Friday Afternoon of Out the Door Links

by | Jul 26, 2024 | Cocktails, Daily Links, Games | 145 comments

At the time these post, I’ll be on the road and unable to comment. So if there’s any late breaking news on a Friday afternoon, I’ll ignore it just as much as the rest of the media will. Let’s start off with some music.

Let’s get started with the important stuff. Shut the fuck up Wesley. You can start talking about your “law” when you start following it. Adding this to point out that we were ahead of this trend.

This seems like the setup to a knock off Bond film.

I’ll just leave this here.

Who’s ready for the fight between the African American and the Indian American?

Well, looks like I may have to give FO4 another shot. (Alternate link in case their website is still being crushed)

Sorry ron, it appears you may be leading everyone into a trap of self-sufficiency.

The Dying Bastard

  • 1 part gin (0.5 ounces)
  • 1 part brandy/cognac (0.5 ounces)
  • 1 part bourbon (0.5 ounces)
  • 1 part lime juice (0.5 ounces)
  • 8 parts ginger beer (4 ounces)
  • 2 dashes aromatic bitters

It seemed cruel to show a picture of a drink and not provide a recipe for it. It is from a local tiki bar, who does not publicize their recipe, but based on the menu description (Make your final dram a blend of ginger and spice.), the recipe seems to line up. Although it doesn’t include the dry ice the tiki bar used. To make this, fill a shaker with ice, add everything but the ginger beer, give a brief shake, then slowly stir the cocktail while adding the ginger beer to the shaker. Pour the contents of the shaker (including the shaken ice) into your glass and garnish with a mint sprig and orange slice (if you are so inclined).

So let’s get to the comments with some more music.

About The Author



Nephilium is a geek of multiple types living in the vast suburban forests of Cleveland.


  1. Shpip

    Overall, we conclude that mRNA-based vaccinations are not associated with an increased risk of most AI-CTDs, although further research is needed regarding its potential association with certain conditions.

    Cool. Now do myocarditis.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      “further research is needed”


      needz moar grant money

    • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

      I keep seeing embalmers pop up talking about the shit they’ve started to find in people’s bodies post clot shot.

  2. Shpip

    Mercury has a layer of diamond 10 miles thick, NASA spacecraft finds

    That’s one helluva carbon footprint. No wonder it’s so hot there.

    • Tonio

      And just like that, the “rocket dicks in space” crowd (feminists) decided they are totally okay with space exploration.

      • SDF-7

        You’re implying they’ll be looking for greater engagement with the space program?

      • Strange Brew

        Some might say they are now married to the idea.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I see they want a rock, rather than a rocket.

  3. SDF-7

    You can start talking about your “law” when you start following it.

    Yeah — Wil does seem to only want that applied to others so he can troll them. He comes across as a complete ass.

    And Wesley doesn’t have fans because Gene put him in as a total Gary Stu. If he’d let him get a bit older he probably would have had him bang every eligible female he had any power over like Gene could find.

  4. Sensei

    Who’s ready for the fight between the African American and the Indian American?

    The good news is this will keep FedGov occupied and less likely to do actual harm.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    Goddammit Forbes website is an obnoxious shitshow. I guess I’ll just have to remain ignorant.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Accepting what you cannot control.

  6. SDF-7


    This seems like the setup to a knock off Bond film.

    “Do you expect me to talk?

    No, Mr. Bond! I expect you to MINE!”

    More seriously — with the industrial / synthetic diamond processes these days, I can’t imagine that will be anything but a curiosity. Hydrocarbons, water and fissiles (maybe He3 if it really is on dark patches of the Moon, which I’m not convinced of) will more likely be what’s gone for out in the black. (tell ’em I ain’t comin’ back…)

    • R.J.


      • SDF-7


  7. SDF-7

    I’ll just leave this here.

    What?!? F’ing with the immune system (which we barely understand and more often than not trigger it into overdrive accidentally) had consequences (that are or are not intentional depending on the tilt of your tin chapeau)?

    Why, I do declah, suh… you shock me! Shock me, I say!

    • R C Dean

      “We report that the risk of developing most AI-CTDs did not increase following mRNA vaccination, except for systemic lupus erythematosus with a 1.16-fold risk in vaccinated individuals relative to controls.”

      Huh. I guess sometimes, it is lupus.

  8. SDF-7

    Well, looks like I may have to give FO4 another shot. (Alternate link in case their website is still being crushed)

    Yeah — I already own it on Steam (FO4, not London, wot)… but GOG is running a sale and has London on their store page (so I wouldn’t have to give Nexus the time of day), so I’m considering an alternate install or something.

