Friday Morning Links of Amusement

by | Jul 19, 2024 | Daily Links | 247 comments

At the last minute, the Sloopster decided that he wanted to pay a pilgrimage to Ann Arbor and repent of his heresy. So he asked me to enact his labor in his absence. Because of limited time, this may be a bit sketchy…

I’m really getting convinced that this is the best timeline. When I think things can’t get even more delightfully nutty, the world tells me to hold its beer.

And the amusement that the world provides me makes everything else worthwhile, too, starting with the usual random assortment of birthdays. Those include the greatest contributor to equality; an artist with a definite kink; a hottie who definitely had an edge to her; one of the greatest animators to walk this earth, and another argument for immigration’s contribution to the greatness of America; one of the last of the Team Red Brahmans;  a guy who managed to make Richard Nixon look good; another major contributor to equality among men; and one of my favorite comedians and here’s a clip of why I love the guy.

So, speaking of holding the world’s beer, here’s evidence.

Cult stuff like this is not a good look. Still, Team Red is going to have to be creative to fuck this one up. Which they still can.

Well, this kinda fucks up everything.

Important missing information in this piece about two self-absorbed twats: Is Tiger hot and does she swallow?

…then Biden started rolling two metal balls around in his hand and muttering, “Strawberries.”

Someone is about to get flattened. Note that the usual suspects are somehow not protesting the targeting of civilian areas. Huh. Wonder why not?

To be fair, the company WAS actually founded by an actual real no-shit Nazi.

How DARE a Jew visit the site of the Temple?

“I’m not saying she’s a midget, but Peter Dinklage towers over her.”

Old Guy Music is just a nice damn way to start your Friday. The more outré stuff comes tomorrow.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. UnCivilServant

    Well, this kinda fucks up everything.

    I have no working applications to support and nothing I can do to fix the applications that are not working.

    I have paperwork I could do – But I don’t really want to.

    • AlexinCT



    • AlexinCT

      Microsoft cloud got hacked?

      • AlexinCT

        I have been pointing out to all the people that got on the cloud bandwagon, that all they did was create the illusion/delusion that they made someone else responsible for security, storage, and hardware maintenance, while living under the false belief that going cloud you are saving money.

        And that formula only serves to make it far more likely the quality is going to be poor.

      • cavalier973

        I much prefer DVDs to owning online movies.

      • AlexinCT

        Physical media is yours. The number of times I have heard people fuck with your digital media after you paid for it, would absolutely cause me to go into a rage if I was doing that.

      • Nephilium


        There’s a reason I set up a Plex server and started ramping up my purchases of media. I also take a small amount of joy in tracking down a copy of something that’s not available for streaming anywhere and getting a physical copy on the cheap (such as the full series of Soap which I got for the girlfriend over Prime day).

      • AlexinCT

        Soap was the best Soap ever made…

        Shape shifting horny space aliens banging your woman while holding you captive on their spaceship is the most awesome plotline ever.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I own thousands of hardback books. That is enough real media for me, so I stream the rest.

      • trshmnstr

        There’s a reason I set up a Plex server and started ramping up my purchases of media.

        Ditto. I do need to upgrade my NAS capacity and rescan some of my blurays into the library uncompressed, though. My star wars rips look like garbage, among others.

      • The Last American Hero

        Good thing disc rot won’t fuck up your dvd collection.

      • UnCivilServant

        Backups and secondary backups, man.

    • R.J.

      Neph has a good point. I love streaming obviously, you can find all kinds of stuff now. Personal archives on DVD’s can take up a ton of space. Like a room or two if you are serious. PLEX and archive quality hard drives can keep that storage space problem under control.

  2. juris imprudent

    So nice to know that CrowdStrike isn’t just about fucking up politics.

  3. AlexinCT

    Well, this kinda fucks up everything. Important missing information in this piece about two self-absorbed twats: Is Tiger hot and does she swallow?

    It irks me to no end that so many women automatically go emotional and feel you accused them of being stupid when you tell them they didn’t do something right. The only reason I would have to feel – not know, but feel – like you called me stupid for not doing a job right, is because I was stupid about doing it and thus did it wrong.

    But yeah. Is she hot and does she swallow. Cause otherwise this woman feels like she would drive any guy nuts.

    • R C Dean

      “When I worked for him, he’d say, ‘That’s not right – I told you,’ like I was an idiot”

      I think its entirely possible that she is, in fact, an idiot.

      • AlexinCT

        Like I said, the reason she went there is because she emotionally knows she is but is pissed reminded her of that and ruined her charade of not being that…

    • Gdragon

      My buddy’s GF does this kind of shit. I could never deal with it. I can’t imagine why he does.

      • AlexinCT

        He must be getting good poon?

      • Gdragon

        This is absolutely a big part of why but I didn’t want my very best friend to sound like a shallow idiot. But I suppose I just outed him as one anyway LOL.

    • trshmnstr

      It irks me to no end that so many women automatically go emotional and feel you accused them of being stupid when you tell them they didn’t do something right.

      It’s irksome because it’s feminine. They don’t communicate directly. They communicate relationally.

      Notice that you can tell a female coworker that “Jerry messed up” and she doesn’t think you hate Jerry, but if you tell her that she messed up, you’re calling her stupid. In one, youre bolstering the relationship through gossip. In the other, youre tearing down the relationship through criticism.

    • Mojeaux

      As a woman who does, in fact, think you think I’m stupid when you correct or otherwise call a flaw to my attention, I will tell you that in my case, my father did, in fact, treat me like I was stupid and even told me so once.

      So you’re probably dealing with a whole lot of daddy/brother/uncle issues because men do, in fact, treat girls and women like they’re stupid.

  4. rhywun

    To be fair, the company WAS actually founded by an actual real no-shit Nazi.

    I wonder what extant company in that time and place was NOT infested with Nazis.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      One of my best friends father was born in Austria just before WWII, and of course he has a big swastika on his birth certificate. Is he a Nazi?

      • The Last American Hero

        Depends. How did he vote in 2016 or 2020?

      • dbleagle

        LAH from the top rope!

  5. AlexinCT

    Someone is about to get flattened. Note that the usual suspects are somehow not protesting the targeting of civilian areas. Huh. Wonder why not?

