IFLA: The “Country Roads” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of June 9

by | Jun 9, 2024 | IFLA | 166 comments

If all goes according to plan, I’ll be spending my last night in West Virgina tonight, and I’ll be seeing Evil Sheldon engage in some gunplay this afternoon. Because of the firearm-filled nature of the week that was, and because I have no new Lily content, I’ll be dropping USPSA stuff for visual interest.

Some shooters get all the good sponsors.

Honestly, this week is mostly uneventful. Mostly. Monday is REALLY lucky. Place your Belmont bets then. After that… Saturday into Sunday is complicated. During that time period, we see planets lining up into two simultaneous indicators — one of damage to your domicile, the other of you having a happy life. I haven’t figured this one out exactly yet.

Gemini continues to do great, but not quite as absolutely great as last week.

I am here. In my defense, I’m in the top quarter of this class of suck.

Gemini: 10 of Coins reversed- Chance, fatality, loss, robbery, games of hazard, gift, dowry, pension.

Cancer: 3 of Wands reversed – The end of troubles, suspension or cessation of adversity, toil and disappointment.

Leo: The Devil – Ravage, violence, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, force, fatality. Finish him!

Virgo: 5 of Wands – Imitation, competition, struggle, gold, gain, opulence.

Libra: Knight of Swords – Skill, bravery, capacity, defense, address, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, opposition, resistance, ruin. 

Scorpio: 10 of Cups reversed – Repose of the false heart, indignation, violence.

Sagittarius: Page of Cups reversed – Taste, inclination, attachment, seduction, deception, artifice.

Capricorn: 8 of Coins reversed – Voided ambition, vanity, cupidity, exaction, usury. It may also signify a skilled or intelligent opponent.

Aquarius: The High Priestess – Secrets, mystery, the future as yet unrevealed, silence, tenacity, mystery, wisdom, science.

Pisces: Page of Wands reversed – Anecdotes, announcements, evil news, indecision, instability.

Aries: Queen of Cups reversed – Distinguished woman but one not to be trusted; perverse woman; vice, dishonor, depravity.

Taurus: Page of Coins – Application, study, scholarship, reflection, news, messages, rule, management. 

You would think that parts made by the same company would match in color, wouldn’t you? Amanov made the grips and basepad in “blue” anodized aluminum. At least CZ has the excuse of the frame and slide having different undercoatings. Also while I originally wrote about how there wasn’t much difference between these and the LOK GridLOK Aluminum Palmswell, I now believe the LOKs to be a batter choice — after a dozen stages or so, the Armanovs cause pain without any grip enhancement.

From back in March. The Golden at the end is Bailey

About The Author

Not Adahn

Not Adahn

Despite all my rage, I am still just an impeccably dressed rat.


  1. The Late P Brooks

    Sagittarius: Page of Cups reversed – Taste, inclination, attachment, seduction, deception, artifice.

    I’ll just go on pretending to care, then?

  2. CPRM

    we see planets lining up into two simultaneous indicators — one of damage to your domicile, the other of you having a happy life. I haven’t figured this one out exactly yet.

    Instead of a pasty white guy or a Guatemalan showing up to do the repairs it’s a beautiful woman?

    • Suthenboy

      *my chimney sweep comes to mind*


      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Did she give your chimney a good sweep?

      • Suthenboy

        In fact, she did. She used all of her equipment and skills.

  3. Ted S.

    Sponsored by Viagra and Planned Parenthood.

    • CPRM

      It’s corporate synergy. See also the Jack Daniels which causes you to need the Viagra.

      • Ted S.

        And the Marlboros for post-coital pleasure.

    • rhywun

      Planned Parenthood sure made me do a double-take.

      • Nephilium

        They’re just looking to get into the next big industry that results in minority deaths.

      • Ted S.

        For the shotgun weddings.

      • Spudalicious

        “If you can’t kill them before they’re born…”

        – Planned Parenthood

  4. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Distinguished woman but one not to be trusted; perverse woman; vice, dishonor, depravity.

    So it’s gonna be an awesome week?

    • Ted S.

      I figured it meant someone was going to meet you.


      • juris imprudent

        I will be down her way (SW VA and then Asheville area) next week, not this week, and again around the 4th of July.

  5. DrOtto

    Sean, I posted a response re: my 400 rebuild on the ded thred.

