Sloopjos is catchin’ some R&R this week, so it will be a selection of the B team in the mornings.
I have made observations about driving in New York. If you are on a road marked 55mph or less, you will encounter one of two scenarios. The first is a driver traveling 5-10mph below the speed limit, and you will never be able to pass. The other is, no matter your speed, someone will be right on your ass until you’re off the road. Even if they see the car in front of you, that’s controlling your speed. And have I mentioned the humidity here?
Ah well, let’s do some Links!
Yep, the US is responsible for Russia blowing up a missile over a crowded beach.
This is the type of significant PSA that Glibertarians.com has become known for.
Can anyone explain how Sony is expecting to make a profit here? Just locking up the use fees?
I just don’t get this. Apparently these Luddites just want to walk everywhere.
The annual culling of the weak has begun.
ISIS has apparently decided Russia is an easier mark.
An outlier, but Thursday should be a fascinating train wreck.
Okay, time to get on with the day, folks. I hope you have a good one.
If those are the only two scenarios you’ve run into on New York roads, you’ve been lucky.
The other is, no matter your speed, someone will be right on your ass until you’re off the road.
Some people like to ride ass. They stay on your bumper even when passing is allowed.
I just figure they’re angling for insurance fraud.
I just figure they’re angling for insurance fraud
That is just a small subset. The larger, more common is people are shitty drivers.
I have observed , in NY, that the guy going 5-10 under is almost exclusively driving in the fast lane, going almost exactly the same speed as the guy next to him, and completely oblivious to the line of cars behind him.
If you flash your lights, he may wave his finger at you.
The thing that pisses me off about local drivers is people refusing to take their turn at 4-way stops et. al. No asshole, it’s not polite to offer me the right of way. Either I decline and wave you back through (delaying things even further) or I take you up on it and now nobody knows whose turn it actually is anymore.
On a similar vein I hate when I’m waiting to cross as a pedestrian, there are two lanes of traffic in one direction, and some bi-ass SUV stops in the near lane and tries to wave me across, having blocked my view of the other lane where the cars keep coming.
This must be an “East of the Mississippi” thing. Noticed it here in KY. If I am the first to wave you on, go. Don’t wave back in some holier than thou fashion. Also here they tend to wait two cycles before even proceeding through a stop-sign.
My other pet-peeve with the area is what I call “Sunday Drivers who think they are in NASCAR”. From a stop they come off the brakes and let the car idle forward for a good 5 seconds and then gun it up to the speed limit. This one I think is more a rain/snow/ice thing…maybe?
Why would you wave someone on? You proceed through in the order you arrived at the intersection!
How about people at a busy all-way stop who think the order is by the arrival of each car not by directions.
Still better than a roundabout.
Why would you wave someone on? You proceed through in the order you arrived at the intersection!
Usually when two cars arrive at the same time. So if they first wave me though, Ill go. Not so much the other way around.
How about people at a busy all-way stop who think the order is by the arrival of each car not by directions.
Wishful thinking…
Only about 20-25% of people will have their correct turn signal on. It’s order of arrival or nobody knows who’s next.
Still better than a roundabout.
Between aggressive drivers and idiots the local roundabout is a problem.
Round-a-bouts are an engineers solution. They are technically the most optimal way of navigating an intersection of streets and roads. But, they do not account for the human factor, in other words, not everyone is a conscientious driver who is paying attention.
Round-abouts are excellent in the right places. And terrible in the wrong places.
But most of the problem is people not knowing how to use them.
Hawaii’s drivers often stop at traffic lights up to an entire car length behind the white line. Then the following driver stops far enough behind that idiot so they can see the asphalt between their vehicles. WTF people? The line isn’t going to steal your license plate.
You will get the same in CT. Jackasses on the road.
Having driven in the Hartford area for years, CT drivers are a combination of the worst habits of Boston and NYC drivers.
Agreed, Grumbletarian.
