1. UnCivilServant

    Discount Retailer Big Lots to Close More Than 50 Stores in California

    My only surprise is that there are any retailers left in California after it legalized shoplifting.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Big Lots can’t even get people to shoplift from them.

      • Sean


      • SDF-7

        They might be able to repurpose to selling what the shoplifters take from other stores. (Hey, if cleaning out RiteAid isn’t a crime… fencing it shouldn’t be either… just make it a free for all ya Commies….)

      • rhywun

        They might be able to repurpose to selling what the shoplifters take from other stores.

        That’s what bodegas are for.

    • AlexinCT

      I hear Koh-Moh-Loh has told Newsome to temporarily spruce up the place so they can remove the visual queues of what the rest of the country will look like if they get that hag into the POTATUS slot. So now, like the guy that hides his garbage, dirty clothes, and general state of disgusting, in his apartment cause he has some chick dropping in, Newsom is going about doing the cleaning in the hopes he gets picked as the Veep.

      • SDF-7

        I didn’t think he could — just like Desantis can’t be OMB’s because of “double Florida”.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The signal would be Harris moving her legal residency, but it might be too late for that especially if they are moving to the virtual roll call ahead of the convention. Newsome has his eyes on 2028 or 32 and wouldn’t want to be dragged into the Harris Administration.

      • AlexinCT

        You are talking about democrats. A literal cabal of crime syndicates masquerading as a political party. Since when have they cared about legality of shit when breaking any and all laws benefits them?

        Do not forget that the most powerful weapon of the people in and tied to the dnc is that they have convinced themselves they are the good guys, and that their goals are noble, then promptly concluded that any and all acts, no matter how evil or criminal, is justified because of that. The proverbial road to hell.

      • ron73440

        So now, like the guy that hides his garbage, dirty clothes, and general state of disgusting, in his apartment cause he has some chick dropping in

        Reminds me of when my son was 3 or 4 and my wife made him clean his room.

        He told her he was done so she could check, “But don’t look in the closet”. So of course she checks the closet.

        All of his toys and dirty clothes were stacked in there.

        He legitimately got mad at her because she checked the closet after he told her not to.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Their gonna make Newscum change his legal residence to Texas.

        There are more productive Californians there then there are in California, anyway.

        Problem solved.

  2. SDF-7

    Trump says 25th Amendment shouldn’t be invoked against Biden, claims ‘dangerous’ Kamala Harris is ‘worse than he is’

    Except that isn’t how this works. Either he is competent or he is not. The crapitude of his VP doesn’t enter into it, OMB…

    • DrOtto

      It’s the smart thing to say from a perspective of who he’s running against now though. “Sure he’s bad, she’s worse though.”

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Exactly. Trump is working to win an election right now, not deal with the D’s messes.

        Plus, the D’s always do whatever they think is against him, so a public fight about the 25th would work in his advantage.

    • DrOtto

      Also, I don’t think they can afford to put her center stage yet, she’ll fuck it up so badly, they’ll see how unelectable she is. That’s why Sleepy Joe has to finish his term out no matter how badly he strokes out between now and November.

      • The Other Kevin

        Not to mention, as president she’d have to go to a meeting or two and not spend her day on the phone with Obama or making TikTok’s.

      • AlexinCT

        Not to mention, as president she’d have to go to a meeting or two and not spend her day on the phone with Obama or making TikTok’s.,/em>”

        Meeting time: “Look chubby Jong Il, if I give you some of this sweet brown shugga, you gonna do what I want?”

        Wink, wink…

  3. juris imprudent

    I honestly don’t get how any Democrat can think that replacing Biden with someone who didn’t even bring a single delegate to either of the last two nominating conventions is a good plan. Let alone a democratic plan.

    Give Trump credit – he didn’t just break the Republican Party, he’s busted the Democrats as well.

    • SDF-7

      Two possibilities occur to me:

      1) Pelosi is somehow hooked into the big donor class more (we always knew she was a really good fundraiser). Though she wants her nephew in there eventually, Kamala is from the CA machine as well and it is “Her Turn” — hence Pelosi is pushing her and locked her in.

      2) They know the odds are good OMB is going to trounce whomever they put up — so let’s sacrifice the potential First Female, First South Asian, First Black-ish XX, etc. so we can harp on how racist the GOP is next time!

      Possibly a combination thereof. Now, I think Kamala honestly thinks she can win — which leads to (3) They have the fortification in place and don’t care who knows it because obviously the media is ready and willing to take whatever stupid narrative they choose to spin at any time. Their journey towards the Dark Side is complete — and they don’t even have to strike down Palpatine with all their anger….

      • Suthenboy

        Seeking the greater good rather than embracing the primacy of the individual is the very definition of ‘the dark side’. They have always been there.

      • juris imprudent

        …so we can harp on how racist the GOP is next time

        Well, Kamala’s campaign already said that Dem primary voters are racist and misogynist. It should be fine for GOP to catch up.

      • The Other Kevin

        Stupid as it sounds, I think a lot of Dems actually buy their identity politics bullshit. As in, forget all that jibber jabber about economics and dollars and such, the most important thing is the candidate’s gender and ethnicity. Because diversity automatically makes everything better.

      • juris imprudent

        TOK, I don’t think it is stupid – at least observing that there are a lot of stupid voters.

    • rhywun

      is a good plan. Let alone a democratic plan

      good plan = beat Donald
      democratic? = they could not care less

      They don’t have anyone else and Kamala gets Joe’s warchest so there you go.

      And apparently Obama is now on board so he has come to the conclusion that she can be manipulated like Joe was.

      Everything is going to plan.

    • AlexinCT

      I honestly don’t get how any Democrat can think that replacing Biden with someone who didn’t even bring a single delegate to either of the last two nominating conventions is a good plan. Let alone a democratic plan.

      Based on the shit I saw them do during Obama’s tenure, and then the escalation during the Trump and then crypt keeper’s tenure, I am expecting them to simply test the cackler’s chances (now that they had no way of fortify Biden anymore), and the second they become convinced they can’t steal it for her, she will be gone. What remains to be seen is if they actually kill her and blame some MAGA asshat for it to rally the troops (and after failing to manipulate things to get Trump offed, the odds are they might need this), or just palace coup her stupid ass. And they will claim this shit is to save “muh democracy!”…

      Cause democracy means the deep state keeps the status quo.

      • juris imprudent

        And yet Alex, I read Dem-oriented bloggers that aren’t in on this vast conspiracy. I have to wonder, who’s really got the better insight?

      • AlexinCT

        I am unsure what you mean about them not being in on the conspiracy. Team blue’s biggest weapon is its ability to herd its followers by basically running their system as a cult where those that fail to comply will get ended.

      • Not Adahn

        Are these dem-oriented bloggers in any way more privy to insider information than the media caste is? Why do you think they are somehow more representative of the operant Democratic party than actual Democratic party operatives?

        Do you think Alex is a good representative of the Republican party? If not, what makes these bloggers better? Why are your dem-oriented bloggers any more indicative than say Ann Althouse or David French?

      • Suthenboy

        JI, I have yet to run into such a unicorn. Perhaps my cynicism is too great, but I think they are all in on it, perfectly aware of what is going on while pretending not to have malicious intent.
        “Oops! I am sorry! I tripped, please excuse me!” While kicking us over and over in the gizzard.
        Also, I see everything the govt is doing, everything I see on the news as pure theater. Behind the curtain ‘the elite’, the ‘ruling class’, ‘the anointed’, or whatever people refer to them as are keeping the course. My son calls them ‘The Organism’. I like that term. In my mind it conjures up the image of a large voracious bacterium whose only purpose and thought is to feed.

