IFLA: The “Pretty Good Week” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of June 2

by | Jun 2, 2024 | IFLA | 137 comments

Pics/Vids are still hard to come by. People’s attendance is erratic for whatever reason. I’ll probably need to use leftovers for next week.

Green field, gold fur, red ball

Most of this week indicates a peaceful or happy home life as the Earth and Venus pair up across the Sun. I’ll take that as a positive sign since my match happens during this time. Tuesday sees a bit of potential for nonsense as the moon and Mercury pair up, but it doesn’t last long. The ending of the Venus dominance happens on Thursday, but it goes out on a really high note as the Moon (briefly) joins the party. The last couple of says are uneventful shy-wise. Just to add to this, if you’re a Gemini, this is an absolute boss time for you. I’m going to hope that the “everything good for twins” analogy holds and all my hammered pairs land.

Summertime is a great time to hang out with friends.

Gemini: 9 of Coins -Prudence, safety, success, accomplishment, certitude, discernment.Β 

Cancer: 8 of Coins reversed – Voided ambition, vanity, cupidity, exaction, usury.Β  It can also mean an intelligent criminal or someone with skills/abilities working against you.

Leo: 7 of Swords – Design, attempt, wish, hope, confidence; also quarrelling, a plan that may fail, annoyance.Β 

Virgo: Knight of Swords – Skill, bravery, capacity, defense, address, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, opposition, resistance, ruin.Β 

Libra: The Lovers – Attraction, love, beauty, trials overcome.Β 

Scorpio: 5 of Wands reversed – Litigation, disputes, trickery, contradiction.

Sagittarius: The Hermit reversed – Concealment, disguise, policy, fear, unreasoned caution.

Capricorn: 7 of Coins reversed – Cause for anxiety regarding money especially if lending/investing.

Aquarius: The Fool reversed – Negligence, absence, distribution, carelessness, apathy, nullity, vanity.

Pisces: 6 of Cups – Events dealing with the past or memories.

Aries: Knight of Wands – A truck driver, a day laborer, emigration, change of address.

Taurus: The World reversed – Inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence.

Yeah, too short and not centered. But it’s what I’ve got.

About The Author

Not Adahn

Not Adahn

Despite all my rage, I am still just an impeccably dressed rat.


  1. Grumbletarian

    Scorpio: 5 of Wands reversed – Litigation, disputes, trickery, contradiction.

    So I’ll be spending the week trying to find someone who can plausibly explain how check stubs and invoices falsely logged as “legal expenses” in 2017 could have affected the outcome of the 2016 election?

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Sagittarius: The Hermit reversed – Concealment, disguise, policy, fear, unreasoned caution.

    Go ahead, stick your head above the parapet and see what happens.

  3. Beau Knott

    Voided ambition, vanity, cupidity, exaction, usury. It can also mean an intelligent criminal or someone with skills/abilities working against you.
    Typical Cancer read. C’mon NA, it’s gotta break good for us once in a while. Doesn’t it?

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      These two next to each other are interesting

      Aries: Knight of Wands – A truck driver, a day laborer, emigration, change of address.

      Taurus: The World reversed – Inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Not meant as a reply, but that’s what you get tryna comment on a phone screen

      • dbleagle

        But I don’t want to sneak into Mexico.

  4. UnCivilServant

    Repeating a question from the links-

    I would like a sanity check on an idea.

    I was writing about a building primarily of brick, with the load bearing walls set in slightly from the front and back so that cantilevered spaces on the outside of the building can have windows to allow light in. Would these be able to hold up a thin brick facade on the outermost face of the building?

    To elaborate, the height of the building means the load bearing walls have to be thicker than would allow for good illumination on the lower levels, I was brainstorming ways that might get light in, but I already described the outside as being brick.

    • Not Adahn

      Brisk facades are totally a thing.

      • UnCivilServant

        But would the wooden balconies hold that much weight?

      • Not Adahn

        I don’t know how the balcony in question is built, but brick facades on stick-framed houses is a thing, so I don’t see how it would be impossible. The brick doesn’t need much/any support vertically, so you’d just need to tie it to something to give it the horizontal strength.

