Friday Morning Links

by | Jul 12, 2024 | Daily Links, I Am Lame | 243 comments

Too early for the tennis. But we’ll have plenty to talk about for the semifinals as well as the finals on Monday. The Astros are staying hot. And the USMNT has finally (too late, IMO) hung the Help Wanted sign. And that’s it for sports.

This is kinda funny. I wish we’d do something similar here. No, not having their names and faces so many times. Once would do. Oh, and their opponent would get to pick the photo we use.

I doubt this defense is gonna work. Describing a cooperative witness as being “cozy” with the investigators is not likely to sell with the jury. But it doesn’t look like the defense has much else.

And the above is not even the most retarded thing going on in New Mexico. It’s not even close to this level of insanity.

I’m shocked! You all know the rest of the quote, I’d assume.

What a shitshow. And that’s being generous.

I love it when idiots fight each other. I want more and more of this.

We’ve entered the paranoia stage. Which is kind of overdue.

I can’t tell you how much I love this video. Clem Burke makes it amazing. And the intro to this is just fantastic. Something that can’t be said about disco very often. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy the lovely Friday and weekend, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. Shpip

    Venezuela faces its toughest electoral test in decades. The outcome could give Maduro another six years in power or end the self-described socialist’s policies that once successfully boosted anti-poverty programs but whose sustained mismanagement later pushed the country into an ongoing economic crisis. before they ran out of other people’s money.

    Fixed it for ’em.

    • SDF-7

      Are they still eating zoo animals in Venezuela? I mean, really — they’re glossing over those sorts of effects of economic policies?

      • sloopyinca

        Hey, just be glad the AP didn’t blame Trump for ruining the socialist paradise with his capitalist pig sanctions.

      • Suthenboy

        I thought they ran out of zoo animals and were out of farm animals as well. They cant ship food or meds anywhere because the roads are all ruled by machine-gun wielding highway gangs.

        I remember Mike Wallace telling us that with Chavez they were going to show us this time how real socialism works. He was right.

    • Strange Brew

      No, you’ve got it all wrong comrade. The problem is he isn’t practicing “real socialism”.

      • Suthenboy

        Not real socialism, wrong people in charge, didn’t hit is hard enough, wreckers and kulaks….am I forgetting one? Peterson is right, we did this experiment, it doesnt work yet we keep trying it over and over. Different places, languages, cultures….IT DOESNT FUCKNG WORK.

        I still see people wearing masks. *facepalm*

      • mindyourbusiness

        Suthen, I can’t quite remember that definition of insanity. Goes like doing something something and expecting something results.

      • DrOtto

        Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

      • The Last American Hero

        Funny how “real socialism” requires 100% commitment. So a country that is 90% socialist should be flourishing compared to a country that is only 50% socialist, but they say no, the benefits don’t kick in until you are 100% socialist.

        The entire 20th century was a referendum on this shit and proved in spades that countries that moved in a more free market direction were more free and more prosperous, and those that moved in a more socialist direction were more oppressive and more poor.

    • rhywun

      I didn’t realize they still vote. Or… “vote”?

  2. cavalier973

    Only two gaffs at the Big Boy conference.

    In the South, Big Boy restaurants were called “Shoney’s”, and they had the very best hot fudge ice cream cake. It had a subtle coffee flavor.

    • trshmnstr

      I could’ve sworn there were both Big Boys and Shoneys in Indianapolis when I was a little kid. I don’t think the latter lasted much past 1995, and the former was gone by the mid 2000s.

      • Nephilium

        Big Boy is still very much a thing. There’s one just up the street from me. They had to put the little statue on the roof after it kept going walkabout.

      • juris imprudent

        In my high school days we liberated a Bob statue, and placed it on the gym roof.

      • DrOtto

        We dressed Ronald McDonald in drag. Don’t know if that would be a hate crime or celebrated as pride today?

    • sloopyinca

      Big Boy was founded in CA in 1936 and Shoney’s was founded in WV as a BB franchisee.
      But there were other Big Boy franchisees across the south.

    • SDF-7

      I have an extra soft spot for Shoney’s since that was where I did coffee dates with my future wife after we worked shifts at Wally World (Wal-Mart).

      That one in particular is long gone (was a Chinese buffet for a while… now the building is gone) — but they used to be really good. Had a good strawberry pie, iirc.

      • cavalier973

        All the Perkins are gone, too, now.

      • Nephilium


        Perkins is also alive, though they’re getting ready to rebrand. There’s also one of those in my area.

        /starts wondering if I’m in the land of abandoned restaurants… I mean, the last two Arthur Treachers are in the area too.

      • sloopyinca

        Please tell me you’ve got a Roy Rogers somewhere up there, Neph.

      • Nephilium


        Never saw a Roy Rodgers around here. I have seen them on the PA turnpike out near the Philly area though (which is also about the only place I still see Quiznos). The Ohio turnpike to the West has Red’s Burritos in some of the rest stops (which, like Stouffers, I never realized was a real restaurant at some point).

      • rhywun

        Perkins is also alive, though they’re getting ready to rebrand.


        They were my family’s go-to for fancy eatin’. Or sometimes Ponderosa lol.

      • Lord Humungus

        In my hometown there was a large chicken statue – “Chickin Lickin’ ” – outside a restaurant that got stolen multiple times, even though it was chained and padlocked. It was always recovered… eventually

      • Nephilium


        On the east side, Perkins became the late night diner of choice. It attracted less obnoxious drunks than Denny’s, and (as a formerly thin high metabolism person) you could get an extraordinary amount of food cheap. At least back then, you could get an omelette, which came with potatoes and a choice of toast. One of the “toast” choices was a short stack of giant pancakes.

        And they’d leave the carafe of coffee for the table.

      • UnCivilServant

        Perkins Rebrand?

        Where am I supposed to stop on my way through Erie PA? (It’s at a convenient spot along the route.)

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Do you have a Ground Round in your area, Neph? That would be the kicker. Or a Lum’s

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        There’s a Shoney’s just down the road from me. Haven’t been there yet. I’ve been to the Huddle House a few times, though

      • Mojeaux

        My first paycheck job was at Shoneys as the weekend salad bar attendant.

      • Nephilium


        The last Ground Round in the area closed when I was still a teen after a fire in the kitchen. The reason I remember it so well was that it was the SECOND restaurant in a row where my sister had gotten a hostess job that had a fire right before her first day of work. The third (and later) restaurants fared better.

        Never saw a Lum’s in the area.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Looks like there’s a Ground Round in Toledo, but it looks like they’ve rebranded to an Applebee’s-style joint without all the games and peanut shells.

