IFLA: The “Gun Dog” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of July 28

by | Jul 28, 2024 | IFLA | 260 comments

If you remember from last week, I caused Biden to drop out of the race I was in Epping NH at the Sig Sauer Academy running a major USPSA match. On my officiating team were a local shooting superstar and his wife who could have inspired a Rick Springfield song. But more relevantly, they brought their range dog, Pippa. Who is just the bestest girl ever! And is super affectionate and cuddly when she’s trying to convince you to take her earpro off. Not to start a REGION WAR, but Area 7 (NY & New England) folk are vastly better than Area 5 (The states surrounding Lake Michigan, OH, WV and KY). Or maybe it’s just people in SIG’s orbit, but these were the hardest working, most cheerful crews I’ve ever worked with. I will totally work this match again. And buying this gun for $188.20 after match discounts/benefits is really not the main reason. Nor the catering, which was quite good a well.

We’re coming out of an astrological doldrum this week. That malign influence is breaking up, though it will be replaced by a sudden, dramatic change of fortune as the dominant influence shifts from Mars on Tuesday to Jupiter on Thursday. This is a good thing, if you haven’t been paying attention. It gets even better next week, but I should probably write that column then. No big realignments in the houses either, just a very chill, generally positive summer vibe.

Pippa in Portrait

Leo: Death reversed – sleep, rebirth, paralysis, orgasms.

Virgo: 4 of Wands reversed – Having a great time leaves a mess to clean up.

Libra: 10 of Cups – Everything’s going your way.

Scorpio: Ace of Swords – Hitting it harder actually works this time.

Sagittarius: Kight of Cups reversed- Trickery, artifice, subtlety, swindling, duplicity, fraud.

Capricorn: Queen of Swords reversed – Malice, bigotry, artifice, prudery, bale, deceit.

Aquarius: 2 of Coins reversed – Sometimes you’ve got to pretend to enjoy it.

Pisces: Justice reversed – First time?

Aries: Page of Swords – Having authority over others; a competent underling, if an overly enthusiastic one.

Taurus: 2 of Wands – Riches, fortune, magnificence, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification.

Gemini: 8 of Coins reversed – Wasted work, or skilled opponents.

Cancer: Wheel of Fortune reversed – Increase, abundance, superfluity.

About The Author

Not Adahn

Not Adahn

Despite all my rage, I am still just an impeccably dressed rat.


  1. The Late P Brooks

    I am forbidden to access Sig Sauer gun porn.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Sagittarius: Kight of Cups reversed- Trickery, artifice, subtlety, swindling, duplicity, fraud.

    Am I buying or selling? It makes all the difference.

  3. Gender Traitor

    Scorpio: Ace of Swords – Hitting it harder actually works this time.

    Since this doesn’t specify what “it” is, I guess I’ll just have to hit everything harder.

    • Suthenboy

      As a fellow scorpion I am biting my tongue.

    • Gdragon

      I think that it would be unwise to hit my computer screen any harder, maybe I’ll just pretend that my parents and the state both lied to me about my birthday.


    Leo’s, get ready for your sleep paralysis orgasams!

  5. DEG

    Nice dog videos.

    sleep, rebirth, paralysis, orgasms.

    Doesn’t sound sufficiently shitty.

  6. hayeksplosives

    “ Aries: Page of Swords – Having authority over others; a competent underling, if an overly enthusiastic one.”

    Hmm. Well. I’ve got a new employee starting Monday, and I’m terminating one on Wednesday.

    Checks out.

  7. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    My dog is my only umderling, and he doesn’t see it that way

  8. Tundra

    Haha! That machine gun GSD has been my email avatar for years!

  9. Sean

    “Cancer: Wheel of Fortune reversed – Increase, abundance, superfluity.”

    I’m gonna have sex with Vanna White?

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Yes, but because it’s reversed, she’s going to peg you

    • Tundra

      Sajac. Sorry

  10. UnCivilServant

    Off by one error strikes again.

    One day I’ll learn to count.

  11. Gustave Lytton

    From the ded thred, if Seymour Hirsch is right, and Kamala threatened to use 26A- either she did so without grounds (coup) or there are grounds and she is knowingly or continuing to fail to carry out her duties to remove an incapacitated president. Either one isn’t a good answer. 🍿

    • Tundra

      It seems odd that Obama was the face of it though, doesn’t it? I don’t doubt for a second that he was involved, but why was he the hammer?

      • Fourscore

        Because Biden needed to be nailed?

      • Gdragon

        That’s what Big Mike is for Fourscore

      • Suthenboy

        Obumbles was always an empty suit, a sock puppet. He still is and useful now and then.

      • Suthenboy

        I think Obumbles is worse than Biden in that he is a True Believer, whereas Biden is just completely amoral.

      • R C Dean

        Obama is the jefe, the patron. You don’t credibly threaten the nuclear option unless the patron does it personally.

    • Suthenboy

      Trump wasn’t hit by a bullet, it was shrapnel.
      Kamalamadingdong was not the border czar.
      The secret service was not in on it, they just fubar’d everything about it.
      It was a sloped roof.
      Nobody knew Joe’s brain had turned to oatmeal.

      The list goes on. They have run out of viable solutions/plausible deniability. None of those rationalizations are any better than what they are trying to rationalize away.

      • B.P.

        One problem I’m encountering is that I have a lot of friends/loved ones who seem to just luuuuuve being lied to. They eat it up, and have not a bit of hesitation of blabbing to me about the latest transparently ludicrous nonsense offered up by The Borg. I have a feeling they represent a large fraction of the electorate. All because one crass dude from NYC has experienced success on the national political stage.

        I just keep my mouth shut.

      • Suthenboy

        B.P. : Why do smart people believe stupid things? Because they are smart. They can rationalize and articulate better than average and thus are better able to talk themselves into believing that what they want to be true is true.
        Everyone lives to some degree or other in a world we would prefer to live in…in our heads. Nothing is sweeter than having someone else tell you that you are right, that that imaginary world is real.
        The people we see gobbling up the horseshit aren’t necessarily stupid, they are just weak and cowardly. They are not honest with themselves about what is right in front of their eyes.
        That is one reason I like this crowd…irreverence and dead baby jokes are a sign of intellectual honesty. A symptom of not taking oneself too seriously. Perspective.

      • Ted S.

        And yet these are the people who just *know* The Experts(TM) are right.

      • B.P.

        Agreed. This venue has certainly proved to be a good respite for me, as the people around me increasingly insist that I’m not seeing what I see with my own eyes.

      • Fourscore

        It’s tough trying to figure things out. Intellectually we see two buffoons trying to out lie one another. It’s tough to understand how Trump can gather votes, we know he appeals to the feelings of a lot of folks but his past performance wasn’t that great. We want to believe but we do he can’t/won’t produce and yet millions will defend him.

        Heard today that Kamala pulled in 2M of new money, WTF is up with that. Her record is even more dismal than Trump’s but yet… I’m seeing few political signs for national candidates, a few for local and state. We have been trained to believing voting is important.

