Saturday Morning Population Explosion Links

by | Jun 29, 2024 | Daily Links | 101 comments

Fourteen. FOURTEEN. WebDom and 10b0t’s dog dropped 14 puppies. They now have 17 dogs, and all part of the same family started 18 months ago which has resulted in 46 dogs in the area. They are quite fecund. It’s like a weird Mendelian breeding experiment. “Well, we have 9 black, 4 white, and one tuxedo, so the genes apparently are…” This will end up being a high school science experiment for years to come. 10b0t famously disliked dogs but now wants to have at least 5. Maybe 6.

Today’s human birthdays include a brilliant thinker who never lost an opportunity; a farsighted fellow; a guy who was so young but already a prince; one of my personal heroes who, if he had lived a bit longer, we’d have even better music; a guy who did my liver no favors; a guy whose most famous appearance bombed; the king of special effects; an actual honest and great journalist; an “activist” whose name became a punchline; a guy you do NOT want to take a motorcycle ride with; and a terrific cartoonist who ought to be better-known.

Links should also be better known.

I’m sure there will be protests all over elite college campuses about this…. wait, no Jews? Never mind.

My initial reaction was, “This is like Nixon’s collapse when Cronkite turned on him.” Then I realized, nah, they’re just going to keep pounding on TDS and go with the corpse. Get ready for President Harris; SugarFree is already working on the anthropomorphic kneepads.

Of course not one Team Blue congresschimp will actually speak truth to power. All anonymous. Stunning and brave!

Speaking of Biden…

Keeping the grift going takes work these days.

“They’re not stranded, we just can’t get them.”

As if this will make the slightest difference.

I just used a cut from this wonderful band as Old Guy Music, but I will invoke Founders’ Privilege and do another one.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


    • SDF-7

      Didn’t they open for Quantum Mechanics Narcissism last year?

      • cavalier973

        I didn’t see them, but, maybe?

  1. SDF-7

    “They’re not stranded, we just can’t get them.”

    One interesting data point in there I hadn’t known — there’s already a docked Crew Dragon up there along with the expected Soyuz (near the bottom of the article they mention that a Russian sat had a “catastrophic event” and sprinkled debris that could have threatened the ISS, so everyone went to their evacuation pods just in case). If they were willing to put these 2 in the Crew Dragon if debris had hit (they didn’t, but they said they could have), I’d just be planning to send them down with it just in case (assuming that’s not months away and the consumables aren’t a factor… because after all, Crew Dragon is reliable and they may not have been planning leaving for some time).

    Good morning, OMWC — enjoy the puppy grandfather time. I’m sure they’ll be a ball of rolly polly cuteness very soon. Then WebDom and L0b0t will have nothing surviving if it can be chewed.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Seems a bit Boeing bashing. From what I read, it’s an issue on the service module and that gets jettisoned during reentry. So seems prudent to work the issue while on the ISS to gather enough data.

      • Suthenboy

        Boeing institutes DEI policies. Planes begin falling apart in the air. People die. Spaceship finally gets launched after 748 tries. Astronauts are now stranded in space.
        Could there be a connection? *stares at ceiling while tugging on chin*

  2. Gender Traitor

    Ermagerd!!! Looky at all the PUPPEEEEEEEEZ! 😃🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶

    I see you have them properly segregated. 😉 Best wishes for finding them all happy homes. In the meantime…watch your step, I guess? ::fondly remembers many experiences with ambulatory kittens::

    • SDF-7

      All I keep imagining is a thundering pack when they’re about 3 or 4 months old coming around the corner and bowling over anyone unfortunate enough to be in their way as they dash about in play groups.

      Well, that at lots of furry furry slobber.

      • Suthenboy

        That is what I remember most clearly about our 14 puppy brood; the stampede at feeding time. It was a sight to behold.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Rosie actually arranged them that way herself. Clearly a racist dog.

      • Sean

        A dog with OCD. Perfect.

      • Tres Cool

        Or autism.

      • Timeloose

        I’m dealing with one and he is pure energy at ~4 months. Having the brothers and sisters will help with the work load of keeping them entertained.

        Waffles found he likes to run full speed off the deck and dive in between the shed and fence.

    • Ted S.

      Q is disappointed by the size of the tits.

      • Gender Traitor

        But think of how MANY there are!

  3. cavalier973

    Those astronauts: there’s a fine line between recklessness and courage.

