Saturday Evening Links

by | Jun 1, 2024 | Daily Links | 160 comments

The starting gun has yet to be fired.

May is an interesting month here. The weather is schizophrenic. You can experience all four seasons on the same day. At the same time, everyone is betting the odds on whether or not we’ve had our last frost. Being my first garden in a few years, I’m happy with the prospects.


I have questions and none of them good.

Speaking of long knives.

I’m sure he’s OK with that.

Bibi isn’t going to help your poll numbers, Joe.

There are those that will be disappoint.

“Get ’em. girls!”

Okay, I’ve been at this for some time trying to figure out the new editing tools. You came THAT close to an open post.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. Aloysious

    Raised flower beds?

    I’m nowhere near that refined.

    Although the squirrels have been having a field day amongst the corn starts. There’s one with no tail that likes to stand on the fence and give me what for.

    • R C Dean

      +1 pellet gun

      • Spudalicious

        I’ve got one treed right now. I’m just waiting for him to start back down.

      • Aloysious

        I really don’t mind the little bastards, despite their running amok.

        All I have to do is remember to put anti squirrel defenses in place.

    • Spudalicious

      There are not many squirrels in the immediate vicinity…

  2. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Took a walk down the hill with the neighbor and our respective dogs so she could pick some Bachelor Buttons to plant in a pot at her place.

    • Gender Traitor

      Got some coleus from our next door neighbor. I’m going to transplant into a big pot and put it in the hole in the stump of our late great tulip poplar. I’d bought a lovely pot of whatever these are at the neighborhood farmers’ market, but I have proven what I’d suspected: I lack the inclination to keep after a flowering plant enough to keep it blooming all season. Better to have something with colorful foliage.

      • Gender Traitor

        One exception to my horticultural ineptitude: I HAVE been known to keep a hanging fuchsia plant blooming all season. The difference is that it’s back at Tranquility Base, where I’ll see it regularly and maintain the motivation to attract those little hummers.

      • Gender Traitor

        They are… purple

        They are indeed. That was a key selling point.

    • Old Man With Candy

      I picked asparagus. Most of the tender young shoots didn’t make it back down the hill to the house.

      • Homple

        Metaphor, euphemism or real vegetables?

      • UnCivilServant

        He really should have gotten them to the trash can instead of tossing them on the side of the hill.

      • Chafed

        School is out, so metaphor.

  3. UnCivilServant

    I’m trying to get a lavender to sprout.

    I’m still annoyed that I wasn’t smart enough to ask someone to water the last sprout while I was out of town.

    I’ll be more careful if I can coax one to grow.

    • Nephilium

      I came back to a mint plant that looked dead. I drowned it for two days, and at least one sprig has come back.

      • UnCivilServant

        I did try to revive the previous lavender sprout, but, it didn’t work.

        Hopw more mints recover.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Hard to kill mint. It will bounce back…just 100 feet from where you thought the plant was at.

    • Spudalicious

      I’m lucky. I have perennial lavender now.

  4. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    Happy to report that the federal buildings in DC are flying their pride flags. Not the White House though, surprisingly.

    • Gender Traitor

      As long as they’re not flying them upside-down.

      • Tres Cool

        I think I saw what you did there.

    • Ownbestenemy

      What is nice about working in the field..those things don’t make it here. Its the US flag and a State flag. That is it. I am the ‘annoying’ tech that demands the flags be free of fraying and in proper condition.

  5. Ownbestenemy

    The garden is coming along nicely. Enjoyed lettuce for the past couple of months. Tomatoes are coming about nicely. A few strawberries, but nothing to balk about. Herbs are in full swing and squashes are just about there. This was my tester planting so I am happy. Next year it expands from 25sq/ft to 200sq/ft

    • Spudalicious

      I got my lettuce in late and it hasn’t come up. I do have some carrots poking through. From all appearances, this could be an epic tomato year.

      • Fourscore

        Beets and peas looking good, cabbages and other brassica enjoying the sort of cool weather. Pepper plants looking a little strange, sort of burned. I’m guessing too much fertilizer but they should pull out of it and grow like hell. Corn and carrots not popping up, maybe too early, carrot seed may have been too old. I only planted a few taters, had some store spuds that were sprouting and soft so they went in the ground.

        All in all things look pretty good and lots of rain this year so far. Did a bee check today, every thing looks good, last year was too dry, fewer flowers and lots of robber bees stealing what little honey there was in the hives.

  6. Ownbestenemy

    WH is just terrible at messaging.

    The Prime Minister’s Office:

    Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel.

    Before touting out some BS position of power, wouldn’t you want to make sure that the nation you are seeking to reign in is on board?

