IFLA: The “I Hope You’re Having a Better Time” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of July 14

by | Jul 14, 2024 | IFLA | 279 comments

Last week had a very bad outlook, this week looks to be better (but not all that much). I personally will probably not be having a good time since I’m scheduled to be flying. The Moon-Earth coupling is the main force (as you might expect) with domestic life kind of being crappy on Tuesday (Mars) but then turning around on Friday (Jupiter). The day after that there should be developments in a war. Which one, who can say? But we can say that the indications are toward duplicity. An ambush? A sneak attack? Perhaps a successful misinfo operation or a leader taken down (not saying whether politically or physically) by and underling/supposed ally.

Cancer: Page of Cups reversed – Taste, inclination, attachment, seduction, deception, artifice.

Leo: Ace of Swords – Triumph, the excessive degree in everything, conquest, great force.

Virgo: Page of Wands – Dark young man, faithful, a lover, an envoy, a postman, a dangeous rival.

Libra: The Lovers – Attraction, love, beauty, trials overcome. 

Scorpio: 3 of Coins reversed – Mediocrity, puerility, pettiness, weakness.

Sagittarius: Queen of Swords – Widowhood, female sadness and embarrassment, absence, sterility, mourning, privation, separation. 

Capricorn: The Hierophant reversed – Society, good understanding, concord, overkindness, weakness.

Aquarius: 8 of Cups – Joy, mildness, timidity, honor, modesty, the decline of a matter, or that a matter which has been thought to be important is really of slight consequence.

Pisces: Ace of Cups – House of the true heart, joy, content, abode, nourishment, abundance, fertility; Holy Table, felicity.

Aries: Page of Swords – Authority, overseeing, secret service, vigilance, spying, examination.

Taurus: The Tower – The worst card in the deck, insert your own interpretation here.

Gemini: 10 of Wands – Oppression simply, but it is also fortune, gain, any kind of success and then it is the oppression of these things. False-seeming, disguise, perfidy.

About The Author

Not Adahn

Not Adahn

Despite all my rage, I am still just an impeccably dressed rat.


  1. Brochettaward

    Didn’t even predict this First. Dropping the ball on what’s really important.

    • Tres Cool

      Now that you’ve dropped that ball, perhaps yours will follow.

      • Toxteth O'Grady


    • Aloysious

      I dropped all three of my balls.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Sagittarius: Queen of Swords – Widowhood, female sadness and embarrassment, absence, sterility, mourning, privation, separation.

    Just another day in Paradise.

  3. PieInTheSky

    Cancer: Page of Cups reversed – Taste, inclination, attachment, seduction, deception, artifice.

    what? it is waaaay to hot for any of that shit. lie under AC doing nothing more like.

  4. Brochettaward

    Biden DHS has repeatedly denied Trump extra Secret Service protection.

    • Gustave Lytton

      You broke the 30 min rule! Oh noesz! You’ll be taken behind the woodshed and shot.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Enjoying the local media putting air quotes, modifiers, minimizing or otherwise attempting to bury this story.

      • Tres Cool

        Nearly everything Ive read used quotes “attempted assignation”

  5. Gustave Lytton

    This space for hire. When slack ass contributors don’t fill-in the Excerpt box on their posts, editors step in to fill the gap. And by “fill the gap,” mean…

    • R.J.

      It is harder to remember to do a picture and excerpt now. It’s all hidden in the block editor.

      • Not Adahn

        Last week I was in town three days. This week I’ll be in town two.

        Wanna blow your mind, reread the first sentence of last week’s horoscope.

      • R.J.

        Boy yeah.

      • Nephilium

        Can confirm. I know I’ve missed it a couple times recently. I recently realized that I’ve been using the categories/tags wrong too.

        The layout tools are kind of nifty for text at least.

      • Tonio

        Mea culpa. I could have sworn there was a Featured Illo when I edited and scheduled this post.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    Comic relief

    The U.S. High Speed Rail Association (USHSR) published a map outlining its proposal for a new 17,000-mile national high-speed rail network across the United States, which it claims will “cut our carbon footprint by epic proportions.”