    Not until I get back to California next week though… the computer here is relatively underpowered and I don’t have time to be goofing around at this point anyway.

    • rhywun

      I was *just* looking into what it might take to play Skyrim these days (I own it but never get far) and saw mention of mods and shit. Nope. I don’t want to play it that bad.

      Fallout 4 is not much newer so I would expect problem after problem if I tried it.

    • UnCivilServant

      Avast says the Fallout London downgrader is a virus.

      • R C Dean

        Yeah, you have to downgrade from their last update (which apparently broke a ton of mods) to run it.

        It’s not a virus, of course.

  9. SDF-7

    Sorry ron, it appears you may be leading everyone into a trap of self-sufficiency.

    I don’t think he trucks with such criticism.

    • Drake

      He’s been ramming it down our throats!

    • R.J.

      *Golf Clap
      What you did there. It was seen.

    • Suthenboy

      That article (I barely read any of it) smells like the guardian’s ‘taking care of. yourself will delude you into thinking you are in charge of your own life’ articles.

      No thanks.

  10. EvilSheldon

    So sort of a Moscow Mule, except really a Nederlands/France/Kentucky Mule? Sounds good to me!

    • Drake

      A mule with a gin gimlet added in?

      • SDF-7

        Just be glad there wasn’t tequila in the mix or it would be a real donkey show…

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Dirty laundry

    Wilson also addressed Musk’s recent comments in a series of posts Thursday on the social media app Threads.

    “He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there,” she wrote. “And in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness.”

    “I’ve been reduced to a happy little stereotype,” she continued. “I think that says alot about how he views queer people and children in general.”


    • SDF-7

      on the social media app Threads

      “Wait, that still exists?!?” says everyone else….

      And do I believe an overachieving workaholic like Musk isn’t a great father? Of course.

      Do I really care what his obviously-with-mental-issues son has to say? Not really.

      Do I believe that most Dads would harass their son for coming across as a pansy when they’re young? Yeah. Might suck for some kids who later come out as gay — but I don’t think you’re going to change that aspect of human behavior. Part of being a Dad is to try to raise your son to be a man — and acting like a woman is not going to come across well in that model, sorry Trans brigade.

    • rhywun

      “Queer” means “leftist asshole” so I’m not surprised.

      And it sounds like this person is “stereotyping” himself just fine.

      Whatever. Let the hit pieces flow.

    • Suthenboy

      A lot can be explained by saying the most offensive thing you can say to any tranny: “Everything is not about you.”

  12. The Late P Brooks

    DeBeers will hire Musk to blow up Mercury to preserve the cartel.

    • SDF-7

      I just want the cartel to move HQ to Chicago so they can be DA… BEERS.

      • Tres Cool

        Damn you.
        Now Im watching a bunch of those old clips.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Wilson was also mentioned in a biography of Musk by author Walter Isaacson — a book that she told NBC News was inaccurate and unfair to her. The book refers to her politics as “radical Marxism,” quoting Musk’s sister-in-law Christiana Musk, but Wilson said she’s not a Marxist, though she said she does oppose wealth inequality. The book also calls her by her middle name, Jenna.

    She renounced his money and works at Starbucks?

    • B.P.

      ““I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form,” she said in the court filing.”

      Except, you know, keep the checks rolling. That whole article is an editorial meant to prompt head-nodding by like-minded robots.

      • rhywun

        Yeap it’s a thoroughly expected campaign ad for the new Herself.

        Never change, NBC.

      • slumbrew

        Indeed, I too assume “… except for that sweet, sweet money” was left unsaid.

    • Aloysious

      I’m looking forward to the new contributor ‘Wilson’s Mom’.

      She won’t be as cool as Winston’s Mom, but who could be.

  14. The Late P Brooks
    • SDF-7

      Somewhat obligatory… or just because I like it

  15. rhywun

    I already called out the hypocrisy of GOP lawmakers who attacked the former management of Twitter for “bias” as they did way, way less than that.

    LOL the current administration is known to have censored Twitter and all the others.


  16. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    PSA: Tonight’s installment is brutal. Read at your own risk.

    • Sean

      uh oh…

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)


    • DEG

      We read Sugarfree.

    • Grosspatzer, Superstar

      Now I’ll have to read it.

      • R.J.

        I know! It’s like I have been challenged.

  17. DEG

    To make this, fill a shaker with ice, add everything but the ginger beer, give a brief shake, then slowly stir the cocktail while adding the ginger beer to the shaker. Pour the contents of the shaker (including the shaken ice) into your glass and garnish with a mint sprig and orange slice (if you are so inclined).