    • Ted S.

      It seems like the anti-Israel wing of TEAM BLUE is gaining the upper hand.

      The next Democrat president after Biden is going to be leading a government actively hostile to Israel, I think.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Pretty much already actively hostile.

      • The Last American Hero

        Doesn’t matter, Team Blue has the Jewish vote locked up the same as the Black Vote.

      • R C Dean

        Well, we built a pier and delivered supplies to Hamas until our incompetence caught up with us. So, yeah, I think we’re already doing the “actively hostile to Israel” thing.

      • Ted S.

        Not just actively hostile, but openly, in word as well as deed, and much worse than what’s going on now.

    • Chafed

      I think Ted’S is right. The Biden Administration is anti-Israel. Their statement would leave Hamas in control of Gaza. There is no way the Israelis, apart from the few remaining die hard peaceniks, will accept that. It was also realized on Saturday in Israel, i.e. during the Sabbath. Biden is loathsome.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        The Biden “administration” is as handicapped has he is. A president doesn’t actually do anything of import, other than set the tone for an administration. See both Trump and Obama for examples of this. Biden is… not there, doesn’t know what the left hand is doing, let alone the right, and this admin is the same. Every little group in it is doing what they want, and it is completely retarded when looked at as a whole. Parts and dept’s are working together, and somethings working against each other, when he is lucid he says one thing and contradicts it ten minutes latter.

        This is why there isn’t a coherent policy on Israel; it simply depends on who is on top of the heap that day.

    • Rebel Scum

      I would have threatened to destroy* Hamas for the IDF if they refused to release all hostages, especially American hostages.

      *By that I mean glass Gaza…

      • Chafed

        The complete indifference to the American hostages really frosts me. Nothing from the administration or the media. I wonder why that is.

      • dbleagle

        The (((reason))) is right out there for all to see.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    Just in from chopping down some of my knee high weeds. Fuck nature.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Mary, Mary Brooksie, Brooksie, trim that fookin’ bush!

      -Andrew Nice Pistoffnick

    • Rebel Scum

      I take it you left the cherry tree alone.

  8. DEG

    Being my first garden in a few years,

    The pictures look good.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    Although the squirrels have been having a field day amongst the corn starts. There’s one with no tail that likes to stand on the fence and give me what for.

    I had “gophers” in Montana. Every summer, one would decide to stand on the big rock at the edge of my parking area and give me the finger. And out would come the S&W target .22…

    *technically some variety of ground squirrel, bigger than a chipmunk but not as big as a tree squirrel

  10. Tres Cool

    I’m just catching up- I was with Tres V 2.0 most of the day. But I read:

    KK, Plump & Unfiltered on June 1, 2024 at 10:28 am
    I sometimes wish my ex (the one that died of being a drunk) were still around.

    HOLD UP! Being a drunk can kill you? Does everyone know this? Cause its news to me*.

    *other than irresponsibly driving into shit, or doing stupid shit

    • Nephilium

      Liver failure ain’t a good way to go.

      • Mojeaux

        That’s why God made Tylenol.

      • Fourscore

        Cirrhosis is just another word for nothing left lose. My brother died at 76, hadn’t had a drink in 30 years or more. His diet though was atrocious, he was diabetic, way over weight for a long time and didn’t do a lot of physical activity, unless eating cookies is an Olympic sport.

        Still though, he was a good guy, happy, funny.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      I resemble that…. remark

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      His liver failed and he died on his living room floor at age 41 from massive internal hemorrhaging. I’m just glad I wasn’t around to see it.

      So, yes.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    I am the ‘annoying’ tech that demands the flags be free of fraying and in proper condition.

    It drove my grandfather nuts to see an old ratty-looking flag.

    • Chafed

      Today’s kids are such a disappointment. I can’t imagine turning away from beer. *insert The Simpsons GIF here*

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I guess they are making it Suntory time.

    • Gustave Lytton

      For $3B+, they could have a fleet of refrigerated air cargo bringing The Premium Malt’s in direct and be selling a better product.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    HOLD UP! Being a drunk can kill you? Does everyone know this? Cause its news to me*.

    jumping out of airplanes won’t kill you. It’s the landing what does it.

  13. Shpip

    Romantic relationships between adult men and teenage boys were widely accepted as a form of social mentorship where the older partner guided the younger through his transition to manhood. Continuing the relationship after the younger partner’s beard grew in, however, was taboo, and even men who took young male lovers were expected to marry women and father children.

    Drawing inspiration from this, the navy’s new ground support aircraft will be nicknamed the Chickenhawk.

