Wednesday Morning Links

by | Jun 19, 2024 | Daily Links | 212 comments

The Oilers are halfway to doing the impossible. And I think they might pull it off. Something has clicked up there and Florida better figure it out quickly. And Willie Mays has passed away. One of the greatest ball players of all time and a seemingly great guy. The Euros have pretty much gone to form so far. We start the second set of group games today. And that’s it for sports.

Why even have a legislative body at this point in time? Just break the law and eventually the executive branch will reward you.

This used to be considered whistleblowing. Hell, by the legal definition it still is. But laws don’t matter anymore.

This kid will always have an interesting story. I’ve got no room to talk about what people name their children. So I’ll just smile and move on.

This guy needs to relax. Either way, I thought the show was ending at the end of the year anyway. Which is a good thing. But fear-mongers gotta monger fear.

Florida Man makes sound decision. Yeah, it’s not a headline I ever thought I’d write either.

There’s one surprising part of this lede: How did it ever get to be worth $2.9B?

::shrug:: Oh well. They could have always, you know, just focused on their job instead of what they did. They might have kept them.

I love the 80s videos that had long intros and actually told a story. Well, some of them anyway. I really just like that song. This song needed no long intro to tell the story. And I wish I could post the alternate video for it, but it might get some people at work in trouble. Either way, enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Wednesday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. Sean

    How did it ever get to be worth $2.9B?

    My friend has one. I feel bad for her. She was so excited when she got it.

    • AlexinCT

      EVs are still a racket unless you live in an urban area and do little actual travel. They are also a big insurance liability with real high costs. And government pissing away billions on these green tropes still won’t make them viable. Even the well established Tesla ones come with their own problems. Buyer beware.

      • SDF-7

        Plus our shoveling money to a government backed set of entities looking to corner the market on the raw materials, batteries and actual product doesn’t help. I can’t imagine a non-Tesla non-China EV seller surviving unless we slap some import tariffs and slap them hard. (But y’all know I’m damned well protectionist when it comes to core industries, energy production and anti-CCCP anyway so no surprise I’d say this).

      • R C Dean

        Don’t know if I’d call battery-powered vehicles a core industry.

      • SDF-7

        I was thinking more the rare earth production / semiconductor side of things that fosters the battery production.

    • sloopyinca

      She has one from the old company that went BK in 2013 or from the new one?

      • Sean

        A matte blue Ocean. Took delivery October 2023, after waiting for like a year+ on a list.

      • sloopyinca

        Oof, that’s rough. I wonder how service work will get done on it.
        Do other EV makers out there pick up service work when something like this happens? I know it’s not like taking an ICE car to a local shop.

      • Sean

        I don’t know. Their service model *was* sending a tech to you, since they didn’t have any physical locations.

        No idea how that works moving forward.


      *Edsel owners nod in sympathy*

      There was one at a used car lot in San Angelo, I wished I had picked it up, it was a handsome ride.

      • Nephilium

        A company just a bit south of me has started building Packards to order again. Unfortunately, no prices on their website. But they’re selling watches (for some reason) on it.


        I imagine custom-built kit cars like that will be made for a market segment that doesn’t include me.

        Let me know when we get Soviet Packard.

      • R C Dean

        I wish them the best, but he’s spreading himself too thin. Cars AND watches AND a new internet service? Not gonna work.

      • Chafed

        That’s very cool. Now I need to find 300k in my piggy bank.

  2. AlexinCT

    This used to be considered whistleblowing. Hell, by the legal definition it still is. But laws don’t matter anymore.

    They no longer even care if it is obvious they are punishing those that go against whatever criminal shit they are up to. And note we keep getting told to move on from the evil that was done so they can avoid accountability, but especially demands this not happen again. That’s because they have plans to do this shit again.

    • AlexinCT
      • rhywun

        Now, I’m not claiming that there’s some entity orchestrating all of this from behind the scenes

        We already know that entities like Soros and the Ford Foundation and who knows how many others have been directing this stuff for decades.

        It is more than just like-minded people up and deciding to seize all power in every institution at once.

      • AlexinCT

        Dang rhywun, wish I had seen your reply before I posted the Soros link below about the FCC helping him take over radio stations as soon as possible to use them to undermine the coming election. I would have posted that here first.

      • SDF-7

        Wait… people still listen to the radio? I thought it was all streaming and podcasts these days. (I know if I could put in an aftermarket that just properly supported a USB cord input and track display/controls on my iPhone but didn’t kill the security system and all the other crap GM decided should run through the radio I would… don’t need CD, AM/FM or Satellite radio anymore at all…)

      • juris imprudent

        I still listen to Sat-radio when driving. So much better than the old days of surfing for something decent when out in the boondocks.

      • sloopyinca

        I’m with juris on this one. Sat radio is a godsend for people who drive a fair bit and are often between metro areas.

        Especially those of us who like to be able to switch back and forth between a soccer match in Europe and 80s new wave.

      • SDF-7

        That is what my phone storage is for. I have 2 years of podcasts I’m behind on and something like 200 hours of music I can shuffle that I actually like.

    • WTF

      Doing it openly demonstrates their power and the inability of anyone to actually do anything about it.

  3. juris imprudent

    Had to be Oakland, didn’t it?

    • SDF-7

      There’s no way I’m driving / parking in the Bay Area north of San Jose. And even then I’m thinking at least thrice about it.

