Tuesday Morning Festival Links

by | Jun 25, 2024 | Daily Links | 221 comments

Just got back from some time spent at the Rochester Jazz Festival. There’ about a million others going on as well, but surprisingly, this is one of the better ones. That owes to the presence of the Eastman School of Music, a first-rank conservatory with a strong jazz program. Rochester being what it is, though, it’s also a happy hunting ground for local yoots, given that the attendee demographic skews heavily older, whiter, and affluent, basically an NPR fan fest. That said, I managed to stay out of trouble and see some pretty fine shows (and a few that were… meh).

Birthdays are fine, too, including an appropriately named architect; a guy with a good, healthy glow; the author of arguably the most prescient work in the English language; what Woody Allen wants to be and never will; a guy who made the accordion cool; mother of the hottest woman to ever appear in an American TV show; an amazing and versatile multi-instrumentalist; a guy who ran a single word into fame and fortune; a massively overrated writer and chef; and a TV guy who I’m supposed to know who he is but I don’t.

And with that…. Links.

Fuck the fuck right off, Vivek. My cynical side says this is election season posturing, my suspicious side says that it’s Phase One in chopping up the Bill of Rights.

The tefillin make using the gunsight a bit more difficult.

When the brain-damaged guy is the most sensible person in your party….

Lysistrata minus 40 IQ points.

And speaking of vegans…

This is some good news, but a full pardon would be even better. Now do Snowden.

The entertainment value of this whole story is beyond measure.

When I went up to Rochester, Tomb Raider told me that she had just seen this band and was blown away. So we went to another show of theirs, and the Old Guy was as well.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. SDF-7

    it’s also a happy hunting ground for local yoots,

    There always seems to be at least a couple around. Hopefully causing less trouble and not with a similar car.

    Morning, OMWC. Morning all you other reprobates!

  2. SDF-7

    a guy who made the accordion cool

    Happy Birthday Frankie Yankovic!

    • juris imprudent

      Early Bruce Hornsby would be an acceptable answer as well.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Dick Contino knows that neither of you do.

      • juris imprudent

        Holy shit, that’s a name I haven’t thought of in about a million years, or to say back in my childhood when I learned accordion.

    • Nephilium

      The girlfriend went to school with one of Frankie’s grandkids. Pretty sure the man himself lived over in Lakeline in the 80’s/90’s.

  3. Shpip

    Because men apparently don’t give a f**k about the planet, as a new study shows that males contribute significantly more to the climate catastrophe than females through their higher consumption of meat, PETA is asking people to stop giving a f**k—literally—by withholding sex from their meat-eating husbands and boyfriends until they go vegan.

    I didn’t think that the types of shrill harpies who make up PETA activists were getting much action anyway.

    • R.J.

      I don’t know any meat eaters who date vegans more than a few months.

      • Old Man With Candy

        10b0t married one.

      • slumbrew

        I’m sure she’s not an asshole about it, though.

    • UnCivilServant

      Anyone who’s actually looked at the information will realize that because of land use suitability, a vegan lifestyle is more ecologically destructive. Meat livestock can be grazed on marginal land that does not support plow agriculture, and forcing human feed to all come from plants necessitates more intensive fetrilizer and chemical use.

      Oh, wait, the peta nuts will respond with “just kill of a few billion people then”.

      • SDF-7

        “… we’ll start with all those who disagree with us politically and work down from there!”

      • juris imprudent

        A few billion non-white people as it happens. Funny that.

      • WTF

        A few billion non-white people as it happens.

        The left has always been willing to sacrifice the well-being of non-white people in order to feel better about themselves.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Oh, Cow farts!

    • Suthenboy

      The whole argument is moot. There is no climate catastrophe and the natural cycle of climate changing is not affected by us or our diet. The whole thing is bullshit.
      Some people are just agitators, disrupters etc. give ’em what they want and they will start screeching about something else. It is all they know.

  4. WTF

    Surgeon General Vivek Murthy is declaring firearm violence in the U.S. a public health crisis, not only for the tens of thousands who die from gun violence each year but also due to far-reaching trauma that impacts the wider population.

    Well, they got away with violating the shit out of the constitution with the phony Covid health crisis, so they already set the precedent. Which was likely a goal, and quite a few people at the time predicted this shit. Next they’ll use the same tactics with ‘climate change’.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Hapsburg jaw.

    • juris imprudent

      The more they reach the more they discredit the entire field. I’m okay with that.

  5. Toxteth O'Grady

    “Most prescient work” singular?

    • slumbrew

      Animal Farm wasn’t prescient, just descriptive.

    • Nephilium

      As JI says below, I think we’re reaching closer to a dark Brave New World than a light hearted 1984.

  6. juris imprudent

    Fuck a plea deal, the U.S. had no jurisdiction to even charge Assange.

    Also it is not Aldouos Huxley’s birthday and he was far more accurate than Orwell.

    • SDF-7

      True enough — but at this point, knocking it off does seem like at least a minor victory.

      Certainly the PPP Admin would never pardon him or Snowden — and given the love OMB seems to have for “national security” no matter how many times they shank him in the back, I don’t think he would either.

