1. Beau Knott

    Mornin’ Banjos!

    • Gender Traitor

      Mornin’ Beau, Banjos, U, Suthen, and ‘bodru! (Good to see you again!)

      • Gender Traitor

        So far, so good. Once again only working this afternoon. I think payroll hit OK, so with any luck I won’t arrive to find my voice mail overflowing with screaming coworkers.

        Big suspense for the day: after 7 this evening, I need to call or get online to find out whether I have to show up for jury duty Monday morning. 🤦‍♀️

        How about you?

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, I don’t have Jury Duty.

        I do have a regular workday today, though I’d rather be writing.

        My lavender is doing well.

        I might cook the quail in saffron sauce again just to get prettier photographs. I think I’ve figured out the order of operations to get it to come together best on the plate.

        I do need to visit the grocery store on the way home to get some ingredients for the venison sauce and restock on diet dew.

        Ordinary stuff.

      • Gender Traitor

        There’s a lot to be said for ordinary stuff.

  2. UnCivilServant

    While some of Europe tilts right, British voters turn left to Labour Party and a new prime minister

    I think this was the outcome Sunak was hoping for when he called for new elections. He knew the Tories were sunk and wanted to ensure the insane far left policies he’d driven would go on, so he dropped surprise elections on the country knowing that the popular choice would be unprepared to take advantage of it to the fullest, leaving the Anti-west Labour as the only party standing.

    • Drake

      Of course – made sure people like Farage did not have time to organize a real opposition party.

      Hopefully the Tory party is truly dead.

      • cavalier973

        Is the Tory party the same as the Conservative Party?

        I had an idea that they were different, although possibly aligned.

      • UnCivilServant

        Yes, the Tories are the “Conservatives”. I don’t use their official name because they are nothing of the sort.

      • UnCivilServant

        Farage is now the MP for Clacton.

    • R C Dean

      I’m not sure it’s accurate to say the British voters turned left. The Tories and Labour are both left wing parties now. Reform is the new non-left party and did much better than in previous years, from what I can tell.

      • UnCivilServant

        Oh, I’m sure the voters did not turn left.

        The election result was that of the way the electoral system was structured.

      • Social Justice is Neither

        When your choices are unlimited immigration, shit policies and lies about such or unlimited immigration and shit policies without the lies but somehow worse you drop out and get the worse.

  3. Suthenboy

    I get it…Biden’s admin is a freakshow and Biden himself is barely sentient. What I haven’t seen is a list of names of the people actually running things. Heads of industries? Heads of NGO’s? Obama shadow govt? Is it even run be Americans? It cant be that hard to find out. I think this is a pretty important question.

    Watching Laura Ingraham now…” they want us to be happy not having cars and eating bugs…”
    She gets it.

      • SDF-7

        That group of incompetents? I doubt it. I suspect Chiefs of Staff for PPP and various departments — with the communications department / Twitter handle completely off in its own fantasy world. And reporting back to the Lightbringer does not seem out of the question since almost all of said folks are acolytes.

      • Suthenboy

        I have never been wrong using the old saw “It’s the money. It’s always the money.”
        I am gonna guess the Cabinet is following the script given to them by lobbyists who are lackeys of industry.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I don’t see Jerome Powell.

    • Beau Knott

      They want us eating bugs and not having cars. Happy only matters until they’re completely unassailable. Neal Asher’s Owner trilogy is frighteningly on point. Especially book one, The Departure.

  4. robodruid

    That is so brave that the President came out as a black women.
    I don’t think i would have the balls to ever admit that.

    • Nephilium

      Well it explains him playing football for a black college.

  5. cavalier973

    Wait; Joe Biden isn’t actually a black woman?

    Is this one of those “blue dress/gold dress” things?

  6. Certified Public Asshat

    While students are learning about the cost of living, how to balance their budget and file taxes, a Senate appropriations committee analysis of the legislation says implementing its requirements may cost the state an additional $200 million a year.

    They will learn this finance stuff does not apply at the state level.

  7. cavalier973

    “Putin says he thinks Trump is sincere about ending Ukraine war.”

    Doesn’t mean Putin thinks that Trump can actually effect an end to the war in Ukraine.

