Friday Morning Grumpy Links

by | Jun 7, 2024 | Daily Links | 171 comments

Getting ready for the Big Weekend- major wine events, some long-promised foods to cook, beautiful spring days in the Finger Lakes. The only fly in the ointment is that I’ll start each day grumpy as a motherfucker because I’ll read the news to find some interesting links. Today, I get to ruin a workday.

Birthdays today include a guy who figured out the perfect grift to bang underage girls; the bane of PChem students; the bane of Richard Nixon; the bane of Albert Einstein; arguably the best flat-picker of all time; a guy with an amazing panty and hotel key collection; Donald Trump’s former life insurance policy; and a guy whose last words were, “Room for me to crash here?”

And now I’m gonna get really grumpy.

One more link in the chain binding normal people with insane quiltbags.

“That’s not funny!”

Jew hatred goes mainstream.

It’s getting tougher for SugarFree.

“You are charged with being absolutely awesome.”

Just to demonstrate that we’re not alone when it comes to urban governance shitshows.

There’s a pattern here. One way or another.

“Look, she smelled like a potato.”

Old Guy music is a vid from a show I went to last year with Tomb Raider. There’s a hidden joke, but it’s sure not Laura’s playing, which was amazing.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. UnCivilServant

    Happiness is Mandatory, Citizen.

    • AlexinCT

      The beatings will continue until morale improves!

      • UnCivilServant

        Friend Computer would like to inform you that there are no beatings. Listening to such blatant falsehoods is treason, Citizen.

  2. cavalier973

    So, are “bullies” actually English bulldogs with the aggression bred back into them?

    • R C Dean

      I think they are some kind of pit bull variant bred for (extreme) size and raised by assholes. It’s the second part that probably leads to aggression.

      • cavalier973

        I’ve been seeing these things called “American Bullies”. Not what one would call a nice-looking breed, but apparently friendly-ish.

      • Chafed

        I was thinking the same thing. I have been around lots of pitbulls. The few with problems had owners who were problems.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I believe that Bullies referes to a whole family of breeds: pit bulls, mastifs, bull dogs, etc.

  3. R C Dean

    “’I regret that period of my life,’ Hallie Biden says of her time smoking crack cocaine with Hunter Biden“

    The subhead amuses me. I like that she neglected to include “and fucking”. I guess she doesn’t regret that part.

    • Nephilium

      Crack is a hell of a drug…

    • Sean

      I can’t read the Faux News link cuz of my ad blocker, but TGP is running a story about Hunter’s ping pong ball sized rocks of crack. LOL. Cracky is real.

      • juris imprudent

        Cracky is real.

        When has SF ever lied to us?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Between all this and the maybe he did maybe he didn’t with the niece and Pedo Pete showering with his teen daughter I’d say the First Family has got some serious issues.

    • juris imprudent

      Hunter must pack that jockstrap pretty well, even for women with poor judgment he manages to get a lot.

  4. Shpip

    Using tire marks from the drifting Lamborghini, investigators determined the video was filmed on the portion of El Mirage Dry Lakebed in California that is considered Federal Property.

    The FAA has revoked the license of the helicopter pilot in the video, and they revealed in the document that it was because the altitude it was flying and the fireworks being shot from the aircraft created a hazard.

    What that hazard was is anybody’s guess.

    • Drake

      In danger of having fun.

      • juris imprudent

        If you don’t stop them there, the next thing you know they’ll be dancing.

  5. cavalier973

    Which goes the fastest:
    1. Helicopter
    2. Lamborghini
    3. Bottle rocket

    • Nephilium

      It depends, are you a Rager in Heat (SFW)?

  6. rhywun

    Why do you hate many people, including people of color, immigrants and women, as well as LGBTQ people and people who sit at the intersection?

    • AlexinCT

      Are they marxist America haters? Cause that…

    • juris imprudent

      I hate anyone who doesn’t get that social hierarchies always exist* and then try to pretend that an inverted one is entirely different.

      * [for many years that included some self-hatred]

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      And I just read this AM that support for gay marriage has dropped to 51% from 58%.

      I wonder why…

    • The Other Kevin

      I read two sentences in that article, saw the usual buzz words, and quit. It still amazes me that people get college degrees and make careers out of this garbage.

      • WTF

        Other than STEM most college degrees are based on bullshit jargon and esoteric nonsense. e.g.: the Alan Sokal hoax.

      • trshmnstr

        It amazes me that any company will hire somebody with a grievance studies degree, but they do!