        I’ll be busy in November in my deer stand, I’ll need the venison. I’ll vote NO for everyone again

      • Fourscore

        Oooops, 200 M

      • Tundra

        I just keep my mouth shut.

        I find that this approach is way more persuasive. My people are so used to me arguing that the silence definitely freaks them out. I actually had a decent conversation with my mom recently when she asked me if I didn’t care about the stuff I used to rail. I told if someone wants my opinion they can ask.

      • B.P.

        That’s exactly my position, Tundra.

      • R C Dean

        “I just keep my mouth shut.”

        You should consider not doing so. If they never ge any pushback, why would they change their views?

  12. The Late P Brooks

    I drink your hope. I drink it up.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    One problem I’m encountering is that I have a lot of friends/loved ones who seem to just luuuuuve being lied to. They eat it up, and have not a bit of hesitation of blabbing to me about the latest transparently ludicrous nonsense offered up by The Borg. I have a feeling they represent a large fraction of the electorate. All because one crass dude from NYC has experienced success on the national political stage.

    I just keep my mouth shut.

    I went through that a couple years ago, when I went back to Ohio for the memorial service for my parents. There were a lot of people I used to think of as highly intelligent. The plaguedemic cargo cult was still going strong, and I had to listen to a lot of moronic hysterical nonsense. My brother brought up the fact that I was unvaxxed in the middle of a fairly large group of people, and I was compelled to shut that discussion right the fuck down. I said I was in the control group, and that was that. At another point, the wife of one of my cousins said something that really pissed me off, but I just held my tongue.

    There was gathering last fall, which I did not attend. There is another one in Seattle in a few weeks, and I just cannot motivate myself to go.

    • Suthenboy

      I have cited it before despite my not being able to find it. I would love is someone could.
      Skeptical Inquirer magazine from early-mid nineties: 7% of all cultures/populations are cynical, curious non-herd animals.

      The problem we have with political divisions like the one being fostered today in our country is that it destroys friendships and divides families.
      Those people you are talking about were always what they are now. Neither of you have changed but you are seeing now what they are truly made of. I think of socialist totalitarian societies where children rat out their parents or neighbors rat out each other.

      An Iranian and a Ukrainian told me exactly he same thing. Iran, being invaded over and over, then Ukraine with the Holomodor allowed the worst kinds of people to rise and trample the better kinds of people. In Iran people that ratted out their neighbors were rewarded with their neighbor’s land. In Ukraine they were allowed food (allowed to live). Thus the unscrupulous caused the principled to become extinct in their respective countries.
      BTW, both of those people had fled their homelands and were living here in the US. I can only imagine what they would say to me now.

      • Suthenboy

        A story from several years ago stuck in my head. In the UK a man was observed on a bus mumbling incoherent suspected sand nigger insults to himself while there were some Pakis on the bus. This observation was reported to police and the cops had an all points bulletin, or their version of it, out on him. If anyone has seen this wrong thinker let us know. We want to ‘talk’ to him.

        Another story, this one from Canada: A Canadian writer living in the US had written a book that the Canadian govt had banned. Upon his attempt to return to Canada to see family he was detained and put through many hours of struggle session. He was forced to retract all he had written and questioned under hot lights about every detail of everything he thought and believed. He was also forced to give them a complete list of his home library reading material. To call it Orwellian would be an understatement.

      • The Hyperbole

        Do you recall the Canadian writer’s name or the name of his book, or the general time this occurred? I’m getting nothing from the inter tubes, and it sounds like an interesting story.

    • B.P.

      I guess I wasn’t prepared for the people around me to be conned into a state of pants-shitting hysteria. My sister just told me she may be moving out of the country in November if things don’t go her way. I just shrugged. I was in Europe last week when Biden dropped out and a friend text-dumped on me all of the latest spin. My only reply was, “I picked an interesting time to be in Germany.” He replied, “We all live in 1930s Germany now.” This dude was in the 82nd Airborne.

      • Ted S.

        You should have agreed with him that Kamala is a Nazi.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Way more expensive than downtown.

  14. Evan from Evansville

    “Taurus: 2 of Wands – Riches, fortune, magnificence, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification.”

    Fuck me in the dick. I foresee all of those in my immediate future, or rather, the furtherance towards certain goals and realities. Progress towards entry into a new career, another shift into what I call “21st century, white-collar factory work,” this time in the medical field. The first half of my horrorscope is what I’m pursuing, the middle a reality, and in the end, hurdles I’m happy to be clearing.

    It’s kinda hard to read more into what sticks out to ya when everything raises its own flag. In the meantime, I’m gonna try to have a productive day, while also one relaxed enough to be properly prepared for the week.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    as the people around me increasingly insist that I’m not seeing what I see with my own eyes.

    Even as they obdurately refuse to acknowledge the clear reality right under their noses.

    • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

      Self-selection alert:

      Many of the black men and women (especially men) against Kamala (which is to say, not necessarily for Trump) on Twitter are asking people this:

      You already lived through 4 years of Trump. You know what you’re getting. It’s better than what you got with Biden and Kamala. What’s the problem?

      • rhywun

        But Trump is unseemly and says mean things.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Didn’t you hear Team Blue the first umpteen million times?

        He’S a ThReAt To DeMoCrAcY!

  16. The Late P Brooks

    There is some sort of car-show-slash-pop-up-drag-race at the airport. Maybe I’ll drag myself out of my hermit cave and check it out.

    • Ted S.

      I always knew you were into drag.

      • Tundra

        His favorite flick

        Remember when it was funny and not pathological?

    • Tundra

      Definitely go. I went to one recently at the Tap House and it was a riot. The 69 CobraJet was there, as well as a bunch of other really interesting stuff. Car people are the best.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I went to a giant vintage tractor show today, The Great Oregon Steam up! So much fun, and super cool things you never see.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    It’s tough trying to figure things out. Intellectually we see two buffoons trying to out lie one another. It’s tough to understand how Trump can gather votes, we know he appeals to the feelings of a lot of folks but his past performance wasn’t that great. We want to believe but we do he can’t/won’t produce and yet millions will defend him.

    Trump was the giant flaming bag of dog shit America put on Establishmentarian Washington’s front porch. They obviously didn’t get the message, so maybe they’ll get another bag.

    • dbleagle

      Too true P, too true. OMB is a crass Clinton Dem wearing a red “gimme” hat. The “Aldi Obama” speaks of awful policies and is a more cynical than most leftist.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Tundra- that Caterham sold for $20,250. I hate to say it, but that was probably a smokin’ deal, right hand drive and all.

    • Tundra

      I saw that. And I agree with you, it’s a terrific buy. It’s been a minute since I drove a rhd, but I feel like it would be a half hour to hooning!

  19. The Late P Brooks

    The problem we have with political divisions like the one being fostered today in our country is that it destroys friendships and divides families.

    Problem for us.

    Goal for them.