    • SDF-7

      Yeah, the article quotes him as basically saying “I have no idea how he plans to do that — so we’ll see what happens.”

      I don’t like Putin as a person, nor do I like his dictatorial rule — but he does seem rational and aware unlike most modern mouthpieces.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Like you, I am not a fan of Putin’s policies, but I do wish we had a pres. as smart as him.

      • Drake

        Thanks to the last 30 years of American foreign policy, Putin is the most moderate and restrained Russian leader we’ll see for a long time. Any of his likely successors such as Dmitry Medvedev are far more hostile towards the west.

      • Social Justice is Neither

        Putin has a limited number of things he was trying to secure and they aren’t remaking a reunified USSR. They’ve taken those objectives when a hostile Biden admin took long term trade off the table with NATO expansion so there are agreements to be made that the Biden admin will not consider.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Compared to the Russian leaders through history and compared to those who would likely replace him, Putin ain’t so bad. It’s been a mistake to demonize him all these years. It would have been better to try to work with him.

  8. cavalier973

    I just want to say “thank you” to everyone who contributes to this site—articles, links, stories, etc.

    I appreciate you all.

  9. rhywun

    move Great Britain quicker into a clean energy future

    LOL dumbasses.

    Sorry, Britain.

    • Suthenboy

      Dont apologize to them. Govt is a reflection of culture. They love yoke’s.

    • UnCivilServant

      When someone remembers the 1970s, be suspicious of them.

      • SDF-7

        Even if it was really being into Space: 1999 watching in the downstairs family room with the orange shag carpet and yellow formica round table? (I’m pretty sure we had an olive green fridge at that point too…. the brown / orange / green color sets are one of the main things I remember about the ’70s).

      • UnCivilServant

        I was only joking about it being split between “not born” and “on drugs”

    • Suthenboy

      Memory is like that. Over time we filter out the awful and retain the good memories. That’s why the past looks like the good ‘ol days. In the present we can see and smell the turds right in front of us, turds which thankfully will be cleansed from our memory later on.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Or, they are remembering This.

      • SDF-7

        It may be just me… but Bowie distinctly looks like — “What am I supposed to do with her, anyway?”

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Well, she is, after all, an English 20.

      • Suthenboy

        I met Bowie once…super nice guy. Yeah, I doubt he would know what to do with her or have any interest in finding out.

      • Tres Cool

        Seems like I once read that Iggy Pop went to stay in Berlin with Bowie and Mick Jagger to kick heroin.
        Im sure that wasnt a sausage party.

    • Lord Humungus

      Meh – I lived through the 70s and was a teenager in the 80s. I looked back at the 1970s decade as a huge amount of cheese.

      But time has given me some – well to be honest – nostalgia. There were some great things going on. Architecture was still good as was a lot of the art. Calder, for example, was still making some of his best work. American cars still had a big (though somewhat ugly) presence while the Germans were making some real beauties. I could probably stomach the “freedom” of the 70s a lot more than what we have now: boring gray/white/black palettes in terms of decor and cars; like people want to live in prisons.

      • Not Adahn

        My take on the 1970s was that people were so desperate to be different that they decided that they’d resort to ugliness, since that hadn’t been done before (for what should have been obvious reasons).

        That plus the economic decline and the remnant of the folk revival led to the acceptance of a lot of really horrific DIY-type fashion.

        Also rectangles. Everything must be a rectangle.

      • rhywun

        Yeah the 70s had a lot of awful.

        And a lot of good. The “mood” in America is something that sticks out when I see stuff from that time, particularly race/sex stuff. Nobody was walking around on eggshells the way they have to now, and I miss that.

    • Drake

      I remember turning off crap like that and instead listening to The Cars, Boston, UFO and all the other bands that for-real FM DJ’s were playing.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        There is a lot of shit music at any and all periods of time. You just need to, as you did, find a way to sort through it.

        Plus, the shit music of the sixties and early seventies is what led to the greatest musical event of all time: the punk explosion.

    • DrOtto

      Just waiting for Trey to comment…

  10. Gender Traitor

    Commercial websites – especially news sites? – seem to be getting more aggressive about not letting you view them unless you turn off ad blockers. Even the local “big” TV news station’s site’s “front page” disappears for me after a few seconds. (So far I think I can still view their main weather and traffic report pages.) I can’t turn off my ad blocker because I forget what it’s called, so I can’t find it. 😕

    • UnCivilServant

      The adblock arms race churns on.