      • Gender Traitor

        KK, we ate at that Toledo Ground Round on the way back from Honey Harvest and a trip back through the MI UP. It was attached to a Holiday Inn and was a generic sports bar/casual dining place with little to no resemblance to Ground Rounds from days of yore.

    • cavalier973

      I guess I should’ve said, “in western Tennessee, we had Shoney’s.”

    • rhywun

      I think we’ve discussed Big Boy’s before? There were many different names across the country; where I grew up it was “TJ’s”.

    • DrOtto

      There was a Shoney’s in Hudson Wisconsin.

    • Pine_Tree

      To my recollection (South Georgia in the late ’70’s), Shoney’s was the place the “Big Boy” was the name of the hamburger meal, or something like that.

      • creech

        Well, when the greenies get their way, it won’t take much for Burger King to rebrand as Bugger King.

      • dbleagle

        I remember that parts of AZ had Sambos and Hobo Joe’s. HJ had an appropriate statue that would come up missing from time to time.

  3. AlexinCT

    What a shitshow. And that’s being generous.

    The team blue crime syndicate bosses have realized that their strategy to use Biden as a foil for the evil of their polices worked a bit too well, and that they now are unable to fortify the election and gaslight the people about it. so their overlord, Obama, whose people have really been running the country, has decided it is time to stab their faux Caesar in the back. Unfortunately, I worry these shameless and mercenary team blue crooks will manage to swap out the crypt keeper, and then fool a whole lot of morons to vote for the new emperor under the pretense things will change. This shouldn’t be allowed to work. The message needs to be that it doesn’t matter who they put the team blue crown on, the horrible and destructive policies of the last 4 years will continue if s team blue asshat sits the throne.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      It’ll be interesting. If Biden doesn’t refuse his delegates there’s not much they can do about the election, is there?

      They’d have to pinky swear that he’ll step down after the election.

      • Grumbletarian

        If Biden doesn’t refuse his delegates there’s not much they can do about the election, is there?

        Well, Biden could always fall out of a window.

      • The Last American Hero

        They can turn the press on him and they’ve already turned the late night shows on him. Give Maddow and company their marching orders and force as many public encounters and off the cuff encounters as possible.

        Then it’s an easy matter.

        As for all the talk of “well they just can’t shift delegates around”… Yeah, and they can’t circumvent legislatures to re-write election laws either. Good one.

      • creech

        What’s the penalty if a delegate refuses to vote for Biden?

    • The Other Kevin

      I agree, these are Dem policies and not Biden policies. Any replacement would have to distance themselves from those policies. They would have to run against Biden, not Trump. But they won’t.

      • creech

        Well, it would help if Trump focused on running against Biden’s policies instead of hurling insults and hyperbole about how great Trump’s four years were.

  4. SDF-7

    I’m shocked!

    I really, really wish the default “Collect All Data” wasn’t feasible these days (and given I work for a storage division I know that’s somewhat hypocritical I suppose) or at least that the defaults would be billing strips / encrypts identifying info and is (along with call logs here) kept 100% separately networked / not data mined from the rest of the business.

    These breaches are apparently too easy given how often they happen (and I’ll bet most of them are CxO level people who “must have access” falling for phishing scams… but the training will fall heavier and heavier on the rank and file…). And customers will have the option for $5 worth of “identity protection” and $60/month thereafter at their own expense….

    • Nephilium

      I’m pretty sure my information has been included in enough breaches that If I could use the six months of “data protection” one at a time, it would never expire.

    • AlexinCT

      If people understood how little big companies care about their personal data, there would be some serious heads “assploding”. The problem is so many people feel that it is a great deal to have the pretense of privacy for convenience.

      • juris imprudent

        Convenience is to privacy what equality is to freedom.

  5. SDF-7

    What a shitshow. And that’s being generous.

    I believe I read somewhere this morning: “I learned from the press conference that Vice President Trump has done a great job supporting President Putin in Ukraine”.

    Worth it just for that.

    Also read that PPP touted his record, foreign and domestic over OMB. Don’t really think you want to go there, you jive turkey. OMB didn’t f up the Afghan withdrawal, had the Middle East moving towards peace instead of new wars, etc.

    • rhywun

      I had it running in the background and it was a steady stream of bald-faced lies. More so than a usual politician, like completely disconnected from reality lies.

      • The Last American Hero

        Wait, they didn’t beat Medicare?

  6. Sensei

    What a shitshow. And that’s being generous.

    David Frum is heartbroken. Just heartbroken.

    Biden’s Heartbreaking Press Conference

    The tears are awesome. Also his economy and my economy are not the same.

    Incumbent presidents lose or quit for one of three reasons: economic crisis, military failure, or party split. (Sometimes an incumbent is rocked by two at once, even all three, as Jimmy Carter was in 1980.) Biden’s economy is the best since the late 1960s. The United States is not directly at war. And until the June debate, the Democratic Party was united. But Biden’s particular miscues have created the kind of party split that devoured William Howard Taft in 1912 and George H. W. Bush in 1992.

    • Nephilium

      Biden’s economy is the best since the late 1960s

      The fuck?

      I’m just a simple IT guy, but even I can tell the economy is much worse than it was 6 years ago.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The Government economy is booming; the normal everyday people living their lives economy is shit.

      • SDF-7

        “Look, we can’t lie about his senile degradation any more — we have to keep in practice lying about something!

        And besides — life is just fine in my gated community with my million dollar salary! Don’t blame me that you aren’t an Alpha Chad like me!”

      • Drake

        People raising kids and just getting by on their annual 2% raise during 10% inflation.

      • Rat on a train

        Nancy can still stock her ice cream freezer so it can’t be bad.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        “Biden’s economy is the best since the late 1960s.”

        Is everyone just a super old mofo? Most adults alive now don’t remember the 60’s.

        Anyway, Trump’s economy was way better, it’s not even close.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        “Biden’s economy is the best since the late 1960s”

        Things in my gated community are better than they’ve ever been. What the fuck are you whiners talking about?

      • juris imprudent

        Great economy of the 60s? Oh, you mean the one that turned into stagflation in the 70s – that one, right?

      • Lord Humungus

        Yeah… EF & I aren’t doing as well financially as we were even two years ago. Her income dropped – less people divorcing because of the financial hit of dividing the house. My antique/art sales have also dropped since people have less free income to buy … to be honest… frivolities.

      • Grumbletarian

        The United States is not directly at war.

        Technically we haven’t been directly at war since the last time Congress, you know, declared war.