Native New Yorker, longtime Bostonian with family in CT:
NYC: agressive but generally in control
Boston: oblivious but not overly aggressive
CT: agressive speed and oblivious
(There are outliers in all 3 places, usually in the wrong direction)
I am just gonna say it: NYC is one of the few places that people actually know how to drive.
The Butlerville area is kind of cut off from the rest of NY, road-wise. They probably have driving customs more inbred than the puppies.
“Yep, the US is responsible for Russia blowing up a missile over a crowded beach.”
We blamed them for blowing up their own pipeline.. I say this is tit-for-tat.
I cannot think of a Queen song that I can’t live without hearing again.
War with Russia is Biden’s attempt to interfere with this year’s Presidential election.
They just can’t fortify it enough considering how obvious it is he – and for that matter any democrat that promises more of the same – is gonna lose. So yeah, something insane is in the work because the globalist elites will not just let the plebes have their way.
How come they not fortify EU elections?
Because they forgot to repeal the election integrety laws from the beforetimes and didn’t think they needed to because the eurosheep hadn’t done anything so reckless as vote center-left before.
“How come they not fortify EU elections?”
In the EU practically ALL countries ban mail in voting, require a government issued voter ID, and they vote with paper ballots. The cheating there is done through censoring information and shaping public opinion because you can rig the counting without getting caught.
Note in the US democrats want more mail in voting, demand nobody have to present identification of any kind, and they want these machines to tally the counts while telling everyone they will sue you into poverty if you dare question the proprietary software you are not allowed to see.
“This is the type of significant PSA that Glibertarians.com has become known for.”
We talking about SugarFree advice again?
“Gators in the Rio Grande” sounds like the title to a parody country song.
Don’t know, but the range of the american alligator does include part of the Rio Grande:
Comedic, I think I meant.
So you’re saying it’s being infiltrated by immigrant alligators?
“I just don’t get this. Apparently these Luddites just want to walk everywhere.”
I am going to bet this had nothing to do with EVs and was all about Elon screwing up the control of “disinformation/misinformation/hate speech” – a.k.a. truths the mendacious evil progtards don’t want the people to hear – by buying X.
Yeah, the Twitter purchase plus the occasional kind word about OMB and/or GOP policies has made Elon one of the professional Left’s top enemies.
Fanatics hate heretics the most.
The amount of smug bullshit I have heard from green leftists about how much they “love” their Tesla (they are so green for owning one, unlike us smellies) but then have to caveat it with their hate for Musk, leaves me no doubt Musk lives rent free in their vapid heads. They hate him for X destroying their curated lieocracy. With a passion. Because the worst thing for them is to find out they were played for fools and having to admit they are not as clever or intellectual as they believe they are.
Progressivism sure as hell is a mental disorder.
Did you see the last line in that cybertruck story? That writer had to throw it in there.
Now that is journalism!
Dems are openly bragging about their “replacement theory”.
Goofy people, they should Hajj at Christmas time.
Eventually, they will, for awhile anyway. The Hajj comes about 11 days earlier every year on account of being based on the lunar calendar.
What’s the point if you can’t shower enough gold along the way to wreck several economies.
/Mansa Musa
Saudi Health Minister Fahd bin Abdurrahman Al-Jalajel said that 83% of the 1,301 fatalities were unauthorized pilgrims who walked long distances in soaring temperatures to perform the Hajj rituals in and around the holy city of Mecca.
Say, Mr. Trump… is there any way you can convince our “unauthorized pilgrims” to walk around in the desert with no food or water until they drop dead? Maybe build a “holy place” instead of a wall?
In the area around our southern birder the various NGOs provide water, food, etc. so the invaders don’t experience harm wandering the desert.
I think we’ve found a new substance denser than anything ever known, we can call if Applebaumium.
TL;DR – trust the WaPo staff who are rebelling against management.
The WaPo staff whose woke antics have resulted in $77 million losses and collapsed readership?
