Thursday Afternoon Links

by | Jun 20, 2024 | Daily Links | 136 comments

RIP, DONALD SUTHERLAND: Beloved actor Donald Sutherland has passed. He was best known for his roles in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, M*A*S*H (the funny movie, not the preachy TV series), Klute, The Dirty Dozen, Kelly’s Heroes, Eye of the Needle, and Animal House.

SCOTUS RULES IN FAVOR OF SYLVIA GONZALEZ: The [unanimous] ruling gives plaintiff Sylvia Gonzalez, 76, another chance to pursue her retaliation claim against the San Antonio suburb of Castle Hills. Gonzalez was arrested in 2019 for allegedly stealing a government document soon after taking office as city council member. The Institute for Justice was involved in this suit on Gonzalez’ behalf. Your contributions to Glibs help support the IJ, but don’t let that keep you from showing them some additional love (and by “love,” mean $$$).

FEDS RAID HOME OF OAKLAND MAYOR: FBI, IRS, and USPS Postal Inspectors (who are still federal law enforcement despite the sham “privatization” of the USPS) conduct raid at the home of Mayor Sheng Thao, carry out boxes. The feds also raided another house believed to be owned by another family member.

STARLINER RETURN DELAYED: Remember how the first crewed launch of Boeing’s long-troubled Starliner crew capsule kept getting delayed, like for years? Well, now they have delayed the planned return of the spacecraft, which is now docked at the ISS after successfully transporting two NASA astronauts. I can envision a future where the Boeing crew gets transported home by someone else [*cough* SpaceX*cough*] and the Starliner remains docked to the ISS indefinitely, like a junk car up on blocks in the side yard.

STATE AGENCIES PROVIDING VOTER REGISTRATION FORMS TO ILLEGALS: Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship, leading Republicans and conservatives to call for swift federal action to stop the handouts. And, honestly, even US citizens on welfare shouldn’t vote. There, I said it.

ONCE-RESPECTED PUBLICATION DECRIES LACK OF REGULATION OF HOMESCHOOLERS: The number of children being educated at home has been growing for the past few decades. No one knows by how much, and that is part of the problem. Home­school­ing is barely tracked or regulated in the U.S. But children deserve a safe and robust education, whether they attend a traditional school or are educated at home. Fuck you, Scientific American; it’s your control freakery and desire to meddle and control that’s the actual problem. These people always salivate at the idea of sending government snoops into the homes of traditional families.

BEAR NEWS: US Government Agencies give free helicopter rides to large, shaggy, potentially violent creatures. Human residents of the areas where the bears are being dropped are not happee, kthxbai. (Link to archive since article walled.)

GIN REVIEW – SARCASTIC DRY GIN: Citrus notes predominate in this gin. This gin works best for G&T, particularly with Fever Tree Elderflower Tonic and a lime slice. Not recommended for Martinis, the citrus dominated the Noilly-Pratt vermouth. Last week I reviewed the companion product, Ginger Bear Gin, from the 2 Fat Guys distillery.

About The Author



Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.


  1. SDF-7

    and the Starliner remains docked to the ISS indefinitely, like a junk car up on blocks in the side yard.

    I would have to assume they’d just do an unmanned re-entry and hope for the best instead of leaving it up there.

    Of course, ISS itself will eventually be de-orbited… so I suppose you could argue it is never going to be “left up there”.

    Glad you got the REEEEE! tribute, Tonio. He’s one of those actors you’re just so used to seeing everywhere.. he’ll be missed.

    • Tonio

      Yeah, I assume they’ll de-orbit it separately. The eventual ISS de-orbit is going to be interesting. I wonder if they’ll do that in one piece, or disassemble it.

      • SDF-7

        We go now to our tech reporter for his opinion….

      • Ted S.

        I was hoping for the tech reporter from Newsish.

    • R C Dean

      “ISS itself will eventually be de-orbited… so I suppose you could argue it is never going to be “left up there””

      This is the kind of quality “well, ackchually” I come here for.

  2. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    like a junk car up on blocks in the side yard.


    • Bobarian LMD

      That’s not junk, it’s gonna be a classic someday. And then I’ll fix it up.

      • SDF-7

        “Only driven once — you must come pick it up!”

      • Tonio

        “Bring a trailer.”

      • mikey

        It ran when we parked it.

    • The Other Kevin

      Yeah that got me too.

  3. SDF-7


    Hmmm… so — did he embarrass someone in the JackAss power structure or just do something so egregious not even they could let it slide (especially in a “you’re soft on crime!” election year)…. or is this just clearing the way so someone who is better on their knees can take the slot?