    Because the marxists have indoctrinated them with this bullshit colonialist crap that justifies all sorts of stupid and evil. Supposedly being the victim allows you to do any evil you want, while being successful, not a victim, makes you evil, and thus, allows stupid and evil people pretending to be victims to do their evil and be cheered on.

    • Suthenboy

      That sums it up nicely. Marx was fond of saying “All that exists deserves to perish.”
      Everything about Marxism embodies that Faustian sentiment.

  6. Sensei

    German shoe company, Palestinian nationalist model sponsoring 1972 Munich Olympics commemorative shoe. Yeah, nobody could have seen that coming. Completely out of left field.

    • rhywun

      It is impressively tone-deaf.

      In my experience Germans had been conditioned to reflexively not go anywhere near such topics but that seems to be changing as time passes.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I read somewhere that the current generation, we would call them millennials, thinks of WWII and the Nazis as “great grandfathers thing” and not anything to do with them.

      • trshmnstr

        millennials, thinks of WWII and the Nazis as “great grandfathers thing”

        I could see that. I’m a relatively early millennial (’88), and my parents were on the line between boomer and Gen X. My grandparents were born in the 30s and too young to fight in WWII. My great grandparents didn’t participate for various reasons (farmers, immigrated during that period, etc).

        I remember meeting WWII vets as a kid, but they were the age that the early Vietnam vets are now. Millennials in Germany would only have a vague recollection of E and W Germany, which was the biggest lasting legacy of WWII.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Also hilarious from her POV too. You should respect her opinion on these matters, because she is a Palestinian and knows things…except she didn’t know about this.

      • Rat on a train

        He was just phoning it in anyway.

    • Nephilium

      Lou Dobbs!


      • trshmnstr


    • Chipping Pioneer

      At least we still have Lou Reed.

  7. cavalier973

    The US is not a nation of immigrants.

    It is a nation of pioneers.

    • AlexinCT

      They sure as fuck want to change people’s beliefs about that though. Pioneers want less government and to be left alone. Today’s immigrants, by a vast majority, come for the giant welfare state.

    • R C Dean

      Can someone explain the difference between “colonizer” and “immigrant” to me?

      • UnCivilServant

        An immigrant moves to a new place to become part of the culture there.

        A colonizer moves to a new place to impose their culture there.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        One is conservative, the other is liberal.

        And that is it in a nutshell.

      • trshmnstr

        One wears hats with buckles. The other wears baseball caps and hangs out at home depot.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Hmm, wearing baseball caps and hanging out at Home Depot does sound pretty American.

  8. AlexinCT

    “I’m not saying she’s a midget, but Peter Dinklage towers over her.”

    Why do women suddenly get their panties all in a bunch if they are short? What happened to good things come in small packages and having a larger share of the male population to choose from?

    And I hate hate speech. I need a law to punish anyone that says they were the victim of hate speech. Fix your thin skin bitch.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Tomb Raider was eentsy and leaned into it. One of her virtues…

      • Fourscore

        As time goes by a short Mrs F gets even shorter. Never posed a problem.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Did she also have a flat head where you could rest your drink?

      • Old Man With Candy

        Her father DID own a bar.

    • AlexinCT

      Considering how many of the Bee joke predictions everyone thought were out there have become reality, this one should keep people worried. I don’t think the country can take another 4 years of Obama 2.0 under whatever moron they fortify the election for.

    • R C Dean

      She was paid off in “non-monetary compensation” which doesn’t leave a trail across financial institutions. I mean, when I sell out, there’s no way my payoff is just going to be wired into my checking account.

      You’re right, though – she took payment in depreciable, if not wasting, assets, so she’s ditz.

      • AlexinCT

        If you want intangibles that are not tracked in today’s financial systems, you should demand things like gold bars (without clear markings that lead back to who gave it to you, Menendez), or have a backup plan where some prince in some third world country with oil sent you an email asking you to help them unfreeze their money for a large multi-million dollar donation.

        What do you mean there was not Prince Unfufu in Nigeria? I got me that 10 million by just giving them access to my bank account, yo!

      • Fourscore

        Gold bars, man, gold bars. Tangible and a hedge.

        Wait ’til the new prez takes over, tips need not be reported.

      • Fourscore

        Always late to the party

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        The problem with gold bars that do not have that mark is that you need to have them assayed as to their purity and weight, or they aren’t worth what you were told they were to anyone else.

      • The Last American Hero

        You could always just start a global initiative.

    • PieInTheSky

      The only chance we have against the deep state is that it is dumb. But so are The People

      • Suthenboy

        So…a retard fight. Where is my popcorn?

    • juris imprudent

      I was under the impression that Max was a neo-con, which would hardly make him a Marxist of any flavor.

      • R C Dean

        I thought the OG neo-cons were former Trotskyites, but it’s hard to keep up with the interminable hairsplitting and turncoating amongst the collectivists.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Neo-con, neo-liberal, the only difference is who is buying their bull shit.

      • juris imprudent

        Neo-cons love Wilson, whether they were Trotskyite or not.

    • Suthenboy

      I find it hard to believe that Boot didn’t know and easy to believe he was in on it, complicit in some way.

      • Suthenboy

        Also, what RC said.

    • AlexinCT

      I hear team blue is looking to get Andre the Giant to represent that voter block for them at their convention…

      • SDF-7

        Keeping Joe up and running gave them practice with their Necromancy?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Andre the G was a great man who could drink over a case of beer in one sitting. There’s no way he’d get caught dead anywhere the Democratic convention.

      • cavalier973

        He’s passed on, so the best he can do is vote Democrat.

      • Gdragon

        They already have a Kamala, I’m sure that if they promised her the nomination she’d be willing to start calling herself “The Ugandan Giant”

      • R.J.

        Fetterman should do it.

    • The Other Kevin

      They had a porn star with face tattoos, a guy who just got out of the pen, Hulk Hogan, Dana White, Kid Rock… it was actually fun for once. That’s going to get some attention.

      • trshmnstr

        All they need is to get Tucker up there for some dramatic readings from the Sugarfree archive, and the convention would be complete.