      • UnCivilServant

        Yeah, in a fantasy world with magic and monsters, I’m second guessing residential architecture…

      • Don escaped Texas

        (Brick) facades are totally a thing. Right; I’m sure I’m missing something here.

        It’s all about the compressive and shear strengths of the material: you’ve got to go thicker as you go up. The tallest brick building has very interesting ways to let in natural light: Monadnock_Building

        I already described the outside, so this is for a book? Are you forced to maintain that the brick is loadbearing, because that’s really unusual. I assume you already know that usually brick is merely a veneer (an excellent one, of course) founded on concrete at the lowest level and then lintels at higher levels. Any reason your story building can’t have a wooden structure like typical stud walls?

      • The Hyperbole

        I’m confused by your question, Why do cantilevered spaces on the outside of the building need windows to allow light in?

      • UnCivilServant

        Because it woudl otherwise be dark in there, duh.

      • juris imprudent

        UCS world has magic but not electricity.

      • The Hyperbole

        Spaces on the outside of the building would be dark?

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s outside the load bearing wall, but inside the building.

        Where did you get outside the building?

      • Mojeaux

        Where did you get outside the building?

        It took me 4 times reading over your description to figure out what you MIGHT be describing? https://pin.it/3K2ulyDak

      • The Hyperbole

        It’s outside the load bearing wall, but inside the building.


        I’m very confused, you may need to draw a picture.

        Something like this?

      • UnCivilServant

        That is a half-timbered jetty, typically wood and plaster.

        The brick wall I’ve been rambling about goes ground to roof, being supported by wooden beams between it and the actual load-bearing wall, but none of that is visible.

      • juris imprudent

        There was a funny bit not too long ago about how in every marriage one partner loads the dishwasher like a Finnish architect and the other like a meth-addled raccoon.

        UCS has given us a meth-addled architect with bricks.

  5. Not Adahn


    Disconnector failed.

    Spent the last two hours disassembling, cleaning, replacing the failed part, and reassembling the gun.

    Now it works even less than it did before the “repair.”

    Swapped slides onto a different frame for the match on Wednesday and will take the nonfunctional frame to the gunsmith on Monday.

    • Fourscore

      It’s OK, I understand. You are not alone in this world.

      • EvilSheldon

        Bummer. Hopefully the new frame works well?

        For trigger work on my CZs, I don’t even try myself. I box them up and send them to Cajun Gunworks.

    • Sean

      That sucks.

  6. Not Adahn

    Finished my first playthrough of BG3. It’s not as terrible as some people make it out to be. This playthrough was “fuck the gith, have nothing to do with devils,” so there are at least two major storylines I did not interact with for me to catch on the second playthrough.

    As I predicted, you cannot have a happy ending with a non-evil female relationship. Take that, gamerbros!

    • UnCivilServant

      So, how did you deal with the avatar at the end of Act 2? The one scythe swipe full party wipe kinda put a damper on my playthrough.

      • Not Adahn

        Honestly, he went down the first try. I was tanking him with my main character, and one of the others had dashed to free the captive, and the other two were the rogue and mage so when he went full Marrowgar, there was only one person up there for him to hit. And it didn’t kill him.

      • UnCivilServant


        Does the avatar version have any ranged attacks? Maybe I can play keep-away, and make sure I’m not on the platform when that stage starts.

      • Not Adahn

        Well, my main is a Cleric of Selune with The blood of Lathlander, plate +1 and whatever that shield is that gives the saving throw bonus. Between healing spells and potions being a bonus action, they’re pretty resilient. And having him up there applied “threatened” and let the rogue use ranged sneak attacks. Also whatever that amulet is that adds +1 magic missile is pretty awesome for the mage.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m running a Bard.

        He’s squishy, being the utility player for the non-combat parts of the game.

    • R C Dean

      I was looking at that, since I’m thinking about picking up a videogame for the first time in, I dunno, 7 years?

      I’ve never played D&D in any format, and the learning curve looks nearly vertical. I have a Mac (waits for booing and hissing to die down), and most of the games I’m interested in are PC-only. I am not going to buy Windows and reboot in and out every time I want to play, although there are emulator/translators that look doable, but I’m just not that motivated yet. I’d like to play Fallout 4, and if it was available in Mac I’d already be stuck in, but now it’s turning into a project.

