1. cavalier973

    “No, it’s okay. I will totally design these circuit boards for tips.”

    • Ted S.

      Just for tips?

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Hence “Corporations Increasingly Leaning on Freelancers.”

      Work from home means you are a temp.

      • Homple

        Work from home can be done at home in Mumbai.

      • Evan from Evansville

        This. My first/only time W-ed/FH they were fairly open about it, and strict about NOT having full-time folk. Schedule was 7.5 hrs per shift, with two paid 15 min breaks and a clock-in/out 30 min lunch. We had more daily stats on our performance than a Sunday broad sheet of MLB boxscores. No medical/etc benefits or any theoretical possibility of time off during our 8-week project. We finished in 6.5.

        It was good money for the work and I adapted well to it. I don’t expect any word on future projects, as grading state tests is typically a end-of-semester affair. This labor/employment market has adjusting to do, as well. Like many/most things, will sort itself out if mostly left alone.

        Will take time.

    • UnCivilServant

      I’ve been designing circuit boards for free…

  2. cavalier973

    Is 41 seasons the same as 41 years?

    • UnCivilServant

      Television seasons have no correlation to real time.

      However, he was hosting the show when I was a small child, so maybe.

      • cavalier973

        I’m pretty sure Wheel of Fortune has been around for more than a decade.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m older than I act, and younger than I feel.

      • juris imprudent

        ♫♪ I was so much older than, I’m younger than that now ♪♫♪

    • R.J.

      He hosted from 1981 to now, so 43 years. Giving that he probably missed a year for some reason, I think each season qualifies as a year.

      • Rat on a train

        The syndicated edition started in 1983 with Sajak. He also hosted the network edition for a few years. The 41 years likely refers to the syndicated version.

      • Ted S.

        Syndie Wheel started on 1983.

        1981 was when Sajak started on NBC daytime Wheel, which the current regime doesn’t like to talk about.

  3. cavalier973

    Dry or not, we need to get those jobs off the clothes line before the next storm rolls in.

  4. Rat on a train

    “In fact, if you look at what we did, really our focus was on asking forcing people who can, companies that can pay more to pay more,” Pritzker said.”

    • cavalier973

      “What we want to do with the money you earned is more important than what you wanted to do with it.”

      • AlexinCT

        “It’s our money, and you better show some gratitude we let you keep any of it.”

        That’s what it feels like/is whenever you deal with the top down government types.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      750 Million, that is what, 75 Illinois pub sec worker retirement?

  5. AlexinCT

    Right-Wing Parties Look to Be Big Winners in EU Elections

    I remind everyone that right wing in Europe still means that they are just not full mentally insane marxists everywhere else..

    The message however is that the attempt to brainwash people to accept their international marxism is running into issues as too many are catching on the agenda is to replace the population in some sense as half of humanity is also offed to help the new feudal lords have a better time of controlling these unwashed and ornery masses that have gotten too uppity for their credentialed but super inept leaders.

    • juris imprudent

      Don’t know why you keep calling neo-feudalism “marxism”. Even the damn Frankfurt school “cultural” Marxists aren’t Marxists – not anymore than Marx calling his socialism scientific, actually made it scientific. The only Marxists alive today are college professors and useless eater burnouts.

      • AlexinCT

        Don’t know why you keep calling neo-feudalism “marxism”.

        Because that’s all marxism is/has been: neo-feudalism.

        Marx’s & Engels’ fever dreams was nothing more than a tantrum directed at the dumb masses to overthrow the current feudal lords and replace them with new ones.

      • juris imprudent

        No it isn’t. For all the wrong built in, that isn’t part of it.

        Marx and Engels were part of a broader intellectual current – they weren’t even the first socialists. And you fail to consider why socialism appeals to so many people (and I’m not even arguing that the appeal is anything noble of course).

        Anarchists were close allies of Marxists for a considerable time. That too ought to tell you something – that for those who love the theory, it wasn’t about power. For those that love power, the theory is only an excuse.

      • AlexinCT

        No it isn’t. For all the wrong built in, that isn’t part of it.

        Yes it is. and you can say otherwise all you want, but that wont either change that fact or my mind.

        Marxism, for anyone that actually read these idiots and understood what they were advocating for, is nothing other than a means to replace the current feudal lords with a new crop of feudal lords. Supposedly these new feudal lords will then magically fix all the world’s problems.

        Our, modern day left is completely beholden by that idiotic line of thinking: government by the right Angels will somehow overcome human nature and give us heaven on earth. Instead it is all body counts.

