1. Not Adahn

    Millennials, Gen-Xers Now Bigger Toy Consumers Than Preschoolers In New Trend

    Well duh. Preschoolers don’t have any money.

  2. AlexinCT

    Biden Raises $30 Million at Hollywood Fundraiser

    Muh Democracy!

    • Grummun

      National news* last night headlined this story, and the “eye-popping” $30MM raised. What they didn’t mention was 1) average donation per person (almost certainly that total came from a relatively small number of very wealthy individuals), and 2) Biden’s freezing up at the end of the event.

      *When I go to my in-laws for dinner on Sundays, they have the national news running. It’s my only exposure to mainstream agitprop, it’s a struggle to keep my mouth shut.

      • The Last American Hero

        The biggest surprise of Biden’s administration is that the news and the media (movies, Hollywood, SNL, late night TV) give him the same treatment as Obama. Ford takes a couple tumbles and it turns into a gag on SNL for years. Most people don’t know about Biden’s lockups.

        If he freezes during the debate, I’m sure they will go to commercial so fast it will make your head spin.

      • creech

        “If he freezes during the debate, I’m sure they will go to commercial ”
        And the talking heads will say “Biden was struck speechless by Trump’s cruel, vulgar, and undemocratic language.”

      • WTF

        “Biden physically shocked by Trumps horrendous assault on our democracy!”

      • juris imprudent

        Remember how the press never showed FDR in his wheelchair? This isn’t all that new.

      • Gustave Lytton

        *Edith Wilson taps hospital bed*

  3. AlexinCT

    The Military’s Biggest Problem Is Readiness, Not Recruiting

    The reason so much hardware remains inoperable is that it is maintained by idiots that are not qualified and have spent more time on DEI/CRT shit than learning their jobs.

    • Fourscore

      It’s tough to see the old neighborhood go to hell.

    • juris imprudent

      Don’t forget, they are also the output of 12 years of public education!!

      • R C Dean

        I think you mean government education.

    • The Last American Hero

      They’ve been fighting the forever war since 2001. How can they not be in a state of readiness?

      • Pine_Tree

        Because dicking around in the fighting the foreverwar against locals sucks away all the attention and money from things like shipyard capacity and capability or decent maintenance and repair.

      • Pine_Tree

        Btw – can’t tell if srs or sarcastic. My response was assuming you meant it, but in retrospect maybe not.

    • creech

      It seems nothing changes in the military. In 1876, many of Custer’s men could barely sit their horses, and many had never had target practice with their single shot rifles. Gen. Crook’s 1,000 men, at Battle of the Rosebud, fired off about 25,000 rounds and hit maybe 100 swarming Cheyenne and Sioux.

      • SDF-7

        Damn… that’s battleship level accuracy right there.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Bourke’s book was “On the Border with Crook”, not “On the Rifle Range with Crook”.

      • Fourscore

        Prior planing…

        …until that one time…

        Mistakes were made

  4. AlexinCT

    Trend involving Trump’s ‘No tax on tips’ campaign pledge goes viral

    Hah! Who would have thunk people would want to keep more of the money they earned?

    Now if they could extrapolate that to other people’s money in general…

    • Rat on a train

      Well, not the rich. They didn’t earn their money.

      • slumbrew

        “The rich don’t pay taxes”

    • SDF-7

      Yeah — “No tax (and micro-reporting) on yard sales and eBay” should resonate with people.

      The governments dipping their beak into every single time money changes hands gets so tiring — especially for “old crap I’m trying to get rid of that luckily someone else wants” stuff. I can understand actual businesses doing reselling being different — but like “use tax” (that few used to keep track of) there has to be some leeway in the system from the letter of the regulations to act as a pressure vent if nothing else. Taxing the shit out of citizens and making sure to note every last transaction combined with “free cash cards! free hotel rooms! free plane trips!” for everyone in the world who can stumble over the border well… “Its a bold strategy, Cotton…” leaps to mind.

      • trshmnstr

        This had 100% impacted the long term planning my wife and I are doing. You can’t tax reduced spending. You can’t tax simplifying life. You can’t tax a increased focus on providing your own necessities.

        Since the first attempt to cancel student loans, we have shifted dramatically from attempting to get a high score in the 401k to attempting to build a low cost sustainable lifestyle. The piper will be paid, and I don’t want to be the one doing the paying.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      No taxes on tips because no one has to pay income taxes.

  5. Drake

    Military’s Readiness

    critical weapons systems are being expended (or given away) faster than they’re being produced, from tomahawk cruise missiles to 155mm artillery shells. This is a dangerous gambit, as it leaves the U.S. with paltry wartime stockpiles while we lack the industrial base to produce enough for a major war of our own.