    Under the plan, which the USHSR proposes to build in four stages, it would be possible to travel between Seattle, Washington; San Diego, California; Miami, Florida; and Boston, Massachusetts, entirely on 220-mile-per-hour high-speed rail lines.

    The past few years have seen a renaissance in high-speed rail interest across the United States, following decades of little activity. A number of lines are either proposed or under construction. Integrated high-speed rail networks already exist across much of Western Europe, Japan, and China, which, according to Statista, had a 25,000-mile-long network in 2021.

    The first stage of the new network proposed by the USHSR would see construction focused around seven regions, including lines connecting Dallas to San Antonio and Houston, Chicago to Minneapolis and Detroit, and New York City to Washington, D.C.

    This stage includes the completion of the California High-Speed Rail, a line already under construction that is intended to run between San Francisco and Los Angeles. It also proposes a line linking Las Vegas, Nevada, to Los Angeles, similar to a line currently being built that will connect Las Vegas to southern California.

    All your dreams will come true.

    • Brochettaward

      This sounds like a trillion dollar boondoggle. Makes that shit in California look quaint.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        More like 20 trillion.

      • Suthenboy

        It sounds like that because….it is. Same ol’ scam, never gets old apparently.

    • juris imprudent

      I don’t suppose anyone ever bothers actually looking at the traffic between those destinations. They just assume they need connectivity?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        What the railheads fail to articulate is that, while they may hate it, cars are often the most efficient way of moving people to exactly where they want to go, from exactly where they are. And that is what they have to overcome.

      • Tonio

        For some of these people it is explicitly about denying people the ability to go directly from where they are to their ultimate destination at a time of their choosing and in privacy and comfort. Always remember that upstream of every naive do-gooder is someone who hates your freedom and wants to control your life.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      San Diego to anywhere long distance would require a hell of a lot of tunnels, hope that works out…….

  7. The Late P Brooks

    Nearly everything Ive read used quotes “attempted assignation”

    That would be the ALLEGED “attempted assassination”, if you don’t mind.

    Also- remember who is the uberboss of the Secret Service: Janet Yellin. She’ll get to the bottom of this. You can depend on it.

    • Gender Traitor

      Not that it was an improvement, but SS was moved to DHS in ’03.

  8. Mojeaux

    Taurus: The Tower – The worst card in the deck, insert your own interpretation here.

    That would be me getting back on ye olde lowe carbe regimen.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    SS was moved to DHS in ’03.


    *today I learned

  10. Ted S.

    Last week’s Gemini horoscope:

    Gemini: 2 of Coins – Recreation, news and messages in writing, obstacles, agitation, trouble, embroilment.

    • Suthenboy

      They didn’t happen to mention or quote when and where Trump encouraged this, did they?

    • Not Adahn

      When talking about presidential assassinations, there’s only bone persons options that matters and it’s not David Frum.

      It’s Jodi Foster.

    • Raven Nation

      Well, it is Frum, so pretty much as expected.

      Plus, “that might consensus” automatically tells you where he’s coming from. I really do have to get my piece on the history of history written.

      • juris imprudent

        Frum won’t even be a footnote in the history of this era.

  11. Suthenboy

    Wait a minute. Why come the stars didn’t predict the Trump shooting? It seems like it might have been handy to know about it beforehand.

    “Mediocrity, puerility, pettiness, weakness.” So, another day ending in Y.

    In that spirit I advised everyone I have talked to “Buy oil stocks or Index funds, whatever. Trump is going to win sure as shit and it’s gonna be drill baby drill, causing oil stocks and the market in general to shoot up. “Oh..I dunno. I would have to pay taxes…” “I am afraid that blah blah”

    *Sigh* Ok, suit yourselves.

    • Brochettaward

      Trump? Who cares about Trump? I Firsted.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Last weeks for him:

      Gemini: 2 of Coins – Recreation, news and messages in writing, obstacles, agitation, trouble, embroilment.

    • Not Adahn

      This week is uneventful until Saturday

      That was last week’s prediction, Saturday being very bad omens involving Saturn retrograde.