      • juris imprudent

        What you insist is fact is not fact at all. We both have opinions. And both have some element of reason involved.

        Now, if you want to go full Chomsky about current over-lords versus new over-lords, okay. I agree with Manufacturing Consent – even more than Chomsky himself does – because he pulls his punch in the end. Everything about classical liberalism is a deception for those who have power; there is nothing but the struggle for power. Nietzsche approves. Just stop deceiving yourself that you aren’t a serf to someone now. You’re just happy with the serfdom you have and don’t wish to exchange it for another.

        Arguing it is Orwell, when Huxley is far more accurate, is only arguing about which deception we choose to believe in.

      • juris imprudent

        Supposedly these new feudal lords will then magically fix all the world’s problems.

        Hmm, like Trump will drain the swamp?

        Here’s the most succinct statement of the problem:

        “The foremost or indeed the sole condition required in order to succeed in centralizing the supreme power in a democratic community is to love equality or to get men to believe you love it. Thus, the science of despotism, which was once so complex, has been simplified and reduced, as it were, to a single principle.” — de Toqueville, Democracy in America

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        It really isn’t any different than calling someone on the left a sociopath or psychotic. Or, calling Obama Satanic.

        It is a replacement word.

        That said, feudalism was semi-socialist, what with its strong paternalism and totalitarianism. Supposedly there was noblesse oblige, but, that was about as consistent as food in the Soviet Union.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        “[T]hat for those who love the theory, it wasn’t about power. For those that love power, the theory is only an excuse.”

        That is actually very inciteful, and probably the most pithy way of looking at the whole mess.

      • EvilSheldon

        College professors and useless eater burnouts have quite a lot of cultural influence these days.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Need Mojeaux here to diagram that sentence.

      • R C Dean

        I’ve given up.

      • rhywun


      • AlexinCT

        Need Mojeaux here to diagram that sentence.

        My time in college was spent learning stuff that made sense and let me make money, not engilsh. I apologize.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Or more than one punctuation mark.

        The Brits — I don’t know why — are mingy with commas, except for comma splices.

      • AlexinCT

        Supposedly these new feudal lords will then magically fix all the world’s problems.

        Hmm, like Trump will drain the swamp?

        I have no illusion he can do that, but I am certain he will fuck it up enough for the usual crooks that it is better than ANY other alternative.

      • juris imprudent

        Tell me what success in that regard from his last term leads you to think he will be more successful with another?

        I’m fine with simply saying he’s a giant middle finger – and about as futile a gesture, when all of his voters return the same cast of assholes back to Congress.

      • Ownbestenemy

        …same cast of assholes back to Congress.

        A lesson we as a people that just cannot seem to learn. Well that and Congress has rigged itself to ensure it won’t change anytime soon.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Can Trump drain the swamp? No, no one man can do anything that large. But the idea of “Trump”, or Brexit, or any populist movements for that matter, need to rally around someone, and that sets the ball rolling.

        As one of the linx points out, the right is set to do very well in the EU elections, and Brexit is in no small part a chunk of what started that, along with LePen, Orban, and others.

        Trump is the first in a long time to, on some level, challenge the orthodoxy of the state here in the US, and he has in turn ignited the possibility that it can be challenged en masse. That is the “danger” of Trump. He is simply an avatar.

      • AlexinCT

        Tell me what success in that regard from his last term leads you to think he will be more successful with another?

        He now realizes that just winning the election and taking the office was not going to dissuade the crooks form their evil ways as he thought last time, so this time will be far more willing to pick people he knows will kick the system in the teeth (Kash Patel, for example) and to remove them sooner if he suspects they are working against him.

        I am under no illusion he fixes things, but if we can send the entire Obama administration to jail, I will consider that a huge win for us all.

      • rhywun

        Hence the need to get rid of him at all costs. Maybe they know something we don’t know.

  6. The Gunslinger

    – The bill synopsis states “beginning September 1, 2024, no referendum shall be required to build or purchase a building for school classroom or instructional purposes if, prior to the building or purchase of the building, the board determines, by resolution, that the building or purchase will result in an increase in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten classroom space in the district.”

    Okay then.
    Time to fire up the woodchoppers yet?

    • Rat on a train

      A pre-k instructional room in every building. No referendum required for the new stadium.

  7. AlexinCT

    Are the Jobs Drying Up?

    In the US, unless you are talking about useless government jobs or additional part time jobs that only are part time, then the answer is yes…

    It’s why they keep having to adjust every monthly job report drastically downward.