        Bacterium – A microscopic single-celled organism having no distinguishable nucleus, belonging to the kingdom Monera. Bacteria have varying shapes, usually taking the form of a jointed rodlike filament, or a small sphere, but also in certain cases having a branched form. Bacteria are destitute of chlorophyll, but in those members of the phylum Cyanophyta (the blue-green algae) other light-absorbing pigments are present. They may be free-living, saprophytic, commensal, or pathogenic and that vary widely in terms of morphology.

        I take particular note of ‘no distinguishable nucleus’, ‘destitute of chlorophyll’ and ‘pathogenic’.

        “The Organism”. Perfect.

      • juris imprudent

        I think I’ll step out of the bubble for a while. I need some fresh air.

      • AlexinCT

        I can’t help but think that JI seems to believe that when I refer to the cabal I mean they all are working together, in lock step, and without any disagreement. This is despite the fact I have told him that I know damn well that what we have is a bunch of entities, all with the same end goal agenda, currently working together to move said agenda, even when they are illogical alliances (like the gays for Palestine, which remind me of Chickens for KFC), while all of these factions are jockeying for the top spot.

        The globalist-marxist feudal movement isn’t fake just because the UN, China, Russia, India, the EU, the US, and any other entity involved, be it individual or a conglomerate of lesser entities, all want that globalist vision, but only differ on some minor details of how to get there and whom will be top dog. Same for the climate or green movements (which are all child efforts of the globalist marxist one).

        JI also seems to be unaware that team blue is awesome at feigning ignorance and/or ineptitude while actually being hard at work doing precisely what you see. How often do we have to catch them saying “We are not doing this”, then switching to “Well, we are doing this, but it is just fine” when caught, for people to realize their biggest weapons is lying to us about what they are really doing, even when it is obvious?

      • juris imprudent

        What team blue is even better at doing is saying “Look! Republicans are going to do THIS!!!” – which isn’t about the Republicans at all, it’s about what team blue is already doing.

        But lets just take your globalist-marxist feudal movement apart a little.

        Putin is no Marxist, he is just another Russian tsar. He’s outside the liberal-western-new-world-order (EU) group anyway. China is going to lurch in another direction when Xi dies – it isn’t like he is a continuation, he has been a throwback to Maoist cult leader status. In fact, what better fits this whole conglomeration is two things: one, it doesn’t do U.S. bidding, and two, it’s fucking chaotic. But you insist there is a pattern there, one that exists in your imagination and it’s ALL OUT TO GET ME!!!

    • rhywun

      Give Trump credit – he didn’t just break the Republican Party, he’s busted the Democrats as well.


      Though to be fair, all he had to do to was collect the cast-offs the Dems have been shedding for years.

      • juris imprudent

        That’s how the Republicans got the South – Dems gave away those voters.

      • AlexinCT

        Putin is no Marxist, he is just another Russian tsar.

        Absolutely concur. He is just an old time feudalist grand lord.

        However all the other entities – the UN, the Western “supposed” democracies, the CCP, the WEF, and so forth – all are riddle with marxist indoctrinated douchebags. They tell us so. Constantly. Also do not confound the fact that these people are using marxist tactics and teachings to reach their end goals, with their expected outcome being some form of working marxism. After all, all marxism is is another version of feudalism that creates the justification and mechanism for aspiring new lords to replace the old ones. In the end you have the rulers and the serfs, though.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Just exposing more of the rift that has been festering in the underbelly of American politics. I would bet if we were a fly on the wall in the DNP dank halls back in 2022 to 2023 ish timeframes we’d have seen the strategy to start labeling Trump as a ‘threat to Democracy’ and start hammering that day in and day out because they knew they’d have to pull some type of election nonsense.

      They had to pull the trigger early with the switch-a-roo, but it will stick with their base as they must stop Heir Trump…if only the Germans did the same

      • juris imprudent

        Thankfully we aren’t getting the Trump heirs – yet.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Heh, didn’t even notice the autocorrect

      • Not Adahn

        George P. Bush could have been the first Hispanic President!

    • Suthenboy

      They brought Kamala in because it gives them access to their war chest collected for the Biden-Harris campaign. Now, how to get rid of Harris.
      My son assures me (he is usually right) that they will bring Josh Shapiro on as VP to give the party a veneer of moderacy, when in fact none of the party’s policies or practices will change one whit from Biden’s. Biden was a puppet, they are simply looking for a replacement puppet.
      Is Shapiro more electable than Biden or Harris? Do they have time to put Shapiro on the ticket, swap him out for Harris and still have access to the money?

      • Sensei

        My prediction right now has been Shapiro as well. Gives them a better shot at PA.

        My friend in PA claims he still can’t carry the state, but he hasn’t been reliable about other PA political prognostications.

      • SDF-7

        I think that would piss off their Hamas wing though — and that seems to be the BoweL Movement of the summer.

      • AlexinCT

        My son assures me (he is usually right) that they will bring Josh Shapiro on as VP to give the party a veneer of moderacy, when in fact none of the party’s policies or practices will change one whit from Biden’s.

        Your son is prescient. I have pointed repeatedly that the strategy from these evil fucks is to use a new face to convince low information voters things will get better. That’s never going to be the case. It matters not whom the team blue front person is: the same people that have been running the country since they put the POTATUS in the WH will be in charge. And the evil and bad policies will continue, if not get worse, because they have a timeline and a deadline to the globalist-marxist utopian end goal.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Shapiro’s signal will be if he changes his full throated support of Israel to a different message to align with the ever growing rabid portion of the Harris’ wing of the party.

      • rhywun

        I think that would piss off their Hamas wing though

        It would, but in the end it wouldn’t matter one bit. They will fall in line for whomever they are told to.

        The only goal is to elect a Democrat and turn him or her over to Obama’s control.

      • Suthenboy

        I see ‘ban fracking’ is a D plank. I would think that would lose Pennsylvania for them entirely. I dont think bringing Shapiro on board would help.

      • AlexinCT

        I see ‘ban fracking’ is a D plank. I would think that would lose Pennsylvania for them entirely. I dont think bringing Shapiro on board would help.

        Team blue has been awesome and very successful at talking out of both sides of their mouth. I am going to bet they will tell their nutbag climate constituents they will definitely ban fracking, then scam the people in that industry by saying they wont, but as soon as they have power, fuck over the fracking industry workers, and ban it. And the people they fooled will be left going “WTF???”. They did it to the coal industry…

      • juris imprudent

        If you pay attention to PA politics, you’ll notice that ban fracking gets no state-wide traction. Little pockets of idiots, sure, but not enough to carry the state.

      • Not Adahn

        Does a replacement VP have to be confirmed by the Senate? Cocaine Mitch did a good job of blocking Garland.

      • UnCivilServant

        Yes, a replacement VP has to be confirmed.

        And upon taking the office of President, the VP is no longer the VP and thus cannot cast tiebreaker votes.

      • The Last American Hero

        That explains the 2020 and 2022 election results in Pa.

        You guys crack me up. Trump can’t win without PA, and Team Blue is about to add their gov to the ticket. The guy who won by 15 points.

