Hardware Wars

by | Jul 18, 2024 | Film, Fun, GlibFlick | 261 comments

*Removes Fez, salutes Ernie Fosselius

Hardware Wars (TUBI)

Disney released the latest Star Wars spinoff, The Acolyte. This time with lesbian space witches! The internet is ablaze with anger! But why? Are we comparing the quality of the writing to Star Wars movies of the past? Is it just an injection of crappy new morality and politics which makes it suck? Perhaps both?

Is this also Lucas’ fault for selling off his property? I don’t feel that way. I don’t blame Lucas for selling. It was his to do with as he pleased. Now I do have a harder time remaining Stoic while Disney produces unwatchable crap on the back of someone else’s body of work. Epictetus must have something about that, somewhere.

What if a third party besides Disney or Lucas made a Star Wars film? Somebody who had no ties to Disney and absolutely no money. How would that go? Would it be better? Would it still be better if the director used common household items as stand-ins for ships and guns? What if Chewbacca was a mis-colored old Cookie Monster puppet? Well, let’s do an experiment. Below we have a comparison of ratings between The Acolyte and the movie I just described, Hardware Wars:

Boom. This tells you two things. 1) The audience clearly hates The Acolyte and 2) Movie critics have become paid-off dishonest jerks. Seriously I have only seen a bigger disparity between audience and critics on Fauci.

So tonight, we will watch the better of the two Star Wars offerings discussed above: Hardware Wars. It is the singular vision of one Ernie Fosselius, who wrote and directed three things in his life, this being the first. His films were all short films. His only nearly full-length film was Plan 9.1 from Outer Space (link provided), a remake of the famous film done entirely with puppets. It is far too obscure to be on Rotten Tomatoes. I assure you, it is better than The Acolytes.

Trivia! Ernie Fosselius was a popular sound guy and he worked as a sound man on another Star Wars parody, SpaceBalls. Also this short film we are watching tonight is regarded as the most profitable short film ever made. It cost $8,000 to make and earned over 1 million! Even better, when George Lucas was asked what his favorite parody of Star Wars was, he said “Hardware Wars.” Not Spaceballs. (see the article link above).

So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until a bunch of useless, feckless* progressive asshats wreck the entertainment industry! See you all next week, when we watch The Ruling Class! Until then, remember: Turn off the new Disney+ crap, and turn on some B movies. They are better every time. Even the really short ones.

*It’s true. Progressives have no feck.

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About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. Common Tater

    “Which is better – New Disney+ content or B movies?”

    B movies.

    • Rat on a train
      • rhywun

        đŸ‘đŸ» So great.

  2. DEG


    Heh. I like it.

    Diving in….

  3. Common Tater

    “It cost $8,000 to make”


    • Common Tater

      Well, I didn’t realize it was only thirteen minutes long.

  4. Sensei

    I watched this when it came out on VHS. I remember renting it.

  5. DEG

    Wow. This is a trip.

    And better than anything Disney ever produced.

  6. Gustave Lytton

    I remember watching Hardware Wars as a kid and loving every minute of it.

    • hayeksplosives

      Me too.

      Absolutely loved it. They used to run it on HBO sometimes as filler, and some obscure UHF channel ran it now and then.

  7. The Hyperbole

    Rotten tomato scores are like Yelp reviews, most people go there to bitch and complain, the people that like (the food/movie) don’t bother. The results are going to skew to the negative. When was the last time you called a business to tell them how great they were? That’s expected, you don’t praise the expected, unless it’s some asshole kid that managed to do the easiest thing in the world and graduated high-school, oh the praise we are expected to pour upon them for more or less learning how to tie their shoes and eat with their mouths closed.

    • R.J.

      More than a 40% difference between audience and critics is a problem.

      • The Hyperbole

        What’s the problem? The critics are reviewing movie whether they like them or not, the audience is going to skew toward negative review for the reasons I outlined above. also you’re gonna get your hate reviews from people like Bro who didn’t even watch the movie but ‘just know’ it sucks because some you tuber told them it did.

      • Common Tater

        There are also fanboys and genuinely enthusiastic people who write positive reviews. I remember the old imdb before it got purchased by Amazon.

      • Brochettaward

        Hypeacunt is a fucking clown.

      • Chafed


    • R C Dean

      “When was the last time you called a business to tell them how great they were?”

      If I’m there in person (or they are at my house) and I’m happy with them, I tell them.

      Since audiences watch movies they are predisposed to like, I would think the critics, who have to watch them regardless, would skew negative, not the other way around. Of course, there are assholes who review bomb movies (and assholes who pump them up) without watching them, so *insert shrug emoji*.

