Thursday Afternoon Links

by | Jun 13, 2024 | Daily Links | 192 comments

BOOZE REVIEW — GINGER BEAR GIN: I drink a fair amount of gin, and many of you know that I have a particular weakness for scruffy ginger lads. So when I heard about Ginger Bear Gin I just had to get some. For reference, my everyday gin is Bombay Sapphire, because this guy. The first thing I did with Ginger Bear Gin was sip some neat. The Ginger note predominates, but wasn’t overwhelming. Next, I made a G&T using Fever Tree regular Tonic (yellow label). It was very pleasant. Lastly, I made a French 75 using fresh squeezed lemon juice, sugar (no syrup, sorry), Monetto Prosecco (instead of Champagne) and the gin. That was where the Ginger Bear Gin shone brightest. Delicious.

STUFF WE ALREADY KNEW: From the ever-useful Brownstone Institute comes this bombshell about the government response to COVID — After vast data manipulation and looking at every conceivable policy and outcome, the researchers reluctantly come to an incredible conclusion. They conclude that nothing that governments did had any effect. There was only cost, no benefit. [Emphasis mine. H/T: KK] But I can already hear the mewling response from the statists — “But we tried. We couldn’t just do nothing.” [Narrator: They could, indeed, have done nothing.]

STUFF WE COULD HAVE TOLD YOU: Publication drops paywall; revenue increases by 37%. You paying attention NYT, WaPo, WSJ, et als? Readers hate paywalls (and registration walls). Free content means you get more page views, which increases advertising revenue. I go out of my way to find non-walled versions of the stories to which I link.

SCOTUS SMACKS DOWN NLRB: The justices tightened the standards for when a federal court should issue an order to protect the jobs of workers during a union organizing campaign.

THE WAR ON WOMEN CONTINUES APACE: Canuckistani cancer charity apologizes for using word ‘cervix’ instead of trans-friendly ‘front hole.’ Fuck those people in all their holes.

THE WAR ON DRUGS CONTINUES APACE: Executives with telehealth provider Done Global arrested for making it too easy for people to obtain Adderal, a slow-release prescription amphetamine used to treat ADHD. Yet, I understand that there is a flourishing black market for amphetamines of dubious quality.

THE WAR ON DEMOCRACY CONTINUES APACE: Ohioans want to put an initiative on the ballot to amend the state’s constitution to eliminate qualified immunity, prosecutorial immunity, sovereign immunity, and every other kind of immunity. But the Ohio AG has refused to certify the proposed amendment six times, finding various reasons why the summary of the amendment isn’t “fair and truthful.” Fed up, the Ohioans sue. Sixth Circuit (over a dissent): And their motion for preliminary injunction is granted. The AG must certify the initiative so that its sponsors can begin collecting signatures. This information comes to us from the vital Institute for Justice. Also note the maddening Ninth Circuit ruling on standing. Remember that your donations to Glibertarians also support the IJ (and the FIRE), as we donate what funds remain after we pay our server hosting bill. But don’t let that keep you from showing them some love directly.

THE WAR ON REALITY CONTINUES APACE: An interesting article on “synthetic data” use in computational chemistry. Synthetic data is what normal people call making shit up.

SOUTH KOREA ESTABLISHES SPACE PROGRAM: The nation is targeting landing on Mars by 2045, the country’s president announced at the launch of its national space agency. Currently the contries with crew launch capabilities are the US, Russia, and China. India is working on joining the club, and will probably do so before South Korea. I wish them both well.

TAINTED LOVE was originally a soul tune. Who knew? Not me. I had always assumed that the Soft Cell synthpop version was the original.

About The Author



Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.


  1. trshmnstr

    Fuck those people in all their holes.

    Nah, they’d enjoy it too much.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Have you been sounding this theory out?

    • R C Dean

      Is it called front holical cancer now?

  2. Stinky Wizzleteats

    The Adderall scheme: Shameful, damn shameful (that I didn’t know about it).

  3. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    The Canadian Cancer Society shut down replies on its Tweeter page. Pussies Front holies.

    • Nephilium

      So if recumbent urinators get front hole cancer now, what’s the term for prostrate cancer?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Probably still prostate tbh

      • Q Continuum

        Ass cancer. Always ass cancer.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Looks like I’ll be changing my Zoom handle this week.

      • R.J.

        “Recumbent Urinator?”

      • Aloysious

        Front Holies?

