Friday afternoon links of baton passing

by | Jun 28, 2024 | Daily Links | 126 comments

Lets start with the fact this isn’t a fill in, or a drop in links. Riven has asked for a break from the Friday links, so I’ve offered to step up and fill in. This will mean less JRPG links, but there will still be gaming links. A hearty thanks to Riven for filling this slot for as long as she did.

Well, the Steam Summer Sale has kicked off, I’ve added $80 to this number so far. But I’ll be starting BG3 tonight, so it will no longer be unplayed.

I’m not quite sure exactly how we’re going to claim jurisdiction in this case.

I really wish the Republicans were as amazing as the media thought they were.

In local news, there’s been some activity and rumors leaking out from downtown about this super secret movie they’re filming there. Mr. Terrific’s costume looks solid, but why the hell are they starting with multiple (relatively) obscure characters for a Superman movie?

In more local news, I can offer to pickup and ship for a reasonable fee if anyone wants to wear the Shat’s apparel.

With that auction, there’s only one music choice that I can go with. Remember, when the ship starts rocking, it goes this way, then it goes that way, then it goes this way, then it goes that way.

You’ll still get your cocktail recipe, and this time with some lead time. With the 4th coming next week, let’s get away from stuffy cocktails, and go for one that’s more on the fun side.

The Bomb Pop


  • 1 part grenadine
  • 1 part citron vodka (for NA, sub a citrus pop)
  • 1 part water
  • 1/4 part blue curaco (with just this, it would be low alcohol, but for NA you may have to go with blue food coloring or blue raspberry soft drink of some nature)

Fill a glass with crushed (or pebble) ice. Pour in the grenadine. Carefully pour in the vodka on top of that. Then lightly stir the blue curaco into the water (or you could swap out the water for more blue curaco, if you’re going that route, I’d add a dash of bitters) and layer that on top.

About The Author



Nephilium is a geek of multiple types living in the vast suburban forests of Cleveland.


  1. Tonio

    I’d like to be first to congratulate Neph on joining the elite coterie of Glibs linksters, the creme de la creme of Glibness.

    • The Other Kevin

      Hear hear! Son, we live in a world that has links, and those links have to be written by Glibs with guns. Or without guns. Who’s gonna do it? You?

      • SDF-7

        “I want the links!”


    • SDF-7

      If someone starts posting on St. Patrick’s Day do they join the creme de menthe instead?

    • Spudalicious

      Meh. Neph’s okay. But he makes a mean cocktail.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Is this a backhanded slap at the person who failed their duties this morning?

      Why does no one like the Missing Lynx?

  2. rudimentary teats formerly known as pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    …blue curaco…

    I’ve heard that stuff makes you piss your pants. ;^)

    • Nephilium

      In general, I’m not a fan of it. I do have orange curaco in the house though.

      • ron73440

        Screwed that up.

        I shouldn’t have let her pick the glass.

      • Nephilium


        Yes. Blue curaco is just blue colored curaco, you can find clear curaco if you want to get really fancy. You can also (generally speaking) swap between triple sec and curaco, as long as you adjust for (or expect) the different sweetness levels.

      • ron73440

        I have the Ferrand curaco and it worked pretty well as a blue.

  3. UnCivilServant

    I’ll be starting BG3 tonight

    Talk about a game that falls far short of the hype.

    Mechanically, it’s middle of the road.

    Fun? Not so much. The random poorly balanced boss fights don’t help. (Hard to balance for the player being any build, and there is nowhere to grind if you’re too weak)

    Characters? I fucking HATE all of the super-special snowflake party members, the non-party NPCs, and the out of character reactions designed to try to get you to engage with a mechanic which requires acting directly opposite the stated objective of the whole first third of the game.

    Plot? *laughs like a six pack a day smoker*

    • UnCivilServant

      “Why won’t you snort the brain parasite?”

      Allowed Options: A: “You can snort it if you want.” B: “No, it’s mine!”