        To me, it’s a red flag that the person is going to cause HR problems, but not everybody sees it that way

      • AlexinCT

        It amazes me that any company will hire somebody with a grievance studies degree, but they do!

        To me, it’s a red flag that the person is going to cause HR problems, but not everybody sees it that way

        You forget that most of HR is these blue haired freaks right? It’s done in the name of social justice and DEI/CRT!… Then the people that actually do work suffer the consequences.

  7. AlexinCT

    One more link in the chain binding normal people with insane quiltbags.

    They are not fighting for LBGT rights. They are fighting for marxism and the destruction of America. The movement got what it wanted a decade ago, then was taken over by the marxists. Now the destructive crazy and clear mental damaged actions is turning even the people that were the most adamant of fighting for their rights off, because it now has become evil.

    • Old Man With Candy

      I enraged Tomb Raider once by asking her which rights, specifically, did I have that quiltbags didn’t.

      “Well, they can’t choose their own bathroom or locker room.”
      “OK, so I can walk into the girls’ showers at school and that’s my right?”
      “That’s different.”
      “How, exactly?”

      • Ownbestenemy

        Ah the Animal Farm defense tactic.

      • WTF

        It’s hard for leftists to logically defend their positions since their positions are mostly based on feels rather than logic.

      • juris imprudent

        Logic is the enemy and the tool of the enemy – why would I [as a leftie] want to engage on your terms?

      • AlexinCT

        I enraged Tomb Raider once by asking her which rights, specifically, did I have that quiltbags didn’t.

        At the risk of being called a misogynist, my experience has been that the biggest and loudest supporters of this idiocy always tend to be women. And when you scratch the surface you will ALWAYS find a woman with daddy issues or scoring an 4-9 on the hot scale and an 11+ on the crazy scale of the hot and crazy matrix.

        Men, even gay men, know better. But the lunatic women seem to love the most dumb and destructive shit possible. Even when women are hurt the most.

        Me, I find it very gratifying to tell any of these crazy women that I am with them. After all, we finally settled that all those commercials form the 90s where some female athlete told top male athletes that they could do whatever that male athlete could do and do it better, was bullshit, because it takes a man to be the better woman as we now all see…

      • juris imprudent

        Feminism, after the first and second waves lost all contact with reality. Typical movement progression – success doesn’t yield dissolution (since the advocacy achieved its goals), but further goals to be advanced.

        Warby talks about the liberation sequence, and this is IMO a perfectly logical outcome of our root view of equality. The problem isn’t in where it ends up, but in where it started.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Is that the only right they are fighting for then?

      • Suthenboy

        Using logic and reason against a position not based on logic or reason…

      • The Last American Hero

        Sorry Alex, but Gay Men don’t know any better. Individuals may see the crazy, but every single gay organization is cranked to 11 on “protecting trans kids by cutting off cocks”.

      • AlexinCT

        Sorry Alex, but Gay Men don’t know any better. Individuals may see the crazy, but every single gay organization is

        Like the unions, the bosses and organizations no longer represent the will of the people. In this case the gay men…

        And, yes there are some gay men that are fine with this lunacy, but I have heard so many say that basically this trans shit will eventually lead to people saying gay shouldn’t be a thing and any gay person should just be forcibly sex changed, that it is obvious the individuals do not concur with what is being done by evil people using them for cover..

  8. Shpip

    “We recognized really early on that the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, while about a gay couple and a wedding cake, really had the potential to carve a huge hole through nondiscrimination laws for many people, including people of color, immigrants and women, as well as LGBTQ people and people who sit at the intersection,” Goldberg said.

    People once again allowed to associate with whom they choose. Women, minorities hardest hit.

    • Nephilium

      The only people who can be safely cancelled are those who extol wrongthink… like what you’re doing right there citizen.

    • UnCivilServant

      Nondiscrimination laws run contrary to the text of the constitution as much as forced discrimination laws.

      Free association bans mandatory public accommodation by private enterprise.

      • AlexinCT

        Nondiscrimination laws run contrary to the text of the constitution as much as forced discrimination laws.

        Ain’t it funny how misinformation, disinformation, hate speech, and now non discrimination, al amount to things the marxists want to make sure nobody else can say out loud because it paints them in the correct view as evil assholes?

    • rhywun

      The pushback starts when activists demand everybody alter their behavior and even speech.

      People don’t like that.

      • Old Man With Candy

        And yet… it’s already written into law here in NY State. I can be sued (and possibly prosecuted) for “misgendering” a student or co-worker.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        It is funny when the truth is no longer an Absolute Defense in law.

        For certain values of funny.