      I can’t fathom why a kid from Florida wanted to go to school in Oakland — but yeah, I’d damned well get out of there too and good on his family to pull out now.

      • Fourscore

        Maybe they didn’t have flowers in their hair.

        Now CA requires a passport? Another reason not to visit.

      • SDF-7

        My gut is that they had the passport and the birth certificate to get the kid a CA driver’s license. I think that’s the easiest option for the Real ID version at the DMV last I looked. Other than that “Visiting the cartels after checking in for the cherry on top!” is all that comes to mind….

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        If he didn’t have a license the passport would be useful to get on the plane too.

    • Chafed

      Sadly, it’s predictable.

  4. AlexinCT

    Why even have a legislative body at this point in time? Just break the law and eventually the executive branch will reward you.

    This is just one of the many levers being pulled to “fortify” the 2024 election. They know people are turning against them so they are getting a new people. We are being invaded by the worst kind of people, with consent from our elite which think they are far enough removed from consequences from that, because right now they feel it is necessary in their efforts to prevent the people from voting against the elite’s interests.

    • juris imprudent

      The good news is, this elite is so incompetent (and unaware of that) that this grand plan is doomed to fail. Instead we’ll get the jay-vee elite – which means we still lose.

      • Sean

        which means we still lose.

        *sad trombone*

      • Cunctator

        —“Why even have a legislative body at this point in time?”—

        The real kicker is that Regulation of Naturalization is an Enumerated Power of Congress (Art. I, Sec 8)

    • SDF-7

      What I don’t get about it is that the people they’re importing are much more likely to shoot their elites when sufficiently pissed off (as opposed to the America Classic type that talks about it a lot but it takes a lot to actually get us there). There’s only so far their walled communities and private security will get them… France will point and laugh because even the Parisian mob will be placid compared to the Third World import of unrest they’re lining up.

      Assuming we don’t follow Britain and just become part of the Caliphate in 20 years of course. Dearborn as our new capital.

      • Drake

        The legions of newly arrived fighting age men are much more likely to shoot YOU if the government trains and pays them.

      • The Other Kevin

        Those walls around their houses aren’t going to hold off the barbarians. There are some well organized gangs robbing houses in California, so I’ve read.

  5. juris imprudent

    In other hockey cup news, the Hershey Bears – trying to go back-to-back – are behind last year’s runners-up 2 games to 1.

    • AlexinCT

      You mentioned hockey, but are you talking about this

      • Nephilium

        AHL. The Bears (initially called the B’ars) came back to knock off the Monsters to advance to the Calder Cup.

      • rhywun

        Hmph. My Amerks have been stinking up the ice for too long now.

    • SDF-7

      Everyone knows it is the Graham Crackers that should win twice, with Hershey and the Marsh Mallows in between.

      Like that joke? I have s’more.

      • The Gunslinger

        That joke is fire.

    • SDF-7

      I can hazard a guess at a least one of that type.

  6. rhywun

    This used to be considered whistleblowing

    The gaslighting is so thick in that article I had to tap out.

    “gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors”

    How does one even unpack the multiple lies in just one phrase?

    • juris imprudent

      You know – minors – can’t even get a tattoo legally because they are MINORS.

      • Nephilium

        Can’t even get a piercing (most of which will eventually heal if left alone) because they’re minors.

      • sloopyinca

        You can get a child’s ears pierced in Texas with parental consent.

      • Nephilium


        With parental consent. For some of the transitioning places, they aren’t even notifying parents (per the reports) and have fought back against laws requiring parental consent/notification. Some places will let minors get tats with parental consent, or drink a beer in a bar with parental consent as well.

      • SDF-7

        You can get a child’s ears pierced in Texas with parental consent.

        Why is my brain jumping to underage Texas girls, BB guns and the equivalent of “Hold my beer” at a backyard BBQ with a cousin who’s thinking about a piercing?

  7. Not Adahn

    Good morning!

    I am in a great mood because I found a place that makes a truly excellent cup of coffee, something that’s been missing since NYS shut down Ravenous over coof. I had forgotten exactly how euphoria-inducing great coffee can be.

    • Chafed

      It’s OMWC’s kitchen, isn’t it?

  8. R C Dean

    “Lincoln University in Oakland”

    I think I see where they went wrong on the whole “not safe here” thing.

  9. AlexinCT

    This kid will always have an interesting story.

    Hey Red Lobster, where is your brother Wendy’s?

    • rudimentary teats formerly known as pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Why do you ask, Two Dogs Fucking?


      Mrs. Frankelson vetoed giving the kids onomatopoeias for names.

      “Boing, stop hitting Thwap!”

  10. R C Dean

    “According to the filing, the carmaker owes $2 million to Adobe for IT and software, $1.2 million to Google for sales and marketing, $1 million to Tessolve for research and development and $527,600 to Salesforce, also for IT and software.”

    I think I see why their results weren’t so good.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      If you don’t pay protection to Google, you won’t come up in search, so there’s that.

  11. Fourscore

    Willie Mays is gone. I saw him play in his first game for the Mpls Millers before he got called up to the Giants.

    RIP Willie

    • Cunctator

      —“Willie Mays is gone.”—

      I only saw Willie on TV. During the 50″s and 60’s there was no one better. I consider Willie Mays the best player of all time, but the recent inclusion of Negro League players in MLB career stats makes a good case for Josh Gibson (I know, Gibson’s stats were always there). The only issue I have re: Josh Gibson is that we have so few stats from his career. Stats from only 650 games compared to Mays’ 3300. Gibson’s stats are impressive, highest career BA and highest career OPS. Full career stats may make Gibson even more impressive, but due to the volume of Mays” stats, I will stay with Willie.

