Monday Afternoon Generic Links

by | Jun 3, 2024 | Daily Links | 111 comments

I'll have seconds!

Tiring weekend, so I am going to subject you to quite ordinary links today. I would like to thank all of you who have contributed articles/posts lately. I am quite happy with the response from all of you magnificent people. Once we get through some of the longer series, the posts will start appearing in quicker succession.


We will see.

Only if it benefits Zurich.

Music, for the tired.

The comment sections is open and yours.

About The Author

Swiss Servator

Swiss Servator

Currently serving at the pleasure of a Swiss multinational. Previously a Soldier, rugby player, lawyer, bouncer, bartender, substitute teacher, risk manager, and cubicle mushroom. Will work for raclette.


  1. SDF-7

    We will see.

    Modi’s done a great job at making me worry about Indian corruption if manufacturing moves there.

    The more cynical of y’all will doubtless point out “human nature… where there is profit to be leeched from – there will be corruption”, which is true… I just keep wanting governments and economies to be structured to keep it in check. Like we were supposed to be.

    So anyway — good afternoon Swiss. Afternoon, all. Don’t fall off any ladders, UCS.

    • Don escaped Texas

      I argued against and never did the China thing.

      India is fine for course work: castings, for example.

      But finish work needs to be close: Mexico, but no farther. If there’s a problem, there’s an honest broker on the other end of the line who speaks English and truly understands the quality and logistics issues. I can be in Mexico in a few hours; we can fix it quickly, and the inventory of errors on the road between USA and MEX is much smaller than the months of stock needed to cover the demand during crossing of the Pacific.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I have bought and used some Indian machine tooling, usually for some specialized application that is mainly used in remnants of the British empire, and it has been quite high quality. Sub-par packaging, but the tooling has been uniformly good.

        But, you are right about the supply chain issues; if you cannot easily get out to inspect it, it will go bad on you.

  2. kinnath

    May her car be ever full of door dings.

    • creech


      • Fourscore

        I am grateful for the errant shopping car, hoping it’s not my regular one with a bent front wheel. I can use it to help walk with a bonus of putting my shopping needs into the basket when I clear the door. I do or the Missus does, place our used carts in the corral on the way out of Dodge.

        I started to walk my cart back in the store a few days ago when a younger guy, probably about 60-65, volunteered to take my cart back to the store.

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, if he was headed in, he would need a cart for his own shopping.

    • Not Adahn

      So say we all.

  3. Shpip

    “I’m not returning my shopping cart,” married mom of two Leslie Dobson, a psychologist from Los Angeles, spat in an unflinching TikTok. “You can judge me all you want.”

    The personification of entitled AWFL.

    • SDF-7

      I’m 100% with someone in the article pointing out that cart returns are typically about 20 seconds from any given space. I can sympathize with not taking it back up to the main store/corral area… but not even the return? That’s just purely pathetic unless you’re completely disabled.

      If I were waxing philosophic I’d tie it to the ever growing (because it is ever being fed) culture of pure egotism and narcissism the West has fostered… but a) I’m not feelin’ it.. and b) your reference to “entitled AWFL” captures it to some extent anyway (only some because I think there are plenty of male egotists too… and not just the ones who put on dresses to prance about and feel special).

      I should go buy an onion for my belt and find some kids to be on my lawn so I can yell at ’em or something, I suppose.

      • Suthenboy

        I dont get it. Why would I feel special prancing about in a dress? I dunno, maybe it’s just me.

  4. SDF-7

    Only if it benefits Zurich.

    My hope is that they stay out of it — but that’s because my hope is it falls apart since it shouldn’t be needed anymore and Europe starts paying its own bills, after all. Selfish — but who’s foreign policy isn’t in the end (other than fools quickly manipulated, I would expect).

  5. bacon-magic

    Comment *


    She needs to be eliminated, preferably by grocery cart.

  6. Timeloose

    Tired, I’m just finishing up my 1st day back from a long weekend on two wheels. I’m tired.

    Virgin Mary was tired….

    The original not the Bauhaus cover. I like the cover better, but I also heard it first.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      That is like hearing Adele sing Bales of Cocaine.

      • Timeloose

        I don’t disagree. But I can’t help feel that the first one heard as a 14 year old burns it in to your neurons.