      • slumbrew


        (Is that explicitly masculine? I don’t know much about German)

    • Drake

      I like Bombay but Brockmans is my favorite for gin and tonics.

      • Tonio

        Thanks for the recommendations, but I don’t think Virginia ABC stores carry that. In hopeful news the ABC agency is scandal-plagued and is managing to lose money on booze sales while having a monopoly on sales of distilled spirits. In a sane world the legislature would privatize the wholesale and retail operations, but they are protecting those unnecessary government jobs.

      • R C Dean

        I pretty much just use gin in G&Ts. I like Citadelle for that. It’s more on the light and floral side – the resiny flavor just isn’t my fave in G&Ts.

    • Nephilium

      I prefer Tanqueray to Bombay, but both are perfectly cromulent. I have to thank WebDom for introducing me to Japanese gins, which have become my go to for quite a few drinks. Several local distilleries make some solid gins (including one that’s bourbon barrel aged). My only request is for it to be light on anise/licorice notes.

      I really need to find some Genever, but there’s only two brands of that even sold in the state. I was just discussing the fun of the history of cocktails to the girlfriend the other day, and how we currently can’t reproduce some drinks, and can only guess and try to approximate the original flavor profiles.

      • EvilSheldon

        Plymouth is my gin these days. I need to pick up a fresh bottle for this weekend’s trip down to visit the parents (and their newly opened swimming pool.)

      • Tonio

        Virginia distiller KO makes a quite nice barrel finished gin. Their bottled-in-bond Bourbon is also quite tasty.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        My local brewery is also a distillary, and they make, according to the wife, a mighty decent gin. A little too floral to be truly great, but more than OK.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Genever is the shits. I like both the jonge and oude styles and maltwine. First two are limited and last is unavailable here.

    • Sean

      Bluecoat or GTFO.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Uffda. I think it was Marcinko’s books that got me to try Sapphire too.

      Once I tried it, I was done with Tanqueray. Neph’s preference for the latter tells me that I made the right choice.

  4. cavalier973

    eliminate qualified immunity, prosecutorial immunity, sovereign immunity, and every other kind of immunity.

    How expensive is it to live in Ohio?

    • Nephilium

      Depends on where you’re at, but in general, cost of living is reasonable.

      Fuck, I may actually volunteer to walk around to collect signatures for that initiative.

      • Tonio

        Please keep us informed about the campaign against the initiative. I suspect the police unions will be apoplectic.

      • Nephilium


        Will do. This has been on my radar since Yost denied their last petition (the one that led to the lawsuit). I’m disappoint in myself that I didn’t see the decision had been made for ~2 weeks.

      • Bobarian LMD

        As I pointed out in the previous posts, they’re gonna run commercials promising “The Purge” levels of anarchy if they lose their precious QI.

      • Nephilium

        Bobarian LMD:

        I will make sure to hunt down the most extreme ones and share them for our derision and entertainment.

      • R C Dean

        I bet the cops harass the shit out of the people doing petitions.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    They conclude that nothing that governments did had any effect.

    I’d say that is an unduly charitable assessment. Virtually everything they did had concrete demonstrable negative effects.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    Fuck those people in all their holes.

    With hole saws.

    • R.J.

      Using the hole thing?

  7. R.J.

    I don’t really understand how the Supreme Court tightened rules on union organization. Just asking for a friend, can anyone explain it?

    • Tonio

      I agree the article is rather vague, and the same article appears to have been run by AP and other outlets. I did find an Axios article that does some good ‘splaining. Money quote:

      Without the injunction power, these cases take years to get through the courts — by the time a ruling comes down finding a company illegally fired someone, they’ve long moved on and any momentum for unionizing workers has been lost.

      It sounds like some courts were rubber-stamping NLRB requests for injunctions.

      • R.J.

        Thanks. I wait to see how that will change corporate policies.

  8. Suthenboy

    Cootie Bugs: Everyone is aghast at what the govt did like it wasn’t right there in front of their noses all of the time.
    A. Fear is the mind killer.
    B. Never defer to someone who has nothing to lose by being wrong.
    C. Right out of the gate, day one someone other than just me should have said “That’s not how viruses work. Masks dont work. Distancing and house arrest dont work. There are tons of people around who knew better but kept their mouths shut.

    Paywall: Also registration requirements. I dont give out my email. Fuck registration. They are all selling your info rendering your email useless. In fact, most of the potential of the internet as a whole has been smothered by the oceans of grifters out there.

    SCOTUS and NLRB: Again? Commies got spanked by a right leaning court? Where is my surprise face.
    Dissolve the goddamned NLRB.