      • Ted S.

        If we’re going to argue pre-integration stats from MLB have to be downgraded because they weren’t playing against all the best athletes, we have to do the same — even more so — for the Negro League players who played against a smaller portion of the elite athletes.

  12. Gustave Lytton

    Juneteenth is the Ebonics’s holiday. Even in TX.

    • sloopyinca

      In my house, it’s Justice Forall Sloopy Juneteenth’s birthday.*

      *yes, I realize this reinforces my “no room to talk” statement above.

      • AlexinCT

        Happy Junteenth birthday?

      • Gustave Lytton

        Yes, happy birthday!

        (I see Juneteenth akin to Learned Hand. Also, not the most embarrassing kid’s name in the Sloopy household. Also, none of them would make r/tragedeigh for baby names.)

    • R C Dean

      I think I saw that TX already had a Juneteenth celebration shot up with two killed.

      And no, it wasn’t swastika-tattoo skinheads with MAGA flags in their pickups what done it.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Que the media to either ignore or trot out cheapfakes if there is video.

      • Nephilium

        Akron (about an hour south of Cleveland) last week decided to cancel all of their outdoor fests for the weekend due to a shooting back at the beginning of June (and concern from the councilpeople). They were supposed to have a Juneteenth celebration, so the mayor screwed over everyone who had laid in supplies and planned things around the festivals.

      • DrOtto

        Yep, that was in Round Rock where I live. They haven’t made any arrests yet either.

    • rhywun

      I don’t remember the big push calling it “the second Independence Day” when this holiday debuted what, last year?

      • Ownbestenemy

        It is a political wedge holiday.

      • WTF

        Ironic since they are mostly still not independent of the Democrats who formerly held them as slaves.

      • SDF-7

        I thought there was one… but yeah — considered by what, 10% of the population and “Huh?” is the reaction from the rest. Maybe if they actually spent the day honoring the blood sacrifice of the abolitionists and the Union Army I wouldn’t feel naturally inclined to it being a political sop to voters the current JackAsses need to keep in line….

        But this is the country that celebrates Cinqo De Mayo, so I should just shut the f up already.

      • R C Dean

        It was a couple years ago, and yeah, that’s exactly how it was billed. Independence Day is just too white, you know, so Our Masters want to replace it with something more, well, non-white.

      • R C Dean

        People throw parties on Cinco de Drinko, pretty much on par with St. Patrick’s Day, but neither is a holiday.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Doubly ironic since slaves in KY and DE continued to be enslaved until 13A was ratified the following December.

      • creech

        “Maybe if they actually spent the day honoring the blood sacrifice of the abolitionists and the Union Army”
        Hah! The local celebration, which I’m supposed to attend at noon, never gave any credit to the 1.8 million whites who served the Union. In fact, one speaker a while ago tried to gaslight us that it was the 200,000 black soldiers who freed the slaves, that blacks freed themselves and not were freed by the efforts of bigoted Northerners. Yes, USCT helped but by the time they got on the field in any numbers, the North was well on its way to victory. This year’s event organizers did offer to include a Union color guard, and a white Captain will read Gen. Granger’s Order #3 to Texas’ citizens in Galveston.

      • creech

        “until 13A was ratified the following December.”
        The 13th received the required 3/4 of the states when (ironically) Georgia ratified it on Dec. 6, 1865. That’s when, constitutionally, slavery ended. Delaware had voted against ratification (because it was a pro-slavery state) but so had New Jersey. As best historians can determine, New Jersey – a Democrat state – has always had asshole legislators : the ratification opposition came from those who were worried the newly freed southern Negroes would move to New Jersey and “take our jobs.”

    • Gender Traitor

      We got Juneteenth because MLK Day is too cold for shootouts cookouts.

      • dbleagle

        We got Juneteeth because biden needed another election bribe to Federal employees.

    • Cunctator

      —“If we’re going to argue pre-integration stats from MLB have to be downgraded because they weren’t playing against all the best athletes”—

      This is true for most sports, but by the time Willie Mays played, baseball was (mostly) integrated as the best of the Negro League players were finally starting to get called up. Not that all of them were, but a fair number (with the exception of the Red Sox) were getting a chance. I look at the influence a particular player had, or how they dominated their league. Both Mays and Gibson dominated the other team. Mays also played center field, a much more difficult defensive position, while Gibson was a catcher.

      We can’t completely put Gibson’s career back together, but since his known numbers are astronomical I am willing to have the conversation about who was best.

      • Cunctator

        This is a reply to Ted S. I don’t know how it got here.

  13. juris imprudent

    Just reading a bit about Bob Good’s re-election bid – he was being primaried by a Trump-endorsed candidate, and what strikes me is the incredible pettiness of Trump. Good committed the unpardonable sin of supporting DeSantis early on, and instead of being mature about it, Trump throws a temper tantrum to equal a 3 year old. It’s that aspect that really turns me off (that, and as soon as the offender kisses his ass and soothes his enormous fucking ego – then all is well).