  7. kinnath

    The terms of service for the site that used to be Twitter now allow NSFW content, except in profile pictures and banners

    As spotted by TechCrunch, X updated its guidelines to let users “share consensually produced and distributed adult nudity or sexual behavior” as long as it’s labeled and not in a prominent location, such as a profile picture or banner.

    Bless you mister Musk.

    • SDF-7

      At the same time the Hunter trial kicks off?

      Coincidence? I think not!

    • Ted S.

      The people willing to post their nudity on Twitter aren’t going to be the people you want to see naked.

      • kinnath

        I expect that X will be home for lots of teasers that point to OnlyFans or other closed off garden spots.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Yeah, it will be used as advertising.

      • Not Adahn

        Hoors twit too!

  8. The Late P Brooks

    “You can judge me all you want.”

    You’re not worth the bother.

    • SDF-7

      In for a penny, in for a pound when it comes to jailing political opponents? I mean — OMB is out until sentencing and there are only so many 75 year old grannies praying in front of abortion clinics… they’ve got to find something to occupy them.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Fantastic. I guess since we are now running banana republic type courts, the next step is to stop people from leaving the country.

      At least someone is watching the border now?

    • Don escaped Texas

      it’s reasonable to be cynical

      but the guy has a chronic criminal issue, so he really doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt; it would make as much sense or more to suspect he’s in his trouble again

      • Fourscore

        He’s had his problems but he was the only one that spoke the truth about the Iraqi “Weapons of Mass Destruction Labs”. If we’d listened to Scott there would be a lot of young Americans and Iraqis still alive and a lot more money in the Fed Piggy Bank.

        That doesn’t excuse his later behavior but we see a lot of jerk offs jerking off.

      • Not Adahn

        The dude literally said that the Iraqis would hold his inspection team at the front gate while they wheeled the WMDs out the back.

        He only got on the “Bush lied children died” train when his pedophilia came to light.

        Now this could mean that he was blackmailed into saying the first stuff, or since he’s not in jail now it could be the opposite.

  9. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Summary execution for all who don’t return their carts.

    Also, would.

    • Drake

      After the execution?

      I like ShopRite and Aldis that make you insert a quarter to get a cart. If you don’t return it, you lose the quarter. Far fewer lose carts drifting around those parking lots.

      • creech

        New arrivals grab the carts without having to pay and they ultimately retrieve the quarter. Sounds like a money maker for a 12 year old:”I’d be happy to take your cart back lady.’

      • rhywun

        I arrived at an Aldi a few weeks ago and didn’t have a fucking quarter. (There are none where I lived most of my life so I didn’t know.)

      • Not Adahn

        Some people are into Cold Packing.

      • DrOtto

        Try the nuts at Aldis. You have to ask for them by name though – All Deez nutz.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Jail time at least. Also for littering.

  10. Shpip

    A few weeks after the invasion, Thierry Burkart, president of the centre-right Radical-Liberal Party, argued in an op-edExternal link in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung that it was time for “the end of hedgehog Switzerland”, which just rolls up into a spiky ball when in trouble but does nothing when other countries are attacked. “Switzerland’s security policy is at an impasse,” he wrote. “Russia’s attack on Ukraine reveals this ruthlessly.”

    “Centre-right” Radical Liberal Party — I guarantee that AP would call them “far right.”

    “Russia’s attack on Ukraine reveals this” — non sequitur.

  11. SDF-7

    A couple of links I posted in the mid-day links that might be of interest to folks who didn’t read them there:

    Boeing still going nowhere

    Oh, you lying sack of shit

    Don’t read the second article if you have high blood pressure conditions.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Uffda. I thought my link about the Somali scamsters was worth a second posting.

      I am on hand for the last of the closing arguments scheduled for this morning in the first Feeding Our Future fraud trial. When Judge Brasel took the bench she announced that she had just learned of a juror contact at home last night and that the FBI was investigating. She further announced that she had excused the juror — juror number 52. Judge Brasel intends to voir dire the jury on other possible contacts and asked counsel to respond.
      Lead prosecutor Joe Thompson provided additional details. He described the contact as “completely beyond the pale.” He said a Somali woman had arrived at the juror’s home and left a bag of cash with a promise of more to come. The juror not being home, she left the cash with the juror’s father or father-in-law (I think). Thompson asked that the defendants now be detained and their cell phones taken into custody. The judge ordered that the defendants’ cell phones be turned to airplane mode and turned over to one of the FBI agents in the courtroom pending an application for search warrants.
      According to Thompson, the juror called 911 and the Spring Lake Park Police have taken custody of the cash — [the amount is $120,000]. It will be retrieved by the FBI.