    • rhywun

      In recent years, some scholars have argued that the Sacred Band was merely a metaphor for military camaraderie, but most historians agree this brotherhood of 150 couples really did exist.

      lol at the very bottom of the article.

      Don’t harsh my PRIDE, dude.

  14. LCDR_Fish

    Rat – thanks for the link last thread. Unfortunately I won’t be back in state till Fri.

  15. Shpip

    MEN could be checked for prostate cancer with a simple saliva test after a trial found it works better than blood testing.

    It could save them unnecessary GP visits and embarrassing physical exams.

    Get with the program, Star. The digital rectal exam has been on the “not recommended for primary screening” list for years now (unless you’re the IRS).

    • R C Dean

      But, what if I want a digital rectal “exam”?

      • UnCivilServant

        The robot will be along shortly. It needs to be sanitized first.

    • Chafed

      I guess my PCP just really likes me.

      • Fourscore

        “Why are your hands on my shoulders, Doc?

    • Spudalicious

      I haven’t been finger blasted in years. Unless my psa suddenly jumps, the doc has no interest and I’m not protesting. I doubt I could get her to check for hernias at the same time.

      • Aloysious

        Whenever you are bent over and ready to receive, tell the Dr. you are going to want a second opinion right away, so please use two fingers.

        Or, at the beginning of the appointment, ask the Dr. to put the probing off to the very last. It gives you something to look forward to.

    • Rebel Scum

      The process seems a bit anal.

  16. The Late P Brooks


    Police are investigating the theft of over 200 pride flags in Carlisle, Massachusetts, that were stolen just days before the start of Pride Month, according to police.

    The flags were taken from the rotary at center of town near the intersection of Lowell Street and Bedford and Westford roads overnight Monday, per a news release. They were last seen in the area Sunday night.

    “We are taking this very seriously,” said police Chief Andrew Amendola. “It is unfortunate, as Carlisle is an inclusive community, and we want everyone to feel safe and welcomed here.”

    Except white heterosexual men. We hate them.

    • UnCivilServant

      If these are put up by the city they should be used to start the pyre to burn all of the officials wasting public funds on them.

      If these are privately flown flags, it’s petty vandalism, maybe $20 a flag paid to the owner.

      • Shpip

        These were the tiny flags that you can get 20 for $6 on Amazon. It’s a rounding error for a city budget, especially when there’s important virtue signaling to be done.

        I wouldn’t have wasted the time pulling all two hundred of the things out of the ground — just wander by with one of these and presto — problem solved.

      • UnCivilServant

        Still, inappropriate use of city funds, burn the officials.

      • Evan from Evansville

        An appropriate use of gov’t funds, yes. Mighty escalation to burning “the officials.” Not sure who those would even be. Sadly more germane to the waste we detest, far too many Cog-People make up the gears leading up to said Officials. They’d be the ones set out for flame by the Proper Folk. Look at them martyrs! Wrapped nicely, pre-soaked and ready to spark! (I was kinda one once. Meh, I’ve worked in a public school.)

        End result: The DANGER of working for the government! Solution? Obviously more funding to prevent such frightening banner destruction! They must get even MORE flags, and THEN more to offset further losses, and more hiring and deputizing to prevent such heartwrench. All during the proudest of all Pride Months?! They’ll never get over it.

      • UnCivilServant

        Make enough martyrs to stupidity and people won’t flock to that flavor of stupid.

    • creech

      What month do they put up Playboy flags to show solidarity with all their straight residents?

    • cyto

      Wait…. the freaking *Rotary Club* is putting up pride flags throughout the community!?!?

      This is definitely not your father’s Rotary Club.

      Holy cow.

      • UnCivilServant

        I took that to mean “A Roundabout” not the Rotary Club.

      • rhywun

        Heh, what UCS said.

        But yeah, it would not be surprising. They would not want to be seen as not inclusive, would they?

    • Rebel Scum

      Pride is a sin. Your flags are false. I’m not even Christian.

  17. cavalier973

    Is it normal to try someone for a Federal crime in a state court?

    Asking for a friend.

    • cavalier973

      Kind of an answer…

      Generally, a state cannot prosecute a federal crime. The federal government prosecutes federal crimes.

      The page is of a law firm.

      It talks about “concurrent jurisdiction”, where a crime may violate both state and federal laws, and so the person can be tried in both state and federal courts for the same crime—protection from double jeopardy does not apply.

      • Tres Cool

        “Concurrent Jurisdiction

        When both the state and federal government have jurisdiction over a case, both governments can prosecute it.”

        I read that as both courts can prosecute for the same offense. In Trump’s case, its not a federal court. Yet.