    Who knows with CA politics…

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      She didn’t paint the required number of rainbow crosswalks.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      “The Oakland mayor is also under investigation by the Oakland Public Ethics Commission related to donations to her campaign. She had come under scrutiny in recent months over concerns about crime and the departure of the Oakland A’s baseball team, and she will face a recall vote in November after her opponents collected enough signatures to qualify for the ballot.”

  4. The Late P Brooks

    and the Starliner remains docked to the ISS indefinitely, like a junk car up on blocks in the side yard.

    They’ll have to send the guy from Pine Hollow up there to figure out what’s wrong with it.

  5. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Donald Sutherland was also in a top 5 libertarian movie

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I’m going to watch that movie tonight in tribute

    • Tundra

      Animal House?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Nope – not one on Tonio’s list (for shame!!)

      • Tundra

        Ah, Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

        Holy shit, the man was in 143 movies. Including Johnny Got His Gun!

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Nope…try again LOL

      • Tundra

        THERE ARE 143!

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        It’s based on a true story. The movie is set the 1980’s, but was not filmed in the 80’s.


      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        It’s the story of a man of principle trying to work in a system completely lacking in principle

      • Tundra

        Ah, fuck. Puppet Master.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        OK now I feel bad – Citizen X

      • Tundra

        Don’t. Dude made a stupid number of movies. I should have a film festival this weekend.

  6. SDF-7


    I may be completely misremembering — but I thought the DMV form was typically: “Are you a citizen? Check y/n…” So yeah, complete honor system for years now. Which is why no one bought the whole “they can’t vote!” bullshit. Not legally no… but practically?

    • Tonio

      See, also: “It’s already illegal, so whyfor states wasting time and money to make it moar illegaller?”

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Murder doesn’t happen either, because it’s illegal.

    • Common Tater

      You don’t need to be a citizen to get a driver’s license, and some places let you register to vote with just a driver’s license.

  7. juris imprudent

    Boeing should just drop the ‘e’.

    • SDF-7

      Their new spokesman stands ready.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      No, they should drop the o, to just Being. As that is all they seem to do lately.

  8. SDF-7

    US Government Agencies give free helicopter rides to large, shaggy, potentially violent creatures.

    and then…

    But what will they eat, ask worried locals

    Hmmm….. dare we suggest… ?

  9. The Late P Brooks

    After more than a decade of debate and research, the decision has been made to reintroduce the bears — a cause for celebration for conservationists, but of anxiety for ranchers and farmers.
    “The residents, by a large majority, have made it clear they don’t want bears in their backyards,” said Dan Newhouse, the Republican congressman representing the area. One of the chief worries, he said, was that the animals would struggle to find food in nature and be driven to people’s doorsteps.

    There’s a reason those bears were killed/driven off.

    Fucking amateur zookeepers.

    • SDF-7

      Shoot, Backhoe and Shut Up impending?

  10. The Other Kevin

    “Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship, leading Republicans and conservatives to call for swift federal action to stop the handouts. ”

    Probably been said before, but they are covering their bums by not having any centrally organized cheating. Just create conditions in which cheating could happen, and convince the foot soldiers they are literally fighting Hitler (what kind of asshole WOULDN’T fight Hitler?) The rest just happens on its own. And if anyone is caught, it’s nothing more than an isolated incident. It’s as simple as it is evil.

  11. Common Tater


    He was great in Six Degrees of Separation.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Ditto Ordinary People.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    As far as “What will the bears eat?” goes, that’s a red herring. They’l eat what they’ve always eaten. When the wolves were re-introduced to Yellowstone, the “experts” were amazed by how the packs thrived and grew. No shit, Shirley, they were dropped into a giant all you can eat buffet: everything from rabbits to buffalo and elk. The bears won’t starve, they’ll breed, and then they’ll come downhill looking for easy pickings.

    • cavalier973

      “Why do we keep running out of honey?”

      • Suthenboy

        *rakes up scattered garbage in yard, mumbles ‘Goddammit’*

      • Bobarian LMD

        “Why does my dog keep running away?”

    • Tonio

      That was wonderful. Thanks.

    • Tundra


    • trshmnstr

      Man, I see way too much of myself in that. Can’t quite go for the conversion van, though.

  13. Common Tater

    “And, honestly, even US citizens on welfare shouldn’t vote. There, I said it.”

    I know that’s a popular opinion around here, but if citizens on welfare have to obey the law, then they should be able to vote for the welfare recipients who make the law.

    Also, it would make who is allowed to vote way more complicated.

    • Tonio

      “Also, it would make who is allowed to vote way more complicated.”

