 632-A:2.
Classification of crimes in NH. Class A Misdemeanor is punishable by a prison term of not more than one year, fine (if any) is irrelevant.
If you read through the first statute I linked to… if the alleged victim is under 13 or the accused is in a position of authority over the alleged victim, then it is a felony.
Kansas is hooking for both the Chiefs and the Royals. Apparently, they have some mechanism where their governor can do something unilaterally to get stadiums funded…? I think? Anyway, MO’s governor is all, “Yeah, over my dead body.” We’ll see how this pans out. At this point, I think Missourians are all, “Yeah, whatever, but we’re not paying for them anymore.”
As I will occasionally brag on, Mass does get a few things right; all 3 major stadia (Fenway, Garden, Foxboro) were privately funded.
GFY, team owners.
The Tech Baron Seeking to Purge San Francisco of “Blues”
I don’t know where to start, but it doesn’t sound worse than the current SF…
It’s hard to follow the gist through the thick sludge of New Republic bias.
Massive collision of insane and retarded.
Good summary!
Like peanut butter and chocolate.
So, I went and replaced the plug on my fan with the fuse in it. To make sure I was lining up the right cables, I tested the severed plug for continuity between wires and prongs. Oddly, all three beeped continuity. So, I wired it up, plugged it in and… nothing.
The fuse never blew, but the fan is dead anyway.
Re: the Bobert and AOC AI slinkyfake from the last thread: the fingers, always the give away.
Another fun day, aside from the fight I had to break up. That’s against my instructions, but I refuse to stand by while two guys are going at it. There is no reason for an average size adult to be afraid of an average size 13- or 14-year-old. And anyway, there’s only 1 cop in the school and he’s usually far off and busy.
Yesterday, I got a chance to teach a math class. It was fun. They really liked my lesson on combinatorics. The first math teacher I met that day had a kanji neck tattoo among others. I know we’re not supposed to judge books by covers, yet I find it hard to take such people seriously. A student said I looked like I should be handing out house names in Harry Potter, so I guess I look like Dumbledore these days. I took it as a compliment. Wizards have gravitas at least.
When I asked them, they said it’s typical these days for kids to get smartphones starting in 5th grade. That’s insane. No wonder people want to ban TikTok. They were shocked when I said average reading speed for an adult is 250 words per minute. I explained that if you read for just an hour per day 300 days per year, it only takes 10 years to read 45 million words, which is longer than the entire current edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
I have another job interview at the local college to be a math teacher. Professor Derpy has a nice ring to it.
I would have taken that you mean you look like a rumpled old hat…
I used to read the encyclopedia for sake of something to read.
I used to read the dictionary.
I never got quite that bored – after all, we had an encyclopedia.
We had the Funk & Wagnalls from Star Market (a long-gone chain in Rochester). I preferred the dictionary.
Odd how my English class today has 20 laptops but no dictionary. Penmanship these days is lousy too, which is to be expected given the amount of typing everyone does instead.
I feel bad for the students and teachers. All the students are basically 2 years behind in their education because of COVID.
Whatever, throwing starfish back into the sea is my ethos. “To *that* one, I made a difference.”
My bro did, too. Before I can remember, he used to gather and march neighborhood kids around the house. He has retained this love of precision. He is incredibly… measured.
He is the laser to my prism. He’s damn good at it.
“You’re a wizard, Derpy!”
*Twinkles nose, doffs wizard’s hat*
Remember when Ilhan Omar’s kid kept insisting that she and her fellow protesters had been attacked with a chemical weapon? And it turned out that the “chemical weapon” was fart spray?
If that is the scale we are using, what will the official line be on pepper spray being used at the UCLA clashes? It has to be at least “nerve agent”?
I’ve seen descriptions of the rioters on 1/6 being armed with chemical weapons because one of them had pepper spray.
A folding knife (less than 4″ blade and never actually wielded against anyone) was a deadly weapon.
Eh, the reason bayonets are about 6 inches long is to penetrate up to 2 inches of gear and clothing. 4″ stabs wounds are often fatal.
Denis the Menace lighting a stink bomb = Chemical Ali