    Trannies need to crawl back under their rocks…or be put on thorazine. Something, but this lunacy is going to come to an end one way or the other.

    Dope company: Arrests today, lawsuit in 3,2…
    The perception that someone has money is the same as a bullseye.

    Immunity: The trouble with the constitution and oaths of office in general is that the laws against violating them have no teeth. I suspect the blatant abuse of prosecutorial discretion is the last straw on this.
    *What we are seeing today with our govt fostering and encouraging crime is right out of the Bolshevik playbook, word for word, letter for letter.

    Back in the day people rolled their eyes when I predicted computer programs that would predict chemical processes etc.
    I was naive enough then to not see the wild abuse of ‘models’ wherein reality is replaced with model results. Models help with experimentation, they dont replace it.

    I am not especially optimistic about our future in space given what we have done with the space we currently inhabit. Libertopia will always be where it is now….just in our heads.

    • R C Dean

      “In fact, most of the potential of the internet as a whole has been smothered by the oceans of grifters out there.”

      Preach it, brother.

  9. The Other Kevin

    “Apparently, it was all for nought.”

    It was all for nought in the same way the Patriot Act was all for nought. None of the stated goals were achieved, but for several government agencies it was like Christmas Morning. And the amount of graft was insane.

    For both COVID and the Patriot Act, it seems there were plans drawn up for years just waiting for a reason.

    • Suthenboy

      “…it seems there were plans drawn up for years just waiting for a reason.”

      There were. Fauci had been whining for those measures for decades every time a new cootie came along. He lived for the day he would be able to do it. Remember his absolute glee and elation when he announced those measures?
      If I had actually believed any of that was necessary and effective and charged with announcing it I would have done so with a very somber attitude. Not Fauci. It was his life long wet dream.

      • The Other Kevin

        I remember that too. It wasn’t just Fauci, there were a few of them. Their day had finally come, they could roll out their plan and they’d be hailed as heroes.

  10. PutridMeat

    My boyfriend is back and I’m in a happy mood.

    That’s not how I remember that

    • R.J.

      This is the song I expected. Yay!

  11. The Late P Brooks


    A federal judge in Texas on Tuesday said the Biden administration improperly attempted to rewrite a federal law barring sex discrimination in schools by applying it to LGBTQ students.

    U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor in Fort Worth, Texas, ruled in a lawsuit brought by the state’s Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton that legal guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Education three years ago was invalid because the agency lacked the power to adopt it and that it could not be enforced in Texas.

    The guidance, which is not legally binding, said schools could be denied federal funding for discriminating against students based on their gender identity or sexual orientation, such as by requiring students to use bathrooms and other facilities that correspond to the sex they were assigned at birth.


    The Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Justice did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

    Speechless with outrage.

  12. Rat on a train

    How about a soul cover of Sex Dwarf?

    • rhywun


    • Yusef drives a Kia

      By Richard Cheese?

  13. juris imprudent

    Narrator: They could, indeed, have done nothing.

    Nature abhors a vacuum, and the masses abhor not being told what to do. Of course it doesn’t have to be right, but they demand to be led – even stupidly. If they aren’t following, they know they must be responsible for themselves – and that is something they simply cannot tolerate. Far better to understand this, and whip the crowd into a frenzy that turns them on those they unquestioningly obeyed. Their hatred can be used, but never their sense of individual or collective responsibility.

    • Q Continuum

      Humans are trash.

      • juris imprudent

        The cool part is, you can’t really predict which will be which. It is only revealed over time.

    • The Other Kevin

      Nobody seems to be questioning how, during this crack addiction, he was able to provide millions of dollars in “consulting” services in multiple foreign countries.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        He’s one of the most decent men Joe knows. No need to ask questions.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        The crack made him extra productive.

    • Nephilium

      Easier, more fun, morally empty, and likely without joy or contentedness. There are times where I wish I was religious so that I knew there would be a balancing of the books. Then realize what side of the book I would likely be on.

      • trshmnstr

        likely without joy or contentedness


        I agree with you, but likely for different reasons. Those words have different meanings to me.

        Why would a person whose pinnacle of success is money, sex, and partying be empty when they have an abundance of money, sex and partying?

        Seems like he got all the joy and contentment he wanted. He took some risks that have bit him, but he played the game and got a high score so far.

      • Nephilium


        I would say the happiness is a front/act, part of the trade of the sociopath, and they know they’re empty inside. That’s why they try to fill it up with whatever they can grab, no matter the bridges burned, the harm caused, or long term consequences.

