Post Biden Links of the Morning.

by | Jun 28, 2024 | I Am Lame | 356 comments

Due to massive quantities of alcohol consumption last night, we appear to have lost the person who said they would do the links. To prevent this from happening in the future, we’ve ordered them a case of Dark Brandon’s Secret Sauce, so they can be as coherent and sharp as Biden was last night.

Apologies, and refunds will be issues in the order in which requests and payments (in that order) are received.

About The Author

Glib Staff

Glib Staff


  1. Rat on a train

    You have to be drunk to watch a modern political debate.

    • Rat on a train

      I forgot to ask for a refund. I will accept store credit.

      • UnCivilServant

        There is a $50 nonrefundable processing fee for all refund requests.

      • Rat on a train

        Put it on my tab.

      • Nephilium

        Rat on a train:

        Ah, regret to inform, sir, credit limit was reached and breached quite some time ago. That will be a $75 surcharge.

      • Fourscore

        Deficits don’t mean anything

      • AlexinCT

        Deficits don’t mean anything

        The Keynesians will rue the day when that claim no longer hold sway.

        I get that people that are into government have kept the idiotic and horribly mutated preachings of Keynes long past it’s sell date, because it allows them to grow government for social justice (marxism), but what can’t continue indefinitely, won’t.

      • juris imprudent

        Savor the irony of Keynes’ own words on that point.

  2. Sensei

    Cool – let me start them off with suggesting nothing is happening until after the convention.

    If Biden were to withdraw before the Democrats’ national nominating convention in August—which remains a remote possibility—it would raise the prospect of an open convention, in which delegates would be free to abandon commitments made to Biden during the primary elections and to back a new nominee. If he were to withdraw after the convention, a special meeting of the Democratic National Committee would decide the party’s presidential ticket, according to the DNC’s rules.

    This lets them backroom the nominee.

    • UnCivilServant

      But what name appears on the ballots if they change after the deadline for getting on the ballots?

      What happens to votes cast for those?

      • WTF

        No problem, the Dems will just do something not allowed by law and some court will rubber stamp it.

    • WTF

      How do they convince Doktor Jill to allow Joe to withdraw?

      • Sean

        More mortgages?

      • WTF

        Nice! Although they would have to be really YUUUGE! to get her to give up being First Lady.

      • Rat on a train

        Grant her the title Frau Doctor First Lady (for Life) Jill Biden?

      • trshmnstr

        The “Stormy Daniels” experience with the new president?

    • Nephilium

      That does run into the issue that the DNC already did a shadow convention and named Biden the nominee to comply with Ohio (and a couple other states) laws about ballot access. But I’m sure a friendly federal judge in Hawaii can overturn that for them.

    • SDF-7

      But does the virtual convention they had already because of Ohio count? Because that was supposed to be the actual vote anyway (again, to satisfy Ohio)… so the in-person one was already just window dressing.

      And I have to say — the campaign website attempt to lean into the “Darth Brandon” meme is so beyond pathetic it isn’t even funny. They should prominently sell packs of (paper, of course!) straws so their remaining hangers on can grasp at them.

    • Sensei

      Where the did the WSJ find this squish? A nominally Republican in NV who is a “a health and safety manager for an exploration drilling company” and thinks she still may have to vote for Biden.

      Eklund—a Republican who has supported Democrats in the past and is undecided about how she will vote in November—said that if Biden were her father, “I would probably ask him not to proceed. His overall appearance has substantially changed. He stuttered before in the past, but not like he did this time.”

      But Eklund, a health and safety manager for an exploration drilling company, said she wasn’t happy with Trump’s performance either. “I felt they both acted like children, unfortunately,” she said.

      • SDF-7

        McMuffin’s last supporter?

      • WTF

        In other words, not really a Republican.

      • R C Dean

        Votes for Democrats, is “on the fence” – yeah, not a Republican really. Parrots the “stutter” narrative – smells like Democrat operative.

        She’s right that it was liking watching two five year olds, though.

      • Sensei

        RC – that was my first thought. It’s perfect.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        a Republican who has supported Democrats in the past

        So, a Democrat

    • juris imprudent

      Nothing would demoralize the Democratic base more than a non-democratic primary resulting in a nomination. Even the party hardcores won’t be happy, and the factions would break into open warfare.

      In other words, from your lips to God’s ear.

    • Rat on a train

      It’s mourning for some.

      • Nephilium

        It’s Mourning In Amerika!

      • SDF-7

        You saw this idiocy referenced recently too? (Can’t find how I stumbled across it — but some other moron woman was touting it… maybe someone linked it yesterday….)

  3. Old Man With Candy

    My biggest takeaway from last night’s freak show: Biden handed Trump two wonderful gifts, which were ignored and wasted.

    “How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties for molesting a woman in public? For doing a whole range of things? Of having sex with a porn star on the night – while your wife was pregnant? You have the morals of an alley cat.”

    Correct answer was: “Say, Joe, I bet you could recommend a great babysitter for my kids.”

    “Convicted felon.”

    Correct answer was: “Found competent to stand trial.”

    • Sensei


    • cavalier973

      What was Trump’s reply?

      • Old Man With Candy

        Something something BORDERS something. Something something we’re a laughingstock something.

        He really didn’t have much else to say.

    • SDF-7

      I would have accepted “Even an alley cat doesn’t take bribes from foreign governments and shower with his daughter.”

    • Drake

      Trump wasn’t particularly sharp. Just looked smart because he was standing next to an invalid.

  4. Evan from Evansville

    “Debate:” Folk calling each other “whiner” and “loser.” It’s a fuckin’ (bad) High School Prez ‘election.’ Plenty of “fortification” will be involved.
    Not talked ’bout? Actual policies! Note: The Prez doesn’t have Constitutional authority to have much outside war.

    Watched w True Blue bro, SiL and Mom: “Why do we have to vote for a decaying corpse to keep Trump out of office?” was one good one. I’m thrilled people MAY (read: “Are not” see(ing) how fucked up the whole system has become. If THIS is what jolts ppl into realizing Shit is Up (They Won’t.) it MAY be worth it. Optimists unite…behind a pebble I kick.

    “Cadaverous” was a good one Mom used. They’re so despondent that BIDEN is the “best” Team Blue can do. I find it highly amusing in my own way. NO ONE in my family recognized/saw/gets my point that all SocSec $ from my generation+ is aaaaall gone, wasted, spent. My “Wanna boost the econ? How about STOP taking 12.4% of every goddamn paycheck away from folk for that fucking bankrupt “security.” Silence. True Blue, I am surrounded by. 🙂

    • SDF-7

      It fits — DC has been Junior High Mean Girls, The Sequel for quite a while now. Might as well devolve into Student Council President election debates… “I’ll get the Principal to outlaw homework and give us free snacks!” sounds awfully close to the JackAss platform after all.

      • rhywun

        The next debate should be that gibbering slam poetry crap they do in high school now.

  5. Ted S.

    For the EV haters:

    • Sensei

      “The Tesla charger caught on fire in the garage late last night and quickly spread”

      Better still it was the charger and not the car. There are more than few “professional” electricians that half ass the install of chargers.

      • The Other Kevin

        That’s why it’s taking so long for the Biden admin to install those chargers. You can’t be too careful.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Sigh. Many people are ‘wary’ of Ev and my ability to consistently do odd things. Maybe one ex, but I can’t think of anyone else who actively “hates” me.

      I find the flood of “ev haters” frightful, inopportune. *kicks pebble further*

      • The Last American Hero

        I’d put up with you for $7,500 in tax credits.

  6. Shpip

    Just in time for the election.