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Trump certainly has his flaws and pettiness is one of the biggest ones, no doubt.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Ya know if we were the freedom loving country we used to be and worked to assimilate into our culture I would be all for extracting people who are under communist rule.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Sure, back when it was the Great American Melting Pot. With whatever the hell it is now I want no part of mass immigration.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        You’re both a little off base since these people are being sent by China to be spies, and contrary to what Trump says I suspect China is sending their best.

        Good on Ecuador and presumably the state department for doing the bare minimum

    • WTF

      I’m sure it’s all totally benign.

  14. Rat on a train

    Oh joy. A member of the Dishonorable Duo is the Democrat nominee for the local Congressional district.

  15. Stinky Wizzleteats

    When the guy who whistleblows on children having their genitals amputated is the only one that gets prosecuted the society that allows it just isn’t worth saving. We really are done for.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Word is the machine is also going after a nurse at the same hospital for also sounding the alarm. We should cheer in the streets for our government. Fucking assholes.

      • Nephilium

        Government is just the children we transition mutilate together.

      • rhywun

        The DOJ sicced the FBI on her too.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Get in line or we’ll throw you in prison…message received…this specific case is ghoulish and the implications are disturbing.

      • sloopyinca

        And she was dumb enough to invite them into her house.

      • juris imprudent

        …we transition mutilate together

        All supported by people who not 20 years ago screamed about child genital mutilation amongst the religious primitives.

      • R C Dean

        I’m not sure there’s that much overlap between the people who loudly opposed clitorectomies by POCs and the ones supporting transing children now. The former was more a conservative thing, the latter is a lefty thing.

      • Nephilium


        That genetic mutilation was being done by the wrong religion. Is there a boy pageant scene like the girls one? I could see some pageant moms going full castrati on their kids to keep them in the pageant scene for longer.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        “Government is just the children we transition mutilate together.”

        I’ve never wanted to abolish the government more than I do today.

  16. rhywun

    I feel that this did not need to happen absent a couple Democrat administrations diligently making it happen.

    Russia and North Korea sign partnership deal that appears to be the strongest since Cold War

    • AlexinCT

      You know the reason Russia became the bad guy, incredibly right after Obama made fun of Romney and told him that the 1980s were calling for their foreign policy or some such nonsense during the 2012 campaign, was after the Obama admin’s failed “RESET” by Hillary and State bullshit. They set up that Skolkovo project to trade tech (the Russian Silicon Valley), and then the Russian stole a ton of high tech with military applications (that Tsircon missile they now use was developed by DARPA) leaving the Clintons and Obamas that thought they would reap the greater benefit from this idiotic effort with egg on their face.

      Neither Obama or Hillary ever forgave Putin for playing them for fools, and they have been “Russia! Russia! Russia!”-ing us forever since then…..

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Sure but what really set the climate and sealed the deal was when they stole the election for Trump. It was all cynical and contrived but the Russia Russia Russia BS is still being used.

      • Rat on a train

        The Russians were all for a reset. Then Hillary brings them an overload button instead …

      • juris imprudent

        Neither Obama or Hillary ever forgave Putin for playing them for fools

        Don’t forget, NATO needed a reason to exist for even longer.

      • R C Dean

        I’m pretty sure the whole “reset” thing was at least 50% graft the whole time. When the checks cleared, there wasn’t any reason to continue with it. You don’t see Our Masters getting all pissy with China for all the tech they’ve stolen.

      • AlexinCT

        You don’t see Our Masters getting all pissy with China for all the tech they’ve stolen.

        Actually, they are cross as fuck at not just the rampant IP stealing, the cheap knockoff industry, and especially the CCP driven militarization, but these idiots, blinded by greed, agreed when they moved into China back in the 90s to abide by CCP rules. Those rules made it impossible for them to ever repatriate their investments. Getting pissy with China will cost the elite trillions of dollars. Directly. It would destroy Wall Street and the stock market (China has them by the balls, while we thought we had Russia by the balls back when). And in this case, since Wall Street would not be able to ask congress to rob the tax payers to make them hole like they can with American institutions (like the banking crisis of 2009), they are truly screwed and the CCP’s bitches.

  17. AlexinCT

    America’s problems are all stemming from elite, especially the elite in government, and the stupid decisions they make. Don’t take it from me . Plenty of others say so as well. One of the worst decisions made by them was to couple with the CCP. The world will suffer for that idiotic move. Hopefully we are getting that they are not just using us- for now, while they need it and it is convenient – but will eventually turn on all of us. And I am loving this answer to the problem.

    • SDF-7

      Wondering where in Asia he thinks we should deploy the Marines… Taiwan directly? (That seems more than a little provocative). Japan? Australia? Don’t think either of them want increased bases, especially Japan. Philippines is likely out as well…

      • AlexinCT

        Akshualy, Australia, Japan and the Philippines are asking the US for more commitment – boots on the ground and other US military hardware – as the CPP’s strategy to enforce their new sea demarcation has turned violent. The AUKUS program to help Australia develop/acquire nuclear powered subs is all about containing China. And the Aussies are begging the US to base B52s and the newer B-21s coming online on their land too. The Philippines are in an active and close to going real violent dispute over islands where CCP coast guard boats use water cannons and other forceful tactics to try and stop them from fighting China’s attempts to take over those islands. They are not only increasing their own military capability but courting the US to start basing hardware and forces there again as well.

        And yes, even Taiwan is asking for more US help. We should just tell them to build their own nukes, sell them whatever they want at a good profit, and then the problem is between them and Beijing.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      How is tiger only 48? Wow.