    I might have been willing to ride in a SpaceX rocket, but with Boeing’s recent record, I would have declined to even climb into the Boeing rocket

    • Evan from Evansville

      “The difference between ‘bravery’ and ‘idiocy’? Success.’ ~ Me?

      What Chuck Yeager did was remarkably foolish, with no one ‘really’ knowing what would happen. However, now…home run, him.
      See also: All of human history.

  4. Ted S.

    the king of special effects;

    Happy birthday Willis O’Brien!

    • cavalier973

      *King Kong size applause*

  5. cavalier973

    “Anonymous Blue Congresschimps” sounds like a Philip K. Dick parody novel.

    • SDF-7

      Or a particularly odd episode of The Smurfs… “Pelosi Smurf is always right! And what Pelosi Smurf says…..” (and Jeffries Smurf gets tossed out on his head…)

  6. Tres Cool

    My favorite Gary Busey.

  7. Sean

    “anthropomorphic kneepads.”


  8. cavalier973

    I just saw a YouTube video (which I haven’t watched, yet) claiming that ham radio operators have gone silent.

    • Gender Traitor

      Nothing to talk about since the annual Hamvention is over?

    • Old Man With Candy

      After a brief fling with SSB and FM, I stuck to CW. I’m guessing that’s pretty much a dead issue these days.

      • Tres Cool

        “if you could understand morse code, a tap dancer would drive your crazy”

        -Mitch Hedberg

  9. Derpetologist

    I meant to join the Zoom last night, but since I had trouble sleeping Thursday night, I crashed Friday evening. I’ll be at tonight’s Zoom for sure.

    An odd take from MIT:

    For the first 165 years of its history, the United States did not form any alliances besides the one it signed with France during the Revolutionary War. Instead, U.S. leaders followed George Washington’s advice to “steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world,”1 a recommendation subsequently enshrined in Thomas Jefferson’s inaugural pledge: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.”2

    Since World War II, however, U.S. leaders have dramatically reversed this policy and signed defense pacts with more than sixty countries. As a result, the United States is legally obligated to defend a patchwork of nations that spans five continents, contains 25 percent of the world’s population, and accounts for nearly 75 percent of global economic output. To what extent does this massive commitment entangle the United States in wars it would otherwise avoid?

    Also, I recently estimated the unit cost of a W78 thermonuclear warhead to be in the range of 8 to15 million dollars, which makes me wonder why nuclear non-proliferation was ever considered an achievable goal.

  10. Gender Traitor

    Finally got around to listening to Old Man Music after this morning’s episode of Millennium of Music wrapped up. As I suspected, it’s a much more uptempo – and thus much more fun – version of one of the first blues songs I ever listened to. The vocalist credits the Carter Family, but I first came across it when, as a young Manhattan Transfer fanatic, I was flipping through the library’s jazz/blues LPs looking for More Music Like Them and saw this face. How could I resist? This slower version was the first track on Side One. I like what these Brain Cloud folks have done with it!

    • Gender Traitor

      Oops! Here’s the correct link. That’s what I get for trying to put two links in the same comment.

    • PutridMeat


      Come for the boobies*, stay for the education.

      *Q’s somewhat rarer Wednesday offerings are more up my valley. But the educational part of the program, much like ‘I only read the articles’, is really the point. Honest.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Donald Trump has proved himself to be a significant jeopardy to that democracy — an erratic and self-interested figure unworthy of the public trust.

    That’s nice.

    • Trials and Trippelations

      My wife said she ran across some mainstream editorial that blamed the Biden situation on the public primary process, and that clearly peons don’t know enough to choose a candidate. That logic was not carried over to the general election.

      But yes trump is a threat to MUH DEMOCRACY

    • Suthenboy

      This is akin to the woman speaking about the mengelesque child mutilators. They can never reverse course, they will have TDS for the rest of their lives.

  12. Tonio

    Damn, I miss Bobby London. Dirty Duck was hilarious.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    The horrors and depravity of trump’s first term.

    I’m starting to feel like Rip Van Winkle. All I can figure is I must have slept through some really weird shit.

    • Trials and Trippelations

      Overheard some left coworkers complaining about the debate. “But we can’t have Trump he’s reckless and might Nuke us or start a war”

      I guess I crossed into a different universe because in the one I am from while Trump didn’t stop any wars he inherited he didn’t start any news ones unlike Biden

      • Suthenboy

        I dont know what you are talking about. The Russian navy parked a rock’s throw from the us was all Trump’s doing.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    If Biden is too feebleminded to be President next time around, why should we pretend he’s competent to finish out this term? Bring on President Harris. She’s the second most qualified person in America, right?