      Missing option: “What’s wrong with you? We’re trying to get rid of the brain parasites!”

      • UnCivilServant

        I ended up cheating to get past the end of Act 2 and reach the outskirts of the titular city.

        At that point I realized I just didn’t care and haven’t returned to the game since.

    • SDF-7

      I’m still (probably barely) in Act 1 — so I can’t speak to most of it. But I dropped the difficulty to Story Mode because the fights were ticking me off. Probably because whatever they’ve done to the D&D rules over the years just annoys the crap out of me.

      • UnCivilServant

        WoTC may have the legal title, but they forfeitted any claim to their grabage being the real D&D.

      • SDF-7

        I will agree that every NPC in the party so far seems Evil and/or Stupid. And I’ve read enough to know not to talk to any of them if I can help it or they’ll think I want to jump their pixels. Everyone thinks the good Bioware games were good because of “romance options”… :eyeroll:

      • cavalier973

        Baldur’s Gate 2 had interesting romance options because they were more about relationship and not pixel porn.

  4. rhywun

    *checks wishlist*

    OMG the Riven remake is out. I wasn’t expecting that.

    • UnCivilServant

      Just because she opted out of lynx duty they remade her?

    • Old Man With Candy

      I just checked with her and she’s still exactly the same. No plans for any rebuild.

      • slumbrew

        Pretty sure Warty said she needs to do more squats.

  5. rhywun

    I’m not quite sure exactly how we’re going to claim jurisdiction in this case.

    Our government and the Ukes’ are basically one and the same at this point…?

    • Drake

      We bought it.

    • grrizzly

      Federal prosecutors say they’re looking for a Russian civilian who allegedly hacked dozens of Ukrainian government agencies in the lead-up to the 2022 invasion.

      The crime allegedly happened before the 2022 invasion. Which means the Ukr regime was a part of the US government even then.


      I guess we are just dropping the pretense at this point.

      Team America World Cybersecurity.

  6. SDF-7

    Tip of the virtual hat to Riven — I’m sure I annoyed the hell out of you with replies, but I looked forward to your links going into the weekend (even if a lot was console stuff I never heard of). Thanks again.

    But I’ll be starting BG3 tonight, so it will no longer be unplayed.

    I got a little farther before I put it down to drive (and haven’t felt like downloading all those GB to the vacation PC… Ryzen 2700X! Didn’t realize I’d left it so old school!

    I’m not quite sure exactly how we’re going to claim jurisdiction in this case.

    Um… what in the everloving frak? DOJ… you do realize Ukraine is not actually a puppet state of the US, right? Oh… cute:

    and claim they also “probed systems” in the United States

    That could have been a simple frakkin’ portscan like 1e10^6 bots do on the ‘Net… but it will be their fig leaf. Yay.

    I really wish the Republicans were as amazing as the media thought they were.

    Yup. So, so terrible that Congress will have to write specific authorizations and Agencies can’t be Judge, Jury and Executioner. Mass hysteria! Back to the Bad Old Days of 2010! (Now if we could reset the budget to 2019 or for that matter, have Congress actually pass a real budget again…. ). Useless, the lot of ’em.

    but why the hell are they starting with multiple (relatively) obscure characters

    I’m guessing your answer is “James Gunn”. Based on Guardians and Suicide Squad he loves trotting out the oddest characters… and making the rest act like assholes. Alternately because Mr. Terrific (assuming it is the more recent version) checks DEI boxes.

    there’s only one music choice that I can go with

    I expected this one.

  7. SDF-7

    I assume that Number of Shame link from PCGamer requires your profile be public — because it sure won’t find mine. And for all I know now I opened myself up to brute force password hacks. Yay.

    • UnCivilServant

      The real pile of shame is the unpainted gray plastic…

      • SDF-7

        Those aren’t all gray and are in nice pretty boxes on an upper shelf. I will someday build that 1:350 Enterprise Refit, dangnabbit!

    • UnCivilServant

      Even if I wanted to let people see my Steam profile, years back it lost all of my playtime on a lot of games, so their app would never be able to get accurate data.