  20. Tundra

    Brooksie – other than air-cooled 911s, have you been noticing a softening of prices? Obviously the wicked high-end never changes, but I’ve noticed more pedestrian models selling pretty reasonably.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    I don’t have any specific examples off the top of my head, but I definitely think prices are becoming more rational. Of course, the people who bought at the top will take a while to break down and drop their prices. Gen 1 Broncos are still stupid.

    Like houses- I look now and then, and there definitely seem to be more “price reduced” listings, or houses on the market for longer.

    • Tundra

      Yes, I’m seeing it with homes as well. I was just chatting with a realtor who told me that one of his clients just bought a 1.2M list for 900.

      The market is bizarre.

      • UnCivilServant

        If I look at the listing, would I agree that it is worth a million? Somehow I’m doubting it.

      • Tundra

        Every item ever sold is “worth” what someone will pay for it.

        But yes, you are correct. Home prices here have tripled in some cases since before the ‘vid. But eventually the buyers from CA and NY all have houses. I don’t pay any attention to the 5M+ homes, so I haven’t a clue what’s happening with those.

      • Suthenboy

        I get the impression that super high price houses are like boats…money pits. The turnover on them is high or they sit abandoned/unsold long enough for the bugs, birds and raccoons to turn it into a dump.
        Nothing ages a house more than letting it sit unoccupied.

      • R C Dean

        “Nothing ages a house more than letting it sit unoccupied.”

        It’s shocking how much and how quickly an unoccupied building rots. Even things you wouldn’t think, like, say, concrete, rots when the whole system is left unattended.

    • R C Dean

      Very few home price reductions in Tucson. The market for existing houses is somewhat locked up here, still, as current homeowners look at the ass-reaming they will take when they trade their current. 2.X% mortgage for a 6.X% mortgage.

      New builds are up from the last few years, but nowhere near where they were several years ago. Somewhere out there is a carrying capacity for the Tucson area, dictated by water, but nobody seems to care.

  22. UnCivilServant

    Does anyone know a good open source video editor?

    • LCDR_Fish

      Unfortunately no…maybe try the built-in browser youtube one?

      Re: minipainting…slowly getting caught up on some older projects – 2nd coats on votann… think I’m going to need a non-contrast paint to do some corrections over black spillage. Can you suggest a yellow that would match up with the contrast/speedpaint Army Speedpaint 2.0 Maize Yellow – that is completely opaque?

  23. cyto

    Write a love poem for Kamala Harris in the style of SugarFree from Glibertarians.com


    In the halls of power where the shadows blend,
    A beacon stands, where bright ideals ascend.
    Kamala, you lead with fire and grace,
    A true champion for the human race.

    Your voice, a blend of hope and steel,
    With every word, you make us feel.
    In the corridors where decisions reign,
    You fight for justice, break the chain.

    Your strength, a testament to resolve,
    In every challenge, you evolve.
    With empathy and wisdom guiding your way,
    You shape a brighter, fairer day.

    Kamala, your path is clear and bright,
    In the struggle for what’s just and right.
    A force of change, with vision bold,
    In every action, love unfolds.

    • cyto

      Write a love poem for Donald Trump in the style of SugarFree from Glibertarians.com


      In the spotlight’s glare where the boldest tread,
      A figure stands with a vision widespread.
      Donald, you stride with a daring flair,
      A force that cuts through the murky air.

      Your voice, a storm that stirs the crowd,
      With bravado that stands out loud.
      In a world of shadows, you blaze a trail,
      An uncompromising, relentless gale.

      Your flair for drama, both grand and grandiose,
      In the realm of politics, you boldly impose.
      With every clash, a new chapter turns,
      In the fire of your passion, the world learns.

      Donald, you stand in the limelight’s blaze,
      In your journey’s path, a fiery maze.
      A force of change in a world so vast,
      With every move, you make a mark that lasts.

      • cyto

        I dunno… does that capture the style of SF?

      • UnCivilServant


        The AI wasn’t trained on that data, so it doesn’t understand it.

        And stop pointing the AI at our site.

      • cyto

        You don’t think they included our great works of philosophy?

        I consider this the greatest archive of wisdom and understanding of modern times.

      • Suthenboy

        I am beginning to see what I am certain are pieces of music/lyrics written by AI. It has a certain style of sentence fragments to conjure up certain feelings and thought which, on examination, mean nothing. Rhyming platitudes.
        Robert Frost or Bob Dylan it is not.

      • cyto

        Like a Kamala Harris Speech??

      • Don escaped Texas

        and that made all the difference

      • Aloysious


        It didn’t give me horripilations.

  24. Tundra

    I’m tired of the heat, so instead of doing anything productive, I’m watching Cool Hand Luke.

    Some movies are just so ridiculously good.

    • Don escaped Texas

      the cast is amazing

      compare and contrast Luke with Camus’s Meursault from L’Étranger

      • Tundra

        Is there a comparison, really? Luke is a non-conformist, but I wouldn’t call him a nihilist.

      • Don escaped Texas

        absolutely: neither has a strong urge to self-preservation

      • Tundra

        Right, but Meursault thinks nothing matters. I’m still not sure what animates Luke, but it’s not that.

        The scene with his Mom is amazing.

      • Don escaped Texas

        I left the farm to your brother

  25. cyto

    Warning… I did not exercise my better judgement here

  26. Chipping Pioneer

    Prediction: The rate of occurrence of identical twins as a proportion of total multiple births decreases as average brood size increases in mammals.

    • Suthenboy

      And what brings you to postulate that?

  27. cyto

    I asked it to write a scene in the style of MoJeaux

    In the dimly lit confines of an opulent penthouse, the city skyline stretched out like a blanket of stars. The atmosphere was charged with an electric tension, a blend of political rivalry and undeniable chemistry that crackled in the air.

    Donald Trump stood by the expansive window, the city lights casting a warm glow on his face. His posture was confident, his gaze sweeping over the urban expanse. He turned as Kamala Harris entered the room, her presence commanding yet graceful, her elegance punctuated by an air of restrained authority.

    “Kamala,” Donald said, his voice a mixture of surprise and appreciation, “I didn’t expect you to accept my invitation.”

    She smiled, a flicker of mischief in her eyes. “Well, Donald, curiosity is a powerful motivator.”

    The tension between them was palpable, a mix of mutual respect and something more profound, more personal. Kamala approached him, her steps deliberate, her eyes locking with his.

    “Do you ever think,” she began, her tone soft but steady, “that behind all the bluster and the headlines, there might be something more… human?”

    Donald’s eyes narrowed slightly, a rare moment of vulnerability surfacing. “Sometimes. But it’s hard to let that part of me show.”

    Kamala reached out, her hand gently brushing against his arm. “You’ve built walls around yourself, Donald. Maybe it’s time to see what’s on the other side.”

    He looked at her hand, then up into her eyes, the walls he had erected beginning to crumble under her gaze. “And what do you see on the other side, Kamala?”

    “A man who’s more than just headlines,” she replied, her voice a whisper. “A man who’s capable of more than he lets on.”