    • Gustave Lytton

      When was the last time you called a business to tell them how great they were? That’s expected, you don’t praise the expected, unless it’s some asshole kid that managed to do the easiest thing in the world and graduated high-school, oh the praise we are expected to pour upon them for more or less learning how to tie their shoes and eat with their mouths closed.

      Welcome to the world of Net Promotor scores and if it’s not a 5 across the board, it’s a complete failure.

  8. Spudalicious

    This movie rocks.

  9. DEG

    I liked it.

  10. DEG

    Along the way, he peppers the track with anecdotes that may, or may not be true, including the scene where Fluke and Augie walk into a local bar. “It was the first location of the shoot. The bar scene. I remember going in there
but I don’t remember coming out.”


    • R.J.

      That was a rocking bar. I would go there.

    • KSuellington

      That was indeed a rocking bar. I liked the Olympia sign in the window and the funky front. I can’t believe I never came across that before.

  11. DEG

    Watching “Plan 9.1 From Outer Space” now.

    • R.J.

      Puppet Vampira for the win.

    • DEG

      Done. Another trip.

      • R.J.

        Glad you liked it. This was going to be a quick July 4th movie, but so much has happened that it pushed out to today. Ruling Class will be next week when we are getting closer to the Democratic Convention. Seems appropriate.

  12. Sensei

 the all of MSM is writing Sleepy Joe’s political obit this evening.

  13. Aloysious

    But why?

    Star Wars fans can be kind of extreme in their love for the franchise, right? I don’t get it myself. As a kid I liked the first two of the OS. RotJ was okay, but I hated, and I mean hated the Ewoks. Then came Phantom Menace and the biggest waste of a villain in the history of ever, Darth Maul played by the fabulous Ray Park, which ended my interest in the franchise. Jar Jar Binks was just unwatchable.

    Is it just an injection of crappy new morality and politics which makes it suck? Perhaps both?

    Both, and don’t forget the absolute lack of talent on display from the children pounding out the ‘script’.*

    *This opinion generated from watching revues on yootoob. I am not now or probably ever going to give Disney+ money for any goddam thing.

    +1 B movies. I’d even watch a fine Uwe Boll flick before Star Wars anything.

      • R.J.

        I should show Blubberella some day.

      • Aloysious

        You’re amazing.

        I mean, for an Brussels Sprout headed alien. I’m glad you aren’t a Gray, what with their predilection to anally probe everything that moves.

      • R.J.

        My species likes shiny, blinky lights, drink specials and low-stakes gambling. That’s about it. No probing.

    • Chafed

      I had exactly the same reaction to those movies.

  14. Tres Cool

    Trapped in O’Hare.
    My flight from Houston was delayed 2.5 hours causing me to miss my connection here.
    Got put on Standby for the next flight. Didnt make the cut.
    Switch to a flight to CVG. Its delayed 2 hours for a mechanical issue.
    If I manage to get home it will be well past 0100.

    Fuck United AIrlines.

    • R.J.

      That sounds like a night where I would rent a car and drive home. Horrible.

      • Tres Cool

        According to a number of sites I looked at including budget.com and enterprise, there are no cars available.
        Now, it may have to do with my “one way” criteria, but theres none available for me.

      • Tundra

        Try Costco Travel. They seem to be able to do magical things

      • R.J.


    • Spudalicious

      I escaped O’Hare half an hour ago with no problems. Last month, I got stuck there for six hours.

    • Ed Wuncler

      Fuck United Airlines. In 2019, I was flying from NYC to Chicago, and for some reason we had to do a detour to Milwaukee. We landed in Milwaukee and went to UA gate and they basically told us, there’s nothing they can do and no flights are going to Chicago. It was also around Midnight CST. They closed the reception gate and we were SOL. No vouchers…nothing. My wife at the time was also 7 months pregnant and freaked out. She offered to drive from Barrington ( Chicago suburb) to Milwaukee but I didn’t want her to do that, so I waited in line for a hour and finally got a rental car from Enterprise and did a hour and fifteen minute drive home. I didn’t get home till 3:30 AM.

      But yeah, fuck those assholes.

  15. UnCivilServant

    Well, I hammered out two Autodidact Ambitions articles without a single technical breakthrough. I was mostly avoiding examining the single snag I’ve been stuck on.

    • Gustave Lytton

      What’s his views on Jody Foster?

      • Evan from Evansville

        I feel really, really sorry for her about that. Yuck on every level, and you’re quasi-pasted onto someone who shot four folk, one of whom eventually died cuz it? (33 years later, so I just read.)

        Always attached to wki’s/every library’s entry on Reagan. I’d rather not be associated with something I didn’t choose to be associated with.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Yeah, talk about barking up the wrong tree.