      Razing the IC to the ground, melting the NSA data centers and fashioning some of that material into a medal for Snowden would be my preference. But We The People lost the war against the IC ages ago and they’re not going to let us forget it. (Who would have thought I’d lean more into JFK conspiracies as I get older? I figured it was just LBJ that bumped him off….)

      • WTF

        I always dismissed theories that anyone but Oswald was involved as a dipshit conspiracy theory with no merit. But the more I’ve learned about what actually went on, and looked at actual evidence that contradicts the official narrative, the more I tend to believe that certain people and agencies wanted him gone.

      • UnCivilServant

        There is still a gap between “Wanted him gone” and “Facilitated Oswald”

      • juris imprudent

        Particularly because they keep delaying the release of the last tranche of documents.

      • Rat on a train

        Won’t somebody rid me of this troublesome priest?

      • Drake

        The sad part is that Assange will probably have to do like Snowden and leave the West if he doesn’t want to be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life. Remember when people would defect from communist countries to the U.S. or UK, not out of them?

      • Suthenboy

        Et Tu SDF-7??

    • Drake

      Has to plead guilty for exposing actual criminals.

      Suffered torture and lost years of his life for telling the truth about the monsters who run our country.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Yep. I’m very glad he’s free, but I’m afraid it’s too late, the damage has been done. Wikileaks is over, and nobody will dare to step into its place.

  7. SDF-7

    Fuck the fuck right off, Vivek

    My suspicious side is right there with you. Like declaring climate change an “emergency”, my first instinct is that they’re trying to use actual disaster-time limited in intention powers to sneak in their policy through the back door and ram it through harder than STEVE SMITH in a nubile hiker convention. They’re always going to be chasing that next COVID-era high.

    • Pope Jimbo

      They’re always going to be chasing that next COVID-era high

      You mean the rush you get when you can force other people to obey? I heard that it gets harder and harder to replicate that rush. Addicts call it chasing the dragoon.

      • WTF

        Well yeah, that’s why it always ends with camps and mass graves.

      • Shpip

        Addicts call it chasing the dragoon.

        /whistles in admiration, tips cap

      • Pope Jimbo

        /whistles in admiration, tips cap

        Right back at you Shpip! You are one of the enlightened elect who realize that the pun is the highest form of literary expression.

  8. Gender Traitor

    Lysistrata minus 40 IQ points.

    I suspect that “strike” will be about as effective as was the proposed general women’s strike yesterday, meant to mark the 2nd anniversary of the Dobbs SC decision overturning Roe v. Wade. I did not, as I’d considered doing, buy another gun to cross the “No shopping except from women-owned businesses!!” virtual picket line, but I went to work as usual. I note that American civilization did not seem to come to a grinding halt. I suspect America’s sex life will be likewise unaffected by this clarion call. 🙄

    • UnCivilServant

      It’s almost as if nobody listens to the shrieking eels demanding disruption.


        Luftputebåten min er full av ål.

        Το χόβερκραφτ μου είναι γεμάτο χέλια.

        Мое судно на воздушной подушке полно угрей.


      • UnCivilServant

        Sorry, I don’t speak foreign.

    • The Last American Hero

      So they protested Dobbs by engaging in abstinence?

      Are these the same people that protested the election of a boorish president by wearing vagina hats in public?

  9. Shpip

    Embattled Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao’s attorney has resigned as her counsel after the mayor gave a press conference Monday without informing him.

    She’s just the latest example Hmong many of what happens when a city elects a young progressive as mayor.

    • juris imprudent

      You had to stretch to put that slant on it.

      • WTF

        You could be heading down a slippery slope.

      • Ownbestenemy

        No need for a narrow gaze on this one

      • Shpip

        I thought Swiss might be after me, so I’m going to lay Lao for a while.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Am I going to tattle on you to Swiss?

        Yes! Yes Siam!

      • Shpip

        Swiss is too busy doing his Elvis impersonation. It’s actually really good.

        You should see him swivel his hips as he belts out:

        I’m a hunka-hunka Burma love…

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        We haven’t seen Swiss yet for this set of puns, so I am guessing he turned yellow and ran.


      They are going to throw you in Laotian for that one!

  10. rhywun

    That cover photo isn’t even Rochester. 😛

    I was skeptical because houses in Rochester don’t look like that. A search turned up Newburgh, NY. A place I think I don’t want to experience.

    • WTF

      When I first looked at the photo I thought “Camden”, but it was actually a different shithole.


        My first thought was, “I guess the Old Man is visiting Balmer again.”

      • rhywun

        Mine too.

      • Fourscore

        Not his vacation pictures to the TC?

    • UnCivilServant

      That’s downstateish…

      If you’re going to slander upstate, there’s plenty of urban decay pictures actually from upstate to do it with!

      • rhywun

        True but sheesh that pic is worse than anything I remember from Rochester.

        The decay there is mostly evident as empty lots.

      • Old Man With Candy

        It’s what GIS gave me when I searched “Rochester slums.” Tomb Raider lives in a not-slum part, and so far this year has had her picnic table, grill, chairs, and umbrella stolen from her back yard.

      • UnCivilServant

        I would recommend concertina wire atop the fence, motion-activated machine gun autoturrets, and land mines.

      • Pope Jimbo

        so far this year has had her picnic table, grill, chairs, and umbrella stolen from her back yard

        She doesn’t have a bike?