      • trshmnstr

        Actually, I take that back… you have to go with the original voices. Get CPRM up there.

      • R.J.

        You know the dems convention is going to be like a funeral. Those joyless pricks don’t even like jokes.

      • Gender Traitor

        Definitely CPRM for the character voices, but I would pay good money to hear Tucker do the narration.

    • Suthenboy

      As usual Carson hit it out of the park. He needs to work on his speech patterns a bit…get rid of the word ‘ackchually’.

      • Suthenboy

        “Those joyless pricks don’t even like jokes.”
        Good humor requires some intelligence and self-awareness. Realizing you are not all that is a good start.
        I remember some student pinko newspaper tired of being told they were joyless pricks with no sense of humor so they published some ‘jokes’. Their readership was so offended by the jokes they forced the closure of the paper. That is hilarious in and of itself.
        Anyone else remember that? U of Missouri? Minnesota? An M anyway.

    • The Other Kevin

      They ran that party like a cult. Nobody goes against the narrative or you are excommunicated. And that’s why they’re in this mess. You need dissenting voices to keep things moving forward. If someone had been allowed to call attention to Joe’s dementia they could have had a real primary and gotten someone else to run. Right now the Republicans seem unified and the Dems are facing a civil war.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Eh, they all knew about Joe’s dementia. That was a selling point to the party insiders; that they were all allowed to have their own fiefdom with no one to second guess them, and no one to point to in blame.

        But the real problem, from the inside circle at least, is that once this ends, there is no one to take charge and lead them through it to the next thing. And there is always a next thing.

      • AlexinCT

        Zwak hits it out of the park by pointing out that they all were in on the bamboozling effort aimed at their low information voters. They were all in because the Obama admin crooks had cover to destroy the country, which they all feel is necessary for the new marxist utopia. They turned on Joe when the debates made it impossible for them to keep that despicable campaign of lies going as people then had to ignore the obvious.

        They are not suddenly realizing Biden is 3 or 4 beer cans short of a six pack and asking for change. They are realizing the public has caught on to that lying on their part, and now they need to pivot. Especially since people now basically are making fortifying the election for team blue impossible if their face of the future is the crypt keeper.

        There is an agenda: put a new lipstick covered pig on the product’s box, and then bamboozle the usual idiots into believing that will make the people running the country (into the ground) actually fix things. they will fix nothing. The destruction, chaos, and damage is the agenda.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Woof, Van Jones > Olbermann…but of course that’s not saying much.

    • Suthenboy

      Van Jones is the embodiment of the left. I will always remember him as the guy who wanted to seize all whitey’s 401Ks.
      “We want money. Those people have money, so fuck them, let’s just take it.”

  9. PieInTheSky

    In the end for now i see the crowdstrike issue as an extra day off work as i could not do shit today. I really hope IT can fix my laptop though because a new laptop would fuck up a lot of data and browser history favorites etc. When laptops changed in normal procedure i would transfer all the data to an external drive and onto the new laptop.

    • AlexinCT

      You would lose all your links to those bikini shows you share with us? Or are you more worried about the Vampire pr0n you have?

      • PieInTheSky

        Those are all linked to my youtubz account

  10. PieInTheSky

    What sucks about Bucharest summer is not only the heat but an aggravating numer of young hot scantly clad women walking about beeing all hot and shit. It is depressing to see.

    • cavalier973

      Don’t be jealous of them!

      Go to the market and pick out some nice things for yourself, shave and bathe, and make them jealous of *you*!!

    • Drake

      Damn – that is terrible. I had to suffer similar pain as a grad student at Southern Cal walking across the campus to class.

    • PieInTheSky

      To quote the late great Patrice O’Neil as i age nature turn my hornyness to creepyness

      • Drake

        I did not know that word of Patrice’s greatness had spread as far as Romania.

      • PieInTheSky

        Well I would have it though obvious that I am more immersed the most in USistani culture. From this site i probably know more about USistan stuff than 99% of europeans

      • The Last American Hero

        Dude, chicks are totally into the Twilight thing. Lean into that.

    • Homple

      I was in Tallin one week in August and had the same experience Pie described.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Budapest in the springtime is a sight to see.

  11. PieInTheSky

    Also i assume there are some people at Crowdstrike which will never work in IT again outside cleaning office toilets

    • Sensei

      I get that people make mistakes, but this seems a bit extreme. This has basically wrecked my morning and has also impacted a significant amount of clients.

      • PieInTheSky

        There are mistakea and there are epic fuckups one does not recover from

      • Rat on a train

        Grounded airlines, shutdown transit, …

      • Ownbestenemy

        Hey at least the FAA didn’t fuck this up.

    • UnCivilServant

      They’re generally called Janitors or Custodians, and do more than cleaning toilets.

      But I doubt they’ll catch the blame for this issue.

      • Rat on a train

        What happened to “sanitation engineer”?

      • UnCivilServant

        Those pick up the garbage cans and dump them in the back of the truck.

    • Grummun

      I expect there will be a stack of lawsuits* against Crowdstrike that will result in the company ceasing to exist in it’s current form. The IS department here has been working since 12:30 EDT. We have sent people to local retailers to pick up as many USB sticks as can be had, because about half our desktops are requiring boot from USB to recover. The other half “only” require someone login with local admin credentials and manually repair the machine.

      *unless their terms of service indemnify them from such claims, and even then there will still be lawsuits.

    • R C Dean

      I found her self-conscious preening about avoiding libel law to be incredibly annoying.

      And utterly ineffective. It makes no difference if you say “I’m not accusing anybody” if you go right ahead and accuse them.

    • Nephilium

      My suspension of disbelief isn’t strong enough for Dr. Jill Biden, Mastermind.

      • trshmnstr

        This. However, I can believe in Dr. Jill medicine woman petulent queen with loyal lackeys.

      • Tundra

        The outcome that leadership wishes, if it is a bad one, is usually inferred by those around “the Principal”, by reading between the lines. The communication tenor is much more like England’s King Henry II’s line: “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?”

        “[S}everal knights […] took Henry II’s outburst—”Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?”—to mean that the king wanted Becket dead. They murdered Becket near the altar of Canterbury Cathedral on December 29, 1170.”