      • rhywun

        Gaming got so bad on a Mac I switched back to Windows after more than a decade.

        There was a sweet spot in the mid-to-late aughts where Mac desktop gaming was pretty robust but then Apple put all its attention on mobile and the desktop has pretty much died except for niche users.

  7. Fourscore

    “you cannot have a happy ending with a non-evil female relationship”

    Damn it, I wish I’d known that, some years ago.

  8. Mojeaux

    Taurus: The World reversed – Inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence.

    I’m good with that.

  9. juris imprudent

    From the ded-thred: who did their best to support the country during the worst pandemic in over a century

    So close to understanding accountability, and yet, so, so far.

    If they had simply said, right up front – “hey, this is the best we know, but we really aren’t certain”, that would have been good. Science has it’s say with the caveat that it doesn’t KNOW. But no asshole writer, quoted-expert, whateverthefuckyouare – that isn’t what they did. And big fucking deal – pandemic. Who did it kill – the old and moribund, people not all that far from death anyway. Exceptions to that? Sure, but they lied from early on about the fatality rate. Yes, lied. It was really clear within weeks to a couple of months who was vulnerable – and yet THE EXPERTS insisted on treating the whole country as if we were on the verge of death. That is (and at the time was) a BIG FUCKING LIE – and you have to ADMIT that and apologize for not being more careful with your wild ass statements of AUTHORITY.

    • Brochettaward

      Didn’t read the dead thread, but you have to ask why they lied. It starts at the top and trickles on down.

      • dbleagle

        They lied because of two things that are interrelated. Having a lust for power (already discussed by others) and the upcoming 2020 Pres election. Da VID was grasped early by Pelosi and others that here was a kugel to use against OMB. She was the first big Dem voice to call him a racist for shutting down travel from the PRC. Because the situation was fraught with uncertainty there would be plenty to criticize, and they did it. That DT fucked up plenty with his lack of skepticism for Fauci and his team compounded the issue. But make no mistake even if OMB made 100% “beautiful, perfect decisions” they would accuse him of being worse than Hitler. Example 1 is masking. It was never a discussion on the left of “Does this work?” It was people with out masks MUST be MAGA Trumpians. That issue quickly spiraled. Example 2 is the failed vaccines. Until biden prevailed in November the Dem line was the vaccines could never be safe or effective and “I will never put it in MY body.” Once biden was in office the line flipped 100% to “Take the shot peasant or we will make you unemployed.” and that continues today with transplant operations denied/approved based on taking the shot.

      • rhywun

        I’ve said all along it does not matter who was president then, at least among the electable alternatives. Any of them would have done the exact same thing. Why? Because the president wasn’t running shit at that time.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Why? Because the president wasn’t running shit at that time.

        Or now. Or over the past 60-100 years. We enjoyed the lie long enough IMO.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Bias reinforcement & just so stories aren’t limited to experts.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Confirmation bias, that is. Also hindsight.

    • Don escaped Texas

      I don’t like this topic in the same way that I don’t care about gun stats: it detracts from the first principle at stake, freedom. I agree with your findings here in our quiet and thoughtful group, of course, and we seldom disagree in any regard.

      Who cares who lied about what on which occasions? I’m totally okay with experts being wrong about everything; but I will resist with my every fiber anyone’s authority over consensual conduct.

      The rotten core of any of this is size and scope of government. Libertarians are losing this vital argument; most people don’t believe in freedom, and nothing in pop culture is helping them understand what the primary issues are. How can we turn the public argument to this:
      I don’t care who follows every gram of Fauci advice so long as they are not coerced into doing so.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Thank you Don. That hit several points I couldn’t put my finger on.

        Increasing tribal polarizations are unlikely to result in individual liberty and freedom.

      • juris imprudent

        and we seldom disagree in any regard

        [blinks] Who are you?