      • juris imprudent

        The guy who won by 15 points.

        Because the Republicans ran a Jesus-freak, not any kind of plausible candidate. Fucker couldn’t talk on the stump for 5 minutes without PREACHING.

      • Suthenboy

        NA: No, the VP does not have to be confirmed by the Senate. The Turtle blocked Garland from SCOTUS, not the VP slot. Thank God. Talk about dodging a bullet…

      • UnCivilServant

        Sorry, Suthen but the 25th, in addition to talking about incapable presidents, says that a new VP has to be confirmed by both houses of congress.

        Section 2. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

      • Suthenboy

        Uncivil: Now why didn’t I know that? Huh. Thanks for the correction.

      • The Other Kevin

        Your son is right. The country is in bad shape not because of Biden’s policies. They are Democrat polices. They all want open borders, they all want illegals to vote, they all want censorship, they all want COVID-era lockdowns, they all want the green new deal that lowers our standard of living, they all want more wars. There is no way in hell any Dem candidate is going to say anything Biden did was wrong.

      • R C Dean

        “Trump can’t win without PA”

        Sure he can. It’s a much narrower path, but quite possible.

        Absent, of course, massive cheating.

      • The Last American Hero

        Quite possible? Nothing is impossible. But here, again, is the map:


        Trump needs 19 electoral votes. Here are the states up for grabs:
        NV – trending blue the last decade, especially with Cali refugees. Possibly Trump.
        AZ – current governor is the past crooked elections overseer. Will ensure Maricopa carries the state for Harris.
        PA – see comment above. Current gov and probable VP elected by 15 fucking points over the Trump endorsed nominee. Also elected a stroke victim that couldn’t dress himself or speak a coherent sentence. Goes Harris after late night Philly shenanigans.
        MI – voted for Whitmer by double digits over the Trump endorsed candidate. A little fortification may be necessary but Detroit can get the job done for Harris.
        WI – hard to tell what will happen there, but I don’t know much about Wisconsin, so I’ll put that one down for Trump.

        So let’s do some math. 6+10=16, 3 electoral votes shy. I don’t want this to happen, but this is what will happen.

        As for the cheating, I expect loads of it, especially in MI, AZ, and PA.

      • rhywun

        I see ‘ban fracking’ is a D plank. I would think that would lose Pennsylvania for them entirely.

        Depends on how strong their lock on the cities is.

        Fracking is banned in New York and it doesn’t hurt the Dems at all.

      • juris imprudent

        TLAH continues to talk out his ass.

        PA – see comment above. Current gov and probable VP elected by 15 fucking points over the Trump endorsed nominee. Also elected a stroke victim that couldn’t dress himself or speak a coherent sentence. Goes Harris after late night Philly shenanigans.

        Do you know how miserable a candidate the Repubs put up (with help mind you from the Dems during the primary)? Any idea at all? If not, then maybe shut up a little and read up about Jesus-every-minute Mastriano. The Dems didn’t have to convince me not to vote for him – he did that all himself.

        As for the ’20 election, Trump out-performed over ’16 in Philly. Biden didn’t do substantially better than Hillary. The election swung in the suburbs, not in the urban Dem machines.

      • The Last American Hero

        The same suburban women that vote based on abortion? Good thing that’s not every third word out of Harris’ mouth.

        I love how citing recent actual recent election results is talking out of my ass btw. Michigan’s gubernatorial candidate sucked ass too, but she was a trumpista and got bent over and reamed by Whitmer. Maybe we could look at all the big wins the Trump team has had. 2018-Casey and wolf win bigly. 2020-stalemate for congress, Biden wins by 80k votes. 2022-we get another D governor and The Lump. Ok, unlikable candidates unlike the totally likable Trump, right? Past performance is no indication of future earnings but I don’t see the trend reversing with Trump.

  4. Shpip

    Her evident ascension as the Democratic nominee has the Trump camp forecasting a so-called “Harris Honeymoon” in which the legacy media would attempt to promote polls showing Harris either beating or faring well against the Republican nominee.

    “As I’ve explained, the honeymoon will be a manifestation of the wall-to-wall coverage Harris receives from the MSM,” Trump pollster Tony Fabrizio warned in a memo this week. “The coverage will be largely positive and will certainly energize Democrats and some other parts of their coalition at least in the short term.”

    The social media are certainly all atwitter about the Uslurper, but soon enough people will realize that Kamala Harris is what you get when you try to buy a Barack Obama at Aldi.

    • Sean



      • SDF-7

        Yeah… legitimate “chuckle out loud” at that one. Nicely nicknamed, Shpip.

      • dbleagle


        “Uslurper” and an “Aldi Obama” both earn Chef kisses.

    • Sensei

      …try to buy a Barack Obama at Aldi.


    • Suthenboy

      “The social media are certainly all atwitter about the Uslurper, but soon enough people will realize that Kamala Harris is what you get when you try to buy a Barack Obama at Aldi.”

      Goddammit Shpip, the sun is barely up here and we might as well all pack it in and go home.

    • SDF-7

      Hmm… South America implies there’s also the “shoot everyone in the current government, form a new one and disavow the debt of the previous people”. Not a great option, and sucks if you want to borrow money for at least 10 years….. but…..

      I’m still pissed that both sides of the useless Uniparty locked in COVID era spending as “normal” after they screwed the economy. Getting back to at least 2019 on discretionary (if not 2008) [interest is what we’re stuck with] and getting the deficit gone to start paying down the debt is the only other real option now — other than hyperinflation, I guess… but I’m assuming the liabilities will shoot up to match. (Alternately they could just ask the biolabs for a better coronavirus, kill all the retirees and cut down on the entitlements…. but they’d still have to get spending under control, and the gimmies to the undocumented and their voter base aren’t going to let that happen).

      • AlexinCT

        I’m still pissed that both sides of the useless Uniparty locked in COVID era spending as “normal” after they screwed the economy.,/em>”

        No political effort that doesn’t involve giving people free shit, wins anymore. If we want to address our country’s/government’s fiscal problems and have a realistic go at trying to akshually fix it, the existing process of electing politicians to do so will never suffice. We will need to have a system where the people put in charge of the fix not only hate government and want to gut it, but actually also do the ugly shit that needs to happen to fix the problem, and do so irregardless of the fact they can’t make a lucrative career of that government employment after the fact, because everyone will be mad at them.

      • Suthenboy

        “…back to 2019…”
        How about we go back to the inherent value standard? I want to buy a loaf of bread today for 50 cents…and buy a loaf of bread in 20 years for 50 cents. I want my savings to be worth the same amount in 30 years that it is worth today, plus interest earned. What I am seeing over time is ‘experts’ in economics outsmarting themselves.
        Stop floating socialist policies with borrowed fake money. The concept of ‘bank money’ has evolved into fiat currency created to delude ourselves into believing there is such a thing as a free lunch.

      • UnCivilServant

        Money never had an inherent value. It was merely a means of recording debt. (Unless you count being shiny and heavy as inherent values)

        Only barter involves trading things of inherent value, and its limitation is that most people don’t have something that the other specific person in that transaction actually wants or needs.

      • Suthenboy

        The gold, silver etc standard was as close as you can get. Heavy and shiny doesnt mean anything..but those metals do have inherent value as being very useful for electronics, chemistry etc. Since they are in short supply a lot of value is packed into a small package.
        Projecting fungibility onto that works just fine.