        She’s no mastermind, but I can certainly see her making her wishes clear.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I am sure there have been a few “You will never work in this town again if you betray us” conversations. Or maybe even “You will be nothing and we will make sure of it.”

  12. The Other Kevin

    ” one of the greatest animators to walk this earth”

    Ub Iwerks?

    • Rat on a train

      Ray Harryhausen?

  13. Fatty Bolger

    Well, it took 24 years, but Y2K finally happened.

    • Rat on a train

      They should have run tests.

  14. Gender Traitor

    Happily, only one coworker (so far ::knocks wood::) has emailed me in a panic because her payroll direct deposit didn’t show up in her account…at another financial institution. If you had your money come back here, you’d have it, honey. Not my problem.

    • UnCivilServant

      Banking was among the sectors impacted by today’s kerfuffle.

      Not sure if it hit your employer.

      But I wouldn’t want to bank where I work in case of conflict.

      • Gender Traitor

        We appear to be unaffected by the outage.

        I understand your concern, but I feel comfortable using my employer as my primary financial institution because I know only a very few high-ranking employees have access to employee account balance/transaction info. If I go to a branch to do a transaction (rarely, thanks to DD, ATMs, and cards,) the teller helping me can’t see my balances.

      • Ted S.

        You don’t get a slip with your balance on it?

        When I got live paychecks before covid, I’d get such a slip every pay day.

      • UnCivilServant

        My thoughts went more towards “We flagged your account for suspicious activity, so it’s locked until the investigation is complete” rather than outright theft.

      • Gender Traitor

        Ted’S., on the rare occasions I go to a teller, I believe the receipt only shows the last digits of the account number and the amount of the transaction. For pay DD, we get pay stubs online from the external payroll processor, but no special paperwork for the deposit itself.

        U, maybe I’m naive, but it helps to work for a smaller organization and to have 24 year’s worth of mutual respect and trust with my boss, who’s in charge of the money.

  15. The Other Kevin

    I wish the DNC was next week. At the RNC I saw people who love their country. The DNC is full of people who hate it. I think the public needs to see that.

    • bacon-magic

      It makes me grin that they are mocking the RNC convention so much. I don’t think voters they are mocking are going to care and it just makes the DNC look out of touch, elitist and just plain mean.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Conventions should be over the top. No policy? So what. If there were 3-4 nominees vying, for sure, gotta sell the delegates. In this case, they know the policy stances. So why not make it a good time; albeit borderline Baptist church good time in some spots, but fuck it.

        DNC is either going to swing the other direction or take it one step further. I fully expect a Deep South Revival at theirs.

      • bacon-magic

        I expect a funeral atmosphere at theirs with maybe a touch of excitement in the form of riots.

  16. The Late P Brooks


    Still, more details could emerge that will help the country understand why Thomas Matthew Crooks scaled a building near the campaign rally in Pennsylvania and opened fire, grazing Trump’s ear and killing a spectator. For now, the anecdotes that have surfaced in press reports paint a portrait of a smart and isolated young man, a loner fitting into a familiar mold for Americans: that of a mass shooter.

    “Particularly school shooters in the United States,” said Samuel West, a professor who studies the psychology of violence at Virginia State University. “This is, to my knowledge, the first one of these sorts of events where all of these features seem to point to someone who might have been a school shooter, but what he did was far different from that.”

    Social isolation is a top indicator shared by the small number of young men who have committed highly public shootings in the U.S., according to West’s research.

    And loneliness is a defining characteristic of the accounts of Crooks shared by his former classmates and neighbors.

    He “sat by himself, didn’t talk to anyone, didn’t even try to make conversation,” Liam Campbell, a 17-year-old neighbor, told the Associated Press.

    “He just wanted to stay by himself,” Jim Knapp, his former guidance counselor, told The New York Times.

    If only someone had hugged him.

    • mock-star

      Good thing that the nation hasnt done something really stupid lately to increase social isolation, like shutting down all “third places” and locking down the population.

  17. Suthenboy

    I never underestimate team R’s ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Where is my goddamned Obamacare repeal? I am not going to let this go…ever. I dont care how much the landscape changes I want my repeal.

    I dont know enough about computers to comment…not really. I will say this – I smell bad actors, either incompetence, malice or both.

    The Guardian? Ok then.

    Biden is on Team ‘individuals are just means to an end’. He has become a liability and is complaining that they are tossing him aside? What did he expect?

    Trump – Abraham Accords, gas here was $1.85/gal
    Biden – War, death, rape as far as the eye can see, gasoline $3.50/gal
    Who to vote for…who…

    The National Socialist Worker’s Party of Germany are painted as unusually evil, an anomaly in the annals of human history. They are not.

    A story about an attention whore visiting a pile of rocks and the photo is that? The minute someone starts showing me doe-eyed children while asking me to open my wallet or let my guard down I think “Fuck you”.

    The usual free speech argument. Also, the usual ad hominem’s from leftists.

    As always OMWC, A+ on the music.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Max Smith, another classmate the Philadelphia Inquirer interviewed, described a mock debate course Crooks participated in, where a teacher had students stand on opposite sides of the room to signal their position on issues.

    ‘It Really Hits Home’: Bay Area Leaders Reflect on Political Violence After Trump Shooting
    Most of the class stood on the liberal side, but Crooks, “no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other.”

    Obviously a radicalized white supremacist.

    • Suthenboy

      Taken together none of the narrative so far makes any sense whatsoever. Every bit of info is directly contradicted by another bit. I dont believe a word of it.
      I see the bark at the moon crowd now claiming Trump wasn’t shot, it was shrapnel, it was faked…etc.

      Blow away all of the smoke. Oops, all we are left with is that it looks like the people who have been foaming at the mouth about getting rid of Trump at any cost by whatever means necessary tried to shoot him and are now muddying the waters. Most of the time things just are what they appear to be.

      • The Other Kevin

        To me it’s the same situation as cheating on elections. There is no conspiracy at the top. The plan is to just keep brainwashing people and pushing the Hitler rhetoric, and let the crazy zealots do their thing. Meanwhile the people at the top can deny involvement and be shocked, SHOCKED if any bad behavior is discovered.

      • R C Dean

        I don’t think there was any kind of “involvement” on the shooter side.