      • UnCivilServant

        Clearly, that was stolen last year.

      • rhywun

        lives in a not-slum part, and so far this year has had her picnic table, grill, chairs, and umbrella stolen from her back yard

        Sad. That shit didn’t happen in my day growing up there. I haven’t been back in decades; I can only assume it has gotten much worse.

      • Nephilium


        And yet, here in my neighborhood people still leave doors to their house and cars (if they’re in the driveway) unlocked shockingly frequently. About every couple of years, some kids go around and steal change and anything worth taking out of the unlocked cars. The police harrumph about it and tell people to lock their doors.

        I am trying to imagine people walking down the street carrying lawn furniture/grills and I don’t think they’d get very far.

      • Old Man With Candy

        She doesn’t have a bike?

        Tougher now that I don’t have SP to keep distracting people while I…

        Wait, I’m NOT GONNA CONFESS.

    • Desk Jockey

      I lived there for a year after college. I wouldn’t recommend

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I think that is Baltimore.

  11. Shpip

    The report noted that between 2012 and 2022, children and young people experienced a “staggering” jump in firearm-related suicides: 43 percent among people aged between 25 and 24; 45 percent among those between 15 and 24-years-old; and 68 percent among children aged between 10 and 14.

    Note that the report doesn’t note the overall suicide rate or the absolute numbers. So I’m supposed to renegotiate the Bill of Rights because kids are shooting themselves instead of cutting, hanging, jumping from buildings, or popping pills?

    • WTF

      And let’s ignore any possible contributing social factors like the sexual identity/gender/tranny craze.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I would have thought that 2020-2022 might have seen a big jump in suicides amongst yutes for some other reason like ….. LOCKDOWNS!

        And without doing any research, I’m guessing 2012 was some sort of outlier as well. A low year that can really juke that stat.

      • rhywun

        But they already have the lie ready:

        We’re not transing enough kids == more suicides.

    • slumbrew

      If it weren’t for Big Rope, my classmate who hung himself in high school would still be alive!

      • WTF

        Your classmate’s family should sue the rope manufacturers.

      • Rat on a train

        We need to force manufacturers to produce safer rope.

      • slumbrew

        It may, in fact, have been a dog’s choker chain, which would have been a terrible death.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I guess you could request the autopsy report, depending on the laws of your state.

        (Someone did that for a mutual friend once, and it was helpful. Eh, you brought it up.)

    • juris imprudent

      So this means the fentanyl crisis is over? We can’t have overlapping crises.

  12. Evan from Evansville

    I am quite sure Bourdain is a highly overrated chef, but I’ve never eaten his work. *Urge to euphemize.. rising…… *

    That said, I very much enjoyed his travel show. I do not enjoy his chosen departure.

    • Nephilium

      The girlfriend’s a fan of Bourdain. I think he’s a pompous self-centered asshole.

      If I’m going to be paying attention to a food channel person, it’s going to be Alton Brown.

      • UnCivilServant

        What? That smarmy asshole who confidently declares wrong things as though they were fact?

      • juris imprudent

        New Yorker wasn’t he, so pompous and self-centered are pretty standard.

    • slumbrew

      In his defense, Bourdain himself never claimed to be any great shakes as a chef. He got famous for his writing about life in the kitchen, not for his food.

      And, yes, he had a pompous streak. Plus what kind of man kills himself over a girl have his age, when he has an 11 year old daughter? He was a man-child.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Yes, to both grafs. The back of the kitchen is fascinating. I liked his TV personality as well. Close enough to Off the Beaten Path as can be for TV, I suppose. I enjoyed it. His end, AFTER he got money? Uh, wtf? I can’t imagine being so fucking crass. A woman? Sure, hell yes. Your own kid? Fuck off. Monstrous.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        And over THAT woman. Ugh.

      • EvilSheldon

        I mean, Argento had publicly accused him of being an abuser in an effort to catch onto the leading edge of #MeToo/distract attention from her own history of predatory sexual behavior. I’m willing to cut the dude some slack.

        I’m also kinda fond of pompous streaks.

      • Ted S.

        As opposed to Sean, who’s a fan of pompous steaks.

  13. hayeksplosives

    Today’s nut punch or cunt punt, depending on your preference.


    As is now customary, France is “stunned” and “shocked”, and will not resume looking the other way for at least another forty-eight hours. M Macron is pretending to be very serious about it, because next month Paris is hosting the Olympic Games and gang-rape isn’t supposed to be one of the sports.

    • Shpip

      So this twenty-year-old young lady will do more time than eight gang-rapists put together …for the crime of calling a convicted rapist a rapist.

      Gang-rape a girl, you’ll go free; insult the gang-rapist, you’ll do time. On the sacrificial altar of the multicult, you can’t make a diversity omelette without breaking chicks.

      Do you want roving bands of blackshirts? Because that’s how you get roving bands of blackshirts.

      • R C Dean

        Yet this has been going on for years, and . . . crickets.

    • R C Dean

      “I used to worry there’d be a civil war. Now I worry there won’t be.”

      I sympathize with this sentiment.

  14. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Who knew that Assange’s deal would threaten a dam in MN?


    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      You assume he gave a dam.