    • Drake

      It does sound like fun if there’s no guilt about the ruined lives you leave in your wake.

  14. The Other Kevin

    The usual suspects are all up in arms about this “Plan 2025” that will end democracy and stop our government from providing any services at all. As if the President, who is in charge of the executive branch, should have no say in who works in the executive branch.

  15. Homple

    Every lab course I took in college required the TA to sign our experiment data sheets. We had to include the signed sheets with the writeups, making it hard to manufacture data.

    Maybe Big Science should hire some TAs to oversee the lab work.

    • The Other Kevin


  16. Ted S.

    I knew Tainted Love was a soul tune. And the singer killed Marc Bolan of T. Rex.

  17. Q Continuum

    “A top cancer charity has apologized for using the word ‘cervix’ instead of trans-friendly ‘front hole.’ ”

    I mean, there’s nothing more to a woman than just a hole for a penis to fuck right?


    • Nephilium

      Shenis you bigot!

    • The Other Kevin

      We have gone backwards 100 years in so many ways. Women no longer have dignity and value, they’re just a hole. And Hamas protesters are shouting things that would make the Klan blush.

    • Suthenboy

      Now you are catching on.
      Now do the term ‘black bodies’.

      • Not Adahn

        They radiate.

    • Mojeaux

      “Front hole” is nowhere near an anatomically correct synonym for “cervix.” Do they not know anything about women’s anatomy? You can find better information on the info slip in a tampon box.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        And ladyboys don’t get cervixes put in when they get the front hole surgery, so they can’t get cervical cancer, so why not just use the fucking goddamn word?

      • Mojeaux

        BONUS hole.

        Front hole is still the urethra.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        So, you are saying that they need to nix this hole mess?

        Where is Pope Jimbo when we have a holy mess?

      • Mojeaux

        Party hole?


      • KSuellington

        Let’s call the hole thing off.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Where is Pope Jimbo when we have a holy mess?

        I’m staying out of this whole controversy.

  18. Nephilium

    While I’m thinking about it. I would also think that the Two Bears Ginger Gin would be exceptional in a bramble:

    Muddle 4-5 berries (blackberry is the traditional, I’ve been using mulberries) in a glass, and top with ice (crushed ice if you have it, but small cubes).

    In a shaker, mix together:

    2 parts gin
    1 part lemon juice
    1 part simple syrup (if you’ve got a syrup that matches the muddled berries, I highly recommend that swap out)

    Strain that into the glass. Garnish with a couple more fresh berries and a lemon twist (if you wish).

  19. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    One month + living here and I love it. It’s ~4-5 degrees cooler than the piedmont of SC, very little wind, beautiful mountains every-fucking-where, 40 minutes to the nearest Interstate…

  20. Derpetologist

    Well, I applied to Tractor Supply Company for the 1st time and Wal-Mart for the 2nd time. Hopefully I won’t be stuck in dead-end jobs my whole life.

    I also applied to the bus driver job for the paid training. Half a million dollars and 20 years’ worth of education, and this is my life. I’m really out of fucks to give. At least I’m not in an insane asylum anymore. Or working on an assembly line in a golf cart factory. Or getting punched in the face by a juvenile delinquent still inexplicably enrolled in public school.

    And I still have 2+ years of living expenses saved up. I suppose I could write another novella or a novel.

    My internet has been working better lately. I think it’s because I emailed the office of my congress critter about what really happened on 9/11 as well as the identity NSA coworker who told me about it. If there are further irritations, I’m emailing every staffer on the House Intelligence Committee about my ordeal.

    • R.J.

      Are there any good electronics surplus stores around you? You would be a good fit for that.

      • Derpetologist

        I applied to the local internet/cable company. There are some other places I could call, including a metal shop in the next town over.

        I think math is the best way to go. I’m not much of a welder and there’s not much chance of getting another Arabic job.

    • R C Dean

      I thought you got a job with an AI outfit?

      • Derpetologist

        Yes, but I just started and want to keep my options open.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Performative outrage

    In remarks that triggered a fresh war of words between the pair, Pelosi said the former president’s visit to discuss strategy with congressional Republicans in advance of the election amounted to a symbolic return to the scene of a crime that he deliberately initiated.

    “Today, the instigator of an insurrection is returning to the scene of the crime,” Pelosi said in a statement. “January 6 was a crime against the Capitol, that saw Nazi and Confederate flags flying under the dome that Lincoln built.”