  16. Tundra

    I wish bars still looked like that.

    • R.J.

      God, I hate him even worse than Joe. Asshats, both.

  17. Stinky Wizzleteats

    What the hell? I cut the grass and take a shower and now Joe’s gonna drop out? The world’s done gone nuts.

    • Evan from Evansville

      You and me both. It’s such a curiously rapid shift. Team Blue acolytes…including my family…are gonna have an interesting internal reaction.

      “Must defeat Trump! Who?!?!….(doesn’t matter?)… –> It’ll awaken some. Not lookin’ for ‘All.’ Don’t let Perfect be Enemy of Good, etc. Hrm.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Strange how the chatter increases when Trump is set to give his acceptance speech.

    • Sensei

      This has been hysterical.

      • R.J.

        We probably get a month of this! I should start a betting pool.

  18. Common Tater

    Hulk Hogan is still hilarious.

    • rhywun

      I can’t believe he’s still alive and kicking.

    • Evan from Evansville

      For what it was and his persona, it was damn good.

  19. groat scotum

    Wondering whether these speaker fees would have been rescinded if Trump had turned into it.

    • groat scotum

      I’m not saying this isn’t an embarrassment for the GOP, or America, or humanity, but you have to understand:

      God has forsaken you and spits on your children.

      • groat scotum

        Democracy was a mistake. I’m beginning to see the light of Russian serfdom. We’re all held in bondage, but at least some halfwit douche in latex isn’t the penultimate speaker extolling the excellence of my party’s candidacy.

      • cavalier973

        Who do you like less: Hulk Hogan or Mark Hamill?

      • groat scotum

        God, I hope Trump wins. Four years of somewhat impeding the progressive communist agenda. Very slight impedence, but something. But I’ll be laughing full-throatedly at the assholes who pushed him on us if Trump loses. Yeah, go raid the capitol building again, assholes. Stay inside the velvet ropeline. Get a bunch of grandmothers arrested tried and incarcerated. You could have had a legitimate candidate. You chose Trump.

      • cavalier973

        Hulk Hogan would probably be a better President than Harris

      • groat scotum

        I’d have to see Hamill as COCKNOCKER vs Hogan in a WWE DEATHMATCH

      • Gdragon

        Hogan has already defeated Kamala multiple times, trust me I saw the matches on TV LOL.

        I’ll tell you though, I really miss The Iron Sheik right now. We really need him tweeting about the JNC, Jabroni National Convention.

  20. Grumbletarian

    Trump secures the all-important Hulk Hogan endorsement.

    • Common Tater

      It’s chest and back day, brother.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Silken hair of a Chinese man and skin of a hot dog. He’ll bring in the manly men no doubt.

  21. Chipping Pioneer

    I hope I’m in as good shape as Hulk Hogan when I’m in my 70’s.

    • Common Tater

      I’m not in as good shape now.

      • R.J.

        What link are you guys talking about?

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Same here, brother.

      • rhywun


      • R.J.

        Ok, apparently Hulk Hogan was at the RNC and introduced Trump. I missed it, apparently. No clips available yet.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        There’s a bunch of live links on YT.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Don’t despair, with the right doses of steroids and human growth hormone you too can get there.

    • rhywun


      The 1st sitcom was so classic and the 2nd one was pretty good too.

      • Common Tater

        His album is around fifty years old and it’s still funny.

      • Evan from Evansville

        I looked it up: His 1960 release was the first comedy album to win a Grammy for Album of the Year. (Grammys meant more then, methinks.) And it was #1 on Billboard for I think 14 weeks.

        DAMN. Me must listen. What I’ve seen/know of him, he was damn good at his job.

  22. groat scotum

    I really wish Stephenson had written more about Ameristan. Those were really interesting chapters, and, I think, probably more relevant.

  23. Chipping Pioneer

    If Biden drops out, does this create a path for RFKJ to rejoin the Democratic party, win their nomination, and win the election?

    • Gender Traitor


    • Chipping Pioneer

      Ok. Please explain. I may be ignorant here.

      • Gender Traitor

        I don’t believe the Democrat powers-that-be would ever accept him. For one thing, he denied The Science.

      • R.J.

        The dems are not yet ready to implode and reform into a new beast like the repubs are doing now. They will have to get beat down really hard for years first before they accept that maybe somebody like Kennedy should have a voice in the party.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Fair enough. I’m probably looking at this through the lens of the Westminster system, which is like a box of chocolates.

      • groat scotum

        Those hivemind assholes will embrace whatever’s dangled in front of them. They operate on pheromones, you know? Their hivemasters will dribble whomever they pick for candidate in the honey of their species and the waving, idiot progressive masses will instantly recognize the new queen as theirs. It’s gross, and entirely true.