        I do struggle with the idea that the interlocking, sequential, mind blowing failures on the SS side were all negligence and incompetence. I mean, I think that’s the way to bet, but man . . . .

        Now, was him team stripped down and given the bottom of the barrel, especially with Dr. President Jill and Harris both doing events in the same state at the same time? I’m absolutely willing to believe that.

  19. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    My judgement of Tiger & Theo is: why the fuck can’t two people in a long term, intimate relationship communicate openly, honestly, and reasonably?

    Probably why I’m a failure at relationships.

    • Old Man With Candy

      But still…is she and does she?

    • trshmnstr

      Emotional immaturity. She knows, on one level, that he didn’t actually call her stupid and that he’s treating her like an adult. On another level, his comments made her feel stupid and she can’t shake that.

      Rather than asking him to communicate to her in a more effective way, she wrote in to a tabloid.

      I’m sure he’s immature in his own ways that contribute to the issue. The least of which is he’s communicating to her as if she’s a man.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Neither of these people is communicating with the other

    • Old Man With Candy

      And a serious comment- I was just about your age when I met SP. And that was exactly our secret to a fantastic marriage.

      Never settle for less.

      • Ownbestenemy

        ^^^ Truth ^^^

  20. The Late P Brooks

    “By some definitions, this was a mass shooting, not just an assassination attempt on the president,” said Dr. Garen Wintemute, an emergency medicine physician at UC Davis and director of the California Firearm Violence Research Center. “The shooter is a young male. White. Used an assault-type rifle. And we’re learning about the possibility of social isolation. All of those things fit.”

    Except for that pesky “mass casualty” thing.

    But go ahead. That round peg will fit in the triangular hole if you hit it hard enough.

    • Ownbestenemy

      By some definitions…

      Even the most generous definitions don’t even come close but keep trying to hammer that theory I guess.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Oh…I see, this is your definition

        “The shooter is a young male. White. Used an assault-type rifle. And we’re learning about the possibility of social isolation. All of those things fit.”

    • trshmnstr

      Dr. Garen Wintemute, an emergency medicine physician at UC Davis and director of the California Firearm Violence Research Center.

      Totes unbiased.

  21. R.J.

    Is Tres here? Did you make it hime last night or are you still stuck at the airport?
    I got business homies trapped in MN. They won’t be back till late tonight/tomorrow.

    • R.J.

      Apple autocorrect helps, until it doesn’t.

  22. Ownbestenemy

    Part of my prediction, which didn’t come true with Joe dropping last night, was depended on the speech Trump gave.

    New narrative hitting MSM is summed up as “Donald Trump’s ‘Rambling’ Speech Gives Democrats Hope Again”. Doubt it is enough to wash away the carcass of Joe’s campaign but time will tell. I also think they sent Kamala out to NC on her own to see how that focus groups with audiences and given the clips, not well.

    • R.J.

      Here’s my prediction:

      The dem’s convention is a joyless, dirge of a show with angry special interest groups shouting about climate change, trans-persons and the rich paying their share.
      Joe Biden never give a speech. He is nominated.

      • The Other Kevin

        I agree. The Dems have zero optimism. They have power and they can’t point to any successes. All they have are “Trump is Hitler” and abortions. It’s going to be a string of shrieking harpies, and maybe Taylor Swift.

      • R C Dean

        Swift seems pretty savvy, and I expect she’s got savvy people around her. I would be very surprised if she shit all over her brand by making an appearance at the Dem convention.

  23. robc

    “In one way we think a great deal too much of the atomic bomb. ‘How are we to live in an atomic age?’ I am tempted to reply: ‘Why, as you would have lived in the sixteenth century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in a Viking age when raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat any night; or indeed, as you are already living in an age of cancer, an age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railway accidents, an age of motor accidents….

    This is the first point to be made: and the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.”

    Just saw that CS Lewis quote, on reddit of all places, and thought you all would enjoy. It is a new one to me, I think, but I recognized it as Lewis within the first sentence. So maybe I have seen it before, or maybe I just recognized his style.

    • Drake

      I had not put in much thought about nuclear war for decades until the Biden Presidency. Playing escalation games with the two other great nuclear powers puts it back in our thoughts.

      • The Last American Hero

        Yep, these days it’s pretty much the Bomb or the Roman Empire. Sometimes wondering what would have happened if Rome developed the Bomb.

      • Drake

        As lost of people have noted – a collapsing empire with a nuclear arsenal is a new development.

      • Suthenboy

        Rome was going to collapse bomb or no bomb. The men who made it died off and were replaced by demoralized people.
        As for collapsing empires with the bomb…we saw that already. It was a huge anti-climax accompanied by sad trombone.

      • Drake

        The leaders of the Soviet Union simply gave up and let in revert back to Russia, a country that had existed for centuries.

        I’d be fine if our federal leaders gave up and let us revert to 50 small countries. I can’t see that happening peacefully.

    • Tundra

      Excellent. Thanks!

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Land of optimism and hope

    As President Joe Biden faces a growing drumbeat of pressure to drop his reelection bid, a majority of Democrats think his vice president would make a good president herself.

    A new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that about 6 in 10 Democrats believe Kamala Harris would do a good job in the top slot. About 2 in 10 Democrats don’t believe she would, and another 2 in 10 say they don’t know enough to say.


    Shannon Bailey, a Democrat who lives in Tampa, praised Biden’s accomplishments as president –- particularly with his infrastructure law and efforts to tame inflation — and said he’ll be “remembered fondly.” But she had a more favorable view of Harris than she does the incumbent president because, in Bailey’s view, the vice president appears more “capable of handling the taxing nature of the job.”

    “It’s not just the physical stamina part, but also the cognitive reasoning part right now,” said Bailey, 34. “It’s important to be able to concisely and persuasively get the message across that is the Democratic platform right now.”

    How could she be worse?

    • trshmnstr

      Notice how all the people being trotted out these days as “the everyman Democrat” are women in their 20s-40s.

      I don’t know who in the Democrat machine thinks you can carry an election by targeting (mostly single) young urban and suburban women, but this strategy is obviously being used. Feminists and Queers are odd bedfellows, and they’re not big enough of a coalition to win national elections. Both have a declining public perception and both are naturally limited in their maximum size.