    Go home, Nancy, you’re hysterical.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Forget it, Brooks. She’s rollin’

  22. Derpetologist

    So, I’m trying to write a math problem the AI can’t solve, and it surprised me by getting the following question right:

    If Billy can wash a car in 8 minutes, and Jenny can wash a car in 6 minutes, how long will it take to wash a car if they both work together?

    I encountered that problem on a YouTube clip from Boy Meets World entitled “You’re Wrong, Finkus”.

    Let’s see how many here can get it right.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      98 minutes because Jenny is wearing a white t-shirt and Daisy Dukes?

      • trshmnstr

        You have great faith in Billy’s stamina

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I was just thinking on account of the distraction

      • R.J.

        Gaaaah, such a dirty mind, Trashy.

    • Mojeaux

      If Billy can wash a car in 8 minutes, and Jenny can wash a car in 6 minutes, how long will it take to wash a car if they both work together?

      Is that supposed to be a simple average? I mean, Billy’s gonna slack off and Jenny’s gonna wash the car, but now she has to make him get out of the way because he’s being an ass and it takes her 20 minutes because he’s an asshole. So.

      • Derpetologist

        Here’s a hint: Jenny washes 1/6 of a car for each minute she works. Billy washes an 1/8. They both work for the same number of minutes. Call that amount x, write an equation for it, and solve for x.

        Hint: find a way to combine these equations

        x/6 = 1 and x/8 = 1

      • Mojeaux

        Well, shit. I can do toilet paper math and it didn’t occur to me to break the problem down that way. This is why I like werds.

    • PutridMeat

      The problem is ill defined. How to they wash the car working together? Do they divide the steps? Or the area of the car? Different areas of the car require different washing styles/complexity; do they divide based on comparative advantage or are they equally skilled on each element that goes into a car wash?

      Adding in KK’s complexity, now we need to know Billy’s age; that could add 30 seconds on the low end up to 8 hours if he’s older and the lead singer of the Police.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I saw him recently, he’s in great shape

      • PutridMeat

        he’s in great shape


      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Sting and Billy together, funny and excellent

      • Derpetologist

        Very close.

        x/8 + x/6 = 1

        multiply by 8 and 6

        6x + 8x = 48

        collect like terms

        14x = 48

        divide by 14

        x = 48/14 or about 3.43 minutes (3m26s)

      • Ted S.

        George Kennedy said that when it was time for the men’s part of that scene, the director didn’t use the young woman, but an older woman in a heavy coat since it was a relatively cold day. So they were really acting.

        I would have guessed 3:20.

    • Lachowsky

      It will never get done because Jenny is impossible to work with.

      • R.J.

        Jenny ate spaghetti three hours earlier, and her time to clean is increasing as the carb high wears off. Billy wisely ate a package of bacon for breakfast and remains steady. Calculate!

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      That assumes that two people can wash a car faster than one. As there is nothing relating to the this in the equation, I would say 8 minutes, as Billy will not work faster than that.

      • R C Dean

        I think it’s actually a Turing test. When the AI asks “Is Jenny hot?”, we’ll know it’s achieved sentience.

      • juris imprudent

        If the AI asks about her rack it will have achieved Q-tience.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      By the way, the inanity of the answers here are why I find word problems as presented by mathematicians useless. They never take the human into account. Billy might be a half wit, a practical joker, in love with Jenny, super methodical, and so on. Jenny might always do rush jobs, might pull a Tom Sawyer, we just don’t know. And without knowing these things, you cannot frame the work time into an equation.

      It is the Modeling problem writ small; you just don’t have enough information.

      • Sensei

        Always assume some ideal case.

        See also economics. Part of the reason I hate so despite many credits of it both under and post grad.

      • Mojeaux

        Always assume some ideal case.

        So … totally ignore human nature.

      • Sensei

        Mo – hence the emergence of behavioral economics. It tries to avoid the lunacy of shit like Keynes.

      • cavalier973

        Jenny won’t wash the big cars

    • UnCivilServant

      What steps is Jenny disabling on the car wash to make the machine spit out the car faster?

  23. The Late P Brooks

    If Billy can wash a car in 8 minutes, and Jenny can wash a car in 6 minutes, how long will it take to wash a car if they both work together?

    Fourteen minutes. What did I win?

    • Derpetologist

      Many people do in fact answer 14 or 7.5, in spite of the fact that the answer must be less than 6 because Billy is helping Jenny.