    So how about we stop giving the stuff away and not start wars with Russia and China (or anyone else)?

      • juris imprudent

        CBS News: “FEAR – FEAR YOU dumb proles”!!!

      • R C Dean

        Maybe the message is “We’re tired of the Ukrainians sinking our ships, so we’re moving them out of range.”

      • creech

        I say “Let them dock in Miami Beach and then see how many sailors defect after shore leave.”


      The best I can do is both give all our weapons away and start a war with Russia.

  6. rhywun

    Thanks for the depressing pile of links 🙂

    *hides in AC for the next week*

    • Ted S.

      I wouldn’t have thought of you as the Atlantic City type. :-p

      • R.J.

        I though he meant his air conditioner closet.

      • rhywun

        I loved Atlantic City – we went there a lot when I was little.

      • juris imprudent

        “You should’ve seen the ocean back then.”

      • creech

        Jersey shore towns all had different vibes. I recall Ocean City being for the Wasps, AC for (((them))) and the colored folks, Wildwood for rowdy hoods from Philly white neighborhoods, Cape May for the blue-hairs and gays. Now all those places (except AC) seem to be filled with $4 million houses.

  7. AlexinCT

    The End Of The Petrodollar Is The End Of America’s Global Dominance

    Does anyone real know what this means? Cause it has looked to me for a while that the world was fracturing and the one world order was not going to happen no matter how much the people vested in that version of the future wanted it because nobody could agree who would be the top and who the bottom. Reality is that this makes the world a far more dangerous place than otherwise, but much more than that can’t be predicted.

    • R.J.

      My tinfoil hat whispered to me that this is all part of the globalist plan.
      Sadly that plan is way off the rails, so now the largest stabilizing country in the world was just knocked off the podium. Good luck, everyone. The bumpy ride has begun.

      • Drake

        Were we stabilizing? Do the people in the Ukraine, Libya, or Syria feel stabilized?

      • WTF

        For decades the British Empire and Royal Navy provided some stability in the world. After the decline of the British Empire, the US filled the void as the dominant superpower. Now that the American empire is collapsing, there really is no single dominant power to fill the power vacuum. Instead we will get regional powers and spheres of influence, much like the lead-up to WWI. Except this time with nukes.

      • Fourscore

        Crank up the printing presses, world needs more dollars.

        It doesn’t matter which of the two candidates wins, both are big spenders. Cheney not withstanding, deficits do matter.

      • Rat on a train

        Afghanistan has stabilized.

      • rhywun

        Now that the American empire is collapsing

        And we are collapsing it on purpose. I didn’t see that coming.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        “Do the people in the Ukraine, Libya, or Syria feel stabilized?”

        You’re pretty stable when you’re dead.

    • Drake

      Hopefully, in time it means we can go back to be a regular country. One that has a military guarding it’s own borders, not hundreds of bases across the world and our own border wide open. Probably won’t be able to fund wars on Russia’s border, or Israel’s – good luck guys.

      • Lachowsky

        Just like Ron Paul told us all many years ago. The empire will come home when we cant afford it anymore.

      • AlexinCT

        As long as the left works with the deep state and has a say, our borders will never be secured. They are getting themselves a new electorate, the current one be damned.

      • Fourscore

        The good news is that the undocumented won’t want to come here. They will be looking elsewhere.

      • creech

        “Ron Paul told us all many years ago”
        A voice crying in the wilderness. Very few listened when he was the LP candidate for president and only a few more listened when he sought the GOP nomination. A guy with flaws but still a sharper tack than the two bozos running in 2024.

    • R C Dean

      The other side of the petrodollar deal was that we guaranteed Saudi Arabia’s security. I’m not particularly sad to see that foreign entanglement go.

      • WTF

        You assume we will no longer ‘guarantee’ Saudi Arabia’s security.

      • Lachowsky

        The bright side of the collapse of the dollar will be that we don’t have to be Saudi’s bitch anymore.

  8. UnCivilServant

    On the trivial side, the Starfinder Game I run on Tuesdays is looking for new players. I posted it in the forums but the traffic there is lower than the lynx.

  9. Stinky Wizzleteats

    🎶I don’t wanna grow
    I’m a Toys R Us kid🎶

    But seriously Gen X, stop buying Star Wars action figures and various other immature junk: You’ll have plenty of time to pet your Wookie after you retire if you play your cards right.

    • R.J.

      I have some video game collectables to round out the man cave. Really, I do not have a problem. Everything is totally normal.