Yeah, sure seems like they know what they’re doing. I suppose it’s easy to be self-righteous when someone else is paying the bill for it.
That rag can’t go broke quick enough for me… Have those cuntes learn to code like they told everyone else.
You understand our pain. *sobs*
Other than it being a train wreck, does anyone have any predictions about the upcoming Biden-Trump debate?
Maybe we should do a poll.
1. Will the debate be cancelled?
2. Who will “win”?
3. Who will make the first gaffe?
4. Who will make the most gaffes?
5. Will Biden mention abortion more often than Trump will mention immigration?
6. Will Biden’s double lose his/her rubber mask at some point?
7. Etc.
How many more times will the “impartial” moderators interrupt Trump vs. interrupt Biden?
How often will they “correct” an assertion by Trump with false information?
Pretty sure that’ll be YUUUGE!
I think this is the real reason Snopes ran their little article on the Charlottesville statement. Its a nugget that Trump will run with that he should just ignore.
“How often will they “correct” an assertion by Trump with false information?”
I expect us to get a lot of fast checking like they do on Snopes where after 7 years of saying it was true that Trump said Nazis and racists were fine people, they finally rated that as a false because Trump did say he was not talking about either the racists or the Nazis, but then Snopes HAD to add that Trump was still in the wrong, because there were no good or fine people there anyway (only racists and Nazis!).
These people are evil.
For some of those, it depends on how you define it. For instance both the “win” and the “gaffes” as defined by the MSM will favor Biden.
2. The media will declare Biden won regardless.
I have my doubts about this…
Have they perhaps received marching orders to take him down so they can replace him?
While I see no path involving Biden replacement playing out for them positively and make that candidate more popular, it does solve their greatest dilemma – that everyone would know the election was rigged if the count favored Biden in November – and I think they are gunning for that.
Except I really don’t think they care if everyone knows the election was rigged. Everyone knew there was widespread shenanigans in 2020, and it was barely an inconvenience.
The Dems could run a turnip and the widespread hatred of OMB plus some creative counting will get it over the top.
Although he easily defeated the orange felon the strain was evident …
Candidate Turnip will preserve womens’ sacred and Constitutional right to abortion!
Imagined a lone turnip quietly sitting there on the podium at the convention. Raucous applause as it just sits there being a turnip. Funny visual
How long before Biden’s drugs wear off?
That’s why they got them sitting and are shutting down mikes…
They can put an infusion pump on him under his clothing to make sure his meds are kept at an optimum level throughout the night. So what if he needs a week to recuperate afterwards?
No longer sitting.
“They can put an infusion pump on him under his clothing to make sure his meds are kept at an optimum level throughout the night. So what if he needs a week to recuperate afterwards?”
Would it be hilarious or tragic if the DEI hire working the pump accidentally overdosed and/or killed the guy?
Add a line for how many times Biden will call Trump a felon and Trump will call New York a banana republic.
Since there is no opening statements, its going to be interesting to see how they weave those into their responses. I am sure some softball questions from the mods will tee those up for one time since Biden cannot pivot in his talking points. All the
cheap fakesraw video clips prove that.He could always respond “Hey Joe, please explain exactly what the actual felony was that you’re talking about”.
“You know, the 34 things!”
Legendary British rock band Queen’s music catalog has been acquired by Sony Music in a deal worth more than $1 billion, according to reports.
And the group’s frontman has been dead for more than a third of a century and won’t see a dime of that. Talk about getting fucked in the ass.
Careful what we ask for, because they can point the finger right back at us and blame the CDC/NIH and that asshat Fauci…
That having been said. We should have decoupled from China more than 2 decades ago when it became obvious China had us by the short hairs and unlike the claims where the CCP would change it’s evil ways because of the benefits of capitalism, we now have the global elite pinning to be more like the CCP while the ultra rich have sleepless night over the trillions they will lose because the CCP played them for fools and will never let them repatriate their investments and money.
