I had gotten a second ticket to the Saperavi Festival yesterday with the intention of taking WebDom. But it was Alumni Weekend, so… I figured I’d ask Tomb Raider “just for a fun day.”
So at one point, we were sitting at a couple chairs overlooking Keuka Lake and the conversation swung past the topic of my undergrad advisor (with whom I’m doing some work right now). I gave her a short description of him and my first impressions as a freshman chem student not knowing he was my professor; long story, but be aware that he was not much older than us and looked like a tard from special ed had somehow been allowed on campus. She shook her head and remarked, “Well, you manage to pack seven things that are offensive into just two sentences.”
Still, lots of fun until I was almost ready to exit the highway, when Bambi’s mom decided to greet the front of my car at a high relative speed. Five figure damage total is likely.
Speaking of shocks, there are birthday surprises, including a guy with whom I share a porn name; a scientist who strongly disbelieved in atoms; a guy who was clearly not a cocaine user; a guy who made margaritas possible; a guy with a sustained influence on guitarists; the architect of the Vietnam War, may he be frying in Hell’s napalm; a true oddity, a Jewish comedian; a guy who spent a lot of time diddling his organ; an actor who will be perfectly cast as Shakes The Clown; and a guy who is definitely not German.
In memory of the highway rat and my devastated Hyundai, here’s some Links.
Party of small government. Fuck Team Red.
Trying very hard to protect us from making unapproved decisions.
Never change, Europe, never change. And of course, The Guardian is sympathetic.
And indeed, Europe isn’t going to change.
Local news: Nothing to see here, literally.
Even Portland is getting sick of their shit.
So, this is fun- yesterday, Old Guy Music was Art Tatum playing Caravan. The only other pianist whose name one could say in the same breath as Tatum would be Thelonious Monk. So… here’s Monk doing the same song in a totally different way.
Banning kids from social media means the end of online anonymity and a traceable digital ID so no thanks. Luckily for me Stinky Wizzleteats is my real name so I’m good either way.
I was just thinking if doxxing is required I will be banned from social media. Oh no, oh dear, please dont throw me in the briar patch. Anything but that.
“It’s a bad bill with good intentions”
Well, he’s half right.
“Five figure damage total is likely.”
Oh, that sucks. No injuries, I hope.
To be fair, with Bidenomics, he should be thankful it’s not seven- or eight-figure damage.
I hope there was a venison dinner had.
The only possible response:
Saw a small Hyundai that had came in a little hot at the local 7-11 and hit one of those posts just hard enough to deploy the airbags, but leave no visible damage to the outside of the car other than yellow paint transfer on the bumper cover – $7,000. I can only imagine a road rat at speed. Those things are terrible and you never know when/where you will run into them or they into you.
Also, your car might have ticks now.
In honor of one of the birthday boys, please tell us to which of the two females you..umm…interacted with yesterday these lyrics (not by Cole Porter) more accurately apply:
She really worked me over good.
She was a credit to her gender.
She put me through some changes, Lord,
Sort of like a Waring Blendor.
One of the true bad boys of rock and roll!
Are there any good boys in rock and roll??
Alice Cooper?
Come to think of it, from everything I’ve heard, that’s true. He of all people – go figure! (And good on ‘im!)
I don’t think Cole Porter would have interacted with either of those women.
Let me graze into your veldt,
let me stomple your albino.
Let me nibble on yer buds,
I’m your love rhino.
None of the above. In such different ways…
Not even the deer?
The Israel raid is pretty cool – been seeing a lot of stuffnon it via the Twitter- including entebbe comparisons with thr mockup practice, etc.
Then there’s this:
I also managed to make it back from RI to VA on Friday night. Saw a few deer but nothing on the road thankfully. Traffic wasn’t too bad and I got back earlier than expected even with avoiding I95 like the plague (other than a bit in CT).
I was reading that, like other hostages who were released, they are being kept in people’s homes in Gaza. Which raises a couple of questions:
(1) I wouldn’t consider anyone who helps Hamas keep hostages as a civilian.
(2) Just how does anyone (IDF or pro-Hamas assclowns in the media) known which people are Hamas and which are civilians, anyway?
There used to be a guy who knew how to avoid getting lost in the weeds…splitting hairs…etc.
He was more…focused.
I suppose that is the point.
Curtis LeMay’s spirit animal.
hangs head in shame, goes to box
I’m not Israeli, I’m not living under decades of daily shelling, so I don’t really have the right to give them advice. But since that’s my ancestry and heritage, of course I will:
Guys, stop worrying about the global idiots. No matter what you do or don’t do, they’ll condemn you. The longer you take, the more the condemnation- it scales with time, not intensity. Get yourself a General Sherman and turn him loose. End the thing in a couple of days or weeks. That will also have the effect of delivering a true FAFO message, possibly preventing future wars.