      • Sean

        I don’t think the “we’ll let you kill your babies” message is gonna carry them like it did in 2020.

      • AlexinCT

        The democrat party, as James “The Raging Cajun” Carville has now said numerous times in the last few months, is committing Seppuku/Hari-Kiri because it has been taken over by batshit crazy women, hell bent on turning all men and women not suffering from sever mental disorders away, and has ratcheted up the crazy. It’s all about their feels, and their feels are absolutely destructive, because they hate the fact their lives are shit. So fuck everyone else as well.

      • The Last American Hero

        Um, the suburban women vote can tip the scales in elections. And their number one issue is abortion.

      • trshmnstr

        It’s all about their feels, and their feels are absolutely destructive, because they hate the fact their lives are shit. So fuck everyone else as well.

        They’ve moved from being the party of envy to the party of jealousy. They don’t want a nice car like you have anymore. They want your nice car.

      • Suthenboy

        Remember when ‘the pill’ was revolutionary and would liberate women sexually? Most of y’all probably dont, but I do.
        Aside from egregious cases abortion is not necessary. Like all of the left’s issues it is a manufactured nothing burger. Sandra Fluke’s forked tongue aside, birth control is easy, cheap to acquire and use. Hell, we even have effective BC for men now.

      • AlexinCT

        I am fairly certain we will eventually see an admission (they have already seen this verified over and over, but saying it out loud is cause for cancelation) that the pill screws up women’s cycles so bad that it results in all sorts of health conditions, but most importantly, in many of the depression related mental disorders.

      • Mojeaux

        They’ve moved from being the party of envy to the party of jealousy. They don’t want a nice car like you have anymore. They want your nice car.

        As Neph would say, point of order.

        Envy is wanting what someone else has. Jealousy is wanting to keep what you have from someone who may or may not want to take it from you. Think jealous boyfriend who *thinks* all men are out to woo his girlfriend and/or her gaze is straying somewhere else.

        These people are wildly envious of what other people have and want it and will try to take it or destroy it so you can’t have it. But there is no real nuance to the envy of someone who wants what you have and figures out a moral way to acquire the same kind or a facsimile for himself. I’m envious of people who have a swimming pool, but I just want one for myself, not destroy or steal theirs.

      • AlexinCT

        Well described Mojeaux.

    • Suthenboy

      “a majority of Democrats think his vice president would make a good president herself.”
      No, they dont.
      “Biden’s accomplishments as president –- particularly with his infrastructure law and efforts to tame inflation”
      That is all they have? Imaginary accomplishments?

      Holy shit, they are fucked.

      • AlexinCT

        Why do you think al they have in their 24/7 cycle is that Trump is Hitler, his followers thus Nazis, and that he wants to take away your free shit and the right to murder your offspring to show how liberated you are? Bidonomics or any other claim that they fixed inflation/employment/life have fallen flat. The country is being invaded and those hardest hit are minorities that had been promised free shit by the cabal but are now seeing that go to these invaders and not them. That fundamental change Obama promised was calamity, destruction, and absolute chaos, because those are needed to cow a populous into accepting a horrible globalist agenda these Gaia worshiping nihilists want to further.

      • KSuellington

        You are about to see three months of the greatest propaganda tongue bath in history as the entire legacy media goes all in on trying to make Kamalamadingdong the bestest VP in history and the most historicist choice for President. It will likely not succeed, but it will make their covering for Dementia Joe look understated in comparison.

      • AlexinCT

        All we need is for her to show up drunk again somewhere and do her shtick to put a hole in that balloon.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        “Biden’s accomplishments as president –- particularly with his infrastructure law”

        There may be only 7 EV chargers, but they are fabulous.

        It seems that the media and Dems believe that passing a law is a huge accomplishment rather than what the law actually does when carried out. As Elizabeth Warren said, money is the metric.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Harris’s position as the administration’s lead messenger on abortion also has endeared her to many Democrats.

    “I think she would be a very strong advocate for abortion, has been and would continue to be,” said Thomas Mattman, a Democrat from Chico, California. “The Republicans have gone with white men as their ticket, and both of them have said some pretty specific things about being opposed to abortion so I think that would be a very strong argument.”

    Yes yes of course. when in doubt, abort.

    • Drake

      I thought she was in charge of the border?

      • R C Dean

        Easy mistake, Drake. She’s in charge of the aborter.

      • Drake


  26. The Late P Brooks

    They have power and they can’t point to any successes. All they have are “Trump is Hitler” and abortions.

    Whaaaaa? They are the Party of Do-Something-ism. They pass big important laws. They spend money like it’s going out of style. The government is bigger and more powerful than it has ever been. What more could you want?

  27. trshmnstr

    Sad news from the trashcan. We were excited for a new trashbaby, but an OB visit revealed that we had a miscarriage. It’s tough, especially on my wife, but we’ll be okay. The Lord is good even in hard times.

    • Homple

      Sorry to hear that, trshmnstr.

    • AlexinCT

      Sorry to hear this bro. Sounds like you need to do the fun part of the whole operation all over again…

      • trshmnstr

        Yep, one of my first thoughts was “we need to hop back on the horse”. Obviously there’s a period of grieving and healing that has to happen first, but we’re both determined to try again relatively soon (we’re not getting any younger).

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Sorry trashy

    • Tundra

      So sorry, trashy. Praying for y’all.

    • Gender Traitor

      I’m sorry, trashy! 🥺

    • Drake

      Sorry trashy – prayers for physical and emotional healing, then good luck with another try.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m so sorry. We are very close to my youngest kid’s birth mom. She lost one a few years ago, I think at 7 months. It was very hard on all of us. We still think about that baby girl every time we see a rainbow.

      But right now, I’m listening to her 1 year old daughter chatting away in the next room.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Ah damn man. Sorry to hear for you and the missus.

    • EvilSheldon

      I’m really sorry to hear this, trshmnster. Of all the people out there who shouldn’t have to deal with that…

    • ttyrant

      Trashy – I’m very sorry to hear that. I don’t post much these days but always enjoy reading your take on things. I hope you and your family are hanging in there.