The Olympic village in Paris is proving their Green bona fides by not providing air conditioning (I guess they’re turning the apartment complex into third world housing after the Games).
Some countries are responding by bringing their own.
Hey, if the French want to live like primitives, let them. Doesn’t mean we should go along with it.
They are just dong this to boost the perfume/cologne industries….
Because I bet they are also not showering…
And the hairy legs & armpits…
If they can’t be net-zero, cancel the whole thing.
Fodder for SF:
Considering the company’s name, I’d think obvious parody. Obviously the website is taking the claims seriously.
So they finally accept what was obvious to all of us paying attention: Paul Ryan was a deep state scumbag…
I’m thinking Biden is an embarrassment for the MIC, nobody likes Kamala, so they elect Trump with a VP who will play ball, then whack Trump.
I think they still think the televangelist/car salesman from CA is a viable candidate. Gruesome Newsome ’24!
They would be right. He would hand Trump his ass.
JFK, blowed away, what else do I have to say?
*Golf clap
I am hearing WEFfer Burgum is on Trump’s short list for VP, which would be the perfect set up for the Tater’s scenario.
He should name Biden as his VP. Biden is more sentient than Burgum.
My favorite thing about driving in New York is when you want to turn or make a lane change, you have to stick your nose into the spot and make people let you in, or else you’ll be sitting there forever with your blinker on.
Maybe that’s just a big city thing, but I really noticed it in New York.*
*Send me to hell or New York City, it would be about the same to me.
“*Send me to hell or New York City, it would be about the same to me.”
That Reuters article on the missile hitting the Crimean beach reads like they are chanting a mantra of propaganda.
Sure, hopefully the Ukes were targeting military targets – “hope” given their track record in the Donbas. But those are missiles we gave them, and I will bet that an American military tech had to program in the targets and launch codes. So yeah – we are shooting missiles into Russia.
But those are missiles we gave them, and I will bet that an American military tech had to program in the targets and launch codes. So yeah – we are shooting missiles into Russia.
Yeah, that’s pretty much beyond dispute at this point.
But don’t worry, I’m sure our ‘leaders’ have a plan so this will all work out just fine!
If Cuba shot a bunch of Russian missiles at Fort Dix, but one blew up on the beach of Cape May, we’d be cool. No big deal at all.
Wouldn’t Cuba be aiming at a closer target? I mean, there’s plenty of tourist beach to hit along Florida and the Gulf states too.
Sure – the military depot at Jacksonville.
If Cuba shot a bunch of Russian missiles at Fort Dix, but one blew up on the beach of Cape May, we’d be cool. No big deal at all.
The extent of our lack of cool would not extend to bombing Russia though. Yes, Cuba would be hosed, but I doubt we’d invade Venezuela.
Maybe. No telling what stupid thing the neo-cons would do.
Some Saudis blew up the World Trade Center so we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. (Afghanistan did host them so we had some justification for at least a raid there)
Shooting missiles into Crimea isn’t shooting missiles into Russia, at least not in my book.
For the most part, I think the Ukes have been aiming at legitimate military targets (of which there is no shortage since Russia invaded). The recent addition of oil facilities to their target list does stray into the gray zone of “military support infrastructure”, though. While I am willing to believe the Ukes do plenty of stupid things, I don’t think “wasting missiles for which there is a shortage randomly bombing beaches” is on the list.
And none of the missiles got through? I hope the missiles “we” sent are surplus and old models and not the new fangled ones that are supposed to be effective. Wars are always used to observe and test weapon systems; I hope “our” defenders are paying attention when 100% fail to achieve their intended objective.
“Brave nurse tells The Post why she blew the whistle on Texas children’s hospital accused of manipulating parents into giving kids life-changing trans treatments
The Houston healthcare worker said she is now being hounded by the FBI for speaking out. Agents visited her home after she spoke to the conservative journalist Chris Rufo, and suggested she was part of an investigation into violations of HIPAA patient privacy laws.”