    But it is an election year, and a douche with a (D) next to their name is in the WH., so they have to obfuscate this shit along with all other economic news…

    Can’t have the serfs actually catch on that the marxists don’t care how many bodies they need to pile on while they destroy everything on their way to supposedly finally giving themselves utopia.

  8. Drake

    Whenever I hear about European “snap” elections, I assume it is a tactic to give the opposition less time to find candidates and campaign.

    • R.J.

      Exactly. I hope Macron gets crushed there too.

      • juris imprudent

        The results of snap elections fairly often go against the party in power. Macron obviously sees things aren’t going to get better for his party.

      • R.J.

        That guy is going to “find” some votes. I feel it.

      • Drake

        The Brits have elections on a short schedule in a couple of weeks. The Conservatives are going to get slaughtered because they are awful. But they want to lose to Labour who are the other half of their awful uniparty. What they really want to avoid is guys like Nigel Farage building an alternative party with good candidates – so the short election cycle.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Yep, Rishi Sunak called for a snap, which is happening on the 4th of July, mostly because he is failing, badly.

        The Tories are failing for the same reason that Trump is polling so well.

      • R.J.

        My 12 year old daughter wanted me to explain British elections to her, and the difference between ruling parties. That was a fun conversation.

      • AlexinCT

        My 12 year old daughter wanted me to explain British elections to her, and the difference between ruling parties. That was a fun conversation.

        You should have explained the difference between a biscuit and a cookie…

        THAT would have blown off her top..

  9. AlexinCT

    Corporations Increasingly Leaning on Freelancers

    And people have not yet found out this is coming about by design?

    I mean when government and big business collude to create monopolies for the big donor companies, you get a lot of bas shit like this.

    • Drake

      Would be less of a problem for people to make a living as freelancers if Obamacare had not permanently broken health insurance.

  10. AlexinCT

    Illinois Governor Enacts $750 Million Tax Increase Bill

    If they could only just take all the money and redistribute it, then, for sure, they would be able to “fix” it all once and for all…

    It’s the fault of the kulaks & wreckers whom refuse to understand they should work hard for the state’s benefit…

    • juris imprudent

      You see, that last sentence – what you are describing is fascism, not Marxism. That I agree with 100%. That is what our neo-aristocrats really want – power in the state and everything subservient to that.

      • Ozymandias

        Distinction without a difference.

      • juris imprudent

        Yeah, for the most part, and most certainly from our perspective. But we are a minority – a very small minority.

      • AlexinCT

        You see, that last sentence – what you are describing is fascism, not Marxism.

        Say wut? Marxism demands everyone work and contribute so the others can take according to their own needs.

        The marxist sent whole groups of people to gulags because they wouldn’t work hard enough. In fact the big marxist joke was that the people living under it’s yoke pointed out that since they got a fake paycheck they would do fake work.

      • AlexinCT

        Yeah, for the most part, and most certainly from our perspective. But we are a minority – a very small minority.

        I will remind you that the the fascists were nothing more than disillusioned marxists. They realized the whole racked where the people would have no ownership while the lords had & controlled everything required these lords to be omniscient to be able to do the top down management. Something that was not just impossible, but a fatal error that because marxism also required these feudal lords’ top priority be allegiance to the cause and to their lords, according to the fascists.

        The fascists solved the problem (in their mind) by basically still keeping top down control by government, but with the creation of a a private sector that allowed the people to believe they had control of things. In the end, the government controlled the private sector through regulations (threat of force) and they got to blame the private sector when their attempts to pick winners & losers caused mayhem and devastation.

        Neither approach will result in anything but calamity, because top down shit – rule by credentialed or otherwise elite – is always doomed to fail.

        I stick with blaming marxism, because that’s the original religion of envy’s starting point.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And nationalists opposed to Comintern when socialists were largely supplanted by commies in the 20’s.

      • juris imprudent

        I stick with blaming marxism, because that’s the original religion of envy’s starting point.

        Alex, you are familiar with the Ten Commandments, right? We’ve known for a long time – long, long before Marx.

  11. R C Dean

    I’m just wondering – does anyone doubt that the Hunter Biden trial in Delaware is just as rigged as the Trump trial in Manhattan?

    • juris imprudent

      In favor of the prosecution? Interesting question.

      • R C Dean

        From what I’ve read about the jury, it’s just as bad as the Trump jury only the other way. They actually seated someone who personally knows the Bidens*, and that’s not the only ringer if memory serves. Remember, they just need one ringer to hang the jury and Hunter walks.

        *I’ve never ever heard of a criminal trial where this would be considered for an instant.

    • R.J.