    • Suthenboy

      They keep using the ‘dont believe your lying eyes’ argument. The problem is that they bought into it themselves.

    • Drake

      Or, the incumbent loses a rigged election.

      Also: Verbal stumbles. Thoughts half-finished. Strangled vocal intonations. Flares of unprompted anger. Glimpses of the politician’s inner monologue—resentment at how underappreciated he is—spoken aloud, as it never should be, in all its narcissism and vulnerability.

      That’s a decent summary of Biden on a one of his good days for his entire presidency.

  7. SDF-7

    We’ve entered the paranoia stage

    Who said so!

    • Ted S.

      I don’t know. I couldn’t read the article since it’s behind a register wall.

      • SDF-7

        That’s just what they want us to think….

  8. AlexinCT

    We’ve entered the paranoia stage. Which is kind of overdue.

    As always happens when people that think any and all means, and especially the ruthless abuse of power against your enemies, are justified because the end is noble (the very definition of evil IMO), their actions result in chaos and massive failure. The only reason people think the Obama years were good was that Obama’s cabal was successful in coopting the media and then using it to bamboozle the people that thought they were getting news from this group of squishes. When Obama got his wish for a third admin with some other fool as a foil – and I am sure considering his low opinion of Biden, he felt it was poetic he was throwing that fool under the bus – his people went all out. And as was inevitable, what they did harmed the people.

    Their setup worked so well that it now has become apparent Biden can’t win another election. And by win I mean, they fortify the election to carry him over the finish line, and then successfully censor and punish those that realize the election was rigged. Their backup plan is to replace Biden somehow, and then claim that change will change the policies. There are enough idiots out there that will believe that lie that they feel this will bring them back within the margin of fortification.

    We shouldn’t let them do this.

    • The Last American Hero

      I still believe Trump loses in November. Whether that’s to Biden, Whitmer, Newsome, or Harris is irrelevant.

      The ballot harvesting in the swing states will be epic. AZ just shut down any notion of keeping unregistered voters off the rolls, PA has the Philly machine in place, Michigan voted for Whitmer over a Trump-picked gubernatorial candidate, and Minnesota is a blue fucking state. VA loves Biden/Democrats, since NOVA gets all the big government leeches.

      Trump also has a ceiling and we are seeing it.

      • juris imprudent

        Trump didn’t lose PA in ’20 because of Philly, or Pittsburgh. It was the suburban counties.

  9. Suthenboy

    I wonder who will win the Venezuelan election? It’s a real nail biter.

    Cardinal rule of gun safety: You are responsible for everything that happens when you have a gun in your hand. There is no ‘oops’, no ‘Im sorry’ and no laying blame on anyone else. Zero.

    Lunacy is the whole point of demoralization. Congratulations.

    I dont know why anyone bothers pretending anymore. Everything you say and do connected to the electronic world is being spied on.

    I am getting shitshow fatigue but I have to say the headline gave me a chuckle. I think we are looking at the death of the D party. Donors are cutting off the money and I hear grumblings about some of them wanting their money back: they were lied to. Yeah, like no one could see through those lies.

    It was always plain to see from the first time a progressive screamed ‘Nazi!’ that that is exactly what they are. I sorta didn’t see the ‘kill all Jews’ thing coming…I thought that was over the top. Silly me.

    Biden is Obama’s puppet…Obama is a puppet of the Globalists…the Globalists are the puppets of Corporations…it’s puppets all the way down.

    I hate ’80s music. I have a disdain for celebrity crushes. Despite that when it comes to Debbie Harry I cant help myself.

    • R C Dean

      “I think we are looking at the death of the D party.”

      No way. It’s dug in like a tapeworm in too many places.

      There’s a significant chance (less than probable, perhaps, but way above zero) that the Dems sweep the board this November. I think they would have to get rid of Biden to do it, but with a sustained media blitz for Harris, the usual Dem voter knee jerk reaction for “historic first” candidates, and a few breaks here and there in Senate and House elections, they could be running the whole show.

      • juris imprudent

        I don’t see any media blitz that can really convince people that aren’t already in the bag.

      • R C Dean

        Motivation. The Dem’s big problem is going to be turnout. Maybe the Trump hate can solve that for them, but a good chunk of their voters love them some “historic first” candidates.

      • juris imprudent

        I think the bigger Dem problem is that their base has shrunk over the last 20 years be ejecting so many working class voters. Like the eRepubs they think a smaller but more dedicated base is the way to go.

      • The Last American Hero

        Politics is local. The D’s should be getting trounced for the next 3 elections over this shitshow, but people in my deep blue state will only consolidate D power at the State and National level. What are voters going to do? Elect a fucking Republican?

      • creech

        Winning issue #1: “The Republicans are going to take away women’s rights.” And there’s enough loony GOP pols out there for them to quote. Never mind the loony Dems who are outright commies; they are “outliers” with no power or following.

      • rhywun

        “The Republicans are going to take away women’s rights.”

        Yup. I see enough commercials for “The Daily Show” (the “humor” wing of the DNC) to know that’s exactly where they’re going.

  10. Shpip

    “We also see a small but vocal resistance to addressing racism,” Michelle Melendez, director of the Office of Equity and Inclusion, said about the internal dynamics. “Systemic racism is one of the root causes of some of our most serious challenges,

    She claimed, without evidence

    and addressing it within municipal government will make our city better for the long-term.

    She also claimed, without evidence

    That’s culture change.”

    True enough, in and of itself. Positive change? Perhaps not.

    • SDF-7

      When you define “racism” as “Western Civilization” — yeah, I believe she’s seeing vocal (and hopefully increasing) resistance to their attempted policies to “address it”.

    • Suthenboy

      Without racism they have no power. They are going to keep racism alive at all costs.

  11. rhywun

    But we’ll have plenty to talk about for the semifinals as well as the finals on Monday.

    Hmph. I dislike or am indifferent to everyone left. Not sure if I will watch any of it.

    • sloopyinca

      The semifinals have started. I just checked on espn’s website.

      I noticed they put the Russian flag by Daniil Medvedev’s name on the website. That had to be an oversight. I thought Russia was still being erased on all the sports sites and at the events as if that somehow made a difference.

      • rhywun

        It’s blank on ESPN.

        He’s in the “loathe” category. I don’t like his opponent, either.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      You could always hate watch it.

  12. Ownbestenemy

    I am not ready to talk to Putin! Nearly one minute later…

    Sounds like his speechwriters are also not on the same page.

    • sloopyinca

      We’re not far off from his speechwriters and/or the transcribers for the teleprompter being accused of sabotage.