  5. Certified Public Asshat

    6 Dems Help Pass House Resolution Condemning VP Harris As ‘Border Czar’

    But I am enjoying the fact checks that claim actually, no one is in charge of the border.

    • Sensei

      She was kinda sorta tasked with discussing migration with a few specific Latin American countries. Which she did! So there!

      • AlexinCT

        The fact that these people think they can just rewrite history in the age of video records and the internet worries me. Because sooner than later they will decide it is too hard to keep up with all the lies and gaslighting, and ban both. Because they really, really believe Orwell’s book 1984 was a how to manual.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The fact that these people think they can just rewrite history

        Think they can? They can and will and have done and proven that they have 50% or greater support for such. 2024 is Year Zero of Harris

      • AlexinCT

        2024 is Year Zero of Harris

        It was a lot easier to do that with Obama because he was a literal unknown that could be shaped into anything. Like Hillary, Koh-Moh-Loh has a hard to miss track record and a massive amount of examples of her evil and stupid way. Doesn’t mean they will not try to scrub reality, but instead of the small hill they had for Obama they have the Himalayas to climb for this DEI hire. And they are going to be doing it, unfortunately for them, at a time where they have lost control of the narrative and have a mightily energized opposition gung ho after these evil fucks directly or indirectly tried to kill their guy, making resistance unavoidable.

        Yes, I expect massive censoring and cancelling on social media, but between Rumble, X, and the fact most people not brainwashed by the machine have alternate sources not dependent on traditional or captured social media, the landscape for the people that censor and cancel is going to be a lot different than it was before.

        They will try. But if we wreck them repeatedly and quickly, they will face a conundrum and either have to get rid of the cackler (but who steps up they can actually carry over the finish line). especially when the wine lady will herself be the one wrecking her chances every time she shows up or opens her mouth.

      • Suthenboy

        I see where Wales is going about creating year zero in earnest.
        Recently in some discussion here about what to do with three wishes or lottery winnings or some such hypothetical I said I would build a library to distill and preserve the evolution of the western enlightenment and the idea of the primacy of the individual. I said so because I fear the year zero effort will only accelerate, that the effort to return us to a dark age is only going to intensify.

      • AlexinCT

        I said so because I fear the year zero effort will only accelerate, that the effort to return us to a dark age is only going to intensify.,/em>”

        We are quickly heading back to the days of the elite claiming some divine providence giving them the right to rule. You need that when you are a credentialed moron hoping to pass along your take of the spoils to your inbred idiot offspring.

    • Suthenboy

      “Fact checks”

      That does make me laugh out loud. I noticed that the left made skin-suiting the fact check outfits a priority and accomplished it in record time.
      “We dont read Pravda to find out what happened. We read Pravda to find out what did not happen.” – Soviet citizen
      I see the fact check outfits the same way.

    • Suthenboy

      Also, how is ‘no one is in charge of the border’ better or different than ‘we completely fucked up the border’?
      They have painted themselves so closely into the corner they are standing ballerina style on one toe.

      • AlexinCT

        I remind you that these fucking assholes have for decades now successfully claimed the real evil shit they did was not by intent, but ineptitude, and gotten away Scott free practically every time. They believe saying “Yes, we fucked up the border, but….” is a lot less damaging to their political ambitions than “We did what we wanted you fucking plebes, so bend over and take more of it.” for a reason.

  6. Vida Hobo

    Democrats Approve Plan to Nominate Presidential Candidate Before Convention in Virtual Roll Call

    Whew, glad we were able to save democracy.

    • dbleagle

      DNC to 14M Dem primary voters: “Fuck you!”

      13M Dem primary voters to the DNC: “Yes. Fuck us!”

  7. Shpip

    Two important leaders of Mexican drug cartels were arrested in El Paso, Texas, on Thursday, the Justice Department announced in a statement.

    Maybe it’s just me, but if I’m a higher-up in an international drug- and human trafficking cartel, I’m staying far away from the US as physically possible. There have to be plenty of good beaches and fishing in Baja California or Costa Rica where the Norteamericano federales would have a harder time of snatching me up.

    • AlexinCT

      The question to ask is what did these two do or not do that the people running Mexico though the cartels – that being the CIA – decided to take them out.

  8. cavalier973

    “It’s a Harris Honeymoon
    You smoke marijuana, then howl at the moon
    You can cackle like a hen
    Unburdened by what has been.”

  9. Ted S.

    Home goods retailer Conn’s files for bankruptcy, to close over 70 stores


  10. Certified Public Asshat

    Everything I don’t like is the fault of capitalism, too local edition:

    Facebook has gotten so bad to use, but it’s the one everyone has.

    Capitalism at work. Get all the people in your app, build a monopoly, then make the experience as shitty as possible to extract as much money as possible from each individual user.

    ^retarded friend complaining about managing a Facebook group

    • Ownbestenemy

      Its not like there aren’t 5000 different options that Capitalism has created in which users could freely escape to…but that would require a bit of extra work.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Without capitalism, assuming people still have a smart phone and free time to spend managing a Facebook group for youth sports, then they would use the messaging app I prefer.

    • cavalier973

      “Let’s pass a slew of laws that makes it hard to start a business, then blame capitalism for monopolies.”

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      I HATE Facebook. Unfortunately Facebook Marketplace has surpassed Craigslist in serving me up good deals.

    • juris imprudent

      “Dear friend, you lived without FB for how many years? So in fact you don’t really need it. And going by Marx to each according to his need.”

      Problem solved!

    • rhywun

      The @epicmicrowave account, which Torba has been unable to confirm belongs to Crooks

      Okay then. 🙄

    • AlexinCT

      Of course it is shocking! The narrative they wanted was that this was a Trump family, and this kid was a Trumpian spawn, and now that whole narrative to defend the people fanning flames of hate, is toast. Worst yet, the Trumpsters now will double down on the accurate prediction that calling someone Hitler and his follower Nazis – for 8 years and going on – will indubitably and inevitably incite violence. And this will harm plans to fortify the 2024 election.

      • The Other Kevin

        Not to worry, the FBI is allocating more resources to head off any right-wing backlash.

      • AlexinCT

        TOK, I will tell you that one of the things I hear has been the most frustrating for the cabal – especially the FBI & DOJ – is that the only incident they have of their political enemies rising up to provide them with the fodder they want/need was J6, and that this has already unraveled as an inhouse setup. They have to keep manufacturing right wing domestic terrorism for a reason. and they are ignoring the mountains of left wing terrorism for a reason as well..

      • The Other Kevin

        That sounds pretty accurate. Even after Trump was shot, the right has been exceptionally restrained. I think in general people know what would happen if the right did anything like those protests in DC this week. They are not taking the bait. Must be very frustrating for the FBI and CIA.

    • WTF

      I am shocked, shocked! to learn that the guy who shot Trump was a Biden supporter.

      • DrOtto

        If he was even shooting at Trump, we don’t know and his motives were unclear. He may have actually just been up there plinking at cans and was unaware that a rally was taking place that day.

      • cavalier973

        FBI: “Young man, can you help us with a training exercise. We need you to pretend to shoot Trump at his rally. We will supply you with a weapon, and blanks, and make sure you can get into position. It’s totally legit, here’s my FBI badge.”

    • AlexinCT

      The fact people are surprised a society that looks down on those that say people should be ashamed and encourages degeneracy results in more degeneracy, especially when you can make good money doing that, saddens me.