      It is far too quiet. I don’t think anyone can predict what that means until we hear a verdict. Quiet could be good, or quiet could be bad for Biden.

      • Drake

        The fix here could be in the sentencing. Probation versus a long haul in prison if a Republican did such a thing.

  12. PieInTheSky

    Fuck Lufthansa with a rusty chainsaw. That is all.

    • AlexinCT

      Now you got me all curious Pie…

      Did they mess with your coffin?

      • R.J.

        Did they load it in with all the pet cages and make it smell like wet dog?

      • Gustave Lytton

        The wet dog smell is from the whisky Pie was bringing back home.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Stinging rebuke?

    Far-right parties are predicted to win a record number of seats in the European Parliament, a result that, if confirmed, would deliver a stinging rebuke to Brussels’ political mainstream and add uncertainty to Europe’s future direction.

    After three days of voting across the European Union’s 27 member states, an exit poll showed that far-right parties were set to win around 150 of the parliament’s 720 seats, which will likely make it harder for mainstream parties to form majorities needed to pass laws.


    While the far-right surge may further complicate Brussels’ bid for unity, the far-right parties themselves remain relatively divided. The AfD is politically homeless: it was removed from the far-right Identity and Democracy (ID) party after its main European candidate, Maximilian Krah, said he did not consider all members of the Nazi group the SS to be criminals. Several other far-right parties are among the non-aligned (NI) group, predicted to secure 45 seats.

    Responding to the exit poll, Roberta Metsola, president of the European Parliament, said the results showed Brussels’ political establishment needed to “understand how people voted” and take decisions “that have an impact on citizens’ daily lives.”

    Nobody but a far right extremist (or a Nazi) would object to EU policies.

    • AlexinCT

      Nobody but a far right extremist (or a Nazi) would object to EU policies.

      Credentialed elite assholes: How dare these unwashed masses demand we represent them and their needs instead of what we want!….

      Evil shit.

      • R.J.

        Absolutely. Considering what twisted fucks the leftists are, I doubt Maximillian said what was attributed to him. Another attempt to marginalize populists.

  14. DrOtto

    I wonder how they’ll try and make the claim that not taxing tips is a tax cut for the rich? I worked at Domino’s once upon a time and originally, tips weren’t reported (there may have been a place on the tax form to report them) then sometime in the 90’s it became mandated. Either way, you’re going to see more strippers at his rallies.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I did the Domino’s thing too, and no one reported tips. I remember when I took out a loan for a motorcycle that the bank just sort of took me at my word for how much I pulled in.

      • The Last American Hero

        Good thing you didn’t do it as a republican presidential candidate in NYC, that stuff could send you to jail.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The IRS now assumes at least 8% of gross revenue in tips at food and beverage businesses. And requires the owner to report tip income on the employee’s W2 or separately if it’s less than 8%.

  15. juris imprudent

    LBJ dropped out in March, allowing an semi-orderly succession effort in the primaries. Can you imagine Biden dropping out now and the chaos at the convention? It would be GLORIOUS.

    • UnCivilServant

      I can imagine him keeling over. He’s not doing so good.

      • Fourscore

        Hope the good Dr (not an MD) has all of Joe’s affairs in order.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Hope the good Dr (not an MD) has all of Joe’s affairs in order.

        As in a speech announcing she will continue the great Biden crusade as she takes up the flag and charges forward?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Yeah, Frau DOKTOR(ed) Biden will not let this pass!

    • Drake

      I wouldn’t be surprised if they do a switchero before the convention.

      The first debate is scheduled for June 27th. Bizarre timing, unless it’s a test. If Biden can’t appear to be coherent, they can still swap him out in the August convention.

      And if the puppet-masters want to sabotage him, it’s easy. Just give him a placebo instead of the hot shot before the debate.

      • R C Dean

        The nominee will be named before the convention because if they wait until then, they blow the deadline for the Ohio ballot. They’ve already announced this.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Ohio ‘fixed the glitch’

  16. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Congrats to Pat Sajak. Now the big question is how’s Vanna White looking? Is she still all fine and whatnot?

    • Fourscore

      Yeah, depending on your age.

  17. juris imprudent

    Prosperity sure is a mean bitch – setting up all kinds of ways to rip ourselves apart.

    These examples from just the last year—collected via a semi-random tour of the Ford Foundation’s vast Grants Database—represent a tiny fraction of the nearly $1 billion that the foundation gives away yearly, on average. Almost a century old and sitting on a mountainous $16.4 billion endowment in 2022, the foundation is a “philanthropic” giant—one of the five largest in the U.S.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      All these politicized and fake charities/NGOs/foundations must be smashed or we really are screwed. They’ve been used for years to screw the rest of the world over and now they’ve been turned inward.