      I hope we get there by the end of the weekend. Does he have any more appearances scheduled for the next three days or has he already fucked off to wherever he’s vacationing this weekend?

      • Ownbestenemy

        I thought he has a sit down prepared interview also which is to address the Parkinson doc..could be wrong though.

      • The Gunslinger

        Heard on the radio earlier that he is on his way to Detroit for an appearance tonight at “undisclosed location”.

    • Nephilium

      A true speech by committee.

      • Suthenboy

        As are their policies.

        I was too young to see it in the Carter years but the soul of the Democratic Party is definitely one of killer clowns from outer space.

    • DrOtto

      Cheap fake

  13. rhywun

    And the USMNT has finally (too late, IMO) hung the Help Wanted sign.


    “Jürgen Klopp not interested”

    lol that must have stung

    • juris imprudent

      I don’t get the love for him, it’s not like he’s won as much as other coaches, and nothing at the national level. I guess the media loves him because he is a good-for-the-media type.

  14. Shpip

    DSA said its National Political Committee had voted to endorse Ocasio-Cortez on June 23, two weeks after the panel, as long as she publicly opposed all funding to Israel, including for the Iron Dome missile defense system; opposed “all criminalization of anti-Zionism”; and backed the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Israel.

    Hey, maybe ask for a pony while you’re at it. Telling a NYC pol to disavow the right for Jews to exist — pull the other one, it’s got bells on it.

    • sloopyinca

      My favorite bit from AOC:

      She also accused her critics of “weaponizing” antisemitism, saying, “False accusations of antisemitism are wielded against people of color and women of color by bad-faith political actors.”

      Is she implying that women aren’t people?

      • AlexinCT

        As Chris Rock’s character MC. Gusto said in that movie CB: “Women. You know. People with pussies.”

      • SDF-7

        She can define what a person is… but isn’t a biologist, so she’s just covering her bases.

      • Suthenboy

        All of their nomenclature is designed to dehumanize. They are collectivists. They see individuals as means to an end and thus use terms like ‘black bodies’ to refer to people. They dont see individuals as ends in themselves.
        Their language is very telling.

      • SDF-7

        “… assume a corrupt spherical cow….”

  15. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “AT&T admitted it first learned about the hack in April, but is just now notifying former and current customers who were impacted. ”

    This FEELS criminal.

    Also, anything you put anywhere that is networked, you must assume it’s open to everyone… Sad but true. Nothing is secure.

    • Sensei

      Here is the issue. You need to figure out how bad it is and that takes time.

      Putting out 5 press releases over 5 weeks as you uncover more and more accounts that are compromised is equally as awful.

      There is no good answer. But I agree this seems too long. I do not know if I’d say criminal, however.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        So the people who they knew got hacked right away in April should just wait 3 months while god knows what is happening to their data?

        Yeah, no.

      • Sensei

        Here is my issue what are you going to do now that you’ve been notified?

        The company pays money to a FedGov slush fund and you get free credit monitoring. BFD.

        If you want to make these companies take notice force them to pay something like $250 to each impacted person and I bet this shit slows way down.

      • The Last American Hero

        ^This. Getting that class action check for $1.50 5 years later doesn’t do much.

    • AlexinCT

      They spent the time in between the hack being found and the announcement of the hack negotiating with their counterparts in government, not on how to mitigate the damage to the people affected, but so they could minimize or socialize the financial damage.

  16. Sensei

    This is awesome!

    A Wacky 18th-Century Firearm Is Starring in Modern Gun-Law Debates

    Suddenly, lawyers on both sides of current court fights went down ye very olde gun rabbit hole. If rapid-fire guns like the Puckle contraption were well known when the Founding Fathers were writing gun laws, that could have a bearing on laws for modern rapid-fire guns.

    • SDF-7

      Of course they were. And given these were the same people that planned on the government granting letters of marque to privately owned warships and up to the Civil War relied on communities to raise regiments via militias — I really don’t think the gun grabbers have a leg to stand on. It is perfectly obvious to anyone with any honesty and integrity that they wanted people to have military grade hardware to use to defend themselves against enemies foreign and domestic.

      But of course — “honesty and integrity”… therein lies the rub since that’s not going to foster their power and dominance of society and all.

      (Yes, I know I’ve said all this before ’round these parts… I just like to rant like the rest of y’all, I suppose…)

    • Suthenboy

      All gun grabber arguments are bullshit. Every word calculated to deceive.
      It is legal to own a cannon and always has been. We dont need to debate about who the militia is. Madison, the author of the second amendment, was very clear about who he meant: “Who you ask are the militia? They are the body of the people, every person capable of bearing arms.”
      Every gun ‘law’ other than the second amendment is an infringement. That is, not a law but a crime committed by the state. The constitution does allow for disarming dangerous people.

      “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

      “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

      Get it? Due process. Convicted felons and those involuntarily committed to asylum.
      Licesnes? Permission? Fees? This kind and not that kind? Conditions? Need? All such infringements are crimes committed by the state. Fuck off, you cant have my guns.

      • juris imprudent

        All gun grabber arguments are bullshit.

        Now, now, feelings aren’t bullshit. Feelings also aren’t reason, or logic, or data, or history or anything that should be part of a public policy discussion – but here we are.

  17. AlexinCT

    I pointed out to a woke tool at work that if anything, now I am sure people that have been lied to for the umpteenth time by what they consider the media and news have wised up – after these tools spent 4 plus years gaslighting us all about Biden being great, only to now that they realize team blue is not going to be able to fortify the election, pivot towards admitting what other people said that the media dismissed as right wing conspiracies, was true – nobody with morals or a brain would vote trust the media, let alone vote team blue. I suspect I was reported to HR.

    • The Last American Hero

      Tell them you’ve been struggling with your Genderfuck identity lately. It’s a get out of HR free pass.

    • The Last American Hero

      Added bonus – you can then use the ladies’ room for your secret shitter. You know, the restroom you use at work when you have some ungodly bowel movement about to occur and don’t want anybody you work around to know about.

  18. Common Tater

    2020 was four years ago, but there are still stories everyday of stores and restaurants closing down.

    • Nephilium

      I don’t see a slow down in the restaurants closing. I have locally noticed a trend of places that “closed for remodeling” are just not opening back up. As an example:

      What’s Up With the Tremont Taphouse?

      This was posted in February of 2023, the restaurant in question still isn’t open and still has their website saying they’re temporarily closed for renovations. I’ve seen no sign of work the few times I’ve driven past them.

      • Common Tater

        I don’t think it can all be explained by inflation either, even though the cost of food and construction materials gave gone way up.