      • groat scotum

        ….I say this as Kid Rock gives the presidential prelude and

        OH GOOD IT’S DANA WHITE. Of course. Whoever else could it have been.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Wait for it…

  24. Common Tater

    Who is the little blonde girl on Trump’s lap?

    • R.J.

      He’s got some young grandchildren, might be one of those.

    • cavalier973

      It’s Eric’s daughter

  25. Evan from Evansville

    I must watch Hardware Wars and thank you for making me aware of it. It’ll be my nighttime viewing.

    I’m a youngin’, but one who quite enjoys hearing/learning about shit I don’t know. Popular shit, fads–and in this case– a novel spoof idea and more I had no idea was rippling in undercurrents of culture before me. Being curious about such is important and rewarding. Sincere thanks.

    • groat scotum

      Quiet, you, we’re talking about a populist, faddish, novel spoof of an American presidential cand—

      Sorry, I apologize, we’re talking about the same thing.

    • R.J.

      Glad you enjoy these. Knowledge is power.
      Now pull my finger, I’ll expand your horizons.

    • Evan from Evansville

      I wanna pull both y’all’s fingers! Scrotster for nicely slammin’ the humor card with great timing, and RJ for… I’m not sure what I’d like to learn more about… Kinda hoping for a “Genie grants wishes at a later date” type of thing…

      That is not a euphemism in any way. Well. With him. I’m highly interested in pornography. However, I live with my parents. It’s unpleasant in that regard.

  26. Common Tater

    That is a fantastic 54.

    • Chipping Pioneer


  27. Chipping Pioneer

    I’m looking forward to the Trump-Harris debate.

    “Kamala Harris has sucked alotta dicks to be here. So many dicks.”

    • Chipping Pioneer

      “It’s quite something, really, how many dicks she’s sucked.”

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Just go full Norm McDonald with it, a la OJ.

  28. Chipping Pioneer

    Senator Rock of Michigan has the floor.

    • The Other Kevin

      Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan, Amber Rose, Navarro straight out of the pen. Wow.

    • The Other Kevin

      The Dems will have a bunch of harpies screaming about abortion. And Taylor Swift.

      • groat scotum

        Swift singlehandedly wins them they election.

    • rhywun

      Brit Hume’s thinking “can we have another porn star instead?”

  29. Chipping Pioneer

    Ok. I’ll say it. The RNC house band sucks.

  30. Homple

    I saw Hardware Wars back when. I’ll check it out again. Thanks.

    “The Ruling Class”. If I remember, it starts with an autoerotic asphyxiation gone wrong and stays dark.

  31. Common Tater

    Lee Greenwood? WTF?

    • The Other Kevin

      This is the republicans. Duh.

    • Gender Traitor

      Who else? And more to the point, what other song?

      • Common Tater

        Miley Cyrus, Party in the USA 😉

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Miley Cyrus is a national treasure.

  32. Chipping Pioneer

    Holy fuck! Lee Greenwood’s still alive!?

    • The Other Kevin

      He actually sounds ok.

    • rhywun

      I did not know that song was older than 9/11. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  33. Chipping Pioneer

    đŸŽ¶ Freedom costs a buck on five đŸŽ¶

  34. Evan from Evansville

    Thought! Trump is rocking his bandage/wound. I was thinkin’, “Hell, yeah! I totally would!” Then I remembered I buzzed part of my skull-scar in for fun when I wanna have it.

    Fuck yes. Wins me/my type. Let it begin.

  35. groat scotum

    I have been scarred and disfigured by this attempt on my life…

    • Chipping Pioneer

      He’s reorganizing the Republic into an Empire?

      • groat scotum

        Honestly, the most likeable character of the prequilogy… yeah I’ll follow Trumpalpatine into oblivion.

  36. Chipping Pioneer

    There’s a strong chance that JD Vance is president before 2028. Either assassination, or Trump is a big fat 78 year old who eats McDonald’s on the regular.

    • groat scotum

      Does resuming power after a president dies count against the two-term limit?

      • The Other Kevin


      • Gender Traitor

        22nd Amendment:

        Section 1

        No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.

      • Gender Traitor

        (From here.)

    • cavalier973

      Check out the documentary, “Fathead”

    • cavalier973

      “Supersize Me!” was propaganda.

      Dude was an alcoholic, which was why he had bad health.

      • Common Tater

        Isn’t he dead?

      • cavalier973


        Unfortunately he had some health problems beyond bad diet and alcoholism.

        There was some other scandal, as well, but I don’t remember what it is.

