Wednesday Afternoon SugarLinks – Oh, Yeah…

by | Jun 26, 2024 | Daily Links | 108 comments

By what providence comes this man? What did we do to deserve him? He’s pretty much the only Twix person I want to meet in real life.

I wonder what it’s like to bottom for the entire Biden Administration.

The Supreme Court Gave Biden a Chance to Fight Disinformation. It’s Too Little, Too Late.

The Supreme Court is losing its patience with hyperpartisan lower court judges who are eager to transform goofy political stunts into legitimate constitutional controversies. That’s the overarching message of the court’s 6–3 decision in Murthy v. Missouri, handed down on Wednesday. Justice Amy Coney Barrett sounds increasingly annoyed as her majority opinion progresses, irked at all the legal sophistry and bogus facts she has to swat down at every turn. On the surface, the case is about the government’s ability to request that social media companies moderate certain content. And on that front, it’s a big win for the Biden administration, which can resume these communications with less fear of judicial retribution.

But Murthy is also about conservative lower courts’ alarming desire to distort the law in response to conspiracy theories peddled by Republican activists and politicians. Barrett’s exasperated bench-slap of these courts signals a dwindling tolerance for such chicanery among SCOTUS’ less extreme conservatives.

Look at the bolded part and tell me with a straight-face that Mark Joseph Stern understands anything about the 1st Amendment. He thinks the implication of using force against speech isn’t censorship. Moron.

The cutie-cute cutie pie from the first season of Reacher has a horror movie coming out.

Willa Fitzgerald

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. KSuellington

    That SC decision fucking blows chunks.

    Great Beastie Boys tune their on their best album. Paul’s Boutique didn’t get all that much love when it came out but it was ahead of its time. Still probably the best sample based album of all time.

    • Grumbletarian

      And when the next Republican president starts telling MSNBC to stop with the political bias because ‘misinformation,’ watch the nattering idiots cheering about this to suddenly about face in unison.

      • KSuellington

        I will be surprised if we don’t see a column saying the exact opposite in Slate next year during the first episodes Trump Season 5.

      • The Other Kevin

        Guaranteed. My first argument against any type of “disinformation board” is, “There’s a good chance Trump wins in 24. Would you be comfortable if he set up a disinformation board and hand picked who’s in charge?”

      • Grumbletarian

        Well no, that would be different!

      • Suthenboy

        Meh. Leftists always pull out all of the stops for total power with the assumption they will always be in charge. They never learn.
        They hate the constitution because the very premise of our constitution is to keep people like them from having power.

    • B.P.

      I assume copyright law killed the kind of wide-open creativity found on that album.

      • KSuellington

        Yup there won’t ever be another album like it, largely because of that.

    • Sean

      Great Beastie Boys tune


    • EvilSheldon

      Agreed again.

  2. DEG

    The cutie-cute cutie pie from the first season of Reacher has a horror movie coming out.

    I watched the trailer and I thought to myself, “She’s the serial killer.”

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.


  3. The Late P Brooks

    Nice social media company you’ve got here. I hope you have all flammable materials stored safely.

    • Nephilium

      No. We’re not singling you out for audits, your return just raised some red flags with the IRS.

    • SDF-7

      I seem to recall it was more like “We’re going to have the FCC revamp ‘Net Neutrality’ — be a real shame if we happened to kill your ability to serve traffic, wouldn’t it?”

      I can’t imagine a more clear cut case of government coercion to do what they aren’t allowed to do (to the point they almost set up an official office to do it in DHS if ACB would bother to remember Scary Poppins and all). But no…. “standing isn’t met”. Spineless coward weasels.

      • Nephilium

        Personally, I think that every citizen should automatically have standing to challenge a law on constitutional grounds.

      • The Other Kevin

        I agree with you Neph. For 1A, it’s not just the speaker, it’s the listener who’s supposed to be protected. That means every one of us has standing.

      • SDF-7

        I would not disagree — but I ranted on this in the Morning Links… no need to rehash it all here.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, what more is there to say.

        A shockingly wrong decision.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      This standing bullshit has got to fucking go.

  4. Shpip

    Willa Fitzgerald was utterly adorable in Reacher season one.

    Here’s hoping she doesn’t pull an Erin Moriarty on us.

    • ron73440

      1st season was so much better than the 2nd.

      • Nephilium

        Yeah, I hope they go back to more investigation and less ass kicking in the third season.

  5. CPRM

    Someone with the powers, tonight’s episode is sitting waiting to be scheduled.

    • Bobarian LMD

      The power of christ compels you?