      That’s a valid concern, particularly given that any such system would be administered by government, and eventually weaponized against the enemies of the state.

      But I still find it distasteful that welfare recipients can, in effect, vote themselves a raise. I realize that this has implications for the voting eligibility of people on Social Security, government employees, etc.

      • Nephilium

        *cough, cough*

        Public union members and/or government employees shouldn’t be allowed to vote either then (I have no issue with that at all).

      • SDF-7

        Simplify it — public sector employees should not be allowed to unionize. That would solve a lot of issues (teacher’s unions, etc.)

      • Common Tater

        “Simplify it — public sector employees should not be allowed to unionize. That would solve a lot of issues (teacher’s unions, etc.)”

        I agree with that.

        Now that Trump is the most felonious person ever, can he still vote for himself?

      • Tonio

        I have no problem with, say, a teacher in a municipal school system being able to vote for the President, or their congresscritter, or state representative. I do have a problem with them voting for municipal offices.

        Likewise, fed employees shouldn’t vote for congresscritters, but I’m fine with them voting in state and municipal races.

      • Suthenboy

        What SDF7 says. In the debates about letting PSU employees unionize even the commies were against it.
        whatever the problem choose the worst solution you can think of and every time govt will show you that you lack imagination.

      • Fourscore

        I agree not to vote if I don’t have to pay taxes.

      • Bobarian LMD

        The Lord Vetinari rule.

        One man, one vote.

        I’m the one man.

    • Not Adahn

      Nobody should be bound by a law in which they have no say.

      But also, it’s no more right for a group of citizens to vote themselves someone else’s property than it would be for them to form a mob and take it.

      The obvious solution is: don’t let the government redistribute wealth. Pity that’s impossible

    • trshmnstr

      I’m less and less a fan of universal franchise of late. I don’t know what I’d replace it with, though.

  14. The Late P Brooks


    Inflation will likely continue to outpace most salaries over the next few years, according to new research.


    Researchers found that 97 percent of occupations have failed to keep up with inflation over the past five years. Their analysis explained that when adjusted for inflation, salaries actually dropped an average of 8.2 percent over that period.

    Moneywise noted that as inflation continues to eclipse salaries, home prices have also jumped by an average of 56 percent over the past five years.

    The research looked into occupations across 36 industries and outlined what the median salary for those positions likely will be in 2028, based on the average increase over the five-year period. According to the forecast, no industry saw an increase in salary when adjusted for inflation

    But all the Right Experts say wages have totally outpaced inflation.

    • kinnath

      Had a phone call at work the other day . . . “kinnath, you’re still working? I thought you’d be retired by now”.

      Well, five years ago, I thought I’d be retiring this year. But FedGov has so thoroughly fucked the economy I’ll be working for another decade or more.

      • Drake

        My wife is talking about retiring next year. I plan to work until

      • Drake

        …the crash.

    • Sean

      “A few…”

      Like forever?

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Waiters and waitresses, per a USA Today summary of the research, were the only ones to see any increase in salary when adjusted for inflation over the past five years. The research found that their median salary change over five years was up 1.73 percent.

    Bidenomics, FTW!

    • Sean

      Occupations where adjusted salaries will fare the best are wait staff, food preparation workers, retail sales workers, cashiers and customer sales representatives, USA Today reported.

      This is quite the gem. Pay no attention to the realities of California. LOL.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      They are also the most likely to be made redundant.

    • Suthenboy

      Biden is up by 2 points. In other news I am a flying reindeer.

      • The Last American Hero

        No shit, it’s more like 5

  16. The Late P Brooks

    That did not stop residents bringing hand-painted “Hell no to grizzlies” signs to the meeting, and furiously denouncing the plans.
    Jon Yandel, who works at Gold Nugget Outfitters, a gun and outdoor adventure store, was among those to voice concern. “I told them it’s a stupid idea,” he said, standing in front of an array of hunting rifles and pistols. “I think about 90 per cent of people in Darrington are against the idea.

    That’s not how democracy works.

    • cavalier973

      The residents should start building funds to pursue lawsuits against everyone who pushed this bear drop, just as soon as someone gets hurt. Like, even if they think they can’t win, they can do the “process as punishment” thing, against each individual who worked to release bears into the region, from the activists to the government officials. Do a separate lawsuit against each one.

      • SDF-7

        “Sovereign Immunity” — and they’ll somehow extend it to the activists as “NGOs, but government aligned” or some (bear)crap.

  17. Suthenboy

    Scientific American is neither and hasn’t been for a very long time.

