MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING: Gay real estate guy from Boise, Idaho moves to adjacent city of Nampa (pop ~100,000), decides town needs QUILTBAG++ Pride festival, organizes one, nothing else happens. Yet, WaPo gets the vapors and whines for 2,700 words because there was a vaguely threatening phone call, and some protesters. Yes, some of those protesters were strapped, Idaho being 2A friendly, and all, but none of the protesters did anything threatening and there were no arrests. WaPo managed to get 73 words in (not counting dateline) before using the phrase “far-right extremists.”
WOMP, WOMP: Attackers have backdoored the installer of widely used Justice AV Solutions (JAVS) courtroom video recording software with malware that lets them take over compromised systems… [T]he digital recording tool currently has over 10,000 installations in many courtrooms, legal offices, correctional facilities, and government agencies worldwide.
THE GHOST OF ROBERT FUCKING HEINLEIN WOULD LIKE A WORD, YO: In 1974, the late Princeton University professor and space visionary Gerard O’Neill proposed using electromagnetic rail guns to lob payloads from the moon. Space dot com, disappointingly, doesn’t mention Heinlein once in this article. Heinlein used a lunar railgun as a plot device in his novel The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, published in 1966. Leonard David is an award-winning space journalist who has been reporting on space activities for more than 50 years. This would have been forgivable for someone much younger, but not for this guy. Fortunately, one of their commenters took them to school.
QUANTUM PHOTONIC-DIMER LASER: DARPA prototype laser uses entanglement to bind photons, producing a beam that can penetrate thick fog. Sexy. Many military and other applications including probing solar system bodies which have atmospheres.
ANOTHER REMINDER THAT JAMES CLAPPER IS A PIECE OF SHIT: A nice rage trigger from the good people at RealClear Investigations.
STUFF I’VE BEEN SAYING FOR YEARS: WSJ has an article about China’s Lunar ambitions (h/t Sensei, link contains site tracking info that bypasses WSJ’s paywall). I’ve been saying for years that China is planning a permanent moonbase. They need a “first” in space, and this is more easily achievable than a manned Mars mission.
LAWFARE AGAINST SPACEX: Blue Origin filed a public comment to the FAA requesting that the regulator limit the number of launches of SpaceX’s Starship—the largest and most powerful rocket ever built—out of Launch Complex-39A at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, which currently hosts the company’s Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets. Fuck Jeff Bezos.
COGNITIVE DISSONANCE IN ONE LESSON: I was previously unaware of the awesome Helen Joyce, but she succinctly explains how the people who transitioned their children destroy not only their childrens’ lives, but every organization and friendship they touch. They can never admit they’re wrong so their only option is to terrorize and destroy anyone not openly supportive of them.
Space, man. It’s the coolest.
Glad you’re here so I can brag on you.
RJ is hosting a debate watching party on here tonight in lieu of the normal GlibFlick feature. Brave and awesome.
He’s just determined to have zombie video irregardless.
I also include the dirtiest dirty film as a NSFW bonus for those who don’t want to watch the NSFW debate.
Looks like Tubi/Live TV/ABC News Live will have it.
Sheesh… what’s next — “Simon Fang-Fang posited in 2006 that we could lift large masses like factories into orbit or even a pre-made Lunar station using an ablative plate, shock absorbers and Cold War era nuclear warheads…” ?
And I have to confess China’s race to a permanent manned Lunar base makes me think “High Ground” and “Harsh Mistress” in all honesty.
People at the bottom of a gravity well shouldn’t throw stones.
This is why you nuke any moon colony the moment they start to agitate.
And make sure they are dependent upon food shipments from earth.
In Moon is a Harsh Mistress it was the other way around, Earth was dependent on grain shipments from the lunar colonies (that were started as prison colonies).
That’s nonsensical, the moon is a terrible environment for farming.
Underground hydroponic farms, of course. Heinlein needed a bulk product produced on the Moon to justify the rail gun system.
I’m picking on it because it’s Heinlein.