    • Chafed

      What happened was very unusual. Notably, both the FEC and DOJ declined to prosecute for the supposed violation of federal election law. It is solely a federal crime. Bragg bootstrapped it into his case because NY law, i.e. state law, made it a felony to try to violate any other law.

      • cavalier973

        They elevated 34 misdemeanors to felonies through legal chicanery for partisan purposes.

        Trump, who has not committed a Federal crime, was convicted of the crime of covering up the Federal crime he didn’t commit.

      • cavalier973

        Where was the presumption of innocence?

      • UnCivilServant

        Guilty until proven Guilty.

      • cyto

        Maybe. Or maybe not…

        Because the jury did not have to declare which law the actions were covering up.

        Didn’t the prosecution decline to even make an accusation in the trial until after the defense had finished their closing argument?

      • R C Dean

        “NY law, i.e. state law, made it a felony to try to violate any other law”

        My understanding is NY law made it a felony to falsify business records in connection with actually violating another law. You can’t be convicted under the NY law on falsifying business records unless you are also convicted of violating another law.

        Unless, of course, you are Trump.

      • Chafed

        @RC Dean. Yes, that’s a better, fuller explanation.

    • Ted S.

      [Moons cavalier973]

      Am I in the moon club now?

      • cavalier973

        You have to moon China, since they were “it”.

      • Ted S.

        Which of the two Chinas?

      • UnCivilServant

        Ted’s just trying to catch the attention of the prostate exam robot.

      • cavalier973

        Moon them both, just to be sure.

        “Twice-Mooned China” is the name of my band’s new album, by the way. We mix up traditional Chinese music and polka.

      • Raven Nation

        What are your thoughts on Kompany?

      • Ted S.

        He can’t be any worse than Tuchel.

      • Spudalicious

        Since China is on the other side of the earth, I moon them every time I sit on the shitter.

      • cavalier973

        Our lead song is called “Porka-Porka-Porka!”

    • LCDR_Fish

      Of course they landed on the far side of the moon where they can’t be verified…it’s like my Canadian girlfriend who goes to school in another state…

      • cavalier973

        I bet she’s really good looking.

      • Ted S.

        She looks like k d lang.

      • Chafed

        Lol. I didn’t think of that. At some point maybe Musk can send us photos of their crashed lander.

    • R.J.

      Chang-e sounds an awful lot like Chang-Li, makers of the crappiest electric cars ever.

      • cyto

        Aren’t those actually golf carts with a fancy body?

        I think I saw a pickup truck bought by a youtuber like that.

  18. Chafed

    That Israel article really cherry picked who was interviewed. They couldn’t find a single Israeli who opposes Biden’s plan?

    Also from the article, “Also on Saturday, Egypt’s state-run Al-Qahera News said officials from Egypt, the United States and Israel would meet in Cairo over the weekend about the Rafah crossing, a crucial aid entry point that has been closed since Israel took over the Palestinian side in May. Egypt has refused to open its side, fearing the Israeli control will be permanent.” I don’t know how to break it to Sisi & Co. but the smuggling tunnels are going to be found. Petulant actions aren’t going to change that.

    • cavalier973

      Everything is a lie.

      The proggy-froggies would rather lose with a lie than with with the truth.

      • cavalier973

        *win with the truth

      • Ted S.

        For the proggies, the destruction of Israel is a win.

      • R.J.

        Destruction in general is a win for Proggies.

    • cyto

      I don’t understand the logic.

      “We are closing our side because we think the israelis might keep their side under their control”

      What does that even mean?

      Are they worried they will get caught allowing Iranian munitions through?

      I thought the Egyptian crossings were closed more than the Israel side over the last decade?

      • Ted S.

        More closed to people, as I understand it. Before October 7, Israeli let some Palestinians in to work, although I don’t know how many were from Gaza.

  19. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    This review of the Naval Observatory cracked me up: “The word salads here are DELICIOUS! I mean, who doesn’t love a good word salad with such fresh ingredients. I mean, did you know that “Community Banks are in the Community”?..and “It is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is everyday”. It’s truly exquisite!”

    • Rebel Scum

      Someone is trying to float a sense of humor.

  20. cavalier973

    NY law, i.e. state law, made it a felony to try to violate any other law.

    So, NY doesn’t do misdemeanors?

  21. cyto

    Question: in the Trump trial, did they ever produce testimony showing what the proper accounting entry should be?

    It is not at all clear to me that “legal expenses” is “false” on the GL.

    I mean, if I order copy paper from Office Depot I don’t put “copy paper”. I put “office supplies” or maybe just “supplies”. I do this for all Office Depot invoices, whether for paper, pens, toner, copies of monthly reports….