    COVID-19 is on the rebound in Florida as new variants spread across the country.

    Federal health authorities have scaled back what data is available to track the virus, with no more total case counts and as hospitals are no longer are required to report COVID-19 admissions.

    But Florida has seen a surge in virus levels in sewage since early May, according to data from WastewaterSCAN, a project from Emory and Stanford universities that analyzes samples from 13 sites in the state, including three St. Petersburg locations.

    Maybe we can scare the rubes into letting us do fraud-by-mail again. It’s worth a shot.

    • Nephilium

      I’ve seen a couple of articles spinning that Biden had a cold (BUT NOT COVID! HE TESTED NEGATIVE), which is why he was so out of sorts during the debate.

      • WTF

        Strangest cold symptoms I’ve ever seen in my life. Perfectly mimicked dementia.

      • WTF

        So then I’m sure he’ll do much better in September.

      • Pope Jimbo

        The problem with that is that no one mentioned the cold before the debate, in fact they spun him as vigorous and ready to go.

        Biden arrived at about 3:15 p.m. ET, and greeted an entourage that included former UN ambassador Andrew Young and Stacy Abrams. Also spotted, per a pool report: Jeffrey Katzenberg, who is serving as campaign co-chair.
        Later, Biden greeted supporters in downtown Atlanta, hugging Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA), who is serving as one of the campaign surrogates.

        Or maybe Dems just like spreading contagious diseases (remember when Hillary supposedly had pneumonia, but still hugged a young girl)?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Jimbo…that won’t matter. If they want that to be the narrative, they will wash away all that.

    • WTF

      Florida won’t do it, but don’t most states have fraud by mail still on the books from 2020?

    • SDF-7

      “surge”… “uptick”… no numbers, percentages or ratios needed, I see… so it could be 0.0005% to 0.0008% for all we know.

      And I fully expect it to start ticking up as we approach Fall. Like every other flu-like virus in human history after all.

      I thought they were gearing up for Scary Bird Flu this time around though.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I think I have shared this story, but I like to hear myself talk so I’ll tell it again.

      I once did a project to add the ability to directly send flu testing results from the machine that did the testing via the internet. It was a pretty simple project, it was just adding a cellular module and tapping into a serial port on the machine.

      The old method was: 1) Machine tests all day. 2) Some flunky would hit a print button and all the results would be printed on a roll of paper like a receipt. 3) Flunky would put results into a spreadsheet and email to state health dept. 4) State flunky would put results by hand into their database. 5) Another flunky would run report and email results to CDC. 6) CDC would import into their database.

      Go figure, this took some time. The lag was 6-8 weeks from test to CDC. When we were talking to the various people about the current process, they would admit that the data was only good for looking at historical trends because by the time the CDC (or even state) got the results there was no chance to react to any wave of flu.

      Our project actually failed because the State Health Dept that we were trying to do a pilot with was too inept to set up an api we could send the results to. And there was consternation about what would happen to the three people who entered all that data previously. So the manufacturer liked the work, but couldn’t sell it.

      I doubt much has changed since then (mid ’00s). I bet it still takes a long time for results to get from the field to the CDC. And I bet there are still a lot of manual pieces to the process.

      • Sensei

        And nobody makes a typo during any of those steps.

      • PutridMeat

        I like to hear myself talk

        Are you one of those guys that talks out loud while they type?

      • Pope Jimbo

        No, but my lips do move.

    • R C Dean

      “Maybe we can scare the rubes into letting us do fraud-by-mail again.”

      No need. Junk mail voting is the baseline nearly everywhere now. I think it was rolled back just a little in only a couple of states.

    • creech

      What a pile of shit.

    • The Other Kevin

      Love how they don’t use hospitalizations or deaths, it’s the amount of virus in the sewer. If lots of people were getting seriously ill you’d hear about it.

    • The Last American Hero

      Fraud by mail is the way voting is now done in most of the blue and swing states. No coof needed.

      • Ayn Random Variation

        In a red county in CO and most people here vote by mail. We just had primary Congressional votes. As an Independent I got a Repub and a Dem ballot mailed to me. I picked one, put it in the envelope they provided, signed the envelope and wrote my email address on it, and put the envelope in a designated box in town. Supposedly I will get an email confirming my ballot was counted.

      • dbleagle

        HI adopted “voting fraud by mail” slightly before Da Vid caused the large adoption of it. I have lived in my house for 12+ years and the last election I received ballots for myself and three others I have never met. The ballots didn’t arrive on the same day as well. The only saving grace is fraudsters have to have their ballots arrive at the various tallying sites by 8pm on the so-called “election day.”

        In person voting, after showing ID, with a paper ballot, on the designated day should be the standard. My call is that biden is selected again, two weeks after “election day” after an Atlantic Wall’s worth of fortification.

  7. Drake

    Whoever called it a bum fight last night was spot on. I watched as much as I could bear.

    Some Joe statements that need follow ups:

    – “Fentanyl machines”? what?

    – “Most women are raped by their in-laws” speaking from experience?

    • Rat on a train

      “We beat Medicare” is pretty good.

    • cavalier973

      That was David Burge, “Iowahawk”, on X.

      “…in-laws and sisters” is what he said.

      • SDF-7

        He’s all in on trans inclusion is my most generous take on that.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Most women in the Biden family are raped by their in laws is what he meant I think.

  8. DrOtto

    We finally beat Medicare!!!

    • Rat on a train

      with a stick?

    • Beau Knott

      Into swords, which we gave to Ukraine. And Israel. And Hamas.

  9. rhywun

    Dark Brandon’s Secret Sauce

    That’s real?!

    • Nephilium

      I’m sorely tempted to order some, but I don’t want the mailings that will come along with ordering it.

    • Timeloose

      It’s so pathetic I thought it had to be fake.

      Trump supporters need to start selling “Your Fired!!” hot sauce, charcoal, and butane lighters.

      • Nephilium

        Please. Here at Glibs we only serve the finest and most truthful snark and commentary. Just look at our Wednesday midday posts.

      • juris imprudent

        Neph, we’re just lucky that Seth Dillon hasn’t stolen SF out from under us.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Any company that leans that hard into politics has completely lost any ability to sell to me. I don’t care which side you are on.

  10. Stinky Wizzleteats


    What’s the secret ingredient in that sauce? Ewww…

    • SDF-7

      If the can is to be believed, it is only water. So you’re paying for an aluminum can of water. Really environmental there, libs. At least Billy Beer was only “mostly water”.

  11. Timeloose

    I worked on my truck last night instead of watching the old white and crusty turd sandwich debate the giant douche from the TV show about branding.

    Sounds like I made the right choice. When with the second coming of Bobby K make his case.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Depends on how cruel your sense of humor is or isn’t whether that was a solid move or not.

  12. mock-star

    Get ready for it to be socially acceptable to say that there is a *slight* possibility that Biden *might* be suffering from just a *smidge* of mental decline, despite that being far-right extremist transphobic QAnon conspiracy theory lies right up until 5 minutes ago.
    See also: the border/inflation/lab leaks/

    • Timeloose

      This is being spun like it just happened, like he caught a case of dementia last week. No concerns that he might have been a clueless figurehead for the last 4 years.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Remember how they went after the prosecutor who revealed they weren’t going after him because he seemed like a confused old man? This has been going on for quite a while.

  13. Fourscore

    If the Brandon isn’t fit to run for re-election how da hell is he fit to sit in the Big Chair now?

    Putin/Xi/Un et al are looking (leering) and wondering if this a new chess game and they didn’t get copy of the rules.

    • WTF

      After last night’s display confirmed for the world just how bad Brandon is, the world became a much more dangerous place.