Most likely a lunar colony would be used for fuelling ships bound further out system rather than resullplying Earth, since there’s not much that makes sense to build there that can’t be built more cheaply on Earth.
UCS, ackshully the moon is made of cheese. Millions of pounds of delicious cheese.
“Millions of pounds of delicious cheese.” What kind of cheese?
creech: Wensleydale, obviously.
For anyone who doesn’t know, this technology was used as a plot device in the 1985 scifi novel Footfall by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. The idea was based on the USAF Project Orion study.
The real Orion.
Sorry — I assumed I’ve referenced Orion enough round these parts (and I know a lot of us have referenced Michael directly) that I didn’t think it needed clarification.
The Nuke pumped Xray lasers were also in the book (re-use of the star wars program). That book was great fun, made me want to drink Mahi Thais in a mud bath.
No apology needed. Thanks.
I always like to include a reference so people who don’t know can follow up.
How does that work?
Photon: “Am I being detained?”
Heh… very nice. The Uncertainty Principle solved — photons refuse to answer questions!
Sovereign photons are the worst,
Joking response: Quantum tunneling, of course!
Actual response after skimming the article — looks like traditional lasers basically attempt to align the photonic waves such that they’re moving consistently together in the same direction as distinct waves. This technique attempts to quantum-pair the photons so they’re actually bound, not distinct waves propagating in the same direction but larger singleton waves consisting of many photons (don’t ask me how that works.. as I remember quantum physics 30 or so years back photons themselves are probabilistic packets of energy waves, so if you bind them I’m not sure they’re still technically photons). But in any event — it doesn’t look like the propagation is anything different, just that they can pack more photons in a given beam, increasing the penetration.
Or I’m completely misreading it and just gave OMWC a coronary reading my idiocy. Certainly possible.
You see, my limited layman’s understanding of quantum entanglement was that it only worked on the initial creation state and any action on either part of the pair breaks the entanglement, since it’s not really entanglement but mirrored initial state.
Stacking photons into the same phase is something I can can get my head around, but I’m not sure why it would change the effect of attenuation on the beam. Unless the actual benefit is limiting the spread to a more perfectly parallel set of paths.
Shrug. Sorry — I haven’t seriously thought about this in decades.
Tonio needs to dig up a controversial Linux kernel change or something so I can know what the dickens I’m talking about one of these days.
“How does that work?”
Good question. I have no fucking idea. Was hoping that one of the really smart kids here could ‘splain it to us.
You just wanted to get us all talking about better penetration.
All you get is snark. The best snark, only for you.
The Force.
See, the force is like a thread…
So… you’re saying we should throw lesbian space witches into the gas giants and see if that helps the sensor readings?
@sdf-7: only if they are diverse body positive communist lesbian space witches.
Couldn’t you just use a frequency that wouldn’t be absorbed (Maser for example).
Evil AND stupid.
One benefit of being a sociopath is never having regrets.
Harry Reid’s “It worked, didn’t it?” leaps to mind.
There are people who are convinced they are the good guys and they’re the only ones standing in the way of the second coming of Hitler. As such, nothing is off the table.
TOK: That’s what Hitler thought. Odd how that works out, innit?
TOK, these people don’t think they’re the good guys. They don’t have morality. That’s for the plebs. They only have one question that matters.
“Does doing/saying this maintain or expand my power?”
“Evil AND stupid.”
There is a lot of that going around these days.
Obama didn’t manipulate anyone, that dude had the backbone of a jelly fish, and his… mutable sexuality was probably used against him.
No, Brennen might have been the mastermind behind this, or Clapper wasn’t pushed around at all, but, in any case, it sure wasn’t Oshithead.
My wife is still recovering from a long illness — but has been trying to do a little work each day. Today she woke up with a sore throat but swore she’d still try to do her work. Just texted me that she fell back asleep in her recliner and just couldn’t get going whenever she half woke up and that as such, I should call her a terrible person.
There is, of course, only one possible reply to such a request.
You did not take the bait. You are wise beyond your ears.
I hope her recovery is complete ASAP.