    • Suthenboy

      Excellent. I would read it more if only their site was not such a shit mess of ads and pop-ups.
      Pop-ups *Beavis and Butthead giggling*

  15. rhywun

    Get ready for President Harris

    That is going to require some Herculean coördination.

    • Suthenboy

      For communist style propaganda shirts and posters we only get Obama. Bummer.

  16. Common Tater

    Reason, #1,863 to ban public sector unions

    “Surrounded by dozens of teachers-union officials on the steps of the Pennsylvania state Capitol this month, Democratic state Sen. Lindsey Williams excoriated a proposed K-12 education-voucher program.

    She called it a conspiracy by racist, religious fundamentalists bent on destroying public education by driving “straight, white, able-bodied kids into private religious schools.

    The next day, a group of black religious leaders gathered in the state Capitol to tell Gov. Josh Shapiro to support the voucher program…

    Philadelphia, where voucher support among black residents stands above 90%.”

    • rhywun

      Watching the plantation break up in real time is fucking glorious.

    • Grumbletarian

      You can’t trust a black person to tell you what black people want.

      white leftists

    • creech

      And 90 percent will still vote to keep the D cretins in power in Harrisburg. I no longer feel sorry for those whose race pride/party loyalty keeps them mired in ignorance and poverty.

    • Suthenboy

      90%? Check out Mr. Optimism over here.

  17. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    Fuck. I broke another of my wife’s special, favorite, hand made ceramic dishes. This is the second in like a week. Now, I am sitting here, waiting for her to wake up, so I can tell her this.


    • slumbrew

      A new life awaits you in the off-world colonies!

    • Annoyed Nomad

      Best of luck. Comforting thoughts headed your way.

    • Suthenboy

      You broke one less than a week ago and allowed yourself to touch another one?

    • Common Tater

      Maybe juggling isn’t the right hobby for you?

    • The Last American Hero

      I was washing it when this huge bear came walking through the yard. I was so startled I dropped it.

  18. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    They’re not stranded because technically SpaceX or the Russians could bring them home. LOL.

  19. Mojeaux

    Oh. Um. Dogs. How ‘bout that.

  20. Beau Knott

    Yay, puppies!

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Property is theft

    Jesse Rabinowitz, the communications and campaign director at the National Homelessness Law Center, said he worries this decision will empower cities to focus even more on arresting people sleeping outside, rather than focusing on proven solutions.

    No examples of “proven solutions” are provided. I wonder why.

    • rhywun

      “In Boise, we take care of people. Herpity derpity platitude!”

      That’s the problem, asshole.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Moral turpitude

    New Jersey regulators will hold a hearing next month on whether two golf courses owned by former President Donald Trump should have their liquor licenses renewed following his felony convictions in May in New York.

    His company, the Trump Organization, predicted the licenses will not be affected, and cautioned against an investigation that it claimed could be “political in nature.”

    The licenses for Trump golf courses in Colts Neck and Bedminster expire on Sunday. The state Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control said Friday it is not renewing the licenses, but it is issuing temporary 90-day permits to allow them to continue serving alcohol until a hearing on the licenses is held on July 19 in Trenton.

    The hearing is scheduled for after Trump’s sentencing on July 11.

    “During such a hearing, the applicant bears the burden of proof to demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that they remain qualified to maintain licensure, which includes a review of any beneficiaries of the licenses,” the state Attorney General’s Office said in a statement.

    Golf clubs are widely known as dens of sin and depravity.

    • creech

      And Trump is expected to just turn the other cheek if he wins in November?

    • Suthenboy

      Donald Trump personally holds the licenses? Huh.

      “Golf clubs are widely known dens of sin and depravity.” <—-Yeah, and your point is?

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        That was my thought too. Some LLC or Corp holds the licenses, not Donald Trump.

        And the left wonders why people support him more and more. These are obvious political ploys, and everyone sees it but them.

    • Suthenboy

      If I recall correctly the prisoners in the Tower of London were very well treated by the guards. Who knows? Prisoner today, King tomorrow. The guards were very well aware of that.
      Killing a companies license because one person who works for that company has some kind of record? If we did that no company in the country would have a license. Oh yeah, “Dont worry, this is just for Trump.” – Hochul
      Yeah, by the way, I have this bridge I am not using anymore if you are interested.