    • The Other Kevin

      I put something like that on Twitter this morning. These people all knew what he was like and covered for him for four years, and they’re willing to break every law to get him re-elected. There should be no doubt about little they respect this country and its citizens, or even the rest of the world. What they’ve done is finally out in the open.

      • juris imprudent

        This came up over in my substack feed.

        “Cast away illusions and prepare for struggle.” Perhaps it’s unorthodox for a conservative to quote Mao Zedong, but he did know a thing or two about politics. For one, he understood that politics is not a debate club.

  14. Shpip

    He’d seen things you people wouldn’t believe

    A civil servant robot working for a council in South Korea was found unresponsive after apparently throwing itself down a flight of stairs, with locals now mourning the country’s first robot suicide.

    Gumi City Council announced that the robot is now defunct after it fell down a two-metre staircase around 4pm last Thursday.

    • SDF-7

      It had ‘Net access, found out about that “human cell-based skin” story from yesterday and…. just couldn’t face it?

    • AlexinCT

      I bet we find out the robot was made to engage in non consensual sex acts…

    • UnCivilServant

      Civil Service… robot?

      Does Not Compute.

    • Sensei

      Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world’s first bionic man…Steve Austin Civil Servant Park-bot will be that man. We can make him better than he was before Better…Stronger…Faster

      • Rat on a train

        The 6 million won robot?

      • UnCivilServant

        Six million won is about… $4,356

        Yeah, we could probably swing that. Cheaper than a replacement.

      • Rat on a train

        That’s the reason some people have surgery in Mexico.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Ha! Knew it.

      • slumbrew

        “That guy definitely fucks that robot, right?”

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      And the city of Gumi beared it soul in morning.

    • Tundra

      Awww. Sweet boy.

      Thanks, Holiness!

  15. AlexinCT

    They are going to swap Biden out for someone else, and that will not be Koh-Moh-Loh. And in order to avoid having to assassinate Trump, they are going to have a massive effort that will require a reason to do to “fortify” the election again. If their plans still far short, like they did in 2016, you can bet your ass They are also putting “legislation” in place to prevent Trump from any attempt at dismantling the deep state, while I bet they will rile their militant marxist base to go out and riot.

    These are evil people that will not accept others telling them they are credentialed morons and their time is up. It’s gonna get spicey.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’d have to be a black woman then. Will Michelle do it?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Sigh. If Michelle ran, I think she would walk away with it.

        Doesn’t matter that she had a no-show job on that board that was simply payola.

        Especially when she finally comes out and reveals that she really is trans and is still packing junk.

      • AlexinCT

        Big Mike has made it very clear she doesn’t want the job.

        And the democrats, for all their DEI shit, will replace the crypt keeper with a white dude or Hillary, because they already had enough fail with the dementia addled liar over the last 4 years.

      • trshmnstr

        Nah, the base will turn out due to sheer TDS, even when it is Newsom.

      • Suthenboy

        Back in the Obumbles time what we were seeing was every bit as nuts as what we are seeing now but I think most people couldn’t really believe or appreciate it. There was a ‘Nooooo, that cant be true’ mentality.

  16. Timeloose

    “The secret to a good debate performance? Staying hydrated. Get yourself the same performance enhancers Joe Biden took before going on stage. 100% water, 0% malarkey.”

    What you use to pop the handfulls of malarkey needed to keep you from wandering out of the White house with your robe and slippers on?

    • The Last American Hero

      I may have to go put my money down, because Brandon wins narrowly on election night and handily post fortification/recounts.

      • juris imprudent

        Hey, buy a lottery ticket too!

  17. Pope Jimbo

    Still less of a disaster than the debate?

    June 27 (UPI) — Residents of a Connecticut neighborhood are dealing with a stinky situation after a manure truck rolled over, collided with a car and spilled its odoriferous cargo.
    Ann Bedard, whose house is located at the intersection of Deerfield Road and Brayman Hollow Road in Pomfret, said she heard the sound of the crash and rushed to investigate.
    She discovered a manure truck had rolled over and struck her neighbor’s car, causing it to spray manure on her yard, a neighbor’s yard and their homes.

    • AlexinCT

      a manure truck rolled over, collided with a car and spilled its odoriferous cargo.

      Back to the future I, or II, or III?

      • AlexinCT

        Back to the Future: Shit Happens..

      • Fourscore

        Why couldn’t it have been my garden instead of the thing in Atlanta last night.

        It was spread pretty deep on both side of the stage

    • Drake

      More Bond-villain evil than liberal.

      There are too many people in the world Also, here, take these shots, they’re good for you, really.

  18. Tundra

    Good morning!

    I didn’t watch last night, but subjected myself to a few clips this morning. Like many others have commented, it looks to me like this was a setup to justify removing FJB once and for all.

    But fuck all that.

    How about a bonus Pope Jimbo’s Daily Ray of Sunshine?

    Happy Friday!

      • Tundra

        Oh my. What a great find!

        I have that record somewhere. I know everyone slobbers over Sub Pop, but Matador in the 90s had some amazing bands.

        Like my boys.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        There was just a shit ton of good music back then. I missed a lot of it, being too wrapped up in one branch, but as I get older I get to start taking deep dives into bands I liked, but never got really into.

      • The Last American Hero

        Would have been better if he’d played One in a Million.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        So, I clicked on your link, Pope, and…

        What were you saying?

    • WTF

      I loved how much fun the band was having with the kid.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Thanks Tundra! That was awesome.

  19. Sensei


    Uvalde’s former chief of school district police was arrested Thursday after a grand jury indicted him for his role in the response to the 2022 Robb Elementary School shooting that left 19 students and two teachers dead.

    Pete Arredondo, 52 years old, was indicted on 10 counts of abandoning and endangering a child, Uvalde County Sheriff Ruben Nolasco said Thursday. Arredondo was widely blamed for bungling the response to the attack in Texas.

    • Tundra

      Good. Hang his body outside the city gates as a warning to others.

    • juris imprudent

      I said it back then, if it had been me that did that I would’ve sucked a gun barrel. How can a man live with that?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Watch the video of Tonio’s last link yesterday. Same thing.

  20. Old Man With Candy

    One more comment about the debates: Trump did best when he spoke the least. He often ruined advantages that were handed to him when he decided to start… well… being Trump. He needs to be a better student of Napoleon; “N’interrompez jamais un ennemi qui est en train de faire une erreur.”

    • Nephilium

      “Never interrupt an enemy when he’s running a train on a fairy?”

      My high school French is a bit rusty…

      • juris imprudent

        No, no, faire une erreur is French transliteration of foreigner.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        A gay error?

        I can accept that.

    • Sensei

      What does it say when I can read that after two years of HS French, but putting the same thing in Japanese will take me to a dictionary to look up a some characters.

      • UnCivilServant

        It says that the Japanese writing system is too convoluted.

      • Sensei

        Hence the invention of Hangul for Korean.

        It may be one of the few diktats of Top Men that was truly beneficial.

      • Pope Jimbo


        – Every Korean I have ever met who learned I can’t read Hangul.

      • UnCivilServant

        Hangul is well designed for the Korean language.

        I don’t speak Korean. I can’t read Hangul.

        You didn’t capitalize on your version of the printing press, so Gutenberg’s improved version gets the credit.

      • Sensei

        Well Jimbo, given your family situation I do find it a bit funny you never took the plunge.

        From what I’ve read just simply reading it takes only 40 to 80 hours of study. Doesn’t mean you will have any idea what you are saying, however. After that you are on to Japanese levels of grammar complexity and learning words with no western roots.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I can curse in Korean (learned from ROK Marines).