    That looks tasty.

    • slumbrew

      Tomorrow. Minimize holding time with the egg yolks.

      Plus you can “accidentally” spill some on yourself while preparing it…

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Just like his will…

  18. The Late P Brooks

    He’s got nothing against cats

    Vance told SiriusXM’s “The Megyn Kelly Show” in an interview that aired Friday: “Obviously, it was a sarcastic comment. I’ve got nothing against cats” and then blamed the media for “focusing so much on the sarcasm and not on the substance of what I actually said.”

    Vance made the remarks in 2021 on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show, referring to Vice President Kamala Harris, now the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, as one of the “childless cat ladies” running the nation who “want to make the rest of the country miserable too.”

    Go ahead and call her the “anointed candidate”. I don’t think anybody will bother to dispute it.

    • rhywun

      Watching the Dems completely ignore BLM’s objections in this matter has been richly rewarding.

      Full steam ahead with “democracy”, fellas!

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      I want him to use the line, “Do I look like I just fell off of Willy Brown’s cock?”

      • Tres Cool

        “Do I go down to where she works and slap the Willie out of her mouth?”

  19. The Late P Brooks

    should I give the RV repair guy the pleasure of watching me cook it tomorrow?

    Whip it good.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Musk’s child whines about him not being around much. Guess what, sonny, my dad wasn’t around much either, and he wasn’t even a billionaire head of multiple corporations.

    • rhywun

      I never saw mine again after the age of 3. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      • Grosspatzer, Superstar

        Mom left dad when I was 1, never knew him. But she did find a new one 8 years later, shipping me off to California for the summer while she and new dad had their extended honeymoon. A great start to our “relationship”, and didn’t get any better.

        I’d write a tell-all but nobody would give a fuck and rightly so. Being stuck in the past is not a good thing.

      • Ted S.

        Maybe you should try being queen and then everyone would care about you.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        My husband’s parents divorced when he was 1. Didn’t see his dad too much. Husband had 3 stepfathers, one of which was an abusive SOB who was a CPS worker. “How can you be like this when you take kids away from people for being like you?” “It takes one to know one.” Anyway, when husband was 16 and stepdad #1 came after him with a belt, he picked up a 2×4 and said, “If you touch me, I’ll kill you.” And that was that.

        I will keep what I think about his mother to myself. She’s dead and I can’t slap her.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Yeah, my mom bailed out when I was 13. Still see her, hate her husband, life goes on.

    • Grosspatzer, Superstar

      Would YOU like to be queen for a day?

      Each contestant was asked to talk about the recent financial and emotional hard times she had been through. The interview would climax with Bailey asking the contestant what she needed most and why she wanted to win the title of Queen for a Day.[3] Often the request was for medical care or therapeutic equipment to help a chronically ill child, or might be for a hearing aid, a new washing machine, or a refrigerator. Many women broke down sobbing as they described their plights.

    • Tres Cool

      Or you could be…King for a Day

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Vance’s 2021 remarks resurfaced this week and quickly drew criticism from celebrities, politicians and members of Harris’ family. Some of the criticism drew comparisons between Vance’s “childless” comments and his stance on abortion rights and reproductive health care.

    Earlier this week, after Vance’s 2021 comments resurfaced, actress Jennifer Aniston was one of the highest-profile names to criticize the senator, posting on her Instagram Stories: “I truly can’t believe this is coming from a potential VP of The United States.”

    Vance is in favor of mandatory abortions for all?

    And Jennifer Aniston was all primed to pull the lever for Trump/Vance until she heard about that mean “cat lady” crack.

    • slumbrew

      The vapors by people who wouldn’t be caught dead voting R are always amusing.

    • Sean

      She’s still welcome to pull my lever.

    • B.P.

      They did their opposition research, and this is what they came up with.

      “I truly can’t believe this is coming from a potential VP of The United States.”

      Of all the insane shit going on right now, this is the thing that blows Jennifer Anniston’s hair back.

      • rhywun

        But she’s totally down with her Party installing an actual VP as the next P candidate without, well, anyone voting for it.


      • Tundra

        Jenny is truly transcendentally hot, but she appears to be a spectacularly repellent human being.


      • Suthenboy

        Sadly Tundra, there is a lot of that going around.

      • Tundra


        True, Suthen. I’m not saying my Jenny is hotter (ok I am), but she is so much groovier and doesn’t give a fuck about politics.


  22. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    Husband just won a $200 gift card, in case anybody thought he’s been slacking on his side gig.

      • slumbrew

        Teela Brown doing her his thing.