FBI working for big pharma?
Because that’s the real sin they are going after. 🙄
Yep, a nice little insulated protection racket for the child mutilators. No one can go digging for the information because they will hid behind HIPAA (and a government willing to selectively enforce it)
According to recent reports, McDonalds was attempting to use AI voice recognition to replace the drive-through people and cut costs.
Unfortunately, Mickey D’s AI doesn’t speak Section 8.
Two sources familiar with the technology told CNBC that among its challenges, it had issues interpreting different accents and dialects, which affected order accuracy. McDonald’s declined to comment on accuracy or technology challenges, while IBM did not immediately respond to a request to comment on the tool’s accuracy.
Voice recognition never works with accents. It can be trained on one way of speaking and will have a slight margin of error, but then you get a scot, a scouser, and a new yawker arguing over their order and it just goes and deletes itself while crying “Does Not Compute”
Had a Marine on my section spend a lot of money for a car stereo with voice recognition.
This was 2000-2002 time frame.
Problem was that he was a black kid from Louisiana with a mashed up accent.
We about died laughing when he was saying “Play CD” in the straightest accent he could manage and the car would say “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that, please try again”.
Getting tears in my eyes now from the memory, one of the funniest things ever.
I don’t have an accent! YOU have an accent!
Don’t be so diacritical.
Pretty funny. When I got to radio school, had a Boot Camp friend with the worst Massachusetts accent ever. Also in our class, some swamp people from Louisiana and a guy from Los Angeles. As soon as the Massachusetts Marine started talking, everyone looked at him in confusion. The LA guy just asked “why are you making those weird noises?”
“The group of public school teachers in New York behind anti-Israel walkouts has received funding from the George Soros-backed Tides Foundation. Teachers Unite advocated for anti-Israel walkouts in New York City public schools to protest Israel’s actions against the Palestinian group Hamas. The group has also held organization meetings in schools across NYC.
The group previously provided students with a toolkit for the walkout, which included demands to “free Palestine from the river to the sea” and to protect teachers from retaliation for discussing Palestine. The toolkit also suggested that teachers cancel tests or major deadlines to accommodate students participating in a May 31 walkout that saw students march to the Department of Education headquarters.”
“The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) has awarded $35,000 in damages to an Indigenous transgender woman who was refused a leg wax at a salon in Windsor six years ago.”
They hate small businesses.
The tribunal should be boiled in wax.
And the man barging into women’s spaces should be institutionalized to help with his mental issues.
It’s almost like every transaction needs to be recorded/videoed for protection
Count Dankula is finna be single again… 🤔😘😉
Not my type.
Why, what happened?
Random thought that occurred to me last night during a bout of insomnia: We’re sure Biden already has the debate questions, but would it be possible for them to record him answering those questions, and splice them in during the broadcast? There is no studio audience, and Trump’s mike will be cut off, so there can be clean edits. The hosts wouldn’t tell, and if Trump’s team says anything, they’ll be painted as crazy conspiracy theorists as usual. And why would you believe a convicted felon?
No idea why Trump agreed to have it on CNN.
Because he’s a boomer at heart and that comes along with the unwarranted trust for discredited institutions we tend to see from that demographic. It’s one of his many major failings.
34 time convicted! And found liable for sexual assault!
“Blood bath”, “dictator”, ban abortions, throw gays and the alphabet folks back into slavery.
He’s going to put blacks back in chains. Gays are going to death camps.
I don’t think they can _quite_ manage real-time lip-sync changes to video. Yet. But very soon even “live” video won’t be too trustworthy.
Well…he mumbles so much with little lip movement even when he starts his yelling; it could be close to possible to sync it all up. Only thing is, he is too spaced out to make sure his movements and lean in and eye-brow raises, etc would make it work.