      • Fourscore

        If I misgender my kids at home, “You guys can clean up the kitchen table” I can offend my daughter (and my son for doing women’s work) I can be held liable for their room and board?


      Maybe it will, “carve a huge”, hole because ‘civil rights’ law is a incomprehensible morass that makes no legal or logical sense.

      • AlexinCT

        If you approach on that pseudo marxist shit with “government wants to be the sole entity to pick life’s winners & losers”, you are quickly going to understand why there is no logic to this stupidity…


        It is almost like it is not compatible with a free society.

        There is logic, it is the logic of the perpetual revolution and destruction.

  9. rhywun

    In a rare foray into foreign policy, the influential organization added to the mounting pressure from Black leaders on Mr. Biden to stop aiding Israel’s war in Gaza.

    I’m not clear on the chain of logic here.

  10. AlexinCT

    “That’s not funny!”: ‘Roundly Booed’: Rob Schneider Removed From Stage At Charity Event Over Anti-Trans And Anti-Vax Jokes

    They do not want to be made fun off, because they know what they are doing is idiocy and evil.

    Speaking of which… I think people that demand the scumbags that did all that evil during the Kung Flu scandemic need to apologize and admit they were wrong and acted in bad faith, are not getting it right. These people are not admitting the error of their ways or mistakes, not because they are afraid of prosecution/consequences as so many believe/say. No, they are not apologizing and resisting any and all attempts to hold them accountable precisely because they not only feel what they did was right, but that they want to do it again. Remember, it was not about saving lives: it was about the new globalist world order.

    • Sean

      but that they want to do it again.

      Absolutely. I’m still seeing mask wearers as recent as yesterday. 🙄

      • cavalier973

        The mask mandate was the most maddening part.

      • cavalier973

        The boss at work (back in the day):
        “Let’s all be adults and wear our masks.”

        Then it went to “if you had the vax, you don’t have to wear a mask, and we aren’t going to ask people if they had the vax.”

      • AlexinCT

        The mask mandate was the most maddening part.

        Well, the real WTF moment was when Floyd gave them an opportunity to justify rioting, looting, mayhem, and murder to further wear down the common people whom just wanted to be left alone to live their lives in the name of some social justice shit or whatever…

        It is why I expect some national security problem – another scandemic or even a war – so they can demand and right the thing with mail in ballots again…

      • AlexinCT


        Damned autocorrect

      • Nephilium

        They’re still not uncommon when out shopping here. I see more at airports, which hurts my brain even more. It’s almost always younger people too.

        The masks have become a new fashion accessory. I just hope in twenty years, they all look back and realize how big of idiots they were.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I am curious how they have sidestepped the fact that homelessness does not preclude you from voting yet if you go nearly all mail in ballots – you have actually disenfranchised a growing subset of the population. You’d think that would have hit high during 2020. Amazing how things are important to the political class when they want them to be.

      • R C Dean

        By far the biggest percentage of maskers that we see is at Whole Foods.

      • AlexinCT

        By far the biggest percentage of maskers that we see is at Whole Foods.

        Not surprising considering how many shoppers at whole Foods tend to be woke laptop class morons.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I see more masktards in college towns than anywhere else, followed by blue cities. All ages, all races.

        I have heard that young women tend to wear them when they are having bad skin days, for whatever that is worth.

      • Ownbestenemy

        wear them when they are having bad skin days

        Erm…I don’t think a confined sweaty environment will help then

    • AlexinCT

      Seriously, the whole agenda is to destroy institutions that reward being successful in any way. Pretty women? Fuck that! Give it to dudes in dresses and people with bonus holes that have enough gravity of their own to be considered a small moon!

      • The Other Kevin

        And then people stop watching in droves and that makes them bigots.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Look up the new Miss Maryland too.

      • Drake

        There used to a difference between a beauty pageant and the fattest hog contest at the county fair.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Miss Maryland is skinny. Just not…well, you should know where this is going.

    • Necron 99

      I saw that on FB and thought it was a Babylon Bee article.

      You’re telling me this is real?

      I guess this is now the standard for beauty and grace, and not just saying grace before meals.

      • dbleagle

        Life in 2024 is getting harder to parody. I wish good luck to the BB later in the year as the election approaches.

        SF will be fine since all he provides are transcripts.


    “That’s not funny!”

    We aren’t going to tell you what the jokes are, though. Just trust us and be outraged as instructed.

    • cavalier973

      That’s the funniest part.

      • AlexinCT

        As I pointed out above: the anger is directed at the fact Schneider rightly pointed out the whole thing was nothing but evil globalist marxist cultism…

        And the cultists hate being reminded that was what it was, because it hurts their agenda of trying that shit again..


