Saturday Morning Wedding Bells and Links

by | Jun 22, 2024 | Daily Links | 77 comments

My little family has increased in size. And the infamous 1Ob0t is now my son. Being as we’re in the rurals, things were slightly different than the traditional, but we don’t stand on formality.

After the auspicious events of this week, birthdays seem anticlimactic, but we shall not ignore them, including the birthday of a guy who pushed more wood than John Holmes; a truly warped space cadet; a guy whose bio carefully omits mention of a famous penis; a woman who was the true star of the funniest TV show ever made; pure evil grasping for power, disguised as a female Jabba The Hut; a guy, who like Dylan, wrote and performed great songs that other people did better; the best part of 60 Minutes, which is faint praise; a guy who made his fortune being happy, you bet your sweet ass he did; a guy who did everything he could to take science in the wrong direction; a woman who, despite being often called the greatest actress of our generation, never once disappeared into any of her roles; an actress never accused of that, but jesus, look at her!; a woman who would make my Top Five on the list of “Most Deserving of the Woodchipper”; Pie’s man-crush; a woman whose “heroism” was a complete Hollywood fraud; and to go with that, a complete literary fraud.

And with that said and done. Links ensue.

The BBC do like their propaganda.

Mirror, honey. Mirror.

“If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t sane.”

Every time there’s a big freeze or blizzard, we’re reminded that “weather isn’t climate.”

I’m sure this was a total accident. A real pity. These things happen.

Once someplace is a slum, it’s immoral and racist to improve it.

It’s OK, they don’t know what a woman is anyway.

It’s no secret that the Old Guy likes genre-blending. And another example of why.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. Not Adahn

    but we don’t stand on formality.

    They stood under a tarp and he stomped on a PBR can?

    • Tonio


    • slumbrew


  2. Sean

    “And the infamous 1Ob0t is now my son. ”

    For real?

    Seems like this should have been a bigger announcement.

    Congrats to all involved! 🍻🍻

    • hayeksplosives


    • slumbrew


      Mazel Tov!

    • Chafed

      Agreed. Though the photo on the homepage sort of makes up for it.

  3. juris imprudent

    Not pictured, OMWC and the shotgun.

  4. Gender Traitor

    Mazel tov! 😃🤵👰

    (Had to make it legal before the puppies were born?)

  5. Ted S.

    a truly warped space cadet;

    Happy birthday Jonathan Harris!

  6. Ted S.

    a guy who did everything he could to take science in the wrong direction

    So many choices. Anthony Fauci? Neil Degrassi Tyson? Bill Nye, the sciencish guy?

    • Old Man With Candy

      TBH, the latter two have never bothered to actually do science (albeit NdGT did some minor work decades ago, then found a lucrative gig more suitable to his lack of talent).

  7. juris imprudent

    Sometimes, life is just too ironic.

    As I’ll demonstrate below, not only do plastic recyclers appear to be a major source of MP contamination, they may very well be the number one source of primary microplastic pollution on the entire planet. So, from an environmental perspective, recycling plastic could be doing far more harm than good


    • Ted S.

      They recycled ten thousand plastic spoons when all they needed to recycle was a knife?

    • rhywun

      Prediction: Nobody will stop recycling plastic.

      • Tonio

        I suspect you are correct. That would mean admitting they were wrong. And denying them the opportunity for (bi)weekly virtue signalling.

      • Nephilium

        One of the local cities is getting ready to pass a law banning putting plastic bags in your recycle bins.

      • EvilSheldon

        Trick question. Nobody is recycling plastic now.

    • mindyourbusiness

      Read that article. Foregone conclusion that if policy were to encourage burning plastics, the envirotwits would start screaming, “aIR PoLluTIoN!1111!!” Regardless of the sense it makes.

      • Suthenboy

        I think Hoffer covered that mentality very well – agitators are going to agititate, it’s who they are. If they get what they demand they will begin agitating for something else ore more of the same.
        That’s why once they are no longer of use in tearing down a culture they will preemptively be rounded up and shot. The totalitarians know those people will never quit and that cant be allowed in the new order.

      • Chafed

        For sure. That will be followed by a call to ban all plastics. Enjoy living in your yurts.

  8. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Poor Tony Cakes, he’s breaking angels’ legs who are behind on their payments now.

    • creech

      Biden forgave all angel loans.

  9. Beau Knott

    Congrats on the newly expanded family!