      I am no prude, but there are limits.

    • Not Adahn

      Team gb stars? Gangbangs have teams?

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s not exactly a solo event.

      • WTF

        My first thought was “Green Bay has an Olympic team?”

      • DrOtto


    • Not Adahn

      Gay dudes pay for porn too.

    • Suthenboy

      Degas applauds.

    • Suthenboy

      Why dive guys? I dunno. What could it be? We will probably never know.

  11. AlexinCT

    Big Brother’s scripted approval

    I am telling you these people are credentialed idiots that spend all their time trying to influence people into believing their problems are not real or being fixed. Actually fixing problems? Fuck that shit.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Her campaign people really love the whole phone thing don’t they.

    • Sean

      So authentic!

    • Suthenboy

      Just when you think the bullshit cant get any deeper….

  12. Ted S.

    Discount Retailer Big Lots to Close More Than 50 Stores in California

    Fuck the Epoch Times and making it impossible to get them to stop sending me fucking emails.

    • UnCivilServant

      That doesn’t sound particularly interesting. In fact, it sounds slower and less exciting.

  13. Common Tater

    “Donald Trump has slammed the FBI as the agency confirmed it is probing whether he was actually hit by a bullet during an assassination attempt.

    The presidential hopeful blasted the bureau’s director Christopher Wray, after he suggested that it could have been shrapnel which grazed Trump’s ear following the shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania.

    The FBI has since confirmed it is examining fragments found near the stage to determine what caused the Republican nominee’s injuries, after Wray told a congressional hearing there is ‘some question’ over what really happened.

    The agency is hoping to interview Trump as part of its investigation, the New York Times Reports.”


    Didn’t they find the bullet?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Wray knew his one little statement was all that was needed for the conspiracy theorist to run back to the narrative that it wasn’t a bullet. USSS and FBI have successfully muddied the waters just enough on this.

    • Ted S.

      The agency is hoping to interview Trump as part of its investigation,

      Prelude to arresting him for making statements to an FBI agent that the FBI disagrees with.

    • AlexinCT

      The machine is far less interested with dealing with its failures – and have no doubt the failure here was trump was not killed – than it has in shaping the narrative to prevent Trump from gaining advantage from their ineptitude.

    • WTF

      Except there is an actual fucking photograph of the bullet whizzing past just after it struck him.

      • Sean

        Doesn’t matter. He got his sound bite.

    • R C Dean

      “The agency is hoping to interview Trump”

      I would tell them to fuck off, I’m not falling for their “no recordings, revised notes” thing.

      What possible information could Trump have about the preparation, execution, motivation, etc. of the assassination attempt, anyway

      • Ownbestenemy

        Does seem like a setup….

        “We have reason to believe that Donald Trump lied to the FBI” is all that would be ran until November.

      • UnCivilServant

        “I will only speak to the FBI if it is video recorded and live broadcast, and anything not captured on the publically visible stream did not happen. Also, the agents must answer all of my questions under oath and be prosecuted if it turns out they lied to Me.”

    • Drake

      Here’s my conspiracy suspicion. (Maybe a hypothesis)

      The government sniper team in the building next to the roof where Crooks was – they took some, maybe all of the shots at Trump. Explains the no brass on the roof and the incredible speed of the shots.

      • WTF

        Would also explain why the FBI was washing off the roof instead of treating it like a crime scene.

      • rhywun

        At this point it’s as likely as any other explanation.

        Trump winning would be an absolute disaster for Obama-etc, more so than last time.

      • Suthenboy

        Cops don’t clean roofs. In fact, they dont clean any crime scenes. They are not a maid/janitorial service.

      • Suthenboy

        I thought there was brass on the roof?
        Here we go…lost in the weeds. Lets not get fooled into chasing our tails.
        The simple truth is that the people that have been hysterically trying to get rid of Trump for years tried to shoot him.

  14. SDF-7

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/26:
    *22/22 words
    🎯 In the top 18% by accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 07/26:
    *64/64 words (+5 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 6% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 487

    • Sean

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/26:
      *22/22 words (+5 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 1% by bonus words

      I played https://squaredle.com 07/26:
      *64/64 words (+22 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 4% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 462

  15. AlexinCT

    All I took away from this idiocy, is that a spoiled child with daddy issues, sometime in the future, will end up regretting doing something real dumb, when they realize the real victim was not their intended target but themselves.

  16. Chipping Pioneer

    I so want Tulsi to take out a new Dem party membership, declare her candidacy before the deadline, be the only one to do so, then Kamala has to debate her one on one.

    I know it won’t happen, but that would be great.

  17. Common Tater

    “‘Boneless’ chicken wings can have bones, Ohio top court rules as it rejects choking diner’s suit

    A diner reading ‘boneless wings’ on a menu would no more believe that the restaurant was warranting the absence of bones in the items than believe that the items were made from chicken wings, just as a person eating ‘chicken fingers’ would know that he had not been served fingers,” Justice Joseph T. Deters wrote for the majority….

    The Ohio Supreme Court sided with lower courts that dismissed Berkheimer’s suit, stating that “boneless wings” refers to a cooking style and that the patron should’ve been on guard against bones since it’s common knowledge that chickens have bones.”


    What if they weren’t chicken?

    • WTF

      So, ‘boneless’ doesn’t have to mean boneless? Because “boneless” is not a cooking style, it is a description of the product being cooked and served.

      I guess I can sell “nut free” peanut butter, because everyone knows peanut butter contains nuts.

      • UnCivilServant

        “Castrati Brand Spread – Everyone is Singing its Praises”

      • Ownbestenemy

        I expect my fish to be deboned but doesn’t mean I am not on guard for a stray every now and then. Hell, I think I probably have had a bone in McDonalds chicken nuggets. Anything derived from an animal could possibly have bones in them. The possibilities of that happening scale according to quality of restaurant.

        Now, I think the restaurant should be held liable for the cause of injury..just as if he had contracted a food-borne illness.

      • UnCivilServant

        Anything derived from an animal could possibly have bones in them

        Might I introduce you to the earthworm?

      • Gender Traitor

        everyone knows peanut butter contains nuts.

        “It IS nut-free peanut butter, Your Honor! Peanuts are legumes!”/pedant defendant

      • AlexinCT

        Might I introduce you to the earthworm?

        Next you are gonna tell us that we should be eating bugs…

      • Suthenboy

        Semantic games are common with food. If y ou want to see just how beyond the pale those games can go look at the fishing industry. One should familiarize themselves with what a thing actually is if they plan to eat it.

      • Gdragon

        “Might I introduce you to the earthworm?”

        I’ve definitely heard worse pick up lines

    • The Last American Hero

      Take my advice and never take the kids to the farm where they raise the boneless skinless chickens. Never.

    • DrOtto

      Why are adults ordering children’s food?

      • Gdragon

        Cause they are good boys and they cleaned their room?

  18. Fourscore

    After the chain stores have all gone the Mom & Pop stores will spring up, offering limited variety and credit for local customers.

    • Ownbestenemy

      And the cycle will continue anew

  19. The Late P Brooks

    The fix is in. Place your bets.

    Not just Barack; Barack and Michelle have endorsed Kamala.

    • AlexinCT

      Half empty 55 gallon barrels of lube everywhere?

    • trshmnstr

      I’m guessing it’s about 1/10 of what the Olympics cleanup is like

    • AlexinCT

      Yeah, I have nothing, Boobman..