  15. R C Dean

    I’m surprised it took them this long to declare guns a public health crisis. They learned from the plague that “public health” is the magic incantation to implement any kind of totalitarian BS they want. If you can close churches in the name of public health, why can’t you confiscate guns?

    So no, it’s not election year posturing. They are dead serious, I have no doubt.

    • R.J.

      I am hoping it hurts them as bad as abortion hurt the republicans last cycle.

    • Shpip

      This has been going on for a long time. Hell, more than thirty years ago, the CDC was caught doing their “gun violence” studies not from a scientific perspective, but from a propaganda perspective. CDC official and research head Patrick O’Carroll stated in a 1989 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, “We’re going to systematically build a case that owning firearms causes deaths.”

      Plus ça change…

    • Common Tater

      “I’m surprised it took them this long to declare guns a public health crisis.”

      They’ve been doing it for decades. Remember when the CDC did gun research, and they buried the results?

  16. Pope Jimbo

    How bad is the Fed program to bring the internet to the jackpine savages? So bad that the grifters won’t even take the grift

    When the president of a trade association representing Minnesota’s telecom industry was asked how many of his members would participate in a $652 million federal program aimed at providing internet access to those who lack it, he was quick to respond.
    “Zero,” said Brent Christensen, president and CEO of Minnesota Telecom Alliance.
    His group represents 70 companies that provide advanced telecommunications services, including wireless video and high-speed internet, to Minnesota’s metropolitan and rural communities. Many of the smaller companies in his organization already operate in hard-to-reach rural areas and are eager to expand their services.
    But Christensen said none of them would bid for the federal grants because of the regulations that would come with it — especially the requirement to provide low-cost services to low-income households in exchange for grants that would allow internet providers to build out their networks.
    “To put those obligations on small rural providers is a hell of a roadblock,” Christensen said. “Most of our members are small and can’t afford to offer a low-cost option.”
    The state’s cable companies have also turned sour on the new initiative, which is called the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program.
    “Providing a low-cost option just won’t work for smaller providers,” said Melissa Wolf, executive director of the Minnesota Cable Communications Association.

    I guess the rubes are just too dumb to buy starlink?

    • WTF

      Government always thinks it can repeal the laws of economics.

    • R.J.

      StarLink isn’t everywhere in the states yet, is it?

      • slumbrew

        Only a couple of holes:


        Starlink was excluded from that sweet, sweet government cash because ‘Elon bad’ or something.

      • UnCivilServant

        There’s an Antarctic waitlist?

      • slumbrew

        Makes sense – scientists are bandwidth-hungry, I’m sure and have grant money to throw around.

    • rhywun

      can’t afford to offer a low-cost option

      Just double the price on everyone else duh.

    • Sean

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 06/25:
      *20/20 words (+5 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 12% by bonus words

      I played https://squaredle.com 06/25:
      *32/32 words (+9 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 3% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 389

  17. PieInTheSky

    the accordion has never been “cool”

  18. Shpip

    Earlier this month marked the forty-ninth anniversary of the release of one of America’s greatest cinematic masterpieces.

    I was re-watching it this weekend, saw a particular prop, and thought to myself, “That’d be a helluva thing to have when I build my place on the coast.”

    Of course, someone already beat me to it.

    • UnCivilServant

      So many 1975 films to make jokes about – but you had to go “this month”. You bastard.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      If you get a matching all-white one, you can OJ the shark hunts in person.

  19. Pope Jimbo

    Peak intersectionality?

    Ozaawindib (also spelled Ozawindib, Ozawondib, and Ozaw-wen-dib, also known as Yellow Head) was born in the late 1700s to an unknown mother and the Minnesota Ojibwe leader Wiishkobak (also known as The Sweet). Wiishkobak was a chief of the Leech Lake Ojibwe, heading a village of about 60 people in 1820.
    Little is recorded of Ozaawindib’s early life. She was an agokwa, an Ojibwe term that refers to a person designated male at birth who takes on the roles of a woman. Though Ojibwe people respected such individuals and honored their identities as women, Ozaawindib’s father attempted to convince her to return to the role of a man.

    Brave so brave? Stood up to her shitlord of a dad who wanted xer to stop wearing dresses. Probably wouldn’t even let her use puberty blockers.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Bonus points for also being oppressed by whitey

      In 1800, Ozaawindib encountered John Tanner, a white American who had been kidnapped and raised by Ojibwe people from a young age. Though she had already had multiple husbands in the past, Ozaawindib sought Tanner’s hand in marriage. She courted him by bringing him moose meat, but Tanner was disgusted by Ozaawindib and rejected her advances. In the end, Ozaawindib decided to marry a man named Wenji-dotagaan instead. She became his third wife.

      How dare he not marry Ozaawindib just because she kept trying to force her meat on him?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Is that a side of moose meat under your dress or are you just happy to see me?

      • WTF

        Why do I get the feeling that story is mostly fabricated based on super-flimsy “evidence”?

    • rhywun

      This shit again.

      Why do I have doubts about the veracity of all the “two-spirit” nonsense?

      • Pope Jimbo

        If you can’t trust this guy who can you trust?