  23. Suthenboy

    We had a lab once…Sugar…she squirted out 14 puppies once. I had one hell of a time getting homes for all of them save one…Boots. She was black with white socks, or boots if you will. Boots was literally born into Mrs. Suthenboy’s hands whereupon she raised the little tike up to her face and they nuzzled each other for a minute or so. I knew some fowl imprinted that way but it works with dogs as well. Boots followed around, snuggled with and slept with Mrs. Suthenboy for 21 years. She never growled, bared teeth or nipped at a person, not once in her life. Sadly she passed away last year. It really was like losing a member of the family, because she was. I miss her.

    Saint- Exupery is on my private list of favorite authors.
    Pickens was quite a talented gun maker. Few know that.

    ‘Man made’ famine? So, just like all of the other famines. Government made might be more accurate.

    In the mad, myopic scramble for power the D’s painted themselves into this corner. I suspect it may be the death of the party. If so, what to do with all of the flotsam and jetsam? Exile?
    This couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch.

    Speaking of the D’s…I thought we always knew where the bodies were buried. Shouldn’t the headline read “We are just now getting around to digging the mummies up.”?

    Zelensky sees Trump coming. He is a dead man and he knows it.

    The DEI astronauts and engineers deserve each other. This is the point of the war on competence, is it not? Congratulations, booger-eatin’ morons.
    How did Idiocracy ever get classified as fiction and not a documentary?

    • Sensei

      Suthen, DEI plays into Boeing, but not nearly as much as Wall St. and McKinsey do.

      Also the greed of the last 20 years of the Fortune 500 C Suite should not be underestimated.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Death sentence

    Mine safety advocates are scrambling to meet with lawmakers before the bill is scheduled to go before the full House Appropriations Committee on July 10. It would have to be greenlit by that committee before going to the full chamber.

    Quenton King, federal legislative specialist for Appalachian Voices, a nonprofit that advocated for the silica dust rule, said the protection is essential to protecting not only coal miners in central Appalachia but metal and nonmetal miners across the country. He said that if allowed to be enforced, it will help save thousands of lives.

    “To willfully prevent MSHA from doing that would literally be killing miners,” he said.

    Strangely, no details of this magical prophylaxis are provided. Mine operators are actively preventing their employees from engaging in any efforts to protect themselves.

    • Suthenboy

      Mining is one of those industries perceived to be a money tree when in fact the profit margin on mines is very thin.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Cruel and unusual

    The restrictions on health care are part of a larger backlash against transgender rights, touching on everything from bathroom access to participation in sports.


    Gender-affirming care for youths is supported by major medical organizations, including the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychiatric Association and the Endocrine Society.

    In a concurring opinion, one justice dismissed the position of the medical groups.

    “The fact that expert witnesses or influential interest groups like the American Psychiatric Association disagree with the Legislature’s judgment is entirely irrelevant to the constitutional question,” Justice James Blacklock wrote. “The Texas Constitution authorizes the Legislature to regulate ‘practitioners of medicine.’”

    What an outrage.

    • Suthenboy

      Transgender rights. I see. They have the same rights as anyone else and are deserving of the same protections.
      Cutting off or altering the genitals or hormones of minors, with or without parental consent, is undiluted evil.

    • Common Tater

      That it reached a point where a law is necessary is ridiculous.

  26. The Late P Brooks


    Tim Weah and other members of the U.S. national team were targeted with racist abuse on social media after the Americans were beaten 2-1 by Panama in the Copa America on Thursday night.

    The U.S. Soccer Federation issued a statement saying it was “deeply disturbed with the racist comments made online.”

    Weah, who is Black, was sent off with a red card in the 18th minute after punching a Panama player.


    The USSF said several of its players were the targets of racist comments.

    “There is absolutely no place in the game for such hateful and discriminatory behavior,” the statement said. “These actions are not only unacceptable but but also contrary to the values of respect and inclusivity that we uphold as an organization.”

    The guy loses his shit, punches a player on the opposing team and costs you the game, and this is what you focus on?

    Fuck inclusivity. Be a winner.

    • rhywun

      Obviously we need to redouble the wall to wall END RACISM campaign.

    • Suthenboy

      No idea if the Panamanian player deserved the punch or not. The lesson here is that agitators here are lying their asses off about institutional racism. If. you want to see what real racism looks like you have to leave the US and go….well, just about anywhere.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        This, this.

        Oh, this.

        So much of society has been duped into believing that America is the most racistest of countries. All they have to do is go anywhere else to find out that line is a massive crock of shit.

