A big wind came through a while ago, and the sound of chainsaws and chippers has reverberated around the neighborhood. Chippers and chainsaws…hmmm…
Stamp out liberal obesity! Build gyms next to the airports.
That’s a bad day, right there.
Well this happened. Not good for the Teton Valley.
Okay, that’s it for the day. Summer has arrived with plus 90 degree temps. Time for a cool one on the patio.
That guy is captivatingly ugly.
It’s the mutton chops.
One of the SHARPs I used to know back in the day went by porkchop. Shaved head, but big ass muttonchops.
Well this happened. Not good for the Teton Valley.
The Yellowstone supervolcano erupted?
Probably not good for any valley. I hate that when it happens.
The weather has veered abruptly into early summer mode.
[insert foulmouthed rant about California-mandated gas cans, Californians, and California in general]
…and don’t tell me I can “just go buy” a gas can spout that works (to replace the one it takes three hands to operate and leaks all over the place) for more than what I paid for the goddam gas can to begin with.
can spout
Since I know a little about it, I went looking for a nice old pre-Watergate pour spout, and there are many to be had, but, shockingly, none of those I found came with a simple thread spec.
I would have expected
* 1-1/4″ alpha for steel
* 1-3/4″ delta for steel
* 38/400 for plastic
Mostly I just saw ambiguous if not spurious claims about fit.
I wouldn’t have flammables in plastic in/near the house, but many folks do. If you had a small fire in your garage, a plastic bottle will fail early and contribute fuel.
Steel cans are free: just buy a can of paint thinner and use it as charcoal starter or weed killer or whatever and then voila “free” steel can. Indeed, I think a new clean can is basically the same price as a gallon of thinner.
And here in the People’s Republic of NJ you’d need a can of red paint.
Technically the container has to be red and the mandatory full serve won’t fill it if isn’t.
Always and only red for gas. Getting mixed up with kerosene (blue, I think) could result in a tragedy. I keep funnels around for refueling, must have a 1/2 dozen of the big size.
California didn’t mandate shit about gas cans. That was the CPSC and the idiot kids burning themselves. Also bankrupting Blitz.
“Catastrophically failed” is an understatement.
“Getting fit is great – but it could turn you into a rightwing jerk”
Getting fit had nothing to do with it. I was always a jerk.
But there is a dark side to wellness, which I always, for shorthand, thought of as political: getting fit makes you more rightwing. The mechanism is incredibly simple: you embark on this voyage of self-improvement, and more or less immediately see results. You feel stronger and more energetic, probably your mood lifts, and pretty soon you think you are master of your own destiny.
How droll.
You missed the best part:
You’re still not, by the way: destiny does not care about your step count.
External locus of control . . . . all the way baby!
Leftist vs insane. Distinction without a difference.
In their minds poverty, slavery, pestilence and hopelessness are desirable. These are some seriously fucked up, evil people.
Guess what? That’s what we’re gonna get. We just went out to pick up some take out. Strip mall full of food joints was DEAD. On a Saturday evening. I’m predicting a fuckton more places going under this summer.
They have no moral compass, so they must be told what is right and what is wrong.
Was I not supposed to do that?
…there you are, high on self-righteousness.
Cool one on the patio?
How about a party on the patio.
I love that song.
Have a cool one for me, will you?
Working. Rufus would be proud.
Python swallowed a woman? Well, what you jonah do?
Could writing opinion columns for the Grauniad turn you into a left-wing jerk? Or is that a prerequisite?
The Guardian. *facepalm*
I would use it for a bird cage liner but I fear the bird may look down and accidentally read some of it. Granted, the bird poop would be an improvement.
Taking in more energy than you expend causes obesity. The solution is fork control. I know, that takes responsibility and discipline. We dont want responsibility for our own actions and magical cures. Jeebus the teevee is infested with grifters exploiting that.
Rule of law, free speech, reason and the court systems credibility take the hit, Jones starts a new network, buyers turn infowars value to zero overnight. Lose/lose!
I am not sure what to say. Publicity stunt? The guy’s judgement is shit and actual testicles, if they are functioning normally are just window dressing. The value is in the age of the DNA as younger guy’s DNA is less degraded.
it is a publicity stunt.
Yikes. A 16ft predator…
Of course. He probably needs the money for all the child support.
Did she gnaw her way out?
It just gets weirder
The New York judge overseeing Donald Trump’s hush money trial has asked attorneys in the case about a social media post purporting to preview the former president’s guilty verdict.
“Today, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System’s public Facebook page and which I now bring to your attention,” Judge Juan Merchan wrote in a letter dated Friday.
“My cousin is a juror and said Trump is getting convicted,” the post stated, according to Merchan’s letter. “Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!”
When a defendant who has been convicted by a jury but has not yet been sentenced learns of alleged jury misconduct, he can move to set aside the verdict under New York criminal procedure law. If a defendant can prove that jury misconduct “may have affected a substantial right of the defendant,” the remedy is a new trial.
an October do-over?
I wanna hear more about Otto’s 400.
Greetings from the whole shootin’ match!
Day 4 is in the can, I’m relatively unscathed, and I briefly met Evil Shelon as I was turning in the scores for the day. The only problem today was an entitled cop, but otherwise things went swimmingly.
Supposedly tomorrow will be live streamed if you want to see what this is about. Not sure where, but the channel Casual Shooters Podcast on YouTube might be it. ES will be competing, so you can choose a shooter, pretend it’s him and root for him!
Oh, cool! I’d never have found that on my own.
Ah, the good side of the internet 😊
And you got the hell away from the horse set.
Stanley cup Game 1 starts in less than an hour. I’m neither a Florida Panther nor an Edmonton Oilers fan.
But it might be nice to see a Canadian team win the cup once in a while.