        Kai Pyle is a Two-Spirit Michif and Nishnaabe PhD student in American Studies at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Originally from Green Bay, Wisconsin, they graduated with a BA in First Nations Studies from the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay in 2016. Their dissertation considers how Anishinaabe Two-Spirit people have remembered histories of people like them through the lenses of language, literature, and both archival and oral history. They are also deeply involved in Ojibwe and Michif language revitalization movements in the Great Lakes region and the Canadian prairies.

        Go ahead and read his take on Ozaawindib if you want an example of some authentic 2-Spirit gibberish.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Despite two centuries of fragmented and distorted representation, Ozaawindib’s story remains important to Ojibwe people. A full account of her life would place her in even deeper context as an agokwe, a woman who went to war against the Dakota people of Mni Sota Makoce, the daughter of a prominent leader, a U.S.-designated chief in her own right, a woman who liked to drink socially on occasion and who sometimes got in fights, a good hunter and a swift runner, and above all as an Ojibwe person. To define her story only through the disgust of John Tanner or the exaltations of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft does a violence to her and to all the people today that would benefit from hearing her story, especially Two-Spirit Ojibwe people.


  20. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Well I forgot about that one. I don’t like the nonshitlord Vivek, like at all.

  21. Common Tater

    “Lysistrata minus 40 IQ points.”

    PETA needs some new ideas. They pull that every few years.

  22. db

    The tefillin make using the gunsight a bit more difficult.

    But it could potentially be used to disguise a night vision device.

    • slumbrew

      Can’t wait to hear someone tell their manager they’re planning on raw-dogging it on their next business trip.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Those pussies are really living on the edge aren’t they? Also that’s not raw dogging.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Who can get their grandmother to say Raw-doggin’?

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Same old song and dance

    Biden should say Trump is running for president to weaponize the Justice Department to serve his interests and punish his adversaries; cut taxes for himself, his wealthy donors and corporations; cut spending on programs benefiting millions of Americans; collect campaign contributions to pay more than $100 million in his legal bills; boost earnings from his businesses (he reported over $1.6 billion in income as president) and stay out of prison.

    Most importantly, Biden should emphasize the grave threat a reelected Trump would pose to our democracy and free elections, abortion rights, the rule of law, our free press, the independent powers of Congress and federal regulatory agencies and U.S. and global security if Trump makes good on his threats to end U.S. aid to Ukraine and withdraw from NATO.

    Biden should note that Trump’s frequent praise for dictators who rule Russia, China, North Korea and other nations sends a clear warning that Trump wants to follow in their footsteps, placing himself above the law and ruling with an iron fist.

    And Biden can call out Trump for his long history of racist remarks and actions aimed at Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans dating back to the 1970s.


    Biden can add that psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have warned that Trump is mentally ill and suffers from dementia, citing the bestselling 2019 book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.”

    The Big Bad Wolf is going to eat you!

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      If only he could remember a list of talking points or articulate the simplest of thoughts he’d be golden if he followed this advice.

    • Seguin

      And Biden can call out Trump for his long history of racist remarks and actions aimed at Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans dating back to the 1970s.

      Oh, that’s rich.

  24. The Other Kevin

    “Fuck the fuck right off, Vivek.”

    Had me worried for a minute, I thought this was the good Vivek. But yes, we are all conditioned to accept the suspension of our rights because of an “emergency”, so this is a pretty logical step. The left has no respect for rules or traditions, the only thing that matters is they get what they want.

    • Drake

      I’ve watched some of the videos of Ukrainian army press gang grabbing men out of their homes to die on the front. Every time I think how those thugs would be gunned down here – and get real suspicious of anyone who would take our guns.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Biden has a strong record of achievement as president and has been credited by historians for accomplishing more legislatively in his first two years than any president since Lyndon Johnson. Biden should highlight some of his accomplishments in the debate, but he shouldn’t let a long recitation of his record take up most of his speaking time.

    Stick to insults an ad hominem attacks. People really admire that.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Every time I think how those thugs would be gunned down here

    Would they?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      In my neck of the woods they actually would be. Maybe it depends on what part of here your here is in.

    • R.J.

      I would imagine that any gun you may want is swirling around in Ukraine right now.
      In an ordinary town it would not happen.
      I imagine going into Chicago or the like to get recruits would be a losing mission.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I think that press gangs trying to take one of the two kids (or even both) would get gunned down by Suburban Mom. Read something the other day about how small families makes societies much more sensitive to war casualties.

      When you had 10 kids, you could send a few off to get killed in stupid wars. When you only have 2 (or even 1), your tolerance gets real low for having them drafted and sent to some shithole.

      China with its 1 child policy is very sensitive. The author pointed out that the CCP kept a tight lid on the deaths during the recent skirmishes with the Indian troops along the Tibet border because they were worried about unrest from the rubes because they only had one kid to give and Tibet wasn’t kid-worthy.

      • Drake

        Heh – there are a few southern Moms in my neighborhood who would come out with guns blazing.

    • Drake

      I don’t talk nonsense about how I’d be a hero in the next civil war. But they come to take my son off to a nonsense neo-con war – I will fight them to the death with everything I have.

    • creech

      One cop shot in Philly trying to confiscate one gun. I think they will run out of cops long before they run out of guns.

  27. Common Tater

    “Chicago woman Taylor Casey vanishes in Bahamas while attending yoga retreat

    A Chicago woman has been missing since last week when she vanished during a yoga retreat in the Bahamas — and her desperate family believes she’s in danger.