        I’ll disagree with you. Plenty of people know what freedom is, and are fucking terrified of it. The average person is perfectly happy being told what to do, with going along with everyone else. Because, they never have to take responsibility for their own stupidity – they just followed orders. And if you don’t think that describes more people in the U.S. than it doesn’t – I invite you compare the size of the Libertarian Party with not just the big two, but, every other party. How much bigger is the LP than the fucking Democratic Socialists in terms of membership? I quit the party, long long ago, and as I still gave it my votes – so there is a little bigger influence than just the number of members. That said, who has had more influence over the last 50 years — libertarians or socialists?

      • Ownbestenemy

        The average person is perfectly happy being told what to do, with going along with everyone else.

        Case in point. I absolutely disagreed with the masking yet I was right there telling Mrs OBE “we need to put them on just to buy groceries, sure I don’t like it, but just get it over with”.

      • juris imprudent

        That blue pill goes down so easily. I got the J&J shot because my fire company required it, and I guarantee you there are more Trump voters there than Biden, LP and everyone else combined.

      • Brochettaward

        Late to the party here, but it’s kind of missing the point when we say they fucking lied and misled people. You couldn’t possibly have listened to all of Fauci’s advice and had a live let live attitude because the monstrous little gnome was explicitly telling people they were a threat to one another and that behaviors had to be regulated.

        If we lived in a live let live society, Fauci probably wouldn’t have the courage to demand publicly that people sacrifice their freedoms in the first place.

        That they lied is very much relevant to the discussion.

  10. juris imprudent

    A truck driver, a day laborer, emigration, change of address.

    Hmm, I don’t see in Capricorn that my wife is going to die, so that last bit ain’t happening. Sure can’t imagine moving to some country where truck driving or day laboring would be an improvement on my situation. Yeah, I think this one is off.

    Cause for anxiety regarding money especially if lending/investing.

    I think I’ll not mention this to her.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Sure, but they lied from early on about the fatality rate. Yes, lied. It was really clear within weeks to a couple of months who was vulnerable – and yet THE EXPERTS insisted on treating the whole country as if we were on the verge of death. That is (and at the time was) a BIG FUCKING LIE – and you have to ADMIT that and apologize for not being more careful with your wild ass statements of AUTHORITY.

    But they had to bury the entire crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt at sea, because everybody died and the bodies were too toxic to be brought back to port.

    You remember that, right?

    • juris imprudent

      Yeah, you notice no one ever talks about that – how deep the grief is over that loss. One crew out of over 5000 on the ship.

      Hell, the Diamond Princess cruise ship, loaded with the prime demographic to be wiped out by da Vid, didn’t even come close to the CFR these shitheads were babbling about.

      Never mind how both ships proved that most people got it, were never symptomatic and just would. not. die. Lie like that and expect me to ever believe you about anything? I can’t even imagine being that self deluded – it’s beyond mental.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The cruise ship was the test and that reporting was buried quicker than a NY hooker. It gave the people exactly how the virus would act and those that took notice were shit upon.

      • Sean

        “and that reporting was buried quicker than a NY hooker.”


      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        The Authorities were authoritating.

        And to walk that back a little bit, the left/gov is based on Appeal to Authority*, and so each and every one of them appealed to what they believe are authorities on this subject, Fauci et al, who, it turns out were not really authorities on this, they were only an authority on getting gov’t money, and its corollary, spending gov’t money. But, when they were called on this, they simply authoritated, e.g. did something when something had to be done.

        *there is a reason it is a logical fallacy.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    I was writing about a building primarily of brick, with the load bearing walls set in slightly from the front and back so that cantilevered spaces on the outside of the building can have windows to allow light in. Would these be able to hold up a thin brick facade on the outermost face of the building?

    I don’t have a good visual on what you’re describing. Are you talking about what we know as modern commercially manufactured bricks, or something more like structural adobe blocks? Southwest Mission/fortress architecture?

    • UnCivilServant

      The value of “Bricks” is undefined. But I’d lean more towards something visually resembling modern bricks, or tudor bricks, or other generic red blocks which don’t typically get plastered over.

  13. juris imprudent

    Holy systemic racism Batman!

    The state broadcaster – I guess equivalent to our NPR – created a poll allegedly because of comments from average Germans about the composition of the team (being insufficiently white).

