The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun: Ep 22

by | Jun 19, 2024 | Hat and Hair | 59 comments

This one takes some jabs at the Libertarian Party, well deserved. While I’m on the subject, I agreed with inviting all the other parties candidates to the LP convention, because LP nominee is never actually a libertarian anyway, so why not vote one of the other candidates that also isn’t a libertarian? At least Donald’s prediction for the future in this episode didn’t come true.

About The Author



Organic troll farmer.


  1. R.J.

    That Hillary was so realistic…

  2. Evan from Evansville

    1. Hilary, a cadaverous, saggy-tittied, dentata corpse is an image that’ll never escape me. Damn.

    2. Damn, this was timely, relevant and fantastic. Well, well-done, sir. *Doffs cap*

    • Derpetologist

      And what rough bitch, its hour come round at last, slouches towards CNN to be porn?

      • Evan from Evansville

        Well, I don’t want to imagine just how rough she is. Thanks for takin’ one for the team, I spose?
        My penis does have feelings. My ‘standards’ may and come ‘n go, but I’d like to burst forth in tears of joy. Hilary only shrivels Mr. Winkles. *tears up*

      • Not Adahn


    • Evan from Evansville

      Shining her pussy in the heavens? Check. Aiming two large phalli right at her opening? Bold move, cunty. I guess it worked with Bill?…

  3. cavalier973

    On the dead-thread, I saw the story posted about Louisiana requiring the Ten Commandments be posted in every school.

    The Louisiana government hasn’t read Paul’s letter to the Romans, apparently, because he makes it clear that seeing the law invariably leads to breaking it. Roman’s 7 is Paul describing his own failed struggle to follow the Law of God. “For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want.”

    The chapter ends with him crying out for rescue.

    We homeschool, and are devout Christians, but we don’t have the Ten Commandments posted anywhere, even, for example, a framed cross-stitch.

    I guess the idea is to show how people are supposed to behave, but if you are going to post something Christian in the school, why not the Beatitudes?
    Or, the so-called Golden Rule?

    Regardless of all that, I am opposed to all government-funded schools.

    • Derpetologist

      There’s a cool movie about the 10 Commandments, whereas the Beatitudes have a hippy, anti-authoritarian vibe.

      I don’t care for such monuments either, yet there are so many other things that I dislike more intensely.

      Get rid of the income tax, and I don’t care how many rainbow flags and bible verses are displayed.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      ‘seeing the law invariably leads to breaking it’

      I’m not sure I follow this. Using that logic you shouldn’t read the Bible, no?

      • cavalier973

        The Bible isn’t just presentation of the Law, it also explains how to avoid the punishment that results from disobeying the Law.

    • cavalier973

      What I am trying to say is that posting the Ten Commandments in a public school is not a Christian thing to do. In Christian theology, the Law condemns us.

      Also, I believe in separation of School and State.

    • creech

      Which version of the Commandments is specified? I was at the county courthouse today and saw the Ten Commandments plaque affixed to the wall in the 1920s (and survived a court challenge because it was up so long it became “historic” and not “religious.”) Anyhoo, it is the version that punishes the third and fourth generations for the sins of the fathers. Certainly not moral, and certainly not practiced in the court rooms of the courthouse. [To be sure, we’ll have to see how Barron’s grandkids fare when they allegedly make a bad journal entry some day.)

    • Certified Public Asshat

      I just read it to understand what you’re saying and now I am more confused, “So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.”

      • cavalier973

        I’m not explaining myself very well, then.

        What in particular is confusing?

        “The Law is Holy.” Yes, but we are not. I don’t believe God has set up a Kafka situation, where He condemns us, but we have no idea why.
        He tells us, through Israel, what the expectations are. “Follow these rules and you won’t be condemned.”
        Our problem is that we can’t—at least, I know that *I* can’t. So, when I see the Ten Commandments, and understand that I am incapable of following them perfectly, I know that they condemn me. There is no hope in the Ten Commandments.

        Now, I may be misunderstanding the motive behind posting the Big Ten. If they are posting the Ten Commandments beside other ancient law codes, like the Code of Hammurabi, then it’s for educational purposes, and I have no quarrel.
        But, I suspect that the idea is that, once we put the Ten Commandments back up on school walls, then either children will thread them and grow up to be moral adults, or that God will approve and mystically change everyone to be moral, because we are “honoring Him”.
        I don’t think either of those things will happen.

      • cavalier973

        *read them, not thread them

  4. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “unconstitutional Bullshit”


    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Also, ‘when I’m not president in 12 or 16 years’ did he know he would lose in 2020?

  5. R.J.

    Hat is right. Libertarians are retarded.

  6. hayeksplosives

    The Hilary monstrosity is creepy AF. Especially now that some folk are predicting that the Dems will replace Kamala with Hilary as the VEEP candidate.

    (If that were to happen, it’d be signing Biden’s death warrant)

    • Derpetologist

      Hillary is proof that Bill Clinton will fuck anything. He is the sexual equivalent of a garbage disposal.

      What coarse, cowardly, despicable man. I have more respect for the crud behind my refrigerator.

      The American people, over and over, have spoken in one clear, loud voice. They want the National Dad to be a tall, old, white guy. It doesn’t matter how stupid, corrupt, or otherwise flawed he is.