On balance, the loss of life will be less using swift and brutal tactics.
The Old Man is right here. Europe will never forgive the Jews for the Holocaust, and this is just another excuse to pile shit on them. If hostages are being held in “civilian” houses, then, by default, they aren’t “civilian”. Act accordingly.
ETA: this has been brewing since ’73. And the longer something like this steeps, the worse it is going to be. Get it over, get it done.
Correct RC. I’ll just add the media is once again not curious about “civilians” holding hostages in their homes.
“Well, you manage to pack seven things that are offensive into just two sentences.”
Is she saying you are slipping in your old age?
seven things
Macroeconomists have successfully predicted nine of the last five recessions
– Paul Samuelson?
Long ago advice from an economist/econometrician:
1) Give ’em a date or give ’em a number – never give them both.
2) On the rare occasion you are right – never let them forget it.
similar plan for industrial engineers: never take both drawing and calipers on the floor; if you find an error, you must report and fix it
the best plans and solutions are made like the best prayers: in a closet
Sorry to hear about the deer episode, OM, at least you are OK.
Tomb Raider got to see your softer side anyway so you’re good.
Alfred professor arrested for taking deer out of season!
“Angry white man plows car into peaceful demonstration.”
Wouldn’t that be a “peaceful deermonstration?”
a guy who spent a lot of time diddling his organ;
Once again not Dieterich Buxtehude. 🙁
Liberace was a hell of a piano player, but I heard he sucked on the organ.
Didn’t he love tulips on his organ?
including a guy with whom I share a porn name;
Happy birthday Nate Archibald!
Could’ve been Marshall Mathers as well.
Bambi’s mom decided to greet the front of my car
Also relevant.
I still think that was bullshit.
This was absolutely bullshit.
Anyway, Juul helped me quit smoking so these fuckers can fuck off.
And just how do we know what the diagnosis and cause of injury is of teenagers in the ED?
I mean, I thought hardcore enforcement of HIPAA was a thing now. Didn’t I just see the feds send a full crew of doorkickers after some doctor whistleblowing on sexual mutilation of teenagers?
teenagers ending up in emergency departments due to respiratory injuries from vaping
AFAIK, all confirmed cases were bootleg vapes, no actual Juuls.
Fuckers are happier to have people actually smoking.
You wouldn’t want to moral masturbators to have to kick their own habit, would you?
Ye$, they are.
Watch for the complete 180 after they manage to extract a trillion or so dollars from the vaping industry.
1. Implement a tax to discourage use.
2. Become dependent on tax collections.
3. Squash any efforts to reduce use and thus reduce tax revenue.
Next time you hear anyone say “There oughta be a law!”, i.e. have govt solve a problem, remind them of this.
And if any doubt exists, show them how Pennsylvania recently decided Perrier is legally soda for tax purposes.
DrOtto, I’d like to hear more about the 400 you’re building.
I’ve had a ratty old ’78 Trans Am painted rattle can taxi yellow I bought in 2002. I had the transmission rebuilt shortly after I got it and I rebuilt the engine in 2004. So the driveline was solid and went like stink. Only after several years of driving it did I look into what I actually had. It’s a numbers matching WS6 car with the Pontiac 400 (I would’t have bought it with the Olds 403). It was also originally a starlight black car. Even though I bought it with Ralley IIs, it was optioned with the wide sbowflakes. In 2019, because the values were only going one way, I finally decided to make it look nice. I took it to a body shop I had a relationship with and we agreed on some terms and then it just sat for the next 5 years. During that 5 years, a tree fell on it and someone took the shaker off and it rained down the carb and into the engine. Long and short of it, I pulled the running when parked and now seized engine and tore it down. The machine shop was able to save the block (numbers matching) and I sent the carb to a Quadrajet specialist in Boerne TX. We needed a new core, but he found one is his stock, so that is correct. Basically, it’s bored .060 over due to the rust etching and I went with a set of balanced Keith Black pistons and a Summit cam that does well with Pontiac V8s. Since it never had water run through the lubrication system, the crank and oil pump were good. The heads needed a valve job to remove rust/scale from the valves. I had previously ported and polished the heads/intake during the 2004 job. When it’s done, should be about 9.5:1 compression with similar specs to a Ram Air III motor but with slightly less flow through the heads putting about 300 rear wheel horsepower and 400lb/ft of torque. Not the meanest thing running around but it should be a reliable torque monster that I can run on pump gas.
AP has concerns. Concerns!
It’ll be fun if someone that isn’t WEF shills get thier hands on the unaccountablity machine that is the EU Parliament.
I imagine the WEF types will not yield that particular instrument without a protracted fight.
A guy who made margaritas possible
I was going to guess James Polk or John Pershing.