      • juris imprudent

        Why do you resist your benevolent overlords? They know what is best for you, just as aristocrats have always known, donchaknow?

      • AlexinCT

        All these politicized and fake charities/NGOs/foundations must be smashed or we really are screwed.

        I would be surprised if there was some NGO out there actually doing good work and spending the money they get well. At this point it is obvious they are all fucking rackets to enrich the people running them and in the case of these leftist entities to screw over the people in general.

      • slumbrew

        Plenty of good work done by small charities.

        I suspect things get dicier as they get bigger and the “professional” NGO class starts getting hired.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      These examples from just the last year—collected via a semi-random tour of the Ford Foundation’s vast Grants Database—represent a tiny fraction of the nearly $1 billion that the foundation gives away yearly, on average.

      $1 billion a year could really help rebuild Detroit one neighborhood at a time.

      • The Last American Hero

        Especially if they gave it to those 2 dudes on HGTV that are rebuilding the city one house at a time.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    [X] is a catch-all pejorative for “things I hate”.

  19. juris imprudent

    Zealots do not learn, but there may be some hope for the less-than-zealous. The hitch with that is, they’re just not smart enough or care enough to invest the effort in doing so. They are mostly content to go along. This is why we aren’t voting our way out of this. Plan accordingly.

    VDH mostly spot on, as usual.

    • UnCivilServant

      Zealots launch a futile rebellion against Rome and offthemselves when the Legions finish the ramp to their gates.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      We can vote our way out of this, as we see the sea change in Europe from just that.

      But, it is not going to happen overnight, just like getting here wasn’t that quick.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    I made it 4 or 5 paragraphs into that Ford Foundation article. No surprises. Egghead do-gooders washing away the sins of capitalism, and, I’m sure, making a damn fine living at it.

    • Rat on a train

      I feel guilty about being a trustie. I could give it up, but instead I will push for policies whose burdens I can endure since I have plenty of money.

      • B.P.

        Spot on.

  21. juris imprudent

    Interesting read.

    Last week, in the first presidential poll of the state since Trump’s trial concluded, Fox News revealed a 48-48 tie between Trump and President Joe Biden. This replicated the results of a Roanoke College poll, completed just before the trial ended, showing a 42-42 tie. As of this weekend, the Real Clear Politics (RCP) polling average of all Virginia polls back to December 15 show Biden with just a 2.2 percentage point lead.

    • UnCivilServant

      It’s ‘rout’ not ‘route’

      • Rat on a train

        The winner will be determined by street fights.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        You have to choose the right route to have a rout.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Red flags

    It’s rhetoric driven by Trump’s obsession that President Joe Biden and Democrats orchestrated a series of legal problems intended to derail his presidential campaign — a political persecution theory not supported by the facts.

    On May 31, a New York jury unanimously found Trump guilty on 34 counts related to falsifying business records tied to a $130,000 payment he made to an adult film star during the 2016 election. The Biden administration had nothing to do with the case.

    But for Trump, it’s all politics, and revenge may need to be meted out.

    Trump is such a thin skinned whiner. What possible reason could he have to feel oppressed?

    Did Joe Biden pick up the phone and personally order Alvin Bragg, or Fani Willis, or Letitia James to investigate and prosecute Trump? Of course not, it’s ridiculous to think so. True believers are team players, and can act on their own initiative. Everybody knows Trump will be the ruination of democracy. He must be fought, in the air, on the beaches, and in every courtroom. He is a bad man, who does bad things, and the heroes of the justice system must protect us from him.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Since I believe there are no coincidences; yeah, I think the machine is chugging along as the machine was designed. 8 year old bookkeeping ‘error’ made into a felony doesn’t just magically come about.

    • Drake

      His AG put notorious hatchet-man Jack Smith on the case.

    • CPRM

      Trump is just a lying liar. Like when he said Obama tapped his phones, without evidence. The FBI was already monitoring Trump’s phones, there was no need for Obama to go out and personally do it, as Trump claimed without evidence. Or like when Trump claimed that a laptop was Hunter Biden’s, without evidence. Sure, it HAD been Hunter Biden’s laptop, but it wasn’t anymore, contrary to what Trump claimed without evidence.