  18. Suthenboy

    I will put the nix on my usual EV rant. There is a good reason they went bust.

  19. DrOtto

    Re: the Golden Corral story – If it’s a cryptic pregnancy, does that mean STEVE SMITH was involved?

    • Sean

      I played 06/19:
      *25/25 words (+8 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 6% by bonus words

      I played 06/19:
      *50/50 words (+10 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 25% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 378

  20. db

    So, Nick Rekieta did a livestream last night. Not sure I want to watch it. I’ll give him a chance, but from the comments on the video before even watching it, the chat is not nice to him at all. Not sure it ought to be.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      As an amateur lawyer who knows little of the law I’d advise anyone accused of multiple felonies to keep a low profile if at all possible and to certainly not talk about his or her case on a livestream. He’s a dumbass for doing this but maybe he’s hard up for money.

      • db

        I haven’t watched; did he discuss details of the case? I agree that would be a bad idea. Also, there’s no way for him to respond publicly to his fans’ entreaties that he seek rehab without essentially admitting to the drug abuse.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I haven’t watched either, I’m just making assumptions as to the subject matter. I like his trial analysis but watching him run his life off a cliff, which he seems to have been doing for a while now, on livestream isn’t something I want to see up close I don’t think.

  21. Certified Public Asshat

    Either way, I thought the show was ending at the end of the year anyway.

    Sadly, you’re thinking of the other show that somehow gets even less viewership.

  22. AlexinCT

    Make sure you click the ‘Read More’ option and see how in an effort to fortify the election even more they are going to transfer another $400 billion from tax payers to idiots that wasted time and money in college being indoctrinated by marxists.

  23. Common Tater

    “Mandatory ideological training has now come to the drugstore. In California, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, in order to keep their license, must study the latest in gender identity, colonialism, and white privilege. Such “cultural competency” courses are required by a state law that went into effect this year.”


    • AlexinCT

      California is lost..

  24. Brawndo

    Has anyone ever experienced a “cryptic pregnancy” without being incredibly fat? I assume this just happens because the woman, I mean *pregnant person*, is so obese they don’t realize it. Still, that’s a nice feel good story.

    • trshmnstr

      I doubt it. You have to be big enough to not only not notice the particular weight gain and other physical changes, but you have to be big enough that your cycle is messed up to the point that no period in 9 months isn’t weird.

      Fat girls with a functional cycle would notice. Skinny girls with a messed up cycle would notice.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    If you had asked me I would have said Willie Mays had been gone for decades.

  26. Common Tater

    “The world’s largest airline pilot union suggested airmen and women stop using terms purportedly offensive to women and LGBTQ individuals, calling out terms like “cockpit” as non-inclusive.

    Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l, represents over 70,000 pilots worldwide and states that it collaborates with a United Nations agency on its policies.

    According to a diversity, equity and inclusion language guide released in 2021, the ALPA lists numerous terms and phrases to avoid — especially “masculine generalizations” — that it deemed to be non-inclusive.

    “Inclusive language in communications is essential to our union’s solidarity and collective strength and is an important factor in maintaining flight safety,” the guide states. “The purpose of this language guide is to offer examples of terms and phrases that promote inclusion and equity.””

    maintaining flight safety?

    • trshmnstr

      maintaining flight safety?

      To be fair, nobody wants to have to fight a hormonal dude in a dress while trying to fly an airplane.

    • R C Dean

      “calling out terms like “cockpit” as non-inclusive”

      I dunno. “Cuntpit” just sounds weird.

      • Nephilium

        We’ll just start referring to it as the Front Hole.

    • rhywun

      calling out terms like “cockpit” as non-inclusive

      Oh do explain why, without making shit up.

      Fucking idiots.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    EVs never need oil changes. They run forever. They’re simple.

    • Sensei

      No modern car is.

      How many different parts make up the fuel tank evaporative emissions system on a gasoline car? The ECU has to measure it under both vacuum and pressure for set periods of time or it throws a code. And the evil vapor emissions must flow through a charcoal filter so as to be purified for the earth mother.

  28. Sensei

    Quick slap so more M badges on it and make sure it has lots of interior LEDs!

    2025 BMW X3 Pairs Funky Styling with Punchier Powertrains

    BMW of the last 15 years has turned me into “the old man yelling at the clouds”. That said they’ll sell every one of these they make. It just won’t be to me.

    • Tundra

      BMW of the last 15 years has turned me into “the old man yelling at the clouds”.

      Same. And you should see what 90s and early aughts 300 series bring on BaT. Crazy that they let that all slip away.

      My neighbor just bought the X2. I think it’s hideous, but she’s pretty stoked.

      • Sensei

        Plus I use my turn signals.

        Sadly, Tesla drivers are quickly turning into the stereotypical BMW drivers of old.

      • Sean

        The base X3 has seats wrapped in BMW’s Veganza faux leather

        Sad for a vehicle that starts at $50k.

      • PutridMeat

        Sorry, not a reply, just a test. New comment disappearing (3 times), just check if reply-to works…

        Plus I use my turn signals

        Hopefully not just once you are in the dedicated turn lane and starting the actual turn, but a couple of hundred yards prior when said signal would actually HAVE BEEN USEFUL!

    • Sean

      It’s ugly on the outside and garish on the inside.