We just celebrated (we think — another good thing about my wife, she’s as bad about occasions as I am) our 29th… so lots of years of practice keeping feet away from my mouth. 😉
This is what happens when you take relationship advice from Glibsters
Best wishes to your Mrs.
Thanks. So, so, so much nicer with her somewhat recovered let me tell you. She put her foot down for me to take this trip back to see my parents but I keep worrying she’s going to collapse or something and I’ll have to rush back. Thank God it hasn’t happened.
Need me to do it?
No! Bad Time Lord! No biscuit! (She’s seriously wonderful… though I am admittedly biased…)
You know it’s going to be a good evening when a Meatloaf link appears.
That was really solid. I have no idea who she is but I would buy her a beer.
Irish journalist and mathematician. I saw that tweet about two minutes before the article went live and had to scramble to get it in. I’ve been researching her while the comments roll in.
She’s quite brave. Ireland isn’t exactly a free speech bastion.
“Ireland isn’t exactly a free speech bastion.”
I would likely be jailed for my opinion. She is correct.
What those people have done is undiluted evil and there is not coming back from it. I think all of the people involved, parents, docs, psychologists, councilors, teachers, pols, etc – all of them – should kill themselves at the first opportunity. I mean that earnestly.
So, what to do with those people? My suggestion is just tell them, “You were nuts enough to have your child’s dick cut off, so you’re too nuts to belong here. Get lost.”
I expect there to be a wave of suicides among the parents of the transed.
Along with all too many of the transed kids, Zwak. Pure evil.
As suspected, the POS douche nozzle isn’t from Boise either.
We call those people “missionaries.” The massholes and californicators who move to a place because its cheap, clean, and safe, and immediately try to change things to make it “better.”
Contrast those with “refugees” who move to a place place because its cheap, clean, and safe, and are happy to be there.
“The locals in that place are so rude, they kept refusing to follow my brilliant ideas!”
Hmmm, he strikes me as more of a reverse cowgirl type guy.
I would have said Downward Facing Doggy, but what do I know.
WaPo managed to get 73 words in (not counting dateline) before using the phrase “far-right extremists.”
Mormons should be on the SPLC/ADL Hate Group list, if they aren’t already.
I thought everyone is on that list. I am sure glibs are. If we aren’t we it is a terrible oversight on our part.
Hawk Tuah girl cashing in.
Good for her?
Jerry Seinfeld said you should seize every opportunity.
I’m fairly glad I have no idea who that is (and after skimming the article, don’t really care…. I like the “She was trying to remain private so WE WENT AND FOUND HER!!!!” Someone needed to be told “No!” more as a child [the reporter/editors])
She actually seems like a nice enough girl. I’d like to hang out and maybe go on a meth binge with her if I ever got the chance.
That is hilarious.
a line of lubricants?
destroy not only their childrens’ lives, but every organization and friendship they touch. They can never admit they’re wrong so their only option is to terrorize and destroy anyone not openly supportive of them.
All the while loudly proclaiming their oppression and victimhood.
I live in Nampa, and didn’t even know the pride thingy had happened until it was over.
Of course, everybody I know works on most Sundays. If they’re not working, they’re going to church or the mountains to camp or both.
I have relatives in Nampa.
My mom wasn’t kidding when she complained to me decades ago about the area being backwards lol
The place is changing quite rapidly. Influx of people moving in from out of state, immigrants both legal and illegal, alleged refugees from around the world wearing burqas and or hijabs. Russians and Ukrainians. I work with a guy from Dubai. I don’t know what the future holds, but it will never be the same.
Yeah, I have some distant reli’s there. Nice enough place.
James Clappers head still looks like a penis.
Question – What herbs go well with quail? I know it’s more of a ‘red meat’ bird, so I’m unsure if I can just use the same sort I’d apply to chicken or turkey, or if a different mix might work better.
Quail is considered red meat? Never knew that. That said thyme, basil and rosemary was going to be my suggestion but if you really think it’s a red meat try sage, rosemary and coriander.