  20. The Late P Brooks


    The five days since Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign launched at warp speed have remade the 2024 race – and given Democrats new hope of preventing a second Donald Trump presidency.

    Bright green, pro-Harris memes have erupted across social media. Fundraising exploded, with Harris’ campaign saying she raised $126 million between Sunday afternoon and Tuesday evening. And Democrats were more eager to devote their own time to working to elect Harris: More than 100,000 people signed up to volunteer for her bid, and more than 2,000 applied for campaign jobs, Harris campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon said in a Wednesday memo. New polls show a race in which Trump had been ahead now having no clear leader.

    It’s all made clear how desperate much of the Democratic Party was for a change at the top of the ticket – and how eager its donors and loyalists are to back a candidate who can take on Trump in a more consistent and aggressive way.

    And six days ago the media steno pool were in lockstep promotion of Comrade Joe as the only thing between America and the MAGA zombie apocalypse.

    It’s almost as if the whole thing was choreographed in advance by the party.

    • Not Adahn

      Runaway freight trains can go at warp speed?

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Then, there were the coconut memes, revisiting a May 2023 speech in which Harris spoke about “a difference between equality and equity.”

    “None of us just live in a silo. Everything is in context,” she said in that speech. “My mother used to – she would give us a hard time sometimes – and she would say to us, ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.’”

    Today I learned…

    That’s especially precious, coming from a group of people doing their best to eradicate history.

    • Not Adahn

      “None of us just live in a silo.

      I thought abandoned missile silos were in fact sold as residences.

    • Suthenboy

      C’mon now, she has already explained that the context of all in which you live and what came before you is a burden.

    • trshmnstr

      None of us just live in a silo. Everything is in context

      Correct. However, this is a dangerous road to go down because if you get deep enough into the context, you realize that 1) there were two black cultures in America until the 1970s, and the one that was killed and harvested was the better one; and 2) the culture that did the killing was the southern one that was all messed up by slavery.

      Blacks had a choice between a northern culture that was successful and moral and a southern culture that was depraved but gave victim points. They chose the latter.

      • WTF

        They chose the latter.

        They also got a few pushes from the Dems and Johnson’s Great Society.

    • rhywun

      in which Harris spoke about “a difference between equality and equity.”

      I wonder which one she is pushing.

      Because her Party’s insistence on one of them has been an unmitigated disaster.

      • Suthenboy

        Unmitigated disaster…as intended.

  22. The Other Kevin

    I’m going to second our friend Mo once again and say Elon Musk buying Twitter was one of the most consequential things in our lifetime. There is a full court press going on to scrub anything bad about Kamala Harris from our collective memory (SHE WASN’T THE BORDER CZAR!) But people on X are not buying it, and they’re bringing receipts.

    • AlexinCT

      And if he was not the one that Musk successfully ran SpaceX in the age where government incompetence has turned NASA into a shitshow, and was working on robotics with Tesla, as the EV craze is dying (and you can speculate why the government needs space access and robots in an age of warfare for cash), they would have killed him for doing that.

    • Homple

      Meanwhile, Vdare has just been put out of business. This was for practice. Others will be knocked off, Musk eventually included.

  23. Common Tater

    “A chilling new video of the World Trade Center Towers collapsing on September 11, 2001, following Islamist terrorist suicide attacks, has surfaced online, shedding fresh light on one of the darkest days in American history.

    Kei Sugimoto, a Japanese-American who was 24 years old at the time, has released a nearly 1-hour, never-before-seen video on his YouTube channel.

    Sugimoto was a Mainframe Operator at the time at Nissho Iwai Shoji when the terrorist attacks occurred and filmed the footage from the roof of 64 St. Marks Place in New York City.”


    • DrOtto

      No thanks, I saw the second jet hit on live TV while 1,300 miles from home while getting ready to get on a flight to fly home with my family. While the event itself was horrible, not knowing how you are going to get your family back home or what we were going to deal with along the way and all of this before 24/7 in car connectivity was stressful enough that I don’t need to relive it. That we ceded to the terrorists was just the icing on the cake. Thank God our gov’t is protecting the border so that this can never happen again.

      • Suthenboy

        I watched it live as well. It was obvious to me that it was deliberate and maddening to listen to all of the bobbleheads on TV try to rationalize that away until nearly two days later they could no longer deny it.
        I remember the eerie feeling I had during the time when there was a very noticeable lack of the sound of overflying jets and zero contrails in the skies.

      • rhywun

        I saw the 2nd jet live just by looking up.

        Frankly, I’m amazed there hasn’t been anything similar or worse since. We are not taking any steps to prevent shit; hell, we’re ignorantly encouraging this stuff more than ever, I would bet.

      • Sensei

        Fuck no. I was in the city and tell you just about every minute of that day including not being able to leave Manhattan or figuring out where I was going to sleep.

      • slumbrew

        rhywun, it has less to do with anything the government did (though the locking, reinforced cockpit doors probably help) and more to do with general public being aware of the possibility.

        No more waiting meekly for hijackers to land and get some sort of ransom. Now everyone (or at least a meaningful minority) will fight for their lives if it looks like there’s a hijacking.

        ISTR several cases of people acting hijacker-y getting dog piled by other passengers.

      • ron73440

        (though the locking, reinforced cockpit doors probably help)

        This innovation enabled the Germanwings pilot to kill 150 people and himself in the French Alps.

      • slumbrew

        Oof, yeah, forgot about that.

        No change exists in a vacuum.

      • ron73440

        To be fair though, if the door hadn’t been there he could have went into a steeper dive as soon as the pilot went to the bathroom.

        If a pilot decides to crash a plane, not much can be done.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Surprising revelation

    In fact, a new study by the Rand Corp’s Center on Housing and Homelessness found encampment clearing efforts in Los Angeles had no long-term effect on the number of people on the streets.

    The researchers looked at encampment cleanups in Venice, Hollywood and Skid Row in Los Angeles and “observed temporary declines in the unsheltered population that lasted two to three months on average” before returning to previous levels, according to the study.

    In Venice, for instance, encampment removals meant “the share of unhoused people living literally unsheltered (e.g., without a tent) increased from 20 percent to 46 percent,” the study said.

    Newsom last month praised the high court’s ruling, saying it “provides state and local officials the definitive authority to implement and enforce policies to clear unsafe encampments from our streets.”

    Did the Rand study suggest bringing back tenements and flophouses?

    • Drake

      Work camps?

      • Suthenboy

        Yep. I was just thinking that cleaning up encampments doesnt make those people disappear. They have to be somewhere. Until of course the utilitarian, greater good people come to the obvious solution of making those people disappear.

      • AlexinCT

        Where did they hide them when they cleaned San Fran for Xi?

    • DrOtto

      My sister tells me they’d spend money on lawn care instead of crack if they only had affordable housing.

      • rhywun


        Yeah, the Dems are completely incapable of being honest about this issue (among so many others) so it’s not exactly surprising that their tactics don’t work.

      • juris imprudent

        Tell her she needs to lay off whatever shit she is on.

      • Drake

        Can you snort fertilizer?

    • Not Adahn

      How to lie in the media example N+1

      The point of clearing camps isn’t to reduce the number of homeless people on the streets, it’s to reduce the concentration of crime. So that “study” proves just as much about the effectiveness as would a study about pre-Columbian Incan pottery trade.