      • Nephilium

        I know of several places that cancelled expansion plans. Talking to one of the primaries involved for one of them, the building cost had gone up 300% from when the planning started, to when they cancelled the project.

        Inflation is just a part of it, I would say the bigger problems are:

        1) Distortion in the employment market. All the free moneys handed out during Covid got a bunch of people used to getting by without working (just this year, I started seeing the headlines talking about NEETs).
        2) The credit market starting to tighten up. It appears that quite a few of the moderate/regional chains were operating with a very large debt load, and just kept rolling over and refinancing while interest rates were low. They’re not low now.
        3) The collapse of the traditional office. WFH has cored out several cities, without all of the workers being downtown during the day to get lunch, it became unprofitable to open just for a diminished dinner/late night crowd.
        4) The restaurant experience isn’t as good as it used to be. This may be me getting ready to wave my cane at some clouds. But the push for QR menus (which I understand from the business side), lowered staffing, tip inflation, surcharges, and just regular price inflation have made it where going out to eat is slower, more cumbersome, and more expensive than just ordering something delivered.

      • Common Tater

        Also, people are creatures of habit. Couldn’t go out to eat or go shopping during lockdown, and haven’t returned.

      • trshmnstr

        The restaurant experience isn’t as good as it used to be.

        This is especially true for national and regional chains. There are some hole in the wall places around here where you can still get good food at somewhat reasonable prices, but the chain experience is filled with regret and penury.

      • creech

        A local magazine’s Food and Drink editor told me there are any number of new restaurants (Main Line Philly) on the drawing board just waiting for interest rates to come down where construction/remodeling costs don’t eat up the already slim margins a restaurant makes.

      • B.P.

        Re: Neph’s NEET link. Check out the global map showing that some countries have over 40 percent of their population just hanging out.

  19. Lord Humungus

    By any measure Trump should be running away in the polls – but… there seems to be a hardcore element of Trump haters who would rather have Satan running the country than a loudmouth 1990s style Democrat New Yorkah.

    Anyways I’m guessing some electoral ahem “fortifying” to just push Biden over the top.

    I also came up – while listening to a podcast about Gavrilo Princip – with a tinfoil hat potential CIA/FBI plot: Have the current POTUS bumped off, using a MAGA patsy as the killer. Everyone rushes to vote for Kamala. Sounds crazy? Sure but given the general stupidity of today I wouldn’t be surprised.

    • Drake

      Putting on my level 3 conspiracy hat – I am skeptical of polls. I don’t answer poll calls any longer because I don’t trust the privacy of them. I also think they are either purposely slanted in or just plain fake results. Not like they get audited.

      You can’t have a fake rigged elections without first showing polls that are at least very close.

      • trshmnstr

        I am skeptical of polls.

        As well you should be. I won’t bother to dig out my article on the topic, but public opinion polling is fraught with issues.

        Even if there is no bias or agenda on the part of the pollster, there’s a whole host of potholes to dodge. Mix in some agenda, and you get to the realm of “damned lies and statistics”.

        It’s also well known that some polls are used as drivers of opinion and others are used as measurements of opinion. The former usually get trotted out by the propaganda apparatus. The latter are whispered about in campaign headquarters.

      • Lord Humungus

        Is there any site out there that does a deep dive of polling? ie – something that looks at political breakdown of the respondents, etc?

    • Nephilium

      There’s your mistake Lord H. They think Trump is Satan, so anyone is better than that.

      • AlexinCT

        Why would low information voters with little grounding or actual history on Trump not believe that idiocy, when being such a low information voter leaves you to believe that news was true and the 365/24/7 cycle from these propagandists was that Trump was worse than Hitler and wanted to be a dictator, all to cancel democracy, stop on minorities, and force everyone to have straight sex and women to be brood mares?

      • juris imprudent

        “Project 2025 is The Handmaid’s Tale!!!”

        The level of hysterics has reached the point that you can only laugh at it (and them).

      • AlexinCT

        When you literally have zero successful policies to run on, your only tactics are to gaslight. and nothing works as well as fearmongering. They tried Bidenomics and it became a curse word meaning failure. They have destroyed the economy, and plan to do even more damage next term, so there is no running on that. They tried to buy votes from studies majors by paying off their loans, and that worked to tick off those of us that are left footing the bill for these idiots. And so forth.

        Is it a wonder that all that is left is that Trump = Hitler? Note never Staling or Mao. These asshats are considered heroes on the left.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’s not really Trump specific, there have always been yellow dog Democrats but as far as the election fortification, we shall see but they’re going to have to pad the hell out of the votes.

    • Suthenboy

      If we had honest polls he would be. Remember, Hillary has a 97% chance of beating Trump a day or two before the election.
      I pay no attention to polls.The only poll that counts is the one in November and I dont really trust that one either.

      • juris imprudent

        According to political conventional thinking – Hillary should’ve won. I actually expected her to win, though I thought Trump had a shot. I think Trump expected to lose – and thus he said back then that the voting was rigged. It was his built-in excuse.

      • creech

        Sure, but the polls and Hillary didn’t count on those 1 million Russkie paratroopers dropping into polling places in several critical states and intimidating Hillary’s voters with their AK-47s.

  20. Certified Public Asshat

    "So, go ahead and enjoy women's sports like you would any other sports, because they are sports." – Venus Williams"Except you, Harrison Butker. We don't need you." – Serena Williams "At all. Like, ever." – Quinta Brunson #ESPYS— Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing) July 12, 2024

    Lol, love your wife and you can be excused from guilt watching women’s sports.

    • juris imprudent

      So, you two Williams sisters – you got season tickets to the WNBA, right?

      • The Last American Hero

        They might, but they never go.

    • Ted S.

      Harrison Butker never threatened to shove a ball down a line judge’s throat.

      Butker is another example of what I mentioned at the end of the PM Lynx thread yesterday about how the Dominant Culture gets its hate on toward people Not of the Left. Of course you can be snotty about someone like Butker, even two months later. And even non-sports forums got their Two Minutes’ Hate on.

    • rhywun

      I love when Serena’s true colors show for everyone to see.

  21. Common Tater

    “Taylor Swift isn’t just a pop superstar, she could also be helping ‘Swifties’ combat eating disorders, a study suggests.

    American researchers claim fans’ ‘parasocial’ relationship with the global sensation, combined with Swift’s openness and references to eating disorders and body image in her work, helped create this effect.

    Experts came to their conclusion after analysing 200 social media posts about the popstar as well as more than 8,000 comments from fans discussing her, eating disorders, and body image.”