That may be the wrong term, but it’s the birds that can be medium/medium rare without poisoning your guests
Ah okay that I knew. Rarely did it(get it?) because everyone has a ingrained aversion to pinkish poultry.
I actually cook dark meat to a higher temp. Takes longer to break down all the lovely fats, but so worth it.
It’s why duck is one of my favorite proteins.
I’ve never cooked quail, and my tendency is more well done for anything.
I’m doing research for a project in flight.
Quail is much more like chicken than anything else. Treat it the same.
Per the Flavor Bible (highly recommended for anyone interested in food/drink, although the vegan one has been touted as better for cocktails), the recommended herbs are: bay leaf, garlic, flat-leaf parsley, black pepper, pink pepper, rosemary, and thyme.
but pepper is a spice, why are they listing it as an herb?
They didn’t, I just curated the list, as it was about two full paged columns of flavor affinities.
$83 shipping?
That’s more than the product. Screw that. I’ll keep searching locally.
I found a better source. Sure it’ll arrive on a weekday, but it’s a remote work weekday, so I’m okay with that.
Why are you asking us for advice? Choose something and go sprinkle the shit out of it.
Be a man! Don’t quail when the moment comes.
If I had my choice, I’d ask a different crowd, but other people don’t talk to me.
Thyme: the universal herb.
I was fed quail an upscale restaurant and nearly broke a tooth on a birdshot pellet. Strike lead off the list of herbs for quail.
Mustard under the skin, butter and garlic.
‘Nuff said.
Jeff Bezos is a super douche and I agree with Tonio.
Germany may have lost the war but the fascists won.
I realize that the left has neutered the word fascism but this looks like a textbook case to me. In fact, most of our economy is.
Mussolini won WWII no doubt.
Tonio that JAVS acronym wasn’t my first thought.
Type JAV (leave off the S for savings) in the search engine if your choice for the NSFW results.
Instead, Sahm thinks the answer is a lot more concrete: “To me, the very obvious explanation is we are healing the supply problems that the pandemic caused.”
Sahm says that after the pandemic essentially shut down the economy, it took years for the supply chain to fully come back online. When that happened, there was more production, which meant more stuff for people to buy with their excess cash, which ultimately brought down inflation.
Yup. It were the pandemic wot dunnit.
The pandemic didn’t cause the problems; the lockdowns did.
The Fed hiked interest rates around the same time that the supply chain got back up and running, which makes it hard to assign credit. But there’s an even more fundamental issue here. “Anything in macroeconomics is very hard to empirically test,” says Vox senior correspondent Dylan Matthews. “You can’t run experiments with the Fed.”
Ultimately, Matthews says that inflation — and our economy as a whole — is still so hard to understand because of the nature of money. “Money feels like this very hard thing, but money is also a psychological idea. Money is this idea that we can put numbers on what we owe to each other, even as we understand that these numbers are kind of made up.”
Inflation, in a sense, is a psychological phenomenon. “So understanding inflation, I think, is ultimately about understanding people and how they relate to each other. And that’s the ultimate mystery.”
It’s all in your head.
Dylan Matthews. I haven’t thought of that punchable face in a while. I like that a Vox writer interviewed someone in the next cube over for an article.
“…Vox senior correspondent…”
I see.I always knew I had something in common with people like this. Neither of us has a clue what he is talking about.
I have completed my match, without disqualification or shedding blood.
Today’s stages were more the classic USPSA philosophy of “here’s a problem, now go solve it.” No memory stages. I got too ambitious on a fixed time stage and scored fewer points than had I gone for quality.
They are providing the staff appreciation dinner a day earlier than usual. Typically they only give you stuff after you’ve run at least some of the paying competitors.
The red dot makes shooting while moving laterally or obliquely sooo much easier. Much more gun dancing than when I shoot irons.
Biden refused a pre-game drug test. It’s on. Trump is going to beat him with that refusal like a cane to crack Biden’s resolve.
“Baseless accusation!”
Yeah, that’s going to be tossed on the Conspiracy Theory! pile.