    • Nephilium

      No Star Wars stuff, but I’ll be damned if I give up my Lego.

      • Not Adahn

        I gave away my Lego to my nephew, who was at one point wanting to become a professional Lego-er. I think he’s a code monkey now.

    • UnCivilServant

      You keep your judgementalism away from my plastic crack.

    • Grumbletarian


      • rudimentary teats formerly known as pistoffnick (370HSSV)


    • AlexinCT

      I am waiting for the sex robots.

    • Mojeaux

      Gen X? Retire? Wut?

      • R.J.

        That too. What she said.

    • Ownbestenemy

      You’re right, we should be draining our money into cars and cigars

    • slumbrew

      Solidly Gen X, no interest in such things.


      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Yeah, count me in that group.

    • creech

      But spending gobs of money on “immature junk” allows me to relieve my anxiety about paying off that student loan I got 30 years ago (and that my candidate for president will soon forgive).

  10. AlexinCT

    In a world where this happened, I keep getting told China is neither a threat nor a problem. And if you think this was not by design/on purpose, you have not been paying attention. Our elites have known for 2 decades China was fucking us over, but they were making money and didn’t care. Now China is getting ready to eat us for lunch (and if you are in denial about China wanting to be top dog at any cost, you deserve what comes next) and they are unable to respond and correct because while China builds for themselves, DEI/CRT has wrecked us. Get used to the idea that the world’s standard of living is going to go down (especially for us). That is, if it doesn’t go up in fire first.

    • UnCivilServant

      I get that “Fake” and “Counterfeit” are attention grabbing, but it’s alost certainly actual titanium but of the wrong grade and lower quality than is required, because it was cheaper and no one was keeping a close enough eye on the Chinese to enforce any QA standards.

      • Drake

        This. My grandfather worked at Wyman-Gordon for decades. Back when nobody would have considered using cheap Chinese metals in an aircraft.

      • R.J.

        Yeah. There’s four basic grades of titanium, probably a few more in Aerospace I don’t know about.
        The Chinese probably shipped the titanium they plate vape pens with to make it a pretty rainbow color.

      • AlexinCT

        Fake Titanium is not a thing. You are correct that it is about grade and quality, but that applies to all these high end materials used in heavy industry where this has a serious impact (and Titanium is a must have in both commercial and military aircraft industry). The thing to remember is that there are so many of these stories out there. In fact, I think one of the big problems the NAVY has with submarine construction is that the high grade steel they sourced, from China of all places, proved to be crap. China is doing this across the board to us. For example, Chinese manufacturers are the ones that sold people baby formula that was some toxic and deadly chemical that looked the same as the stuff, a while back. And nobody batted an eye even then..

      • AlexinCT

        Let me add that while it is also certainly possible the Chinese are faced with the same issue because they used lower quality materials, this is very likely not the case for their new military expansionism.

      • UnCivilServant

        I wager that it actually is the case.

        The most apt description of China and Chinese industry I’ve ever heard is “It is the land of shortcuts”. The incentives for high quality are not there, it just has to pass whatever initial inspection is provided for the money to change hands. The mindset is endemic as a result of decades of CCP rule.

      • R C Dean

        “China is doing this across the board to us.”

        Well, China is also doing it across the board to China, too.

      • rudimentary teats formerly known as pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        I used to build the furnaces that melt glass. Most of our customers were Chinese companies. If they chose Chinese A36 steel, we had to de-rate it 30%. Every sample we had tested was below standard.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The most apt description of China and Chinese industry I’ve ever heard is “It is the land of shortcuts”

        Chà bu duō (lit. difference not much) – good enough

    • PieInTheSky

      I am not sure a libertarian commitment to absolute free trade works when faced with an enemy nation…

    • juris imprudent

      Don’t discount basic greed in why businesses moved into China. One billion consumer strong, untapped market. Millions and millions of cheap laborers!

  11. Drake

    Sports – Bryson DeChambeau won the U.S. Open at Pinehurst.

    Rory McIlroy missed a short putt on the last hole that would have forced a playoff.

    I get some pleasure out of watching the PGA announcers squirm when LIV golfers win majors.

    • PieInTheSky

      Bryson is a weak name.

    • creech

      I squirmed too but at the few baboons who had to chant “U.S.A. U.S.A.” I know the Euro yobs do it at Ryder Cup events, but still it is a bit unseemly for citizens of a country $35 trillion in debt with a senile old man as president.

  12. Common Tater

    “Patel is accused of using other people’s pictures to create Facebook profiles and then posting racist and hateful messages and comments with those profiles. He would then take the comments and use them to request donations throughout the county.