      Can you blame them? They watch the news and thought that our courts had become more “culturally sensitive” and worked like they did back home.

      • SDF-7

        Certainly from what I can tell they’re experiencing much the same political system. Vote collectors, “urging” to vote properly, cash payoffs for proper votes, etc.

        If the reports are to be believed — but given I’m not omnipresent or omniscient I have to go off of some reporting.

        Give it another 20 years or so — we’ll be a proper 3rd World country system across the board and we can get some good tribal warfare going too.

      • Pope Jimbo

        This is not going to be helpful to the defense.

        So far, their defense has been “They really did deliver all those meals, but they were super good at it and made a big profit. Isn’t this America? I thought you were supposed to be able to make money here!”

        They have been hammering home that the FBI never even visited meal distribution sites to “prove” that the 10,000/day meals the defendant claimed to have given out didn’t happen (even though the town only has 3K population).

      • Fourscore

        I’m too busy to go to the bank today, could you hold this bag for me for a few days?

        Where’s AOC and Menendez when you need to drag a sack of Benjis around?

      • Suthenboy

        All the CJ system has is credibility. The pissing away of that on Trump is going to have far reaching consequences. If they keep that shit up at some point people are going to stop paying attention to them and taking care of business themselves.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Uffda. Here is a direct link to the story about attempted bribery.

    • Sensei

      Failure to launch by the backup date of June 6 will result in a delay of at least ten days to replace expiring batteries.

      This would take the schedule very close to a planned US Space Force launch, which also requires the SLC-41 launch site.

      Should have used Duracells.

  12. Shpip

    Charmingly regional, or just plain weird?

    New Yorkers brag about their city’s signature foldable pizza, Chicagoans laud deep-dish, and Detroiters sing the praises of a pan-style pie. But ask anyone from Biloxi, Mississippi, about the best way to enjoy pizza, and they’ll tell you it’s less about the style of the slice and more about what goes on top. Along the Gulf Coast, that distinguishing factor is French dressing, and it’s as common to local pizzerias and kitchen tables as ketchup on French fries.

    I’m pretty adventurous when it comes to eating, so I might look this up next time I’m there.

    • SDF-7

      Along the Gulf Coast, that distinguishing factor is French dressing,

      I first read that as disgusting factor and…. I’m fine with sticking with that. Y’all do what you want there, Biloxi… but count me out. Even if it is the Dressing of Love.

    • Pope Jimbo

      The worst I ever had was a “vegetarian” pizza at my sister-in-law’s house in Japan. It was corn, onions and a lot of mayonnaise.

      I tried it so I can say authoritatively that it was not good.

    • Not Adahn

      I finally got around to trying a local pizza place that’s been around forever but is cash-only (Pope’s). Quite good. Their meatballs must be 4″ across judging from the slices that were on top of the pizza.

      • Pope Jimbo

        TOK said that he and his team liked Pizza Luce and I had to agree with him (in case you saw cats living with dogs this weekend, it was caused by two Glibs agreeing).

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Dog hears whistle

    President Joe Biden’s campaign on Monday slammed former President Donald Trump for comments he made in a recent Fox News interview where he suggested there could be a “breaking point” for his supporters, saying the public would not “stand for” it if he was put under house arrest as a result of his conviction in his New York criminal trial.

    While saying he’d be “OK” with possible house arrest or even jail time as a sentence, Trump said, “I don’t think the public would stand for it. I think it’d be tough for the public to take … At a certain point, there’s a breaking point.”

    Biden’s campaign called Trump’s comments “vows of violence.”

    We would expect OUR people to rise up in open rebellion. But they are good people and good patriots.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    “Consumed by his own rage and thirst for revenge, convicted felon Donald Trump is teeing up political violence, threatening the Constitution, and pitting Americans against one another,” Biden-Harris spokesperson James Singer wrote in a statement.

    Not like President Peace-and-Reconciliation.