    • cavalier973

      The song is better without the video antics.

  10. rhywun

    That klimate krisis article is peak “complete lack of awareness”. Just wow.

    • rhywun

      self-awareness, gah

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      “ As extreme weather becomes more commonplace….”

      It hasn’t.

      “Please keep in mind, the most powerful climate change solution is the one you already have in the palm of your hands: the right to vote.”

      Yes. Vote Democrat and our world will be in perfect weather harmony. The temperatures will be average everyday, and no bad weather will happen.

    • Chafed

      I’m sure local news will benefit by driving away their viewers who just want the forecast without a helping of politics.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Totally. I know I love hearing about a wacko agenda when I just want to see if my baseball game is gonna get rained out this week.

  11. Gender Traitor

    a woman who, despite being often called the greatest actress of our generation, never once disappeared into any of her roles

    The birthday girl’s greatest performance.

  12. R C Dean

    I always thought Meryl Streep got the best roles of her time, which people confused with being the best actress of her time.

    • Sensei

      She had a farm. Somewhere in Africa I believe.

      • hayeksplosives

        Anda dingo took her baby.

        She gets around.

    • Suthenboy

      There has always been a lot of that going around.
      Like lawyering, the gatekeeper’s standards are not what you think they would be.

  13. juris imprudent

    You can’t hate on Lizzie Warren half as hard as you should hate on the people that vote for her.

    • EvilSheldon

      People as empty and soulless as Warren herself. I’d pity them if they weren’t so dangerous to have around…

      • juris imprudent

        They’d be relatively harmless if they weren’t allowed to vote.

    • slumbrew

      I can assure you, I do v

      • Chafed

        Blink twice if Warren threatened you before you could finish your comment.

    • Chafed

      *gives slumbrew the side eye*

  14. PieInTheSky

    Pie’s man-crush; – thats it I am done with this site. delete all my comments.

  15. hayeksplosives

    The article about working class men who don’t vote for Biden being somehow brainwashed is beyond conical

    And you’re.absolutely correct to compare it to the “then you ain’t black!” propaganda.

    “[y]ounger working-class men of all races” who support Trump instead of Biden are emotionally disturbed individuals obsessed with their “precarious manhood” who “lash out: blaming their problems on outsiders and anti-macho ideology, on feminized work rules, on capitalists and communists so long as they were Jewish, on novelty, on empiricism.”

    • Gender Traitor

      It’s downright hemispherical! 😄

    • Chafed

      It’s the only logical explanation.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      Unless I’m the one completely misreading your response (totally possible), I think you’ve for that one wrong.

      The article is an indictment of the academic and liberal elites for being the fucksticks they are, and, according to the author, the ones they’ve always been in American politics.

      • Old Man With Candy

        Yes, the article was a critique of the insane arrogance of the coastal and academic elites who are the drivers behind Team Blue.

      • hayeksplosives

        Yeah, I should have made that more clear. The author is correctly pointing out the ridiculous position of those people who claim that “working class men” just won’t vote in their own interests!!

  16. juris imprudent

    I am reminded of the Pro-Palestinian protesters at UC demanding the abolishment of the UC.

    Demise of WaPo?

    • Chafed

      I have a feeling Bezos will run out of patience with the current staff and let the editors do what they think best. If that happens, there will be a lot of firing and a lot of hiring.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      Can’t view without ad blocking.

      NR can eat shit.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    They’d be relatively harmless if they weren’t allowed to vote.

    “If I had known it was harmless, I would have killed it myself.”

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Bezos should casually drop a few hints about selling the Post to Elon.

    • juris imprudent

      Heads would explode, and it would be glorious.

  19. cavalier973

    Congratulations, to the happy couple, by the way

  20. Fourscore

    OMWC, tell me how you got the new son. I’m looking for a new son-in-law right now, my daughter is in between husbands and is available. She’s the kind of girl Tres Cool would appreciate.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Had you considered feeding her less?

  21. The Late P Brooks

    In a New York Times essay of Feb. 9, 2022, titled “Status Anxiety Is Blowing Wind Into Trump’s Sails,” the journalist Thomas B. Edsall quotes Michael Bang Petersen, a Danish academic, who claims that the increase in the “status in society” of “racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities” has pushed “those with lower education or those who feel challenged by the new emerging groups towards the right.” Agreeing with Petersen, Edsall concludes that many working-class whites are therefore not only emotionally disturbed but also un-American: “The data suggest that a large segment of the white, non-college population lives day-by-day in a cauldron of dissatisfaction, a phenomenon that stands apart from the American tradition … That this is dangerous does not need repeating.”