Or Mikhail Bulgakov.
Social media is horrendously broken. Bad actors are exploiting it while the platforms turn a blind eye. Our children are suffering — and our leaders won’t do anything serious about it.
The Anti-Saloon League will always be with us.
Swap out “our leaders” for “too many parents”, and you might have a point.
People? You can’t rely on people to make good decisions – you must make those for them.
Sadly, many people agree with that.
All politics, all the time
President Joe Biden will close out his trip to France by paying his respects at an American military cemetery that Donald Trump notably skipped visiting when he was president, hoping his final stop Sunday will draw the stakes of the November election in stark relief.
It’s a fitting end to five days in which Trump was an unspoken yet unavoidable presence. On the surface, the trip marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day and celebrated the alliance between the United States and France. But during an election year when Trump has called into question fundamental understandings about America’s global role, Biden has embraced his Republican predecessor — and would-be successor — as a latent foil.
Every ode to the transatlantic partnership was a reminder that Trump could upend those relationships. Each reference to democracy stood a counterpoint to his rival’s efforts to overturn a presidential election. The myriad exhortations to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia created a contrast with Trump’s skepticism about providing U.S. assistance.
If Donald Trump did not exist it would be necessary to invent him.
…it would be necessary to invent him.
Remembers some ancient history about how horrible a right-winger Romney was. Almost Hitler reincarnated as I recall. What with his warnings about Russia and all.
And binders full of women.
Never change, AP “news”.
Trump could upend those relationships.
I was already going to vote for him. You don’t have to sell it to me.
Biden’s paeans to the struggle between democracy and autocracy drew plaudits in Europe, where the prospect of a return to Trump’s turbulent reign has sparked no shortage of anxiety. But it remains to be seen how the message will resonate with American voters, as Biden’s campaign struggles to connect the dire warnings the Democratic president so often delivers about his rival with people’s daily concerns.
The wolf is coming. Seriously!
Slutty Sunday is a tribute to margaritas.
Wednesday girls, on a Sunday?
This headline encapsulates the 21st century.
I love that it’s a series. “I ditched _____ to whore myself.”
She added: “It also helped me see there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to live life like I thought growing up. Nothing bad has happened to me, even though I am ‘sinning’. In fact, my life has only improved.”
Get back to me in 10 years
Devotional music for your Sunday.
Yet he still managed to join the Zoom, despite ruining some perfectly good venison. That’s how it’s done, people!
Stunning revelations
“As one of the first employees of Subject Matter, I watched the firm grow quickly, making tens of millions [of dollars] by marketing their access to senior female and progressive leaders,” Stanton said in a statement to POLITICO prior to settling with the firm. “Yet, women at Subject Matter were never made or viewed as partners in this journey. By contrast, there was widespread discrimination in a boys’ club culture that intimidated and discarded us.”
In her own statement before the settlement, Chang said: “I’ve worked at a number of public relations and public affairs firms in D.C. over the course of 30 years — with many white male leaders — but it wasn’t until I got to Subject Matter that I saw first-hand, and was subjected to, consistent, top to bottom disdain and lack of respect for women, our voices and our contributions.”
Bullshit peddlers peddle bullshit?
Lean in harder.
Start your own lobbying firm.
“The majority of entry-level employees are young women. To build a firm on the labor and creativity and ideas of young women who then don’t see a clear path for themselves at that firm, to then ultimately prop up the four white male partners — that is what stood out to me most as an unfortunate culture,” one of the former employees said.
Three other former employees said it wasn’t uncommon to see female colleagues crying in the office. One of them said she would see people go into partners’ offices and “would see them leave in tears … it just wasn’t a good situation.”
It sounds like a shit job working for horrible people. Welcome to Washington. Am I supposed to feel sorry for these people?
The best part is that reality doesn’t matter in these situations – merely the appearance of wrong-doing is enough to probably destroy this company.
I lean towards “it’s a shame they can’t both lose” on this. Swamp creatures all around.
Looming menace
Donald Trump, former Covid-19 vaccine booster, is now the nation’s most high-profile critic of immunization mandates.
The former president has on the campaign trail promised to strip funding from schools with vaccine requirements and lambasted independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a “fake” anti-vaxxer, while obscuring his role in speeding the development of the Covid shot when he was president during the pandemic.
Trump’s new anti-vaccine persona could have far-reaching consequences if he’s elected to a second stint as president with far-reaching administrative powers. Public health experts say a White House opposed to immunization mandates could potentially cause upticks in cases of measles, polio and other vaccine-preventable diseases, or hamper efforts to fight a future pandemic.
He’ll ban preventive medicine!
Public health
expertspriests – always substitute priest for expert and ask, now will you follow this person’s words without question?Nice stolen base in conflating anti mandate and antivax.