    • Suthenboy

      If one more Mother F’er asks me for my email address before I can read….

      Enjoy it while you can. the internet as a whole is dying.

      • Rat on a train

        mailinator works for some of those

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      What? People want to charge for use? Quelle horreur! That is so (spits) libertarian!

      • UnCivilServant

        A paywall is one thing.

        Ads are vile and must be thwarted.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Ads are how things get paid for.

        I swear, peoples aversion to others making money is downright communist.

      • UnCivilServant

        Ads are neither the only or the best option.

      • Rat on a train

        I’m not opposed to ads, but pop ups, pop unders, autoplaying video ads, security issues, … pushed me into the block camp.

      • Suthenboy

        I have no problem with ads until they start gumming up my computer taking the page forever to load while it jumps around and ends up looking the Las Vegas strip with the content I came to read unfindable…..and they want my email so they can plug up my inbox with 10K pieces of shit.

      • SDF-7

        What our locomotive rat said.

        Ads themselves, I understand and within reason can handle.

        When these slimy assholes started getting into malware levels of scripting and with all the tracking “to better target you!” is when I view it as they’ve crossed the line into assaulting me effectively (getting back to the standard Rights / Rules of Force models round these parts).

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Well, it is like war. You want to read things for free, they want to make money. And so it escalates.

      • UnCivilServant

        If you don’t want to give it away, then sell it to the readers.

        If it’s not worth what you want to sell it for, produce better content.

      • Mojeaux

        If it’s not worth what you want to sell it for, produce better content.

        I would think you’d know better than to throw out this specious chestnut.

      • UnCivilServant

        Why would you say that?

        If my prices are too high for what I produce, I can either reduce prices or improve the quality of what’s on offer.

      • Mojeaux

        Given a choice, people will take anything they can get—especially electronic information—for free. No, wait. They DEMAND it for free. It’s just electrons. It’s their right. It’s been that way since radio and TV, which is why advertising exists.

        It’s not about quality—they can’t judge it if they haven’t read it.

        It’s not about price—they don’t want to pay for it at all.

        It’s not even about taste/preference if they don’t want to pay for it in the first place.

        And the kicker—if they don’t know about it, it doesn’t exist.

        Advertising lets you have information you don’t want to pay for, for as close to free as you’re ever going to get.

      • UnCivilServant

        Nothing is free, and the cancer advertizing has become needs to be burned out root and branch.

      • Mojeaux

        So, you want ads to go away and ALSO want to enjoy someone else’s work for free. Got it.

      • UnCivilServant

        Now you’re writing fiction.

      • UnCivilServant

        UnCivilServant on July 5, 2024 at 7:49 am

        A paywall is one thing.

        Ads are vile and must be thwarted.

        UnCivilServant on July 5, 2024 at 7:52 am

        Ads are neither the only or the best option.

        UnCivilServant on July 5, 2024 at 8:32 am

        If you don’t want to give it away, then sell it to the readers.

        Where does that add up to “I want it for free and ad-free”? I want Ad-free. I understand making the choice of how much I’m willing to pay for what I expect, and have paid for content from sources I expect to be worth the price tag.

    • Nephilium

      The big local site keeps modifying which stories require a subscription and which ones don’t. Depending on when you’re checking the site the same story may or may not require a subscription account. It gets really annoying when trying to share a story.

  11. SDF-7

    Given the conversations from time to time we’ve had on the “de-banking” front (especially around the time of the Trucker Convoy in the USA’s Hat), this is interesting. Have to confess, though… this sort of “We’re tailor made for XXX group needing things! Rah! Rah!” triggers my “They’ll walk away with your money” reflex. But I’m likely just overly paranoid sometimes.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I might move some money over there, just to try it out, and use it for things not loved by the state of Oregon.

    • Suthenboy

      Bank with political leanings….Yeah, maybe I am overly paranoid too. Hell, I am paranoid about everyone.

      • R.J.

        Yes. That looks like a central point of failure. Everybody starts banking there, then a convenient regulation gets tweaked that shuts it down.