        The problem I have with Korean is that there are certain phonemes that I can’t hear the difference between.

        Daughter (딸) vs Moon(달)

        My wife is fluent in Japanese too. Got her college degree in Japanese. I met her at a dorm mixer and talked her into meeting me for coffee to practice for my Japanese class. She was so fresh off the boat she thought I was actual husband material and made a grave error 30+ years ago.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Got her college degree in Japanese.

        Sorry. She got her degree at a Japanese college. Her degree is in sociology. She came to the US to get a post-grad degree in social work. (never got it, having taken on the greater challenge of rehabilitating me).

      • Sensei

        I initially had the same trouble hearing distinctions in elongated and shortened vowel sounds in Japanese.

        Context and endless listening repetition worked.

        For example:

        病院 びょういん – byouin – hospital
        美容院 びよういん biyouin – beauty parlor

    • trshmnstr


      Trump gave a very middling debate performance. The republicans would’ve been in panic mode last night if the democrats hadn’t gone all weekend at Bernie’s with their candidate.

      You can tell that Trump’s coaches are feeding him a bunch of stylistic prep, and it’s combining with his natural personality into some weirdness. Way too repetitive. Way too many attempts to attack Biden without first setting up the punchline. Way too many missed opportunities that he wouldve nailed out of the park 8 or even 4 years ago.

      It’s a clown show, and Trump’s only saving grace was that the other clown was more of an embarrassment than he was.

      • cyto

        The reason alums in my X feed all said the new Trump was much better. Much more on-message.

        They also all thought CNN dod a great job

      • trshmnstr

        Much more on-message.

        Diff’rent strokes, I guess. Yelling “immigration” as the response to every question felt like a miss to me. He had the lid off that particular salt shaker and dumped it on every course of the meal.

        I think CNN returned to an early 2000s style of debate moderation that was much needed, but the questions were still quite leading. I’d give them a 6/10.

      • Common Tater

        Trump didn’t need to hit any home runs, when Biden couldn’t even find the plate.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Yep. If Biden’s on the mound, go up to bat with the mindset to watch 4 pitches.

  21. PieInTheSky

    In light of how things are going with your politicking I reiterate my offer to be emperor of America and fix things. I will give up absolute power in 10 yerars willingly after I fix things. All I require as payment is one billion dollars and while in office a harem of 12 hot American women between the ages of 20 and 30

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m afraid your idea of how things should be does not correspond to how things should be.

      • PieInTheSky

        how would you know how things should be? You don’t even have a proper map.

    • Old Man With Candy

      We need an emperor who sounds like Dracula. You have my vote.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        So, Oleaginous is out, and Coagulase is in?

    • SDF-7

      Look, the last guy we had in that slot didn’t do so hot. We’re not really looking to go back to it anytime soon.

      • Nephilium

        Do not talk badly about the Protector of Mexico!

    • bacon-magic

      *Calls Dylan Mulvaney
      Hey star,
      Call up 11 of your home-gurls, we got a new leader wanting some American babes.

  22. Winston's Mom

    Due to massive quantities of alcohol consumption last night, we appear to have lost the person who said they would do the links. To prevent this from happening in the future, we’ve ordered them a case of Dark Brandon’s Secret Sauce, so they can be as coherent and sharp as Biden was last night.

    Wise ass.

    I’ll save it for next time Frankie Graham come around.

  23. The Other Kevin

    I will admit when I’m wrong. And damn, was I wrong about the debate. I thought everything would be tightly controlled, even to the point of pre-recorded Biden answers. Sure, they cut off Trump at a few key times, and I think they gave Biden extra rebuttals, but other that that, it was the real Joe. This was nothing like I thought.

    I was also wrong about Trump doing this debate. I thought it would be a bad idea. This was a massive win for him.

    While Trump remained calm and had some good answers, all that has already been forgotten because the big story is how Biden appeared to be little more than a corpse and made Trump look young and vibrant. Sounds like the Dems are desperately trying to replace Biden at this point, but it might be too late.

  24. cyto

    So, last night I was texting with my peeps about the debate coverage. There were meltdowns all over the place. MSNBC was particularly despondent, as they vacillated from their pre-written talking points to despair over their candidate’s performance. Within an hour the consensus on all the main news shows we were watching was that Biden needs to step aside and be replaced.

    My oh my, what difference a few hours makes.

    • cyto

      This morning google curated a “news for you” section on youtube with stories about the debate. The headlines are oddly neutral given what we normally see.

      Biden and Trump clash in rematch for the White House

      Watch Biden, Trump spar in first 2024 debate


      Highlights from the first presidential debate

      (Forbes Breaking News huge banner over Biden speaking after debate)

      “We’re Gonna Beat This Guy”


      How Dems, Republicans react to Historic Debate

      • cyto

        Bizarre… they all went totally neutral.

        Nothing in YouTube suggestions showed any of the panic from last night.

        It is as if they regained their composure and went out to ensure that the 90% of the country that didn’t watch the debate doesn’t think there is anything worth seeing

      • WTF

        Looks like the decision is to go into full gaslighting mode, because they realize they are probably stuck with Biden at this point.

  25. PieInTheSky


    ⛓️ A further 7 Just Stop Oil supporters have been arrested at their homes this morning for resisting the tyranny of fossil fuels.

    💸 Help us replace tech seized by the police

    give generously glibbies

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Looks like Stonehenge was the last straw. The ancient Celtic gods are fed up.

      • cyto

        The “let’s all stand here and watch as protesters vandalize museums” and “let’s have the police protect a dozen protesters as they block the main highway into a major city” strategy has been a stunning development to me.

        I mean, I knew that there were some governments who were complicit – like Charlottesville… but this is global and much more out in the open.

        It has been a removal of the mask that has revealed how controlled we all are. It feels very Soviet Union… and it is across the west.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        People are willing to put up with a lot now, thirty years ago these people would have been beaten at the least by a mob.

      • Timeloose

        I approve of the Blues Brothers approach to blocked roads…………I hate Illinois Nazis!!

      • WTF

        People are willing to put up with a lot now, thirty years ago these people would have been beaten at the least by a mob.

        I was in my thirties thirty years ago, and when I see people just standing around watching these idiots vandalize, I am truly baffled why nobody is licking the shit out of them.

      • WTF

        “kicking” KICKING goddammit!

    • Sean


      “Ha Ha!”

    • UnCivilServant

      Which department is this? We could give the officers a few dozen MRAPs

    • Suthenboy

      The enlightened west has slipped into madness. Was it inevitable?
      These guys could not have been more wrong:
      “We can hear you coming. No, your not gonna win this time.” <—- Better take another look boys.

      • AlexinCT

        The enlightened west has slipped into madness. Was it inevitable?

        I am pretty sure this will not be popular, but the fact is success created by hard men and societal changes because of the luxury that created, has become our downfall. The massive success has allowed people more focused on emotion and the luxury beliefs those that are driven by emotions and their hormones hold, to undermine the required pillars that kept the modernity and creation of more luxury.

        Property rights seems to be heading towards extinction. The concept that a welfare state can’t survive with an open border seems to be the nail in the coffin. Economic policy of the elite is to make sure government has the absolute power to pick winners & losers, because life is not fair. Defense has been taken over by people that want to use it as a way to indoctrinate people not infected by stupid into being stupid, while its real purpose – to break shit and exterminate enemies, or at least to make others wishing to d you harm fear that prospect – is dead.

        When culture and academia were allowed to be taken over by marxists, we doomed ourselves to extinction. Things will have to get real bad – bad enough that those primarily responsible for the luxury beliefs have suffered massively – before this ship will be allowed to correct. And it will take hard men to do it.