      • UnCivilServant

        That can be used someplace nice.

    • Grosspatzer, Superstar

      Congrats, don’t spend it all at once. Hereabouts that would just about cover dinner and drinks for two. Thanks, Joe.

    • rhywun

      But since this particular book is clearly being written by a dork who burned out his brain with too much cocaine who now struggles with writing good characters and satisfying conclusions, like Stephen King


      • Suthenboy

        That reminds me of the fake rapper character confronting a feminist with “So how come all of the best cooks are men, like…uh…Colonel Sanders?”
        Different intent same joke form…example is the punchline.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Reputable sources

    A number of House Republicans are privately bashing former President Trump’s selection of Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) as his running mate, warning that the pick will not help — and could hurt — the party’s chances of winning in November.

    The Republicans, speaking to The Hill on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive topic, raised concerns about Vance’s foreign policy positions, lack of experience and inability to expand the Republican coalition beyond Trump’s base.


    “He was the worst choice of all the options. It was so bad I didn’t even think it was possible,” one House Republican said. “Anti-Ukraine, more of a populist. He adds nothing to the Trump ticket. He energizes the same people that love Trump.”

    “I think if you were to ask many people around this building, 9 out of 10 on our side would say he’s the wrong pick,” a second House Republican said. “He’s the only person who can do serious damage.”

    Dump him. Maybe Mitt’s available.

    This frantic media blitz against Vance makes me assume they are all terrified of him.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      How about Fuck! The “party”

      • R.J.

        Thanks. I was looking for that scene earlier.

    • Suthenboy

      “The Republicans, speaking to The Hill on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive topic…”
      Shorter Mychael Schnell “I made this shit up”

      “This frantic media blitz against Vance makes me assume they are all terrified of him.” <— This. That is always a tell. They are in a panic and cannot help themselves.

    • Gustave Lytton

      If they get in, 4-12 years of Trump & Vance and he doesn’t appear to be the deep state puppet Pence was (not that he probably isn’t compromised either).

    • R C Dean

      “The “Republicans”, speaking to The Hill on the condition of anonymity”


      The reporter thought “Wouldn’t it be cool if a bunch of Repubs slagged on Vance? Heck, I bet they would, too. I’ll just right it up that way!”

  24. Tundra

    Happy Friday, degenerates!

    I probably won’t make Neph’s cocktail, but I think a reverse sear tri-tip with chimichurri is in my future.

    Fabulous song, Neph.

    • Timeloose

      That band was the one my wife and Neph bonded over when we met.

    • Sean

      Yum. I’ll bring some bourbon.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    House Republicans say other vice presidential contenders — like Haley, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) — could have helped expand the GOP coalition behind Trump with their more moderate demeanor and toned-down rhetoric.

    “It’s not like he’s a bad name, he just doesn’t bring a single voter out that Trump didn’t already have. That’s the problem,” one of the House Republicans said. “Every other option they were considering brought some other kind of voter to the table in some way.”

    “Vance brings Trump’s voters out. You know who else brings Trump’s voters out? Trump,” they added. “That’s why a lot of us are scratching our heads.”

    Who casts their vote based on the Vice President? What an imbecilic argument.

    • B.P.

      Oh no. Trump has disappointed the GOP Brain Trust, who have proved so adept in recent decades at election strategy.

    • Drake

      Reagan let himself get saddled with that fink HW Bush, who undid all his reforms. Trump learned after his experience with Pence. Why should he saddle himself with a neo-cons imbecile like Rubio?

      Having JD Vance around also makes it less likely he gets shot again since they won’t be getting an agreeable uniparty guy afterwards.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        That is just it; you have to go all or nothing at this point. If he half-asses things again, and picking an establishment VP would signal that, it is all over. He needs a successor who is of the same mindset, so that if his policies are seen to be working by the people, and not the politicians, they can actually be successful in the long run, changing the culture.

      • Suthenboy

        I was secretly hoping for ‘take an axe to it’ Ramaswamy. Ok, what I was secretly but not truly able to believe is that Ramaswamy would actually do what he said he wanted to do.

      • R C Dean

        I was pulling for Tulsi, err, hoping he would pick Tulsi. Speaking of not a uniparty candidate and all.

  26. Yusef drives a Kia

    I just finished golf and lunch with my oldest grandson, we hant seen each other since my wife passed away. He’s huge!
    And we had a great time,
    Just sayin’

    • Grosspatzer, Superstar

      He’s huge!

      Oh, it’s twue! It’s twue!

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I heard his girlfriend is a happy, must run in the family,
        16 y.o. 6’4″

      • R.J.