Biden prerecorded his part anyway.
That will somehow get lost during the new extended delay.
And then he walked to the wrong side of the stage and stared at the wall for twenty minutes.
There will be 51 doctors who sign a letter calling drug tests racist.
Which one of you people is in charge of watching the debate tonight and letting us know tomorrow morning in the comments who won? I just can’t bring myself to stay up until 2100 to watch that almost guaranteed shitshow.
Maybe me and Count Potato.
Well then I just want to say good luck, we’re all counting on you.
US men are playing soccer vs. Panama.
In Atlanta.
nm, the 9pm match on Fox is being pre-empted by two empty suits. Motherfuckers.
Jeebus what a sloppy POS match.
We know who “won” already. Biden could pull a Fetterman and, as along as he is breathing after 90 minutes, will have won the debate.
Pay no attention
Americans are staying unemployed for longer, the latest Labor Department data shows, in a reflection of a slowing economy.
The number of Americans receiving jobless benefits for multiple weeks climbed to its highest level since November 2021, according to a Department of Labor report released Thursday.
The latest data is an indication that unemployed Americans may be having more trouble in landing work: The number of continuing claims, which are filed by people who have received unemployment benefits for at least one week or more, increased to 1.839 million from 1.821 million for the week ended June 15.
Best economy ever. Praise Biden.
Think how worse it could have been without him and Team Blue helping.
Saved or created a billion jobs.
THE GHOST OF ROBERT FUCKING HEINLEIN WOULD LIKE A WORD, YO: In 1974, the late Princeton University professor and space visionary Gerard O’Neill proposed using electromagnetic rail guns to lob payloads from the moon. Space dot com, disappointingly, doesn’t mention Heinlein once in this article. Heinlein used a lunar railgun as a plot device in his novel The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, published in 1966. Leonard David is an award-winning space journalist who has been reporting on space activities for more than 50 years. This would have been forgivable for someone much younger, but not for this guy. Fortunately, one of their commenters took them to school.
I read the comments on that article and saw this:
I agree, there is no reason for humans in deep space
Debate zoom?
That’s OK…we secretly renamed it The No The Hyperboles Club
Yes. It will be posted at 7:00 again.
I like SOS. No, I don’t know how to make it from scratch.
Everyone likes SOS
And if for some reason you have bad taste and don’t like that, Everybody likes SOS.
Re the second link, what a blast from the past.
Better S.O.S.
Debate primer
President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have polar opposite views on the economy — and both undoubtedly will try to sell you on their visions, policies and records.
To make heads or tails of what they say (or if you’re trying to impress anyone you might be watching the debate with), it’s good to make sure you understand the economy we’re in right now.
Followed by a few vapid nonsensical generalizations. CNN is desperate for content.
LOL if only
Polar opposites? I wish…
I just noticed the “debate” comes on at 9:00 est. Is Joe going to come out in his pajamas?
If he came out dressed like Ebanezer Scrooge with his nightcap and all it’d be so goddamn adorable I’d almost vote for him.
I am pissed. I could have put out a normal film instead of a short blue one.
Another way the government wrecks our lives!
Not to worry. The parts of Biden that will actually make it to air were filmed at about 830 this morning.
Well, the road by his house in Delaware was still closed at 1pm today, and there were a lot of white utility trucks parked near the entrance. Who knows what is going on with all that.
STEVE SMITH knows where life is good! Remer, Minnesoda’s newest citizen.
So STEVE SMITH is swooping in on OMWC’s gals once they get too long in the tooth? Of course, they are having their festival on 7/5-7/6. They don’t dare try to compete with the Honey Harvest.
I saw a rear windshield stick figure family of STEVE SMITHS today at the Walmarts
Da Bears
How the hell am I expected to remain angry when you post links like that, huh?
The Protester we deserve!
Pair her with Hawk-Tua girl and reboot some buddy cop movie with them as the leads.
Protesting for gender equality? I think she’s protesting going 5 seconds without someone ogling her.
She seems nice.
What all the best dressed Glibs will be wearing ….