    • SDF-7

      I bet Tonio is no Prince Adam but he’d go for him (if he wasn’t in a loving relationship, of course…)

  6. The Late P Brooks

    Low hanging fruitcake

    Former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger endorsed President Joe Biden on Wednesday, giving the Democrat a prominent new ally in his high-stakes campaign to win over moderate Republicans and independents this fall.

    Kinzinger, a military pilot who emerged as a fierce critic of former President Donald Trump after the U.S. Capitol was attacked by Trump’s supporters, described Trump as “a direct threat to every fundamental American value” in a video announcing the Biden endorsement.

    “While I certainly don’t agree with President Biden on everything, and I never thought I’d be endorsing a Democrat for president, I know that he will always protect the very thing that makes America the best country in the world: our democracy,” said Kinzinger, who voted for Trump in 2020.

    Biden will dogpaddle to victory on a wave of Trump-hating swamp creatures.

    • SDF-7

      a prominent new ally

      Citation most certainly needed.

    • B.P.


    • Sean

      That’s fucking pathetic all the way around.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Hey, Sean, sorry to hear about your GF. I always hated that shit.

      • DEG

        I saw the news too. Sorry. Hopefully she finds something good soon.

    • rhywun

      *outright, prolonged laughter*

    • Suthenboy

      “…attacked by Trump’s supporters…”

      More and more I am imagining the attackers as all DOJ agents from various agencies walking around greeting each other as ‘hello fellow insurgent’ a la Peter Griffin in HS style, none of them realizing they are all govt. plants.

      • Suthenboy

        Mentioning that reminds me of a case some years ago where one police agency was running some kind of undercover drug sting and upon attempting to make mass arrests discovered that the ‘drug gang’ was another police agency running an undercover drug sting.

      • Shpip

        The case you’re probably thinking of was in the Detroit area a few years ago.

        The one that still pisses me off after twenty years was even worse: three agencies in Florida decided to form a little joint task force and patrol the area around Orlando’s football stadium looking for… college students drinking before a game.

        One “reserve officer” from the campus cops was undercover, and waded into a group of kids in full “respect my authoritah” mode, and when he got pushback, fired his service pistol in the air to attract attention and get other officers there.

        He got some attention all right.

        I guess he never thought about how some swarthy dude waving a gun at sorority girls would look to the uniformed police who happened upon the scene.

      • cavalier973

        Please tell me they all got life sentences.

  7. CPRM

    Kyle Gallner is turning into a low key star….and also Giovanni Ribisi is the DP? Wha?

  8. The Late P Brooks

    Biden’s camp is prioritizing outreach to moderate Republicans and independents alienated by Trump’s tumultuous White House tenure.

    What specifically was so extraordinarily tumultuous about it?

    • Sean

      All the scandals.

    • ron73440

      What specifically was so extraordinarily tumultuous about it?

      He was impeached twice for BS, I think that counts as tumultuous.

      Not sure that’s something you would pin on him though.

    • B.P.

      The people who manufactured all of the tumult are using it as evidence of the need to excise Trump.

      • The Other Kevin

        “Look what he made us do!”

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        He was wearing a short skirt! What else could we do?

    • The Other Kevin

      Did he do the outreach in front of a blood red backdrop while screaming and pounding a podium?

    • Aloysious

      He didn’t start any new wars, especially with Russia.

      Obviously, Dominant Culture types, aka the right kind of people, want more men to have their intestines blown out their assholes so their stock portfolio increases in value.

  9. Ted S.

    This Czech Republic/Turkey game is *wild*.

    • SDF-7

      Bohemians with a fowl ball?

      • Ted S.

        Referee is one of Pie’s countrymen, and making an absolute mess of things. But it’s a ridiculously entertaining mess.

    • rhywun

      “He’s going to need another deck of cards!”


      • Ted S.

        Cristiano Ronaldo was enough of a prick in the other game to get a card, too. 😀

      • rhywun

        Good. I can’t stand him.

    • grrizzly

      I was reduced to rooting for Hungary. And because of Georgia’s victory, Hungary has been eliminated. Fucking England could have defeated Slovenia too, but no.

  10. Brochettaward

    From the morning thread, replying to CPRM:

    Their point is the same one I’ve been pointing out, the politics isn’t the problem, shitty writing and film making is. There have been lots of movies I’ve watched in the past where I disagreed with the politics, but didn’t care because it was well made. They don’t do that second part anymore.

    Yes, you can make a good movie with any politics, theoretically. But this is like ignoring why Soviet cinema typically sucked. Why the commie propaganda of the 50’s sucked. And why most of the DEI infested crap today sucks.