    Taylor Casey, 41, was last seen Wednesday around Paradise Island, which is near the crime-ridden city of Nassau, according to a missing person bulletin by the Royal Bahamas Police Force.

    Casey traveled to the Caribbean country for the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat before she went missing, according to a press release issued by the family on Monday.”


    Maybe that’s a woman?

    Anyway, I spent five weeks there a long time ago. The island is well-insulated from Nassau, which during the day seemed nice, albeit touristy. You also can’t “go missing” without a boat or helicopter.

    • juris imprudent

      They’ll fish up some great white predator.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Serious question: what’s the relevance of the “gay” part? “Careless” couple, that seems more on point.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      It was 82 yesterday, plenty hot enough to kill a baby, or a dog, stuck in a car.

  28. Common Tater

    “”Streaming Use: CNN’s debates are exclusive to CNN and may not be streamed or streamed with verbal or digital commentary on any platform or social media site by another party, other than the embeddable YouTube player via the CNN YouTube channel.”

    “Podcast Use: Similar to broadcast rules, news organizations may use audio clips (up to 3:00 minutes at a time) on their shows after the debate conclude and must credit the ‘CNN Presidential Debate’ verbally in introducing the clip.”

    Press will not be permitted in the debate hall, per rules demanded by Joe Biden’s campaign. Mics will be cut strictly at the end of two-minute time periods and there will be absolutely no audience. Press will be made to watch from a Spin Room, and while some selected photographers will be permitted to shoot in the debate hall, they “are required to remain stationary throughout the debate.”


    This is a banana.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Trump was stupid to agree to those terms.

      • Nephilium

        But at least they’re calling the press box the Spin Room.

    • The Other Kevin

      That crazy theory I had yesterday sounds less crazy now. With no witnesses (besides Trump who they can discredit), they would be able to record video of Biden doing an amazing job answering the questions this week, and splice those in on the fly. Everyone in the press room would see the recorded version and think they are watching it live just like the rest of us.

      Alternately, they want to be able to cut away from Biden immediately if he goes off the rails, and have no witnesses to him freezing up or whatever.

      • Ownbestenemy

        If they don’t have individual cameras trained on each debater – you sir will most likely be correct.

        Joe starts rambling or mumbling, cut away to Trump who most likely will be making a face, cut in new audio and there ya go.

      • The Other Kevin

        Not just audio. They could get on the set, dress Joe in the same suit he’ll wear Thursday, and record take after take until he sounds good. Cut to the person asking the question, then while Biden answers show the recorded version on the TV feed. Later Trump will say “Wow he just rambled on” and the press (and people at home) will say “No he didn’t, we saw him with our own eyes!” They are literally telling us real unedited video of Biden is fake, would this be far fetched?

      • Ownbestenemy

        selected photographers will be permitted to shoot in the debate hall, they “are required to remain stationary throughout the debate.” Well…that just seems odd. Why stationary? Specific still photography angles? Ya it just all seems like a setup now.

      • R C Dean

        Two words:



        No way they could get away with that. Not yet, anyway. The lip syncing would be imperfect, there would be inconsistencies if they tried to swap in video. Those guys found someone in a cabin in remote Finland based on the wood grain of the wall paneling, for crying out loud.

        They’re going to dope him up, rehearse on the questions (which of course they have now), and hope for the best. Don’t forget – they don’t really want him to run, anyway. If he faceplants, that helps those factions that want to replace him.

      • The Other Kevin

        Saturday Night Live did it with Dana Carvey playing Perot and Bush. Just saying.

      • Pope Jimbo

        So Trump should spill some mustard on Joe’s coat right away? So if they try slipping in the pre-recorded bits the stain will be missing or it will be a different tie and jacket?

        The part I like best about your crackpot theory TOK is that when Trump tries to tell everyone about it, he will be universally mocked for such a crazy idea. Suuuuuuuuuure, everyone in the MSM was in on the plot Donny. Then after the election Time will run a story gloating about all the money Bezos and Zuckerberg spent faking the debate.

        Or maybe they will go super-duper in your face and have the faked debate answers shot with Joe wearing a space suit and standing on the moon. After all, if you are going to brazenly fake one thing, why not weave in the faked moon landings too?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Make them pull the channels in real time or force YouTube to do their bidding. What a ridiculous notion that a public debate is controlled in such a fashion.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Yeah, that’s his influence and that’s child abuse. I say throw him in a river and if he sinks he was innocent.

    • Gender Traitor

      Still trying to figure out how one becomes “trans non-binary.” Just take the process halfway so you have nothing?

      • Old Man With Candy

        Barely beat me to the reply button!

      • Fourscore

        Because they are twins, you have one of each, bi and non bi. It’s a math question.

    • Old Man With Candy

      I’m struggling with the logic of the term “trans non-binary.”

      • rhywun

        I’m starting to suspect that “non-binary” doesn’t actually mean anything past “look at me”.

      • SDF-7

        It is a witch — so naturally, it transitioned to hex-a-decimal.

      • Nephilium

        So… they’re becoming Meeseeks?

        “I’m Mx. Meeseeks! Look at me!”

