The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun: Ep 19

by | Jun 5, 2024 | Hat and Hair | 45 comments

Trump asked about The US incorporating Greenland (which other Presidents had before) once, clearly that was tyrannical behavior and worthy of bringing false charges against him to end said tyranny. It’s just #science.

About The Author



Organic troll farmer.


  1. CPRM

    Numbers ain’t muh thang, but I is available ta zoom tanight

  2. kinnath

    I enjoyed the video.

    Not much to say at this point. Enjoy the zoom.

  3. Fourscore

    Greenland is more modern than 1/2 the countries in Africa but without the tribal warfare. Good move, Donald

    Thanks for the more current events, I’m a little tired, spending the days (on TV) in court with Hunter.

  4. Gender Traitor

    …Glib is a good thing.

    There you go! It’s official! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  5. dbleagle

    Trump Greenland Towers for the win!

    Glib on brotha and sista, Glib on.

    • UnCivilServant

      I just woke up, what do you want from me?

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, U, hayek, and CPRM!

      • Gender Traitor

        …and rhy!

  6. Sean–paul-miller-s-law—banning-the-use-of-h.html

    Banning cell phone use while driving. Sort of.

    With fun bits like:

    “Paul Millerโ€™s Law will also work to prevent bias in policing by requiring law enforcement to collect data on drivers pulled over during traffic stops, including race, ethnicity, and gender.”

    is that actual gender or stated? Is there a form or are cops allowed to assume?

    • rhywun

      Paul Miller sounds like a racist jerk.

      • Fourscore

        Paul Miller died as the result of another person’s error.

        Now ban war! Far more die from the same result.

  7. hayeksplosives

    We shoulda bought Greenland. Even Denmark would probably agree at this point.

  8. UnCivilServant

    I just realized a mistake I made on the cover for Prince of the North Tower. If you lay the book down so that the spine text is rightside up, the cover is face down.

    • CPRM

      Now it’s worth millions like that upside down airplane stamp!

    • rhywun

      FWIW that is how books are printed in Germany. ๐Ÿบ

    • Gender Traitor

      Do you have the file for the cover art in a format where you can correct the layout and upload it to replace the previous file?

      • UnCivilServant

        Oh, absolutely. I did the final composition for uploading to Amazon (the artist did the art and picked the fonts, but I had to make sure the layout made the printer happy). So I still have the Photoshop files.

      • Gender Traitor


    • Fourscore

      On a hardback I take the dust jacket off when I read it, replace it when I finish, so the book looks new for the next owner. I’m not a collector, always pas books along, unless it’s a reference.

      • UnCivilServant

        The hardcover variant doesn’t have a just jacket (I was disappointed) they printed the art directly on the cover.

        I guess I’ll have to keep trying to get a dust jacketed book published someday.

      • Gender Traitor

        Amazon doesn’t offer that option? That IS too bad! ๐Ÿ˜ž

    • Gustave Lytton

      What image do you get by folding the cover in?

      • Gender Traitor

        +1 issue of Mad Magazine

      • rhywun

        “What, me worry?”

  9. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    whats goody

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, homey!

  10. Fourscore

    Good Morning, Glibs!

    Another beautiful day in the woods! Turned the little gas stove on, a mite cool for the ol’ bones.

    Coffee, black, hot, in the cup, what’s not to like?

    • UnCivilServant

      Coffee, black, hot, in the cup, whatโ€™s not to like?

      During my brief flirtation with coffee, I prefered it with creamer and sweetener, to mellow out the flavor.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Morning Fourscore! While not sitting on my deck enjoying the morning sun, a nice hot cup of coffee while handling business is okay by me.

      • Fourscore

        There are some that can drink coffee after it gets cold, I’m not one of them. Even on a hot day, if I’m drinking coffee, I want it hot.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I come from a family of all day coffee drinkers. Ive somewhat broken that habit but like you, it needs to be hot.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, 4(20)!

      A beautiful day down south here, too – mid-60s, apparently a touch of fog in the area after last night’s rains.

      I adulterate my coffee with sweetener (the yellow packet stuff) and lots of creamer, but it’s hot and stays hot MUCH longer in the new travel mug I bought from the brand new restaurant in a nearby small town. (Aside to Tres Cool: the next time you’re in Brookville, hunt down Scramble, new full-service food place from the folks who run Cafe 19, the coffee shop in Englewood!)

      • cavalier973

        Why isnโ€™t there a coffee mug on the glibertarians merchandise page?

      • cavalier973

        I may have to buy a 3d6, Down the Line coffee mug, instead.

      • Gender Traitor

        There were mugs within the last few weeks – I bought a large latte mug. The “Shop” link on the front page now only shows a few items, and the links on THAT page to CafePress give 404 errors. Huh. ๐Ÿค”

    • UnCivilServant

      Shadowgate is a point and click adventure game.

      Naming your documentary after it and not being about the game isn’t the best idea.

    • Grummun

      Portal 2, the unauthorized musical

      Two hours. Huh. I could watch it… or I could spend those two hours playing Portal 2 again.

  11. Ownbestenemy

    Either the case against Hunter is that solid or it was that weak…

    Prosecution expected to rest case in Hunter Biden’s gun trial

    Two days?

    • Gender Traitor

      Gotta get it out of the news cycle ASAP!