¡martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!

by | Jun 25, 2024 | Daily Links | 95 comments

What a delightful day. Its going to be around 115, but since it rained yesterday we are at the threshold of Hell. Its cool. In other news my oldest got his learners permit and upon the first attempt at a lesson I can report back: neither of us died.


The Old Man took this link from us. He stoles it! My PRECIOUS [link].

…in all seriousness, its just a miscommunication this was a Mexican link. I however will not stop at one Milei link. No, no, around here you get two!

Good news, the avocado trade war is over! Now I don’t have to buy avocados from California.

Here’s one for you petrol-heads.

The world watches in terror as a UN-Backed police force lands in Haiti.

Lightning payments now available in Latin America. Its Bitcoin related, so the short answer is its a good thing.

Remember: America is weird. You’re expected to have guns here.

Here’s what the kids are listening to. Have a great Tuesday and HANDS OFF MY LINKS.

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. UnCivilServant

    Now I don’t have to buy avocados from California.

    Who was forcing you to buy Avocados?

    • SDF-7

      I’m 2 years behind on my preferred radio talk show’s podcast. I downloaded the entire 2 years worth to my phone a few months back. I believe the delivery system embeds the ads at the time of download — because it is always the same 3 or 4 ads for relative months at a time (things change at like 100 files at a time, and only slightly).

      I mention this because if I ever have to hear the thrice-damned “Avocados From Mexico” frakking jingle again in my life, I will find that ad office and go psycho. (Yes, I skip ahead when I can — you still get bits of it. And sometimes the phone doesn’t plug in just right and won’t honor the radio controls on the car and all…)

      • SDF-7

        Gorram it… that’s close. Except that I’m still in 2022 so they changed it slightly. And are you trying to get me on a rampage?

      • mexican sharpshooter

        I’m sorry about the jingle.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Who was forcing you to buy Avocados?

      Quite a few people actually. The drug cartels, United Farm Workers, and of course my daughter.

      • SDF-7

        And you know we have to ask — are those distinct sets, or does your daughter span that Venn diagram?

      • mexican sharpshooter

        She may be small, but she is mighty.

  2. Nephilium

    /starts plotting on stealing all the links

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I knew you were in on it!

  3. SDF-7

    upon the first attempt at a lesson I can report back: neither of us died.

    But did the vehicle?

    My plan for this looming issue (I have a little less than a year assuming he can find it in himself to study and get the learner’s) involves as deserted of a parking lot as I can find initially, let me tell you. Glad it sounds like the first lesson was not a fiasco.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Not yet. Soon.

    • Gender Traitor

      as deserted of a parking lot as I can find

      Off-hours big sports/concert venue’s lot is ideal in my experience. The late great Hara Arena was just a few blocks from my high school, and I managed not to run into the locally-(and beyond) beloved site of many a headbanger’s favorite rock concert or hockey game (not to mention my HS commencement. And no, I did not cause this damage. ***SNIFF*** 😢)

      • SDF-7

        I live in more of an “almond orchards being replaced by solar farms” area — so my best bet is probably a Hobby Lobby on a Sunday that’s about 30 minutes away I can drive him to first. That’s usually very dead.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Churches on a weekday, or as we picked—a HS in the dead of summer.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        SDF, just go to Stanislaus on the weekends, no on will be there.

      • R.J.

        That looks like somebody pulled my finger.

    • Ted S.

      We’ve got a dead mall here, but the uneven pavement would kill the car.

    • Pope Jimbo

      The first time both Altar Boys drove was Grampa’s pickup in a giant wheat field in NoDak that had been harvested.

      Grampa let them drive around while we had a beer after a day of hunting. The only problem encountered was Altar Boy 2 was incensed that Grampa said you had to be 13 to drive his truck and stuck to his guns. For 2 years he had to watch his older brother drive.

  4. Yusef drives a Kia

    Expensive bullets, were they “leftovers”?

    • R C Dean

      I have approximately zero sympathy for the guy, especially after all the news about people getting banged up in T & C for bringing ammo or a gun. Check your effing luggage, people. Even in my range gear, live ammo goes only in the range bag, never in the gun bag.

  5. rudimentary teats formerly known as pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    my oldest got his learners permit


    All my kids preferred to do their driving lessons with me. I was apparently much calmer than their mother.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I’m already putting a stop to her giving lessons. I have never rear ended anyone, but after 20 years or so she still braces for impact because she once did.

      • R C Dean


      • Spudalicious

        “Brace yourself, Bessie!”

  6. SDF-7

    The world watches in terror as a UN-Backed police force lands in Haiti.

    Wait a second… can Germany and England request UN peacekeepers to handle their rape gang issues? Can we engineer it where the two groups just rape each other and leave everyone else alone? (I can think of one Cascadian lawyer perfect for such a request and to be a liason if need be to get things moving if need be…)

    • SDF-7

      Gorram idiot can’t be bothered to link right. Sigh.