      • AlexinCT

        It’s far easier to credibly lie that there is less crime when you decriminalize a shit ton of real crime. And if you couple that with unscrupulous accounting principles for reporting purposes, you can make statistics tell even bigger lies.

  25. Suthenboy

    In relation to nothing: Someone recently asked me why my brother never seems to talk about ideas. He talks about practical matters, has little interest in the day to day details of politics etc, whereas I tend to talk about ideas quite a lot.

    My answer: He has a lower tolerance for bullshit than I do.

    • AlexinCT

      Just told people recently that the difference between IT architects and IT engineers/Tech leads was that architects are predisposed to live in the clouds (heh), and only deliver slideshows, while the others have to deliver a working, secure system. Consequently, the second group have far less appetite for talk, especially of the speculative kind, than the first.

      That being said, considering I think I get that your tolerance for bullshit is extremely low from your posts, your brother’s has to be near absolute zero, then…

      • slumbrew

        I resemble this remark.

        I was “promoted” from engineer to architect a couple years back and I dislike it because all my new peers seem to have unlimited time and don’t actually have to do much other than meet and make slides whereas I like to actually _do_ things.

        Of course, I never really got my engineering work handed off to anyone else, so my dislike may stem from the fact I just got a bunch more work that I don’t enjoy in addition to my current work (but they are paying me more, at least).

      • AlexinCT

        I have worked at companies where architects were expected to be hands on, and I actually did architect work there in addition to my tech lead responsibilities. Where I work now I would never become an architect, because those that are hands on are reviled by the others that like to only swill coffee and make Visio diagrams and Powerpoint presentations for a living.

      • juris imprudent

        I thought architects were a thing of the past since they have no role in Agile.

      • AlexinCT

        I thought architects were a thing of the past since they have no role in Agile.

        Not that I am aware of. Someone still needs to map the end result, the security requirements, and all the touch points with other systems.

      • Suthenboy

        “…near absolute zero…”

        Bingo. He is a very smart, well educated dude with an excellent sense of humor. I prefer his company over nearly anyone else I know.
        Should I win the lottery today I would split it down the middle with him and we would spend the rest of our lives doodling around our houses, cooking for our wives and going fishing.

        However I doubt he would be stealing from my library.
        *Two most recent additions ‘The Mind of God – Paul Davies and ‘Scientia’ – Edward McClure….both of which I highly recommend.*

    • AlexinCT

      Either that do just loves garbage collectors, or their owner is a shitty person that never gives them attention…

    • slumbrew

      Tha’s a good dag.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    “Cities have an obligation to develop housing and shelter solutions in tandem with support services provided by County government,” Barger said in a statement. “This formula, which is largely based on partnerships, is how we can deliver permanent results. No single entity can achieve that.”

    Ja wohl.

    • AlexinCT

      By “cities”, these tools mean what? Government, right?

      Hah, hah, hah!

  27. Evan from Evansville

    Oh, I asked a few days ago about a FB group of expats I’m with. I was gonna invite a few over. First comment(s) get checked and then it’s pretty much cool? I don’t remember if anything has been added to newcomers.

    Thank y’all, all! I also have today to fucking update and 2024-ize my resume and draft cover letters. Eek. Me no likey tech, especially if I gotta pay. Usually I’m smart enough to know ways ’round most of the trickery.

    • UnCivilServant

      If you have a working computer, you should be able to create working PDFs from free word processors like LibreOffice. Most places take PDF resumes.

      • Evan from Evansville

        LibreOffice is what I used to use. Uh oh. I’m barkin’ up the wrong tree. But I’m guessin’ hospitals and clinics are going to be up your alley! (in professionalism, unlike schools and college-gigs that like the *look* of things)

        Lots of places have been asking me to put my picture on the resume template. Uh. Huh. Me no likey. I’m quite positive you wouldn’t, and I certainly don’t want to. Are they expected? (I don”t look like I’d fill any DIE quotas, though I do handily, despite being a young white man.)

        I’m guessing just professional templates and they may even have a slight medical one as well. I kinda doubt they care toooo much about how it looks. Just the info and whatever.

      • UnCivilServant

        Photographs are contraindicated in good hiring practices, because it leads to exactly the kinds of bias impacts you’re worried about. Unless you are an actor, a model, or similarly selling your looks, your face shouldn’t be on your resume.

      • UnCivilServant

        Is it the employer who is asking for the photograph, or the people shilling resume templates?

        Because if it’s just the template sellers – avoid them. The sellers, I mean.

        As a hiring manager I look for easy reading, the ability to associate a job with “what did you actually do” and not a lot of fluff, which comes off as an effort to obfuscate. This attitude is shared with my coworkers, but we are tech people, so your milage may vary.

      • slumbrew

        I don’t believe HR here would even accept a resume with a photograph. They certainly wouldn’t forward it on.

      • Evan from Evansville

        I’m with you on the resume. Mom of all people wanted me to change my cover letter. Granted, mine was in too much AP simplicity, but she encouraged me it’s a few paragraphs to explain your interests in the company and what you can bring, but also should show some personality. Too much AP –> Too robotic.

        ‘Tis noted, and today is just a draft. Won’t have any company or anything specific yet, have none, but easily editable for future sends.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m no good with cover letters. Never saw the point from either side of the process.

      • R.J.

        I can help you if you need help with resumes, or a PDF made. I have all the softwares.


      • Evan from Evansville

        Thanks, R.J! I sent you an email. Bit of a description and my resume, cover letter, and today I got my Indiana State Cert. Well, I passed a recognized program that counts in Indiana. My national test shit comes within two weeks.

        Boom! Little toes in the door matter, maybe more than the whole foot.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    That we ceded to the terrorists was just the icing on the cake. Thank God our gov’t is protecting the border so that this can never happen again.

    Pre-emptive surrender is the default, now.

  29. Stinky Wizzleteats

    One thing that certainly works against Harris is that independents and the few Dems that care know she was complicit in covering up Biden’s mental state and they don’t like that. Plenty of things can be forgiven and forgotten but that 4 year bald faced lie is too fresh.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    You’re much less likely to get a bone caught in your throat if you take the time to chew your food.

    • Not Adahn


      /Willie Brown

  31. The Late P Brooks

    One thing that certainly works against Harris is that independents and the few Dems that care know she was complicit in covering up Biden’s mental state and they don’t like that. Plenty of things can be forgiven and forgotten but that 4 year bald faced lie is too fresh.

    I suspect if you asked most people, they’d say Joe is okay, but another term would be too hard on him.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      If they do say that they’re just being nice (or lying).

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Downtrodden and oppressed

    Gena Coston summed up the experience of being a teacher over the last four years with two words: very stressful.

    Texas teachers have reported feeling burned out, underresourced and underappreciated in the last few years as they’ve dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic, classroom changes spearheaded by Republican officials and unsuccessful calls for more state funding toward raises.

    For them, Vice President Kamala Harris’ message of appreciation at the American Federation of Teachers’ national convention in Houston on Thursday was a welcome change.

    “It is you who have taken on the most noble of work, which is to concern yourself with the well-being of the children of America,” Harris said.

    Bless their hearts.

    • Sean

      which is to concern yourself with the well-being of the children of America,” Harris said.

      “Now let’s mutilate their genitals and get them on drugs.”

    • rhywun

      classroom changes spearheaded by Republican officials

      Stop teaching porn? Those changes?