    • bacon-magic

      Sorry Trashy.

    • Sensei

      I’m so sorry.

    • Swiss Servator

      Oh…I don’t know what to say, other than some prayers on your family’s behalf.

    • Mojeaux

      Oh, I am so sorry, Trashy.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Oh trashy…. that’s so sad. I’ve been there.

    • KSuellington

      Sorry to hear that. Best of luck on your efforts for another child.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Very sorry to hear that. It’s not easy.

    • Gdragon

      I’m really sorry trashy. Awful news, I’m so sorry.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    All those lonely and disaffected young men should be gathered up and made to join the Biden Youth Brigades, where they may be be taught a communal sense of purpose.

    • AlexinCT

      By being forced to wear dresses and accepting the fact the democrat party hags will keep calling them evil? Shya.

  29. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    If you’re not on the Tweeters, you may not be aware of various DNC paid trolls (like, literally) such as JoJoFromJerz, Brooklyn Dad, and Harry Sisson. All of these accounts are still on the “All in for Biden” train.

    I’m so curious, then, who is paying these people? I’m starting to think it’s not the DNC, but the Biden campaign directly. They clearly haven’t gotten new taskers from the D Party machine to shut up about Biden.

    • AlexinCT

      Personally I am worried we might be missing something critical about the fact the usual mercenary and evil team blue crime syndicate leaders have backed themselves in a corner with no way out. Let me explain. The original plan was to keep Biden as the front guy, keep the low information voters in the dark, and keep doing the business of destroying the America they hate at an expedited pace.

      Somehow these cabal lords got wind this was still going to make fortification without it being so problematic that it would piss off people, impossible. So they pivoted, and I believe whomever talked them into doing the debate thought they could drug up ole Joe enough to not have a disaster, in order to rectify the situation. It didn’t work. I believe they know it is too late to switch him out without it still being the whole distracting the passengers with deck games on the sinking Titanic, so they went to their backup of hoping someone would rid them of that meddlesome orange man. That backfired even more spectacularly.

      It doesn’t matter what crooked shit they pull at this point to keep or replace the crypt keeper: it will be ammunition for team red. if Biden stays, we all know how that already looks. If they replace him, team red pivots to pointing out team blue just picked their new globalist master without any sort of “muh democracy” from their voters. This leaves them with either the option to risk fortifying the election despite it being so obvious it will make them illegitimate, or letting the orange man win, and then go scorched earth on America.

      My bet is on the scorched earth thing. Especially if they think they can fool people into believing it was not them, but the orange Hitler’s doing.

      • R.J.

        i am with you on that. Despite my understanding of nefarious plans, I cannot see how the dems pull this off, unless the repubs blow it like they usually do.
        Trump all but replaced the old party apparatus so… Maybe things will be different now?

    • EvilSheldon

      The internal workings of the Democratic party must make Art Bell’s conspiracy board look downright normal…

    • Tundra

      Wow. That was stunningly bad.

      Only a very wealthy (or mentally ill) person would try to fix that mess. Dude sure is good, though.

  30. AlexinCT


  31. The Late P Brooks

    Monkey see, monkey do

    Lawyers for Hunter Biden on Thursday asked federal judges in California and Delaware to dismiss the criminal tax and gun cases against him in their courts, citing a recent opinion by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and the related dismissal this week of the criminal classified documents case against former President Donald Trump.

    Biden’s lawyers in motions filed in both courts pointed to those two opinions — which questioned the legality of the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith to prosecute Trump — in arguing that the appointment of U.S. Attorney David Weiss as special counsel for prosecutions of the son of President Joe Biden was unconstitutional.

    The motions follow the ruling Monday by Florida federal court Judge Aileen Cannon tossing out Smith’s prosecution of Trump over his retention of classified documents after leaving the White House.

    Pulling the plug on another Special Inquisitor? Go for it.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Nice try, but that’s not going to fly. He’s an acting US Attorney who was confirmed by the Senate.

  32. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Normally the Misery Map is about weather delays. The CrowdStrike sitch makes it look like a massive hurricane is covering the whole country

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      The west coast is just getting started for the day – I expect to see the red sections growing on LAX, SFO, and SEA in the next few hours

      • Nephilium

        /puts on tinfoil hat

        The outage is almost enough news to make it so no one would hear about Biden resigning…

    • Tundra

      Really happy to not be flying today.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    What about the cargo cult voters?

    President Joe Biden did not wear a face mask in public a couple of times after the White House announced he had tested positive for COVID-19. The White House said the Democratic incumbent was experiencing “mild” symptoms while the president’s physician said Biden would self-isolate “in accordance with CDC guidance for symptomatic individuals.”

    What does the CDC guidance say? What does the White House say?

    After the announcement on Wednesday, Biden emerged bare-faced from the motorcade after he arrived at the airport in Las Vegas, where he had made several appearances, and boarded Air Force One. He also was not wearing a mask, which medicals professionals have said can help slow the spread of disease, as he stepped off the plane hours later at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. Biden was surrounded by Secret Service agents and aides on both ends of the trip.


    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encourages people recovering from COVID-19 or any other respiratory illness to wear masks as part of an overall strategy to reduce transmission, but masks are not mandated.

    The CDC recommends that people “stay home and away from others” if they’re feeling sick. They say people can resume normal activities when symptoms have started to improve and the person no longer has a fever.

    The CDC describes masks as an “additional strategy” for preventing disease spread, but it generally leaves it up to individuals to decide whether to use them. It calls masks “especially helpful” when someone is sick and suggests they be used as a precaution during recovery.

    The White House has not responded to an emailed request for comment about why Biden chose not to wear a mask.

    He is being guided by experts and devotees of The Science. Move along.

    • Suthenboy

      “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encourages people recovering from COVID-19 or any other respiratory illness to wear masks as part of an overall strategy to reduce transmission, but masks are not mandated.”

      “The CDC describes masks as an “additional strategy” for preventing disease spread, but it generally leaves it up to individuals to decide whether to use them. It calls masks “especially helpful” when someone is sick and suggests they be used as a precaution during recovery.”

      Pure horseshit. MASKS DONT WORK. They dont work even a little bit. They make no difference at all. We have known this for over 100 years.