    • AlexinCT

      All stuff like this does is reinforce for me my belief that too many people are so easily influenced that they are a risk to their own health & safety.

      • trshmnstr

        It used to be called “childhood” and it was a reason for parental guardianship. Then they invented adolescence as an extended childhood. Then they extended adolescence to 25. Now we have full grown adults with the emotional and mental maturity that used to be surpassed at 13.

        I’m not for sending the kids back to the factories (orphans excepted) , but there’s something to be said for having responsibilities from a young age and how that causes you to mature.

    • kinnath

      The system will fail. It will fail in spectacular ways. People will be killed by some of those failures.

      If they are honest, they will argue that that system saves more lives when it works than it kills when if fails.

      • kinnath

        Instead, they will deny the possibility of system failures — now and in the future when the failures have been reported in the news.

    • Suthenboy

      “Authority has always attracted the lowest elements in the human race. All through history, mankind has been bullied by scum. Those who lord it over their fellows and toss commands in every direction and would boss the grass in the meadow about which way to bend in the wind are the most depraved kind of prostitutes. They will submit to any indignity, perform any vile act, do anything to achieve power. The worst off-sloughings of the planet are the ingredients of sovereignty. Every government is a parliament of whores. The trouble is, in a democracy the whores are us.” – O’Rourk

      They aren’t called speed limiters. It is no coincidence they are called Governors.

    • EvilSheldon

      I have a better idea – all new cars will have no speedometers installed. That way the driver will have to actually pay attention to the car and how it reponds given the current conditions, rather than judge their safety by some arbitrary number.

      Analog tachometers will be mandatory, however.

  22. Lord Humungus

    In disgusting news: our laundry room drain, which is just a hole leading to the sewer – got clogged, spilling washing machine water all over the floor. Using gloves to pull out the gunk, I found four toy mice that the cats had swatted inside. Thanks, ya little beasties!

    • AlexinCT

      They did that because the vibration from the machine interferes with their naps?

  23. The Other Kevin

    Hope you all enjoyed the press conference. That’s what you get when you have a polished, experienced public servant with over 50 years of service. A strong grasp of the facts and calm, confident delivery.

    Joking aside, Joe’s voice wasn’t as bad as the debate. But the whole presser was rambling, incoherent, and full of lies. It was truly something to see. I had no idea what he was talking about most of the time. Anyway…

    This doesn’t make the Dems’ position any easier. Now the Biden camp can claim he really isn’t THAT bad. And Biden said multiple times he can beat Trump and that’s all that matters. Stock up on popcorn.

    • Common Tater

      “I had no idea what he was talking about most of the time.”

      He didn’t either.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, I found myself saying at the television more than once, “WTF is he talking about?”

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      He did well enough, didn’t shit himself or anything like that, that he might actually manage to retain his place on the ballot but not so well that nonfans’ concerns will be assuaged. A perfect result for Trump as the last thing they want to see is old Joe getting the hook.

    • The Last American Hero

      His fucking eyes. They were either as wide as saucers or as squinty as looking at the sun. If you ever wonder why he’s always wearing the aviators, look no further.

  24. Certified Public Asshat

    By the way: Yes, I know the difference. One’s a prosecutor, and the other’s a felon.— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 12, 2024

    He only mixed up Trump and Kamala so he could point out the felony.

    • Suthenboy

      They have made nearly every other label/phrase meaningless, now ‘felon’.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Oooh, what a burn…I wonder how hard they worked on that.

    • Ownbestenemy

      And an easy retort is “The prosecutor whose office wanted to use prison labor as slave labor and was jailing MJ users…THAT prosecutor?”

  25. Common Tater

    “A Connecticut middle school guidance counselor sent nudes and gave “lapdances” to a 13-year-old student in her office — and her alleged sexual abuse was uncovered after she lent a friend her phone, which was filled with explicit texts she sent to the teen, cops said.

    Married mother of three Luisa Melchionne, 47, was arrested Thursday, months after a male friend borrowed her phone when his broke and found raunchy messages between the educator and teen boy, police documents reportedly state.

    The former Nathan Hale Middle School staffer was charged with second-degree sexual assault and two counts of risk of injury to a minor, Norwalk police said.”

    I feel sorry for the husbands.

    • R C Dean

      I like the charge for “risk of injury” for giving a lap dance.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Seems dubious but how fat is she?

      • Common Tater

        Always possible with a redhead.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        “and other sexual acts”

        I suppose these other acts could be more dangerous.

    • Grummun

      1: Never lend your phone to someone else.
      2: The “male friend” is a dick for going through her text messages.

      I guess I should be outraged by the 47 y.o. perving on a 13 y.o., but compared to what else is happening to kids these days, my outrager is stuck on idle.

      • trshmnstr

        Groomers gonna groom

      • PutridMeat

        I guess I should be outraged by the 47 y.o. perving on a 13 y.o. [ed] my outrager is stuck on idle.

        Yes, maybe not to popular and maybe not based in reality, but… Boys and girls are different – sure that difference completely disappears for men and women who are identical in every way, but boys and girls, different. My sense is that males are simply not going to be traumatized or have their social and emotional development harmed terrible by having an older woman (or man if that’s your thing) engage in consensual (without getting into whether a 13 year old can meaningfully consent – for sex, I think yes is the answer) sexy-time with them. Is there something off with an older woman going after a 13 year old? Probably. But harmful to a young boy in the same way as to a young girl? I don’t think so – could be wrong. There’s a reason things like Nicccce exist as a joke.

    • Lord Humungus

      I’ve seen worse 47yos for sure.

  26. R C Dean

    In battlespace prep news, our Dem AG is prosecuting county officials who said they wouldn’t certify election results without a hand count. Can’t find the story just now.

    I wonder, with my Level 4 tinfoil hat on, where the Dems are drawing the line on “this much fraud is too much to get away with”.

    • AlexinCT

      They are fighting Hitler… A dictator… the guy that will steal their democracy….

      It’s all bullshit, but if you are one of the idiots that believe that shit, well there is no line.

    • Nephilium

      Speaking of that… saw this hit my feed overnight.

      • Suthenboy

        I notice in all of the stories about this the onus for the mistrust is placed on voters. Rubes who fell for misinformation. Unexplained paranoia. Tin foil hats.
        With the left it is always the rationale of criminals.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Once again, certification is merely a rubber stamp not an actual task. And the part about how state law requires recounts to be done in the exact same manner as the original… I’m sure it prohibits any other method of obtaining the actual truth like hand counting.

      • R C Dean

        I like the way these commissioners are required by law to certify the results. Declining to do so, for any reason, is a crime. There have been prosecutions in AZ on that basis.

