Flooded Pyramids

by | Jun 22, 2024 | Beer, Deep State, Environment, Florida, Food & Drink | 111 comments

At my favorite vacation spot in Mexico there is a building along the beach well out of walking distance for the average half drunk three day weekender. Since I am not the average three day weekender, I walked down to see it. Its a research facility, built around an unearthed whale skeleton. How did it get there?

That’s just where it washed up. Obviously.

This is my review Paperback Brewing of God of P.O.G. Hazy IPA:

I probation shouldn’t drink beer and go down crackpot conspiracy rabbit holes rather than my usual activity of drinking beer and researching an acceptable conspiracy rabbit holes, otherwise known as corporate media. This began for me where all good conspiracies begin: The Joe Rogan Podcast.

This British fellow by the name of Graham Hancock was the guest and his theories on ancient civilizations destroyed by cataclysmic events in the distant past were entertaining. They even gave him a Netflix documentary series. What a goofy bloke, right? Modern scienticians of course, call out his crackpot theories as the thing of crackpots.

Now I’ve read 1491, so I am familiar with how much gatekeeping takes place in Archaeology but for the most part its a pretty straightforward academic field.

Then I saw this other crackpot theory on the magnetic pole shift, being the cause of climate change. I am naturally skeptical of anything the government insists to be true, having worked for the federal government so I can entertain an alternative theory. There are a number of studies published recently suggesting the Earth’s core is slowing down, which in my mind sounds like a “shift” of sorts. Its accepted science the Earths magnetosphere is a byproduct of a molten iron core swirling around. It moves differently, therefore the magnetosphere moves around a bit relative to you and I as a surface dweller—sounds reasonable. Its not like anything like this hasn’t been tossed out as an explanation for mass extinctions before, in mainstream circles.

Then I saw this UNESCO World Heritage site of a whale skeleton in Egypt. Sure, there are dozens of explanations on how it got there naturally, one of which being thats just where it washed up. Obviously. It tracks with the well known crackpots that believe the pyramids are a lot older than the gatekeepers in Archaeology accept. Then there are all these billionaires buying property in New Zealand and building bunkers. Why New Zealand? Well, its prime real estate in a post pole shift world.

But hey, we’ve been assured this is just a crackpot theory by smart people in the government.

P.O.G. No, this is not a reference to Persons Other than Grunts, that would be a “Fucking POG” (pronounced FUCKing POGue). This stands for Passion Fruit, Orange, and Guava. I know what you are thinking, “is this some sort of hippie shit?” Pretty much. Its a useful combination of tropical fruit normal people seem to hate on their own but when combined with oranges, alcohol, and blended together with crushed ice seems to make people wince at the cruise ship bar. Why would they recreate this experience? I dunno, hedonism? Incite the wrath of the gods? Still, if I come across this after the gods destroy the Earth, I might stash it away in hopes I can trade it for something decent. Paperback Brewing God of P.O.G. Hazy IPA 2.1/5 8.2% ABV, ≈40-50 IBU

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. CPRM

    Obviously, the Egyptians were milking the whales.

    • R C Dean

      MacAfee haz a sad from the great beyond.

    • mexican sharpshooter


  2. The Late P Brooks

    If we call it beer, some fool will buy it.

    • mexican sharpshooter


    • Chafed

      Sounds right. Another week of MS taking one for the team.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    It seems as if I have been hearing about this imminent magnetic pole switcheroo for decades.

    • Suthenboy

      The poles have never been fixed, like so many factors in the lunatic global warmista’s universe variables are considered constants. Hammer and tong, narrative, etc.

      • dbleagle

        The magnetic poles flip on a regular basis. Geologists have been using the flip to help data lava flows for decades.

        If people are going to worry about this I will contribute. “Climate change contributes to the Sun rising due east only TWO days a year.”

    • Spudalicious

      What’s interesting, is the suns magnetic poles switch about every 12 years. Is signals the change between the solar maximum phase and the solar minimum phase.

      I’m willing to bet the animal life knows how to handle the shift.

      • juris imprudent

        Nonsense. Anything without a human explanation means the world ends and dumb animals have no choice but to simply stop existing!

      • Evan from Evansville

        ji: Humans sorta need ‘Why’ answers. ‘Because’ is rarely good enough. <– Birth of all lullabies, stories, and religion. They are all versions of the same story, to let us 'feel better' about dying and where the world came from. Plenty of 'morality' (of which kind?) thrown in.

        Replacing religion doesn't work. And as we know: The Left offers neither solace nor salvation. I'm not sure there IS a "Right." We're fucked.

      • juris imprudent

        Humans sorta need ‘Why’ answers.

        No we don’t. We like them because we are lazy, and easily frightened, and wrong matters less than comforting. I have no reason to love that humanity.