    • DrOtto

      Only problem being oil stocks went down under Trump. Low price per barrel is hard on stock prices.

  12. Suthenboy

    Repost from dedthread cuz I posted too late:

    Y’know how at the close of ceremony graduates all toss their mortarboards in the air? I am imagining a cloud of tinfoil hats in the air.
    Re: Blackrock connection mentioned above. Last night or this morning I predicted ‘lone wolf loon’ that will be revealed to have some connection with left wing campaigns, NGO, or political action group. That is exactly who it turned out to be, some unknown who actually has some close peripheral connection with Biden and donated to Biden (at a 20yo?). A true lone wold nut would be Ted Kaczynski. A real unknown schizophrenic who had no political connections or any real connections of any kind. It wasn’t that guy. It was a socially awkward kid who somehow appeared in an ad at his high school in nowhere, USA for a company that has extremely close connections to Creepy Joe. There is a claim that the police sniper was prevented from taking out the would be assassin by the head of the SS, a woman who just happens to be unreachable at the moment.
    With shit like this I dont believe in coincidences.
    Solid evidence of the Dem’s hands all over this: They fucked it up.

  13. kinnath

    The google news coverage of the attempted assassination remains quite muted.

    I wonder why.

    • Gustave Lytton

      You know what completely got buried? Any talk about Biden’s cognitive ability.

      /puts on tin foil hat

      • kinnath


        The effort to replace President Biden as the Democratic Party’s 2024 nominee has lost all momentum and is essentially “over” following the assassination attempt against former President Trump, allies of the president say, according to a new report.

        A steady stream of Democratic lawmakers and top donors had called on Biden to drop out of the race throughout last week and the weekend. Allies of Biden now say Trump’s attempted slaying has taken the wind from the sails of Biden’s critics.

      • cavalier973

        That’s so weird.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Don’t despair, letting Biden stay in is the best thing for the Trumpster’s chances out there.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Not weird at all. The public are easily swayed by a girl describing spitting on a dick and elevating her to fandom…

  14. Brochettaward

    I seem to be one of the few who isn’t engaging in dramatics over this. I am, in fact, rather amused and joyful. I mean, sucks for the person who died and all. But I feel like Otto Hightower when he Aemon loses his eye and then claims the biggest dragon. Trump just won the election barring unprecedented levels of fraud. Extreme, blatant fraud (which I would not rule out – they just tried to kill the guy).

    I’m in this for the laughs. A second Trump term is going to cause a meltdown the likes of which we’ve never seen before. 2016 will look sane.

    • EvilSheldon

      I think it’s worth asking, since you brought it up: Who would benefit most from really extreme, blatant, undeniable levels of election fraud? I think that the Dems would benefit from a level of fraud that drag a close race across the finish line, but not so much from a level of fraud that would cast serious doubt upon their mandate…

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I don’t think they care ultimately. Would their mandate being harmed by an air of illegitimacy be worse to them than being out of power completely? The answer is no and all the democracy talk is a canard anyway. We’ll see obviously and there’s a few months left for them to try again too.

      • juris imprudent

        Have you watched the reporting on Labour’s victory in Britain? No one talks about them actually LOSING votes from the last election, or that their “mandate” in Parliament is thanks to 1/3rd of the voters.

      • Brochettaward

        You know who else thought he had a mandate with only a third of the vote?

    • Not Adahn

      Otto Hightower was the most underrated character in the Police Academy series.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      Trump just won the election barring unprecedented levels of fraud. Extreme, blatant fraud (which I would not rule out – they just tried to kill the guy).

      They’ve already done that in 2020. No one blinked.

      Several of us watched realtime in VA as Trump’s ballot count decreased by 100k on election night. In VA, it was simple enough to just make up whatever numbers they wanted. In other states, it was a little more complicated. So they shutdown vote counting for days as paper ballots were manufactured and brought in.

      There’s no such thing as margin of fraud. 2020 revealed the ballot counts can be easily shifted to whatever the counters want. If a 100k decrease broadcasted on live television isn’t extreme and blatant, then I don’t know what falls under that category. That’s the kind of shit pulled when the ruling leadership knows they don’t even have to pretend for legitimacy anymore.