        It shows that somewhere in the back of their minds there is an inkling of self awareness and that they know that they are wrong and exposing anyone to ideasexternal to the cathedral, even as jokes, may be compelling to the uninitated.

  12. cavalier973

    Someone just showed up to work on a motorcycle, and has the music absolutely pumping.

    I’m going deaf, I think.

    • AlexinCT

      What? Is it Taylor Swift shit?

      • cavalier973

        Not so bad. Kind of catchy smooth jazz, or R&B. Probably R&B.

      • R.J.

        Bonus points for blaring Kenny G.

  13. cavalier973

    Under the city’s charter, a fiscal year budget must be presented no later than the second Tuesday in June, which this year falls on June 11 – one week from the next scheduled meeting on June 18. However, the charter also indicates that the budget may be approved by June 30, the last day of the fiscal year for the city, if the proposed budget is vetoed by the mayor.

    It’s nice that politicians do whatever it takes to make sure they aren’t breaking the law.

  14. Ownbestenemy

    In Vegas, my office was on an less traveled path hallway so I would typically have my door open as there was no noise. Here? Straight in the main hallway so I typically have it closed. New boss always ask me why I have it closed. I don’t want to hear all the hallway conversations.

  15. Certified Public Asshat

    In 2010, she joined the Movement Advancement Project, or MAP, founded just four years earlier, as an LGBTQ policy researcher.

    Why does MAP mean something else now?

    • AlexinCT

      I hate the fact I now have to admit to people that told me this would end with demands to allow sex with minors and animals might have been on to something…

      • Ownbestenemy

        It is almost like we have millennia’s worth of human nature to draw from…

      • WTF

        Once they achieve one milestone, they must keep pushing on to the next, more outrageous one. It’s how they keep the normies defeated and demoralized.

      • AlexinCT

        Once they achieve one milestone, they must keep pushing on to the next, more outrageous one. It’s how they keep the normies defeated and demoralized.

        This logical culmination of crusades to solve problem X is precisely the reason I do not want government in charge of “fixing” any problem. They will make up more of the problem or new problem to fix if they ever accidentally come close to fixing the problem in the first place…

      • Drake

        That slippery slope was well lubed.

  16. AlexinCT

    There’s a pattern here. One way or another.

    Crouching Biden, hidden pooper!!!!

  17. Suthenboy

    “Room to crash here?” Reminds me of my first chainsaw purchase. I was 16 or so. I asked for safety advice. The salesman, an experienced user told me to always be afraid of the saw. According to him the vast majority of injuries are due to the user “thinking they know what they are doing and not afraid of it anymore.”
    That that principle applies to aircraft is no surprise.

    Foreseeable consequences are not unintended.

    When one believes that one’s own feelings are the most important thing in the universe and some kind of litmus test for truth, comedy is dead.

    The NAACP and their ilk have always been anti-semites, haven’t they?

    My impression oof the Biden’s can be summed up in one word: depraved.

    Aside from the govt is there a complainant? Victim? Injured person?

    I thought PPP was caught in action on audio at least once, wasn’t he? I dunno or care really.

    Yikes. A biting, aggressive dog is one thing, another entirely when It has the strength and disposition to kill a person. Xnay on the Ulliesbay here.

    • juris imprudent

      I’ve caught myself a couple of times noticing that I was using my chainsaw in a way that could have really bad consequences. I try really hard to remember those every time I use it, because I really, really don’t want to have to explain a result of that stupidity.

      • AlexinCT

        I’ve caught myself a couple of times noticing that I was using my chainsaw in a way that could have really bad consequences.

        I am usually very conscious that the thing is dangerous, but I have to admit that over time, you can become complacent if there are no issues. Then your chain snaps, misses your leg by enough that all you have is a nasty scratch, and embeds itself into ground, and you are reminded why the thing is to be feared.

        Aircraft are the same thing. They work great and break the fundamental fact gravity wants to pull everything down until they have a problem and suddenly don’t work as intended. And when that happens, if you are not proficient and well trained, you will end up putting a large hole in the ground.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        *wispers “whole airframe parachutes”*

      • tripacer

        Good reason to keep Cirrus pilots away from chainsaws…

    • Mojeaux

      Suthen, because you are not on the zooms, you do not know the story of when my dad tried to use his chainsaw as a stump grinder.


    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      According to him the vast majority of injuries are due to the user “thinking they know what they are doing and not afraid of it anymore.”
      That that principle applies to aircraft is no surprise.