        Arabs are the most racist group I’ve encountered. It’s not even close.

      • Suthenboy

        Try Korea.

    • Ted S.

      An acquaintance on a sports board who’s originally from Ghana joked, “Send him back to Liberia.”

    • Ted S.

      Note also that the article doesn’t link to any examples of the alleged racial abuse.

      • rhywun

        Too horrifying to link.

    • rhywun

      Also… did you guys know that social media is a toilet?! Hard to believe, I know.

  27. Common Tater

    “‘A woman is a person who says she is’: Progressive activist Maya Wiley justifies trans ideology because people called her a boy when she was a child”

    Self-ID is retarded.

    “A guy who was born as a man who wants to pretend to be a woman and put him and his ‘big Jim and the twins’ in a locker room with underage girls… is disgusting,” Mace stated.

    True, but no actual trans person is going to do that.

    • Suthenboy

      ‘A woman is a person who says she is’
      No, he isn’t. Also, plenty of professed trannies have swung their dicks around in girl’s dressing rooms. The whole thing is just lunacy and depravity.

      • Common Tater

        “Also, plenty of professed trannies have swung their dicks around in girl’s dressing rooms.”

        Self-professed is the problem. That asshole at Planet Fitness was literally shaving his face.

      • PutridMeat

        Self-professed is the problem

        what else is there? Even if there’s a medically defined set of objective standards to identify a ‘true’ trans person – leaving aside the question of whether you can trust any sort of officially defined medical criteria in this particular milieu – how does that work in practice? How does an entity keep males out of female locker rooms if not through self-identification? Trust that your postulate that ‘true’ trans people will be quiet and not draw attention to themselves and simply be very discreet? A medical card? Even if the former is true, a sort of don’t ask don’t tell, how do you handle someone who is not so discreet?

        Personally, I’d guess the sort of discreet don’t ask don’t tell has been going on for a long time. But in the environment we’re in now, it will simply no longer work. Whatever discreet non-activist ‘true’ trans people there are will be swamped by the, in your terms, self-professed narcissexuals.

        So I guess the solution is pass the laws, enforce them. The true ‘discreet’ trans people will continue on and we can treat the self-professed the way they deserve.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Mining is one of those industries perceived to be a money tree when in fact the profit margin on mines is very thin.

    The hazards are completely unknown to the people who work in the mines. We cannot allow the Peabodys of the world to callously poison those innocent ignorant slobs and then cast them aside.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    The USSF said it will offer mental health services to any player of staff member who requests it. The governing body also reported the racist abuse to CONMEBOL, the South American organizers of the tournament.


    C'mon, show a little backbone, will ya?

    • Suthenboy

      Con me ball? Wasn’t that a scene from Midnight Cowboy?
      See, I first read that as Commieball.

  30. Common Tater

    “Senior Editor at Human Events Jack Posobiec believes the mainstream media’s response last night was an orchestrated “coup” against Biden.”

    The CNN panel didn’t seem at all surprised.

    “Portnoy continued, “Why would you agree to a debate with Biden at this stage — the earliest debate of all time — when you know he’s gone, when you know he can’t speak, when you know he’s a vegetable? Because they wanna whack him… They know he is not going to be the nominee.”

    • Suthenboy

      Well, they have certainly outsmarted themselves.

    • mindyourbusiness

      There may be something to Portnoy’s complaint…
      Seriously, you have to wonder if Biden and Trump are the best people the country can produce for the office.

  31. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Which would have worse optics for Boeing – if SpaceX had to rescue the astronauts, or if the Russians had to do it?

  32. The Late P Brooks

    I broke another of my wife’s special, favorite, hand made ceramic dishes. This is the second in like a week.

    There is a line from The Importance of Being Ernest which might be of use here.

    ‘To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.’.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    “Our organization works continuously toward the evolution of a new culture that eradicates expressions of racism, offensive content on social media and all forms of violence or discrimination,” CONMEBOL said in a statement. “We condemn attitudes of intolerance in every place and on every occasion, especially those hiding behind social media accounts.”

    CommieBall? Legit.

    Maybe you should divert some tiny increment of your efforts toward winning games. That might improve people’s respect for you.

    • Suthenboy

      Interviewer: “Dr. Sowell, how can we solve the problem of racism?
      Thomas Sowell: “Stop talking about it.”

      • mindyourbusiness

        But if we stopped talking about it, what would all the professional scab-pickers do with themselves?