    As if drawn by an invisible force, they moved closer, their breaths mingling. The barriers of politics and public personas fell away, replaced by an intense, intimate connection. Donald cupped Kamala’s face in his hands, his touch gentle, reverent.

    Kamala’s eyes fluttered closed, her lips brushing against his in a tender kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken words and shared dreams, of moments lost and found in the midst of chaos. Their kiss deepened, becoming a passionate exploration, a dance of desire and understanding.

    In that fleeting moment, the world outside ceased to exist. There was no campaign trail, no headlines, no partisan divide—just two souls connecting in the silent, profound intimacy of the night.

    As they pulled away, their foreheads resting together, the silence was filled with a new, unspoken promise. The room, once charged with political tension, now hummed with a different kind of electricity—a shared acknowledgment of what could be if they dared to cross the boundaries of their world.

    For Donald and Kamala, the night was a bridge between their separate lives, a fleeting yet unforgettable moment where love and power intertwined, leaving them both forever changed.

    • Suthenboy

      So, not a dark and stormy night?

      • Suthenboy

        Oops. I meant to preface that with “In the dimly lit confines of an opulent penthouse, the city skyline stretched out like a blanket of stars.”

      • Suthenboy

        How about…AI will always only be pastiche
        This is the cheap knock-off fake failing to imitate your talent, something the AI will never have.
        Your writing is distinct to me because it is original and has a very strong woman’s viewpoint permeating it. You may be unaware of that but I could re-write the same story and it would come off completely different. Ok, also, I have no talent for writing. It is the ‘femaleness’ of your writing that I like. Gendered talent is the je ne sais quoi the AI will never have. It will always only be a talentless hack.

      • Suthenboy

        Well, if I am getting lovey hearts out of this I will shoot for more. I will put it another way: If a woman goes into a room by herself and stays a while, then leaves, I walk into the room soon after I can smell her. It is very a very alluring scent and gives me a warm, calm feeling. A woman has been here.
        Your writing is the literary equivalent of that room.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        I am freaking MELTING right now. Thank you! 😍

        You have the soul of a poet.

      • R C Dean

        I second Suthen’s take on this.

    • Suthenboy

      “Do you ever think,” she began, her tone soft but steady, “that behind all the bluster and the headlines, there might be something more… human?”

      Now just hold on a minute…my suspension of disbelieve can go just so far.

      • cyto

        I was curious … there are fairly large writing samples for many of us. So I wondered if it knew our style.

        After trying it out, I asked it to tell me about Sugarfree. It says SugarFree is recognized for using sharp wit and a distinctive style to address various political and cultural issues.


        I proceeded to ask about several of us. Shockingly, we all write about politics and social commentary with a distinctive irreverent and humorous style. (Well, variations on that theme)

        It did figure out the gist of the site though.

      • Suthenboy

        It is still in it’s baby stage. I can spot it’s work a mile away. I don’t expect that to last forever but I also dont expect it to develop a sentience indistinguishable from our own. Computer ‘thought’ can never duplicate human conscience and insight. That may be a good thing. Having a non-human perspective could very useful. I have a hard time imagining what perspective would result from not having anthropomorphism permeating every thought.
        My son disagrees so I asked him: “Why would we want to recreate the human brain when we have so many of them extra laying around unused?”
        That got a good laugh out of him.

      • Gender Traitor

        Confirmed: cyto is the Fed.

      • cyto

        Love you too

      • Q Continuum

        Did it at least capture my affection for bathykolpian babes?

      • UnCivilServant

        Doesn’t appear so, Q, you’re recorded as having a love of bathyspheres.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    does that capture the style of SF?

    The last thing we need is to bring attention to ourselves.

    Back from the “car show”. Pretty thin gruel. Shoulda been here yesterday, I guess.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Kamala Harris entered the room, her presence commanding yet graceful, her elegance punctuated by an air of restrained authority.

    Stop it. You’re killing me.

    • R C Dean

      “Her hyena smile.”

      El gato malo actually had a meme of that yesterday. I about fell off my chair.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of horror fantasy fiction

    U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Saturday said that $3 trillion in new capital is required each year to combat climate change, and deemed the global transition to a low-carbon economy “the single greatest opportunity of the 21st century.”

    Speaking in Belém, Brazil, after meeting with G20 finance ministers to discuss economic development this week, Yellen emphasized the need for stronger climate finance policies through 2050 to address the “existential threat” to communities and economic strain posed by climate change.

    “Neglecting to address climate change and the loss of nature and biodiversity is not just bad environmental policy. It is also bad economic policy,” she said.

    But what is the carbon footprint of burning all those giant piles of money?

    • cyto

      Hahaha. Way to sum it all up.

      I cannot believe how up-front our “betters” are about their graft.

      It is line Remy’s “People will die”, except “give us $3 trillion or people will die”.

      LOL. It sounds like Doctor Evil. Did they all put their pinkies to the corner of their mouths?

    • Suthenboy

      Ok, so stealing 3T per year is their baseline grift. I dont get it? Why not just magically conjure up infinity money? That is what they want. There isn’t anything stopping them.
      “You will own nothing and be happy.” i.e. they own everything. It is really insane if you think about it for about…one tenth of a microsecond.

      • Suthenboy

        Oh wait. Infinity money…didnt the world renowned genius Krugnuts already suggest that? “We could mint 1T dollar coins! Genius!”
        “But Paul, they wont actually have any value”
        Krugnuts kaleidoscope eyes roll back in his head, then snap back* “We could mint them from…uh…PLATINUM! Yeah, that’s the ticket! Platinum!”
        “But Paul if you have enough platinum to mint a coin in platinum that big the price of platinum would tank completely. We might as well use it to pave streets.”

        I sound like I am joking…but if y’all remember, I am not. He actually said that. Also, we should fake an alien invasion. They tried to float that one too but it tanked. Notice the ‘SPACE ALIENS UFOIANS’ hysterical trial balloon has popped.

      • Beau Knott

        Or as Millei put it — if printing money would cure poverty, printing diplomas would cure stupidity. Or words to that effect.

    • Fourscore

      I thought the Green New Deal was an investment. Shouldn’t we be making money from it?

      GNDers must be using the same financial advisor that I have.

      • Suthenboy

        The return on the investment is like the doom of global warming…always just around the next bend.

        The environmental movement and green new deal in one word: Solyndra.
        All of it is a scam, plain and simple.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Earlier Saturday, at a roundtable with IDB President Ilan Goldfajn and finance ministers in Belém, the Treasury secretary unveiled the Amazon Region Initiative Against Illicit Finance, a program that aims to obstruct the financing of so-called nature crimes, such as illegal logging and mining, that threaten biodiversity in the region.

    “Nature crimes generate hundreds of billions of dollars of illicit revenue while harming local communities and threatening critical ecosystems,” Yellen said. “These crimes fuel corruption and destabilization wherever they occur.”

    More America, World Police bullshit. Fuck off, Janet. I hope Trump fires her on his first day back.