    • rhywun

      I have some shame of my own but I am pretty sure I’ve played every single game I’ve bought at least a few minutes.

      Who buys a game and never opens it?!

      • Nephilium

        /raises hand

        In my defense it’s usually things that were part of a bundle or a classic game I picked up for under $5.

        My backlog is quite large.

      • SDF-7

        Some of them were like Valve bundles (Orange box?) — I have no interest in Half Life, I got the bundle for the Portal games.

        Others are ones I buy and just keep meaning to play but other stuff draws me in — or ones that I like earlier ones in the series and haven’t worked all the way through (there’s some older Hidden Object games [Ravenhearst stuff] where I want to play through the storyline and that’s a matter of finding time).

        Not enough gaming time — and often when I have some, I often just feel like playing some of the old standbys that are comfortable and I know I can walk away from if need be than diving into something new. Sorry.

      • Sean

        I’ve bought guns that I’ve never shot.

      • PutridMeat

        I probably contribute somewhat to that statistic, but it’s not because I’m not playing the games. It’s because I pirate the game, if it installs and is stable – bonus if I can get it to run under Linux – I’ll go buy it, either from GOG (preferred if available) or steam. From GOG, I might play the ‘official’ version, but
        from steam, I exclusively continue to use the pirated version.

      • bacon-magic

        *looks at Elden Ring

      • UnCivilServant

        Elden Ring

        Look, I’m self aware enough to know that FromSoft games are not for me.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    Ukraine is our 58th state; of course we have jurisdiction.

  9. Sensei

    I don’t no where the hell to begin with this one other than…

    Lee currently makes $400,000 a year as the global head of product marketing at TikTok and has invested her way to an $843,000 net worth. But that number may have been higher if she didn’t buy the Tesla.

    You gross $400k/year and have roughly 2x your salary saved. Unreal. Better still you’re willing to put this out to CNBC.

    34-year-old earning $400,000 a year: I regret buying a brand-new Tesla—it was a ‘huge mistake’

    • The Other Kevin

      Hopefully the poor dear will soon get her student loans forgiven.

    • Suthenboy

      I admit I only clicked the link to see if she is hot.

      • bacon-magic


    • Gustave Lytton

      I’m going to guess that the $800k networth is home value and maybe 401k.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Can you blame Sora Lee for thinking that repaying that loan would be a piece of cake?

      • Sensei

        Sweet. Glad you didn’t crumble thinking of a comment.

    • trshmnstr

      Um, sell it and buy a cheaper car?

      I once bought a new car I couldn’t afford despite making gobs of money at the time. Where’s my cnbc article?

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Tragedy has struck. Pub Beer has vanished. They’re probably replacing it with a chocolate banana huckleberry IPA.

    I’m back to Coors Light, I guess.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Not even chocolate can make an IPA good.

      • Nephilium

        Chocolate really wouldn’t work in an IPA, but some roasted malts and a Black IPA, I love those. At least one local brewery has kept the flames going for one (Black Rajah). I am though spoiled by most of my local breweries having multiple German style lagers, pilsners, Kolsches, and the like

      • kinnath

        I still don’t understand Black India Pale Ale.

        How is that different than just a hop-forward dry stout?

      • Nephilium


        Generally more porter style than stout (but that’s a pretty thin reed), the forerunner of the style is generally believed to be Avery’s New World Porter, which was a porter with an IPA style hop schedule. There’s a careful balance that needs to be done to keep the sweetness high enough to counter the bitterness from both the hops and the roasted malts. It’s one of those styles that popped up, spread everywhere, ran into lots of people making bad examples of it, and then disappearing from most places. There was also a push to call it a Cascadian Dark Ale, which never really picked up steam.

        Black IPA : IPA:: Schwazbier : Munich lager

      • kinnath

        Porter with too much hops.

        Got it!


      • PutridMeat

        It’s one of those styles that popped up, spread everywhere, ran into lots of people making bad examples of it, and then disappearing from most places.

