Monday Afternoon Links

by | Jun 17, 2024 | I Am Lame | 97 comments

I’ve got mine eye on you…

Settling into a new week, after Father’s Day and all that. It’s hot (Not a British heatwave of 78 degrees, but in the 90s all week) so I have little to do other than hide in the glorious AC.

That does leave time for me to do the links!

New York, New York is a helluva town

Top Men (and women).

Trade wars! At least it is not us this time.

Sure, Andy. I am sure a tidal wave of CHF is on the way!

Music – an obvious choice.

The comment section is all yours!

About The Author

Swiss Servator

Swiss Servator

Currently serving at the pleasure of a Swiss multinational. Previously a Soldier, rugby player, lawyer, bouncer, bartender, substitute teacher, risk manager, and cubicle mushroom. Will work for raclette.


  1. Tundra

    Music – an obvious choice.


  2. The Other Kevin

    This is like an old-fashioned heat wave like we had when we were kids. I mean, this never happened in the past and it’s clear evidence of man-made climate change. /Collects $1 billion grant

  3. Suthenboy

    When people think of Louisiana they think swamp, cajun food, Mardi Gras, and CORRUPT POLS.
    Anyone remember Edwin Edwards? One of his famous stunts was taking a 707, packing it with cronies, friends and family and jaunting off on ‘economic trips’. Reportedly when the plane was cleaned after flights the cabin was full of empty bottles and dead soldiers. Economic trip, my ass.

    • Evan from Evansville

      I don’t but I’m not from LA. I looked him up and Wiki doesn’t recall such an incident either. (Not surprising? They are careful about what gets edited into it. Or sometimes NOT careful, or perhaps I’ve noticed many oddities.)

  4. Suthenboy

    Should the Dems successfully steal this election, given their record so far, you can probably kiss your glorious air conditioning goodbye.
    I have noticed that the people advocating for banning AC are people who live in places where AC is optional.

    • SDF-7

      Everyone should be forced to live like they’re in a slightly renovated 1920s vintage ranch style home (except it will be Soviet style apartments next to the elevated trains) in San Jose, Comrade!

  5. Shpip

    A stretch of Midtown Manhattan has become a “strip of despair,” where smacked-out addicts shoot up, light up and conk out at the feet of commuters and tourists, locals say.

    But it’s also surrounded by at least four needle exchanges and clinics, numerous homeless shelters, along with the New York State Parole Board office and other social services for mental illness and addiction.

    It’s almost as if you get more of what you reward.

    • cavalier973

      Most of those “junkies” are deep state actors, spying on the tourists.

      • Suthenboy

        I thought it was a city run tourist attraction. Come for the hookers and dope, stay for the bum fights.

      • SDF-7

        Wait — were there not enough birds?

      • cavalier973

        The birds are keeping tabs on the fake junkies.

    • Suthenboy

      Polls also show that The Hildabeast has a 97% chance of winning against that OMB guy.

      • kinnath

        These are not polls. These are people risking real money in a market.

      • Suthenboy

        Ah. I barely glanced at it.
        I am allowed to have opinions about things I am clueless about!

      • juris imprudent

        People also bet on sports. The bookies are the only consistent winners.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Vegas is the only consistent winner, but they have to provide good (enough) odds; pay off plenty to keep it exciting; and provide a great atmosphere. (Even, especially Underground stuff creates its own excitement.) I forget the numbers, but Vegas keeps ~2-8% of the money per spin/game. Pretty much, everyone wins.

    • kinnath

      Strange results

    • The Last American Hero

      Seems low to me. Biden wins handily provided he’s still alive.

      • kinnath

        The market is Dems win, not Biden wins.

      • The Last American Hero

        Fortified is as fortified does.

    • kinnath

      The caveat with the Winner Take All market for the Presidential Election is that it is based on popular vote and not electoral college. So the market “failed” in Bush over Gore and Trump over Clinton because Gore and Clinton got more votes in those elections.

      The market for 2024 indicates the Dems winning the popular vote again this election. The real issue is the swing states and what level of corruption will be present.

      • rhywun

        If the Dems – Joe or whoever – win, we truly get what we deserve.

  6. The Late P Brooks
  7. The Late P Brooks

    No more freebies

    Apple said it would no longer issue Apple Pay Later loans, which enabled customers to buy products online and pay in four interest-free installments, at prices up to $1,000. The discontinuation is a sign that not every new fintech feature or product that Apple launches becomes a success or fits in with the iPhone maker’s overall strategy.