    Many of the hateful comments endorsed incumbent Meyers. For example, a screenshot of one comment posted by Patel said: “I am with Meyers ALL THE WAY because he serves Jesus unlike Patel and his followers who worship Monkey and Elephant.”

    Patel’s website states that President Joe Biden appointed him to serve as a White House liaison and as a member of the Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Committee.”

    Because white supremacists would have heard of Hanuman?

    • UnCivilServant

      Uruk is debatable as the location of first writing. They have a preservation bias.

      • Fourscore

        But who could read it?

    • Drake

      Were the first written words “this place sucks, let’s leave?”

      • UnCivilServant

        In the Bronze Age, Uruk was wetter and better cultivated. The Euphrates has moved since then.

      • PieInTheSky

        I blame sports utility chariots

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Used to be better before the Tigris and/or Euphrates changed course.

    • UnCivilServant

      He was being chased by DEI officers?

      • R.J.

        He did die, so that is sad. Now it didn’t say if he was covered in bruises, or stabbed. So it could have been a drug overdose with hallucinations.
        Note that the coroner has not yet released a cause of death.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Sounds suss and that’s the kind of thing you get when the incentives are all skewed. If not a hoax RIP; If a hoax I admire his commitment.

    • The Last American Hero

      Who among us hasn’t been run off by the racists that hang out in parks.

  13. AlexinCT

    I had a discussion with a group, mostly women, about this shit, this past weekend. I told them I frankly had a hard time considering this trope that women were the equal of men when we wouldn’t draft women. I expected them to tell my to spot being a misogynist, but to my surprise a large chunk of them said they would rather give up their right to vote to avoid that, than be drafted for war. Yes, some of them told me they would have no problem with the draft for women. I had a good laugh and pointed out that it is easy to say you are for things you personally never going to have to worry about that fuck people over. And the ones that were all for it were too old, had too much gravity of their own, or in the case of one of the more vocal ones, had a physical handicap. That comment I made about their motivation was not well received.

    • PieInTheSky

      if a draft exists women should definitely be drafted, even if non combat roles.

      • rhywun

        Yep, a draft does not necessarily mean combat.

      • The Last American Hero

        So the women get to get a uniform full of medals for pushing DEI paperwork around and spending a week in a hot zone taking inventory of the ammo cans while their brothers get to see IED’s up close.

        Or maybe, we make them go get in the trench and when the body count piles up and the losses compound we can end this nonsense for a couple of generations.

    • Common Tater

      I say goose/gander.

      • AlexinCT

        Exactly. You can say you are my equal when we both have to pass the same tests, d the same work, and bleed the same way.

        Otherwise, lets be honest and say there are differences and go from there.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Imagine the baby boom when it comes time to draft women.

      • Rat on a train

        +1 DLI pregnancy (also DLI marriage, Goodfellow divorce)

  14. Common Tater

    “CNN previously revealed it would be moderated by anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. ”

    Yeah, totally neutral.

  15. PieInTheSky

    “No one produces more social capital in the workplace than college-educated women…49 percent of college-educated women report having organized a social event at their workplace in the last year, while only 32% of their male colleagues have done the same”


    • Rat on a train

      Sometimes you just want to work.

    • UnCivilServant

      So, they have wasted time on stuff that shouldn’t be done on company time?

      Layoff time!

    • trshmnstr

      social capital

      Yeah, no. When people are coming only due to the implied threat of consequences for “not being a team player”, you’re not building social capital.

      • R.J.

        You mean socialist capital, comrade?

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Wear red for X-cause day, because we’re like a family here.

      • Gustave Lytton

        A dysfunctional abusive family.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    The truth shall set them free

    President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is spending $50 million through the end of June, a blitz that includes its first television ad trumpeting Donald Trump’s felony conviction and signals that the Democratic incumbent is seeking to make his Republican opponent’s legal woes a bigger issue heading into November.

    The advertising push comes with Election Day still months away. But Biden’s campaign says it wants to more clearly define the choice between the candidates ahead of the first debate between them in Atlanta on June 27.

    The ad campaign includes more than $1 million geared toward media reaching Black, Hispanic and Asian American voters and a spot highlighting Trump’s conviction on 34 felony counts in a New York hush money case. It will air on general market television and connected TV on streaming devices and cellphones in battleground states as well as on national cable.

    I’m sure those ads will scrupulously lay out the specific accounting discrepancies which constitute his heinous crimes, and not merely scream felonfelonfelon! as if President Bad Orange Jumpsuit Man was engaged in rape, spree killing, grand larceny and rape.