      Relatedly, I still shut off power if I’m taking the panel box cover. A guy was helping me on on some renovations a couple years ago and was wiring some new breaker spaces. He got too comfortable and accidentally grazed the end of the wire he was holding against the bare panel.

      It caused a small explosion. His life was only saved because the current burnt through the wire and snapped it in half before it could reach him. Messed the bottom part of the box up pretty good too. I finished up the wiring.

      • Fourscore

        I usually hang a trouble light in front of the panel before I turn the mains off, then wonder why it’s so dark.

        Actually I don’t turn the mains off but I’m super careful. Never had a problem. (Yet). Just remember, electricity is faster than you are.

        Pretty much though, my days of electrical work are over. In fact, my days of work are over.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        If I am inside the box, either for new breakers or consolidating what the previous owners have done (seriously, do you need a breaker for just one outlet?), power is completely shut off, and I only use non-conducting tools. I know exactly what electricity can do, and I do not want that.

  18. Grummun

    Donal Trump’s former life insurance policy

    Was he really? Knowing what we know now about Pence, do you think the establishment R’s would have been even a little discommoded to see Trump in a box and Pence sworn in as president?

  19. Evan from Evansville

    I’ve dedthreaded this several times. With an am Dr appt, I can perhaps ask advice when are people here! I had a mix of a Crazy Idea that may bleed healthily into Great Idea. I’ve thought about work options now that my contract is up. Phlebotomy hit me. It’s a stable, decently-paying (hopefully not forever-)career for now. Not sure of the Crazy-Great Matrix. Hrm. Any insight would be much appreciated. This idea just hit me this week and it’s also corresponding with neuro+doc week. Need more time to think it over. Training is over 2-3 weeks and costs $1k, including the final exam for the certificate.

    I also see my old newspaper is shit since it’s merged. I’m tempted to do an article freelance and see what happens. Their paper online is written by predictably, the dumbest fucks possible. It staggered me yesterday when I scoped it out for the first time. Wowza dowza. The next one is on June 29– certainly a solid option for near the end of the month to keep my name in the byline-game.

    Whatchy’all think about the phlebotomy idea? Leaning crafty or crazy? They’re always hirin’ for it, a remarkable novelty to me. Much thanks in advance. Any info or insight is much appreciated. (I’ve mostly ded threaded this. I hope I’m not repeating the same question in a decisively odd manner.)

    • trshmnstr

      Not crazy at all, but is it something you can see yourself doing 10 hours a day for a few years? If not, the training may not be worth it.

      • Fourscore

        My wife was a lab tech but she did a lot of blood drawing. Early mornings, called on for tough draws, etc.

      • Evan from Evansville

        The 10 hour repetitive -ness is not an issue. My edu factory work, facelessly grading tests for 8-9 he a day, was so oddly lovely.

        Time flew. Get task. Accomplish task. Next task. My fantasy now if it gets paid semi well. I’m 37, single and no dependants. I don’t take much.

    • Nephilium

      I’ve known several people who went the phlebotomy route. Decent pay, steady work, and (for most of my friends who went that way) much more stable schedule.

      One thing you may want to keep in mind is that (at least locally) all of the hospitals/medical testing locations that I’m aware of will do drug tests upon hiring and randomly.

      • R.J.

        This is a good point. Can you stay on the straight and narrow?

      • AlexinCT

        One thing you may want to keep in mind is that (at least locally) all of the hospitals/medical testing locations that I’m aware of will do drug tests upon hiring and randomly.

        More importantly, and I am not doing this to be a dick, but to offer a warning, will there be temptation for you being in a place with a lot of medical drugs that could result in problems? I mean, while I have heard about it, I do not think it is a good idea for a AA member to be a bartender or work at a bar…

      • Evan from Evansville

        Drug testing: I will be ‘clean’ except for my several Rxs. I do vape weed oils, but THC is rarely cared about. In this care, it likely would be. (?) I can certainly get ’round the initial and I keep back up powder to make piss tests on site. Blood and hair I can’t do anything about.

        Being around pilled-meds ain’t no worry for me. I have too many ’round me anyway. I’m not disgusted BY them, but kept round w contempt for proper necessity.

        I’m outstanding w people in general, shockingly enough, and predictably can excel w patients. I’m One w them. (I can also be at ‘One’ w anyone in the room, frankly. Odd I’m so introverted. It can burst free.)

      • Evan from Evansville

        To be clear: That does concern me about the THC testing. I do know it’s LESS cared about, but I doubt they’ve gone the total “don’t give a shit as long as you’re not stoned on the job” route. Hrm.