      It’s no coincidence the last respectable presidents, JFK and Teddy Roosevelt, were under 50 when they took office.

      I’d take Grandpa Simpson over Biden at this point. They’re both senile, but at least Abraham Simpson has some residual common sense.

      • hayeksplosives

        I suppose that when Bill was getting started in Arkansas, he needed Hilary to help guide his campaign, ambitions, and networking. I think that’s why he married her.

        Who knows how long they’ve had an.”understanding”? I don’t think Hildawg minds Bills flings. She was livid over the Monica thing not because he fingered the intern, but because it embarrassed her and hurt (she feared) his career and thus her own.

      • Mojeaux

        Do we actually KNOW Bill fucked Hillary?

      • R C Dean

        “The American people, over and over, have spoken in one clear, loud voice. They want the National Dad to be a tall, old, white guy.”

        If it wasn’t Constitutionally prohibited, Obama would still be President. He would certainly have beat Trump or anyone else the Repubs could put up in the last two elections.

      • Gustave Lytton

        last respectable presidents, JFK and Teddy Roosevelt

        Respectable by what measure?

      • Derpetologist

        JFK and Teddy were both combat veterans by choice. That is, they joined the military in wartime and went into battle. They did not hide from it, as many other presidents of the past 100 years did. Nor did they ask that service members take risks they were not willing to take themselves.

        Obama is merely a slight aberration from the general trend. Had W been more popular, McCain would have succeeded him easily.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Biden’s death warrant? Far too easy, kinda sadly. Just take away his meds.

      It’s horrific to think of reality, these monsters are literally using a dying man as a fucking puppet. I’ve never liked Joe, but Christ. The presidency is fucking Weekend at Bernie’s, using an old, lost man to retain Power. Um. That’s the ‘leader’ of the fucking Free World. Typing that out? Yikes. These people are fucking sick, twisted fucks. It’s Caligula-esque, but at least parts of that were fun (for…some). Well. Honest thought? I hope I don’t live through the implosion.

  7. Derpetologist

    On a side note, I sense vague rumblings that I should take a hiatus from the Monday night slot for a while. My autobiography has 6 installments left. I’m thinking I can finish that while pausing “I, Soldier”. That way, in 6 weeks, the slot will be open for other contributors.

    I’m thankful for this site and all those who have read my tales of triumph and woe. It’s cheaper and healthier than Prozac or binge drinking.

    Perhaps a return to satire is in order. I might start posting some new ones in the comments.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Right on. I’ll be ’round. By the way: All positive– I greatly enjoyed Zoomin’. [Insert Tubin’ joke.] Your comment about how I was wearin’ my face was a sincerely good slap-in-the-face I often need. (Legit. I could list the last few in my life.) Kinda motivational kindle for my upcoming spark. Med supplies arrived literally in front of me, prepared for tomorrow. Needles, ‘sample’ veins (and my own..) for practice. New oddities arise. Parents in the house are well-aware, but it’s hilarious getting vein/ capillary practice at home w/o looking like you’re becoming a fiend dedicated to the craft. There’s gonna be so much writing material to come for me. Sadly, I doubt I’ll be able to put it to the publishing page simultaneously.

      That might be a REALLY fucking good challenge for myself. I’m not great at those when no one’s watching and I’m not getting paid. This is known. Hrm.

  8. Festus

    I lurve you Jon (in a non-gay way). *boops nose*

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean! Already 77 in SW OH, forecast high of 94, and gonna get worse the next couple of days. 🥵

      • UnCivilServant

        76 here and Thunderstorms as far as the forecast goes (sun)


      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, U! How are things indoors?

      • UnCivilServant

        I still have power, no breakers have tripped, the Lavender’s thriving.

        I have to check the drip bucket for the bedroom AC to see how full it is.

      • Ownbestenemy

        This is wonderful weather for a summer!

      • Gender Traitor


      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, OBE! I’m sure it’s not as hot as you’re used to, but at least it’s humid! 😄

      • Ownbestenemy

        It is warm, but really not that bad for my tastes. I do see some Tstorms rolling in over the next few days so that should bring us down a bit.

  9. Sean

    “Joe Biden has been hard at work and saving your Social Security.”

    -My TV

    • Ownbestenemy

      I laughed when I saw someone twist a straight reporting of the broken social security program and near insolvency and how retirement age will need to be raised meant that Trump wants to take grandma’s money away. The kicker is, people believe it.

      I think for the first time in my life, I do not see a bright future for the United States

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Pretty unlikely that things continue improving. If we’re lucky it stays about the same.

      • juris imprudent

        “…when the people shall become so corrupted…”

        We are there now Ben.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      How did they even come to that conclusion? Did he raise SS taxes on the ‘wealthy’?

      • UnCivilServant

        You’re assuming there was a chain of logic.

        Party Says X – Party Mouthpiece Reports X. No thinking required, especially if X is a bald-faced lie.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        I didn’t assume anything. I asked if there was a logic train.

      • juris imprudent

        Sure, it’s high speed even rail even!

      • Fourscore

        Being old isn’t so bad but I worry about the future for y’all. I know that the resilience of the human character will carry on though.

        “Times, they are a-changin”