    • The Other Kevin

      I have to admit I didn’t see this angle of the court cases. They keep him from campaigning, they cost money, and maybe they put him in jail. But they are really making hay out of saying “Trump the convicted felon.” But this too will backfire.

    • creech

      I’m seeing an ad where it implies Trump told folks to “drink bleach” to stop ChiComvid-19 and that he threatens a “bloodbath” if not elected again. Joe Biden comes on and says he “approved this ad” so I guess that seals the deal that he’s a liar (as if there were any doubts.)

      • Rat on a train

        It’s possible Joe doesn’t know what he is approving, just like in the Oval Office.

      • The Other Kevin

        I really hate that. There are so many hoaxes, every one of them so easy to disprove, and yet they persist because the MSM and the Dems keep repeating them. I understand why people believe them, if you turn on 5 different TV channels and they all say the same thing, why wouldn’t you believe it? But it’s all they have because they have zero arguments based on substance.

      • B.P.

        When I check out a youtube video I get the ad of Biden saying, “Let’s cut the malarkey. We’re at a crucial fundraising deadline…”

  17. Common Tater

    I just got a “Error establishing a database connection”.

    • R.J.

      I get that periodically. I cannot establish a pattern.

  18. Common Tater

    “A pricey Porsche flew over the side of a Bronx parking garage Sunday, landing below in a pile of crushed metal — with wads of cash bizarrely found on top of it, according to cops and photos.

    It was unclear if anyone was in the sports car at the time, but police said it ended up flying out of the garage outside BJ’s Optical on West 237th Street in the north Bronx about 11:40 a.m., knocking through a concrete wall and landing 15 feet below.

    No one was hurt, they said — including a possible driver.

    The only thing left at the scene was the wreck — and the money and a cell phone resting on top of the overturned vehicle.”


    Sounds staged.

    • R.J.

      “Sorry I wrecked your car, bro. Here’s some cash, call me on this cell if you need more.”

  19. PieInTheSky

    We hebben een serieus probleem
    Why is Dutch so funny to English speakers?


    The war was close to over, and after almost six hard years the Allies were marching on Berlin. And then came the news the whole world was waiting for: HITLER DOOD. WAT NOU?

    Back in January, the Dutch politician Geert Wilders tweeted that ‘We hebben een serieus probleem met de politieke ontwikkelingen mbt de dwangwet en ik hoop dat dat de komende dagen kan worden opgelost.’

    It was a serious point which nonetheless attracted lots of jokes and became a meme, and ‘we hebben een serieus probleem’ entered the online English phrasebook. More recently, we all had a good chuckle when a Dutchman tweeted that ‘Ironie is dood’. Again this was a serious issue, but among all foreign languages, Dutch is the most amusing to Anglophones, occupying an uncanny valley that leads some people to describe it as ‘drunk English’.

    Lots of Dutch words also sound rude. A shop is a winkel and winkelwagen a shopping trolley. (Sexwinkel is a sex shop). Hondenfokker is a dog breeder, while whipped cream is slagroom, slag meaning to hit or beat, while hagelslag is a hailstorm, but also a snack.

    Brown sugar is basterdsuiker, while diksap is their term for concentrated juice, and cooking is kok, while a chef’s hat is a koksmuts; the Dutch surname Kox means ‘cook’ and there is even a politician called Tiny Kox, which I find childishly amusing. Slagwerk is the Dutch for drumming and if you go to give blood you will do so in the prikcentra. And if you ask whether you can do something, a Dutchman will reply ‘u kunt’.

    • rhywun

      It sounds like gargling mixed with the occasional perfectly clear string of English or German. I remember catching one of their radio stations when I lived in Germany.

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, they are directly between England and Germany, so why wouldn’t their language be halfway between English and German?


      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Dutch is truly the language of love.

      • juris imprudent

        Dutch really does sound sexy coming out of a woman’s mouth.

      • Gustave Lytton

        German with a Canadian accent.

    • AlexinCT

      Waarom ben je toch een hoor? Verdomme.

    • WTF

      So, Biden is basically speaking Dutch?
      Yeah, that’s the ticket, he’s not garbling his words at all!

    • creech

      Purposefully sounds ridiculous. Helps to hide our evil conspiracy. Just wait until you see what we Dutchmen have in store for you!

      • slumbrew

        There are only two things I can’t stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures…

    • Not Adahn

      I thought Yiddish was the funniest language?


      As I understand it, if you speak Old English you can communicate (regarding 5th Century things) with a Frisian speaker.