    • The Other Kevin

      Much of my family is in health care. I’d thought that phlebotomy would be a good choice. Good pay, regular hours, and in some places you work 3 12’s and that counts as full time. My oldest kid got her CNA license, and there were tons of jobs to be had, especially in nursing homes. There is a lot of turnover for some reason, and it sounds like phlebotomy is the same way. But she pissed that away, which is a story for another day.

  20. Evan from Evansville

    I’m not a Yankee fan, but Thurman Munson got sadly outshined by swift death. For non ‘historical’ baseball fans: “On August 2, 1979, Munson died in a crash while practicing landings in his aircraft at Akron–Canton Airport.[1][2][3] The Yankees honored him by immediately retiring his uniform 15…”

    From catcher to other catcher, he was damn-damn good: ‘Played 11 seasons with the Yankees, from 1969 until his death in 1979. Seven-time All-Star; career batting average of .292 with 113 home runs and 701 RBIs. Known for his outstanding fielding, he won the Gold Glove Award in three consecutive years (1973–75).’ HELLUVA glare and ‘stache to fill him out.

    • Nephilium


      Damn the Yankees.

  21. cavalier973

    Velociraptors can be loving and loyal pets, as long as you don’t raise them to be mean.

    • R.J.

      Cats are nice.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Until they aren’t.

  22. Sean

    I played 06/07:
    *19/19 words (+7 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 2% by bonus words

    I played 06/07:
    *56/56 words (+13 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 6% by bonus words
    🔥 Solve streak: 361

    • Annoyed Nomad

      As I was reading their crimes, I expected to see “Rape, murder, arson, and rape.”

      I’m going to hell, aren’t I?

  23. cavalier973

    See new posts

    R A W S A L E R T S
    🚨#BREAKING: Multiple Trump Supporters have been outside Trump Tower after unfurling a massive thing blue line trump flag

    📌#Manhattan | #NewYork

    The New York police are on the scene after arresting at least three Trump supporters outside Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York. The supporters had unfurled a massive Trump Thin Blue Line flag on the street. They were instructed not to go into the street as they demonstrated in support of President Trump amidst his political prosecution. Despite multiple warnings from the NYPD, they failed to vacate in time. Video by

    • R.J.

      Is there any way to read all of that without a login? Even thread reader app wants my information now.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Only certain assholes are allowed to do that.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    “People who sit at the intersection.”

    Does this mean beggars?

  25. The Late P Brooks

    I was never very interested in soap operas.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Fuck Joe Biden

    U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday for the first time publicly apologized to Ukraine for a monthslong congressional holdup in American military assistance that let Russia make gains on the battlefield.

    Don’t pick a fight you can’t win, stupid.

    • Ownbestenemy

      “We’re still in. Completely. Thoroughly,” he said.

      Like fucks I am.

      • The Other Kevin

        One word OBE. “Don’t”.

      • Fourscore

        “We have to do something”

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Don’t stick it in crazy.

        And this corresponds to “Insane in the Ukraine.”

    • The Other Kevin

      Somehow still under the radar is that Biden has given Ukraine the ok for attacking sites within Russia, and they have started doing so. That’s a big escalation, and when you have a son in law serving on a carrier you tend to notice these things.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Oh its reported, just in glowing light that this is good. Several additional countries also jumped on and gave the OK too. Eventually Z will collapse and then what? We all just take our ball and go home?

      • trshmnstr

        “We’ve always been at nuclear war with Eastasia”

      • Fourscore

        I don’t know. 20 years in VN, 20 in Afghanistan, still in Iraq, 70 in Korea, etc.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    “I apologize for those weeks of not knowing what’s going to happen in terms of funding,” Biden said, referring to the six-month holdup by conservative Republicans in Congress to a $61 billion military aid package for Ukraine. Still, the Democratic president insisted that the American people were standing by Ukraine for the long haul. “We’re still in. Completely. Thoroughly,” he said.

    The apology — and Zelenskyy’s plea for rock-solid support akin to the allied coalition in WWII — served as a reminder that for all of Biden’s talk of an unflagging U.S commitment to Ukraine, recalcitrance among congressional Republicans and an isolationist strain in American politics have exposed its fragility. And, although unremarked upon, the specter of Donald Trump’s candidacy loomed over the discussion, as the Republican former president and the presumptive nominee has spoken positively of Russian President Vladimir Putin and sparked Ukrainian concerns that he would call for it to cede territory to end the conflict.

    “We are behind you all the way.” He and the mouse in his pocket.

    • juris imprudent

      Oh, back when Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union – who was our ally, against the Germans. Is that the “like WWII” you had in mind?