Just use Disney Tech to make a CGI Biden, he’s so unrealistic as it is no one will notice.
Not lip syncing. Get Biden on the set this week and record him answering the questions. I’d imagine dozens of takes per question to get it right. Then take the best one, and during the broadcast play the recorded version instead of him answering live. Trump can’t talk over him, and there’s no audience, to technically it could be done.
Because Biden is not as far down the dementia road as we all gleefully like to make out, I think he will persevere enough to have MSM declare him the winner, while Trump will be sorely tempted to ridicule Biden and prompt sympathy from the viewing audience that doesn’t want to see their dotty grandpa mocked. If Trump can stay “presidential” and stick to policy differences, then it won’t matter much what Biden or the MSM does.
They’ll be able to do that one day but they aren’t there yet and a glitch would be an enormous risk. They’ll just prep the shit out of him and pump him full of Modafinil and Aricept with the option of replacing him if he really fucks it up.
It’s virtually guaranteed he’ll have questions ahead of time, so it’s just a matter of him memorizing the answers.
“Is Wikipedia Politically Biased?”
Quite the silly question since it is ‘publicly editable’.
Don’t trust what you read on Wikipedia, if it isn’t a controversial subject. For those, trust it is propaganda.
Wiki is a pretty good starting point if you go to the listed primary sources and branch out from there but, yeah, taking the entries themselves at face value will bite you in the ass.
If it disagrees with either the NYT or WaPo, it’s not a reliable source and is therefore inadmissible as a citation.
It’s virtually guaranteed he’ll have questions ahead of time, so it’s just a matter of him memorizing the answers.
Is it true you have done more for black people in this country than anybody since Abraham Lincoln?
Debate prep
North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, a possible Trump vice presidential pick, tried to reset the balance on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. “The guy’s run for office more than a dozen times. He’s run for president four times. He’s been campaigning since President Nixon was in office,” he said. “This guy has got the ability.”
Trump is also hedging against a stronger-than-expected Biden showing by suggesting his opponent will be “jacked up” on drugs to ensure a strong performance.
The Biden campaign, meanwhile, is intensifying its new attempt to portray Trump as an “unhinged” criminal who is morally reprobate, out to benefit his rich friends and unfit for a return to the Oval Office. The president’s campaign, which is marking the second anniversary of Roe v. Wade’s reversal this week and making abortion a key election issue, promised in a memo Sunday that the head-to-head would finally show voters the contrast Biden believes will disqualify Trump.
“Thursday’s debate will be one of the first moments of this presidential campaign where a larger slice of the American electorate will have the opportunity to witness the stark choice between Joe Biden, who is fighting for the American people, and Donald Trump, who is fighting for himself as a convicted felon with an unhinged campaign of revenge and retribution,” campaign communications director Michael Tyler wrote.
If they could, the Democrats would have Trump wheeled on stage in full Hannibal Lecter rig.
“The guy’b been rejected four times, he’s been running for office since before Nixon resigned, he’s a perpetual loser”
Biden keeps saying he ran because Trump called white supremacists “fine people” and he couldn’t let that stand. Besides that being not at all true, it’s also a bullshit reason because Biden has been a perpetual candidate for decades.
This is probably not new here, but Johnny Carson made fun of of Biden for plagiarism in 1987!
Everything they say and do reeks to high heaven of panic and desperation. If they weren’t so evil and loathsome I would almost feel sorry for them.
If Biden isn’t sky-high on speed, we’ll know that the fix is in and they plan to drop him.
That’s why he’s in a screaming rage for big speeches and debates, and half-asleep the rest of the time. If they kept him that jacked up all the time he’s stroke out (might anyway).
Biden has been a political hack his entire and has accomplished nothing of value.
Pumping him full of drugs will not change the fact that he’s had shit for brains his entire life.
The only thing that matters is that most voters won’t watch the debate, and they will take the media’s word for who won and lost the debate.