      • Mojeaux

        Calculating if Billy washes half the car, which should take him half the time, that’s 4 minutes. If Jenny washes the other half, that’s 3 minutes.

        Still 7 minutes, which is still a simple average.

      • Derpetologist

        Let’s look at it minute by minute

        after 1 minute, Billy washes 1/8 and Jenny washes 1/6, adding up to 3/24 + 4/24 = 7/24
        after 2 minutes, that’s another 7/24 (almost a 1/3) so we have 14/24 (about 2/3)
        after 3 minutes, we have 21/24 washed plus 3/24 left over.

        So via redneck math, more than 3 and less than 4 minutes.

        /learned calculus in Jefferson County, WV circa 2003

      • Derpetologist

        Or rather 7, the simple average. Not sure why I brain farted 7.5.

        But just by common sense, if two competent people work together, the total time should be less than either one of them working alone.

        That situation is different from: If it takes 5 workers with 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how long does it take 1 worker with 1 machine to make 1 widget?

      • UnCivilServant

        Who manually washes cars? They direct the driver into the bay and let the machine do it.

      • juris imprudent

        Xeno’s paradox says the car won’t ever be completely washed but will only approach clean in infinitely smaller increments.

      • Ted S.

        Xeno didn’t know about Planck time.

    • Rat on a train

      What is Jenny wearing and how wet does she get?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Sorry but my dirty mind is quicker than yers

  24. Derpetologist

    Damn, it got another one right. This time it was: If a circle and a triangle add up to 10, a circle and a square add up to 20, and a triangle and a square add up to 24. How much does a circle, a triangle, and a square add up to?

    • PutridMeat

      The problem is ill defined. What property of a circle, triangle, and square ‘add up to’ a given number? What does it mean to add a circle and square?

      But it it’s really adding a circle and a square, the answer is Paul Lynde and Charo. Cuchi-Cuchi.

      • Derpetologist

        Think of it this way, as they AI did:

        c = circle
        t = triangle
        s = square

        c + t = 10
        c + s = 20
        s + t = 24

        2c + 2s + 2t = 54

        c + s + t = 27

        I saw this problem on a list of interview questions for big tech software developers. You get 10 seconds to answer. Basically, it’s a test of how well you can think algorithmically. Any moron can find an approximate solution given enough time for trial and error.

      • PutridMeat

        Guess I’ll never get a job with a big software company. That’s a recipe for a terrible algorithm. You are talking about physical objects – OK, abstractions, but well defined mathematical abstractions with real world manifestations. You can’t just say “a circle and a square add up to…” – that makes no sense. Any algorithm you develop is not going to do any useful work because you haven’t defined the problem you are trying to solve.

        Shorter – I don’t think it’s a very good test at all of algorithmic thinking, but presumably they know better than I if they’re using it as selection criteria.

      • UnCivilServant

        Ten seconds isn’t even long enough to parse the wording. Shoot whoever decided that was a viable interview question.

  25. Aloysious

    Looking out at the world, I think this will be the theme song for the rest of the day.

    I’m going to go make muffins.

    • R.J.

      Nice. No big carbs here, it’s salmon and an asparagus mix for a side. I may have a martini tonight with the movie.

    • Suthenboy

      Little good music from that time period, this is some of it. Yeah, they kinda missed the mark, didn’t they.

    • slumbrew

      “Can’t hold your mud.”

  26. The Late P Brooks

    I mean, Billy’s gonna slack off and Jenny’s gonna wash the car, but now she has to make him get out of the way because he’s being an ass and it takes her 20 minutes because he’s an asshole. So.

    First, Jenny does her usual half ass rush job, and the Billy has to do it over, the right way.

    • R C Dean

      I’m guessing Brooksie is single, either still or again.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    The problem is ill defined.

    How long did it take the chicken to cross the road?

    • R.J.

      The answer is, “Am I being detained?”

    • Suthenboy

      Eternity. First he went half-way. From there half of the way left. From there, half of the way left….and so on.
      The chicken is crossing the road asymptotically so it can never reach the other side.
      What do I win?

      • PutridMeat

        The chicken! Or the egg. Your choice.

      • UnCivilServant

        Each of those halfs take half as long, so as the remaining distance to the far side approaches zero, the time per segment approaches zero.

        That so called “paradox” was always stupid semantics.

  28. slumbrew

    Who knew?