  15. Pope Jimbo

    Holy cow! Science has proven that racism is literally everywhere!

    Lind started exploring public data on gun mortality rates from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What she found took her by surprise — that the rate of firearm-related deaths among Black rural youth around the country was as high as that among Black urban youth.
    “I saw this and it surprised me,” said Lind, who works with the Runaway Intervention Program at Children’s Minnesota. “I reran this multiple times, just not trusting what I was seeing.”
    The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, shows that since 2013, firearm deaths have quadrupled among Black rural children and teens, mainly due to a rise in homicides. It also found that while firearm-related mortality rates increased 35% for all youth (ages 1-19) between 1999 and 2022, the greatest increase was among Black youth.
    Historically, firearm-related deaths among Black youth have been more common in urban areas than in rural ones, but, since 2018, Black rural youth have experienced firearm-related mortality rates as high as those of Black urban youth, Lind said.
    Lind said the findings challenge the traditional narrative of gun violence primarily affecting urban Black urban youth; it also shows that gun violence impacting Black youth, including homicides, extends into rural areas.
    “We know a lot of deaths happen in late adolescence, early adulthood. That’s when the most people die by firearms,” she said. “So are these counties changing in ways dealing with structural racism or disadvantage, or are they changing in (other) ways?”

    C’mon, we all know the answer is structural racism.

    • SDF-7

      So…. any chance African American cultural norms that foster gang violence and thug life aren’t limited to the cities? Because that’s rather the first thing I’d look at if I were doing such a study….. Nah, I’m sure it is guns from Indiana riding self-driving tractors or something.

    • Sean

      I blame the Amish.

      • creech

        I was out in Amish country last Thursday. Saw a buggy with a couple of cute tow-headed boys in it. As God is my Witness, my stomach flipped, because I knew they would grow up to be vicious thugs and criminals responsible for 99% of the violence in this country.

    • Suthenboy

      Guns are inanimate objects. They have no agency.


      Around here I have perfected the art of preaching to choirs.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Are you denying that Gurban Sprawl (my new word combing Gun with Urban)? Everyone knows that gurban sprawl is leading to more guns hiding in what was once Rural America waiting to jump out and shoot black kids.

        What we need are more govt grants to combat this. We should be building 15 round communities. Where you can do all your working, shopping, playing and living in an area where you need no more than 15 rounds. No need for big extended magazines.

      • Fourscore

        Wait! There are black kids in rural America? How do they get together for midnight basketball?

      • Pope Jimbo

        How do they get together for midnight basketball?

        They are there. You just can’t see them.

        I have a black buddy who was adopted by a white farm family out in the Minnesoda sticks. I always tease him about being the whitest black guy ever. After living for several years in Memphis, I got more street cred than him.

      • Suthenboy

        I first read that as round communities. What are you? Some kind of Benthamite? And why only 15 of them?

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Trump has repeatedly played with the idea of “retribution” throughout his 2024 presidential campaign, at times suggesting he could go after his political opponents if he wins back the White House — stoking alarm among critics that a second Trump term could usher in a wave of authoritarian revenge. Other times, he has walked back on that sentiment, saying he’s “not going to have time for retribution” because his “ultimate retribution is success.”

    We can hope. I don’t see how he could be any more divisive or damaging than Biden if he tried.

    • SDF-7

      I can think of ways he could try — but unlike the PPP administration, the courts would be fighting him tooth and nail. And that’s assuming he does the whole Augean stables treatment to the DOJ in the first place, otherwise they’d be undermining his every act.

      At this point – the “every red state Attorney General should be queuing up whatever stretch they can come up with” retaliation is much more plausible than anything OMB could do.

    • B.P.

      Going after political opponents? Why, that’s unseemly.

  17. Suthenboy

    “You can judge me all you want.”
    Ok, I already did. You are what is wrong with society.

  18. UnCivilServant

    I had alluded to stumbling on to new to me media in the pre-links conversation this morning.

    I thought the episode count of 8 was a bit odd, but I watched them and thought “What an odd note to end a series on.” Then I noticed the Original Air Date of the 8th Episode – June 1, 2024.

    What am I supposed to do now? I haven’t watched new new media in decades, and am no longer accustomed to a slow-release format.