  32. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    So, you know that job I got whose main client is Facebook and I was supposed to help train the Meta AI?

    Now not only can you not find out information about flat earth or targeted things about covid and the covid shot, it’s memory-holed the assassination attempt.

    Google won’t populate the search results, either.

    Musk, you clever bastard, THANK YOU.

    • cyto

      It is amazing what people will tolerate.

      I found it profoundly confusing in 1991 when Clinton’s draft dodging was coming out. The exact same news anchor would tell me contradictory stories every 2 weeks.

      At the time I thought it was “bias”.

      But I have always marveled that I was the only one to notice, and nobody cared when I explained it.

      Today this wouldn’t be a rounding error on the massive public doublethink. I really overestimate people as a group.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        The people who won’t tolerate it are on Twitter, keeping the information well and truly alive.

      • cyto

        On this topic I have shared an article in the NYT about Eric Schmidt of Google forming The Groundwork to integrate with the back end of Google and other social media companies to manipulate search results and help Hillary and other democrats win.

        That article no longer shows up when I enter the search terms that used to pop it as the top result.

      • Fourscore

        Now do Biden, Trump, Cheney

    • rhywun

      Google won’t populate the search results, either.

      Was not aware of your activities in this matter but can you elaborate on this statement? Re: the assassination attempt as an example.

      As in, what did you do to arrive at that result?? Tks.

      • Beau Knott

        As always, The Bad Cat has some thoughts on this matter. Well worth a read.

      • Beau Knott

        Trying again.
        If that fails, it’s the “internet memory holes” article.

      • Beau Knott

        “Shirley”? you jest.
        ROFLMAO. Hoist by my own faux persona 😂😂😂

      • rhywun

        There is not memory holing – I found results pretty easily.

        What it is, is their auto-complete algorithm failing to make it easier to find for you – I don’t know what’s behind that.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        What it is, is their auto-complete algorithm failing to make it easier to find for you – I don’t know what’s behind that.

        Right. I said it won’t populate the search.

      • rhywun

        I understood that to mean it wasn’t returning search results 🙂

        Anyway I doubt this is anything nefarious.

        And now I see it’s Big News.

      • R C Dean

        “Anyway I doubt this is anything nefarious.”

        I don’t see how it can be accidental. Which means it’s nefarious.

      • rhywun

        I’m not privy to the algorithm they use to generate the autocomplete list so who knows.

        But given that all you have to do to work around it is type a complete search, why bother? It seems like a petty and worthless attempt at “burying” the news if you ask me.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    What if somebody did a “parody” of the Last Supper on black velvet, with poker-playing dogs in the place of Jesus and the Apostles?

    • cyto

      Depends. Did they publish it on a cat show aimed at general families?

    • cyto

      The image is worse than it was real time. The offense was intended though.

      The thing I had a problem with was the “love and literature” segment. Not for being trite and obvious with the “twist” that the obviously gay dude was flirting with the other obviously gay dude…. but for having the three of them run off to an apartment, closing the door in our face as they prepare to consulate their trist.

      My middle school daughter immediately said “they are going to have a 3-way.”


      Not the end of the world, but this was a prime time worldwide family-friendly broadcast.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, the whole point is to shock and offend. They know exactly what they are doing. It’s disgusting.

        My middle school daughter immediately said “they are going to have a 3-way.”

        I’m going to hell for sort of laughing. Sorry.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    I don’t give a shit about the olympics, so I never would have known anything about the rodeo clown drag queen Last Supper if it wasn’t plastered all over the nooz.

    Is that what the Streisand Effect is?

    • rhywun

      After the beatification of the NHS in London a few years ago, I would have been surprised at anything less ridiculous than Tranny Last Supper this time around.

      I watched a couple soccer and rugby matches but otherwise also couldn’t care less. I steered very clear of the opening ceremonies.

      • B.P.

        Let the Associated Press help you understand…


        First six words of story: “In an unprecedented display of inclusivity…” Also, “Among their bold performances…”

        Some French LGTB leader person: “He also highlighted the disparity in acceptance, saying that the community is not visible in other official ceremonies and “has difficulty being heard.””

        Yeah, transsexuals are totally invisible, and have a tough time getting attention.

        To put a bow on it, the AP has a “Donate” pop-up ad that reads: “We all pay a price for partisan news. How much do you value fact-based journalism?”

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        In about six weeks or so, I will watch some of the shooting competitions, but that is about it. The wife loves women’s gymnastics, not sure if she watches anything else though.

      • R C Dean

        Gotta love how “inclusivity” includes “shitting on the religion of around a billion or so people”.

  35. pan fried wylie

    Bad news, the window tint on my car is starting to delaminate.


    Good news, lifetime warranty! They are going to redo the whole car and I already have the appointment booked.


    Merchant: The tint also contains Sodium Benzoate.

    Homer: …

    Merchant: That’s bad.

    • Sean

      Are you implying I lick my windows?

      • slumbrew

        Comment *Windowlicker

  36. cyto

    Local news…. Venezuela election. Standup in front of Venezuela consulate.

    “Concerns about election fraud…”

    Huh. Election denial is sometimes OK, I suppose.

    They arr pimping the opposition, saying there is a lot of hope.

    Huh. I had no clue there was even a hint of fair elections in Venezuela


      Apparently, Maduro’s campaign is to make Melei the boogeyman, calling him “Far right” etc.

      I presume South American elections are decided by who can get more people with knuckle dusters to the most polling places.

  37. cyto

    Also from the news… Trump was in Minnesota today. Pretty solid dem region.

    Drew 8,000.

    This after the media fawned over Harris drawing maybe 1,500 in the deep blue city of Milwaukee.

    • Evan from Evansville

      My friend (and hopefully more eventually) was pissed she didn’t get to go, despite having tickets. Her friend stood her up and she didn’t get a ride. She’s only 45 min away, but she found out folk were out camping for seats at 4-6am.

      Bummer. She REALLY wanted to go. She isn’t a Trump acolyte, but she detests Team Blue FAR more. She’d fit in nicely here. (I’ve tried. Online ain’t her bag.)

      • rhywun

        camping for seats at 4-6am


        Can you imagine anyone camping out to see his opponent?

      • R C Dean

        “Online ain’t her bag.”


      • Evan from Evansville

        I’m tryin’. She’s “trapped” in Saint Sauk, MN. We came back from Korea ’round the same time. Fiendishly smart, cute, independent, and sometimes caustically stubborn. (Peas. Pod.) She’s openly admitted to what we’ve known for a while, that she should scout out Indy for far better employment opps. This is coupled w us being remarkably similar and we genuinely, dearly love each other. Just not *that* way, though… we’re pushing in that direction.

        Hopefully a teammate to help each Yankee navigate King Arthur’s Courts in America. We both feel so out-of-place.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    GNDers must be using the same financial advisor that I have.

    It’s the venture capital model: you raise a bunch of money and spend it on big salaries, fancy offices, and more money raising.