      • Evan from Evansville

        “Need” as in a psychological drive. See also: Sex. We will not die without it. Yet…it drives humanity. It’s an immutable reality. So is religion. Social primates gonna be social. Society has moral standards. Social members must follow ’em, or else. Don’t fuck your children is a good ‘foundation.’

        Others: Instrumental Music (drums); song (lullabies need to meaning); visual art; dance; sport; perhaps a few more. The only cultures to NOT have them are purposefully isolated. Or forced by environment/ circumstances.

  4. Gender Traitor

    Last night I had a Lagunitas IPNA. It came with instructions. It said, “Hop-forward,” so I did. ::shrugs:: Not having another bottle for comparison, I don’t know if doing that helped the flavor or not.

    • The Gunslinger

      A hop can’t hurt, right? And when you can’t hop forward any longer it’s a good time to quit with the IPNA.

    • slumbrew

      “Twist to remove cap”

  5. Ted S.

    ALF’s back, in POG form….

  6. Brochettaward

    A lot of weird shit lines up with the Younger Dryas including Plato’s description of Atlantis. It’s a hell of a coincidence that he gives us a date that would match up with an actual no-shit historical world-wide cataclysm.

    You don’t have to believe in Atlantis to realize that archaeology has a lot of shit wrong. Had a lot more shit wrong, too. Göbekli Tepe wasni’t supposed to be possible under their old paradigm and there’s still a lot of handwaving it away as it relates to things like the pyramids. The argument for the pyramids being younger was that there were no megalithic structures dating to prior to that. Then they found not just one structure in Gobekli Tepe, but a shit ton of them in the entire region most of which haven’t even been excavated.

    Gunung Padang is also very, very interesting. And it baffles any reasonable observer, or at least should, that the mainstream archaeologists refuse to allow more work to be done on it to prove its age. It’s the typical archaeological argument that it can’t be that old (14-25000 years) because nothing else is that old. Nothing to see here, move along.

    • Suthenboy

      Successive waves of ice ages/warm periods have undoubtedly erased lots of evidence of human activity. People have always been people and have done people things for the last 1/4 million years at least. We dont have any idea about our nearest ancestor species.
      The problem with most of the theories/legends is that they are overly dramatized and have lots of magic sauce on them.
      Lost knowledge and oh the wonder of it all…blah blah. Nope. They were just people as mundane as we are today.
      Because of our own personal experience we tend to think in terms of a plot…a birth, a journey and an ending. In between there is the hero and the villain and so on. Reality has some trouble adhering to that narrative.

    • R C Dean

      If Hancock’s schtick is “current archaeological theory can’t account for a lot of shit, and they should look into it”, then I’m with him.

    • juris imprudent

      As I recall Newgrange predates the pyramids (indicating obvious white supremacy).

  7. Gustave Lytton

    Pyramid Ale, one of the staples of my younger days.

    • Nephilium

      Man. I haven’t seen them around in decades.

      • Spudalicious

        They went out of business in 2021. When I allowed myself to drink Hefeweizen, I drank a lot of Pyramid.

      • Chafed

        Uh, Hefeweisen is the nectar of the gods.

  8. Gustave Lytton

    Congratulations l0b0t (and OMWC)! Slept in today.

    • Chafed

      No love for WebDom?

      • UnCivilServant

        I figured Old Man just adopted L0b0t.

  9. Yusef drives a Kia

    Pole shift occurs every 50k years or so, as measured in the mid Atlantic ridge, or so they say.

    • creech

      With a Trump victory on Nov 5th the next pole shift is irrelevant as he will have destroyed not only our democracy but all civilization long before.

      • juris imprudent

        But he might save the internet from net neutrality.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    With a Trump victory on Nov 5th the next pole shift is irrelevant as he will have destroyed not only our democracy but all civilization long before.

    Fortunately, that will never happen. The aliens in our midst cannot countenance another Trump Reich. They will reveal themselves and elevate Biden to his rightful place as immortal god emperor.

    • R.J.

      What aliens are you talking about, Kemosahbee?

      • Fourscore

        Seems to be no shortage, choose 1 or another variety.

      • R.J.

        It’s those dang greys. It’s all anal probes and conqLittle (and not so little) green men prefer freedom, the bright lights of Vegas and drink specials.

      • R.J.

        It’s those dang greys. It’s all anal probes and conqLittle (and not so little) green men prefer freedom, the bright lights of Vegas and drink specials.

      • Ted S.

        Two probes for the price of one.

      • juris imprudent

        The squirrels have given us a sign!

    • R C Dean

      Honestly, I don’t give a crap either way on this one.

      • Sensei

        It’s the right’s version of trans story hour at the local library.