      • cavalier973

        Trump promises to drill for oil.

  37. Evan from Evansville

    This speech=Landslide.

    • rhywun

      “I’m buying your vote, Wisconsin.”


      • Evan from Evansville

        Buyin’ your vote and “not ashamed to say it” was a bit odd. But hey, playin’ to the Cheesehat crowd for laughs. Readin’ the room. Folk *get* sports jokery. More of a People Person.

    • cavalier973

      How do you figure?

      It’s making me chuckle.

      I like Trump, and think he’s funny.

      I get the impression That he really likes people.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Biggest reason? Assassination attempt, within the week goes on stage, still (lightly) wounded, and speaks competently, with far-more chill than normal. Everyone knows Biden can’t dream of being put on stage for 10 min.

        He hasn’t gone off the rails at all for most ‘mid Bell Curve’ Americans. Just being THERE, and sentient, on-point, fairly reasonable… I don’t see this as anything other than a massive success. (Unless more nastiness occurs.)

    • Evan from Evansville

      And now it will all be about Team Blue being “…fierce about cheating on elections…”

      Hrm. Shall see.

  38. Mojeaux

    He did not say “lend me your ears.”

    Am disappoint.

    • cavalier973

      *I’m* going to be disappointed if he doesn’t mention hardware wars.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      He should have had Mike Tyson up on stage with him.

  39. creech

    Who writes this guy’s speeches? Are all Reagan’s speechwriters dead? No memorable lines yet that will be quoted in 50 years. “Ask not what…moderation in the defense of liberty is no virtue…tear down this wall!”

    • Gender Traitor

      Not necessarily what the country needs right now?

    • cavalier973

      He’s not polished.

      Maybe that’s why people like him.

      As Evan says, he’s there, and lucid, and being himself. That can be grating for some people.

      I cringe when he says stuff like, “We are going to drive down prices.”

      How? How will that happen? What does he think drives up prices?

      He says that he will slash energy costs, but that is only part of the solution.

      He’s got to throttle FedGov spending down to a trickle.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Thanks. Ending the EV (grggle) mandate on Day 1 is the only ‘concrete’ thing he’s said. Now references to others. But lucid, sentient, and addressing how fucked up Team Blue is.

        And now The China Virus! And segueing into China/IP shit… Stellantis is Indiana was a fight. (Kokomo won!) No taxes on tips… (don’t report ’em!)

    • rhywun

      They say he threw out his prepared speech after the assassination attempt.

  40. cavalier973

    Does trump know why inflation happens?

    • The Other Kevin

      Vivek will give him The Talk.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        “You see, when the Fed loves your savings very much…”

      • Mojeaux

        “You see, when the Fed loves your savings very much

        I LOLd.

  41. LCDR_Fish

    AC got repaired today. Tonight was the first time in a month I walked into a house after work that’s cooler than the ambient temp. It feels absolutely glorious. Now I can finally focus on getting stuff done.

  42. LCDR_Fish

    Re: some of the earlier discussions on Kamala’s word salads…she’s the veep. She *should* have a speech writer for a lot of these formal things…the fact that we’re on the edge of her taking the “reins” for her party and still spewing nonsense is really indicative of something? Constant sabotage from her staff – for 3+ yrs….or she’s worse at reading off a prompter than PPP?

  43. cavalier973

    He’s bashing free trade (obliquely)

    • cavalier973


      His misunderstanding of trade is why I didn’t vote for him in 2016.

    • cavalier973

      “Hold on! I’m Comin’!”

      • cavalier973

        This was supposed to be a standalone comment

  44. cavalier973

    “No tax on tips”

    • Evan from Evansville

      I legit publicly tell folk to keep cash for tips so ya don’t ‘have’ to report ’em.

  45. Evan from Evansville

    Also: In a convention speech, I’m not positive, but especially here, giving specifics out isn’t the goal of the performance. (And fuck. Now he IS. Immigration. Pause in thought.)

    This is all about Showmanship. Trump v Biden is far more abusive than Jordan against a toddler.

  46. Tundra

    “Last time I put up this chart I really didn’t get a chance to look at it.”

    That’s the line.

    • The Other Kevin

      He’s loosening up. He gets better as he gets rolling. Unlike that other guy.

      • Tundra
  47. Common Tater

    His speech seems to be going a bit too long.

    • The Other Kevin

      Yeah I’m ready for bed.

      • LCDR_Fish

        I’m just gonna look up the pjmedia/vodkapundit drunkblog of the whole night when I get to work tomorrow.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Agreed. Hard to keep it all together, all the stories. (I am quite stoned and typing this out right now.)