  28. AlexinCT

    Confirmation that the H5N1/2 scandemic is about election rigging?

    I worry that if they can’t use the cover of another scandemic to force vote by mail and rig the 2024 election they in desperation will just start a war to at a minimum get vote by mail (and thus no Trump win) or just no election at all…

    • Ownbestenemy

      So I read the reporting on it and yes he did have comorbidities and some pretty serious ones at that. However, how did he contract it is the key question since he is not a diary/poultry farm worker apparently.

      Also, pretty much everywhere is mail in ballots except a few pockets.

    • trshmnstr

      Starving people vote for handouts?

      My dad sent me some article about how backyard chicken flocks were a threat because some were testing positive for salmonella. Yeah, 2 incidents across the entire country. Sure, fox News, I believe that my backyard chickens are dangerous 🙄🙄

    • The Last American Hero

      Why force a mail vote? I thought states went to majority mail vote 4 years ago?

  29. Ownbestenemy

    I wonder if they have the evidence that he indeed violated HIPAA, but have seen reports from reporters who received information from him that it was all redacted. I guess the violation is at the onset of obtaining the records?

    If so though, what a neat little escape valve these child mutilators have to do this while being protected by HIPAA because no one can see what they are doing.

    • trshmnstr

      It’s amazing how everybody who speaks against the mainstream narrative happens to be committing felonies and are getting prosecuted ahead of the election. Shocking, I tell you.

      This is why the “three felonies a day” model of legislation is so dangerous. Combine it with a politically motivated DoJ and you get political prosecutions. It has been happening for a long time, but it really feels like it has been ramping up since 2022.

    • R.J.

      A full review of all his communications within the statute of limitations might have been done. Maybe he didn’t on this one case, but in the past he might have some violations.
      Still this stinks. A concerted effort had to be done to find dirt.

    • Suthenboy

      Demanding to know people’s vaccine status is not a HIPPA violation?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Like your SSN, they don’t require to know, but you won’t get any services if you don’t give it up.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Democracy in flames

    Two officers who defended the Capitol on Jan. 6 faced boos and walkouts by Republicans at the Pennsylvania state House as they visited the chamber, according to several lawmakers present.

    Republicans jeered at former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn and former U.S. Capitol Police Sgt. Aquilino Gonell, who were introduced by state House Speaker Joanna McClinton on Wednesday as part of their tour across Pennsylvania to discuss the threat they say former President Donald Trump poses to democracy.

    Lawmakers’ responses to the visiting officers underscores the deep division between how the parties view the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, as Democrats praised the former officers’ heroism and Republicans booed, according to people present.

    Politicians politicize politics!

    • Ownbestenemy

      …who were introduced by state House Speaker Joanna McClinton on Wednesday as part of their tour across Pennsylvania to discuss the threat they say former President Donald Trump poses to democracy.

      They are campaigning so ya, boos are fair-game.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    State Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, also a Democrat, said that the Republicans’ behavior was not partisan, rather “the behavior of somebody in a cult.”

    “It was an embarrassing, inexcusable display of rude behavior towards those heroic officers,” Bizzarro said in a message to NBC News.

    It’s fanatical cultists, all the way down.

    • R.J.

      I like how his name is Bizzarro. Does that mean his words mean the opposite of what he says?

      • Suthenboy

        Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
        What is it with them and the names? There have been more than a few with names extolling traits opposite of their actual traits. How many now? The one that pop’s in my head first is Josh Earnest, Obama press secretary.

      • Nephilium


        The Carter parents were a quiet and respectable Lancre family who got into a bit of a mix-up when it came to naming their children. First, they had four daughters, who were christened Hope, Chastity, Prudence, and Charity, because naming girls after virtues is an ancient and unremarkable tradition. Then their first son was born and out of some misplaced idea about how this naming business was done he was called Anger Carter, followed later by Jealousy Carter, Bestiality Carter and Covetousness Carter. Life being what it is, Hope turned out to be a depressive, Chastity was enjoying life as a lady of negotiable affection in Ankh-Morpork, Prudence had thirteen children, and Charity expected to get a dollar’s change out of seventy-five pence–whereas the boys had grown into amiable, well-tempered men, and Bestiality Carter was, for example, very kind to animals.

        –PTerry’s Discworld

      • Suthenboy

        Forgot to add…it’s a performance, right? Like Dr. Klaus Von Evil, head of the WEF?

    • Ownbestenemy

      somebody in a cult….those heroic officers

      • Suthenboy

        Self awareness isn’t their in their strong suit.