        Really like Stone’s Sublimely Self Righteous, but I haven’t seen it around much at all. I think there’s was a limited release a couple of years ago?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        That is because the causality is backwards. IPA can’t make chocolate good.

    • Spudalicious

      From 10 Barrel?

  11. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    So let me get this straight. We outsource the forensic investigation of Hillary’s emails to a company in Ukraine and they outsource their investigation of a Russian hacker to the US? Sure, makes sense.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Lee currently makes $400,000 a year as the global head of product marketing at TikTok

    That sounds like rock solid job security.

    • Sensei

      I know, right? Are they paying her in Yuan?

    • Sean

      3 years in, and she stills owes ~ half of the loan. She’s a smart cookie, for sure. Probably a very lucky dude who she divorced.

      • Tundra

        I was just messing around with my calculator and it appears the little twit financed it for 72 months!?!

        The answer, children, if you feel you must get an EV is LEASE!

      • UnCivilServant

        Can I get an empty shell for an EV and fit it over an ICE chassis?

    • Suthenboy

      The Gaza Pier is our govt in a nutshell.

  13. The Late P Brooks


    Federal regulators on Thursday approved one of the nation’s largest natural gas export projects, despite a White House effort to temporarily halt the growth of overseas gas shipments amid worries about their climate impact.


    The green light for Virginia-based Venture Global comes months after the Department of Energy announced it would stop issuing new export licenses while it studies how U.S. shipments of natural gas affect American consumers and contribute to climate pollution. Under the FERC permit approved Thursday, the company can build the export facility but will have to wait for the Energy Department to issue a separate permit to ship the gas overseas.

    That makes perfect sense.

    • rhywun

      The gods must be appeased.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Election year.

      “We aren’t cutting off all energy. See!”

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Departing Commissioner Allison Clements, a Democrat, dissented. “The commission has not adequately addressed the project’s environmental and socioeconomic impacts, including adverse impacts on environmental justice communities,” Clements said at the start of the meeting.

    Won’t someone think of the advocates?

    • Suthenboy

      “The commission has not adequately addressed the project’s environmental and socioeconomic impacts, including adverse impacts on environmental justice communities,”

      How much does this guy get paid to spout this gibberish? Must be a sweet gig.

  15. Tundra


    Sure, I knew him back in the day. You know, before he sold out and went all corporate.”

    Kidding, of course. Thank you for taking over the weekend lead-off spot!

    • Nephilium

      Back when I was a consultant, I referred to myself as a corporate whore. 🙂

      • Tundra

        Haha! Back when I was an investor relations and marketing dude, people would ask what I did and I would always tell them “Corporate Fiction Author.”

      • hayeksplosives

        As a defense contractor, I called myself a mercenary.

  16. cavalier973

    The next Superman movie needs to focus on him stopping a series of bank robberies.

    • UnCivilServant

      “You’re reckless, for this lead-lined bank vault was storing – Kryptonite!”

      • cavalier973


        He has to somehow escape the vault and save the orphanage from being foreclosed on that afternoon.

      • cavalier973

        It turns out the sweet little old lady who runs the orphanage was robbing banks to try to pay the mortgage.

    • The Last American Hero

      I’d be down for watching if they went back to old school version and not god who walks among us version. He can fight the molemen and such.

  17. Evan from Evansville

    Oooh, big Chevron news I don’t got time to go into: (Testin’ two ways to link!)

    “The Supreme Court on Friday significantly weakened the power of federal agencies to approve regulationsEditSign in a major decision that could have sweeping implications for the environment, public health and the workplace.

    The 6-3 ruling, overturning a precedent from 1984, will shift the balance of power between the executive and judicial branches and hands an important victory to conservatives who have sought for years to rein in the regulatory authority of the “administrative state.”

    Gotta go eat with fam in WV in a sec, but this caught my eye as I did a quick check-up. This will be an interesting read. Thoughts?