  29. The Late P Brooks

    Today’s talking point: taxpayer money is going to Christian nationalist schools!!!!!1

    All I want to know is if they reach them to read and write. That would be a step up from government schools.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Sensei- did you watch the recent Pine Hollow about the Lincoln? “For problem A, replace unrelated part B. Hope customer goes away.”

    My takeaway- cars are so complicated the manufacturers don’t even know how they work.

    • Sensei

      I saw it. To me it is a combination of trying to dumb things for techs and in this case a flawed decision tree.

      But running the math for aggregate warranty repairs I get why the tree exists.

      But let’s go back to why the damn vehicle needs grill shutters and a computer controlled alternator. Fucking asinine fractional CAFE benefits.

      • Nephilium

        Anytime I hear things like that, I refer to it as cargo cult troubleshooting. You don’t know why you’re changing things, you don’t know how it’s working, but you have to do something to get the customer off your back.

        I see it quite frequently in tier 1 tech support people (who probably shouldn’t be in tech support).

  31. The Late P Brooks

    But that’s not what we intended

    In 2022, Arizona became the first state in which all students are allowed to use state vouchers to cover a portion of tuition at any private school, secular or religious. Through Empowerment Scholarship Accounts, each participating family receives about 90 percent of the money the state would have spent on the child’s public school education—around $7,000 per student per year—for private school tuition. For the 2024-2025 school year, the Dream City Christian Academy annual tuition ranges from $10,450 in elementary school to $13,999 in high school—so families of the school’s nearly 800 students can use state funds to pay for between half and two-thirds of their tuition bill. Dream City Christian Academy received almost $1 million in tuition voucher money last year, the Arizona Republic recently reported.

    When Arizona passed the legislation that allowed for private school vouchers, the program was projected to cost $65 million in 2024 and $125 million in 2025. But the most recent estimates put that cost at a staggering $940 million per year, more than 1,000 percent of the initial estimate. The news of the cost overruns came just a few days after two of the program’s leaders resigned, Arizona Public Media reported last July. A report last month from Brookings Institution, the nonpartisan policy think tank, found that Arizona’s program was disproportionately used by wealthy families—even though it was designed to boost the academic achievement of students from families in underserved school districts. As it turned out, families in the highest poverty areas were five times less likely than people in the wealthiest areas to use vouchers

    It’s almost as if people whoare paying attention, and actually care about their kids, are desperate for an alternative to the government school system.

    Of course, Mother Jones would probably not be chimping out over kids being sent to “science academies” founded on the worship of the socialist/environmentalist cargo cult.

    • Nephilium

      Backpack funding should be the only way that schools are funded by the government.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      around $7,000 per student per year

      That’s cheap.

      When Arizona passed the legislation that allowed for private school vouchers, the program was projected to cost $65 million in 2024 and $125 million in 2025. But the most recent estimates put that cost at a staggering $940 million per year, more than 1,000 percent of the initial estimate.

      It’s a real mystery what needs to be cut.

  32. The Other Kevin

    For those of you not following, the Stanley Cup finals have been wild so far. Florida won the first three, then Edmonton blew them out 8-1. Last night Edmonton won again, they were up by 3 goals twice, Florida came within 1, and then Edmonton got an empty net to win 5-3. The games have been intense. I’m having a lot of fun watching. And I can’t decide which team I want to win.

    • Tundra

      MacDavid is simply amazing. He just dominated the last two games.

      I was rooting for Florida, just to have it all over, but now it’s fun to see a series. Still, it’s almost fucking July

  33. PutridMeat

    5th time’s the charm? Without the ‘archive’ link but a link to original, gated material?

    It’s a complete mystery. Experts baffled.

    Canada, Japan, Singapore and Germany — places lauded for their successful efforts to contain Covid — are now seeing unusual levels of excess mortality, said Christopher Murray, Washington-based director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. In contrast, places that failed to control the spread of Covid, like Bulgaria, Romania and Russia, are now back to pre-pandemic mortality rates.

    What could possibly be going on?

    • Tundra

      Yes, a real head scratcher. Time for Nuremberg, The Sequel.

      • PutridMeat


      • Tundra


      • Sensei

        Once site thinks you are a spammer you are basically fucked posting whatever pissed it off for an hour or the duration of the article.

      • Common Tater

        “Climate change”

        Oh, fuck off.

      • PutridMeat

        Oh, fuck off.

        Thing is, in a vacuum, that’s a perfectly reasonable hypothesis. Climate DOES change significantly over the timescales of human civilization (just not, IMNSHO, due in any significant way, if at all, to fossil fuel use and cow burps) and it could certainly be that viruses and pathogens could survive in new areas and humans move around carrying them in different ways, etc. Obviously, that’s not what they mean – see gato malo for a discourse on journalism and climate change – but the actual for real geological and astrophysical climate change affecting the nature of disease is certainly credible.

        However, given temporal correlation, it’s a bit of focusing on minutiae while ignoring the obvious.

    • PutridMeat

      Seems to be archive links, whether embedded in an href or just typed out. Maybe this worky.
      https COLON SLASH SLASH archive DOT ph SLASH 6d5CW

  34. The Late P Brooks

    While Trump didn’t directly address the issues of education or religion at his Dream City Church rally, The Arizona Mirror noted that one attendee sported a T-shirt bearing the slogan “Proud Christian Nationalist.” The outlet interviewed a 15-year-old named Claire who lamented, “At the school I go to, there’s only one other conservative person who thinks like me.” She had come to the rally because “I think it’s important for people like us to stand up for the truth.”