        Which raises the question: what’s the point of having the results certified by these commissions?

      • The Last American Hero

        To lend the air of legitimacy. The winners can honestly say they were elected and the results were certified.

    • Suthenboy

      Prosecuting them for…..?

      • juris imprudent

        [Comrade Beria has entered the chat]

      • Suthenboy

        Silly me, I thought the point of having someone certify an election is to have them say “Yeah, it is on the up-and-up”
        If they refuse to certify because they think it is not on the up-and-up then they are doing their official duty, yes?

      • Ownbestenemy

        That is the old way of thinking Suthen. If we were a real Constitutional Republic, States would be electing the president and Marxist have successfully subverted that in that the majority of citizens believe they are electing the president.

      • R C Dean

        See above. They are required by law to certify the results. Period. Ipso facto, not doing so, for any reason, is a crime. They could be given a tally sheet with a zero scrawled in crayon showing that the “winning” candidate got 1,000 votes, not 100, and refusing to certify it would be a crime.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Still my prediction: If Biden wins the EC, most securest election eva! Trump wins the EC they will ‘find’ the most fraud eva!

      • juris imprudent

        Nope, a Trump win is because of RUSHIN INTERFERENCE!!!

    • EvilSheldon

      Any of these county officials actually putting their money where their mouths are and quitting their cushy sinecures?

  27. Common Tater

    “WASHINGTON — A damning new congressional report shows how a little-known advertising cartel that controls 90% of global marketing spending supported efforts to defund news outlets and platforms including The Post — at points urging members to use a blacklist compiled by a shadowy government-funded group that purports to guard news consumers against “misinformation.”

    The World Federation of Advertisers (WFA), which reps 150 of the world’s top companies — including ExxonMobil, GM, General Mills, McDonald’s, Visa, SC Johnson and Walmart — and 60 ad associations sought to squelch online free speech through its Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) initiative, the House Judiciary Committee found in an interim report released Wednesday.

    “The extent to which GARM has organized its trade association and coordinates actions that rob consumers of choices is likely illegal under the antitrust laws and threatens fundamental American freedoms,” the Republican-led panel said in its 39-page report based on internal organizational records.”

    This is why a national divorce seems pointless.

    • Suthenboy

      Shadowy. Didn’t Obama and Biden attempt to bring it into the light with their attempt to create a Ministry of Truth?

      • juris imprudent

        “Everything within the state…”

  28. Chafed

    Clem Burke is a beast when he wants to be.

  29. PutridMeat

    Thanks for the Blondie, can’t go wrong. I think 11:59 might be my favorite from them. There’s just something about it that seems to capture that undefined drive and anticipation of youth, especially from the build up through the solo into the outro.

  30. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    The shit is gonna hit the fan in November no matter what. I’m so glad, each and every day, to have left DC.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Pretty sure Gen Z are too pussy to ride. Harley won’t be the only one in trouble down the road.

      • Sensei

        Yes. The article made note about the decline in interest in high risk recreational activities.

      • Tundra

        Dual sports are really popular out here. I see lots of youngsters on them.

        But no way are the kids gonna pay 30K for a bike.

      • Suthenboy

        Lately I have run into a few gen Z’ers. I amazed at how many of them have a serious stick up their asses.

      • The Last American Hero

        I have hope for Gen Z. They are far better than the millenials, and I know several that are much more restrained in their social media use, attending church, and exploring old customs like actual dating and not just internet hookups.

        Why just the other day, one pointed out to me the insanity of the trans nonsense, and how the obsessive dwelling on it is turning off fellow Z’ers.

      • trshmnstr

        I amazed at how many of them have a serious stick up their asses.

        Latchkey kids 2.0. Parented by Latchkey kids 1.0, raised by blue hair teachers and the internet. Imagine a whole generation whose primary influences are Reddit and TikTok.

      • Tundra

        Meh. I raised two Zs. There is huge variety among that group but mostly I’m with the Hero. They are sharp and cynically funny. I definitely feel more of an affinity for them than Millenials.

    • Tundra

      They’ve earned it:

      Harley spun off LiveWire three years later but continues to own nearly 90% of the stock. At its initial investor day, LiveWire projected it would sell more than 7,200 of the battery-powered bikes in 2023. It ended up selling 660.

      Gee, who would have expected that?

      • Sensei

        It was crazy expensive. Not surprising.

  31. Ownbestenemy

    Just curious because I haven’t look. It was billed as a press conference…did our dear leader take any questions or was it more of a press release and he scurried off stage after remarks?

    • The Other Kevin

      He made and opening statement read from a teleprompter. Then he had a list of people to call on. The questions were pretty lame and nobody asked follow ups. He took the opportunity to mention Trump in half the questions, which sounded more like a campaign speech (this was supposed to be about the NATO conference). He did take a half dozen more questions after they said “Last question.”

      • R C Dean

        Given the soft bigotry of Joe expectations, it was a win for him.

      • R C Dean

        Which reminds me: did they ever give a reason for the 1+ hour delay?

      • The Other Kevin

        “soft bigotry of Joe expectations”

        That’s excellent. Bravo.

      • Sensei

        The NATO meeting went long, but not that long.

        Cynics say it was to avoid making the evening network news.

      • Gdragon

        “The bigot tree, that sounds like where my opponent Kamala goes to think about his felonies”

      • Suthenboy

        Was Stoltenberg’s wife there giving a knowing smile at the camera?

      • The Last American Hero

        Guess which publications’ reporters weren’t on the list?

      • R C Dean

        TOK: James Lileks gets the credit for that one.

  32. Tundra

    Good morning!

    A nifty little local story about government protecting us.

    DENVER — Colorado’s plumbing regulatory board held an emergency meeting Wednesday to try to figure out a solution that some in the industry say could lead to water shutoffs and pricey bills for a standard procedure.

    The new law requires anyone inspecting, testing or repairing a backflow prevention device to have a license. Previously, professionals only needed a plumbing license to install or remove a backflow prevention device.

    Complete bullshit. I wonder what happened?

    Republican Sen. Byron Pelton from Sterling, who co-sponsored the bill, told 9NEWS a plumbing union entered the negotiations on the bill and got the language added to the bill.


    • juris imprudent

      So union membership confers a state license???

      • UnCivilServant

        The Union is probably the licensing examiners.

    • Grummun

      In Lancaster, OH, any home renovation (painting walls inside the house, for example) requires a licensed contractor. Inspectors hang out at the Lowe’s and look for people buying paint, drywall, etc.