      • trshmnstr

        There’s no such thing as margin of fraud. 2020 revealed the ballot counts can be easily shifted to whatever the counters want.

        We’ll find out this cycle. I still in the “margin of fraud” camp, but I can be swayed.

      • R C Dean

        If 2020 was a trial run, then we saw that there is no remedy, zip, zero nada for problems in how elections are run and how ballots are counted. Not only that, we learned that challenging the announced results can get you prosecuted, even if you are an election commissioner.

        With that in mind, what on earth would the “margin of fraud” be? How would anyone even know what percentage of votes were fraudulent?

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        With that in mind, what on earth would the “margin of fraud” be? How would anyone even know what percentage of votes were fraudulent?

        ^Yes, this. “Margin of fraud” is a feelz good term.

        I have no idea how to quantify such a metric. I would have thought 100k subtracted votes would have qualified. 2020 showed us the counts are completely made up and no one even has enough of an idea to realistically protest.

    • KSuellington

      I predicted T Dog would win the day after they got his mugshot. The second I saw that video yesterday shortly after it happened and the raised fist of defiance along with a demand to get his shoes back I knew it would lead to a huge win. The photo of him with a raised fist and bloody face with the Stars and Stripes behind him is now an iconic photo of America as Neil on the moon or the Marines at Iwo Jima. Yes, it has all but assured that Biden will likely remain the candidate as the Dems now know he will lose and can pin it all on him instead of their shitty policies and backbenchers.

      • cavalier973

        Finally, someone gives an understandable reason for Biden staying in the race.

      • creech

        Why was Trump shoeless???

      • UnCivilServant

        I asked the same question.

        I have no idea.

      • KSuellington

        I think he takes off his shoes during rallies. Probably more comfortable standing up there behind the podium in just socks as he usually goes on for quite a while.

  15. cavalier973

    In Truth Social, someone was asking questions, including, “why did the secret service agents take so long to get to Trump? Seconds count.”

    And, in one video it does look like they took their time to reach Trump.
    In other videos, though, it looks like they are right there.


    In any case, it does look like the agents are positioned rather further away than they should be. They are scrambling up steps to get to Trump. Shouldn’t there have been at least one or two people right on the stage with him?

    • cavalier973

      If this incident was staged, if it was theater, then who staged it?

      Would he stage an event where real bullets are flying at him? He isn’t the President, but he can get the Secret Service to act out a fake assassination attempt?

      (Meaning, of course, the people using Biden as a puppet)
      How did they get everything arranged, (SS agents out of the way, Trump in a location that was exposed, etc.) and then flub the kill? Did the “real” sniper jam his rifle? Why would Team Biden “stage” a failed assassination attempt that only makes Trump both sympathetic and bad-ass?

      Also, I expect Team Trump to start toying with the idea that the Russians and/or the Chinese made the attempt, because they know that Trump would wreck them (in some undefinable way).

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yes, staged. Anyone saying that in a serious manner is a fool and an idiot and probably mentally ill.

      • juris imprudent

        Maybe those questions answer themselves – that trying to create more intricate narratives is fraught. Maybe that itself is a good thing?

  16. cavalier973

    Also, they’ve flubbed the name of the shooter. They revealed all three of his names, but that is only supposed to happen if the assassination attempt is successful.

    See: the Mel Gibson movie, Conspiracy Theory, and it’s discussion of John ? Hinkley.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I think there needs to be a 6 month rule instituted here…

  17. UnCivilServant

    I put some boneless shortribs in a bodged up marinade – 1/2 cup malt vinegar, 1/2 cup vegetable broth, 1 tablespoon pepper, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon dried aleppo pepper, 1 tablespoon “Italian Herb Mix”, diced onion (not measured).

    Hopefully I didn’t ruin perfectly good beef.

    • cavalier973

      What is aleppo?

      • UnCivilServant

        A person suffering from Hansen’s Disease.