  7. Chafed

    The kids are wrong to listen to that.

    • rudimentary teats formerly known as pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      True dat! Those helmets are cool though!

      /searches Amazon for little tiny mirrors to turn my motorcycle helmet into a disco ball.

      • SDF-7

        Beats the last time German helmets were internationally known, that’s for sure.

      • R C Dean

        For some reason, that brought the old VW(?) ad to mind: “You can drive from Berlin to Warsaw in one tank!”

      • Sensei

        If Ted Kennedy drove a Beatle…

      • Ted S.

        Would he drive John Lennon or George Harrison?

  8. Timeloose

    I hope the Milei experiment is given the time it needs to at least prove that his approach has some merits. I fear it might be a case of the patient being so sick that the experimental treatment might not be effective. I hope I’m wrong on both counts. We have too many national experiments that take the opposite approach.

    • SDF-7

      One of the biggest reasons we should never have a One World Government (until and unless we have self-sustaining space colonies maybe… and yes, who knows when and if that will ever happen). Like the states should be — nations allow people to shape their society to reflect their culture, values and economic thought — and via competition ideas are disseminated and tested. A top-down, interstate exit style homogenization would be hell for that reason alone (and almost certainly many many others). People need the freedom to get away from the dominant herd (and you little whiny Starbucks sipping dyed hair wannabes are the dominant herd, so pipe down with your “so repressed artist” crap). No more true frontiers to run away from the nation states, so we most certainly shouldn’t lose the nation states as well.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Meh. People all same. Eat, fuck, sleep, work. What difference really?


      • Suthenboy

        See, this is the reason Dr. Klaus Von Evil said people like you are the greatest danger we face; people having their own ideas.

  9. SDF-7

    Here’s what the kids are listening to

    That sounds awfully close to dubstep coming back. If it is truly popular — I’m expecting lots of blue skybeams in movies again soon.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Here’s what the kids are listening to.

    Bloody Hell.

    • Bobarian LMD

      The first comment I saw on You tube:

      “Yeah this is much better than the last time Germany and Japan got together.”

      I’m not so sure about the “much” part.

    • Timeloose

      That is better than most of the stuff my nephew listens to.

      • SDF-7

        I can criticize no one when it comes to music. I like stuff even when I have no bloody clue what they’re singing.

      • rhywun

        I can criticize no one when it comes to music.


  11. The Late P Brooks

    I hope the Milei experiment is given the time it needs to at least prove that his approach has some merits.

    Experts agree the time tested failures are best.

    • Suthenboy

      ‘Fixing’ the economy is simple. I could come up with a plan that would work like gangbusters in a day. All of the bobbleheads on TV, the morons at the Fed, all of the evil Pols and most of the people are endlessly scratching their heads and postulating this and speculating that, ‘whatever should we do?!’.
      Moronic assholes. They know exactly what to do about the economy and all of the other problems we have, they just dont want to fix them.
      I will be surprised if Milei lives through his first term. The better his plans work, the lower his life expectancy.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    New talking point, just in time for the “Presidential debate”:

    Study sez Trump jacked up the national debt twice as much as Biden did. It was hard to tell just what they were claiming, aside from plague stuff doesn’t count. Trying to interpret crap studies filtered through a journalist’s brain is a fool’s errand.

    There was something about tax cuts, and no mention of that “inflation reduction” thing.

    Link if I can find it again. I’m certain it will be popping up all over the place.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Yep, jut saw that, seems like they are counting all the tax dollars that Trump didn’t collect because of cuts (ignoring that revenues actually increased under the cuts) as debt and then backing out wuhan flu adjacent spending to make it look like Biden isn’t spending like a drunk sailor.

      • Nephilium

        In Biden’s defense, Trump wasn’t exactly a budget hawk either (nor was W.).

      • juris imprudent

        The last budget hawk president was Coolidge.

    • R C Dean

      If you count the tax cuts and the pandemic relief spending, yeah, I can see that.

      From what I can tell, Trump and Biden are pretty much on par when it comes to spending.

  13. kinnath


    Airbus will take a charge of nearly one billion dollars because of poor cost and schedule performance on a variety of satellite programs, and will evaluate strategic options for its space business.

    The company announced after markets closed in Europe June 24 that it was revising its guidance for 2024 because of both issues with space programs as well as a reduction in commercial aircraft deliveries. That included a charge of 900 million euros ($965 million) the company will record in the second quarter on its Space Systems business.


    • SDF-7

      Dammit, Airbus — you don’t have to compete with Boeing in every way!

      • bacon-magic

        *SDF-7 hears a knock on his door from the Airbus Assassin

  14. Toxteth O'Grady

    If my near-recent* experience with OKC security is typical (Andy Taylor-friendly verging on lax), then I can easily see how the ammo was overlooked.

    *Trump administration

    • Tundra

      My leatherman made it through twice. What a joke.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    I can criticize no one when it comes to music. I like stuff even when I have no bloody clue what they’re singing.