      • Suthenboy

        So, inevitable. I think you are right.
        Until I got a really good look at demoralized people I didn’t realize just how malleable the human mind is.

      • WTF

        Alex – It’s the endless cycle: hard men>good times; good times> soft men; soft men>hard times; hard times>hard men.
        We are still in the soft men stage.

      • AlexinCT

        We are still in the soft men stage.

        Yes, but the fall this time will have the largest body count in human history (passing the close to 170 million murdered by marxism), and the destruction of prosperity will be epic. I am worried it will be a civilizational collapse followed by a long dark age…

    • trshmnstr

      Threesome within a year.
      Open marriage within two.
      Divorce within five.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Assuming (wrongly) that’s real, absolutely.

    • Suthenboy

      Does the Daily Star ever have any stories without an appeal to prurient interests?

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Eh, I know the right is running wild with this but was there any question that was not just a generic debate question or completely expected (hey, you’re fucking old, how do you respond?).

    • AlexinCT

      If you don’t think they – the deep state, the media, and the dnc crime syndicate – did everything they could to help Biden come out ahead in that freakshow, you are missing out on the definition of “fortification” team blue works from.

      I still stand by the fact this was the plan all along. The people that have really been running the country needed an excuse to tell the voters electing a democrat will be more of the same economic and global devastation as they sell out the American people to the globalist agenda, for the next 4 years. Replacing Biden with some other tool will allow them to pretend things can change for the better (it won’t: it can only get worse for people that do actual work with these people in charge), which is a must have to fight Trump’s appeal to the blue collar worker classes that have suffered the most from Obamanomics 3.0 masquerading as Bidenomics.

      Team red is a country club full of assholes, but team blue is a brutal and hardcore crime syndicate that cares only about having and getting more power and using it to let everyone know they have it.

    • Tundra

      Big win for sanity. I hope people throw them some business.

      • trshmnstr

        Meh, my local farm stores are better and they don’t have corporate bean counters cramming this crap down their throats. I won’t avoid TSC anymore, but I’m not gonna go out of my way to give them business

      • AlexinCT

        When I see things like this announcement, my first question is are they just renaming the evil shit something else so they can go back under cover to keep doing the same evil shit. I guess I have more certainty that in the private sector the odds are better “Didn’t Earn It” is being done away with because it has costs associated with it, but when it comes to academia, public education, or government, I bet they are just using slight of hand to distract the people that understand the damage this shit is doing.

    • UnCivilServant

      I saw the statement, but I’m waiting for them to follow through on it.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Now if they’d do something about the cheap Chinese knockoff crap they sell…

  26. The Late P Brooks

    I caught part of an old horror movie last night which was apparently about putting a human brain into a gorilla. The DNC should see if they can scrounge up a monkey brain to swap into Joe’s head.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Do you want Planet of the Apes?

      Cause that is how you get Planet of the Apes!

    • ron73440

      Was it like this?

      Dolores: What are those assholes doing on the porch? –

      Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr: Those aren’t assholes. It’s pronounced “azaleas”

  27. Pine_Tree

    Sad heads-up since a lot of us are fans: Rep. Massie’s posting that his wife passed away yesterday.

    • trshmnstr

      Dang. He has been on a whirlwind media tour of late, so hopefully he got to spend some time with her before she died.

    • bacon-magic


    • ron73440

      That’s horrible.

      Was she sick or did it come out of nowhere?

      • slumbrew

        I’m going to assume she was sick (and I assume cancer) but they kept it quiet.

        That sucks.

      • slumbrew

        I await some shitty, soulless takes from the left about her death.

    • AlexinCT

      The people of the DDR won that fight…

  28. The Other Kevin

    I think we need to thank RJ for giving us that Cheerleaders movie. Now we have something to watch in a loop to take our mind off the shit show that is our country.

  29. Common Tater

    My wild conspiracy theory is that they didn’t give Joe the good drugs on purpose so he would do badly, and held it in June so that they would have time to run a replacement.

    • trshmnstr

      I’d be less apt to believe it if people weren’t predicting this exact situation 2 months ago.

      • UnCivilServant

        It was known that they had to jettison gropey joe and cackles, the question was when and how.

    • PieInTheSky

      My wild conspiracy theory – it is not that wiled I saw it a bun ch of times on the X

    • Fourscore

      I thought about that too and no one could question it, “Why was he even on drugs?”

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Theatrical modesty

    California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a potential future presidential candidate who was Biden’s most prominent surrogate in the Atlanta spin room, urged Democrats not to panic.

    “I think it’s unhelpful. And I think it’s unnecessary. We’ve got to go in, we’ve got to keep our heads high,” Newsom said in an interview on MSNBC. “We’ve got to have the back of this president. You don’t turn back because of one performance. What kind of party does that?”

    Go on, Gavin, save the party. Dive onto the grenade.

  31. R C Dean

    Here’s a thought:

    If Hillary had managed to not lose to Trump, she’d be finishing up her second term now.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      And the inverse: if the D’s hadn’t gone full Stalinist, Trump would be finishing up, and as per usual the pres. would switch parties.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Still, signs of anxiety were apparent as Democrats began to openly encourage the party to find an alternative to Biden. Some party officials pointed to a social media post from former Obama campaign aide Ravi Gupta.

    “Every Democrat I know is texting that this is bad,” Gupta wrote on X. “Just say it publicly and begin the hard work of creating space in the convention for a selection process. I’ll vote for a corpse over Trump, but this is a suicide mission.”

    Nobody saw it coming. We’re all flabbergasted.

    • R C Dean

      So I guess we’re going to pretend that their Zoom convention nomination of Biden never happened?

      I’ve heard it did, but I haven’t really seen any confirmation, so maybe it didn’t.

      This debate was such an unforced error on Trump’s part. Why not just say “Nah, we’ll do a debate or two in the normal course, after the conventions.” I see no downside to that, but this gives the Dems the opportunity to swap out Joe for a better candidate. Sure, it’ll piss of some of the Dem faithful to have a back room deal nominee, but does anybody think they won’t fall in line and vote for whoever?

    • PieInTheSky

      I have said this before but Bryson DeChambeau is a stupid name.

      • Drake

        I assumed he was French until I saw an interview. Just a regular dude originally from California who moved to Texas.

  33. db

    Chevron OVERRULED!

    • trshmnstr


      • UnCivilServant

        Held: The Administrative Procedure Act requires courts to exercise their
        independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within
        its statutory authority, and courts may not defer to an agency inter-
        pretation of the law simply because a statute is ambiguous; Chevron is
        overruled. Pp. 7–35.

        I did not expect it to be that unambiguous

      • db

        Yes, that’s some firm language. Tumescent, even.

      • db

        I want to frame and display this decision

      • db


      • UnCivilServant

        I loaded the page before your link had shown up.

      • db

        I get it, just funning

    • WTF

      Just saw that, it’s YUUUGE!
      Now do Wickard

    • PieInTheSky

      So the US will be destroyed by pollution before I get the chance to visit 🙁

      • db

        Yeah, your Eurotrash presence will hardly be noticed


      • AlexinCT

        Only the big blue urban areas…

        Everywhere else the only pollution we have is the stupidity noise from these urban areas.

      • Nephilium

        Especially on top of Ohio vs. EPA being decided in favor of the great state of Ohio.

    • WTF

      If nothing else, this is a reason to favor Trump as president.

    • SDF-7

      Hmm… Roberts apparently left himself weasel words:

      “Careful attention to the judgment of the Executive Branch may help inform that inquiry,” Roberts writes. “And when a particular statute delegates authority to an agency consistent with constitutional limits, courts must respect the delegation, while ensuring that the agency acts within it.”