    • Sean

      Seen. I had a 71 Firebird with a 400, which also started as taxi yellow 😂 with a Ram air hood, but not the hardware.

      Also had a Summit cam – something close to an N grind (?). It’s been a looong time. 4x heads ported and polished. 3.42 safety trac. Msd electronic ingition. Holley 750. Doug Thorley 3 tubes and I think Flow Master mufflers.

      Not super fast off the line, but pulled like a freight train when in motion.

      Also riding on the rally IIs. BFG radial TAs – 245s. 14″ fronts and 15″ rears. Don’t judge me, I was young. At least I took of the aluminum slots it had when I bought it.

      Miss that car. No ac, no seat belts, rear drums, heater didn’t work. LOL.

      • DrOtto

        I had looked at a ’71 or ’72 Formula 400 before I ended up with this car. The reason I went with this one is because the Formula guy wasn’t going to move on the price and it had a brown vinyl top, that I really didn’t like. I have a buddy who has an uncle that passed during Covid and left my buddy’s wife a ’74 Super Duty TA that I have been patiently waiting for them to come to the conclusion that I would be a good owner. I have made offers, but they think they want to keep it, but it hasn’t ran since it spun a bearing in the ’80s on what was already a replacement block, so that one needs some mechanical work, but the body is pristine and up until about ’21 was kept in climate controlled storage.

      • Sean

        “’74 Super Duty TA”

        Damn, that would be a nice ride.

  6. juris imprudent

    Distinguished woman but one not to be trusted; perverse woman; vice, dishonor, depravity.

    Oooooh – this sounds interesting.

    • Suthenboy

      I was going to make the standard ‘…I thought you had to pay extra for that…’ joke.
      Well, it’s not really a joke is it.

      • R C Dean

        Well, you’ll very likely pay for it, one way or the other, yes.

      • juris imprudent

        Aren’t you off in the boonies fishing?

      • Aloysious

        JI: yes the is. He’s trying to catch a mermaid.

  7. Gustave Lytton

    Viagra and PP? Get it up and put it down.

  8. Suthenboy

    I have looked over a smattering of social/political/news sites this morning.

    Every story/article I see is focused on some aspect of the same thing: overt war on the cultures born of western enlightenment. These cultures, less than all others lend themselves to authoritarianism. The Guardian yesterday with ‘dont get into shape, it will give you the idea that you are in charge of your own life’ is pretty hard to top but there sure are a lot of people trying.

    Fucking herd animals. So depressing.

    • juris imprudent

      The thing is, I think this could be the Enlightenment playing out. We all like to think that the only end of Enlightenment thinking is/should be classical liberalism. I don’t think that is true.

      • Suthenboy

        Sadly I fear you are correct.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I’m sick of the crap meat being sold around here. No Fresh Market. Whole Foods is a joke. Kroger is going to swallow Albertsons/Safeway and make all of them more mediocre. Picked up “prime” cuts last week. Great marbling, zero flavor. The smaller stores and so-called “butcher” shops carry choice at best, don’t know how to handle or cut meat, and god forbid you want something beyond the half dozen staple cuts they put in the case.

      • Gender Traitor

        I’m no expert, but have you tried any from Sam’s Club’s meat department?

      • Raven Nation

        We started ordering from Good Ranchers. Only one order so small sample size but not bad.

      • juris imprudent

        We mostly buy at Costco, with a smattering of Wegmans and others. I’d be happy to buy local grass-fed – but it is more expensive and the wife is happy with the quality we are getting.

      • Nephilium

        I’m very happy about the large amount of really good butchers around me.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Hm, maybe you need a new chef. 😉

      • Gustave Lytton

        No Sams Club in the entire state. Tried Costco in the distant past but not worth it. Only two of us so bulk sizes are excess plus mostly brands we don’t like or buy.

        There really are zero butchers around. All of them buy the same primal cuts (or finished cuts) from the same distributors, none are breaking down the entire carcass unless it’s a private butchering.

        Grass fed foo foo crap producers are also part of the problem. Doesn’t have the marbling or flavor that proper grain fed does. Grew up on grass fed and am not a fan.

      • R C Dean

        We tried Costco – looks good, but on close examination the beef is a little pale. The flavor was lacking.

        We’ve been betting quarter cows from different sources. Most have been quite good flavor-wise. The tenderness has been variable.