        Grosspatzer! Where have you been?

      • UnCivilServant

        Does the altitude come from the other side of the family? I’m not trying to be crass or mean, I just couldn’t come up with a diplomatic way to say “he’s quite a bit taller than you”

    • Tundra

      Love it. Happy for you, brother.

    • DEG


    • Tundra

      I’ve seen those pics. Probably as good a reason to vote for Two Scoops as any other.

    • slumbrew

      Nude pics of Trump’s super hot wife is not going to lose him any votes.

      • UnCivilServant

        “Model modelled for magazine 24 years ago” isn’t exactly a scandal.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I was going to say ain’t nobody wanting that but Rule 34…

    • Ownbestenemy

      Uh…so classy nudes? Prep the presses!

    • rhywun

      Harris has faced numerous racist and misogynistic attacks

      And… I’m out.

      Three more months of this shit?

  27. The Late P Brooks

    I guess it could be worse. She could have posted her own nude pics.

    What sort of depraved pervert would want to see that?

    • Tundra


      • Tres Cool


    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      It’s not about want. It’s about being forced to celebrate ugliness.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    I can’t keep up

    Vice President Kamala Harris debuted an official TikTok account on Thursday, underscoring the social broadcasting app’s importance to the 2024 presidential campaign as a way to reach voters.


    Harris’s quick adoption of TikTok contrasts with President Joe Biden, who personally appeared with Harris on the campaign’s @BidenHQ (now @KamalaHQ) page. U.S. lawmakers have expressed concern over TikTok’s ownership by a Chinese tech company.

    TikTok’s immense popularity with the youth of America and the broader public has made the app an important campaigning tool by politicians, even though the company does not allow political advertising.

    We’ve always been allies with tiktok.

    • B.P.

      Every time I watch a video on youtube I’m hit with an ad of Kamala asking for campaign money and talking about how dire the situation is. Problem is, she looks like she’s about to burst out laughing the whole time.

      • Sensei

        Same for me on no Adblock devices. Same for my wife.

        Looks like they have bought a ton and it doesn’t matter the audience.

        It’s an interesting choice as I watch nothing political on YouTube.

      • slumbrew

        Just clicked on Shpip’s link and got a Kamala ad. Talk about wasting money…

      • Ownbestenemy

        Yep its across the board…almost like YT is just putting that ad on….weird.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        I watch nothing political on YouTube.

        I’m pretty sure yootoob, FaceDerp, Amazon, etc. spy on your other open browser tabs. In fact, I’m certain of it.

        An example: I first heard about a trend of ladies with yuge tracts of land nursing fake babies (dolls) on this here site. The next day, what appears in my Facederp feed?
        Well endowed ladies nursing dolls.

      • rhywun

        I don’t see ads anywhere online but… Kamala on TV has a unique ability to make me leap for the remote in a way than even Joe did not.

        She is unbelievably unwatchable. That will no doubt be worth another “the most votes in history”. 🙄

      • R C Dean

        “Looks like they have bought a ton and it doesn’t matter the audience.”

        Protection money, to keep YouTube on side and reward them for their good work in, err, curating their feed.

      • Sensei

        RC – that was my thinking too!

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump debuted an official TikTok account in June. Earlier this year, Trump told CNBC that while he shares national security and privacy concerns about TikTok, he believed that banning the app would only “make Facebook bigger, and I consider Facebook to be an enemy of the people.”

    That’s hard to argue with.

  30. Shpip

    Outright, prolonged laughter, especially after all the lefties saying that Vance is a hayseed (but not a REAL hayseed).

    I’ll repost this tomorrow, since everyone is already in their cups tucking in to dinner before an early bedtime.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Missing verse:

      Just a good ol boy
      You know my mama loves me
      But she doesn’t understand
      Why they show my hands and not my face on TV

      (evidently a joke about him playing the guitar in the opening credits and only seeing his hands)

    • Ownbestenemy


    • slumbrew

      I LOLd a the Boss Hogg reveal.

  31. Ownbestenemy

    Why are my people able to laugh at this

  32. Ownbestenemy

    In geek world…amazing folks did a whole overhaul of Fallout 4 into Fallout London. Ready to dive in and see how the crazy blokes handled the post-wartime nonsense.

  33. Ownbestenemy

    Music choice

    Okay…music video choice.

    • slumbrew

      I’ll be in my bunk.

  34. Drake

    The Olympic opening ceremony – did Satan himself do the chorography?

    “The opening ceremony of the Olympics felt like the closing ceremony of humanity.”
    – Kim Dotcom