      Congress delegating authority to an agency being constitutional or not is part of the issue as I understood things.

      But hopefully this helps a bit. Now do Wickard guys.

      • bacon-magic

        Thomas’s was better.

    • Rat on a train

      Why am I not surprised who dissented?

    • slumbrew

      Wow. Wowie wow wow wow.

  34. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    After the whole golf discussion the Zoom crowd determined that Joe Biden is Judge Smails and Trump is Rodney Dangerfield

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      No, Biden is that super old dude, the one wearing plus fours who makes six feet on a drive.

      “good show…”

      • slumbrew

        “Mr. Havercamp, your ball is over here, sir.”

      • B.P.

        Oh excellent. Newsom waiting in the wings to take on the Judge Smails role?

    • trshmnstr

      Earlier in his remarks, he spent a bit of time talking through the difference between true journalism as factual inquiry versus journalism as an exercise in virtue signalling. Clearly that girl was watching TikTok videos during that part of the speech.

    • WTF

      That was great.

    • bacon-magic

      He ended her.

  35. Q Continuum

    They obviously had the debate in June so they’d have an excuse to dump Biden.

    The real question is how and with whom do they replace him? That’s why I think the real loser of the debate is Trump. Given the general intelligence level of the average voter, Biden in his current state is the only person Trump could beat IMO. I actually think Trump would struggle to beat Kamala as lousy of a candidate as she is simply because she could cobble back together enough of their intersectional identity coalition (which is currently crumbling) to drag it over the finish line. There is no way in hell they’ll let Newsom be the guy; you can’t possibly let a straight White guy leapfrog box-checking Kamala without a 5 alarm lefty meltdown. I expect Joe will drop out in August for Kamala with Vladimir Ilych Newsom as the Veep. If Joe doesn’t drop out, it’s a telegraph that they no longer care about being subtle in the election fraud, it’ll be loud, proud and massive in scale. Like I’ve said before, “they” will never, ever let Trump be president again and they’ll do anything to keep him out.

    • The Other Kevin

      Last night we saw clear as day that Biden is not in charge. Which means the last 4 years is all due to Democrat policies. That’s going to be really hard for them to shake. The new candidate would have to run on a platform of reversing everything Biden did. Will their commie base tolerate that?

      • Q Continuum

        I actually think it doesn’t matter; as Dean said, the AWFLs will be single-issue on abortion and most of the rest will vote on personality. You’re 100% right about him not being in charge, but that goes for any future Dem president as well. The “staff” are the ones actually calling the shots, the Chief Executive is a figurehead.

    • R C Dean

      Why do you think the people who vote based on intersectional identity stuff won’t vote for Biden, but would for Kamala?

      In any event, I think that issue is not really much of a needle-mover regardless of the nominee. Most of those people are AWFLs, and they will vote based on abortion anyway. Could Kamala retrieve some of the minority vote that is leaking away? Maybe a few blacks, but I don’t see her getting any Latinos back on the reservation.

    • WTF

      You give them too much credit. Why bother with all of the intrigue and bullshit when Trump could just be the victim of a lone gunman.

      • Q Continuum

        Sure, and I absolutely believe they could and would do that if necessary. However, they can do that anytime and I think they’d rather not do it unless it’s a last resort. They’ll try whatever bullshit leading up to the election and if it looks still like it’s a lock for Trump, he can be dealt with on November 1.

      • Mojeaux

        on a grassy knoll

    • trshmnstr

      you can’t possibly let a straight White guy leapfrog box-checking Kamala without a 5 alarm lefty meltdown

      What are they going to do? Vote for Trump?

    • trshmnstr

      “of course not, that’s when all his votes come in”


  36. The Late P Brooks

    At least NPR is willing to put their armor on and white-knight like there’s no tomorrow

    The moderation, or lack thereof, also allowed Trump to spread falsehoods and hyperbole without being interrupted or corrected. CNN indicated before the debate that the moderators were not going to play a strong role in fact checking the candidates, and they lived up to that.

    They left it to the candidates, essentially, and with Biden unable to deliver in real time and the moderators declining to, the audience was left with a salad bowl full of rotten eggs and moldy lettuce that passed for facts.


    Despite Biden’s struggles, which will understandably get the headlines, Trump had some difficult moments, too, especially in the second half of the debate.

    In addition to spreading myriad falsehoods, he did little to credibly defend his conduct on and before the Jan. 6 siege on the Capitol; he used the kind of hyperbolic and vituperative language that has long turned off swing voters; and showed why many are concerned about some of his positions on the issues, especially on abortion and how the U.S. should be represented on the world stage.

    So despite Biden’s shortcomings, millions will still likely vote for Biden, anyway, because he’s not Trump.

    It’s your duty as Americans to vote for President Not-Trump.

  37. Tundra

    bad kitty with some debate thoughts

    it’s also possible that the biden machine simply refuses to be derailed by anything, including the utter incapacity of its figurehead and, safe behind the clever veep pick of kamela who is even less desirable and popular than joe, will just keep battering itself to death against the porchlight of power because it has become so hopelessly un-self-aware that it has no idea how bad this is. but i discount this.

    • The Other Kevin

      The White House and the MSM have been pushing for weeks that all those Biden videos are “cheap fakes”. Half the country knew this was bullshit, but now the other half knows they’ve been lied to this whole time. It’s also clear to the whole country that Biden is not running things.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Did the people claiming that Biden’s in control really believe that? That’s also hard to believe.

      • Gender Traitor

        Has KJP showed her perpetually bewildered face yet today?

      • WTF

        Has KJP showed her perpetually bewildered face yet today?

        If she does I hope Doocy askes her if last night was a deepfake or cheapfake.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I don’t think they can replace Biden, mostly because he is the one person who lets all of the different factions in the D party get away with what they want. To replace him, all the stakeholders of the party would have to come together and agree on who would step in. Do you think Kamalamadingdong will let Newsome step in? That Frau DOKTOR Biden will leave gracefully? And so on. Biden being a vegetable allowed all of them space, and as long as the media covered for it, they thought they could keep going, playing musical chairs so to speak.

      This opened a lot of eyes, and and now they see just how they look naked.

      • Tundra

        Well, that would suggest that bad kitty’s second scenario is most likely. Cede the next four years, keep the band together and fuck with Trump using all the available deep state resources

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Further: Technically, Biden is the titular head of the D party. Which in practical terms means that it doesn’t have a leader, hence no one can make decisions on that end of things, such as placing someone to take the reins.

        It has to be a slap fight at that point.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Cede the next four years, keep the band together and fuck with Trump

        Given where the economy and wars are, why not let the Other Side take over and own the blame?

        Come back in 4 years and say “We told you Trump would fuck it all up!”

      • R C Dean

        “Cede the next four years, keep the band together and fuck with Trump using all the available deep state resources”

        That was exactly the plan four years ago, before the plague opened the door for them to actually win. Too late to replace Biden, who was nominated as a Bob Dole style sacrificial candidate.

  38. PieInTheSky

    “The long shadow of Freud still hangs over psychology and psychiatry. With the help of behavioral genetics and other sophisticated methods of ascertaining causality, we may finally walk out from it.”

    right from one bullshit to the next

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Get back to me when more than ten percent of psychological studies using a given approach are reproducible and we’ll talk.

    • Beau Knott

      Get back to me when we clamber out from under the shadow of Descartes’ mind/body dualism.

    • trshmnstr

      Hopefully they target Auer deference next. Agencies shouldnt get to write ambiguous regulations and have the courts defer to the Agency’s interpretation.