  39. pan fried wylie

    Aldi Obama

    Tan Quayle

    Chick Chaney

    Gal Gore

    George Hot Wet Bush


      Sable Agnew
      Her-ald Ford
      Richard Chixson

      • Shpip

        The Uslurper

        The Cackolyte

        The Apparatchick

  40. The Late P Brooks

    “We could mint them from…uh…PLATINUM! Yeah, that’s the ticket! Platinum!”

    No, you fool, we mint the trillion dollar dubloons out of plutonium, and drop them on our creditors.

    • Suthenboy

      Dubloons? Dollars? I thought we were using Flanian Pobble Beads these days.

  41. Ted S.

    This has to have been staged.

      • Ted S.

        The train will be approaching soon.

    • DrOtto

      Doesn’t make it not funny.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    Shocking plot twist

    Downey had seemingly finished his Marvel career in 2019 when, after playing Stark across 10 films, his superhero alter ego Iron Man finally died fighting Thanos in “Avengers: Endgame.”

    But on Saturday, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige surprised the crowd at San Diego Comic-Con when he announced Downey’s return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe — this time as Doctor Doom, or Victor Von Doom.


    Even Gwyneth Paltrow, who co-starred as Pepper Potts in the “Iron Man” franchise, shared her surprise on Downey’s Instagram post, commenting, “I don’t get it, are you a baddie now?”

    Ten bucks is ten bucks.

    • UnCivilServant

      I don’t see it.

      Poor casting choice.

      • Beau Knott

        I have to disagree. I think he can rise (descend?) to the requirements of the character.

      • The Hyperbole

        Exactly, Should have been John Cusack, America’s greatest living actor!

      • UnCivilServant

        you just referenced someone so obscure I couldn’t name any of their work.

      • Sean

        “America’s greatest living actor”

        Willem Dafoe.

        Fight me.

      • The Hyperbole

        When I read about Dug Fitzhelen, I picture John Cusack as the swashbuckling adventurer. Its a part he was born to play, almost like you wrote it with him in mind.

      • The Hyperbole

        “Fight me.”

        The man can’t even spell his name correctly, “Willem” really? pretentious much. also was ‘Willem’ in “Con Air”? What’s that…He wasn’t? I rest my case.

      • Don escaped Texas

        I rest my case

        Wiljahelmaz war der Erste 🙂

        after that it’s like Latin: however the local yokels pronounce it

        I try to write my English in complete sentences with proper tenses and noun-subject agreement, all the Strunk and White stuff, but I’ve completely let names go and get softer on the rest every. This comes from sharing conversations in broken bits of tongues from all over north Europe and realizing, being thrilled at the high achievement of the North Sea that English is.

        Imagine if the Normans had held onto gender and declination: how different English now would be if Vikings speaking poor French had forced more of that on Britain.

        The judges would have also accepted Guillaume.

      • rhywun

        how different English now would be if Vikings speaking poor French had forced more of that on Britain

        There is at least one con-lang for that.

        I’ll spare y’all the gorey details.

      • Don escaped Texas


        I defer to you language types, of course

        I’m a hillbilly with a technical education who has never really learned how all the linguistic gears fit together, but every revelation fascinated me. I like to think of myself as functionally illiterate in four languages.

        for me it is a triumph if the Clouseaux et Tontos of the world can understand each other

      • Not Adahn

        UnCiv: Cusak’s greatest movie is Tapeheads. Watch it.

      • UnCivilServant

        Is it about repairing VHS or Betamax?

      • Not Adahn

        Repairing, no. Making, yes. More specifically, making music videos.

    • Gdragon

      When I saw this it made me think of Philip Seymour Hoffman’s character wanting/trying to play both Jesus and Judas in a production of “Jesus Christ Superstar” in “Along Came Polly”. I hope that Robert Downey Jr. is a better basketball player.

  43. Ownbestenemy

    If Sy Herh’s sources are correct…Obama just put the Clinton’s out to pasture in terms of any power in the Democratic party and really aligns with the Chicago way.

    • R.J.

      That’s no surprise.

      • Ownbestenemy

        It isn’t but we know who won the Dem civil war…or at least the opening battle

      • R.J.

        I think Obama won the civil war of the dems. The Neocons and moderate dems who rules for years are now politically homeless. Most of them are aged, and ready to retire or drop dead. Next we get probably 16 years of shrieking, maudlin wokies. Possibly less, those people burn themselves out on drugs and mental anguish really quick. His revolution is not sustainable, even with the vampiric appeal to take other people’s children and ruin them to spread his woke virus.

      • Tres Cool

        And keep in mind that every election henceforth will be “the most important election ever to save our democracy” according to the media.

      • B.P.

        Interesting take, R.J.

      • R C Dean

        The neocons still have a home, of sorts, with eGOP that is fighting a rearguard action against the Trumpists.

        And they seem to be deeply embedded where it matters – in the Defense/Intelligence Industrial Complex.

  44. Derpetologist

    The science textbooks I was given for my new teaching job are from a series called Exploring Creation. The biology one mentions evolution in passing as a “hypothesis”. Meh. Evolution was barely mentioned in my 12th grade biology class in public school. Aside from neglecting evolution and geologic time, the books seem decent. They also introduced me to a wonderful new form of derp:

    Asthe young-earth creationists at Answers in Genesis worked to complete their Ark Encounter “theme park” in Northern Kentucky, an impressive amount of time and energy went to the development of a new creationist zoology called baraminology. For neocreationists, the familiar system of Linnaean taxonomy (kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species) has far too much evolutionary baggage. To replace this, they have introduced the concept of baramins, a term for the groups of organisms purportedly created by God just a few thousand years ago.

    I don’t plan on bashing Christianity on the job, but I’m not saying any prayers either. Hopefully they’ll just let me teach.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Congrats on the new job! I also hope they just let you teach. I imagine you’ll want more leash than they’ll allow, but I trust you (far more than me? not positive) to separate Internal UCS from Work UCS.
      I had a year or two in when I had a series of classes per week that I got to completely construct from scratch, no materials. They had a web projector so pictures etc could be easily used. Pretty much a planned lesson, full of performance and audio/vid to teach, and even if they didn’t understand everything (ESL), I made sure it was interesting enough to follow along as best they could. Kids understanding ~75% was my goal for higher level kids. They could get it, hear/learn new grammar constructions/ ways of speaking, and be entertained.
      Earning a rep where kids are legit excited to come to your class to learn was beyond rewarding. Cherish it when it comes, and enjoy while it lasts. In different frequencies, I usually got lucky with my classes. Ya do remember the shitty kids. Onward and upward! I hope my job search goes well. *fingers crossed*

      • UnCivilServant

        Ev, did you just confuse me and Derpy?

      • Evan from Evansville

        Holy shit…yes I did and I’m not sure why. You’re a government employee in NY.

        Huh. Pretty mighty swing-and-whiff on that one from me.