      • Social Justice is Neither

        RJ who needs a regulation when you can just start a spurious investigation and steal all the assets.

  12. Ted S.

    Lovely typo from one of the links (it’s not Banjos’ typo):

    Former president Donald Trump ripped Joe Biden and Kamala Harris while holding a wad of cash in a video captured on a gold course on Wednesday.

    • UnCivilServant

      He was handing out money to other people in that video.

      Also, a billionaire has cash on hand? Say it ain’t so!

      And it’s not like a word he said in that video was any different from what he’s said in public for years.

  13. Lord Humungus

    Completely unrelated: EF decided, once she saw it at an antique store, that we needed a Westinghouse pink stove made in ~1961.

    Looks like this https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bc/53/2f/bc532fae01616af068677a91847702e7.jpg

    One burner doesn’t work – finding a replacement is hard. Or is the problem at the control? Measuring AC, especially at the 240VAC level doesn’t make me feel very comfortable; and this from a guy who services 400VDC or more tube gear.

    And then, after a few month of service, the oven element broke. Guess what? Westinghouse used their own ceramic connection method that is waay different than anything else. Three prongs. Long story short I bought a modern element and had to modify it with a grinding wheel. I finally got it working after several fist shaking moments. So away we go…

      • Lord Humungus

        No gas line available – nor do I feel like tearing up the concrete floor to install one.

    • Ted S.

      Cool link, bro!

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Those are standard size burners, so test it for resistance (after unplugging it and removing it, of course) and if it fails, go to ACE and get a new one in that size. The 240 splits in an electric oven, 120 goes to the burners, and the other 120 goes to the oven itself. And with a good meter*, checking 240 is no issue, just don’t do anything stupid.

      *Fluke. Just go and buy a Fluke, buy once cry once.

      • Lord Humungus

        They may be standard sized but the electrical connectors are – once again – big honking ceramics with their own plug mechanism. Once again I would have to do some modification to get it to work. There are original Corox burners out there but I don’t know if that is the issue or the big ol’ rheostat on top. I’ve never had a burner actually go bad… heck I can’t even measure any AC going to it but neither can I for the working burners. Is 240VAC three phase? I feel like I’m missing something here.

      • EvilSheldon

        “*Fluke. Just go and buy a Fluke, buy once cry once.”

        I have a hand-me-down Fluke 8024B multimeter that my Dad bought new in 1982. Still works perfectly and is more accurate than most.

        It was becoming something of a collectors item, so I bought an 87V MAX a couple years ago. Worth. Every. Penny.

      • Grummun

        Is 240VAC three phase?

        There is such a thing as 240V three phase, but I guar-on-tee your residential service is single phase.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        In all honesty, to use that stove you are gonna want to rewire in new burner connectors, it sounds like, along with a new rheostat. The old stuff is probably plumerized with cooking oil by now anyway, and good, fresh connectors that are usable with current burners is what I would do.

        And Grummun is right, it will not be three phase.

    • mikey

      Love it. I remember. A good friend’s kitchen had all pink appliances. He was the first kid I knew had his own TV in his room – after his parents bought a color TV. That color TV was the first one I ever watched.

      Why TF am I remembering shit like this?

  14. Shpip

    More than half of U.S. states now require high school students to receive a financial literacy course before they graduate after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill passed by the California Legislature.

    I’d settle for, y’know, regular literate students (bonus if they can do basic math, too) but this could be a real positive. Since financially literate students might do a cost / benefit analysis before signing up for the post-secondary indoctrination centers and may have an idea about the costs associated with crushing regulations and taxes.

    California may have just unwittingly started solving the student loan crisis while accelerating the exodus of the productive from California.

    • Gender Traitor

      I’m not sure I’d trust a “financial literacy” course approved by California politicians…

      • SDF-7

        “Go ahead and get massively in debt… you can always rely on your Uncle to bail you out!”

  15. SDF-7

    Should have had more coffee before Squardle — the boy wanted to see actual fireworks (CA fire hazards are real), so took him to a nearby town’s July 4 events / ended with fireworks. [As an aside… nice change of pace that this was practically an unofficial Trump rally…. don’t get that in CA even if I suspect more folks in my area want him in than let on…]

    Made some stupid “picked up an accidental letter while making a word I didn’t vaguely mean to” type errors, sinking my accuracy. Ah well.