    That poor girl needs to be deprogrammed, and taught to believe the things all good Democrats believe.

  35. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “I’ve got no room to talk about what people name their children.”

    Golden corral is the perfect spot for this to have happened. Cryptic pregnancy… AKA being a massive lard ass who didn’t notice they had no period for 40 weeks?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Our military dominates when it comes to simulated combat. Now if they could just get people to sign up.

      • AlexinCT

        Our biggest problem now, and have no doubt that it is because of DEI/CRT/Woke shit, is quality of personnel. Readiness is worse than ever precisely because the priority has shifted from being the best to indoctrinating the troops into woke garbage. We have been losing wars because the senior leadership didn’t want to win (there is money in forever wars). We will lose the next war because our forces are demoralized, not trained, and full of idiotry. Pray the consequences of that loss will not be brutal when we no longer have the luxury of shrugging off all that wasted time and wealth.

    • AlexinCT

      As someone that worked on the F-22 program, I can tell you that this plane is a marvel of modern technology despite its many faults, and that as long as it engages in BVR fights, it will win every fight (except against perhaps the F-35 or some other systems using CEC). With CEC – networked targeting using multiple sensors – the F-22 is a beast and alone in its class. In the hands of a good pilot however the vector exhaust system and the super cruise ability also makes it the most deadly fighter in close air combat. It’s greatest vulnerability is on the ground (and one wonders if those 20k Chinese males of military aged that have jumped the border recently might not be used for such actions).

      • Sensei

        I can totally believe that. You would hope it’s better than its predecessor.

        The question is did we need it and the unit cost was fucking nuts.

        Also it would be nice if the life support worked reliably.

      • AlexinCT

        The cost became exorbitant because they cut production to 1/3 of total units after the most expensive development program of its time. If they had produced the number they originally wanted it would not have been as expensive despite the fact it would have been 3 to four times the price tag of an F-15E or an F-14D from back when, because of what you got from it. The F-35 program is still the most costly one out there, but with plans to build some 3.5K of them, 2800 of them for just the US military, that drops the price drastically. And yes, that program also has a whole lots of problems. Reality is that complex systems will be expensive and prone to problems. Especially when government is involved, and unfortunately our government will never give up the need to pick winners & losers. The equivalency is the difference between NASA (government) vs. SpaceX.

  36. AlexinCT

    Has anyone else experienced the liberal meltdown when you explain to them that contrary to their claims we are a democracy – a system where the majority forces their will on others with direct votes (three wolves and two sheep deciding what is for dinner) – that the US is a constitutional republic where we elect representatives to do our bidding and thus fight the tyranny of the majority (two armed sheep contesting the vote to eat them by the three wolves)?

    Seems that even the propaganda machines now are popping their lid and inferring that the people pointing out we are a republic to avoid tyranny are the tyrants.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Beyond the histrionics they’re not really wrong: We’re a republic by design but we’ve become a defacto democracy in practice where the foundational documents and standards have been thrown out the fucking window.

      • Tundra

        I prefer the term “managerial oligarchy.”

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Democracy is like removing the locks on your door, and only keeping what's left in your home after persuading your neighbors not to come and take things. A democratic republic is the same thing, except the arguments are in writing.— Michael Malice (@michaelmalice) May 6, 2021

    • creech

      Ask them what rights does the minority have in a democracy? Can a majority shut down your religious denomination, or seize your printing press, or enslave any minority they wish? Can I get together a big enough gang of voters to seize your home and turn it over to a builder who will put up a five story apartment house that brings in more property taxes than your home does? Those favoring “democracy” always believe they will never get the shit end of the stick.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    In contrast, places that failed to control the spread of Covid, like Bulgaria, Romania and Russia, are now back to pre-pandemic mortality rates.

    Nice cape work. Ole!

    • PutridMeat

      Yes, that’s a hoot. I’m pretty sure every place ‘failed to control the spread’.

      I had a brief argument (interrupted by waitron bringing my wings) with someone after I nonchalantly said leftism is a religion. His core contention seemed to be that it doesn’t have scripture, or doctrine written down that everyone agrees holds answers to every question. But they sure seem to know the scripture pretty well – “Failed to control spread”, “We stand with Ukraine”, “gender affirming care” – without have it written down in a book.

      Seems a pretty narrow definition of religion. But I think was wrong – any ideology can be religious in nature; it might just be that those on the left have, to a large degree, abandoned traditional religions, so the ideology becomes the substitute whereas those that still adhere to some religion are less prone to substitute. Haven’t fully thought it through; maybe there’s an article in there somewhere if I ever do.

      • AlexinCT

        The left is a cult. They treat their enemies and their heretics the same way cults do.

    • AlexinCT

      Pound me in the ass prison time!

    • Pine_Tree

      Harming somebody else’s trees is one of those areas that would come damn close to a capital crime if up to me.

      Which is of course why it shouldn’t be up to just me. But letting a court and or arbitrator put a monetary value on it isn’t good enough either. If you deliberately kill your neighbors trees, then the compensation should be whatever the victim says it should be. If they’re my trees and I say that every dead trunk is a million dollars and a gallon of your blood every year, then that’s it.

      • Suthenboy

        *Notes handle*
        Of course you would feel that way.