    You’re an opera fan?

    • Ted S.

      It was a great browser until they sold out to the ChiComs.

      • SDF-7

        Dangnabbit! So much for my attempt at a subtle tech joke.

    • SDF-7

      You would think… but not really. I certainly have bits of Don Giovanni from various Mozart CDs, and I like Phantom, but that’s about my limit when it comes to opera. (I even use Firefox instead!)

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Classical music, ruined

  16. The Other Kevin

    Babymetal? My teammates are into that. I heard it all the way to and from Minnesota. I didn’t hate it.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Q hardest hit

    Hooters has closed dozens of locations across the country.

    The Atlanta-based casual dining chain cited “pressure from current market conditions” for why it made the decision to close several “underperforming stores.”

    The company wouldn’t say exactly how many stores had closed and didn’t release a list of locations.

    If I had to guess, I’d say it’s because the food sucks.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I don’t understand? Q doesn’t like chicken wings—oh.

      • SDF-7

        I guess not enough people find the food titillating these days. Or the jugs…. of beer.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Apparently, hiring waitresses based on how well they fill out the skimpy uniform is problematic.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m sure they had to raise prices just like everyone else, so it looks like they crossed the point where cleavage and butt cheeks offset the overpriced food.

      • rhywun

        That is a classic episode.

      • Sensei

        All the waitresses named after cars was also brilliant.

  18. juris imprudent

    I liked the part about the ammo being in his carry-on, which made it past TSA.

    • kinnath

      My wife failed the bag check at the local courthouse when we went for my newest granddaughters’ adoption. The deputy at the scanner didn’t even blink when she found a spare mag (loaded) in the bottom of her purse. He just smiled and said no problem. Please take it to your car.

    • Sensei

      Yes, I remember when it first happened thinking the same.

      Somebody traveling to Japan from the U.S. found .22lr in their carryon and thought it would be a good idea to throw it out in the airport instead of their hotel or a convenience store.

      No way an airport would have like a million cameras and the names of people passing through…

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I’ve brought a few spent 9mm casings through TSA

    • Tundra

      Their sales were up 30% overall Q1, but their EV sales were down 30%. WTF, indeed.

  19. B.P.

    “The world watches in terror as a UN-Backed police force lands in Haiti.”

    They’ll get it right this time.

    • Rat on a train

      They’ll rape the right people this time?

    • SDF-7

      Hmmm… seems to me I’ve seen some non-NASA spacesuits recently, have to wonder who made them and if they are low-orbit suitable (and could be made lunar). If only there were a tech billionaire with a space company (or event an ex-space or space-ex perhaps) with some expertise in this area that actually pushes for real product and results.

      If only.

      NASA is doing more to convince me they belong on the ash heap of history since the Shuttle Era that most government agencies, I’ll give them that.

      • Sensei

        I read he’s working on something EVA capable, but current suit isn’t so rated.

    • SDF-7

      “At least it isn’t Tide Pods or some stupid poison” is all I can think.

  20. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Elon stuck the landing, x2

  21. Tundra

    Here’s one for you petrol-heads.

    Thanks! That was a fun one.

    “With the current trend, it will disappear in two or three years,” Enojosa said, his hands blackened by car grease. “Before we had too many parts for vochos, now there aren’t enough … So they have to look for parts in repair shops or junkyards.”

    If that’s true, I’m starting a mail order export business.

  22. Suthenboy

    Wife is cracking up. Dick Karn is on the tv plugging the pocket hose. Of course they hired a guy named Dick to advertise the pocket hose.
    “This is my hose. I am proud of my hose. It’s an improved hose. Turn it on and it expands….”
    Etc. with a big grin on his face.
    She is asking me “How many takes do you think they had before they all stopped laughing long enough to make the shots for that ad?”
    See, even women have a little 7th grade left in them after they grow up.

  23. Shpip

    A contingent of Kenyan police is set to depart for a controversial mission in Haiti to combat the influence of powerful criminal gangs that have brought turmoil and violence to the Caribbean nation.

    And if the Mau Mau crew can’t get those Haitians into shape, next up the UN sends the Hutus.

    • Fourscore

      I was thinking the KKK is available these days, could use some training

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Send some Cossacks, they’ll whip ‘em into shape and from what I’ve heard they’ll enjoy doing it.

  24. Pope Jimbo

    Argentina’s President Javier Milei meets Czech leaders to wrap up his trip to Europe

    I sure hope that Milei is careful about making pen pals on this trip (especially if the pen pal is a closeted gay diplomat).

    You don’t want to write a Czech your ass can’t handle.

    • Shpip

      The closeted gay diplomat was recently caught and forced to resign in disgrace.

      Turns out, his secretary had forgotten something and returned to the office after hours to find the Czech was in the male.

      • slumbrew

        Jaysus, you two, get a room already.

  25. Brochettaward

    Yes, I AM your supervisor.