      • AlexinCT

        You know CPRM, I had this very conversation with a bunch of Trump hating libs this weekend. I asked them how many of the things they were told were rightwing conspiracy bullshit have to turn out to be true before they realize they are being played for fools. The reaction was telling. In many instances they refused to accept the proof no matter what, and stayed with the baloney they were fed in a rampant display of pure cognitive dissonance. And in the cases where they did accept it, they came back and still articulated that even though they accept it was not true, the people that told them the bullshit believed it so it was all fine. Man did they fucking get mad at me when I told them they were either completely dominated by a cultish belief or horrible partisan hacks willing to turn a blind eye to cheating because they wanted power – and to use it against their enemy – over and above being in the right.

        That shit is telling. And they HATE anyone that points that out to them…

    • Suthenboy

      We know what it is. They know what it is. They know we know what it is. Yet they continue with the ‘dont believe your lying eyes’ tack.

      By the way, the economy is the best in history, you fools just dont know how good you have it.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    The only way Biden leaves the campaign is feet first.

    • R.J.

      Agreed. His wife waited years for Joe to be president. This is her moment. She will prop him up like Weekend at Bernie’s if she has to.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Yes, she kept all the old couch upholstery for when she needed a dress, just knowing her fashion sense would blow Anna Wintour out of the water. Which is the most important part of any administration.

    • Fourscore

      He left reality some time ago. Reality is the only existential crisis we face.

  24. Sean

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 06/10:
    *20/20 words (+5 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 2% by bonus words

    I played https://squaredle.com 06/10:
    *21/21 words (+12 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 2% by bonus words
    🔥 Solve streak: 365

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Rampaging mammal

    Four people were hospitalized after a bull escaped an arena at an Oregon rodeo and charged into patrons outside, authorities said Sunday.

    Video verified by NBC News showed a rodeo-goer charged and flipped by the mammal named Party Bus. Sisters Rodeo Association said the bull jumped an arena barrier, charged onto the rodeo grounds, and ran to holding pens, where livestock professionals contained it.


    Party Bus, the bull in question, competed in the Sisters Rodeo Xtreme Bull Riding event Wednesday and tied for third in that first round, according to PRCA information.

    The stock contractor for the bull, Corey & Lange Rodeo of Moses Lake, Washington, could not be reached for comment. Organizers of Saturday’s event said the bull was checked out by veterinarians and is believed to be unharmed.

    As long as the bull is okay.

    • CPRM

      Agent Sloper would’ve gotten that bull by the horns.

      • R.J.

        They called the bull a “mammal.” Is this a new trend in transing animals?

        “….flipped by the mammal named Party Bus.”

      • CPRM

        Are you saying it was a marsupial?

      • R.J.


      • slumbrew

        It’s the urbanite writer realizing they don’t know the right terminology (“are bulls cows?”), so went with “mammal”.

        Kudos, I guess, for being technically correct.

      • Ted S.

        The YouTube clip would be funnier if it were Marcia Brady.

    • KSuellington

      De bull doesn’t always lose, señor.

  26. KSuellington

    Trump Targets Service Workers With Promise To Make Tips Tax-Free

    That’s a good start, now let’s get to the real heart of it. Imagine there’s no more income tax.

    • Suthenboy

      No more penalty for success? That’s just crazy talk.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Revenge fantasists

    After a pair of speeches in Normandy and a state dinner, President Joe Biden flew to the Aisne-Marne cemetery on the outskirts of Paris on Sunday simply to lay a wreath in memory of the American World War I dead buried there.

    It wasn’t a subtle choice.

    Aisne-Marne is the cemetery visit former President Donald Trump was supposed to make in 2018 but skipped, his aides then claimed, because of heavy rain.

    The Biden team is betting that the subtext won’t be lost on those voters back home who are paying attention. The trip was meant to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. It also was designed to draw a distinction with Trump. For that reason, it became a major test: not only of Biden’s ability to withstand the scrutiny of his age, but of his capacity to use a grand international setting to reach voters back home.

    Biden barely mentioned his general election opponent. But his journey to Aisne-Marne served as a coda to a visit to France that was all about drawing sharp contrasts with Trump. He honored the veterans and war dead whom Trump did not. He touted the international alliances Trump has threatened. And he warned of the fragility of democracy, portraying it as under threat from the type of isolationism that has come to define Trumpism back home.

    Trump has been the Big Bad Wolf in the collective fever dreams of the establishment mandarinate since that awful night in 2016 when he left them weeping in stunned disconsolate disbelief. He killed Little Bo Peep, and they will never forgive or forget.

    • The Other Kevin

      “but skipped, his aides then claimed, because of heavy rain.”
      That should be simple to fact check. But I’m sure they didn’t do that.

