Believe it or not, those of us with a recurring feature on the site are requested we not step on the toes of others with recurring features in terms of the theme to their feature. These aren’t delegated due to a committee or anything, only that if one starts one and continues for a given time that theme is owned by that writer. So when I asked Sloopy if this week’s beer article was going to be an issue he said (and I quote) “there is no overstep of bounds here, as nothing you are talking about is a sport.”
This is my review of Prairie Artisan Ales Slush:

He’s not wrong, its women’s basketball after all.
I was going to wait to see how long it took for the noise to die down a bit but for whatever reason this didn’t. ESPN has pushed this rivalry between a white player and a black player, both of them while they were still in college. Both of whom are, by Title IX definitions at the time, women. With me thus far?

Turns out one of them is actually really good. Please note, I have never watched either of them play and the last time I watched women’s basketball my younger sister was playing (they won state). I have no idea if either of them is any good. She also plays the persona of a cold-hearted bitch, which is great because otherwise the interest this is creating has risen from…well, almost no interest at all.
Naturally, this is all because of racism:
Now Clark, like NBA Hall of Famer Larry Bird was 45 years ago, is involuntarily the focus of discussions about race and her transition to professional basketball. Though Clark hasn’t said anything to fuel the Black-white narrative surrounding her meteoric rise, talks about a double standard are being had.
“I think it’s a huge thing. I think a lot of people may say it’s not about Black and white, but to me, it is,” Las Vegas Aces star A’ja Wilson said when asked about the race element in Clark’s popularity and before she recently signed two major endorsement deals. “It really is because you can be top notch at what you are as a Black woman, but yet maybe that’s something that people don’t want to see.
Meh? Meh.
“Meh” you say? How dare you! This is the narrative they’re running with. How dare some white girl get all the attention any attention whatsoever! So they started beating her up. Well not really, but apparently it keeps happening. So I took the initiative, and saw for myself what the controversy was all about.
Here is the link to the hard foul in question.
Then it hit me: SHE FLOPPED. This is beyond parody at this point. Good luck to ESPN cashing in on any interest they can squeeze out of this.
I praised this outfit in the past. They deserved it, to be honest. This one is not so bad, if you happen to be a chain smoker. Made with strawberry and raspberry puree, it beings like nice sorbet you might find at one of those snooty restaurants between the Caesar Salad and the porterhouse but you decided to fill up on dinner rolls. The rolls were good right? Too bad though it finished with pure lemon and lime rind. The second sip, to the last is absolutely terrifying. Prairie Artisan Ales Slush: 2.0/5 6.1% ABV
I thought people hated the white girl because she is apparently openly heterosexual.
She ran through all 5 straight guys who watch wnba?
I’m shocked to learn there are that many.
There’s a body for everybody… I’m sure some guys are down for the whole Amazon thing.
I scrupulously avoid watching any level of basketball unless one of my alma maters (or is it almas mater?) are inexplicably included in March Madness. I sincerely hope that’s considered discriminatory in some way or another.
Almae matres.
All basketball is boring, and I wouldn’t watch even for my alma mater.
Well…I’d have it on. I’m not saying I’d really pay attention to the playing.
“(or is it almas mater?)”
It doesn’t matter. Meaning comes from context.
Also saw a headline about her being “snubbed” by the olympic committee.
That was my thought when I saw it but I’m completely ignorant of and uninterested in basketball so what do I know.
Also it may explain the media racisming the fuck out of this whole thing.
That’s just their only angle. For everything. All the time. Everywhere.
I don’t think so but don’t really care. MS may be right. I’m just enjoying all the sniping within the WNBA. By all means ladies, please destroy the one ray of hope you have for making the league commercially viable. They must love flying coach.
I’ve seen worse flopping in soccer.
I thought the main point of soccer (aka Euro-Flop Ball) was to run around and pretend to be tripped and the secondary objective was to, on rare occasion, kick the ball into the net thingy.
Is there anything besides flopping in current professional soccer?