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/05:
    *20/20 words
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 07/05:
    *59/59 words (+3 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 6% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 460

    • Sean

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/05:
      *20/20 words (+10 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 1% by bonus words

      I played https://squaredle.com 07/05:
      59/59 words (+11 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 15% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 411

  16. Shpip

    This has become something of a trope in recent years, but: we’re still a nation of cars, unless driving one requires both feet and both hands.

    Mary Sampietro got the scare of her life five years ago. It left her disappointed in America’s young people.

    The mental health professional was in her stick-shift 2016 Jeep Patriot in a rough neighborhood in her native Houston when she rolled down the window to smoke a cigarette. Suddenly, a teenager stuck a gun in her face, ordering her out of the car. He got in but only made it to the next traffic light before stalling the engine and running away.

    “I was like ‘How can you be a carjacker and not know how to drive a manual?’”

    Bonus confused-dog head tilt: huh?

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Yep. I also used to ride a kick start only motorcycle, and even hard core riders, unless they were old and rode dirt bikes, couldn’t start it.

      • UnCivilServant

        Wait, there’s a different kind of starter besides the kick start?

        /doesn’t ride two wheels

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I think you need to spend MORE time watching ads, if only to see how the world works.

    • Not Adahn

      I remember some self-made video of an armed driver turning the tables on his would-be carjacker and berating him for not knowing how to drive a standard. It was entertaining.

      • EvilSheldon

        I was just thinking of that same video. The best thing about it was how the driver switched between being completely calm, composed, and lucid while talking to the 911 dispatcher on the phone, and just viciously dogging the carjacker he was holding at gunpoint.

      • slumbrew

        It’s a heartwarming video.

    • Rat on a train

      The last time I drove a manual was when I went to U-Haul on short notice back in the oughts. They said everything was out or reserved. All they had left were a couple trucks with manual transmissions.

    • Tres Cool

      The link:
      “shifting gears, the feel of the clutch under your hand…”
      If the author is talking about a car she kinda has it wrong.

      • SDF-7

        She enjoys driving with a small purse in hand… I suppose it is her thing.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    To use the boxing analogy, what round will Stephanopoulous (or however you spell it) take a dive in?

    “Mister President, I’d just like to thank you for coming on with me to show the American people how calm and alert and assured you are in the face of these tough questions which you obviously had no advance knowledge of.”

    • Q Continuum

      I’m not so sure. The propaganda machine puts Party power uber alles so it’ll depend on what orders Steffy’s gotten from above. It all boils down to: do they want to destroy Biden’s candidacy or not? If they think he’s still their best shot at keeping power, election fortification notwithstanding, then it’ll be kid gloves all the way; if they think Biden’s cooked and there’s a decent chance of bringing someone else in who has a better shot, then it’ll absolutely brutal.

      No matter what, I imagine the power brokers are feverishly working behind the scenes shoring up their various deep state assets for rearguard action in the event of a Trump victory. Just because Trump occupies the White House again, it doesn’t mean he’ll get anything done and they’ll limit it as much as possible.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Biden: “Thanks Joe, you know, I was born a poor, black child, and when I fought in the revolutional warp drive, we hit a Worf…”

      Stephanopoulos: “Everyone, that was President Joe Biden, the smartest, most lucid man ever to step foot in that office.”

    • bacon-magic

      Charlemagne is coming back!

      • UnCivilServant

        He’s got his work cut out for him.

      • Rat on a train

        Will the Germans keep France this time?

    • R.J.

      Speaking of the decline of news and crappy ads, behold that link.
      1) Pop up ads and auto start video. The story itself is almost hidden.
      2) Not ONE good picture of the sword in question. That sword has been around 1300 years. Somewhere is a decent picture.
      Why would I ever go back and read news at CBS again?

    • Suthenboy

      Looked up images. It appears, like the original arc of the covenant, there are more than a few of them. ONE of them has disappeared.
      Remember, Honest Abe was born in a log cabin he built with is own two hands.

      • Suthenboy

        When I hear the word ‘Historian’ I think of a grizzled old man sitting by a fire with hand puppets making shadows on the cave wall.