  18. Evan from Evansville

    @ Last American Hero from mornin’ lynx: “I’d put up with you for $7,500 in tax credits.”

    *rubs hands together, affixes thinkin’ cap* Mk. What does “put up with [me]” entail to you? I’m…a bit of a handful.

  19. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I was thinking of finally upgrading to The Sims 4


      Then you would have to reinstall the mod that makes all of your Sims nudists!

  20. DEG

    Prosecutors also accuse the group of hacking into an unnamed central European country’s transportation infrastructure in October 2022 that had supported Ukraine, and claim they also “probed systems” in the United States, including an unnamed government agency in Maryland.

    Why do I think the claim of “probed systems” in the USA is made-up bullshit just so the US prosecutors can claim jurisdiction?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Probably just a port scan, but that’s enough for them to claim jurisdiction.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I’m sorry, but do they have “standing”?

      Fuck the SCOTUS. If they won’t let us sue the gubbment for illegal shit because of standing, they can’t go after people in other countries either.

  21. Winston

    Interesting that Obama and Axelrod are defending Biden. Does this discredit the theory that this early debate was designed torpedo Biden or was does this mean that Biden’s internal enemies hoped it would but Obama and co are trying to prevent it?

    • Pope Jimbo

      King Walz is still behind Biden. According to him Joe just ‘had a bad night’.

      Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz defended President Joe Biden after a halting debate performance Thursday that has sparked renewed concerns from some Democrats about his campaign for a second term.
      Walz, who is an official surrogate of Biden’s re-election campaign, said on Fox News Friday morning that the president had a “bad night” on the debate stage but he still believes he should be the party’s nominee and can beat former President Donald Trump in a November rematch.
      “The bottom line is, how do you deliver as president. As a governor, I’ve had the job under President Trump and under President Biden and the difference couldn’t be more stark,” Walz said. “The ability to be able deliver what governors need, the ability to deliver on things like infrastructure, simple things.”

      King Walz has to be worried as bad as Joe looked last night, the down ballot impact has to also favor Trump. What if Walz didn’t have control over the legislature by his fellow loons?

    • trshmnstr

      Obama doesn’t surprise me. Bidens team is his team.

      I thought Axelrod was team Clinton. I’d think he’d be on board with getting somebody else.

    • creech

      Give it a few weeks to simmer, then the Dems will have conceded that Trump will win, and they will divert as much $$$ as possible from the Presidential race to congressional and senate races. The elbowing for 2028 supremacy will begin. All those prominent pols now defending Biden will attempt to jump out in front of the parade of Biden supporters who “knew all along and spoke out against running him for re-election in the first place.” By Nov. 6th, non entities, like Sen. Coons and Sen. Casey, will deny they ever urged Biden to stay in the race and that any video saying otherwise is “fake news” or “taken out of context.”

      • rhywun

        Yeah, to be fair, it’s not like losing the presidency for one term in 2016 was any kind of roadblock whatsoever to the left’s ultimate plans.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Shameful rhetoric

    Donald Trump warned during his debate with Joe Biden and again at a Friday rally that migrants were taking “Black jobs” and “Hispanic jobs” from Americans, angering critics who called it a racist and insulting attempt to expand his appeal beyond his white conservative base.

    “Cynical divisiveness- that’s our job.”

    • R C Dean

      Once again, taking him literally and not seriously.

    • The Hyperbole

      79, not too shabby considering the life I imagine he led.

  23. Pope Jimbo

    Where are the obscure gaming lynx? The Altar Boys – despite being hindered with 50% of my DNA – might be smart enough to figure out that I actually don’t know nuthin’ about youngster shit if I don’t have fresh material!

    I need Riven’s insightful yute lynx to keep my kids on edge.

    • Tundra

      Thank God my kids aren’t gamers. Most of the gaming stuff might as well be written in Sanskrit

    • slumbrew

      You can start following Penny Arcade. I have no idea what they’re talking about anymore.

    • The Last American Hero

      And now the dumbass crooks get to add attempted murder to their charges.