    The idea of all those flyover hicks plotting to kill the liberal elites in their beds is less discomfiting the than the reality that those lowbrow hordes don’t much care about them one way or another.

    • Chafed

      Thanks unknown Danish academic. Now tell me how things are going in Denmark with your rapidly changing demographics.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Rise up, sisters

    On Monday, the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, women and allies are planning a nationwide women’s strike.

    It all started with an April 18 TikTok post. Thousands of people saw that call, and subsequent posts. Within a few weeks, millions were responding.

    Rachel O’Leary Carmona is the executive director of theWomen’s March, and that organization is serving as a communication portal to help people around the world organize. “We woke up one day that week and we found 60 actions on our map,” Carmona said.

    The organizers are calling for supporters to wear red, stay home from work and school, and not spend any money unless it’s at a women-owned business. The movement is calling for equal rights, reproductive freedom and the end of gender-based violence.

    “What we can really understand and measure by Monday, is the strength of the grassroots and how angry people are. And so I think that we will continue to see these organic, grassroots uprisings all the way until our rights are restored,” explained Carmona.

    The nation will be brought to its knees.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      “It all started with an April 18 TikTok post….”


    • Chafed

      Yeah, that strategy has worked so many times before. 🙄

    • Suthenboy

      Lysistrada smiles from the beyond.

      Good luck with that.

    • creech

      What if men went on strike for a day?

  23. Chafed

    “Wall Street’s climate silence. The dire news about the costs of climate change mostly hasn’t registered on Wall Street, Lydia DePillis reports. “In fact, the news from Wall Street lately has mostly been about retreat from climate goals, rather than recommitment,” she writes. “Banks and asset managers are withdrawing from international climate alliances and chafing at their rules. Regional banks are stepping up lending to fossil fuel producers.” No kidding. The jig is up.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      Yep. Once they saw the economic freefall in European countries and their green energy madness, they decided that driving ourselves into poverty for sure is a worse option than “Oh my Gaia!!!! The world is going to be subsumed in flames at some ever-shifting point in the future that probably won’t come, but we’re going to constantly tell you is only a decade away!!”

      I still remember 2017. All or most of the Arctic sea ice was supposed to be gone, according to Teh Science™️, yet it was a record year for sea ice.

      One can only hope that the recent European elections in which the green and other leftist parties were soundly stomped, with conservative “ultra-far right parties” being elected continent wide are a foreshadowing of what will happen here. I’m happy to be mis-labeled Ultra-Far Right™️.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    I hope they have enough Tang

    Boeing and NASA announced Friday night that mission officials are again delaying the Boeing Starliner capsule’s return to Earth from the International Space Station.

    The announcement is only the latest in a string of recent delays. Officials have pushed back the Starliner spacecraft’s departure date several times after the vehicle — which launched Williams and Wilmore to the space station on June 5 — experienced some issues en route to the space station.

    Officials did not immediately announce a new return date, but the space agency indicated the return of Starliner’s crew, astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, won’t come until July.

    Maybe Tesla will send an Uber for them.

    • cavalier973

      Those guys had to know what they were getting into.

  25. Mojeaux

    Today in medical transcriptioning adventures, I feel much better about my mad ESL skillz today. A previous transcriptionist had transcribed a whole report about a kid who had an injury while walking on train tracks and he turned his head to see if a train was coming. Except, he apparently was walking on DRAIN tracks and turned to see if a DRAIN was coming. And here I am, trying to figure out his accent to figure out whether he’s saying paracervical or paroxysmal. Gotta watch out for them rogue drains.

    For the next patient, the referring provider’s surname is Sestak. I’m sure he went through medical school getting called Sleestak.

    • slumbrew

      If he’s over 40 then, yes, 100% chance he was called Sleestak.

  26. cavalier973

    I’m seeing stories that the FedGov is now paying more for interest on the debt than on national defense.

    People want to blame Biden, but he isn’t doing anything different than the Presidents before him.

    Also, Congress is the branch with the authority to control spending.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      All correct.

      Let’s hope the vast majority lose their jobs, along with the media and academia who carry their water for them.