      • Homple

        It might be the right’s version of trans story hour at the local library, but it doesn’t glamorize some kid getting his d*ck cut off, a c*nt gouged in its place, fake t*ts puffed up with silicon and his body pumped full of horse-doctors’ doses of the wrong hormones.

        I’ll give it that, anyway.

      • Sean

        I’m with RC on this one.

      • Suthenboy

        Agreed. It is signaling to his base. I think this has already been covered before. It makes no difference if it stands or not: Signal transmitted.

      • Chafed

        I don’t have strong feelings but no way is Trump any type of libertarian.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      They right was always going to overplay their hand, if they played it at all.

      • juris imprudent

        They’ve learned that from watching the left.

      • Chafed

        I learned it from you dad!

  11. Sean

    Saw an open carrier out in the wild today. Not a common occurrence.

  12. DEG

    I woke up not feeling well and didn’t go to PorcFest. Which is probably OK as it is raining up there.

    I also missed morning links. Congrats to the newlyweds.

    Now I’ve read 1491, so I am familiar with how much gatekeeping takes place in Archaeology but for the most part its a pretty straightforward academic field.

    See also the History for Granite youtube channel.

    I am naturally skeptical of anything the government insists to be true, having worked for the federal government so I can entertain an alternative theory.

    Like Epstein didn’t kill himself?

    P.O.G. No, this is not a reference to Persons Other than Grunts, that would be a “Fucking POG” (pronounced FUCKing POGue). This stands for Passion Fruit, Orange, and Guava. I know what you are thinking, “is this some sort of hippie shit?” Pretty much. Its a useful combination of tropical fruit normal people seem to hate on their own but when combined with oranges, alcohol, and blended together with crushed ice seems to make people wince at the cruise ship bar. Why would they recreate this experience? I dunno, hedonism? Incite the wrath of the gods? Still, if I come across this after the gods destroy the Earth, I might stash it away in hopes I can trade it for something decent. Paperback Brewing God of P.O.G. Hazy IPA 2.1/5 8.2% ABV, ≈40-50 IBU

    WTF? Hard pass.

    • Nephilium

      There’s quite a few POG beers locally. Some are good, some are not. A couple of IPA’s, a couple of shandies, and some random others (sours, wheats, etc.).

      • DEG

        A local place has a blood orange wheat beer. That’s good.

        But this? No thank you.

      • Nephilium

        Oh, this specific beer I would have passed on once I saw Hazy IPA. I’m (for the most part) over that style, too many crap ones out there.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      WTF? Hard pass.

      A quick perusal of their website, and you’ll find an entire line of POG IPA.

    • Ted S.

      Whycome you hate delivery drivers?

      • juris imprudent

        Imagine that, poor and middle class consumers have price sensitivity.

      • Chafed

        I was assured by my betters this would all go smoothly.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    In case you felt good about any libertarian tendencies in Trump.

    Libertarian/contrarian, same diff.

    He came up with some other dumb unachievable idea the other day; something about awarding citizenship to foreign students who graduate from American universities.

    • R.J.

      Didn’t he direct the effort to ban bump stocks? Am I mistaken?

      • Sensei

        Which he walked back after the SC decision.

        Where the wind goes he goes.

      • DEG

        Yes. He’s a 90s Democrat.

    • juris imprudent

      His proposal to expand qualified immunity was truly spectacularly stupid.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Uber Eats’ orders in Seattle fell 45% last quarter from the same period a year earlier after the company imposed a $4.99 fee on each order to cover the city’s new pay requirements.

    Elasticity of demand is a right wing myth.

    • R C Dean

      I’d love one, if I could get it for the right price (which would be more than one zero off of what anyone would sell it to me for).

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I really would only want a Nautilus, but since they stopped making them the price will never be reasonable.

  15. kinnath

    Glad to see Iowa is dry land after the great pole shift.

    • Fourscore

      How are the apples this year? I have a few on one tree, only. Only one tha blossomed

    • kinnath

      About half my trees have apples for the first time ever. So, we’ll see how the do throughout the year.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        We seem to be getting zero fruit this year. No apples, no pears, no plums. Trees are doing great though, so, not sure what is going on.

      • Ted S.

        I blame Trump.

      • dbleagle

        Trump induced magnetic pole flip danger killed my avocado crop this year. The mango crop survived and doG help me they won’t stop. I have already peeled, cut, and frozen over a hundred and they KEEP COMING! People are beginning to treat me like a zucchini grower and turn away when they see I have a bag with me.

        Bananas are about normal.

    • Chafed

      There don’t appear to be any consequences for failure.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Where the wind goes he goes.

    I think it’s pretty well established that Trump will throw any goddam thing that comes into his head at the wall to see if it will stick.

    • juris imprudent

      …and be easily talked out of it in private a day later.