  20. Common Tater

    “320,000 GHOST VOTERS Identified in MUST-WIN State of MI — Are Democrats Resorting to Dirty Tricks Reportedly Used by a Third-World Country to Win in 2024?

    With the Soros-backed Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson at the helm, who is arguably the dirtiest Secretary of State in the nation, Michigan could easily become the blueprint for other states on how to steal elections effectively.”


    A sheet with eye holes is on brand though.

  21. The Other Kevin

    Had a great day yesterday visiting my Dad and my Father in Law. Got a care package from the youngest with a genuine USS Nimitz shirt and some grilling spices. Hope the rest of you had a great weekend.

    My two highlights were my Dad telling me that he and Mom had their first date the day Kennedy was killed. And my very Democrat Mom saying she’s happy she lives in a red state because we don’t tolerate all the migrants. There is hope for our future, folks.

    • juris imprudent

      Had a good phone call with my son, who was also enjoying his first Father’s Day.

    • Common Tater

      “My two highlights were my Dad telling me that he and Mom had their first date the day Kennedy was killed.”

      Always good to have an alibi.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Chipping away

    The stakes are high. Post journalists ask what values Lewis and Winnett will import to the paper, renowned for its coverage of the Nixon-era Watergate scandals and for holding the most powerful figures in American life to account in the generations since.

    Stop it. You’re killing me.

    • Nephilium

      Damn. This was supposed to be a reply to Count Potato’s post about Michigan.

    • Drake

      Thanks – everything in that trial looks crazy.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    A spokesperson for the Post issued this statement: “The Washington Post sets and models the highest ethical standards in journalism to which every Post employee is expected to adhere.”

    This story is based on interviews with 10 current and former Post journalists, five British journalists, a review of documents cited in court in London and other public records and accounts.

    They asked not to be named given the sensitivity of the moment.

    Smear job by disgruntled employees whose only desire is to save journalism.

    • AlexinCT

      If I owned birds, I wouldn’t even use the Post to line them… That’s how shitty I think that crap is…

    • juris imprudent

      Pie – no crowing about the first Romanian victory in 24 years in the Euros? What kind of European are you?

  24. The Late P Brooks

    The Post lost $77 million last year and about half of its digital audience since 2020. Lewis helped put Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal on a course to strong digital subscriptions. Owner Jeff Bezos named Lewis last year to put the paper back on track.

    Newspapers aren’t supposed to make money. Profits are evil.

    • PieInTheSky

      you cannot put a price on the truth.

    • Suthenboy

      The sooner those people are unemployed the better.

  25. mikey

    Happy 57th anniversary to Mrs. Mikey. I still don’t understand what this woman saw in me. Yes, we were married at 20.

    • The Other Kevin

      Congrats! And thank you for the little ray of hope, my kid just got married at 19 so it’s nice to see that does work out for some people.

      • mikey

        It can. We should have gotten married at 19 – missed a year.

      • Fourscore

        Good show, Mikey, you have me by 7. Now if we were counting serial anniversaries.

        Hat’s off to the Mikeys!

    • Suthenboy

      Congratulations Sir. 30 years in here and looking forward to 30 more.

    • SDF-7

      Damn… that’s nice to see these days. Congratulations to you and your wife.

    • kinnath


      We were married at 19. We celebrated 48 years last spring. So we are about a decade behind you.

    • slumbrew

      Wow! Congrats!

      Married for longer than I’ve been alive – and I’m old now 😀

      • kinnath

        My father and 4Score remind me that I am not old yet. You are at least a decade younger than me. So, you don’t get to claim “old” yet. 😉

      • juris imprudent

        Yeah, knock it off youngster.

      • slumbrew

        I am totally certain the college girls kids around here consider me ancient.

      • kinnath

        I am totally certain the college kids around here consider me ancient.

        Yes, your sell-by date expired decades ago. That does not actually make you old though. Just unappealing. 😉

      • slumbrew

        “That does not actually make you old though. Just unappealing.”

        – kinnath, motivational speaker


      • juris imprudent

        He’d probably be a hot property down in The Villages.

      • slumbrew

        I think I gotta wait a year, until 55 (that was the limit at Sun City in AZ, anyway).

        Not sure the wife would go for it, although she’d be be the young 40-something hottie there.

    • Sean

      Congrats, geezer!

    • cavalier973


    • slumbrew

      Also: you’ve been married 50 years to the day longer than the wife and I.

      Maybe, if I take really good care of myself and I got my grandmother’s good genes (and my wife doesn’t murder me), we might make it to 57.

      I huge achievement, congrats again.