  18. Nephilium

    Tonio, the citrus forward gin may work well in a White Lady (if you’re going with a dry orange liquor, I would advise a little splash of simple to balance it out).

    • Common Tater

      Citrus gins are best for any kind of highball.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      You seem to be in an egg white phase

      • Nephilium

        I realized that I had a sous vide, and can pasteurize my own damned eggs whenever I want. It’s pretty common in quite a few families of drinks, so a lot of their variants and inspired drinks also have them.

      • UnCivilServant

        Do I recall correctly that the immersion circulator was invented to cook eggs?

      • Ted S.

        Always with the egg racism.

    • kinnath

      discussed in the ded thred

      • Common Tater

        I’m almost never here then.

      • kinnath

        The young ladies deserve a couple of bean bag rounds from a 12 gauge. A few broken ribs might take those smiles off their faces.

    • Not Adahn

      Honestly they should have known that it wasn’t T-Swizzle’s jet by the simple fact they were able to approach it without being neutralized by her security team.

    • Suthenboy

      Has anyone pointed out that making reparations race based on who pays and who gets payed is as egregious as the slavery it is purported to ‘heal’?
      The entire scheme, premise to conclusion, is wildly illegal and immoral.

      • Tundra

        I’m sure your appeal to logic and reason will be well received. 😉

      • Suthenboy

        I know. No matter the problem the answer is always ‘Give me your money’.
        The world is run by two-bit grifters.

        Menken was right, throughout history mankind has been bullied by scum.

  19. UnCivilServant

    I got to try Darkest Dungeon today.

    My Review: 👎

    The narrator kept flipping between melodrama and emo and would NEVER SHUT UP!

    The controls were unintuitively mapped and the platform I got to try it on did not allow for remapping. Plus the tutorial popup directed me to the wrong buttons.

    So I rage quit and deleted the trial.

    • cavalier973

      I watched a playthrough of part of it, and decided it wasn’t for me

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Alternate reality news TW: Boingboing

    The New York Times just can’t help itself. Even when faced with positive economic news, they find a way to twist it into a negative story about President Biden. Case in point: the latest U.S. unemployment report for April.


    It’s almost as if the Times is determined to portray every piece of news, no matter how objectively good, as a failure for the Biden administration. One has to wonder if this is just a continuation of their long history of downplaying threats from dictators, uncritically publishing right-wing propaganda, and normalizing Nazis.

    The U.S. economy is experiencing a long streak of job growth and low unemployment. But apparently, that’s not enough for the “paper of record.” They’d rather nitpick and spin than give credit where it’s due.


    • slumbrew

      To think that I was, at one point, a fairly regular reader of that site.

      That’s an utterly insane article.

    • rhywun

      *bangs head against wall*

      Is this thing on?

    • Suthenboy

      Sounds like an opportunity to learn something about bringing stuff down to the surface given our desire to mine asteroids and all. It seems like we have the ‘get there, get stuff, bring it back’ part down. Now, how to get it safely to the surface.

    • grrizzly

      Is the ISS the only area in the relations between USA and Russia indicating that the countries are not exactly at war against each other? Okay, the diplomatic relations are not broken yet.

      • Tundra


        I can’t believe my boy was 6 when the original movie came out. Time flies.

  21. Tundra

    …but don’t let that keep you from showing them some additional love (and by “love,” mean $$$).


    *zips up*

  22. Tundra

    From the bear article:

    A large part of Ransom’s job has been to explain to a sceptical public why the bear should be reintroduced. Last November, he and others gave a talk at a local high school auditorium, arguing that bringing back the bears would restore the balance of the ecosystem and right a historical wrong.

    Go fuck yourself. I’ve been hearing this shit forever. First, wolves in Minne – yay majestic nature restored! Until they kill livestock and overpopulate. Now they’ve done it here and – like magic – killing machines are behaving precisely like killing machines. One of my goofy neighbors is a big wolf fan. I asked her how she’ll feel when they become so successful that other species are in trouble and we have to kill some wolves. Crickets.

    • Suthenboy

      Our wolves are red wolves and our bears black bears. Neither is a big problem really, not like grey wolves and grizzly are for cattle.
      The biggest problem here for anyone with stock are the freakin’ chicken snakes.

      • cavalier973

        At least they ain’t white!

      • Tundra

        Really? What the hell do they do? They aren’t even venomous, are they?

      • Suthenboy

        They eat eggs and chicks. There is an endless supply of snakes, eggs and chicks not so much.
        I caught one once curled up underneath the straw in a setting hen’s nest. Fucker was just laying there with its mouth open waiting for eggs to drop straight in.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        What do they eat first? The chicken or the egg?