    • creech

      #18 redhead is outstanding.

  18. Nephilium


    Go fuck yourselves.


    A Browns Fan.

    /I’ve got several pictures of the girlfriend with Swagger Jr.

    • Tres Cool

      I have fond memories of Marge Schott’s St. Bernard “Schotsie” taking a big dump on the outfield during the 7th inning stretch.

    • Suthenboy

      All of those kinds of stories are bullshit, but they are entertaining.

    • R.J.

      If she did it in California it would be an abortion?

    • Sean


    • Rat on a train

      What a difference a few minutes makes.

    • R C Dean

      Want to bet that, under EU labor regulations, Porsche can’t fire her until her maternity leave is done? In some EU countries you can’t fire someone for a year after they had the baby.

  19. Shpip

    Happy Birthday to William Hootkins, who managed to snag supporting roles in both Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark (and Flash Gordon and Batman and Superman and a bunch of other stuff).

    When it came to getting screen time in the era’s blockbusters, he was one of the… TOP. MEN.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats


  20. Grummun

    As soon as “Joe can really only work between 8:00 and 16:00” came out, that should have been an automatic removal from office under the 25th. Being the president is a 24 hour job. There is a reason even the young-ish presidents turn grey in office.

    • Unreconstructed

      I’ve heard that a lot, but I’m not convinced. While I’m sure the average Fortune 500 CED puts in more than a 40 hour work week, I don’t think they’re on the job 24/7. In fact, I think a President that did actively limit his non-emergency job time to closer to 40 hours/week could help as a step on the road to less government. Or maybe a President that wanted to do so would be more in favor of reducing the scope of government, thereby reducing the workload.

      • Grummun

        non-emergency job time

        This is my point. The president cannot actually be working 24 hours a day, but he is on-call 24 hours a day. If Joe can’t roll out of bed at 2:00 AM in a crisis (Hi Hillary!) and be cogent to make decisions, then he shouldn’t be in the office.

    • mindyourbusiness

      He’s not qualified to be captain of this ship.

    • Sean


    • creech

      “I know right from wrong.”

      • Ted S.

        He knows what a woman is, too.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Trump said mean things about Biden? That’s shameful. Biden and the Democrats have nothing but good things to say about him.

  22. Sean

    After the debates, I didn’t think Biden would be dropping out of the race, but each passing day I’m more torn about it.

    The media certainly seems to have it out for him at this point.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      They finally realized that he’s too far gone for them to hide that his brain’s turning to soup.

      • Social Justice is Neither

        Yes, but are we too far gone in the process for him to drop out and the party to won?

    • KSuellington

      For a long while I was thinking they were gonna ditch Joe and have to pay off Kamala in some way to get her out, but I think they are going to be stuck with her. Cheaper to keep her. Not in a money sense, but in a how many votes they would lose if they tried to stick Greasy Gav, or Gretchen in her place. Michelle seems to want no part of the job, or it would surely be her. This way when Kamala loses in November they can be rid of her completely as all blame will be cast her way.

      • Nephilium

        I’ve seen a couple of articles saying that Harris is the only one who could touch the Biden campaign war chest. So, it would be needed for real money as well.

      • KSuellington

        I think we see it slowly happen over the next month and then she can be anointed at the convention. Dr Jill is gonna get an offer she can’t refuse and Joe will bow out. The Dems are gonna go all Woman Power for this. He VP will in all likelihood be a woman as well.

      • EvilSheldon

        I suspect that Kamela is just as qualified to be a figurehead for Jarrett and Obama as kindly uncle Joe is.

      • R C Dean

        If they dump Biden and Harris, the campaign money goes to the DNC, which can turn around and spend it on, wait for it, the campaign. Plus, big money donors have their donation limit reset for the new ticket.

        The chatter for Big Mike is ramping up. I wouldn’t rule her out as the nominee quite yet.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Don’t worry, America, Jill’s got this

    Jill is so protective of her husband that I think the only thing that would make her tell him to get out would be if she genuinely thought the job was doing serious damage to his health.

    Unless that’s the case, she has as much skin in the game as her husband does. Jill Biden believes that there is no one else who can defeat former President Donald Trump who poses a serious threat to democracy. Melania Trump is nowhere to be seen as her husband campaigns for the Republican presidential nomination. Jill, by contrast, is running around the country in a dress decorated with the word “Vote.”