    • Common Tater


  26. The Other Kevin

    “The End Of The Petrodollar Is The End Of America’s Global Dominance”

    I’ve heard some breathless reporting that this will cause massive inflation and a depression in the US. I don’t know about that, there are too many countries depending on Americans spending money. This might affect the way we handle all those wars though.

    • SDF-7

      I’ve heard some breathless reporting that this will cause massive inflation and a depression in the US. I don’t know about that

      Yeah — I think we’ll manage having massive inflation and a depression either way.

      • The Other Kevin

        It seems like it will make it easier for other countries to tell the US to fuck off. But I agree, we have hard times ahead of us and that has everything to do with printing money.

    • juris imprudent

      I think we exported our inflation, or monetary theory is just completely blown to hell. We are still one of, if not the biggest markets in the world, so we have that going for us vice being say Japan.

      • slumbrew

        We’re the least-worst option?

      • juris imprudent

        Yep. The yuan is about as reliable as the Mexican peso.

  27. SDF-7

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 06/17:
    *21/21 words (+1 bonus word)
    🎯 In the top 12% by accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 06/17:
    *26/26 words (+3 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 11% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 423

    Bleah…. but the whole morning feels weird anyway.

    • Sean

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 06/17:
      *21/21 words (+6 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 6% by bonus words

      I played https://squaredle.com 06/17:
      *26/26 words (+11 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 3% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 375

    • Ted S.

      He’s using gas, but doesn’t want us to.

      • slumbrew

        I initially assumed that’s what he was gonna get ratioed for.

      • juris imprudent

        Charcoal would be presumably problematic as well.

      • slumbrew

        You ShOuLd UsE An ElEcTric GrIll!

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I am with the majority and more disturbed by the man tits hanging over raw burgers with cheese on top.

    • Suthenboy

      Worse then Fauxcahontas and her beer? I especially like the comment “…Chuck Schumer is currently pretending to be human…”

      • juris imprudent

        Churchill on Cripps (same target as my bio quote) when he learned that Cripps had stopped smoking cigars – he’s given up his last link with humanity.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    CNN, of all places (The author’s opinions are his own!)

    I think about how many of men of color have had similar experiences to Daniels: pulled over for a simple traffic violation, got arrested for having a controlled substance in their possession and ultimately were charged with a felony after the discovery of a firearm. Many of those men are either imprisoned or have to live their lives as a felon, unable to find work or vote, as they are forced to struggle with barriers to being productive members of society.

    The irony is that it may be Hunter Biden’s case that goes to the Supreme Court and gives the court a say on what I fervently believe is an unconstitutional violation of the Second Amendment — and a ruling on gun rights for those who have used drugs could provide a pathway for those men to have their cases reviewed and statuses changed.

    Despite President Biden’s continued weaponization of the Second Amendment and infringement upon this uniquely American right, he may ultimately have the Second Amendment to thank — at least in this case — if it reverses his son’s status as a convicted felon.

    I don’t care if Joe Biden himself was the one convicted. This would be a huge win if the Supreme Court tosses it out.

    It will be fascinating to see how our totally apolitical Justice Dept handles the appeal.

    • Pine_Tree

      This gets to another way that I think the Dems now repeatedly yelling “convicted felon!” about Trump is going to backfire on them with “many men of color”, to quote the article. They’re aiming at the soccer-mom and elderly-network-news-watcher vote and are oblivious to how they’re once again saying something that stirs up many normal black folks.

    • kinnath

      I would enjoy having Hunter Biden sharing a cell with a young black man who was also there for drug/gun law violations.

      But I am strongly hoping Biden the younger succeeds in getting his conviction overturned by SCOTUS and getting these guns laws stripped from the books.

      • Common Tater

        Misdemeanor domestic violence is also bullshit.

    • EvilSheldon

      Man. I’m picturing some CNN production assistants bleeding from the eyes and ears over this one…

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Last night I watched an old Star Trek episode. At one point, Uhuru says something like, “Why would I be offended? Our culture has long since outgrown the idea that simple words have power over us.”

    Oh, how I laughed.

    • Common Tater

      Lincoln calling her a “charming negress”?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      That’s why you have to operate on them immediately.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Just make sure it’s the official NYT/WaPo history

    During more than half an hour of discussion, Kimmel asked if the country was suffering from amnesia about the presumptive Republican nominee, to which Biden responded, “all we gotta do is remember what it was like” when Trump was in the White House.