    So… if I include a case of K-cups in my Office Depot order and book the whole thing as “office supplies”, did I just falsify a record?

    Did they produce a CPA to testify to that effect?

    I didn’t follow close enough to know, but I have not seen anyone talking about that.

    • cavalier973

      As I understand it, Trump had Cohen on retainer, and was paying him a set amount each month. Cohen testified that Trump secretly ordered him to pass these payments to Stormy Daniels as hush money, for the sole purpose of keeping her from spilling the beans and spoiling his election chances. This should have been recorded as a campaign contribution instead of attorney fee (something like that).

    • UnCivilServant

      No. They did not allow any testimony regarding account or election finance law, or anything which might introduce reasonable doubt.

      • cyto

        I mean, the state. If they allege that the record is false, the burden is on them to show how. I would expect an expert witness to testify as to what the proper entry would be, not just the assertions of the prosecutor.

        Surely this happened and I just didn’t see it. Right?

      • UnCivilServant

        Doubt it, they didn’t have a leg to stand on.

      • Chafed

        That’s not exactly true. The judge limited Trump’s proffered expert so much the defense didn’t call him. However, the judge did allow Cohen to opine on election law. It’s ridiculous.

    • creech

      Guessing since payment went ultimately to a non- lawyer, it should have been a misc administrative expense labeled “non disclosure payment” if it was “material” in relation to the other total expenses of the company. CPA could argue it was de minimus. Entire case was pile of bull crap.

      • R.J.

        Yes. The entire case was bull crap. Much ado over absolutely nothing.

      • cavalier973

        Giant pile of bull crap, mixed with horse vomit and yellow custard from a dead dog’s eye.

  22. cavalier973

    Mercan should have his judgeship stripped from him, his law license revoked, and his hair mussed.

    The jury should be barred from ever serving in a jury again.

  23. cavalier973

    I read that as both courts can prosecute for the same offense. In Trump’s case, its not a federal court. Yet.

    As I understand it, the Feds declined to prosecute.

    I had the mistaken idea that the Mercan court found Trump guilty of a Federal crime, hence my initial question.

    He was convicted of the felony of trying to break federal law by bookkeeping tricks.

  24. cavalier973

    Trump’s at the University of Florida—Chattahoochee tonight.

    • Chafed

      That sounds like a sex joke.

      • Gustave Lytton

        It does get hotter than a hootchie cootchie.

  25. Gustave Lytton

    Anniversary this weekend. We had hot dogs for dinner tonight. Not a euphemism.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      It is pride month after all.

    • Chafed

      Well aren’t you the romantic.

      • Sean


  26. cavalier973

    Dershowitz was saying that the Supreme Court would not be intervening in this.

    • Rebel Scum

      The sham Merchan trial?

      • cavalier973

        That’s right.

        Some are saying that the SC will take up the appeal, because they did with Bush versus Gore, while others are saying they won’t touch a state court’s decision.

      • Rebel Scum

        Perhaps. But there is a reason that they (the left) are going after Alito for current and historical American flags.

  27. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Tonio’s night would be complete if OBE showed up…

    • Ownbestenemy

      Sorry was busy 😉

  28. Rebel Scum

    Apparently InfoWars is under a sort of siege. AJ and co. have been maintaining their presence at the property.

    Interesting times.

  29. Gender Traitor

    ***SIGH!!!*** Just got done watching a few episodes of Doctor Who from back before it was ruined. 😢 Thank goodness for physical media.

    • Gustave Lytton

      We got BritBox for the next two months. Re-enjoying Blake’s 7.

    • Chafed

      I feel the same way. But what do we do when DVD players are no longer made?

    • rhywun

      Saw an article yesterday on a new episode. The writer (he/him) was elated that it’s a race parable because doctor of color.

      Where is it even? Like Tennent era etc.? Did it all move to Disney+? It used to be on BBC-America.

  30. Ted S.

    At least the Panthers won.

    • rhywun


  31. Beau Knott

    Good morning all!
    Today I bring you something peaceful and soothing. Philip Glass,

    Satyagraha, act 3 part 3, Evening Song

    Glass was nonplussed but pleased that people were humming or whistling the theme after leaving the performance. He was not accustomed to that 😉

    Share & enjoy!

  32. Ted S.

    Holy shit, Świątek won 6-0 6-0.

  33. Sean

    Good morning, you shiny, happy people.*



    *No, I’m not linking that song. Same band as yesterday, with a different tune.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Makes you proud doesn’t it? Those parents should be horsewhipped out of town.

  34. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    yo whats goody yo