      Late and most won’t pay attention, but the gist of it. That he’s still speaking for x minutes alone embarrassing ol’ sicki Biden.

  48. Evan from Evansville

    He just slam-dunked shit about Russian invasions in past presidencies. Most people won’t watch this cuz it ain’t for most people, especially on a Thursday night. Some great sound bytes, but also some others the Typicals can/will focus on.

    Folk’ll use’em to slant their audience in any way they can. It’ll be curious. Team Blue. Is. Fucked. I can’t imagine how the journalists/’journalists’ are writing this up for deadline/asap updates. Teehee!

    • creech

      How can anyone object to the president designing sleek pointy bows for our Wisconsin made destroyers? JFC.

  49. The Other Kevin

    He’s going to keep talking right up to the election in November. Genius.

    • Evan from Evansville

      With ya. Damn. Impressive, yes. Too much? YES.

      Sound bytes for the morn. We’ll see how they’re used.

  50. Common Tater

    How many fucking times is going to mention Wisconsin?

    (No offense, to CPRM, like Jesus, I love you cheese-eating gueros.)

    • Tundra

      Wisconsin in underrated. As a Minne dude I have to hate on them but I’ll defend them to the death.

      Or at least to the end of the keg.

    • Evan from Evansville

      I don’t get it, guys. He’s in Milwaukee…Wisconsin. Read the Room and get “In.” A Showman being a good Showman. It’s part of it. For us all, even at 7/11 or at the doctor. Social primates gotta be social. (Somehow.)

  51. cavalier973

    It seems like Trump’s kids like him.

    Michael was the only Reagan that liked Reagan, and he was adopted.

    I guess W and Jeb liked HW.

    Does Hunter like Joe?

    • UnCivilServant

      Does Hunter like Joe?


      Not a chance. I have a 99% probability that Joe is what drove him to drugs.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And now Joe gets him the money for drugs and hookers. Classic paternal reconciliation.

  52. cavalier973


    What’s the song?

    • cavalier973

      It’s the one where the singer brags about defeating all his enemies, if I remember right

      • cavalier973

        That opera guy did well

  53. Tundra

    Such bizarre theater.

    But man, his wife is so gorgeous.

  54. Chipping Pioneer

    Well, this is awkward. They hadn’t considered how to end it.

    • UnCivilServant

      Man, we talk to ourselves a lot.

  55. Festus

    Vote for Pedro! He will make your dreams come true! Holy fuck, please stop the God-bothering , Donald. Everyone knows that you don’t believe in that. I’ve never been that fond of him but he is pretty funny when he chooses to be.

  56. Festus

    He could have knocked that speech out in 20 minutes and he would have gained extra points if he had wished Biden well about his Covid diagnosis. Unforced errors. What a maroon. He misses getting his head blown off by milliseconds and still fucks it up. Oh Donald…

  57. UnCivilServant


    I figured out the button press issue.

    The new chip is less tolerant of a noisy signal. When I set up a debounce circuit, it began to work normally. I wasted three weeks on a noisy signal.

    • Chipping Pioneer


    • Ownbestenemy

      Been there…good work finding it

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, GL, and Chip, and good afternoon, Pie!

      • Gustave Lytton

        Good morning! Up late tonight so time to sleep.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Good morning, GT!

    • SDF-7

      I suppose the Dead South is where you get the Dead Weather. (Dead Thunderstorms?)

      Haven’t logged on to work yet (they’re pretty MS heavy, not surprising when a very large part of the company is a major PC vendor after all) — so yay if all the 365 / Azure cloud stuff is down. 😛

      Morning, all… go get some warm blood and relax, I suppose Pie. Renfield will be along for Tech Support soon — he’s great at debugging.

  58. PieInTheSky

    well my work computer is bricked. you could say I was crowd stroked.

    • Gender Traitor

      I’m sorry you were apparently affected by whatever’s going on. (I just got up – I haven’t heard or read all the gory details yet.)

      After seeing the headline on the local TV station’s website, I immediately checked to make sure I could access my credit union account and, most importantly, confirm that our payroll direct deposit (including a big midyear incentive) had been posted. (I could, and it had.)

      • SDF-7

        Ah… I’m assuming this was the problem? The Register is a good place to start if you think there’s a wide spread tech problem — they’ll never miss an opportunity to snark at the big companies… it is their raison d’etre, after all.

      • PieInTheSky

        Not the problem is a crowdstrike endpoint that totally bricked my computer with the BSOD. nothing to do with azure

      • PieInTheSky

        there are potential fixes online but as it is a work computer I don’t do shit unless IT tells me to and they didn’t yet.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Two separate issues. MS 365 cloud services and the Crowdstrike FUBAR update

      • SDF-7

        Yeah, saw the Crowdstrike thing — that looks like mainly a Win10 issue. Sean’s comment made me think more widespread Azure.