        There are several small butchers/carnicerias (which also tend to have delis/small specialty grocery selections) around here as well. Haven’t really tried them – they tend to be a little pricey.

  9. Grummun

    If I was sponsoring someone, I’d ask “who else already sponsors you?”

    • Sean

      Astroglide is missing a prime opportunity there.

      • Suthenboy

        I hope their ad logo is of a 55 gal drum with ASTROGLIDE printed prominently on it.

      • juris imprudent

        Properly placed after the Jack and Viagra?

      • Suthenboy

        …and before the Marlboro?

      • Ted S.

        Jack and Viagra

        Two American kids growing up in the heartland?

    • Not Adahn

      Yeah, it must be embarrassing for Plan B.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Chico’s Bail Bonds: “Let Freedom Ring”

  10. UnCivilServant

    Well, no choice but to order replacement boards for the ones with an unconnected Pin 35. I can still use the one I attached the board to, but in the long run, I should have it done right.

  11. Tres Cool

    I know Liberace was one hell of a piano player.
    But I hear he really sucked on the organ.

  12. Grummun

    Wife and I spent yesterday driving to the burgeoning metropolis of Beaver Falls, PA to pick up a Northfield 8″ jointer. Nominally a 2h 45m drive. Got it loaded on the trailer with little drama, but the ride home was nerve wracking. The machine is 1100lbs and top heavy. Had it strapped as well as I could figure to keep it from tipping over, but nearly pooped myself the first time the machine hopped when I hit a bad bump at freeway speed. Spent the next four hours riding about 60, wincing at every rough patch. My wife spent the entire time trying to talk my blood pressure down. I’d like to thank the city of Zanesville and entire state of West Virginia for their superlative road maintenance.

    • Suthenboy

      “…1100 lbs and top heavy…”
      That made me flinch. It wouldn’t load top-down with fence/guide etc removed?

      • Grummun

        That never entered my mind, but I don’t think we could have. That model has a direct drive motor, the spindle and the cutter head are all one piece. So the body of the motor sticks up above the level of the tables.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      First of all, nice machine. Second, I have been there bringing metal lathes home. There is a metal working site I frequent that has horror stories to rival SF of machines tipping over when getting them off of truck or trailers. There is a reason pro riggers make good money.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        I really like Watch Wes Work

      • Sensei

        I’ve been enjoying him building his office. Reminds me of my rural friends.

        I can’t wait to be done with Metro NYC.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      I experienced a similar butt-puckering situation moving the tractor I bought a couple weeks ago. The trailer was tail heavy because the rear tires of the tractor wouldn’t fit inside the fenders of the trailer. Any speed over 50 mph resulted in the loaded trailer swaying side to side.

      We took the back roads and pulled over to let people pass.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    I’d like to thank the city of Zanesville and entire state of West Virginia for their superlative road maintenance.

    Don’t forget Robert Byrd.

  14. Sensei

    Americans Really, Really Hate Inflation—and That’s a Big Problem for the Fed

    Spoken as only a Berkeley economist would speak.

    Before the pandemic, Jón Steinsson, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley, was sympathetic to the idea of setting the inflation target higher. Now he isn’t, and the reason is simple: He has come to realize that Americans detest what economists like him thought of as relatively modest amounts of inflation.

    • Suthenboy

      The same Americans that freak the fuck out if they think the socialist programs being floated by that inflation are going to be cut? Yeah, those Americans.
      Drilling holes in the hull to let the water out of a sinking ship. Brilliant.

    • R C Dean

      Gosh, why would people object to the devaluation of their currency? It’s a total fucking mystery.

      Me, I can’t figure out why economists love the idea of debasing the dollar. That’s the mystery to me.

      • Sensei

        Me, I can’t figure out why economists love the idea of debasing the dollar. That’s the mystery to me.

        Because the dollars I borrow today will be paid back with inflated dollars in the future. It lowers the cost of borrowing.

  15. Shpip

    Whenever I go to McDonald’s, I get a few extra straws from the dispenser. I take them home with me and put them in a drawer in the kitchen.

    Then, whenever the Bosslady yells “GODDAMMIT! THIS IS THE LAST STRAW!” I can open the drawer and show her that there are plenty more. Calms her right down, eventually. Most of the time.

    • Ted S.

      You like sleeping on the couch, don’t you?