    Jill is more like other first ladies than her predecessor. She is his strongest campaigner, and, à la Nancy Reagan, she is her husband’s fiercest protector. But unlike Nancy Reagan, who operated mostly behind the scenes, she is not worried about letting people see just how strong she can be.

    In 2020, we saw Jill Biden, flanked by the Biden campaign’s senior adviser Symone Sanders, insert herself between her husband and two protestors who separately ran towards him at a Los Angeles rally. Sanders actually wrapped her arms around one of the women.

    “We’re OK,” Jill said after the protesters were led away, clapping as though nothing happened. “We’re OK.” In other words, the show must go on.

    A month earlier, at a rally in New Hampshire, she walked calmly towards a man who was yelling at her husband and approaching the lectern where he was speaking. She put her hands on his shoulders, turned him around and redirected him off stage. She smiled as she walked back to her seat. When reporters asked her about the incident, she laughed and said, “I’m a good Philly girl” — by which she meant, presumably, that she’s tough as nails.

    It’s a two-fer. They’re a team. Jill will be there to answer the red phone at 3 AM.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Yes, put that manipulative harpy front and center. Do it Dems.

      • SDF-7

        They figure her wardrobe choices will help her couch the issues in ways the voters can understand.

    • EvilSheldon

      Protective? No way in hell. She’s exploiting Joe for the money and the adulation. After Joe gets escorted out of the White House, I fully expect Dr. Jill to accidentally roll over on him with a pillow within a month.

    • UnCivilServant

      The PM is not directly elected. After the MP seats are filled, a party or coalition able to muster a majority appoints one of their own to the role.

    • SDF-7

      So they’re saying the UK elected the wrong set of boobs?

  24. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Biden has an interview with Stephanopolous tonight doesn’t he? If he fucks this one up he’s liable to get bounced as a candidate and he’ll be lucky to not get 25thed. I almost feel sorry for the guy but only almost. What a (very easily foreseeable) mess.

    • Not Adahn

      It’s prerecorded.

      • Nephilium

        They’re just about to put the finishing touches on the Deepfake Dark Brandon AI LLM.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Dr. Biden is also on the cover of the August issue of Vogue. In the accompanying article, she tells the reporter what every first lady — with the exception, one suspects, of Melania Trump — prides herself on. They are the go-betweens for their husbands and the American people.

    It doesn’t even matter what Trump might do. We simply cannot allow that foreign bitch back in the White House to trample the glorious traditions of First-Lady-hood.

    • creech

      Speaking of, where is Melania? I think she’s “up to here” with politics, wishes the Donald would just stay home, and has probably had her attorney do a deep dive into the pre-nup agreement.

    • Common Tater

      “pornstar accent”

      • Tres Cool

        Sounds like gargling ?

  26. Old Man With Candy

    I got a frantic email this morning from Tomb Raider. Apparently the memory chip with OMG PROJECT 2025!!! has been passed out to the Party faithful. I asked her if she had actually read it rather than a regurgitated digest from party flaks. That got her blabbing about the dangers of Trump imprisoning women who wanted abortions.

    “You realize that he opposes Federal legislation banning it? And favors the ability of women to get Plan B via mail in states where they can’t get it in person?”

    She is convinced that if he said that, he’s lying and he’s ready to send in the storm troopers.

    • UnCivilServant

      … I don’t understand people.

      • Common Tater

        That’s because you work with computers and expect them to be rational. If you worked on an ambulance or behind a bar, you’d realize half the people out there are some kind of nuts.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Yes, I’ve heard the performative hyperventilating over Project 2025 too. I suspect the ones it’ll get frothing were already opposed to Trump and it’ll convince zero people.

    • Unreconstructed

      I saw that from my leftist FB peeps yesterday and the day before. Also, some serious mouth-foaming rhetoric about Trump being a pedophile. One guy, who I’ve had many perfectly sane conversations with, was threatening to unfriend/block me because I commented on something he posted about morally repugnant people that it applied to 500+ congress critters, most of the executive branch, and a large chunk of the judiciary.