You can card someone for unsportsmanlike conduct for flopping, but it never happens above a youth league.
or (Is a classic)
I was expecting this.
That was bueno!
I’m impressed you didn’t have to bring up Neymar.
And the missing punchline.
Flopping in socco? Nooooooo…..
But is she flopping at an MNBA level yet, or just WNBA level?
That’s not a flop, though it selling it. Any time your head snaps around looking for the ref – you’re selling.
Now this is flopping.
I’d agree with this.
I don’t think it was a flop.
It was a cheap shot from the blind side. I’m not surprised that Clark went down.
And she was definitely looking to the ref to call the cheap shot.
Correct. She sells it by flopping.
Ditto. I’ve seen harder hip bumps on a dance floor. Maybe she was just off balance when the hip hit?
The beer sounds gross, how did it manage a 2.0? I guess that first sip was good.
MS is very charitable towards beers he has described as awful.
I was expecting this.
Ugh… mis-thread.
The beer flopped?
It did
Holy cow! Israel just rescued 4 hostages in a raid.
How DARE (((they)))!
[Wonders what it is like to live in a country with a competent military.]
The US has very competent SOF and conventual personnel. We suffer from the upper ranks being hybrid politicians and from the civil leadership (not just related to the military) being politicians to the marrow of their bones. Plus, almost every senior leader lives in mortal fear of the lawyers.
I doubt a raid similar to what the IDF just executed would be approved in biden’s time. If it was, it would have so many additional “protections for civilians” that it would endanger the actual execution of the raid.
So in sum, I too wonder what it would be like to live in a country with a competent military.
I personally observed how the junior-to-midgrade officers were developed, and it was solid. I’m not as sure given the last 5-10 years nor the next 5-10. O4s and O5s have to decide if they can make the sacrifice to advance their careers; the sacrifice being what they learned and what ethics they brought with them to that point.
That ain’t changing, and I can’t say a blame a single soul for that – it is, what the system is. That won’t change until it must (and that will be when a monumental failure has occurred that NO political cover can whitewash).
I’m a little worried about being called back in.
Don’t laugh, it could happen. Said no one ever.
OMWC has a sad.
And the Washington Post lives up to expectations!
Israel rescues hostages from Gaza, leaving trail of death and destruction
Wow. They released footage of the raid, already.
I thought it was going to be a clip from Lee Marvin’s magnum opus, The Delta Force.
And so does CNN!
CNN takes heat for saying Israeli hostages were ‘released’
Critics pounced….
Did it hurt when you pulled those numbers out of your ass?
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg projected the final rules would increase fuel efficiency for passenger cars about 2 percent, also upping fuel economy about 2 percent for light trucks with model years 2029-31.
The average fuel economy for light-duty vehicles will increase to just more than 50 mpg by the beginning of the next decade and save car and light truck owners more than $600 in fuel costs over the life of the vehicle, according to the department.
Six hundred dollars. Hallelujah! Praise Biden!
And the estimated up front cost? Who gives a shit?
So no more 1/2 ton pickups and more 3/4 ton?
The current average price of a new vehicle is what? $45k? $47k? By then? $55k? Who’s going to be buying those? Not me, and I like new cars.
Six hundred dollars
With Biden’s inflation for four more years, how many gallons are actually saved?
Lots because you won’t be able to afford gas.
Beat me to it.
How is everyone’s Saturday going?
I just got back home. No rain for the first time in weeks. I might go swimming.
Hey, R.J.! Mine’s going great so far – spent the entire morning out at Tranq Base listening to my weekend morning “serious” music shows on my new Bluetooth speaker and started reading the latest novel from my favorite non-Glib author. Overcast here in SW OH, but still pleasant. Came inside just a little while ago and baked up some biscuits from a tube. Next: laundry!
Hope you get in a nice swim!
Back from the lumberyard. Prices weren’t too bad. But the quality? Omg. Picked through the pile and got a couple of boards, none of which were decking grade.