    • SDF-7

      If it were me I’d find something else to watch and let them pile up then binge watch a month or whenever-is-appropriate from now. Assuming I had a problem with it. (Honestly, I’m fine with the traditional release schedule when I hit it these days — Netflix’s airing of The Great British Baking Show is like that for a new season… I used to find a Season Pass of something to watch via iTunes not all that long back [Resident Alien Season 1 was the last I think I bought]… but nothing has appealed for like years now, so I’ve probably aged out of new TV. And that’s… okay. Archives are fine.)

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, this is foreign TV, so 🤷‍♂️


    If you record and post a video declaring, “I don’t care!”, you are not sending the message that you think you are.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Earlier this year, Trump faced backlash for downplaying, but not ruling out the possibility of political violence if he loses the November election.

    “I think we’re gonna have a big victory and I think there will be no violence,” Trump told Time magazine in a cover story published in April. Pressed by the interviewer, “What if you don’t win, sir?” Trump said, “If we don’t win, you know, it depends. It always depends on the fairness of an election.”

    Call me crazy, but it seems to me the smart thing to do would be for the administration/establishment to go all out to make sure everything about this election is on the up and up and to eliminate any potential source of dispute.

    Will they? I doubt it.

    • Suthenboy

      You are crazy.

      Why would they do that? They want a civil war so bad they can taste it.

    • bacon-magic

      They will do ANYTHING to stay in power.

      • Pope Jimbo

        You think that the fact that Fauci isn’t wearing prison jumpsuits would calm them down. That dude deserves to be behind bars more than just about any other govt hack and he’s still being lionized by the press.

        I think what scares the shit out of them is their projection of what they would do to their opponents if they got into power and don’t realize that the GOP is so feckless that they have nothing to worry about.

        Obamacare should be a canary in a coal mine for them. As long as the GOP can’t summon the balls to repeal that piece of shit, they won’t be able to go after their opponents.

  21. Suthenboy

    I see lots of comments on cart lady. Ooops. She’s no lady. Cart woman.

    There is no reward for bringing the cart back.
    There is no punishment for not taking the cart back.
    The people who do bring it back do so because it is the right thing to do without incentive or disincentive.
    If everyone was a ‘bring the cart back’ type the criminal justice system would collapse and the obscene amount of money squandered on it would be back in our pockets. Well, for that matter nearly all societal ills would evaporate.

    Fuck her. (Yeah, I know. She is a would for me too)

  22. Certified Public Asshat

    “Risk isn’t worth it and our lives are precious,” added Dobson. “I have seen lives destroyed. I hope you never don’t.”

    *loud groan*

    • Pope Jimbo

      Are you groaning because you ignored your woman’s intuition? You let them take away your power and cared about their judgement? And on your way to the cart corral you got jumped by some guys shouting “This is MAGA country!”?

      “I want women to feel empowered to trust their intuition if they feel unsafe, and ignore judgment,” wrote the brunette in response to nearly every disparaging comment beneath her post.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Drive him naked into the wilderness

    After a weekend in which conspiracy theorist Alex Jones warned that his media company faced an imminent shutdown by the federal government because of his bankruptcy cases, a judge on Monday allowed Jones to keep operating for the next two weeks while it is decided whether his assets should be liquidated.

    Both Jones and his company, Free Speech Systems, filed for bankruptcy reorganization after he lost two lawsuits and was ordered to pay $1.5 billion to relatives of victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. They sued Jones for calling the shooting that killed 20 first graders and six educators in Newtown, Connecticut, a hoax, claiming defamation and infliction of emotional distress.

    The families have opposed Jones’ reorganization plans. On Sunday, they filed an emergency motion to convert Free Speech Systems’ bankruptcy reorganization into a liquidation, saying Jones has not made progress in showing how he will pay the lawsuit judgments.

    I have steadfastly refused to pay attention to any of this carnival of idiocy, but fuck anybody who makes a career out of being a “victim”. I do not doubt for an instant that Jones is an epic creep and an asshole, but profiteering off your “tragedy” forfeits my empathy.

    • Suthenboy

      he is a performance artist, nothing more

    • Brochettaward

      This should concern everyone. It’s not some carnival sideshow, but a legitimate assault on the first amendment.

      • Suthenboy

        1.5B because he hurt someone’s feelings.
        Yeah, I would say that qualifies as a legitimate assault on the first amendment.