    • slumbrew

      I find saying, “you need to calm down. You sound just like your mother.” really helps.

      • Grummun

        So you don’t keep any knives in the house?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I find looking at my watch midway through a… conversation… works wonders.

    • Nephilium

      At one of the shows I went to, there was a group handing out free stuff: condoms, plan B, fentanyl test strips, little laser cut wooden pieces that were the word Fuck, and the like. I picked up two of the wooden Fucks, and on the trip home, one of them broke. I now have a literal single fuck to give.

  16. Not Adahn

    Greetings! The match is still going on, but my crew has gotten all the shooters through our stage, so we’ve clean up an are currently drinking Modelas.

    ES got Putin a squad with some of the grandmasters that other GMs get scared of, so he got some free (not including gas, lodging, food and match fee) lessons.

    I got into a secret cabal of range officials that secretly run the organization. I can post proof next week.

    • Not Adahn

      Sometimes autocorrect thinks it’s funny.

      • juris imprudent

        Autocorrect figured out someone was rushin’.

    • Grummun

      NA, are you coming to Cardinal Center again later this year?

      • Not Adahn

        Yup! Later this month. June 26-30.

      • Not Adahn

        For that match I am squadded with a couple of morbidly obese decrepit geezers… who stand a decent chance of beating me.

      • Grummun

        June 26-30

        Perfect! The week I’m on vacation… I’ll be back in town by the 29th-30th. I’ll try come up.

    • R C Dean

      Are Modelas some kind of Mexican White Claw?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Not Negro Modelo.

    • EvilSheldon

      And so, so worth it. Having a few top-shelf G’s around the squad seemed to provide the needed motivation to 1.) plan and visualize my stages effectively, and 2.) mash down on the gas pedal a little more.

      • R C Dean

        Yeah, that’s the real benefit of doing competition correctly (as in, competing up, not down for cheap wins).

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I was reading something in (god help me) Field and Stream about target practice, and how you could do it very successfully with only one box of cartridges. That people don’t spend enough time thinking about the shoot and just spend time blasting away. What they should be thinking about are how their sighting system comes up to their eye, how they are standing, their trigger pull, and so on. Basically, everything you should NOT be thinking about when shooting.

      • R C Dean

        “What they should be thinking about are how their sighting system comes up to their eye, how they are standing, their trigger pull, and so on.”

        Just blasting away without thinking won’t improve your shooting (and will likely make it worse by ingraining bad habits). Being aware of what you are doing, what you should be doing, and the difference, is the irreplaceable foundation to improvement in any activity, including shooting.

  17. juris imprudent

    I don’t think anyone mentioned it so I will. Very nice pistols photo on the main page – that is some fine looking hardware.

    • Don escaped Texas

      yes, nice job!

    • Not Adahn

      Those aren’t mine. For Gemini month, I’m using pics of twins.

      • juris imprudent

        Hey did I miss the weight loss contest results with the lady friend? Who “won”?

      • Not Adahn

        I was winning before this week. It was a 20# drop required, neither of us has hit that.

  18. Evan from Evansville

    Family’s going on a trip to W. Virgina later this month. I’ll likely be joining them. I haven’t found a way to talk myself out of the phlebotomy cert. I think the best local option begins July 8. Seems like an incredibly logical move for me. Hrm.

    Getting back from a family overnight stay to see caverns in Lawrence County, IN. Much fun, w a my highlight being the three year old choosing to jump into the pool into my arms over others. Lasting memory, that will be. Must maximize times like this.

    Hrm. Makes the stability of phlebotomy gigs paramount.

  19. Not Adahn

    Results are in.

    I had my best Major finish by quite a margin. Unfortunately, at this match there weren’t enough GMs in my division to have this finish go on my classification record. But still I’m quite happy. I won 250 rounds of ammo from some custom loader.

    • Sean


      • juris imprudent

        [Appropriates Sean’s avatar] doubled!

    • R C Dean

      I would say moving the needle on your personal best counts for a lot more than moving your (arbitrary )standing in some division.

    • westernsloper


  20. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I was watching an old episode of a true crime show, one that I had already watched maybe 6ish times before. In every viewing up until that point, one of the suspects was shown on camera and fully named. When I watched it again this morning, the guy’s name was removed and his image was blurred.