Gas? Why would you need gas? If you cant afford anything in the store why drive there?
Survival plans in a leftist economy:
1. Buy what you want and need.
2. Buy what you can afford.
3. Buy anything that is available, need it or not.
4. Barter system
I experienced that in East Germany, when I was attempting to get rid of the funny money I was required to exchange as a condition of my visit.
Supervising yard work, so, pretty good!
My Saturday is going good, but not great. I wanted to finish putting together my 400 c.i. Pontiac motor, but I forgot to get head bolts and since Austin is a practice town, good luck getting such a rarity same day. If I lived in Houston or Dallas, I would have had them by now. So, instead I cleaned up the old intake, water pump and timing cover and I can throw everything together in short order once the bolt set finally does make its way to me.
Over the life of the vehicle! Assuming you can even drive it for ten years its $60 a year.
$60 is a tank of gas for me, but that assumes gas will stay around $4/gal so as that goes higher the savings become increasingly meaningless. SCORE!
No smoking at the park, but everyone just idle your car 5 feet from the playground. Derp.
Save the Zombies
An Associated Press analysis found the number of publicly-traded “zombie” companies — those so laden with debt they’re struggling to pay even the interest on their loans — has soared to nearly 7,000 around the world, including 2,000 in the United States.
And many of them soon could be facing their day of reckoning, with due dates looming on hundreds of billions of dollars of loans they may not be able to pay back.
“They’re going to get crushed,” Valens Securities Managing Director Robert Spivey said of the weakest zombies.
This is why we need interest rate cuts now.
Now do college loans. Probably those companies that fronted the college loans
Already, the number of U.S. companies going bankrupt has hit a 14-year high, a surge expected in a recession, not an expansion.
Experts are baffled. This is the strongest economy ever.
Ingrates dont know how good they have it.
From what I gather, this woman holds the scoring record for NCAA? Is she one of the people that got an extra ‘Covid Year’? One of the QBs drafted this year played like 6 seasons.
No – four years. She did have another year of eligibility – I’m sure a primo coaching position is waiting for her if she’s not killed/disabled on the court (although disabled may not be e deal-killer).
I am off to start three days of racing. By Monday night I’ll be very sore.
Luckily it is inshore racing so I will be sleeping in my bed.
Have a great day all! I’ll see the late-night lurkers later.
Speaking of incompetence in our MIC…
Not only is the man a liar, he’s an idiot – desperately clinging to his fantasies of Russkie spies being SOOoooo clever. If there was EVER an argument for dismantling the whole IC complex, what better one could there be?
I forget…why is this guy not in prison?
Prison isn’t fit punishment, but his corpse hanging from the gate to the employee entrance to Langley?
The laptop letter was true at the time he signed it.
And he knew it.
This is for you. 😆
#FakeSteak! 😄
They’ve been touting up her advantage through “pretty privilege” (which is a thing, don’t mistake me), but, um… I’ve taken it to mean they think her “pretty” just equates to “white.” Because. I mean. She’s nowhere near ugly. Not a butterface, by any means.
That feeling when you’re arguing with your mother about her health needs and she doesn’t listen.
I know that feeling
She’s no Lindsey Vonn.
Pretty girls….I have a handicap.
I know they are pretty, I can see that. Trouble is I see every young woman in the daughterly kinda way.
This being old business sucks.
I made a mistake on one of these designs. There’s no connection between pin 35 on the surface mount MSP430FR2355 and the pin header meant to connect it to the larger device. The pieces are so small I’m not sure if I can bodge it.
Okay, WTF?
I have seen headlines saying “jury dismissed” in Hunter B gun trial. Is this just typical sloppy journalisming, meaning they were sent home for the weekend, or have they been discharged from jury duty? Anybody like to hazard a guess?
Dismissed for the week. The prosecution rested.
Trained professional.
New York City police officer arrested in New Jersey road rage shooting, authorities say
More Tran’s violence!
Dismissed for the week.
Thanks. Seems like sloppy verbiage.