    1. They are now casting people to check boxes both in front and behind the camera. That is a recipe for disaster. When people of talent are cast aside for political reasons, you are already fucked.
    2. These people are overtly political in everything they do and lack the talent to thread the needle, which is already a difficult task.
    3. The people in question are vapid nepo babies to begin with. See the lead actress of the Acolyte as a prime example. No real hardship in her life, but convinced she’s an oppressed artist. They have no real experience and their politics are intellectually bankrupt.

    So yes, there’s a few things with woke messaging that don’t suck. But they are the exceptions for a reason. The modern politics , in fact, sucking the life out of these properties in a number of ways.

  11. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Tell me about office chairs. Or gaming chairs. My back is in ridiculous shape sitting here at my dinette on my memory foam ass pad. If you like your office chair, would you care to share a link?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      My office chair is a standing desk.

    • DEG

      Mine, which has a clip-on headrest I found on amazon.

      • rhywun

        The fact that it has a “price book” you need to access separately is terrifying.

      • DEG

        It was pricey, but I don’t remember paying four figures. I think I got mine for $300 or $400.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        That’s Fantastic!!

    • EvilSheldon

      The best gaming chair is a high-end office chair. Mine is a Herman Miller Aeron that a client of mine was going to throw out during an office move. I snagged two – one for the office and one for home.

      • Sensei

        I use an Aeron at work and love it.

        I got a free Steelcase Leap at home that I also really like.

    • Sensei

      Buy a “real” office chair used. When businesses close companies buy their equipment and resell.

      You can get a $1,000+ HM Aeron for like $300 or so. Or you used to…

      • R.J.

        Still can. Lots of places are giving up and going full W@H to save money. The office furniture is a fire sale.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I’m going to need to reconfigure my whole dining area for work. I never eat on this table, and I have a ton of other guest beds. I’m brainstorming creative solutions. An office chair is going to take up a fuckton of room

    • rhywun

      I have a couple lowish-range office chairs I bought off Amazon. I use an ass pad with both.

      I like the buy used expensive, I didn’t look into that.

    • rudimentary teats formerly known as pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Herman Miller Aeron chairs are the Cadillac of office chairs.

      I scored both of mine used off of CraigsList or FaceDerp Marketplace for $250 each. Very much worth it.

  12. The Other Kevin

    My youngest kid finally got a job in Washington. It’s at a pancake house doing hostess/cashier/bussing. $18 an hour plus tips. I know gas is over $5 a gallon, everything else must be crazy expensive out there too. She was making a bunch less for the same job here.

    • rhywun

      That’s nuts. That was a MW job in my day.

      • Nephilium

        The fast food places that were all minimum wage when I was a teen are now $15-20/hour.

      • rhywun

        I think the MW is like $16 now where I am. It seems ridiculous but what do I know.

        I do know that I don’t eat out.

      • The Other Kevin

        Yeah I think she was making $12 or $15 an hour here, but that was after working for the same boss for a few years. He has multiple restaurants and she worked in three of them.

        Nice thing is the Navy stipend is more than their rent, they have no car payment, and the base is 5 minutes from their apartment which saves gas, so this is more like extra money and preventing her from being bored.

    • R.J.

      It’s kind of like felony menacing.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I’d raise my hand. “Yeah, I’m handicapped and a Zionist. Now what?”

    • rhywun

      Some sort of unlawful “threat”? I dunno.

      Yeah, POS scum.

    • Brochettaward

      When it comes to Hollywood, it’s classic progjection. They are convinced that everyone in flyover country is racist and sexist because it’s rampant in their own little enclave.

    • rhywun

      They could elicit the same video from someone with knowledge of any C-suite in the country.

    • grrizzly

      Straight guys reveal sensitive info on the first date, too.

    • CPRM

      Aktually, he works for the 20th Century division, and from what he says is this was going on before Disney acquired.

  13. Suthenboy

    “No matter how bad you think they are in your wildest imagination….they are worse. ” – Mark Levin on Pols and govt. apparatchiks.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Special ed

    America’s schools received an unprecedented $190 billion in federal emergency funding during the pandemic. Since then, one big question has loomed over them: Did that historic infusion of federal relief help students make up for the learning they missed?


    Study #1, a collaboration including Tom Kane at Harvard’s Center for Education Policy Research and Sean Reardon at Stanford’s Educational Opportunity Project, estimates that every $1,000 in federal relief spent per student bought the kind of math test score gains that come with 3% of a school year, or about six school days of learning. That’s during the 2022-23 academic year.