    *raises hand*

    I also know that Burt Bacharach wrote ‘Always Something There To Remind Me’; Naked Eyes and Soft Cell are weirdly linked in my brain. I think it’s the “80s cover of a 60s song” thing.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      And Neil Diamond wrote Red Red Wine and I’m a Believer

      • slumbrew

        I knew the former (UB40 was big when I started college) and I maybe knew the latter.

  29. Derpetologist

    Jesus, I tried to trick the AI with the Collatz Conjecture and it recognized it immediately.

    • Suthenboy

      I imagine a problem existing inside of a rigid logical framework, like mathematics, is something AI would excel at.
      Moral problems, not so much. Those require more subjective judgement than the application of objective principles. Mixing the two is how we get dilemmas.

      • Suthenboy

        …and how AI’s come up with absurdities.

    • Derpetologist

      I found a minor error in its reasoning about the Collatz Conjecture, whereby it suggested that since the sequence can alternate between even and odd numbers, that implies the existence of cycles that do not contain 1.

  30. Suthenboy

    To bring up a past topic I have not yet decided if what we are seeing going on now in the west is the inevitible result of the enlightenment or just the same old struggle for psychopaths to enslave their fellow man. It seems to me the enlightenment was a great advance against that evil and maybe what we are seeing is the reaction to that, We are in a kind of cultural/intellectual arms race, if that makes sense.
    Seeing as how each side keeps repeating the same strategy we may be locked in a stalemate. How to break it? Predictions being hard and all, especially about the future, I cant say at this point. Will AI give us something? Or will AI just be more of the same ?

    *Throughout all of history mankind has been bullied by scum. Those who lord it over their fellows and toss commands in every direction and would boss the grass in the meadow about which way to bend in the wind are the most depraved kind of prostitutes. They will submit to any indignity, perform any vile act, do anything to achieve power. The worst off-sloughings of the planet are the ingredients of sovereignty. Every government is a parliament of whores. The trouble is, in a democracy the whores are us.” – O’Roark

    • Suthenboy


  31. The Late P Brooks

    AP’s headline:

    Supreme Court, siding with Starbucks, makes it harder for NLRB to win court orders in labor disputes

    Maybe they manage to work in a reference to analysis of points of law somewhere in the article. It just sounds like a dispute between squabbling children in which Mom sides with her favorite.

    • rhywun

      Starbucks is a big bête noir for the left – that’s why it’s there.

      • Suthenboy

        I missed that. At one time I thought Starbucks was kind of ‘their space’ then something something and now they hate them.

      • juris imprudent

        It went from a cool place to hang out while racking up college debt to a lousy way to pay off that debt as an employee.

      • rhywun

        I think the something something is “not union”.

        They got chased out of my town for that reason.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Shorter – I don’t think it’s a very good test at all of algorithmic thinking, but presumably they know better than I if they’re using it as selection criteria.

    Maybe they’re looking for the needle-in-the-haystack candidate willing to say, “That’s a stupid question.”

  33. The Gunslinger

    I don’t care how many people team up to wash the car. If they finished in under 4 minutes then the car ain’t actually clean.

    • Suthenboy

      I dont care. I still want to know if Jenny is hot.

  34. Sensei

    I think I’d honestly spend a couple of grand on legal threatening a lawsuit if a dealership put a GPS tracker on my car without my permission.

    Dealership Installed This On My Car WITHOUT My Permission! | Toyota GR Corolla

    From the comments it reads some dealers do this on all inventory. However, their cost is like $150 so I’d assume they would remove them if the customer doesn’t bite on the overpriced tracking.

  35. Derpetologist

    OK, I finally got it to make an error after 5 questions. It was:

    If circle A has 1/3 the radius of circle B, how many rotations will circle A make as it revolves around the circumference of circle B?

    Hint: the answer is a famous paradox

    • Suthenboy

      Since A) Math is an analogy to reality but not an exact one there are a number of mathematical paradoxes and: B) AI sees math the same way you see gravity – it will make mistakes.

      Just my stab in the dark. No matter how ‘smart’ AI gets it is still using machine thinking which, like math, will have built in flaws.

    • UnCivilServant

      Nothing about revolving requires rotation.

      • Derpetologist

        Wrong, good sir.

        The coin rotation paradox is a counter-intuitive math problem where, when one coin is rolled around the rim of another coin of equal size, the moving coin completes two full rotations after going all the way around the stationary coin, when viewed from an external reference frame.

        Also, everything in the universe that revolves around something else rotates at least once during its orbit. Tidally locked objects like the moon represent the minimum.