        In Louisiana stealing timber is a felony and the financial restitution is 3X market value. Then there is the vandalism side of it…
        The real problem with trees is that replacing them takes 30-100 years. That is the part that really stings.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    “Why is mt favorite muu-muu so tight?”

    • AlexinCT

      Hillary is that you?

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Suicide pact

    “Today, we sent the ADVANCE Act to the president’s desk because Congress worked together to recognize the importance of nuclear energy to America’s future and got the job done,” said Republican Shelley Moore Capito, a ranking member of the committee.
    Among other things, the bill would cut regulatory costs for companies seeking to license advanced nuclear reactor technologies, would create a prize for the successful deployment of next-generation reactors, and would speed licensing for nuclear facilities at certain sites.

    The bill could benefit companies like Bill Gates-backed TerraPower, which is trying to build a $4 billion Natrium reactor in Wyoming on the site of an old coal plant but is struggling to secure a key permit.
    Non-proliferation groups including the Union of Concerned Scientists have warned against measures that ease licensing for high-tech nuclear reactors, including those using highly enriched uranium, arguing that safety should remain the priority.

    “Concerned” “scientists” just want what’s best for us.

    • Tundra

      No, fuckwits, the priority should be cheap and plentiful energy. Take your concern and shove it up your ass. Modern nuke technology is amazing.

      • The Other Kevin

        I learned the ship my son in law is on was built in 1975 and is powered by two nuclear reactors. Today’s technology is even better. That pearl clutching is in no way rooted in science. Or even reality.

      • AlexinCT

        The main reason the US has had such an aversion to nuclear power is basically the input of batshit crazy women…

        While this is a generalization and I know damned well it doesn’t apply to all women (disclaimer there), women in the US, and to be honest in the western world, have really skewed things because of the emotions vs. logic problem. Energy is a must have for prosperity. Cheap energy a must for sustained growth. But women, especially in the US, have torpedoed this, and especially nuclear power, for too long. BTW, there are many people writing about precisely this: the west is failing because the general empathy of woman has made them oblivious to the consequences of many decisions when it comes to the security implications.

    • Common Tater

      Stealing shipments of cigarettes during a war is nothing new. It’s been happening since at least as far back as WWII.

    • AlexinCT

      Crazy girl: “He invadeded all my holes screaming NATO’S GONNA GET YA!!! The Rodina was violated!”

    • AlexinCT

      Force them to clean that shit up with their tooth/hair brushes….

    • Nephilium

      Because Stonehenge required a large amount of fossil fuels to be created and maintained obviously.

    • Grumbletarian

      They put the ‘mental’ in ‘environmental’.

  40. Suthenboy

    The left never runs out of scary names…they have to keep inventing them because their boogey men only exist in their heads.
    When did the term Christian Nationalist pop up?

    • AlexinCT

      When you can’t run on any policy victories and have to appeal to emotion, fear is the most valuable and effective way to go…

      It is not an accident that the left has accused all their opponents of being racists, homophobes, misogynists, and called all their opponent politicians during elections Nazis. Think about the fact the accused that milktoast douche Romney of being worse than Hitler….. I mean the guy is a loser, but Hitler?

      And note that if you accuse them of being marxists, whatever the variety, but especially Maoists, they wear that as a badge of pride/honor. It irks me to no end that marxists that make Hitler look like a piker for some reason do not carry the same stigma.

      • Suthenboy

        Lately in their own defense they have resorted to what all leftists are left with when the jig is up. “SHUT UP!” and “Dont believe your lying eyes.”
        It is pathetic and cringy to watch.
        Convincing people that Hitler was ‘right wing’ is really a marvel to behold. I particularly like Tolkien’s character name ‘Wormtongue’. It describes leftists perfectly.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    Now STFU and get back to work

    Billionaire Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos insisted the newspaper’s journalistic standards and ethics “will not change” in an email to newsroom leaders Tuesday — without directly addressing recent reporting that raised ethics concerns about CEO Will Lewis and an incoming senior editor.

    The email, obtained by POLITICO, marks the first time Bezos’ comments on the ongoing controversy at The Washington Post have been made public.

    “Team — I know you’ve already heard this from Will, but I wanted to also weigh in directly: the journalistic standards and ethics at The Post will not change,” Bezos wrote in the email. He added, “You have my full commitment on maintaining the quality, ethics, and standards we all believe in.”

    Mutineers will be keelhauled.

    I find this whole WaPo “Muh journalistic integriteee!” soap opera to be extremely amusing.

    • AlexinCT

      They hired snowflakes to write snowflake shit. Now they are reaping the consequences and not liking the fact the snake is eating them.

    • Suthenboy

      Shorter Bezos “We will continue our naked propaganda”.
      Does anyone really buy their shit?

      • AlexinCT

        To line their bird cages maybe.

      • Suthenboy

        What if the bird accidentally reads some of it?

        I had an uncle that was a prankster. The local store owner had a parrot in the store. My uncle taught the parrot to say ‘fuck your mother’ and other assorted colorful phrases to customers. Everyone thought it was hilarious.

        It would not be hilarious if my bird started spouting leftist talking points.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    If you deliberately kill your neighbors trees, then the compensation should be whatever the victim says it should be.

    Replacement, with the biggest healthiest trees it is possible to transplant. If it costs ten million dollars per tree, well that’s too bad.

    • AlexinCT

      Are those $10 million dollar trees the ones government goes to for money?