I’m in for the boxers. Can’t be too careful.
So the name is appropriate.
I like dill on fowl.
My dill plant died.
Wherein I learned that Steve Jobs was a douchebag in ways I couldn’t have imagined:
Also, got invited for an interview at Wal-Mart. They need a part-time maintenance guy. I think I’ll go even if I don’t take the job. My teaching job doesn’t start til mid August.
After Lisa was born, Jobs publicly denied paternity, which led to a legal case. Even after a DNA paternity test established him as her father, he maintained his position.[1][4][5] The resolution of the legal case required him to provide Brennan with $385 per month and to reimburse the state for the money she had received from welfare. After Apple went public and Jobs became a multimillionaire, he increased the payment to $500 a month.[2]
Birds and pigs get rosemary and sea salt. Possibly sage, possibly thyme.
My rosemary plant keeps on going. I should use more rosemary…
Sage thinking. Just in thyme too.
No Parsley?
No, that’s for tomatoes and fish.
Also today I learned a guy I did Peace Corps with had a severe fall from grace:
Shame. Seemed like a swell guy. Kinda makes me wonder what he did in his spare time over there.
In most of the 3rd world countries I have been to the joke was always “If you want to find the missionaries just go down to _______ where the 12 yo hookers are.”
Uwanja wa Fisi = Hyena Square
classy place…
Debate gets better. CNN is putting a two minute tape delay on it.
Have they said why?
How long should I cook my chicken broth (3 bones and some meat from those split breasts you get in the store)? It’s been on there about 3 hours.
Which store? If that happened to me, I’d stay away.
It’s done. At a gentle simmer, an hour is plenty.
Debate gets better. CNN is putting a two minute tape delay on it.
I want a re-enactment of the Jimmy Carter speech scene from Used Cars.
In his Lectures, Tytler expressed a critical view of democracy in general and representative democracies such as republics in particular. He believed that “a pure democracy is a chimera”, and that “All government is essentially of the nature of a monarchy”.[16]
In discussing the Athenian democracy, after noting that a great number of the population were actually enslaved, he went on to say, “Nor were the superior classes in the actual enjoyment of a rational liberty and independence. They were perpetually divided into factions, which servilely ranked themselves under the banners of the contending demagogues; and these maintained their influence over their partisans by the most shameful corruption and bribery, of which the means were supplied alone by the plunder of the public money”.[16]
A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.
Are you saying it’s time to treat myself to something nice?
My God, it’s so beautiful.
Thanks, Brooksie. I know what I’m watching this weekend.
Any recommendations for a refrigerator for the garage? Ours is dying.
Yes. Get on Craigslist and try to find a 40 year old one. The new ones are atrocious if it ever gets cold.
I’m in California. I don’t really have to worry about it getting cold even in the garage.
Agreed. I was going to snark but I have to save up for later.
Well, you could certainly get a new “garage ready” fridge, but new ones in general suck balls. We replaced our main LG after fewer than 6 years. Meanwhile, I bought a cheap GE or something at the discount appliance place for the garage and it’s lasted longer than the fancy one.
I still like the old ones.
I wonder if Trump will pull his punches tonight so that the Dems will stop saying that Biden doesn’t needs to be replaced
Eliminate the “doesn’t” from that sentence.
No! I like it there!
I don’t think it would be a good idea for him to sandbag. He may not get any more chances.
I just don’t know why Trump did it. He’s walking into the worst possible stacked deck debate. Why? He has everything to lose and nothing to gain.
4D chess. Duh.
I did read somewhere that the Trump people knew the Biden people expected them to say no. It’s gonna be a clusterfuck of boring proportions.
RJ – I think the stacking in every possible way so completely transparently should tell everyone what they need to know. There is no point in actually having the debate. Is this a case of ‘I can whip ’em with both of my hands tied’ or just giving them rope? I dunno.
The next debate will be hosted by the NY State Department of Corrections and broadcast on closed circuit TV.
I don’t see how anyone can stand to watch those two “debate”. I can barely stand listening to them in isolation.