    I just think the role of the media in this is – fascinating. [and I can say that because there was no bias against green-skinned half-breeds]

    • Gustave Lytton

      I wonder what the original German was. Was it actually skin color? Or is that the translated version?

      Love that Ukraine faces such an existential threat that they continue to post national sportsball teams.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Because the coach is going on about different cultures, no skin color.

    • rhywun

      repeatedly confronted with statements about the makeup of the team during the making of the documentary

      Look, you can’t further The Narrative without doing a little leg-work.

      • Ted S.

        I remember when Mesut Γ–zil said Erdogan was his president and then immediately cried racism when German fans rightly booed him. The mendacious shits in the media went right along with it because they could use it for their Narrative.

      • juris imprudent

        See my previous outburst about Vinicius Jr.

    • Don escaped Texas

      In my search to escape the contrivances that have ruined my favorite sports of old, I’ve found myself drawn to futbol, particularly the English clubs. The happiest thing about the favorite European team sport is its ruthless meritocracy; billions are at stake, and most of the opinions are fairly clear-eyed.

      Almost all squads include second-generation denizens of Europe: ethnic Africans from NED and GBR and ethnic Turks from DEU, for example. The question of greatest (or most popular) player in the world can arguably be answered with an Egyptian or an African born in Paris.

      As soccer closes for the summer, contracts are ending and teams are reshuffling and restocking their squads: talent is much in demand, and flavor is not a consideration. Bigotry is not extinguished from every corner, of course, but kids don’t much care about the ancestry any more; no one is burning his side’s scarf because they’re winning with mixed pedigrees.

      • rhywun

        ruthless meritocracy

        There is that, but the corruption at several levels would make a Biden functionary blush.

      • Don escaped Texas


        No one would defend the underhanded and unofficial personal profiteering, of course, but most of that FIFA stuff (I presume that’s the lion’s share of that to which you refer) that I’m aware of would be completely acceptable if it were above board and the organization itself profited, as in: “pay us X and we’ll let you have/enjoy/host Y.” We might even celebrate it as the heights of capitalism. You can certainly enjoy a professional game in Europe without feeling like you’re suborning or subsidizing evil at spectacular heights. Or, if you prefer, it’s certainly on the better end compared to other sports on the spectrum that might be recommended to me.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    By popular demand

    The video started with White telling the camera, β€œThe President is now on TikTok,” and Trump following it up with, β€œIt’s my honor.” The 13-second video then cuts to Trump walking into Saturday night’s bout at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey, and greeting fans and other audience members.

    The video amassed more than 2.3 million likes and 38 million views in under 15 hours as of Sunday at 2 p.m. Trump’s account gained more than 2.2 million followers β€” more than six times the followers of the Biden-Harris HQ account, which was started in February.


    Trump, while president, attempted to ban TikTok in an executive order that sought to force TikTok’s Chinese parent company, ByteDance, to sell its U.S. assets. The order was later blocked in court.

    In a drastic shift, Trump opposed the latest efforts to ban TikTok this year, claiming it would benefit Facebook, which banned him in January 2021 in the wake of the Capitol riots. He placed the blame on President Biden as legislation to potentially ban the app made its way through Congress and to the president’s desks amid growing national security concerns over the app’s ties to China.

    The bill was quickly signed by Biden in late April, establishing a timeline for ByteDance to sell the app or face a ban from U.S. app stores and networks.

    And, of course, the obligatory gotcha.

    What they steadfastly avoid noticing is that at least half the country is so sick and tired of Biden and the political establishment they’d happily take Trump back.

    • Ownbestenemy

      They also wrote a piece on how Biden has also sought to ban Tik Tok yet is on it…right? RIGHT?

  15. R C Dean

    β€œDesign, attempt, wish, hope, confidence; also quarrelling, a plan that may fail, annoyance.”

    It’s like you knew I was going on our annual family fishing trip this week.

  16. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    Aquarius: The Fool reversed – Negligence, absence, distribution, carelessness, apathy, nullity, vanity

    Well, I did get caught not doing my laundry, and now have to fold the wifes…

    Anyhoo, got caught up on minor gun projects: Lyman sights on the 144, new stock on the 322, and adjustable buttplate on the Feinwerkbau.