  24. Pope Jimbo

    New study is a real conundrum for feminists

    When it comes to increasing the lifespan of any male mammal, “there is one way you can intervene”: castration.
    Cat Bohannon, the celebrated author of Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution, said men went through life “smuggling two little death nuggets”, with research suggesting an orchiectomy can lend a few more precious years.
    Speaking at the Hay festival on Friday, Bohannon said castration was a “way to make male mammals live longer”. This effect was observed in American men in the mid-20th century who were institutionalised, usually because of mental illness, and castrated, and in Korean eunuchs. The castrated men lived longer than their “regularly balled peers”.

    They sure would like to chop the “death nuggets” off us dudes, but then we’d live longer.

    Wonder if there is a similar study linking mastectomies to longer female life spans?

    • rhywun

      All well and good until the species dies out. Oops.

      • Not Adahn

        Why do you hate Gaia?

      • UnCivilServant

        I can never forgive her for what she did to Caelus

  25. Pope Jimbo

    If I hadn’t been hanging out with TOK this weekend, I would be worried about our resident Hoosier.

    An accused thief in Indiana told Muncie police officers that he was sitting in his car when he spotted a delivery truck full of beer and liquor pull up outside the Cheers Bar.
    A plan reportedly came to his mind: Steal the truck. Sell the booze. Pay off his drug debts.
    But the plan didn’t go as intended.

    • R.J.

      Hilarious. But riddle me this – A $60,000 skid steer? That seems high.

      • Tres Cool

        When a semi decked-out F150 goes for that much or more?
        I believe it.

  26. LCDR_Fish

    Never heard of that 16 HP band, but I always recommend Pedro the Lion for folks looking for that kind of music.

    Saw him live once back in college in Chapel Hill in ’99. A lot of other good stuff out there too, but for this crowd, he might be best (although Ron has posted Galactic Cowboys multiple times too).

    • rhywun

      Not bad. Wikipedia tells me the album is a “critique of American capitalism”. Edgy!

      • LCDR_Fish

        Not sure that matches anything I’ve heard from him before and I’ve listened to nearly everything he’s put out since the mid-90s. I think he has a new album in the past few months I haven’t heard yet.

        He has a couple songs on the album my link is from that are kinda “edgy” in a “wall street” way – but I think they’re pretty clever in terms of the lyrics and I love the music.

        When I saw him perform, it was just him on guitar with another dude on drums (although the contemporary album “It’s hard to find a friend” was more of a full band).

    • B.P.

      Ah yes. Pedro was a bit of a hot property in the indie/college radio world for a little while.

  27. Fourscore

    He was not a Good Fella, for sure.

    • Fourscore

      For Jimbo, above

      • Pope Jimbo

        He wasn’t even a mediocre guy.

        More like a funny looking guy.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    But this is the good kind of discrimination

    The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit has blocked a Black-owned venture capitalist firm from awarding grants exclusively to Black women entrepreneurs.

    In an opinion released Monday, the judges ruled that the Fearless Fund’s Fearless Strivers Grant Contest is “substantially likely to violate” the provisions of Title 42 of the US Code, which ensures equal rights under the law and prohibits the use of race when awarding and enforcing contracts.

    In the ruling, the appellate court ordered a federal court in Georgia to enter a preliminary injunction blocking the fund from closing its grant application process while the case continues to be litigated.

    Not fair.

    • rhywun

      Now do the City of New York and its minority-only contracts.

      • Brochettaward

        They should be completely allowed to do this. Just like the reverse should be true.

      • Brochettaward

        It should not be legal for the government to discriminate based on race.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, I’m talking about the city government. Been doing it for decades.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Drat. I overcooked my frozen coconut shrimp. I still don’t quite have a handle on this little counter top oven. Not bad, though.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Wikipedia tells me the album is a “critique of American capitalism”.

    You can’t have too much of that.

  31. Brochettaward

    These links need more cowbell.

    • Brochettaward

      Lawfare has taken the place of open war. It’s fitting for America given the massive incarceration and endless number of laws and regulations that no one can really follow no matter how good a citizen they believe they are. We’ve got a system designed for the arbitrary application of the law against political enemies.

      Rome had it’s legions and that’s where Roman politicians turned. America has laws. A shit ton of laws.