      It isn’t just team blue that is a cargo cult.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Essential workers

    Thousands more public servants will soon see their student loan balances reduced or erased, the Biden administration announced on Thursday. The relief is part of the administration’s efforts to overhaul the nation’s Public Service Loan Forgiveness program (PSLF).

    “This is relief that will bring real change in [borrowers’] lives, and marks another win for this Administration’s relentless and unapologetic work to fix a broken student loan system,” said U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona in a statement.

    The Biden administration approved roughly $1.2 billion in student loan relief for about 35,000 borrowers who work in public service, including as firefighters, social workers and teachers. Under PSLF, borrowers in qualifying lines of work can have their remaining balances forgiven on eligible loans after making 120 monthly payments.

    As of Thursday’s announcement, the Biden administration had discharged $69.2 billion in debt through PSLF for over 900,000 borrowers.

    These noble men and women deserve our deepest gratitude. And a handout.

    • Suthenboy

      The system isn’t broken. That makes it seem that at some point it wasn’t broken or based on fatally flawed premises. Failure was built right in and in my opinion deliberately so.

    • R.J.

      I could have sworn a Federal court put a final nail in the coffin for that program this week. Am I wrong?

      • Ownbestenemy

        *Thunderous outright laughter* Impossible, it is Trump who is the fascist and authoritarian and doesn’t believe in the Constitution (well…in some aspects true). Stop listening to anything but MSNBC and you will understand.

    • R C Dean

      The one group of voters he absolutely has nailed down. Those votes are already bought, so this probably won’t move the needle.

      Might piss a few people off, of course.

  35. Ownbestenemy

    So Old News decides maybe we shouldn’t appear too in the tank, and is repaid in kindness from their ilk

    “Keith Olbermann calls on CNN to fire Van Jones for criticizing Biden”

    Jennifer Rubin
    “CNN and other broadcasts have reached a new low in RNC coverage, fawning over “unity” and “young Vance” – ignoring we are seeing a fascist party overflowing with criminals plot the downfall of America, a VP who is the single most radical and unqualified in history. No pushback on lack of information on Trump’s injury. It’s access journalism at its worst. It’s not the media we need to defend democracy.”

    There heads explode when a slight maybe not totally skewed notion of reporting happens.

    • R.J.

      Unqualified? What exactly do you need to bring to the table to be V.P.?
      Looking at you, Cackletta.

      • R C Dean

        Ya know, it just mystifies me that everybody goes along with the notion that the VP should be a wet noodle/“assassination insurance”. There is very much a non-zero chance they will in fact be President, for one,

        And for another, it’s just a wasted opportunity to have a wet noodle in that position.

        For example, I’ve always thought the fact that the VP is also President of the Senate was an interesting role, one that the Senators, of course, are happy to minimize. But what if the VP rolled in and said “I’m the presiding officer here. That’s great you’ve got a Majority Leader and all, and you definitely need somebody to keep the party members somewhat organized, but I don’t see that in the Constitution. Per the Constitution, I’m going to run this place.” The ensuing shitshow would be glorious.

      • cavalier973

        Please, let it be so with Vance

    • EvilSheldon

      Oh no, how horrible! Please stop fighting! This is so awful! *uncontrollable laughter*

    • Suthenboy

      Wow. The projection is so thick it makes it hard to breath.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Only a very wealthy (or mentally ill) person would try to fix that mess. Dude sure is good, though.

    It’s all theater. Those Yorkshire guys get to showcase their truly amazing abilities (leading to more work than they can handle, no doubt), and whoever that Schmee retard is gets “views”, I guess.

    914s are not so rare or precious as to justify that kind of effort or expense. Strip it for parts and move on. I have a couple of body shells in much better condition I’d be delighted to sell them.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    The system isn’t broken. That makes it seem that at some point it wasn’t broken or based on fatally flawed premises. Failure was built right in and in my opinion deliberately so.

    Working as planned. “Unintended consequences”, my eye.

  38. Sensei

    In some places, making such a match has proven difficult. The city of Akitakata in western Japan has spent a decade trying to encourage marriage, yielding 59 couples. The city calculated that it spent more than $6,000 on average to shepherd each marriage. Not all of the couples had children. Some couples divorced or moved out of the city.

    Still more successful than the FedGov’s EV DC Fast Charger program

    Singles Seek Love in Japan’s Government Courtship Service

  39. The Late P Brooks

    we are seeing a fascist party overflowing with criminals plot the downfall of America, a VP who is the single most radical and unqualified in history.

    They just can’t help themselves. They are incapable of breaking free from the doomsday narrative. The nation must be split asunder.

    • EvilSheldon

      ‘Unqualified,’ seems to be their new tic.

      • R C Dean

        I love that serving a few years in the Senate was ample prep for Obama to go straight to President, but is woefully inadequate for Vance to be Vice President.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Yeah, but Obama wrote a book. Could Vance do tha… oh, right.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Well, look, Obama also graduated from Harvard law school. All Vance did is… graduate from Yale law school. Huh.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Well Obama was “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Beat that Vance!

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Ya know, it just mystifies me that everybody goes along with the notion that the VP should be a wet noodle/“assassination insurance”. There is very much a non-zero chance they will in fact be President, for one,

    And for another, it’s just a wasted opportunity to have a wet noodle in that position.

    Next you’ll be saying something silly like, “Hire smart people, and give them authority to get things done.”

  41. CatchTheCarp

    Met up with a few long time friends last night for a few beers and of course the subject of politics came up. One guy is a life long registered R but proclaimed he was now firmly in the “Anyone but Trump” camp. I asked if that meant he was voting for Biden? Absolutely he said. What if Biden drops out and Harris is the nominee, you voting for her? Absolutely he said. Another guy chimed in and said he was doing the same. I asked them why. Both said that they believed if Trump was elected again he would never leave office. I was stunned and all I could muster was Hmmmm….you guys really believe that? Both fervently said absolutely. I decided the best course of action was to crack open another beer and change the topic to which city has the best strip clubs.

    • R C Dean

      Propaganda works.

  42. cavalier973

    How long will this outage last, do you think?

    • Gdragon

      That’s what she said.