        There are no planets that don’t rotate at all, as the processes that form planets and other celestial bodies naturally result in rotation. However, there are some planets that appear to not rotate, something astronomers refer to as tidal locking1. All eight planets in the Solar System orbit the Sun in the direction that the Sun is rotating, which is counterclockwise when viewed from above the Sun’s north pole. Six of the planets also rotate about their axis in this same direction. The exceptions—the planets with retrograde rotation—are Venus and Uranus.

      • UnCivilServant

        Having to bring up tidal locking versus faster rotation only reinforces my point.

        The formation of celestial bodies might leave a lot of rotational motion, but for the abstrct question presented, there is no requirement. You did not specify that you were explicitly rolling two physical objects that are in contact. You left that as inferred.

      • UnCivilServant

        And tidal locking is a result of gravitational effects over time, not the motion itself.

        Simply because the formation of celetial bodies as observed has rotational motion, does not necessitate it for revolution. We can throw a probe into orbit and set it up to maintain static orientation relative to the body it revolves around – the two are not linked.

  36. Suthenboy

    Listening to Laura Ingraham ranting about Trump. My prediction: Trump wins, Dems do everything for real what they have been accusing Trump of.

    *checks popcorn stock*

    • Lachowsky

      I’m real concerned that Trump wins and inherits the current economy that is currently headed off a cliff. Within a year we get the giant crash, Trump is blamed, and we end up with President Bolshevik in 2028.

      • UnCivilServant

        I just want someone to go full Milei on the government.

        I doubt he’ll do it.

      • Suthenboy

        That has occurred to me as well and why I am watching Milei. How long will it take him to turn the economy of Argentina around? If it is quickly, could it happen here?

        With regards to the economy I am reminded of the old doctor joke: “Doc it hurts when I do this…”
        Doc – “Stop doing that.”

  37. Derpetologist

    Well, I made $41.66 today from helping an AI learn math. They said check back tomorrow for more work. Yay me. It’s Miller Time.

    • Derpetologist

      Make that $68.16. Shoot, maybe I can become part of the nouveau riche laptop class.

      • UnCivilServant

        What’s your pay rate? I mean, at the rate I’m overpaid that’s a little over an hour’s work (gross)

      • Derpetologist

        Right now, I’m getting paid $50/hour, which is the max rate, I think. There are also various bonuses.

        Of course, it remains to be seen whether I’ll be working 40 hours a week or even making enough to cover my monthly expenses. Fortunately, I only need about $2,000 per month to break even.

      • UnCivilServant

        for some reason I had been thinking full time. Which is why the number threw me.

    • R.J.

      It’s Miller Time

      I am having white box wine like Southern trash. Maybe we can get Thursday Night Zoom going after the movie starts.

      • slumbrew

        Wine club delivery today, so some arneis to go with the cedar planked salmon and sous vide asparagus

      • slumbrew

        Huh, I missed that we’re serving the same menu tonight.

        You are a man an alien of taste and refinement.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    if a dealership put a GPS tracker on my car without my permission.

    So the repo man can find it?

    • Sensei

      Sure. But it needs to be disclosed.

      If you pay cash or arrange your own financing they have no reason to have that installed.

      They are just evil fucks who use it to rip off customers. I’m surprised it’s not worth their while to remove it for the few buyers who manage to avoid having it wrapped into their loan.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    I’m real concerned that Trump wins and inherits the current economy that is currently headed off a cliff. Within a year we get the giant crash, Trump is blamed, and we end up with President Bolshevik in 2028.

    We all know goddam good and well the establishment will proclaim the end of civilization if he tries to cut a penny of spending or restrain the growth of government in any way.

    • juris imprudent

      to cut a penny of spending

      I.e. reduce the increase year over year.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    I just want someone to go full Milei on the government.

    Sure. Just look at the stories about the expiration of the TEMPORARY plague-induced internet subsidies. Millions will die!

    • R C Dean

      There are no end of sob stories in Tucson as various temporary emergency COVID programs run out. People are squawking that bus fare isn’t free any more, etc.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    They are just evil fucks who use it to rip off customers. I’m surprised it’s not worth their while to remove it for the few buyers who manage to avoid having it wrapped into their loan.

    I can’t help wondering if they can use the info to void your warranty somehow.

    • Sensei

      Dealers make money on warranty work.

      Unless you modded the shit out of it or visibly beat the shit out of it they want the work. Manufacturers pay them for it. But they audit it so the dealer isn’t abusing them. See my first point.