      • Common Tater


      • UnCivilServant

        Even in my town, repairs and homeowner DIY is exempted from permit requirements, let alone requiring contractors. The only time I needed a permit was when I had the roof replaced, and the roofers filed the paperwork.

      • juris imprudent

        Inspectors hang out at the Lowe’s…

        “Hey Pete, how’d you get that bucket of paint dumped over your head?”

    • Suthenboy

      So….a check-valve or a p-trap?
      This how freedom is lost…one helmet law, one license requirement, one permit, one environmental mandate at a time. Drip, drip, drip.

      I went to the San Jacinto county, Tx to ask what I needed to build a house. The guy looked at me like I was stupid and gave, in a dead pan voice, the answer.
      “Go down to the lumber yard, buy your lumber. On the way to the building site stop at the hardware store and get hammer and nails.”

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Harley is screwed.

    They just need some daredevil influencers.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Mission accomplished?

    The U.S. plans to shut down the controversial Gaza humanitarian pier “in relatively short order,” ending a three-month saga that saw the U.S. military struggle to deliver vital aid to the enclave.

    Speaking to reporters at the NATO Public Forum in Washington on Thursday, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said “I do anticipate, in relatively short order, we will wind down pier operations” in the Gaza Strip.

    The Pentagon later said in a statement that troops had failed to successfully re-anchor the pier onto the shore of the Gaza Strip due to “technical and weather-related issues.”

    Well, they tried.

    • The Other Kevin

      Was that plan hatched by Jill, Hunter, or a few 20-something staffers?

    • rhywun

      The pier where all the aid went to Hamas? That pier?

      • juris imprudent

        I thought the only thing to hit that pier was mortar rounds.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    In Lancaster, OH, any home renovation (painting walls inside the house, for example) requires a licensed contractor. Inspectors hang out at the Lowe’s and look for people buying paint, drywall, etc.

    Land of the free.

    Home of the brave.

  36. Common Tater

    “Canada is fast becoming the car theft capital of the world. The figures for 2022 show that thieves stole more than 105,000 vehicles in Canada – or about one every five minutes, the BBC reports

    Federal Justice Minister and Attorney General Arif Virani has had his Toyota Highlander XLE stolen three times. Canada made Interpol’s top ten list for car thefts. There are 137 countries in the international police force’s database and Canada only began sending its car theft data to it in February.”

    Anarcho Tyranny, eh?

    • R C Dean

      “Federal Justice Minister and Attorney General Arif Virani has had his Toyota Highlander XLE stolen three times.”

      You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.

  37. Common Tater

    “Most Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) restaurants in Ontario have shifted their menus to Halal-certified products, including all chicken dishes from drumsticks in a bucket to tenders and wings. The prominent fast food chain also stopped selling pork in all but two of its Ontario locations in May. It aims to expand the policy throughout Canada by the end of 2024. The type of cuisine KFC serves is American soul food, much of which relies on pork for flavor.”

    Who thinks KFC is soul food?

    • Suthenboy

      1940’s cartoons, that’s who. Fried Chicken = Black people, black people who eat fried chicken when they take a break from singing spirituals and hoeing the fields.

      • UnCivilServant

        But, other than vegetairans and vegans, who doesn’t like (good) fried chicken?

    • Ted S.

      Col. Sanders was black, dontcha know.

    • Nephilium

      People who think fried chicken is a dog whistle for hating black people?

  38. The Late P Brooks

    The pier has faced intense criticism from prominent Republicans on Capitol Hill, who had described the project as wasteful and politically motivated.


    • Suthenboy

      It was an extremely transparent money laundering operation…just like 90% of everything else congress and the military do.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Take the handcuffs off

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Thursday embraced the support of allies who have provided substantial new military aid and a path to joining NATO, even as he emphatically pushed for the help to arrive faster and for restrictions to be lifted on the use of U.S. weapons to attack military targets inside Russia.

    “If we want to win, if we want to prevail, if we want to save our country and to defend it, we need to lift all the limitations,” Zelenskyy said alongside NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in the final hours of a summit that saw Ukraine receive fresh commitments of weapons and other support to firm up its defense against Russia.

    Total war is what is needed. Bomb Moscow. Hundreds of thousands of NATO troops swarming across the Russian border will bring us to glorious victory.

    • Suthenboy

      That sounds familiar. Who else said that?

  40. UnCivilServant

    From “Brits shoot guns for the first time”:

    “We’re here are the gun range…”
    “Oh my god it’s just full of guns…”


  41. The Late P Brooks

    Google nooz algorithm: packaged in a group of stories about an accused Russian spy in the Australian army, we find a story about Melania trump doing some sort of military/veteran outreach event at the Republican Trump convention.

    I found it amusing.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    Cue dramatic music

    A historically hot summer in the United States is on a July killing spree and the toll will only grow with the hottest days yet to come.

    It’s been the hottest summer on record to date for around 100 US cities from Maine to California. Heat is suspected in the deaths of least 37 people in the US in July, a number that is likely underestimated given the amount of time it takes to attribute a death to nature’s most prolific weather killer.

    Many of the deaths have been in the West, where cities have shattered all-time record high temperatures during an unprecedented and long heat wave – exactly the kind of conditions scientists expect in a world warming due to fossil fuel pollution.

    It’s like a horror movie out there.

    • Lord Humungus

      June was hot.

      July has been mostly a rainy grey muck. Some honest to goodness sun today.

      Back when I was in college we had multiple days in a row where it got to 100 degrees. Add in the muggy swamp of Michigan plus the fact I had no A/C… hanging out in my boxers in front of a box fan.

      • Ted S.

        We didn’t need that image.

      • Gdragon

        I was already imagining him without boxers before he even started, the story cleaned things up

    • Suthenboy

      What a bunch of horseshit.
      On the list of top five innovations that extend life expectancy is refrigeration…the refrigeration that these same people wish to rid us of.

  43. KSuellington

    From the AP article:“The outcome could give Maduro another six years in power or end the self-described socialist’s policies that once successfully boosted anti-poverty programs but whose sustained mismanagement later pushed the country into an ongoing economic crisis.“

    I remember well when Chavez was elected. I was at UC Berkeley discovering that I was definitely not a leftist and finally figuring that the label that best suited me was libertarian. I was highly interested LatAm politics as I had just spent 6 months solo traveling up the Andes and was planning on heading back to Brazil as soon as I could get the fuck out Berkeley. I remember telling my lefty classmates that Chavez was going to be terrible for Venezuela. Here we are almost a quarter century later and the country has already gone from one of LatAm’s most prosperous to tying with Haiti in poverty and disfunction. Surprise, surprise.