  17. Gustave Lytton

    Made o’konomiyaki with potatoes instead of cabbage and omitted the bonito. And It’s delicious.

    • rhywun

      “I CANNOT handle bigotry and hate towards marginalized communities”



    • Spudalicious

      That is less than ten minutes from me. They make a good Old Fashioned.

      • rhywun

        ↑ megaMAGA extreme confirmed

  18. Fourscore

    I cancelled the Comprehensive Insurance on my ’04 F150. Truck is still cosmetically beautiful, 110K, been garaged it’s entire life. The replacement value is pretty low, maybe 4K or so and it wouldn’t take much of a bump to total it out. The undercarriage is Minnesoda though, with proof that salt is not beneficial to steel longevity. I drive very little these days, maybe 2-300 miles a month.

    My premiums were cut more than half. Obviously I hope to never have an at fault accident but a hail storm would be survivable, it would still run the same.

    • Don escaped Texas

      last year my 2003 C1500HD was broken into and the year before that I hit a deer; I finally got rid of it

      Friday week ago some clown turned into the side of me down town and fled the scene; the next morning someone broke into it at the golf course

      this after decades of State Farm happily cashing my checks

      • Ownbestenemy

        Jesus man…when it rains it pours is apt

    • Spudalicious

      Well, hello there.

  19. Shpip

    Whycome those hicks don’t sing about druggin’ and hoes?

    TL:DR – the usual midwits had a conniption over Jason Aldean and Oliver Anthony while giving actual criminals a pass if they’re decent hip-hoppers.

    Because the double standard is so obvious, it is easy for most Americans to see. This is the key reason for the dramatic loss of trust in higher education, mainstream media, and all the other institutions that dominate contemporary public discourse.

    • rhywun

      Imagine being a newcomer to the US and having to navigate the rank hypocrisy and derp without the “benefit” of having grown up in it.

      • Don escaped Texas

        are you sure?

        wouldn’t Asians, Africans, and European (especially commies and Catholics) consider the US amateur hour

      • Suthenboy

        Imagine being a native and have to navigate the rank hypocrisy and derp without the “benefit” of having grown up in it.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The newcomer Somalis seem to be navigating just fine.

  20. Evan from Evansville

    I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Just got back from bro’s 43rd and oldest nephew’s 11th. Predictably, it was a lovely affair all around for all. Oldest and I didn’t go to the Blues (?) play for the 3-year-old.

    Playoff hockey time ’til an early night. My neurologist appt tomorrow, my first in 2+ years, is at 8:45am. Fuck. So that’ll be interesting. I’m not quite sure what this visit is, other than a check-up and my first in who-knows. I hope soon some imaging tech is involved. I’d like to know/see how my brain/skull are doin’. I actually think they’re kinda fun, as well, all things considered.

    “Taurus: The World reversed – Inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence.” Hrm. I don’t like the way those are viewed. “Stability” is oft a gorgeous thing. Depends where you are, still. Smiley faces still shine.

  21. creech

    As you go about your business tomorrow, look around and realize that, according to a new poll, more than half your fellow citizens believe the Trump verdict was just and appropriate. Biden’s chances are not dead yet.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Blue pill poppers + Biden supporters + Democrat supporters

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      What poll is that?

      • creech

        ABC News/Ipsos

  22. westernsloper

    Last night on the zooms I asked if anyone had seen the Dave Smith Chris Cuomo debate and DEG said Cuomo was a slimy fuck. DEG was being generous.

    • westernsloper

      ok, linking doesnt work?

    • The Hyperbole

      There was a zoom last night? why didn’t any tell me.

  23. westernsloper

    How about

    • westernsloper

      No linking does not work

      • UnCivilServant

        How are you trying to add a link?

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered
      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.
      • Gender Traitor
      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered
      • slumbrew
      • Shpip
      • R.J.

        Pretty sure Lunk is my spirit animal.

  24. R.J.

    Too drunk to comment. Whee! Fuck Texas weather!

    • Gustave Lytton

      It’s barrel proof tonight. That stuff is rocket fuel.

      • R.J.