  45. Tres Cool

    As I build on the “home office”, its time to upgrade the ancient Konica-Minolta PagePro 1350W printer I have. Which is bullet-proof, but has limitations.
    I’m looking for an all-in-one laser, perhaps color. Ill likely actually be scanning more than Ill be printing.

    Soliciting recommendations.

    • R.J.

      Dell e525w color laser printer with scanner and document feeder. Look around for deals, I only paid $450 for mine. An absolute beast that uses aftermarket toner no problems, refills are still under $30 and last a year, unless you push out thousands of pages. It is also wireless, so you put it anywhere.


      • R.J.

        According to Amazon I have had mine since 2016.

      • Tres Cool

        The document feeder only holds 15 sheets. Not a deal breaker, but a consideration.

      • rhywun

        What is this “document feeder”?

        Yeah, my needs might be less than yours.

    • rhywun

      I bought this little number on impulse at BestBuy recently (I was actually looking for a different, non-laser model on the shelf after the research I had done).

      Am very pleased with it. B&W only but that’s perfect for my needs. Their software makes scanning surprisingly easy.

    • Don escaped Texas

      wow: ten years later you can still get a Brother MFC-J470DW, used for $70

      I’m not serious about used equipment, and mine is useless advice: things that were good tend to get cheapened until they evaporate from the market, so who the hell knows if the models Brother is selling now are remotely as robust….no way to tell

      I would say most Sigs and Glocks are good to go, but I don’t know what to think about anything else anymore

      • Gustave Lytton

        Brother, but laser not inkjet. Our last multifunction laser was only replaced because we wanted a duplexer.

    • B.P.

      Same thing on bing, with even weirder results.

    • R C Dean

      That’s the visible part of the algorithm/promotion/deprecation. What you don’t see is how the algorithm affects search results. So if that’s what you can see they are doing, you know the big picture is worse.

      • Gdragon

        I saw that Snapchat AI’s excuse was apparently that the Trump assassination attempt is too recent for it to know about. I wonder what it says if you ask it how many felonies Donald Trump has been convicted of?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Well that would lead to more human interventions because as soon as the story breaks and people start searching, the “AI” should have incorporated any click-throughs or additional search terms. Its been hours and still nothing. Smells like shit, must be shit.

      • Gdragon

        This is part of why I don’t rely on AI for anything (and never will).

      • Evan from Evansville

        Ignoramus here, as I know both are intertwined: How much is pure algorithm, and how much reflects legit user searches? I expect searches for [not Trump] are magnified and “Trump” searches are downplayed. Not sure to what extent.

        Or if it’s Old Twitter, where individual human hands were, as far as I recall, legit on the levers controlling what speech “passed” and what was voided. Hrm-dinger-diddly-doo…

      • B.P.

        My thoughts as well, Evan. And then I type things into the search engine. People can’t all of a sudden be really curious about an attempt on President Truman’s life in in 1950 (which no one has ever really heard of).

      • Pope Jimbo

        I saw that Snapchat AI’s excuse was apparently that the Trump assassination attempt is too recent for it to know about.

        I am not convinced. I realize that I would probably get roasted by “fact checkers” because that is Meta AI and not SnapChat’s AI, but I think it illustrates the lie.

  46. Ownbestenemy

    I-40 getting shut down is a big deal with regards to the lithium fire or whatever, but the dramatics are amazing. I have been stuck on I-15 between LA and Vegas numerous times, the longest was 12 hours.

    Idle the car, roll down the windows, whatever. Its not the end of the world for the majority of people.

    Hell I think one time through the Great Basin on the way to Idaho we spent the day getting to know our fellow travelers and some even broke out BBQs.

  47. The Bearded Hobbit

    Greetings from Alaska,

    I haven’t been keeping up with my travelogue because of the large time zone difference. I’m either too late or too early on threads.

    Had a great visit with Animal and his Mrs. today. The wife and I have visited with about a dozen glibs in our travels and every single one of them has been a delight.

    Alaska is beautiful, even more than I expected. Many, many glaciers and ice fields despite being dead by 2012. Roads can be tricky, sometimes undulating like a roller coaster. The last stretch from Canada was like driving through a minefield. Trying to dodge potholes and sometimes there was no place to dodge to.

    Kainai tomorrow, Denali in the next few days.

    Keep well my friends.

    • slumbrew

      Continued safe travels, Hobbit.

      I’m sure I’d not be alone in welcoming a post-trip write-up.

    • UnCivilServant

      Hope you took a lot of pictures!

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        My intentions were to take many pictures but between the wildfire smoke and the rain and fog I’ve only taken a few. Hopefully things will clear up. Upcoming events are the Kanai peninsula, Denali, and the trip to the Arctic Ocean.

        @slumbrew, I’ve had a post trip post in mind all along.

      • UnCivilServant

        Did you get some of the smoke and fog? Those are still interesting.

  48. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    So, I saw a tweet where the reader was asking for books written by “neurodivergent” people and/or had “neurodivergent” characters. Well. I was halfway through my tweet wherein I said I don’t know if I’m “neurodivergent” and if I am, I don’t care, but that I wrote two Aspies. Then I deleted all that because, fuck, does that make me sound like a newspeak panderer or what.

    No, I don’t care if I’m autistic and I’m sick of all this neurodivergency bullshit because if you’re functioning in society, what you are is QUIRKY and you have some weird habits. If everybody’s autistic, nobody’s autistic. Furthermore, I didn’t set out to write Aspies. They’re just wildly quirky.

    Anyhoo. A psychologist I took my son to see for autism testing asked me, “What is your understanding of autism?” I said, “As far as I can tell, anything from mildly quirky to profoundly retarded.” My son was all, “Whoa, you said the R-word.” But the psychologist was like, “Well, yes, pretty much.” And then I said, “That takes up about 80% of the planet. We’re done here.”

    I don’t like the whole “neurodivergent” silliness. People have strengths and weaknesses and personalities and character traits. Some of them are odder than others.

    And some people are profoundly intellectually disabled and must be protected and taken care of.


    • UnCivilServant

      Not much I can add to that.

      And you know how opinionated I am.

    • rhywun

      I have a sibling with profound socialization issues (autistic? I guess so – I had never heard the word in the previous decades dealing with it) so when I hear what sounds like normal people going on about being “neurodivergent” it grinds my gears to no end.

      To me it just screams “look at me”.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        In the past, that was called “painfully shy” and everybody knew what that means.

    • slumbrew

      “If everybody’s autistic, nobody’s autistic”


      At this point “the spectrum” is so broad it’s useless. Who’s not on “the spectrum”?

      • UnCivilServant

        “Normal” is supposed to be a range that encompasses the bulk of a population. You can’t have 80% ‘Abnormal’

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        I watch a YouTube channel of this guy who cleans hoarder houses. I love what he does, but he’s constantly telling people he’s autistic and so he enjoys the cleaning process.

        Fuck. My mom is so definitely not autistic and cleaning is practically her whole fucking personality. (Not Really.) (Sorry, mom.)