    Improvements in reading scores were smaller: roughly three school days of progress per $1,000 in federal relief spending per student.

    The federal relief “was worth the investment,” Reardon tells NPR. “It led to significant improvements in children’s academic performance… It wasn’t enough money, or enough recovery, to get students all the way back to where they were in 2019, but it did make a significant difference.”

    Must be that new math.

    • ron73440

      If they did nothing it would have been worse!

  15. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Debate drinking game for tomorrow (after JR’s movie, of course)?

    • R.J.

      Oh I already called it. We should be doing it during the movie, since the debate is going on then. I think maybe a Zoom, too.

  16. Derpetologist

    I accepted a teaching job offer from the Christian school, so yay me. They mentioned a dress code which I hope isn’t too stringent. Whatever, for a paycheck, I’ll wear whatever dorky Ned Flanders clothes they want. No haircuts though.

    The FL Dept of Child Service sent me a letter clearing me of wrongdoing in the case whereby I was punched. The weasel cousin my assailant claimed I choked him. I guess he didn’t know the whole thing had been caught on camera. It also said my case will stay open for a while. Basically, I’m not in trouble, but I’m on their radar. Typical bureaucratic move.

    I’ll probably follow through with the bus driver training anyway just to get the CDL. It’s nice to have options. Also, the creativity and research advice I posted on LinkedIn has been surprisingly popular. I got an email congrats about it.

    So on the whole, good news. Really looking forward to teaching again. Without a job, the temptation to lie in bed all day is hard to resist.

    • Beau Knott


    • Shpip

      No haircuts though.

      And here I thought that Derp was going to go with a Travis Bickle + mullet, or soften up with the full Achy Braky.

      Now I see him on his first day of work.

      • Suthenboy

        In today’s academia I believe that is known as ‘blending in’.

    • Aloysious

      It would be a shame if those two assholes tripped while crossing the street, got hit by a bus and fell into a ditch full of sewer water. That would be terrible. For them.

    • R.J.

      All excellent news!

  17. Suthenboy

    I am hearing the teevee now…talking about prices being high. “It’s crazy. Gas is up 30%. Food is up 30%. Blah blah blah!”
    The pro-Biden people are still telling us we are better off than we have ever been. Your bank statement is misinformation.

    I was paying $1.85/gal for gasoline at the end of the Trump presidency. AAA says the average price today is $3.50 .
    Since 2020: Beef up 150%, Lamb up almost 100%. Pork up about 50%, chicken about flat.

    While the price of wheat paid to farmers is flat, the retail price for bread has risen over 200%. That is a direct effect of gasoline/energy prices.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Think of the planet. High meat prices will reduce consumption. Eat ze bugs.

      • Suthenboy

        Call me crazy but I am fairly certain turning non-animal nutrients into animal nutrients costs the same amount of energy whether that be elephant, cow, or bug.
        Eat bugs? Where do they get this shit? Malice, that’s where. Pure malice.
        I am reminded of the ol’ Nobody likes me, everybody hates me I am gonna eat some worms!”

    • rhywun

      Yeah, $4 to $5 for a nice loaf of bread.

      I’m this close to going back to poor college student eating practices – cheapest everything.

      • Suthenboy

        Creeping socialism/totalitarianism:
        First you shop by what you need and want
        Then you shop by price
        Finally you shop by what is available. No matter what it is, if it is there you buy it.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    While the price of wheat paid to farmers is flat, the retail price for bread has risen over 200%.

    KKKorporate greedflationz!

    • Homple

      Flat? Here’s an interactive graph of wheat prices since 1960. The Y scale is logarithmic, but you can choose the scale type and time interval.

      I expect the numbers are constant dollars, but inflation can’t account for the swings. Where do people get these ideas?

      • Suthenboy

        I looked around at various graphs for various commodities, mostly looking at 2020 to now. I dont think two of them resemble each other in the slightest.

  19. Not Adahn

    Good evening! Day one of the match is done, eleven more stages tomorrow. I’m not doing terribly for a nationals match. The shooting is going smoothly because we have a couple of guys from the USMC team with us helping to reset. Notable novelty moments included a shooting platform suspended on chains to freely move that required a bit of movement on and a port 6″ high and 8″ wide that you had to lay prone to shoot through. I had to remove my hat to be able to see through it since my neck isn’t that flexible.

    • Tundra

      Sounds like a really sweet mini-golf course. Good luck tomorrow!

  20. Not Adahn

    There is some connection here with Austin. There’s a Chuy’s, a Torchy’s and the hotel breakfast has Yellow Bird sauce.

  21. cavalier973

    I will be looking up bum fight videos, now.