        Yes, yes it is. I am going out in this hurricane and having a cigar and more bourbon. If there isn’t a Thursday post this week, the Lord took me.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And your little dog, too! *cackling laughter*

  25. Festus

    Extremely late to the party but SQUEEEE discovering that yet another Glib will be born. Lolbot, you are my friend, Webdom, you’ve always been a righteous chick. I sadly let my own declining health get in the way of the big picture most of the time but am so happy for all of you!

  26. UnCivilServant

    It feels wrong to order Manga from Amazon, but Rightstuf got bought out and shut down, so what options are left?

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m still not sure of why I am actively repulsed from works if I hear other people talking about them before I find them on my own. The more people chatter about something – or worse, actively recommend it to me directly – the more I don’t want to see it. But, if I stumble onto something myself without having heard of it first, I’m more willing to take a chance, even if it ultimately isn’t any good.

      • Suthenboy

        Introvert much?
        I am much the same way. Any hint of being part of the crowd puts me off.

  27. Beau Knott

    Good morning all!
    Today we have a three-fer, from the early days of Prog. While one might think this is Eddie Jobson on violin, it is, in fact, Darryl Way.

    Curved Air


    Vivaldi with Cannons

    Share and enjoy!

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Beau, U, and Sean!

      • Gender Traitor

        Pretty well, but I expect to be busy at work today – first business day of the month AND a payroll day, plus my boss will be back from the “vacation” he didn’t really have because of all the drama that reared its ugly head last week. πŸ™„

        How about you?

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, because the laptop decided to show up on friday, I’m in the office every day this week except tomorrow, which I’m taking off. I’m in the “Wait” part of “Hurry up and Wait” on a number of issues. (Things are on other people’s desks), one of my direct reports is off working for the army this week, and my direct supervisor took today off. So it’s just me and the other direct report today. Hope it’s quiet.

      • Gender Traitor


  28. Beau Knott

    And to complete the three-fer,

    Curved Air


    Share and enjoy!

  29. Gender Traitor

    First First World problem of the day: I bought a new travel mug over the weekend, and it’s taller and narrower than the old one. I made a point of not filling it all the way, as it has a larger capacity than the previous mug and a single pack of sweetener might not be enough for a full mug. I’m finding I have to tilt the mug ve-e-e-e-ery slo-o-o-o-owly so as not to pour hot (and apparently staying hotter longer than before) coffee down my front.

    • Fourscore

      I used to have sort of a similar problem. I’d stop for a draft after work, get so excited at the thought of a cold one that I’d spill some on my shirt, too much of a hurry. Just kidding, I didn’t spill any ’til later…

      Morning All

    • R.J.

      Get Contigo travel mugs with the push-button tops. No more leaks or spills, ever.

      • UnCivilServant

        Poor thing, homeless and shoeless in a wretched dustbowl.

      • slumbrew

        Although the only problem is that it’s raining this morning so it will be a while before we’re back to that view.

        Plus I got dropped to Obsidian League in Duolingo for not doing enough French.

      • slumbrew

        Thank you, UnCiv. We hope to survive.

  30. Not Adahn

    So to followup on the gun repair:

    After assembly it worked perfectly for a few trigger pulls. Then it ceased dropping the hammer. I am guessing that means I did something to fuck up the sear engagement. Which kind of sucks, since I took pics to write up some content. I even had a great title for it: “So Your Disco’s on the Fritz.”

    Also, these youtube videos must be taking place with a brand-new gun being modified with the customized parts, because NOTHING in my gun came apart that effortlessly. Especially not the magazine brake. Heck, after >20k rounds, it looked like a Geiger set in there — my first pic of the sear cage was going to be captioned “somewhere under that layer of carbon is a spring. Supposedly.” When I pulled the hammer assembly out I was seriously wondering if the disconnector was fine, just oversized due to the millimeters of gunk buildup. After cleaning it definitely showed significant wear though, so I replaced it.

    I might still use the pics and write it up as a reliability/wear report on the gun.

    • UnCivilServant

      Please do write it up. I like stories about fixing things, and instances of “okay that didn’t work” are informative if there are any.

  31. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    whats goody