        Sorry you got hit, Pie.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Hmmm only Win10? MS/CS hit job to force Win11?

      • SDF-7

        https://www.theregister.com/2024/07/19/crowdstrike_falcon_sensor_bsod_incident/ states it as Win10 – but if it is a Windows driver, given 10 and 11 are very similar under the hood (barring some of the memory isolation security stuff somehow keeping this from breaking, that’s most of 11’s changes in the kernel… process isolation / virtualization) and there may just not be as many in Corporate use to register with The Register. :shrug:

      • UnCivilServant

        Everything at work that isn’t cached is down because that took out our authentication. We can’t even open a ticket to complain because our ticketting system login is down.

      • UnCivilServant

        My client agencies are probably boned, faxes are down and batch processing is halted until we can talk to our database servers again.

  59. DEG


    I’m off work today. Gotta get to the gym. I might get some yard work done.

  60. hayeksplosives

    Does CPRM take requests? I need a cartoon drawing of a “suspicious lump.” Ya know, as opposed to a nonchalant lump or straightforward lump.

    Docs Thursday decided I have a “suspicious lump” but are cautiously optimistic (biopsy next Wednesday).

    However, the term suspicious lump has always sounded funny to me, as if the lump itself has a narrowed gaze and is hyper aware of some iffy goings on. I know they mean the lump arouses the doctors’ suspicions, but the phrase is funny to me.

    Anyway, hopefully Lumpy will soon be a thing of the past.

    Thanks for your well wishes. 🙏

    • SDF-7

      Glad you’re having it looked at and the ER visit got you a relatively quick appointment, HE. Here’s hoping Lumpy is just a bit of a comedian with no evil in him.

      You didn’t get near the FetterLump, did you?

      • Ted S.

        She’s being possessed by Dark Cracky.

    • Grumbletarian

      A lump lurking in the shadows at an alley’s entrance, fedora pulled down low, eyes always watching for… something…

  61. Ownbestenemy

    I only watched the Hulk speak. That hit some nostalgia feels. Took me right back to being 5 years old watching WWF with my dad.

    But…I don’t vote on feels. Once again coming down to which candidate is only going to take some of my freedoms away more slowly

  62. SDF-7

    Re: Trump and Free Trade complaints above — is this about tariffs and protectionism? Because I’ve got to tell you — I’m more than willing for some protectionism these days to drive companies back into our country (see many prior rants about national security requiring some base capability in resource extraction, ship building, chip foundries, pharma / medical supplies, food and energy). And since I think the CCP has been in a Cold War 2 with us for some time, I’m perfectly fine with crippling trade with them.

    But as mentioned, not a True libertarian, I know… (as in — sorry, not sorry).

    • cavalier973

      The best thing Trump can do to “bring back manufacturing jobs” is to drastically reduce FedGov regulations.

      Stop letting the big corporations craft government laws, because they only serve to eliminate competition from upstarts.

      • cavalier973

        By only using tariffs and protectionism, Trump only helps the big companies that have the resources to comply with unnecessary regulation.

        It helps big corporations get richer and more powerful. Competition is one of the vital components of the free market.

      • SDF-7

        I would certainly not object to both being done, obviously.

        Remember this was one of the things he tried to do last time around (issued an order they were supposed to get rid of 2 for every new one). An article I read recently pointed out it didn’t work out (still more by the end of his term), but maybe if he cleans house / gets better people it would work. I certainly don’t think you can accuse him of wanting protectionism solely.

      • cavalier973

        The spit-and-baling-wire fix that Populists usually try when their schemes don’t work is to apply more rules.

        “We need government to drive down prices”. When that doesn’t work, “we need government to save our jobs”. Eventually, some smarmy neo-con (Republican or Democrat, it doesn’t matter) manages to get back into power.

      • cavalier973

        No, I don’t. I think his stated goal in 2016 was to eliminate 2 regulations for every new one that was created, and he claimed a 24-to1 success rate (don’t know if that was verified).

        He was, in fact, one of the most free trade presidents in our lifetimes, if that regulation thing was true. Free trade involves more than just international movement of goods.

        Unfortunately, that record is marred by his weak response to Covid. The corporations got more powerful, firing people for not getting the mRNA shot.

        I think Trump has come around on medical freedom, by picking Vance and if that “leaked conversation” with RFK, Jr. was real, and he seems to be on the side of food freedom, which is excellent. Those are solid, libertarian positions.