      • AlexinCT

        From your mouth to the SCOTUS’ ears…

    • trshmnstr

      What happened to all those 55 gallon drums we used for prog tears in 2016? I’m gonna need them for all the lawyers I know.

      • AlexinCT

        I am gonna tell you that I suspect the kakistocracy will just ignore the ruling or pretend they are complying with it. No freaking way will they give up this illegitimate power. And all 3 branches of government will support this rebellion because it benefits them. Congress gets to blame the bureaucracy today, without that, they are in trouble, so no way they want that. Same for the executive. And the legislative branch loves the power it gives them working to help the corruptocracy’s unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy.

      • trshmnstr

        the kakistocracy will just ignore the ruling or pretend they are complying with it.

        Yup. Who becomes the judge hearing the case? Either it’s a lawyer who has been trying the cases for a long time or it’s the bureaucrat who was making the policies in the first place.

        The ladder from big law to big business to fedgov agencies to federal court is well trod.

      • trshmnstr

        pretend they are complying with it.

        I guarantee there will be an email in my inbox by this evening that says something to the effect of “How to navigate agency enforced statutes to overcome post-Chevron uncertainty”. The rulings the corporate leviathan hates are “navigated” and “overcome”. That’s almost the exact language I received in my inbox after the affirmative action case.

  39. Sean

    I played 06/28:
    *24/24 words (+10 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 6% by bonus words

    I played 06/28:
    *65/65 words (+24 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 4% by bonus words
    🔥 Solve streak: 393

    • SDF-7

      I played 06/28:
      *24/24 words (+1 bonus word)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

      I played 06/28:
      *65/65 words (+14 bonus words)
      🎯 In the top 11% by accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 453

  40. PieInTheSky

    “A Neanderthal child with Down’s syndrome survived until at least the age of six, according to a new study whose findings hint at compassionate caregiving among the extinct, archaic human species.”

    • trshmnstr

      whose findings hint at compassionate caregiving among the extinct, archaic human species

      Wow, that’s a lot of bullshit crammed into one sentence

    • UnCivilServant

      Generally speaking, hominid parents are going to be caring for their offspring in those early years, chromosomal abnormality or not.

      There are exceptions (EU, Sparta, Canada, California) where they’d murder the child instead.

  41. PieInTheSky

    Paul Krugman
    I’m in Warsaw talking about the future of the European economy, so I’m late to this party. But I’ll have a blog post up soon very reluctantly making the case for Biden — the best president of my adult life — to step aside in favor of Harris.

    tweet of the day?

    • AlexinCT

      Anyone that takes Krugman seriously is a greater moron than that idiot is.

    • Tundra

      Without question.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Like a modern day Nostradamus he is.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      He’s right on that one minus the best president of my adult life horseshit. A hobo kidnapped off the street would stand a better chance than Biden as long as the election is actually on the up and up.

    • Ted S.

      Better than Obama?

      (Not that I think Obama was better, but I thought Team Blue loved Obama.)

    • creech

      Hatboro sits in a “purple” district. Maybe only MAGA fatties patronize bakeries?

  42. The Other Kevin

    Another win from the SC. It ruled that federal obstruction charges only apply narrowly. Great news for the people in jail for J6.

    “…A major loss for the Biden Administration. The Court rules that the “novel interpretation would criminalize a broad swath of prosaic conduct, exposing activists and lobbyists alike to decades in prison.””

    • The Other Kevin

      …This is a big win for Trump as well. It knocks out a substantial part of the case of Jack Smith against the former president. It also knocks out hundreds of convictions…

    • The Other Kevin

      …Obviously, there were other charges like trespass that will not be impacted. However, this hits hundreds of cases. Those cases must now be reviewed on just on the underlying convictions but sentencing in many cases. It will not impact those cases which only went forward on trespass which are also numbers in the hundreds…

    • Tundra

      What about Bannon? Does this have any bearing on his bullshit charges?

  43. The Late P Brooks

    The Supreme Court’s reign of terror

    On Thursday, the Court handed down a 6-3 decision, on a party-line vote, that could render a simply astonishing array of federal laws unenforceable. As Justice Sonia Sotomayor writes in dissent, “the constitutionality of hundreds of statutes may now be in peril, and dozens of agencies could be stripped of their power to enforce laws enacted by Congress.”


    But, as Sotomayor warns, many federal agencies — including the “Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, the Department of Agriculture, and many others” — may only seek civil penalties in administrative proceedings. That means that a wide array of laws guaranteeing workplace safety and advancing other important federal goals could cease to function after Jarkesy.

    The Jarkesy case, in other words, is an example of the Roberts Court at its most arrogant. Were the Court tasked with resolving the dispute on a blank slate, then there are entirely plausible arguments that Mr. Jarkesy should be entitled to a jury trial. But that ship sailed many years ago, and the federal government has operated for an exceedingly long time on the assumption that many disputes can be adjudicated by ALJs.

    By upending this longstanding assumption, the Court may have just thrown huge swaths of the federal government — particularly enforcement by those agencies Sotomayor listed — into chaos.

    Soon there will be noting left of the government.

    The horror.

    The HORROR.

    • WTF

      “the constitutionality of hundreds of statutes may now be in peril, and dozens of agencies could be stripped of their power to enforce laws enacted by Congress.”

      Those statutes and powers were always unconstitutional, the court just finally set things somewhat more right. Her “wise Latina” argument seems to be that unconstitutional laws and powers should be allowed to remain in violation of the constitution because restoring constitutional compliance would be too disruptive to the deep state.

      • Suthenboy

        That is exactly her position. She has already denounced the standard of applying constitutionality to laws and government actions. It would be a ‘novel approach’, according to her.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Oh no! Congress might have to do its job! Just like post-Roe.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    Biden — the best president of my adult life

    *guffaws, slaps knee*

  45. Common Tater

    “The California legislature erupted in chaos before it passed a ban on parental notification for gender change requests from TK-12 students. If signed by the governor, the bill would render moot the parental notification policies that have been adopted by many California school districts.

    After the California Department of Education issued guidance that schools should not disclose students’ gender-related record change requests to parents, some California school districts adopted rules requiring parents to be notified if their children request to officially change their pronouns, go by a different name, or use facilities or school programs for children of the opposite gender. California Attorney General Rob Bonta responded by supporting lawsuits against these school districts, and the current bill in question, AB 1955.”


    • PieInTheSky

      parents should mind their own business.

  46. PieInTheSky

    Short thread on life of the Tasmanian Aborigines prior to European arrival – the most isolated & primitive human society that has ever existed.
    Excerpts from Edgerton’s “Sick Societies”.

    Tasmanians lived in foraging bands of 40-50 people.
    Diet was adequate except for the winters, in which they were often brought to brink of starvation.
    Dangerous tasks fell overwhelmingly on the women, such as climbing 30-metre trees or diving treacherous waters for food

    Hunting kangaroos however was reserved solely for men – apparently because it was enjoyable, especially compared to the dangerous or tedious tasks of diving, beach-combing or foraging.
    Author claims women took a higher burden of risk than any other primitive culture.

    Despite eating seals, crustaceans, & various molluscs, Tasmanians categorically refused fish – despite spending a quarter of the year starving.
    The fossie record indicates fish was once a major nutrition source for the Tasmanians, but this completely ceased around 2000 BC.

    Despite day temperatures of 5-10 degrees during midwinter, Tasmanians never invented clothing.
    They merely threw kangaroo skins over their shoulders, or smeared themselves with animal fat.
    They even lost the ability to make fire, shared only by the Sirionó & Yaqui Amerindians.