  17. Suthenboy

    Spent half of the day sweating my ass off working outside and the other half cooling off inside watching the Carlson/Oliver interview.
    I have to say, Carlson is much better now that he is out from under the yoke.

    • Evan from Evansville

      He’s been poked by the wrong folk. And…now he has Fuck You Money. Were I him, I’d certainly make it my Life’s Work to go after fucking them in every way I could. If fucking them more means getting more supporters…well that’s how you get Trump.

      I find it (predictably) odd folk don’t understand that poking a bear– that has the strength to fight back– … is a fucking stupid idea. Common sense goes out the window. I’d like to say I don’t Get It, but it’s clear: Politicians/ influencers/ etc+ are the new clergy. There’s no Reason to it. Folk have far too much of Them invested into it. People don’t often convert voluntarily. Social primates find community. We all do it. Try to make me a Cardinals fan. Grgllgug

    • R C Dean

      But that’s on their permanent record. Their PERMANENT RECORD, by Allah.

      Reminds me of when that idiot Dunphy tried to tell us that putting a cop on paid leave was worse than putting a normie in prison, or somesuch.

  18. Sean

    Went to the tiny local gun show at the VFW. Meh.

    • Chafed

      I bought a Sig Sauer P229. More accurately, the 10 waiting period was over and I picked it up.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Nice. Need specifics…

        9mm or .40
        Short reset trigger?
        Duty model or did you pony up for the TiN slide?

      • Chafed

        9mm base model. This is my first pistol. I want to get instruction and shoot it some before deciding on SRT, different grips, and/or other modifications. I intend to use it for concealed carry once I qualify.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Nice. If its brand new it probably has the SRT. Hard to do better than a Sig P-series

  19. Ted S.

    Poor Pie.

    • Chafed

      What happened in Romania?

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Went to the tiny local gun show at the VFW. Meh.

    I used to go o the Livingston gun show. I quit after a few years. it was just the same people with the same shit every time.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Heh, my dad was one of those guys, not there necessarily, but at half a dozen other shows. It’s an old guy club, they pass shit back and forth, make in-jokes and side eye anyone they don’t know who comes to check it out.

      Except for the jerky guy, no one likes that dude.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Fools and their money

    Bugatti has revealed its latest hypercar, the 16-cylinder Tourbillon with a hybrid powertrain producing 1775 horsepower.


    Isn’t “Tourbillon” some kind of soup?

    • R C Dean

      Nice car. Not my bag, but there’s a lot of top shelf engineering and workmanship there, I’m sure.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Yeesh. And I’m looking at autotrader ads thinking the price on reasonable cars are unreasonable.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    It’s got the wheels off a 1977 Pontiac Trans Am.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Random followup from the other day: Teslas have backup mechanical door latches, but nobody can find them. I blame Steve Jobs and the “so sleek and showy you can’t figure out how to operate the stupid thing” school of design.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Ya can’t make it *obvious* that there is a possibility of failure.

      If it exists, it will fail. (Given time.) The eagerness folk attach life to the Cloud is so silly. We’ll happily burn in our Library of Alexandria. *Raises hand* Gotta say. It makes life a helluva lot easier. I hope it burns after I die.

      • R C Dean

        “Ima put all my data on somebody else’s server. What could possibly go wrong?”

      • dbleagle

        Along that line military historians fear that in a few years most of the records from Iraq and Afghanistan will be largely inaccessible. You can go to the correct archives and read the paper daily logs and orders from the Civil War on. The ITO and ATO? Nope. Units turned in the required records largely on disks and thumb drives and it is harder to have equipment to read the info and there was improper storage so some media are just beginning to fail to work.

    • R C Dean

      Yeah, the Apple TV remotes suck diseased donkey balls for that very reason. I use an old fashioned Logitech instead.

  24. Evan from Evansville

    That research facility is the CEDO. I don’t like them. Well. I don’t like their opening statement on that link:

    We Are Desert.
    We are Ocean.
    CEDO Intercultural bridges borders, not boundaries. We’re a powerful team, working together to tackle shared environmental and community challenges.

    Thanks, but no. (Me no trusty. *shakes head at impotence* )

    • Suthenboy

      And you are right not to trust them. When someone uses a lot of words that convey zero info they are hiding something .

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Totally get it. Which is why I walked back and killed a few more Bohemias.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Not my bag, but there’s a lot of top shelf engineering and workmanship there, I’m sure.

    I’m a Luddite, and I eschew ostentatious complexity for its own sake.

    • The Hyperbole

      I’m a Luddite, and I eschew ostentatious complexity for its own sake.

      Not sure what being a luddite has to do with disliking ostentatious complexity, and isn’t “for its own sake” a bit redundant in that statement.

      • Mojeaux


  26. Fourscore

    We went to a remembrance today, for an old friend. It rained, We left early. The End