      • cavalier973

        Also, Trump is right that NAFTA was a bad deal, but it was because NAFTA was government-managed trade, not free trade.

  63. Not Adahn

    Greetings from “Holy Fuck I’m in New England!” Seriously, I keep looking for the cameras that must be filming the sitcom.

    My opinion of SIG taken a nosedive.

    And not to pretend to like or respect feebs, but as someone who has holstered guns A LOT, I’ve never holstered under stressed. Heck, all my teachers have instructed me not to do that.

  64. Grumbletarian

    Well this Crowdstrike outage has several systems at work all inaccessible. Good thing it’s not the end of the quarter and we’re scrambling to get things finished or anything. Ugh.

    • UnCivilServant

      My team is stuck twiddling our thumbs because we can’t authenticate to anything, so our apps are down until something’s fixed.

      I bet whatever dumbass moved us to Microsoft Cloud services for authentication is happily retired.

      • SDF-7

        I’ve been ranting for years now that the industry has more powerful local clients than ever… and they’re being used effectively as dumb terminals with a return to Mainframe computing (effectively from the user perspective… obviously it isn’t single hardware systems). I never have gotten it and never will.

      • Ted S.

        You’re GovSec, so you all twiddle your thumbs all the time anyway.

      • UnCivilServant

        @SDF – I am even more baffled by the insistance that everything be run through a browser/web interface. It limits what you can do and brings along bloat and security issues separate from your work, leaving you open to any problems the browser and web server infrastructure has plus any flaws your own application has. It is as if people looked at a perfectly functional setup and went “How do we make things as awkward as possible?”

      • SDF-7

        I blame Google on two fronts (and then they made Gmail and their Office clone free and easy and sucked so many folks in that set this up).

        1) They want your data. As much as they can get. And if you seriously think they aren’t crawling your Gmail and/or looking at your Docs, you’re crazy.

        2) It also serves the “Write once, run anywhere” mantra that gives you easier desktop / mobile / whatever applications, so pure desktop got dropped. Additionally, devs don’t have to worry as much about graphical / UI stuff (because the browser handles it) and no one ever went broke feeding the laziness of computer programmers.

        Once the rest of the industry saw how it was working for Google, and with the drive to get presence in mobile App Stores — the current state became somewhat inevitable.

        I still despise it, being a PC snob at heart (I don’t have capable hardware to run crap hosted on some server or use apps designed for phones, dangnabbit!).

      • UnCivilServant

        I read the Terms of Service for Google Docs in 2011 when I was seriously starting to think about self-publishing.

        I think it was section 11 where they basically said they could use whatever you put in there for any purpose they so pleased whatsoever.

        That’s when I decided it wasn’t worth using their services and stuck to OpenOffice/LibreOffice.

    • SDF-7

      Well, they don’t call themselves “Isolated Server Strike” now, do they! 😉

    • cavalier973

      That’s some good news

    • Grumbletarian

      Nice, but it will be appealed in the hopes that SCOTUS doesn’t get around to a ruling on it until 2025.

    • R C Dean

      “Voters in Arizona who register with the state and do not provide proof of citizenship will be rejected.”

      Sure. Just like all those mail-in ballots with obviously non-matching signatures were rejected.

  65. Gender Traitor

    Well, this international tech outage is certainly a clever way to distract from Trump’s speech, since they apparently couldn’t bully and browbeat Joe into dropping out of the race in time to do so.

  66. SDF-7

    Hmm… 3 encrypted overseas accounts.

    If one (or more) of those is a Protonmail email account, the FBI really needs to be clear when talking to leak happy Congress critters. As much as I’m wondering like everyone if there’s anything there — the default for most accounts should be encryption (Hi, NSA you weasels…). And globalism means “overseas” accounts are easy to want / need / whatnot.

  67. SDF-7

    Pifflebunnies…. I suck today.

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/19:
    *22/22 words
    🎯 In the top 19% by accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 07/19:
    *56/56 words (+5 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 12% by accuracy
    đŸ”„ Solve streak: 480

  68. cavalier973

    Mark Halperin is reporting that his sources say Biden has agreed to step down.

    • UnCivilServant

      Why should we believe him or his unnamed sources.

      I don’t even think I’ve heard of him.

    • SDF-7

      Serious response: Given the “sources” seesaw, I’ll believe it only when he actually has a press conference. Assuming he can do so.

      Snarky response: What choice did they have when he keeps Blue Screening and Jill won’t let them try to delete that Crowdstrike driver file?

  69. Fourscore

    I skipped last night’s activities.

    Sounds like Navarro is going to be a trade advisor, resurrect Lighthizer and Ross and the gang will be the same as the last time.

    Can hardly wait ’til prices go down.