      I have a huge problem with Biden either directly or indirectly making a campaign speech out of a ceremony honoring people who died on D Day. And even doing so when making speeches in other countries. At that point he’s the representative of our country, but acting like a two bit political hack. Say what you want about Trump’s lack of decorum, but he knew how to behave when he was representing the US in other countries.

      • slumbrew

        “…acting like a two bit political hack.”

        He’s being his authentic self.

    • cavalier973

      That’s hilarious. They act like everyone would naturally think of the contrast between Biden visiting the grave and Trump not visiting the grave, but I expect very few people remember that Trump skipped the visit, until the article brought it up.

    • AlexinCT

      They hate him for basically exposing the vapid stupidity and bullshit permeating their virtue signaling shams.

    • slumbrew

      He’s a treasure.

    • Ownbestenemy


    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      You have your usual learning disableds in the replies going “I think he might be joking?”

      No, the COMEDIAN is deadly serious and not at all facetious

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Well, considering what comes out of most “comedians” these days like Hanna Gadsby.

  28. AlexinCT

    So, as more information like this rolls out on the hostage freeing raid by the IDF, and we now have confirmed information the hostages were held amongst the people (including at the house of a supposed journalist) and by UN stooges, I ask: how much more rage will we see from the pro death cult paid astroturfers in the US to peddle their demands Hamas be spared it’s well deserved eradication?

    • Suthenboy

      The enlightened west does not lend itself well to totalitarianism. Those who want total power are waging an all out war on western enlightened culture, as much of it exists anyway.
      To get to year zero, that is completely destroy enlightened culture, they are aiding our enemies. It is that simple.

      I keep hearing commenters on the teevee asking “But why are they doing ______?” “What they need to do to fix this problem is _____. ” and so on.
      I dont see why there is any confusion about this.

  29. AlexinCT

    I have spent some time contemplating why burning an American flag is a constitutional right protected by the very patriots that hold that flag in high regard, while burning the flag of some leftist entity is practically always a hate crime….

    Other than feeling the left is fucking evil, I am stumped….

    • Drake

      Because the mask is off on our 2-tiered legal system?

      • Ownbestenemy

        You mean slapping felony charges on teens leaving *checks notes* skid marks on the street that happens to be painted with the most sacred of all paintings isn’t normal?

    • Suthenboy

      You are wasting your time contemplating. The left is about power. Total power. Principle has nothing to do with it.

    • AlexinCT

      I was looking for the doggie life guard and the cornpop doggie…

    • slumbrew


      Why does that doggo have swim trunks on?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Incontinence issues. If it’s the Boxer, that was Barney. He went to doggie heaven a few months ago.

      • slumbrew

        Aw, poor doggo.

        Doggie incontinence is not fun.

        Did you know that if female dogs get spayed too young they can end up with incontinence issues? Something about insufficient estrogen leading to underdeveloped bladder muscles.

        The solution? Hormone therapy! On the plus side, diethylstilbesterol is cheap (the mandatory FedEx shipping was more expensive than the DES) and effective. Just need to try to find the minimum viable dose, otherwise you risk bone density issues later on.

  30. AlexinCT

    Some people reacted stunned to saying he had no regrets signing the letter claiming the Biden laptop was Russian bullshit. Fist off, there is no way Clapper, whom was part and parcel of the weaponization and abuse of power by the Obama administration didn’t know that claim the letter made was absolute bullshit. He KNEW it was a falsehood. And the reason he has no regrets is that the letter did what it was intended to do: rig the 2020 election in favor of the people trying desperately to protect the reputation of the criminal Obama administration. That it hurt the guy that made the entire intel apparatus that put him as Hillary Clinton’s opponent in 2016 thinking that would allow them to overcome her 52% fixed disapproval rating, making them all look like fucking idiots when he won it, because these idiots thought doing that would obviate the need for massive “fortify” of the election like they did in 2020, was the cherry on top.


    • The Other Kevin

      These people were, and still are, convinced that Trump is the next incarnation of Hitler. Of course he has no regrets about stopping the next Hitler. Outright lying was a small price to pay to save the world. This is why things are so dangerous now. The same people are still convinced they are stopping the next Hitler, but simple things like lying and “fortifying” an election aren’t going to work. They will stop at nothing to save the world and nothing is off the table.

      • slumbrew

        Plenty of people think that Trump == Hitler, but I don’t think Clapper is one of them – his was a far more cynical reaction to any threat to the IC’s control.

      • Suthenboy

        I disagree. I think they know very well what Trump is.