    • Suthenboy

      Yeah, I was hoping naked chicks in a kiddie pool full of jello. Damn.

      • slumbrew

        Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

    • cavalier973

      A website just tried to check my I.D.
      What the hey?

      Anyway, I really like Goose Island Root Beer. It goes great with Casey’s General Store pizza.

  24. Pope Jimbo

    I don’t know if anyone mentioned it yet, but indictments were handed out recently in regards to the attempted bribery of a juror in the $250M swindling of meal programs during the pandemic.

    The best thing? One of the people charged had just gotten acquitted of the fraud charges!

    In a dramatic press conference this morning, United States Attorney Andrew Luger announced indictments for the bribery of Juror 52 in the first of the Feeding Our Future fraud trials held in federal court here. On the evening of June 2, as the case was set to conclude, a Somali woman dropped off a Hallmark gift package with $120,000 in cash at the home of Juror 52. When she returned home, she called the authorities and turned over the bag of cash.

    Said Farah was one of the two defendants acquitted at trial. All five of the defendants charged in the bribe case this morning are in custody or to be taken into custody. The three Farah brothers are to make their first appearance on the charges in St. Paul this afternoon.

  25. Suthenboy

    The last video game I played was Myst. That should tell you something.

    • rhywun

      Well, you’re in luck because a “re-imagining” of the sequel (Riven) has just been released. Given that it’s generally recognized as the best in the series, I will be all over that before the summer sale is up.

      It will be nice this time not to have to constantly swap out 5 different CD’s.

      • UnCivilServant

        “We’ve improved the game, now you have to swap out 64 different floppies!”

      • DEG

        Only 64? Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump them up!

        On a serious note: I read an interview with Corey and Lori Cole of the “Quest for Glory” series. They said Ken Williams imposed a limit of how many floppies a game could ship with because he thought it was a crappy experience to have to swap floppies. They had to back some of their early games because they were over the limit.

  26. robodruid

    Just give me a game of Civ II with a larger map, i can even live with Gahndi and his love of the bomb.

    Thank you Riven for your work.

    • Nephilium

      If you were unaware, the super aggressive Gandhi in Civ 2 was due to a bug. He was supposed to be set up to be completely peace loving, but there was an overflow issue, and it wrapped back to him being the most aggressive leader. The humor of it is what had the Civ devs keep it in the game going forward.

      And searching for a link to back this up says that Sid debunked it. I’ll stick with the belief that it was a bug.

  27. R C Dean

    Many thanks to Riven. She dun good.

    • slumbrew

      So say we all!

  28. R.J.

    Check out photo 62 of 62 on the Shat’s stuff. Some dirty Christmas sweater.

  29. R C Dean

    I checked out my Steam app – that is one good sale. I picked up Homeworld Remastered (loved that game in the OG version), Fallout 4 (which I never have played, since I haven’t really played much of anything in 10 years), and Space Marine. That was a good chunk of my Wish List. Total outlay was under $40. I still need to get my Mac sorted out for PC games, but I think once I’m more retireder in the next month or so, I’ll finally have some time for gaming.

    Any thoughts/experience on Stellaris or No Man’s Sky? I’ve also got BG3 in my wishlist but I don’t know if I want to climb the D&D learning curve. And I gather its got its flaws.

    I’ll have to do a little more shopping.

  30. UnCivilServant

    TV Cooking Contestant: “I am a vegetarian chef.”
    Same Contestant: “And I garnished it with salmon roe.”

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m gesting either actually pescitarian, or ignorant of how fish roe is collected.

      • Old Man With Candy

        I had a chef assure me that they did it surgically, then sewed the fish right back up. Full anesthesia.

  31. cavalier973

    I tried Civilization 6, and didn’t like it. It was agonizingly slow, and the concepts were kind of screwy.

    My favorite is Civ4, but I don’t have that, anymore, so I play Civ5.

    I wish had the original Civ. I had that on the Super Nintendo, and played the snot out of it.