    You remember. Thousands of journalists rounded up and disappeared, theaters shut down and movie studios taken over for the production of government propaganda, roving bands of MAGA vigilantes looting and burning…

    • kinnath

      . . . . roving bands of mostly-peaceful MAGA protestors

    • WTF

      “all we gotta do is remember what it was like” when Trump was in the White House.

      Low inflation, low unemployment and historically low unemployment for minorities, no new wars or troop commitments, $2/gallon gas, the Abraham Accords fomenting peace and cooperation in the Middle East, no invasions by Russia, etc. etc.

      Yeah, it was horrifying.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Lincoln calling her a “charming negress”?

    Very good. You win a cookie.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Or Brandon Lee is still alive.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Luminaries from the entertainment world have increasingly lined up to help Biden’s campaign, and just how important the event was to his reelection bid could be seen in Biden’s decision to fly through the night across nine time zones, from the G7 summit in southern Italy to Southern California, to attend.

    He also missed a summit in Switzerland about ways to end Russia’s war in Ukraine, instead dispatching Vice President Kamala Harris who made a whirlwind trip of her own to represent the United States there, a stark reminder of the delicate balance between geopolitics and Biden’s bid to win a second term.

    Realistically, if Biden loses, we’ll all be dead from global warming in six months.

    • Suthenboy

      Dying from global warming again? It’s starting to get a bit tiresome.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Kimmel asked the president what he was most proud of accomplishing, and Biden said he thought the administration’s approach to the economy “is working.”

    “We have the strongest economy in the world today,” Biden said, adding “we try to give ordinary people an even chance.”

    *pause for laughter*

    • slumbrew


      Just utterly detached from reality.

      • Suthenboy

        As is the entire party.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Earlier in the program, Kimmel noted Biden’s campaign promise to restore the soul of America and said “lately it seems we might need an exorcism.”

    They just need to deport half the population. That will save democracy.

    • B.P.

      I’m sure all of the swells had a productive conversation with themselves.

  35. Common Tater

    “Professor by Day. Porn Star by Night. Can He Be Both?

    t’s an ironic predicament for Gow: even though he works in academia, a field that has championed sex positivity for decades, he could find himself out of a job for being too sexually positive. He says there are academics at his own college who specialize entirely in sex positivity, and there’s even an option to major in Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies. And like many institutions—including Brown, Northwestern, and Harvard—the University of Wisconsin–La Crosse hosts an annual sex week, which includes an event called “condom bingo,” a trivia game that rewards students with “fun sex-based prizes.” The university’s outward commitments to sexual expression are one of the reasons he calls their treatment of him “a major hypocrisy.

    “The notion that we shouldn’t be talking about sexuality is, like, from the Middle Ages. This is 2024, right? Sexuality is arguably the most popular material on the internet.”

    The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression says UW–La Crosse may have been legally in the right for booting Gow from his chancellorship, considering his position’s public-facing nature, but that “the First Amendment may indeed protect Gow’s continued employment as a faculty member with UW.” The university declined to comment, adding only that “this is an ongoing personnel matter.””


    • Gustave Lytton

      Ratemyprofessor adds a new category.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Serious people, saying serious things

    During private meetings with GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill last week, former president Trump proposed eliminating federal income taxes and instead implementing high tariffs on imports to replace the lost revenue. The cost of the tariffs, however, would undoubtedly be passed on to consumers, resulting in significantly higher prices on any type of product that is imported.

    Prices to the consumer would rise, unlike, for example, a value added tax, or the intentional debasement of the currency.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Yellen defended the Biden administration’s economic policies during the interview, including when she was pressed on why Americans are still feeling high price levels despite the slowing of inflation.

    “It is true that over the last roughly three years there has been a significant increase in the price level. It is now rising at a very slow, close to normal rate,” Yellen said when asked about the still high inflation. “But yes Americans see that and mainly it comes on top of concern about costs that were making life very difficult. So it’s something the Biden administration absolutely wants to address.”

    We should definitely try price controls. That always works.

    • juris imprudent

      Nixon smiles from the beyond.

      • juris imprudent

        Which reminds me – Garland actually cited the Nixon argument against release of the tapes. Who knew Joe was such a fanboi of old Tricky Dick?

    • Fourscore

      Or reduce the sizing numbers of the merchandise.

      “….hmmm, these size 12s seem a little tight”

      “Well, we had to reduce the amount of material so we could maintain the price. Otherwise people couldn’t afford to buy them.”

      • Suthenboy

        There are thousands of stories of shit just like that actually happening in the old USSR.
        Our future looks glorious.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Nixon smiles from the beyond.

    Nixon was a misunderstood genius. If only he had been a Democrat, he’d be revered as one of the truly great Chief Executives.