I lean towards “it’s a shame they can’t both lose” on this. Swamp creatures all around.
Oddly, they seem to have an inexhaustible supply of eager fresh-faced young women waiting for an opportunity to be subjected to pain and degradation at the hands of wealthy and powerful people.
Would they let powerful men grab them by the pussy if it meant they could get more power in the long run?
Is there a staring role?
Bowfinger played on that joke beautifully.
I thought the Alphabet Brigade was proud of its skid marks.
Three people were arrested after a so-called “pride” crosswalk was damaged in Spokane, Washington, on Wednesday.
The LGBT symbol had been repainted recently after liquid was poured upon it and it was set on fire in mid-May, according to KREM-TV.
But on Wednesday, four people riding Lime scooters were seen riding over the mural repeatedly. Lime is a company that rents electric bikes and scooters.
When confronted by witnesses, the scooter riders refused to stop and cursed at the witnesses, according to court documents.
One witness said the teens were intentionally making marks on the mural with the scooters they were riding.
“Officers observed widespread damage as black scuff marks consistent with scooter wheels were observed across the entirety of the mural,” Spokane police said in a statement on the department’s website.
Thou shall not disrespect the state religion.
Especially using the tools of another state religion. That is blasphemy right there!
They’re like sergeant majors yelling at privates walking on the battalion grass.
If you don’t want tire marks, don’t put it on the fucking pavement.
Outrage over ‘massacre’ in Gaza as Israel rescued four hostages
It’s outrageous that Israel would attack militants in order to rescue hostages. Shame on (((them))).
Somehow I doubt claims that hundreds died in the operation.
So you are saying that Israelis are more jewdicious in execution.
Well, they aren’t Pali-ing around!
Maybe they did, but many of them probably had guns in their hands. And maybe Hamas shouldn’t be hiding in civilian areas.
I marvel at someone that never misses the mark. How can they do that so consistently? Then I realized….low hanging fruit abounds.
A man was shot and killed and several others were stabbed as a large brawl broke out near Lake Berryessa in Napa County, California, the Napa County Sheriff’s Office said.
The fight at the Oak Shores Day Use Area had been first reported at about 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, Public Information Officer Henry Wofford said.
I suppose it could be a dispute over the best fishing spot.
Heh. I went to a BMW motorcycle rally there once. We did not celebrate the Zodiac Killer.
Tens of millions across the European Union voted Sunday in EU parliamentary elections in a massive exercise of democracy that is expected to shift the bloc to the right and redirect its future.
I’m sure they can fortify democracy just like the Democrats/RINOs/DeepState.
Sometimes I see a story and it just screams “biker gang war”.
You know, like “Late Night Shooting Outside Strip Club”.
*Grabs popcorn*
We’ve got them surrounded, now lets get some arrests!
“Officers observed widespread damage as black scuff marks consistent with scooter wheels were observed across the entirety of the mural,” Spokane police said in a statement on the department’s website.
They painted a “mural” on the street, and now they’re outraged about people driving on it?
I thought the military was supposed to be apolitical.
I think the most compelling advertising campaign would be centered around the military. If we got Mattis, McMaster, Milley and Kelly, to go to screen and say, ‘look this country cannot stand Donald Trump. The defense of this country will not stand Donald Trump. We are great Americans. We believe in the country. We trust this country. We know this country. You can’t vote for Donald Trump.’ I think the military is the secret weapon in this election and I hope those ads come to fruition.
Sure. Traitorous cuntes in a psa should work about as well as commie celeb cuntes.
Totally not a banana republic.
That’s going to sway those 10s of undecided voters this November.
Sure four generals that actually worked for him in his administration. Testifying to their own incompetence?
And insubordination.
I think the most compelling advertising campaign would be centered around the military. If we got Mattis, McMaster, Milley and Kelly, to go to screen and say, ‘look this country cannot stand Donald Trump. The defense of this country will not stand Donald Trump. We are great Americans.
A group of generals threatening to mutiny and overthrow a duly elected President, because they don’t like him? By all means go with that.
Let me think, didn’t Trump promote Milley to Chair of the Joint Staff?
This time will be different! Trump will totally not fill every appointed slot with a swap creature.
“That’s why we slow-walked and undermined his Afghanistan withdrawal. It was too important that we stayed there (until there was a suitable president – then we could make a calamitous withdrawal in the interest of political timing)”
Watching the local left eat itself up over Hamas has been 🍿
In Stumptown, a handful decided to try to crash one of the Rose Festival parades. Unlike BLM and antifa, PPB took them down immediately
Also noted in Reddit comments, they went after the parade, not the several warships docked on the waterfront.
OMWC has a sad.
Especially because that was my last link.
But not the splayed out pic.