    European exploration introduced the Tasmanians to one of the earliest human technological breakthroughs after toolmaking: the domestic dog.
    Tasmanians instantly fell in love with them, eagerly trading to 🇬🇧sealers their most prized possessions for these dogs -young women.

    This despite the fact that the main cause of death was violent feuds over women

    colonial propaganda? grain of truth?

    • UnCivilServant

      If your society has lost the ability to make fire – it deserves to be swept away and replaced.

    • Suthenboy

      Before the runaway PC bullshit this was in agreement with all of the accounts of the Australian Aborigines. It would seem they were barely more sophisticated than troops of monkeys.

  47. AlexinCT

    It looks like the Fisher case also went bad for the corruptocracy:

    In the case of a former Pennsylvania police officer who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Fischer v. United States, the court holds that to prove a violation of the law, the government must show that the defendant impaired the availability or integrity for use in an official proceeding of records, documents, objects, or other things used in an official proceeding, or attempted to do so. The case is returned to the lower court to determine whether the indictment can still stand in light of this new and narrower interpretation.

    Shorter version: J6 shit is going to be dead meat.

    • Rat on a train

      What? Courts can’t just assert guilt?

  48. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    Funnies thing I have seen in a while:
    “My husband called a priest last year and found out the exorcism would cost around £500. I’m not saying Neil’s tight, but he chose to buy a bottle of holy water and do it himself, which is why I’m still possessed of a demon that refuses to believe women have dicks.” — J.K. Rowling, in response to someone on X asking her if she’s been radicalized past the point of salvation.

    • AlexinCT

      If she had THAT plot twist in here Potter series, I would have actually read it or watched the movie to see that happen.

    • slumbrew

      Man, she’s just great.

      I really need to pick up her detective novels.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Very much enjoyed the tv series version!

  49. Rat on a train

    Loper and Jarkesy in one week!

  50. SDF-7

    SCOTUS also sided with sanity on the Oregon “camping” (homeless) case. 6-3, no points for guessing the 3.

    • UnCivilServant

      Not a Biologist, Wide Latina and… forgot the nickname for the other gal.

    • AlexinCT

      That owl is gonna ravish her corpse someday for that abuse…

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m not sure owls are into zoonecrophilia.

  51. B.P.

    I managed to listen to the debate as I walked the dog. Biden had a bunch of facts/figures downloaded, but they kept coming out garbled. It reminded me of my father after a stroke: Somewhat cogent thoughts are in the brain, but he just can’t deliver them out of his mouth. Trump is unable utter a single sentence that isn’t in the superlative. Best economy in the history of the world, Kim Jong Il-level bragging about his golf game, etc. I listened to the CBS recap, where the spin was that sure Biden is off, but Trump is a serial liar. Well, Biden did his fair share of lying; he actually did the Charlottesville thing again, at length. Also, John Dickerson is an unbelievable hack. I did appreciate that both candidates just completely ignored Jake Tapper’s questions. The Dems must be in complete despair, because a friends’ group text chat that is 24-7 obsessed with erasing Trump has been dead silent.

  52. PieInTheSky

    Remember, kids, every single person who worked closely with @JoeBiden
    for the last few years knew he was like this.

    Every. Single. One.

    They all knew he was not fit to be President.

    And they covered for him — the guy with the nuclear launch codes.

    Let that sink in.

    meh he had nothing to do with nuclear codes. It was clear he was just a puppet.

      • SDF-7

        Oh, this is just fucking rich from the comments on that (which is a good read, granted — but this got me going):

        I would suggest to the fiery trolls who are full of vitriol — all over the right wing internet but more disappointingly here, which is supposed to be a more high minded forum — if you actually care about the country and want a competent, alive, not-insane, well meaning person to be president — the tone of your comments is really not helpful.

        Viciously, mercilessly tearing into Biden, going on tangents about all of the other liberals you hate, and calling everyone else a despicable liar is really not going to change minds. Don’t you want and need to change minds?

        Yeah — after 8 years of being vilified, called extremists, knuckle draggers, conspiracy theories, fascists, etc…. conservatives — y’all should take the high road and not “lash out” at liberals who lied to your face for 4+ years.

        Or in other words: “Please go back to being the nice Romney GOPe squishes now and forgive and forget.”

        Maybe think before you change all the rules and use the DOJ as the Gestapo next time and the other political side might be a bit more forgiving, jerk.

    • Drake

      Everyone paying even a little bit of attention at least suspected. Unless your only news comes from MSNBC, this should not be a surprise.

  53. PieInTheSky

    “Open borders” has come to mean unlimited, unchecked immigration, even if that’s not what some libertarians mean by it.

    Thinking about calling myself a supporter of “market borders”, where immigration isn’t centrally-planned, but priced via insurance and sponsorship markets.

    we need a glib post on market borders.

    • trshmnstr

      Nah. Maybe I’m not a libertarian anymore, but the idea of just uncapping the well and letting in whatever happens to be meandering by seems to be a recipe for cultural and social suicide.

      Immigration should be restricted to a level where it is not a primary driver of the population trend of the country, IMO. I used to be in favor of letting people in on visas liberally and denying them a path to citizenship, but I’m over that. Any long term visit program will be massively abused.

    • UnCivilServant

      Closed. Enforced by lethal force. Citizenship requires a minimum of one citizen parent at the time of birth rebuttable by DNA testing. No work permits, legal residency is strictly controlled.

      • UnCivilServant

        Oh, and no welfare for any non-citizen. No asylum. Applications for citizenship require cultural assimilation and proof that you will not end up on the dole.

      • PieInTheSky

        How about no wellfare at all?

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m trying to be realistic.

        Yes, I’d take a chainsaw to the welfare state.

  54. creech

    NPR is sticking with Trump calling the dead in Normandy “losers and suckers” citing numerous witnesses to the claim. The only thing making that even half way believable is that Trump did disparage McCain for being taken POW. What’s the story on this???

    • WTF

      People who were actually with Trump when he supposedly made the remarks say it never happened.
      This is the same NPR that has insisted for months that Biden was sharp as a tack. It makes no sense to afford these assholes even the tiniest bit of credibility.

      • creech

        NPR claims there were four witnesses to the statement. Trump claimed 19 witnesses said it never happened. I’ll bet there were at least four witnesses to the Lincoln assassination who claimed they saw someone other than Booth do the deed.

  55. ron73440

    Not a Trump fan and God knows Barrett and Kavanaugh have been disappointing, but I don’t remember getting this many good rulings.

    If Hilary had won, all of these would have went the other way.

    • SDF-7

      If they hadn’t completely whiffed on allowing the FedGov to gut the 1st Amendment by proxy I’d be happier with them. I’m not forgetting that one even with today’s rulings that are more as I wish.

    • PieInTheSky

      The thing about lefties and the court is i always see them talk about why they think a ruling is bad for their agenda but never if it is actually constitutional

  56. The Late P Brooks

    Squabbling carrion eaters

    A federal bankruptcy judge on Thursday blocked Sandy Hook victims’ families who are trying, without delay, to collect assets from conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ media company as it is poised to be sold off.

    In doing so, Judge Christopher Lopez of the Southern District of Texas sided with court-appointed trustee Christopher Murray, who is overseeing the liquidation of Jones’ estate. Murray had accused certain families in an “emergency” filing Sunday of attempting a “value-destructive money grab” while he has yet to conclude “an orderly wind-down” and sale of the company, Free Speech Systems.

    Lopez agreed that Murray must continue his work assessing and liquidating Jones’ assets and told him, “You will not turn over a bank account.”

    It’s all about justice for the precious babies.

    • PieInTheSky

      Women peak at 21 😛