      Note that I didn’t mention Trump (nor did the original post) – but his reply to me was over the top, claiming that Trump was a pedophile, fascist, etc., and saying that I should unfollow him before he blocked me because if I’m voting for Trump (also something I didn’t do/am not planning on doing) then I’m a fascist pedophile too.

      Needless to say, I’ll be letting his political drivel pass (I do like the guy in person) and just talk local eats and drinks in the future.

      • rhywun

        I hope I live past this insane time in history.

        Or… does it just keep getting worse from here?

        (I have managed to sidestep any political drama from friends since 2016.)

      • creech

        “fascist pedophile.”
        Does that mean he thinks you shower with your pre-teen daughter?

      • Common Tater

        “about Trump being a pedophile”


      • bacon-magic

        Nobody would get a pass after they accuse me of being or supporting a pedo. Just getting along with the TDS’ers and lunatics(but I repeat myself) has gotten this late stage republic party moving faster and I’m not going to softly be a part of it. Getting closer to the nut up or shut up time.

    • Nephilium

      Because of all the terrible and awful stuff that Trump did in his first term.

      • Rat on a train

        He kept the camps hidden. Once he abolishes elections he will bring them into the open.

    • Shpip

      I had some chick on Derpbook yesterday bleating about the draconian plans, reciting the most hyperbolic talking points. I finally asked her if she’d actually read it. You can guess the answer.

      BTW, anyone who wants to see what horrors the Heritage Foundation has cooked up for the republic, it’s here (922 page pdf, be warned)

    • Gender Traitor

      Tomorrow is my oldest sister’s birthday, but both she and my BIL are ardent NPRgonauts. If invited to join them for her birthday dinner, I may make excuses and just drop off her gift some day next week after work (if I don’t have jury duty. 😒)

    • EvilSheldon

      Sounds like there’s a possibility for a post-breakup one-nighter here…

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Apparently the memory chip with OMG PROJECT 2025!!! has been passed out to the Party faithful.

    Ask her about Team Bernie’s policy wishlist.

    • Old Man With Candy

      She actually went door-to-door for Bernie and donates to him. See, his policy agenda is fair and just.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Because of all the terrible and awful stuff that Trump did in his first term.

    Remember when he ordered hundreds of thousands of people to be rounded up and sent to large isolated detention centers based purely on their race and national origin?

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Or… does it just keep getting worse from here?

    Rome wasn’t burned in a day.

  30. UnCivilServant

    Why do I have such a difficult time imagining “Japanese Wilderness”?

    The question was prompted by a history video, but I recognize that logically, even today there are unsettled lands in Japan, my brain just can’t mesh the two.

    • Rat on a train

      The “suicide forest” is unsettled.

      • Tres Cool

        But I hear people are dying to visit.

    • Tres Cool

      I’m with you. And in my case its because I was never taught (or bothered to learn) just how much area Japan has.
      Most stories seem to always focus on the cities and leave out the vast areas of countryside the country has.

    • Common Tater

      Most of Honshu is unpopulated because it’s too steep to build anything.

      • UnCivilServant


        Perhaps we could carve the mountainsides into the structures?

        Runoff control would be important.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    I think the Democrats have painted themselves into such a deep hole they have no alternative but to stick with Biden. If he gets “elected” he can leave shortly thereafter for “newly discovered” health concerns, and Kamala will be President. Can they keep her on a short leash, or will she go completely off the rails? Who knows?

    Of course, I could be wrong.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Why do I have such a difficult time imagining “Japanese Wilderness”?

    We all pretty much equate Japan with Tokyo. There is fantastic skiing in Japan, too,

  33. Common Tater

    Biden has the delegates. Unless he leaves voluntarily, he wins the convention.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Project 2025 is horrifying, but Democrat governors, and government agencies and private “advocacy” groups openly working on strategies to “Trump proof” America is completely reasonable and justified.

  35. Common Tater

    “And yet even this straight/queer division ignores some nuance. For example, when I struck up a conversation in a coffee shop with a gay woman my age who grew up in Laramie, she said she thought Matthew Shepard had been killed over drugs. I wanted very badly to interview her on camera, but she wouldn’t allow it.

    “It feels wrong in my heart,” she told me.”


    Feelings don’t care about your facts.