      • Tundra

        Ah. Gotcha.

        Shoot to kill.

      • Suthenboy

        “What do they eat first? The chicken or the egg?”

        No, they are not poisonous. The last one I caught in the hen. house I just picked it up and severed the head with my pocket knife. They try to be scary by hissing and feigning a bite but…they are harmless.
        I feel awful about killing them but I dont have much choice.

    • Fourscore

      Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, not so loud, Tundra

      • Tundra

        Whoops. Interjecting lived experience again.

        Please forgive me.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      History doesn’t have wrongs, idiot. History is anecdote and chronology.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    bringing back the bears would restore the balance of the ecosystem and right a historical wrong.

    Muh docile herbivores!

  24. cavalier973

    But ultimately, Judge Cannon is not subject to the authority of her district court elders. Like any Senate-confirmed, presidentially appointed judge, she has a life tenure and independent standing and is free to choose to ignore any such advice.

    In other words, pound sand, you silly snotnoggins.

    • cavalier973

      These idiots have a lit bomb and they are pretending that it’s a Nerf Basketball with a birthday candle stuck into it

    • Sean

      “Because Judge Cannon kept the case, taxpayers have since had to pay to build a secure room — known as a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or S.C.I.F. — there.”




    • Suthenboy

      I dont know if it was always there or not but Disney is brazen I n their display of cultural marxism today. Time for the corpse to be rolled into a grave as far as I am concerned.

      • cavalier973

        The copyright for Mickey Mouse ended, didn’t it?

      • Suthenboy

        “The copyright for Mickey Mouse ended, didn’t it?”


      • cavalier973

        I guess…I just remembered reading somewhere that one could legally make a Mickey Mouse comic or cartoon or something, except for some fru-fru rule or other that makes MM a trademark instead of a copyright, or something like that.

    • slumbrew

      Dudes be thirsty, yo.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      My nephew works for Disney, they had him as an intern for a year or so, then sent him off to architecture school for a grad degree.

  25. Evan from Evansville

    ‘Blood’ prepared in my silly Chinese Practice Hand; IV and 20g indie needles at hand. Time to practice my needlework with incompetent hands to free my current semi-ignorance. Should be legit fun.

    Practicing this is an odd ‘hobby’ that assuredly can’t be done in private. I’m jealous of whoever practices on me. I’ll likely be Prime Tester cuz of my complimentary (AND complementary) good veins. I don’t envy the hard-veiner who’ll get the trickier work practiced on them. (I am semi-positive none of these imaginary things will occur. Well. Ignorance is bliss.)

  26. Evan from Evansville

    I was with my 11-year-old nephew and his friend. My nephew agreed batting cages’d be fun. Because of liability BS, only t-ball is available ’round here.
    Friend’s OK w T-ball v pitched balls: “Well, that’s the same thing.”
    Me: “[Silence]” <– Much better than my brain's foul "[Redacted]" remarks.

    𝐍𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞: 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐚𝐩 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠. The batter's box is a (lite) Danger Zone. It's scary for most. That's. The. Point. 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬? 𝐂𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐫 '𝐞𝐦. My generation does it's best to 'safeguard' everything about "Life." Social connections, too. Uh? All the Mental Health issues w kids these days? Foreseeable consequences continue apace! *Head meets desk*

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      It isn’t your generation, so much, but the parents, who (looking at ages) are late boomers, early GenX

  27. The Late P Brooks

    But ultimately, Judge Cannon is not subject to the authority of her district court elders. Like any Senate-confirmed, presidentially appointed judge, she has a life tenure and independent standing and is free to choose to ignore any such advice.

    Muh independent judiciary! But Erdogan and the rest of those Democrat Party operatives are noble and brave for resisting any attempt to question their political bias or predispositions.

    • cavalier973

      Who appointed Jack Smith, again?

      • cavalier973

        Ah. Merrick Garland.

        The most widely known of the three occurrences on November 18 was Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland’s announcement of the appointment of Jack Smith as special counsel, a highly unusual appointment.

        Smith has a history of botching prosecutions of leading political figures and a reputation for a willingness to use broadly worded federal statutes and legally radical interpretations of the law to take out his prosecutorial targets. His public corruption victory against former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell was overturned by the Supreme Court in a unanimous 8-0 rebuke. And his prosecution of former Democrat vice presidential nominee John Edwards resulted in an acquittal on one count and a hung jury on others. The DOJ declined to try Edwards again.

      • cavalier973

        Jack Smith was picked because he ain’t skeered of being publicly shamed by a display of his incompetence.

    • Suthenboy

      “It’s ok when we do it.”