    “Starting later this year, users across the globe will be able to access installment loans offered through credit and debit cards, as well as lenders, when checking out with Apple Pay,” an Apple spokesperson told CNBC. “With the introduction of this new global installment loan offering, we will no longer offer Apple Pay Later in the U.S.”

    Just trying to get out ahead of Elizabeth Warren and the CFPB.

  8. Shpip

    According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the entire defense-industrial base lacks the capacity, ability, and surge capability to meet the U.S. military’s wartime needs. Also important, China is acquiring high-end weapons and equipment up to six times faster than the U.S.

    Looks like we’ve found a chink in our armor.

    • Suthenboy

      What are the chances that most of the equipment we need is made partially or wholly from parts made in China?

      • Pat

        Strictly speaking, a dozen or so antique nuclear warheads that were born in the same year as my dad would be sufficient to put a prompt halt to any war we actually gave a fuck about winning.

    • Evan from Evansville

      I’m squintin’ right atcha Shpip.

  9. cavalier973

    Von der Leyen’s European People’s Party (EPP) was the biggest winner from the June 6-9 EU parliament elections, cementing the German conservative’s bid for five more years helming the executive body of the world’s second-largest economy.

    She wants to make Europe carbon-neutral by 2050. What is the “conservative” plan to do that?

    • Suthenboy

      People want carbon-neutral. I want a flying unicorn that shits gold nuggets.

    • Suthenboy

      I didn’t know states have official firearms.

      • The Other Kevin

        Well what do you think they put on their flags and currency?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Putting on the flag would make it look like a Hezbollah flag, which might be appropriate for Michigan.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Indiana is apparently one of the ten states that have ‘state guns.’ Uh…we chose a rather uncool one, the Grouseland rifle. Uh,”The original gun was made between 1803 and 1812 by John Small of Vincennes,” Indiana. That’s super duper. Was that really the best Indiana could do?

      *Kicks pebble* Yes, I reckon. It likely was. *kicks dirt, instead*

  10. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    We were in NYC a couple weeks ago, but somehow missed out on all the open air drug use. We did get to see a crazy guy on the subway threatening to kill someone though. Other than that, we had a great time.

    • creech

      Was guy wearing an Amish or MAGA hat?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Not sure. Didn’t want to make eye contact.

        My son said, “I don’t know why you were nervous. There were lots of people around. Someone would have done something.” Uh, are you familiar with New Yorkers, son?

    • Pat

      Other than that, we had a great time.

      Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln…

    • rhywun

      Also known to residents as “Tuesday”.

  11. Aloysious

    Ella Fitzgerald?


    I hear her on the radio show Blues Before Sunrise, sometimes.

  12. The Late P Brooks
    • Tundra

      The chick back up singer certainly is.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    My son said, “I don’t know why you were nervous. There were lots of people around. Someone would have done something.”

    They would have taken their phones out and started filming.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Sacred institution

    On Tuesday, the Biden administration plans to announce an executive action protecting undocumented spouses of American citizens that would shield about 500,000 immigrants from deportation, according to four sources familiar with the matter.

    “This is the biggest thing since DACA,” said one of the sources, an immigration advocate, adding that it was a smart political move by the Biden administration.

    Now get out there and vote.

    • Pat

      Isn’t marrying a citizen already a free green card, or has the Russian mail order bride industry been practicing dishonesty all these years?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        It’s a little more complicated. You need to have a medical exam. You need a background check. You need to prove that you have enough resources so that the applicant won’t go on welfare for at least a year. I’m pretty sure there are application fees. There’s the interview to determine if it’s a legit marriage. Or you waltz across the border and all that stuff goes out the window.

      • grrizzly

        I understand from reading two incoherent articles on the subject that it’s about illegal immigrants who married US citizens. Marrying a US citizen doesn’t make you legal. Nonetheless, if the illegal immigrant entered the USA legally with a valid visa and then overstayed it, then there’s a straightforward process toward legalization once he or she marries a US citizen. However, legalization is not an option if the illegal immigrant crossed the US border illegally. They still have to go back to their home country and wait 10 years; the marriage doesn’t help. I suspect that the regime will try to alleviate the treatment of the latter category. At least, that’s my speculation.

    • Suthenboy

      The Dems are all in on ‘we want you dead and gone’ attitude towards Americans and American culture.
      They are waging all out war on us and I think some people are waking up to that.

      • The Last American Hero

        Yeah, all 15 of them. Enough to lose seats in the house.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Somehow ignoring Congress and using the executive to create laws is not authoritarian. I guess it’s because he is “shielding” and therefore has good intentions.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    The planned actions come after immigration advocates and Democratic lawmakers urged the administration to prioritize long-term undocumented immigrants and as Biden tries to court Latino voters in crucial battleground states such as Nevada and Arizona.