    • Suthenboy

      I have to see it. I will not die until I see it.
      I suspect Fred F Sears makes Ed Wood look like a piker.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Asylum seekers

    Kabongo Kambila Ringo stood outside the tent where he has been staying with his pregnant wife and ate from a clear plastic tray of Girl Scout cookies melting in the midday sun.

    He was one of around 240 asylum-seekers camping in a grassy lot along a highway south of Seattle, wondering if police would follow through on threats to arrest them for trespassing, and hoping officials instead might let them move into the vacant motel next door.

    “It’s very difficult,” the 29-year-old from Congo told The Associated Press in French. “There’s not enough to eat. There’s not even a way to wash ourselves.”

    Just like home sweet home?

    I have pretty much completely lost patience with these stories. This guy could come up with enough money to get his family here, but he couldn’t swing it in his own country? Now he wants the government to let him and his cohorts squat in a building they do not own. Ship them back.

    • Raven Nation

      Eh, I have not sympathy for their demands but: “Ringo said war forced him and his wife to flee Congo in 2022. They took a ship to Brazil then spent two years walking to the U.S. border in Arizona, where they arrived March 23. He was detained, while his wife was taken to a hospital.” It’s possible (probable?) that he has no money. Nonetheless, there’s no reason CBP can’t set up some temporary processing centers and make some determination as to whether they’re actual asylum seekers.

    • Suthenboy

      Yes, someone pointing at a teary, doe-eyed orphan while telling to drop trou gets very tiresome.

      My favorite was the lady with the over-the-top cracking voice and sad face begging money for poor Russian jews.
      The old women live in what is portrayed as unbelievable squalor and I noticed the ad lady was wearing a coat from Overland, probably 3K or so.

    • B.P.

      A lot of the stories peddled don’t add up. I’ll read that the average salary in Venezuela is $40 USD a month, but folks are ponying up $3-$10K to smugglers to make it to the U.S. border. Seems like that money would go a long way back home, or even in neighboring Columbia.

      I also see a lot of chunky folks who supposedly walked 3K miles, through the Darien Gap, etc. I assume they weren’t pushing the baby-laden strollers the whole way. There’s one guy who panhandles on a street corner nearby, holding a sign with nice language about how he’s a newcomer, happy to be here, etc., in English. He’s elderly and limps with a cane.

      • creech

        Looks like $40 a month is a living wage on which you can easily save up $#K-$10K. So Left should shut up about $20/hr not being enough to live on in U.S.

    • UnCivilServant

      No asylum, no entry, no pity.

      All illegal arrivals are to be deported. Those who refuse to be deported are to be regarded as hostile combatants and shot.

      Those who aid and abet illegal entry are to be regarded as traitors and hanged.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    The cluster of tarp-covered tents that have covered the field in Kent, a Seattle suburb, since last weekend highlights the strain facing many communities — even some far from the U.S.-Mexico border — as President Joe Biden attempts to restrict asylum and neutralize immigration as a political liability ahead of this fall’s election.

    Nice of you to explicitly admit that, AP writer. Joe couldn’t give a fuck less about those people (or anybody, for that matter), except as pieces on the political chess board.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Nonetheless, there’s no reason CBP can’t set up some temporary processing centers and make some determination as to whether they’re actual asylum seekers.

    That should be true, but Team Biden has completely squandered any credibility they may have had, as far as I’m concerned, with their NGO “refugee” pipeline.

    • creech

      “temporary processing centers” I was under the impression these were “cages” and strictly verboten whenever run by someone with (R) after their name. But that was (D)ifferent.

    • Raven Nation

      I get that. BUT, I try to tamp down on irritation since it’s possible some of these people are really at risk.

  35. AlexinCT

    So, is this admission, a desperate attempt at coming clean, or a desperate attempt to get some credibility for when they can tell us the next big lie to rig an election or advance the globalist agenda?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Nah. Its the right amount of news-crumbs for the masses. The masses will nod their heads and shuffle on.

    • slumbrew

      Limited hangout.

      What aren’t they admitting? Without reading the article, I’m going to guess “and the US was paying for all of this”.

      • The Other Kevin

        Sounds like that’s it. Plus they don’t have to apologize or make things right with the people who were censored or lost their jobs for suggesting this because “we didn’t know at the time”.

      • Suthenboy

        “…people who were censored or lost their jobs…”

        For saying exactly, more or less, what the article concedes.
        It didn’t take much of a bullshit detector to have seen all of that right off of the bat. Good Lord.
        For any sane person with a smidgeon of micro knowledge watching the whole cootiebug scamdemic circus was pure torture.