Isn’t the Stanley Cup going back to Canada one of the signals of the end times? Like the Browns/Lions going to a Superbowl?
If so, then Bring It.
Oh right. I might flip between that and Columbo or something.
I too have no skin in this battle but by default I want to see a proper hockey town win.
Chapel Hill?
Duluth East Greyhounds?
Section something… high school? Nice.
The Charlestown Chiefs?
I assume you enjoyed the first three games of the tennis yesterday. 😉
I also don’t really have a dog in the fight, but I have a fondness for Bobrovsky from his time in Columbus. And Bob is earning his money tonight.
Holy shit that is the most Guardian headline ever. I’m not going to read the trash article because I can guess at the premise already but that headline is worth a laugh.
Insert clever enticement here
Realistically when do you think you will be on there KK?
h/t Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze
Sportskeeda Pro Football @SKProFootball 9 NFL teams have not posted about Pride Month so far:
The Falcons, Bengals, Browns, Cowboys, Broncos, Chiefs, Saints, Steelers and Titans.
is this allowed?
So i have a question for money people.
Assume a corporation registers with the secretary of state in OK, and list three individuals.
Now in a deposition said “owner” states that is is owned by two trusts.
One trust i assume is husband and wife, but the other trust is not connected in any seeable way.
Why would they lie in the deposition or in the incorporation? What is the advantage in doing so?
May ask again tomorrow depending on further feedback.
Possibly it was sold to the trusts.
I would guess they
50% don’t know what they’re talking about
40% are talking in generalities and not addressing the legal facts at all
10% are talking about the de facto situation since the trusts are owned/controlled by someone
why does it matter what they say since the filed documentation trumps
I don’t know, should it?
It does show a record of lying that will be useful in wife’s defense.
I don’t really have a problem with this.
As long as you’re never wrongfully convicted for that you’ll be golden but that’ll happen to somebody though.
Full and pendulous, Silicone Saturday is bursting out with potential.
Isn’t this months ahead of schedule?
More infrastructure spending.
That does seem to be the angle that the writer is pulling out of her ass.
That water is definitely racist. They need to diversity, equity and inclusion even moar harder and better.
At least it wasn’t a f99d processing plant or a black church.
Food, lousy tablet keyboard.
That first article is the dumbest shit I have read in a long time.
The only way to be a goodthinking person is to be an obese tub o’ lard, it is known. But seriously, of course people are going to tend to be more self-righteous if they work towards a fitness goal and they achieve it and they see 400+ pounders complaining that they have to pay extra for an airplane seat.
It’s just a (not so) tacit admission that the Left is against any objective good. Any striving for something higher, better, more moral, more ethical, more beautiful, etc. is a threat to the undifferentiated PoMo mush they use to confuse and demoralize people in their pursuit of destruction. And guess what? If you’re actively against objective good, I can only assume that you’re actively in favor of objective evil.
It’s nice to hear them say in so many words what we already know; that Leftism is a Cult of Satan.
I hear you but I think you’re reading too much into it. Most (all?) people rationalize various maladaptive behaviors they have but the leftists have just taken it to a whole new level. In some cases you’re right about the evil though but those are the relative few who cynically manipulate the deluded (like the bitch who wrote that article for instance).
I like to think the same w.r.t. the recent campus fun but at some point I have to wonder is there really any difference.
I feel like an idiot admitting this, but it’s been all day, fucking all day on Twitter with anti-Israel lefties whose worst news is Hamas losing some of their hostage human shields. They are resolute in defending Hamas. I don’t get where these shitheads come from.
All they ever needed to defend rapist child-murdering savages is that they hate Jews. Oh, who could have guessed, lefties are fucking Nazis.
Sorry, I may have spent too much time on Twitter.
I think the one thing that annoys me about fitness bro’s is the self-righteousness.. They are so damn sure they are better people because they have their shit together in one facet of their life. And it usually is just one facet. Meanwhile, you ask one of them the last time they picked up a book and you get a blank look.
I’m convinced the fitness “bros” are a big part of the reason blue state governors kept gyms closed extra long during the lockdowns.
It’s the same sort of class bigotry that led to the “what a horror that men think of ancient Rome” reaction o the one hand, and the “of course women pick the bear over the man, and it’s men’s fault” on the other hand.
Huh. Didn’t realize until just now that Kyle was the Truckee River Killer on Reno 911.
Oh my God that’s Wendell! HAH!
That sent me down a Reno 911 hole. “God vomited and there was Jackie.”
He’ll be off the air for five seconds. Jones has a lot of friends and outlets who would gladly take him, regardless of the heat.
Nice day of racing but we did not cover ourselves in glory. We are in the middle of the pack and there are several leaders who will end up on top unless somethings breaks. It might, there was one collision today which caused some real damage to the “victim” boat. If that boat won’t be ready to race in the morning the other boat will be DQ’ed.
We kept calm and didn’t make any big mistakes, but a couple of wind shifts hurt us.
One of my favorite reasons for hanging out here is to live vicariously through the wide spectrum of member’s experiences. You Sir, are at or near the top of the list on any given day.
Safe and good sailing to you.
I’ve got 4 big steaks to grill today. 9+ lbs of cow.
Thats all I have planned for the day.
Good luck to dbleagle and his team!
Hey all y’all!!!!
Put some sausage in a pan and made some toast. It smells yummy in here.
Have some fun 🎶🎶
Seeded. Found in the frozen food section.
Slathered in butter. I have yet to try it with peanut butter or pistachio butter, but I like it.
500k in attendance? Sounds awfully high.
The article also ends with a sentence fragment.
Morning Sean and TeDs
Another great day of sunshine and mosquitoes. Happy for the bugs, otherwise this place would be full of Californians
Good morning, 4(20), Ted’S., Sean, and suthen!