    What’s the point of that? The episode aired, like, 15 years ago. It’s probably been downloaded thousands of times. I last watched that episode a year or so ago, and the guy wasn’t blurred. I get that he’s out of prison now (the update at the end of the show indicated he pled to a lesser charge and got 6 years in prison).

    But, like, the cat is out of the bag, isn’t it? I even remembered his name (it’s pretty unusual).

    • UnCivilServant

      If the guy was convicted, the conviction is a matter of public record, there’s no reason to censor that.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Conviction overturned or general protect criminals’ rights thinking.

      • UnCivilServant

        If it was overturned, the update can say that.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Because it was a plea deal, I doubt it was overturned. Maybe he requested the blurring, since he’s served his sentence, and the producers were kind enough to accommodate him.

    • R.J.

      Maybe the dude transitioned and doesn’t want anybody using they’s dead name.

      • R.J.

        Ok. I will keep up on the comments. Would love to see you!

      • R.J.

        Message sent

    • westernsloper

      Why are you watching 15 year old true crime shows for the 7th time? My god, I thought I was boring.

      • UnCivilServant

        Because newer crime shows are all DNA and no deducing?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered


      • DrOtto

        DNA and phone dumps.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        This particular case was solved because everyone involved was a junkie

      • Don escaped Texas

        true crime show

        I’m starting How to Rob a Bank.

        bad idea?

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      (BTW, RC Dean, the case was in Tucson)

  21. westernsloper

    If that shirt is a real shooter and sponsored by all that, he/she needs a kick in the nuts. RE shooting: I drew a couple tags and by the grace of god had to buy a muzzleloader. It was nice walking into a store, dropping some cash on the counter and walking out with a gun. Like God intended. Then I spent another $120 on stuff for the gun last night online because nobody carries shit for muzzleloaders around here.

    I watched this today. Very interesting. I’m not calling BS or not, Just saying very interesting.

    • Don escaped Texas

      a store
      When I was a kid I spent hours in this place, mostly to look at the antiques. I was the factory and store all in one place.

      Like God intended
      My best friend had a blackpowder pistol at 18, no questions asked.

      • westernsloper

        I built a cap and ball black powder pistol when I was 18 because it was what Josey Wales carried. I walked out of the hardware store after dropping cash on the counter for that too. I still have it. your link won’t let me visit the site.

      • Don escaped Texas

        cap and ball

        exactly; it’s a shame kids can’t grow up like I did


      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Was expecting that link. I spent many moons drooling over their catalog as a yoot.

    • Not Adahn

      In a few months I’ll visit the shop at the Civillian Marksmanship Park, plunk down some money and walk out with a Garand.

  22. EvilSheldon

    And all of a sudden, my horoscope makes a terrible kind of sense…

  23. pan fried wylie

    I now believe the LOKs to be a batter choice

    But did you dredge/eggwash/dredge first, or just, like, tempura-style?

  24. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    The High Priestess – Secrets, mystery, the future as yet unrevealed, silence, tenacity, mystery, wisdom, science.

    Well, dishwasher (new a year ago…) is having issues, so finding that secret will solve a mystery.

    Also, conversation with Zwak and his mother displaying tenacity and wisdom:

    (two weeks ago) Mother: “we should be coming to visit around the 4th of July”

    Zwak “OK”

    (last night) “how does next week sound?”

    Zwak “Hard NO. You said a time, we planned for the time, so, no.”

    Mother “but it will be easier for us if we…”

    “Hard No. This month is out of the question. You and He are retired, don’t have to be anywhere. Some of us have things to plan around. So, NO.”

    • Ted S.

      Also, conversation with Zwak and his mother displaying tenacity and wisdom:

      And stoicism.

    • R.J.

      I do hope it is not an LG. They are famous for crapping the bed after the basic warranty expires. Main motor gives out.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Whirlpool. Which is doubly irritating, as I spent extra for what, in the past, was better quality.

      • Tres Cool

        Does the Maytag guy have a job now? Or are they still reliable?

      • Suthenboy

        The name Maytag means nothing anymore. Run of the mill junk like all of the others. Just another example of overpriced junk trading on the reputation of the past. The Maytag repairman doesnt have a job still because he is unemployed now. The machine breaks, you toss it and buy another.
        Speed Queen is what Maytag used to be.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        You are correct Suthen, those are essentilly laundromat washer/dryers without the coin slots. Not pretty to look at or packed with (worthless) features but they actually do last.