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)


      • Common Tater

        It’s a way to put more people under the transgender umbrella. Just like “queer” doesn’t require homosexuality.

      • R C Dean


        We have a winner.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I was trying to work in Octal as a substitute for non-binary, but SDF crushed it with his joke.

        It is a witch — so naturally, it transitioned to hex-a-decimal.

      • UnCivilServant

        I was trying to work in Octal as a substitute for non-binary, but SDF crushed it with his joke.

        It is a witch — so naturally, it transitioned to hex-a-decimal.

        I donno, I found it off-Base

  29. Pine_Tree

    Confession re: Assange – it’s hard for me to remember the details on his role vs. Snowden’s vs. everybody else’s.

    My main memory of the Wikileaks thing from back then was that it seemed to derail a lot of the popular sentiment against government overreach. The media cast it as a pack of villains spilling vital national security secrets, harming the country and endangering US security. And the normies pretty much bought it, unable to comprehend that what was spilled was all (mostly, I guess) about USG misdeeds, and stuck them on same side as classic Cold-War era spies.

    • Raven Nation

      The dumbest thing about the Assange prosecution was that the Feds argued that (i) he had committed treason – which has a very defined meaning and (ii) because he was not a US citizen, he did not need to be afforded the rights of US citizens.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    They just want to help people

    Federal judges in Kansas and Missouri on Monday together blocked much of a Biden administration student loan repayment plan that provides a faster path to cancellation and lower monthly payments for millions of borrowers.

    The judges’ rulings prevent the U.S. Department of Education from helping many of the intended borrowers ease their loan repayment burdens going forward under a rule set to go into effect July 1. The decisions do not cancel assistance already provided to borrowers.

    Joe wants the truth to be free. Who doesn’t want that?

    • R C Dean

      “The decisions do not cancel assistance already provided to borrowers.”

      The logic behind “You’re not allowed to do that, except for what you already did” is difficult to grasp, to say the least.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Together, the two rulings, each by a judge appointed by former President Barack Obama, a Democrat, appeared to greatly limit the scope of the Biden administration’s efforts to help borrowers after the U.S. Supreme Court last year rejected the Democratic president’s first attempt at a forgiveness plan. Both judges said Education Secretary Miguel Cardona exceeded the authority granted by Congress in laws dealing with students loans.

    But their intentions are good!

  32. The Late P Brooks

    In a statement, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the Biden administration “will never stop fighting for students and borrowers — no matter how many roadblocks Republican elected officials and special interests put in our way.”

    In a statement posted on the social media platform X, leaders of the Student Borrower Protection Center, which advocates for eliminating student debt, called the decisions “partisan lawfare” and “a recipe for chaos across the student loan system.”

    Repaying your loans is not fair.

    • WTF

      These little fucks actually believe they have a right to other people’s money.

      • Nephilium

        It’s not real money, it’s just numbers in a database!

        /idiots actually believe this

      • Mojeaux

        it’s just numbers in a database!

        Well, I mean … it kinda is.

    • Ownbestenemy

      No one is above the law or something.

    • Pope Jimbo

      The dumbest thing about the loan forgiveness plan is that it doesn’t even pretend to fix the root problem.

      If you were being logical, you could at least say “we’ll pay off the debts for the kids who got screwed* but going forward we will no longer guarantee any student loans and let the market set the rates”. Theoretically, that would bring some sanity back to lending.

      Nope, they are going to pay off the loans for the dumbos who took out those loans and leave in place the stupid system that caused the current situation. “I will put more air into my flat tire, but won’t fix the leak. Then I’ll be surprised when it is flat again tomorrow”

      *The kids didn’t get screwed. They made a stupid choice.

  33. R.J.

    Has anyone been following this?

    “A temporary election worker for Maricopa County in Arizona was arrested after he allegedly stole items from an election center.”

    This guy already had a felony, and he was allowed to work for the county, around voting equipment?

    • kinnath

      Felonies are cheap these days. Even the president was able to pick up nearly 3 dozen.

      • Ownbestenemy

        *slow than quick rapturous clap*

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Can you say “mechanical over-rev”?

    Ford is recalling more than half a million models of its F-150s after some of the pickup trucks are suddenly downshifting into first gear.

    Ford said Tuesday that the recall affects 552,188 F-150s built in 2014. The recall does not affect vehicles in a certain VIN number range, so the automaker is asking people to call its toll-free number or contact a local dealership to find out if their truck is among the faulty ones.

    The malfunction can cause “an abrupt transmission downshift to first gear,” Ford said, which “without warning could result in a loss of vehicle control, increasing the risk of a crash.”

    I wonder what sort of genius solution they came up with.

    • Sensei

      It’s Ford so it will be “software”.

      The question is there an underlying mechanical issue that they want to mask. Answer is better than 50% that the answer is yes.

    • Sean

      10 years later?

  35. ron73440

    I rented a car for work and drove to Charleston SC for a week.

    Turned in the car on June 14th Enterprise charged my card the expected amount, no issues.

    Got a notification today that Enterprise charged my card $150 today.

    Log in and see there is now a traffic citation added to my receipt.

    I hate speed cameras.

    • Drake

      In South Carolina?

      • ron73440

        I don’t know, it just says “Traffic Citation” next to the charge.

      • Ownbestenemy

        So how do you confront your accuser?