    • juris imprudent

      Obama just carried forward W’s national security state. The guy wasn’t at all original in any of that.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of the implosion of the internet- twice this morning I have encountered a “press and hold to prove you are not a bot” wall, at “The Hill” and “SFGate”. I failed the test both times, apparently.

    Presumably it is because of my aged OS/browser combination. What next? Will Microgoogle send a pulse to make my computer self destruct?

  32. Evan from Evansville

    Today I think I need to officially apply for phlebotomy training. It seems like a crazy idea and step, but everyone I talk to is all aboard and think it’s a remarkably good idea from me. I did edu ‘Factory Work’ grading tests WFH and this is the medical step. It only requires a GED and training; is constantly needed in more places; stable shifts (depends on the gig but I doubt a rookie is gonna be on-call or on ER shifts; ~$30k/year. Work would involve constant focus and orderliness, and for a single dude w no dependents? –> Pretty much an achievable Fantasy World for me.

    If you get paid to do what you love, that is an exceptional bonus. Uh. Work is what’s done to pay for living how you want. (Staying alive/housed is a good start.) Work is how you pay for life, this stuff that actually matters. I don’t find this complicated, though when I can successfully get paid (again) to write, hopefully I’m suitably to tackle the challenge that time. Right now, steady employment w decent pay is a necessary goal toward accomplishing that.

    This should be interesting!

  33. Evan from Evansville

    Today I think I need to officially apply for phlebotomy training. It seems like a crazy idea and step, but everyone I talk to is all aboard it. I did edu ‘factory work’ grading tests WFH and this is the medical step. It only requires a GED and training; is constantly needed in more and more places; stable shifts (depends on gig, but I doubt a rookie is gonna be on-call or in an ER); $30k-ish/yr. Work is work involving/creating constant focus, and for a single dude w no dependents? –> Pretty much a fantasy for me.

    If you get paid to do what you love, that is an exceptional bonus. Uh. Work is what’s done to pay for living how you wanna. (Staying alive/housed is a good start.) Work is how you pay for life. I don’t find this complicated, though when I can successfully get paid (again) to write, hopefully I’m suitably ready to tackle that challenge at that time. Right now, steady employment w decent pay is a necessary goal to accomplish that.

    • R.J.

      So nice you had to say it twice.

      • Evan from Evansville

        …I got squirreled. I actually rectified that quite well!

      • Suthenboy

        For some reason I keep reading that as ‘phrenology’.

    • AlexinCT

      You Alexed that link!

  34. AlexinCT

    For those that like to cook I contribute this recipe:

    One uncle Brozie.
    12 large cloves of garlic mashed.
    6 red onions chopped large.
    6 carrots, peeled and chopped.
    4 mixed color peppers chopped.
    Leek or such other vegetable to make it green.
    salt & pepper to taste..
    Cumin not reuired but adds a zing.

    Cook over an open fire while dancing and singing all sorts of tribal songs…

    Accompany with a fine Chianti and fava beans…

  35. The Late P Brooks

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Ukraine will base some of its Western-donated F-16 fighter jet fleet outside of the country to avoid Russian strikes on the advanced aircraft, a senior Ukrainian commander has said.

    “A certain number of aircraft will be stored at secure air bases outside of Ukraine so that they are not targeted here,” Serhiy Golubtsov, the head of aviation for Ukraine’s air force command, told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

    Four countries—Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Belgium—have committed to providing tens of F-16 aircraft to Ukraine to boost its aging and depleted fleet, up against superior and more numerous Russian aircraft.

    Kyiv had long requested the Lockheed Martin-made jets, although when exactly the aircraft would arrive and be operational has never been clear. They are expected in the next few weeks, although delays and vagueness have plagued the timetables laid out by donating countries.


    Golubtsov’s remarks do not indicate that Ukrainian operations against Russia would be launched from NATO territory. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in late March that Western airbases hosting F-16s that are carrying out operations against Russia would be a “legitimate target.”

    Ukrainian fighter planes based at NATO airfields are strictly off limits. It says so right in the rule book.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Pepperidge Farms remembers when using supposed non-combatant countries for military operations resulted in bombings back to the Stone Age.

      • Suthenboy

        Peppridge Farms also remembers when Clinton was foaming at the mouth and stomping her feet about going to war with Russia. Trump put the nix on that for 4 years, yet here we are with Trump about to destroy the world again.

        They said if I voted for Trump we would get WWIII. They were right.

  36. Gustave Lytton

    Ford Foundation funding antisemitism seems like they’re keeping with their founder’s vision.