    It’s just like hide and seek. If you aren’t found by dinner time, you win.

    • Suthenboy

      I thought he was courting the black and latino vote by inundating their communities with illegals and lavishing gifts on said illegals.

    • creech

      Maybe there should be trials like with swimming?

      • Tundra

        Well, that’s just it. Because the PGA was so butthurt about LIV they excluded any LIV event, so he couldn’t get enough points.


      • UnCivilServant

        The qualifiers should be anyone who did not earn money by playing golf can tee up one qualifier round (entrance fee approx what a round of golf would cost anyway) with the best X scores getting on the team. People who play professionally are disqualified for not being ameteurs.

    • Rat on a train

      Olympic golf is bullshit (also basketball, rugby, soccer, tennis, and many more. And eventing just for its name)

    • Tundra

      I like it. Super ’80s!

  16. Tundra

    In too local news:

    Colorado Libertarians decide not to submit party’s presidential ticket to state’s November ballot

    In a release, the Colorado Libertarians characterized the pair as “essentially useful idiots for the regime” after listing grievances that included Oliver’s willingness to wear a face mask and celebrate a “distanced Thanksgiving dinner” at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The party faulted ter Maat for telling “feeble jokes” in response to Trump’s recent conviction on multiple felony charges in a New York trial.

    The state Libertarians also took issue with Oliver’s stance calling gender-affirming care a decision between parents and their child — contrary to the Colorado party’s contention that a “network of public school officials, public health bureaucrats, and billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies creating a web of perverse incentives to pressure parents and children into irreversible decisions.”

    Hard to argue any of that.

    • Pat

      Imagine how unserious you’d have to be to be too unserious for the Libertarian Party of Colorado.

      • Tundra

        I actually kind of like the larger strategy of pressuring the uniparty dorks to at least adopt some libertarian planks in return for support. It’s more productive than running these two dorks.

    • Raven Nation

      And the CATO Institute continues to display their idiocy when it comes to election issues.* They had a recent podcast (too lazy to look it up) where the guest suggested that most of the opposition to Oliver from inside the party came from right-wing Libertarian nationalists and that Oliver was pretty libertarian (based for the most part, it seems, on his position on immigration which is a BIG DEAL to CATO).

      * For the most part, when they talk about public policy in general, they’re pretty good.

      • Tundra

        What the fuck are “right-wing Libertarian nationalists?”

      • Suthenboy

        “What the fuck are “right-wing Libertarian nationalists?”

        MAGA Nazis.

      • Raven Nation

        As far as I can tell, CATO made a strategic decision in 2017 that were going to take every opportunity to make it clear that they were not part of the Trump bloc. Even to the point of idiocy.

        I was listening to one of their podcasts this morning about Biden’s new immigration policy. It was pretty good for the most part (mostly because it wasn’t Alex Nowrasteh). but it treated Biden’s new policy as purely reflective of a position that Biden and his policy advisors don’t like immigrants. Absolutely no concession to it being a political move.

  17. Shpip

    Those mischievous scalawags up to their antics again.

    A high school graduation for more than 100 Los Angeles County teenagers – including nearly 30 who are on probation – turned violent when a massive brawl broke out.

    Our future is in good hands.

  18. Evan from Evansville

    Hrm. I am not feeling well. Me thinky Seroquel isn’t a great idea, though damn I certainly did sleep last night. I suppose the easiest way to describe it is ‘I don’t feel like I woke up all the way.’ Still in-and-out sleepy. I am not a fan of this.

    I did have a good time cleaning the carpets with Mom after renting one from Lowe’s. I have started at this for far too long. I’m fairly certain the Cubs are going to embarrass themselves again in the near future. Eek. My fogginess does reliably go away when I have active tasks. It ain’t good for me to lose myself in my own thoughts. Odd, slightly new thing is my thoughts aren’t a popcorn hopper of bounciness, but more of an empty room. The more I think about it, I remember that about this Rx and why I don’t like it. Modern medicine has aspects of the snake-oil, ‘mash-the -chems, see-if- they-work on Steve’ variety.

    • hayeksplosives

      Maybe you should consider staying on the seroquel for a while, let your body get used to it. Anything that fiddles with brain chemistry takes time to adjust. Keep a journal.

      Then if you conclude it’s doing more harm than good, or doing no good, you can get your doc to help you ease off.

    • hayeksplosives

      I also am not a fan of doctors prescribing drugs for everything. Not always the way to go.

      But sometimes ya gotta go to the doc for things that are beyond your ability to self treat or live with.

      Good luck.