      • kinnath

        So how do you confront your accuser?

        You don’t. Automatic speed cameras are treated like “parking tickets”. They don’t apply points to your driving record, so an officer is not required to issue the ticket.

        There is basically no practical way to challenge the ticket (the system must have a process for challenges, but I don’t know anyone that has successfully challenged one).

      • ron73440

        So how do you confront your accuser?/blockquote>


        Sure was nice of Enterprise to pay it right away without giving me any options.

      • Nephilium

        At least here in Ohio, the state passed a bill that any traffic camera tickets are counted against the amount of state funding that municipality would receive. Not the collected amount, but the total ticketed amount. Since they can’t apply points, people routinely just don’t pay them (and there is a process to fight them here), anything obscured, and the ticket can get tossed. The counties and cities claimed it was unfair, since they NEEDED that money, and the cameras were there for safety!

      • Ownbestenemy

        These don’t go away until people stop just paying and flood the courts with challenges to each and every one (to include normal movement tickets). Judges eventually will get fed up with their dockets slammed with them.

        Okay back in the real world for me. What horseshit about treating them like ‘parking tickets’.

      • R C Dean

        Here in Tucson, they had red light cameras that they had to take down because the courts ruled that tickets issued based on a camera still had to be served in person to count, and they had too many problems trying to serve the tickets.

        Not sure why speed cameras would be any different.

        Just curious: how many MPH over the limit were you? $150 sounds like a pretty stout fine.

      • ron73440

        Just curious: how many MPH over the limit were you? $150 sounds like a pretty stout fine.

        No idea, don’t know where or when it happened.

      • Nephilium


        At least one suburb here had red light cameras up. Local hooligans heroes would go around once every couple of weeks in a truck with paintball guns and hit the lenses of all of them they could. This went on for well over a year before the city started taking down the cameras.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      I got nailed by a speed camera in Spain. They actually have signs that there’s a speed camera ahead, so there’s really no excuse for getting caught. I just didn’t think they were serious, or maybe that the cameras were on siesta.

      • ron73440

        There were many signs on the route and I thought I was careful, but I must have missed one.

      • Pope Jimbo

        All the speed cameras are marked in Korea AND the gps units in the car will start chirping with a special tone to let you know one is coming up.

        So everyone drives like the Korean maniacs that they are, then slams on the brakes just before the speed camera zone. Once past the camera they all stomp on the accelerator and go back to driving like the soju-sucking heathens that they are.

        That has to cause more accidents than any other reason in Korea.

  36. Sensei

    I’ve been assured by Musk that self-driving is coming real soon now.

    Carmakers File Challenge to Parts of New Automatic-Braking Rule

    John Bozzella, president of the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, said in a letter to Congress on Monday that the rule would require systems to work at higher speeds than are practical with current technology. He also said NHTSA’s requirements would cause vehicles to apply brakes well before what other drivers expect, leading to more rear-end collisions.

    How am I supposed to look at my phone and drive?

  37. Sensei

    In case the corn subsidy gravy train starts to get a little thin.

    An even bigger issue is emerging between the EU and the U.S. In Europe, regulators are effectively excluding “crop-based” feedstocks such as corn, soy and sugar cane—basically anything that could be used for human food or animal feed—from a new mandate, meaning they can’t be counted toward a SAF quota rolling out next year. Meanwhile, the U.S. says that fuels made with these inputs can be eligible for tax credits as long as they meet certain requirements.

    The U.S. and Europe Can’t Agree on What Counts as Sustainable Aviation Fuel. That’s Leaving Investors in a Bind.

  38. The Late P Brooks


    Most excellent.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Automatic speed cameras are treated like “parking tickets”. They don’t apply points to your driving record, so an officer is not required to issue the ticket.

    Randomized toll collection.

    Is that “no points” really true?

    • Nephilium

      Probably varies by state.

    • kinnath

      Can’t confirm for all 50 states, but in general, tickets are based on the license plate of the vehicle. Therefore the ticket is issued to the registered owner of the vehicle (like parking tickets). They can’t prove who was driving (and don’t have to). So the driver does not receive a moving traffic violation (a ticket with points).

      Perhaps some future AI will match the image of the driver to a driver’s license or some other “public” image that has an ID.

      • R C Dean

        It doesn’t work that way in AZ or TX (the two states I am familiar with) – speeding tickets give points.

      • kinnath

        Thanks for the info.

        How does the system ID drivers and issue a ticket?

      • R C Dean

        Oh, and if they don’t know who the driver is, why should the owner be tagged without proof that they were driving? Sounds like a major due process problem, to me.

      • R C Dean

        “How does the system ID drivers and issue a ticket?”

        You hand the officer your license. AZ doesn’t use cameras as far as I know, and TX didn’t when I was there.

        For the red light cameras that they had to get rid of, they had an image of the driver. Although those were still issued based on the plate, I believe. One of the many problems with cameras.

        I just can’t grasp why you can impose one penalty (a fine) but not another (points) on a person based on the plate, without any ID of the actual offender.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    If you were being logical, you could at least say “we’ll pay off the debts for the kids who got screwed* but going forward we will no longer guarantee any student loans and let the market set the rates”. Theoretically, that would bring some sanity back to lending.

    You slay me.