  25. Q Continuum

    “Compare this to Lenz’s huffy characterization of not just marriage but the act of trying to save it: “Fixing something restores what is old. It is a conservative effort.” In other words, to attempt to course-correct a marriage before it implodes is something worse than pointless. It is, and please try to read this without vomiting, Republican[…]she’s just operating within the same fandom-based political paradigm that makes it right-wing to lift weights, drink milk, or watch Yellowstone”


    • Q Continuum

      From the replies:

      “I’ve got an idea. Someone write an article that says eating food is right-wing. Lay it all out in detail of how industrial processes are vestiges of late stage tyrannical capitalism, so good leftists shouldn’t support it. It seems to me these lemmings will follow their leaders right off the cliff, right on schedule, every time. So keep doing it. Eventually this problem solves itself.”

      • R.J.

        I see no downside to this plan.

      • pan fried wylie


      • Gustave Lytton

        I’d just like to see all of the plastic bag banners take their final bag, open it wide, pull it over their head, and give it a good strong twist.

    • juris imprudent

      At least there will be no homeless cats.

    • Suthenboy

      Destroy 1) The nuclear family 2) Prosperity 3) Independent thought 4) individual autonomy 5) ability for individuals to defend themselves, their families or their country 8) history and culture 9) empathy
      There is more on the list but I am still only half-way through my first cup of coffee.

      Like the barbarians that destroy any beautiful thing they see the socialists today recognize their enemies when they see them: anything good.
      Socialism is the ideology of evil. It is as simple as that.

      • juris imprudent

        The barbarians don’t always destroy beautiful things, sometimes they just steal – so they can admire what they are unable to create.

  26. Tres Cool

    Hey from the (216)

    Neph, its about time we get together. HMU, yo

  27. LCDR_Fish

    Read about it for years – finally watching Saul Bass’ “Phase IV” on vinegar syndromes new remastered blu-ray. Really something else. Another one they couldn’t do today.

    • R C Dean

      I wouldn’t really bat an eye if every member of the family living in that apartment had wound up face down in the dirt as “collateral damage”.


    Where would he get an idea like that?!

    If only this were so.

    • Suthenboy

      She is a wretched, evil creature but I am not aware of any outright crimes she has committed.
      I guess these days that doesnt matter much seeing as how the D’s have weaponized govt.
      If she goes to prison I wont lose any sleep.

      My father keeps saying “We cant do that! That is not how things work here.”
      I reply “Look at what they are doing. They are the ones that threw away the rule book. We are getting shanked in the prison yard and you want to stick to the Queensbury rules? We have to take the George Washington approach. Destroy them with fire and restore the rule of law.”

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Typical projection on her part. Unfortunately the way things are now, driven by the left mostly, the party who adheres to principles will be crushed because they’re in the equivalent of a knife fight with one hand tied behind their back.

      • Grummun

        Some election finance hijinks, if I recall correctly. If anyone cared to investigate, probably a good deal more straightforward to prosecute than what they pinned on Donny Two-scoops.

  29. CPRM

    Ocasio-Cortez said she takes Trump “at his word.”

    Something something literally vs seriously….

  30. Gustave Lytton

    Holladay Soft Red Wheat is pretty good, just missing a little oomph.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean and Suthen!

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, U! How are you today?

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m annoyed and in need of a vacation.

      • Gender Traitor

        🙁 Must be coworkers.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m remote today and my work desktop got locked up by everything trying to update all at once

      • Gender Traitor

        🤦‍♀️ Because you were in the office all last week except your day off?

      • UnCivilServant


        It doesn’t help that the amount of background crap the work image has running that I can’t disable or remove.

    • EvilSheldon

      I feel amazingly rested today, despite waking up at 4:30am. Big shooting matches tend to do that.

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, EvilS!

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, OBE! I’m a little jealous that you have Rand Paul as a senator.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      He seems to be a good guy and he certainly hits almost all of the right policy notes but the fact that he stands out like he does, he’s not the most charismatic person after all, stands as more of an indictment of our legislative institutions than anything else. It’s good he’s there and that he’s speaking up but we’re still fucked.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Oh I know, but it feels slightly better knowing that while the ship sinks, he will be on the deck with me playing one last tune

  31. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    whats goody


    • R.J.

      Morning! Another Monday, another dollar.