        Why can’t he just LIKE it? Full stop. “I like doing this.” Okay, that’s good, because other people don’t. Enjoying helping people get their houses in order with grace and kindness doesn’t make you autistic.

      • Gender Traitor

        I get annoyed that the word “spectrum” has been commandeered for this one human trait. When someone says, “He’s on the spectrum,” I want to ask, “Which one?” All sorts of human characteristics range across a spectrum.

        For that matter, what would you call someone at the extreme opposite end of the behavioral spectrum from the severely autistic with serious communication/human interaction difficulties? Aren’t those at the other end necessarily out of the norm and in need of intervention? (I suspect they’re those annoying, exhausting extroverts who think they’re just fine.)

      • hayeksplosives

        I have to exercise great effort to keep from rolling my eyes when I hear “neurodivergent.”

        Some of my liberal underlings use that term in “normal” conversation.

        Maybe they are so used to classifying people into group identities that any natural variation in individual personalities is perceived as “divergent” or “on the spectrum.”

    • Suthenboy

      Y’all need to get with the program. If we are going to destroy this culture and replace it with one more accepting of bending the knee we need to keep selecting for outside of normal. We are this close *pinches fingers showing a slim bit of light between them* to making Mordacai Sheriff and Mayor.

    • Ted S.

      Norman Bates is “neurodivergent”.

      All the crazies are, and literature is full of the mentally ill.

  49. CPRM

    Just got done with a 830 mile drive. Time for a beer.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Don’t leave me hanging. Did you make the putt?

      • UnCivilServant

        He doesn’t know yet – the ball’s still rolling.

  50. cyto

    All hell is breaking loose in Venezuela. All indicators are that the opposition was headed for victory in the election.

    Then, they haulted counting. The opposition says they blocked poll watchers.

    The opposition says they were denied access to ballots to count.

    There are videos of Maduro supporters stealing ballot boxes.

    The government just declared Maduro the Victor with 80% of the vote in.

    Sound familiar??

    • dbleagle

      All too familiar from 2020 and what I fear for 2024.

    • UnCivilServant

      You have to shoot your way out of socialism.

      • UnCivilServant

        Burning all the commies might make a dent. But puts a lot of toxicity into the atmosphere.

      • Suthenboy

        In the second link I like the scene where Milei (played by a girl *smdh*) takes the bomb and machine gun from Venezuela who is barely able to plead “Hh…help me”

      • UnCivilServant

        I haven’t watched it, I’m watching people singing modern songs in classical latin.

      • Suthenboy

        It is The Blob remake. Some dude drives a truck full of liquid nitrogen at the blob but crashes. His gf takes a bomb from a wounded by the blob guy in a hazmat suit and puts it on the tank of the truck to blow it up and release all of the nitrogen. Of course B movie logic doesnt work in reality. Neither does Hercules chopping off hydra’s heads while his nephew cauterizes the necks.
        In the same way that we cant battle human nature by creating the new soviet man we also cannot keep children from playing with matches…the appeal of socialism to the naive…except by taking away the matches.
        Are we going to have to criminalize socialist thought and policy?
        I dont have an answer.

      • UnCivilServant

        Killing an idea requires two prongs which violate your principles – Kill off those who uphold the idea, and indoctrinate the young to the point where the very thought of entertaining the idea becomes anathema. There is not fast nor clean way to do it. And it canot be done simply by talking.

      • Suthenboy

        Yeah, I know.
        Where is our Neechee guy?
        ““Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

      • The Hyperbole

        Some things are out of your control.

      • Brochettaward

        Maybe outside of your control you small handed seconder.

      • Sean

        Why would I do that?

        Thwarting evil?

    • Ted S.

      [Thinks of ways to ruin Sean’s day]

      • Suthenboy

        Have him watch the news for five minutes?

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, Suthen, UCS, Teh Hype, Bro, and Ted’S., and good afternoon Pie!

      I think I’ll wait to ruin someone’s day on a day I’m NOT working on payroll. I could ruin a lot of folks’ days all at once, but…

      • UnCivilServant

        …you get a paycheck, and you get a paycheck, and you get a paycheck.

      • Sean


    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Nah, it’s too hot around here to carry around sunshine in a bag.

  51. PieInTheSky

    The Venezuela election are a testament of the enduring good work done by president elect Maduro.

    • Suthenboy

      I am still shaking my head over the people who were giddy in 2005 telling me how wonderful and beautiful Chavez was and how they were going to show us this time. Paradise on earth will be undeniable. I remember movie star morons going down to grin like hell and have their picture taken with that monster.
      I had a conversation with one of those people not a month ago and they denied any memory of praise they had for Chavez. Have any movie star booger eatin’ morons gone to meet Maduro? Yesterday I see that more than a quarter of the population has fled Venezuela.
      I know, wrong people in charge, not real communism, needed a bigger hammer…blah blah blah. Same old shit over and over again.
      Now they think Harris hung the moon and they are going to show us this time.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        They’re the kind of people who’ll worship whatever political figure they’re told to worship and are best avoided. The about face the mass media and the Dem establishment have done with Harris has been interesting to behold if not unexpected.

  52. Ownbestenemy

    Good Morning good folks, or just folks, or bad folks.

    Something in our fridge is going out..still under this house warranty, so at least we can get it fixed/replaced for $100. Guess I will see come Wednesday. For now we have the basement fridge packed (normally for beer, overflow milk, etc) and a minifridge setup to house all our goodies.

    Weekend was good but I put off doing the lawn. On the other hand, I processed 10lbs of tomatoes for freezing/canning. Little 5×5 garden still churning out cucumbers, yellow squash, second tomato plant which is a yellow variety of what is almost a Roma type/maybe Amish Paste…can’t remember is starting to ripen. Winter squashes are starting to come in like butternut and spaghetti.

    Should be fun next season when I expand this from a hodgepodge 25 sqft to about 150 sqft. We do our best to support local suppliers of eggs and get to know them. Guess I should start seeing if they want to exchange some veggies for eggs in the future. Or hell, even some homemade bacon if they want.

    • UnCivilServant

      Congratulations. Barter for eggs is good.

      The only thing I’ve managed to grow so far is some lavender seedlings, which are at most two inches tall right now. The pot is crowded, but I’m not supposed to transplant them until 3-5 inches.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Wife has a few lavender plants going up on the deck with some mint and lemon grass. Deck stuff is all in pots. I do want to make a box for up there for all our herbs

    • Fourscore

      My garden aka weed patch, is 4000 sq ft, 40 X 100. Early stuff is mostly gone and tomatoes haven’t started ripening. Winter squash has really taken over it’s share of he garden.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I’d like about 1000 sq ft, but that’d probably take up most of the backyard. I could utilize some of the front yard and side yard if I really wanted to and I might.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Debate: Raised garden beds? Yes or no!?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Depends on your natural soil I suppose and what your goals are. NKY has fantastic soil. It was raised beds when I was in Vegas.

  53. Ownbestenemy

    Then what is the point?

    All jokes aside, we should frame them as men I guess. Or just go back to radio broadcasting of the Games.