  33. cavalier973

    There were three slow shots, then five rapid shots, then a sixth shot just after the five, then around 9 or 10 seconds later, and final shot (the last one from the police).

    • cavalier973

      The clean-up crew on one of the body cams had a guy count out 8 casings.

      The FBI hosed down that roof like it was JFK’s car

      • cavalier973

        The reason there are so many conspiracy theories is because of nonsense like the clean-up.

        Why the cover up?

        “They” must be hiding something.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Exactly. It’s totally normal for FBI agents to do cleanup.

        Oh forgot, the dangerously pitched roof.

    • slumbrew

      The Springfield Tire Fire

    • Suthenboy

      I dont think you can put that out. Foam each vehicle one at a time? I doubt it is realistic to get that much foam.
      I see one of the water hosers spraying his water into the wind…the water blown aside before getting to the fire.

  34. Sean

    So, i recently got a bottle of Adam’s graphene detail spray as a present.


    I’ve now used it on both of my vehicles. I applied it over top of an existing coats of Chemical Guys hybrid wax.


    WOW! The shine is fantastic. I did the Compass last week and it still looks amazing. I did the GTI this week and I’m really pleased how shiny a 6 year old car is.

    I highly recommend both products. They are super easy to use and are low effort/high reward.


    • ron73440

      I use the Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions ceramic coating.

      Similar results.

      Takes about 30 minutes for one coat, and a second coat the next day.

      Lasted 2 years with minimum upkeep.

      • Sean

        Since I’ve shifted into keeping vehicles more than 3 years, I’ve upped my cleaning/detailing game.

        No more drive through car washes for me. The Compass has never been through one since I bought it.

      • Tundra

        Thanks, boys!

        I used to have good results with Race Glaze as well. I’ll check out the hybrid.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I’m ok with touchless car wash, but I’m not going through the regular types again.

      • ron73440

        Since I’ve shifted into keeping vehicles more than 3 years, I’ve upped my cleaning/detailing game.

        No more drive through car washes for me. The Compass has never been through one since I bought it.

        The truck is the only one I keep really shiny.

        I’ll wash my wife’s Corolla when she asks and since the clear coat on the Saab started peeling, I hose it off if it gets pooped on.

    • R.J.

      The Mega Jeep looks like it has been in the wars. It’s been to Florida twice and Colorado once in the past 12 months. I think I hit every bad rainstorm and mud pit in the way. I will try it.

  35. Gustave Lytton

    Congratulations Democrats. First show trials, now anointed leaders with 100% support at the party meeting. You really have gone fullcommiesoviet.

    • juris imprudent

      We do have a strong resemblance to the 80s Soviet Union.

      • Tundra

        Sans the hot slavic chicks.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    The FBI hosed down that roof like it was JFK’s car

    I can’t even remember which one, off the top of my head, but they preserved one of those school shooting scenes for years because it was vitally important for everyone to study it and know what happened.

    I’m sure somebody took a couple of photos with his phone before they sanitized the scene in Pennsylvania.

    • creech

      Doesn’t it rain in Butler, PA? That “sloped roof” would get clean pretty quick on a rainy day.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    They worked their butts off building that house of cards

    Prosecutors are urging a judge to uphold Donald Trump’s historic hush money conviction, arguing in court papers made public Thursday that the verdict should stand despite the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on presidential immunity.

    The Manhattan district attorney’s office said in a court filing that the high court’s opinion “has no bearing” on the hush money case because it involves unofficial acts for which the former president is not immune.

    “This case involved evidence of defendant’s personal conduct, not his official acts,” prosecutors wrote in a 66-page filing. They contend there is “no basis for disturbing the jury’s verdict.”

    The Republican presidential nominee is trying to get the verdict — and even the indictment — tossed out because of the Supreme Court’s July 1 decision. The ruling curbs prosecutions of ex-presidents for official acts and restricts prosecutors from pointing to official acts as evidence that a commander in chief’s unofficial actions were illegal.

    Their reputations are at stake.

    • juris imprudent

      That will be particularly funny if Trump’s appeal wasn’t on those grounds.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      What’s wrong with screwing a couch anyway? It’s the sexiest piece of furniture.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    RJ- The Ruling Class is one of my most favoritest movies of all time.

    • R.J.

      Nice! I hope you enjoyed the Criterion print.

  39. The Late P Brooks


    An ex-adviser to former President Bill Clinton has predicted that former President Donald Trump will remove Senator JD Vance as his vice presidential pick.

    Rumors of Trump suffering buyer’s remorse after choosing Vance as his 2024 running mate have been rampant since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the likely Democratic presidential nominee.

    While Trump has publicly insisted that he is happy with Vance, saying the senator is “doing a fantastic job” and has been “very well received” by the public during a Fox News interview on Thursday, worries remain about whether the Ohio senator could be a liability for Republicans in November.

    Paul Begala, who served as White House adviser and chief strategist during Clinton’s successful 1992 campaign, suggested during a CNN appearance on Thursday night that Trump may decide to ditch Vance in favor of former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley.

    It doesn’t get any more definitive than that.

    • ron73440

      Trump may decide to ditch Vance in favor of former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley.

      While I don’t understand why most people vote the way they do, I’m pretty sure if Trump did this he would be committing political suicide.

      • Suthenboy

        Wait…are you saying that democratic political advisors may be trying to steer Trump into making mistakes?

        *This is not the first one of these I have seen. I think Axelrod has been at it as well.

    • Sean

      *shakes magic 8 ball*

    • Ownbestenemy

      Gee all Dem Operatives putting out that Vance was a wrong choice? Sounds legit.

      • ron73440

        Mitt Romney wasn’t happy either.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Yeah well, I heard that Paul Begala likes to hang out at truck stops and suck dick. Just putting it out there, not saying that’s what he does, just heard it.

    • slumbrew

      If there’s anyone I’d trust to know what’s going on with Trump’s inner circle, it’s Paul Begala.

      • The Other Kevin

        He’s familiar with Trump’s thinking, so that makes him an expert.

  40. ron73440

    TPTB-I did the Stoic article last night and it says PENDING right now.

    • R.J.

      Dun.. dun..

      Neph? You out there?

      • Tundra

        REMAIN CALM!

      • ron73440

        REMAIN CALM!


    • Ted S.

      Maybe you need to be more stoic about the scheduling.


    • juris imprudent

      This is the same Canada that gave up on their universal registration scheme, right?

    • UnCivilServant


      They must have been insufficiently guarded steaks.

    • EvilSheldon

      You can account for your whereabouts, right? RIGHT?

    • cavalier973

      Steak house robberies are rare, but it sounds like this one was well done.


    Your daily dose of pure cringe:

    I asked Chat GPT to write a haiku to Camel-la…

    Rising with courage,
    Voices blend, history turns—
    Hope in her embrace.

    • UnCivilServant

      “Now write one that isn’t full of lies.”


        Good luck with that, I presume that Chat GPT has the same leftist lobotomy that the other AIs have gotten.

    • B.P.

      Here’s one it offered for Trump…

      Towering and bold,
      In the storm of fame he stands—
      Echoes of his name.

  42. R.J.

    Ron must remain Stoic.
    I think Epictetus may have had a quite about “An unposted post is merely delayed, consider it next week’s completed early.”

    • R.J.

      I wonder if he had any quotes about Apple autocorrect?

  43. Tonio

    Stoic is now up.