      • DrOtto

        Who was worse as a group, Hanson or Nelson?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Malt vinegar? Interesting mix of herbs and spice. Will be interesting in how it comes out.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Are you braising it?

      • UnCivilServant

        I had the vinegar and realized I didn’t know what to do with it.

        I stumbled onto the aleppo and herb mix last night when I picked up the wrong spice jar and peppered the herb chicken.

        🤞 that it turns out.

      • UnCivilServant

        I haven’t decided on cooking method. Right now it’s marinading in the fridge.

      • cavalier973

        He’s braising it to the hilt.

  18. kinnath

    90 degrees and the dew point is 82.

    The lawn is not getting mowed today.

    • whiz

      Wimp. The heat index is 104 here and I just finished mowing our lawn. 🙂

      • UnCivilServant

        Narrator: “Whiz owns an enclosed cab lawn tractor with air conditioning”

      • Tundra

        Heat index is 106 here and I have no lawn.


      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Heat index of 88

        And I have a Mario.

      • Tundra

        You have an Italian gardener? Fancy!

      • kinnath


        Absolutely. I am an overweight senior citizen. I choose discretion over valor.

        Supposed to be beautiful on Tuesday. The lawn can stay shaggy for two more days.

      • whiz

        Walk-behind mower, albeit self-propelled. I am also a senior citizen, but thankfully fairly trim. I did also stop a couple of times to “recharge” my wet cooling hat.

    • rhywun

      A crisp 40% humidity here. After two weeks of ~100% I’m satisfied, even if we’re in yet another heat wave.

    • ElspethFlashman


  19. The Late P Brooks

    The appropriate expressions of dismay and condemnation from every prominent voice in American life have the additional effect of habituating Americans to Trump’s legitimacy. In the face of such an outrage, the familiar and proper practice is to stress unity, to proclaim that Americans have more things in common than that divide them. Those soothing words, true in the past, are less true now.

    Seek professional help, Frum, before it’s too late.

    • Suthenboy

      It’s too late. The TDS crowd will be like defeated Nazis or the child mutilation crowd. They have done something to heinous, so egregious that they cannot live with facing it so they will go to their graves insisting they were right.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    President Scumbag appeared on teevee to make a clear and forceful call for unity. When he turned to leave the podium he looked as if he had no idea where he was or where to go.

    He’ll be making further announcements campaign appearances in the coming hours and days.

    News readers announced the security services will be “re-evaluating” the President and Vice President’s travel and appearance plans. Clearly, yesterday was phase one of a plan to take out Biden and Harris. Or maybe they fear reprisal.

    • whiz

      Maybe they’ll use it as an excuse to limit (further) Biden’s public appearances.

      • R C Dean

        Ding ding ding.

    • Raven Nation

      Alex Jones was on this yesterday. He says it was the Deep State and the DS will kill Biden soon and frame a trump supporter

      • cavalier973

        I had the same idea

      • Tundra

        Did you get my message?

      • Raven Nation

        Just texted

  21. Pine_Tree

    Here’s my boring guess, which admittedly leaves one big hole:
    – That rooftop was supposed to belong to somebody local, like the county sheriff’s office or the state police. And for some reason they didn’t stick 2 guys up there (or on the higher one behind it), but had folks on the ground, as was mentioned in the BBC interview.
    – The 2 counter-sniper guys on the high barn behind Trump’s right shoulder were worried that the guy they were having trouble seeing on the reverse slope of the roof was indeed Deputy Barney Fife, so the didn’t shoot. The one on the high tripod even comes off his scope to see the broader context right before the first shot, to try to figure out the bigger picture. And they definitely didn’t deliberately let him shoot. Both were clearly startled as crap.

    The problem I still have is how in the world the shooter was able to supposed he’d be able to get on that roof. It seems like it would be the most unlikely place in the world for anybody to try anything, just based on the assumption that it’s such an obvious “gonna-be-defended” position.

    • trshmnstr

      The problem I still have is how in the world the shooter was able to supposed he’d be able to get on that roof.


      • R C Dean

        Dumb luck is a thing, you know.

      • Gustave Lytton

        “Million to one shot, doc…”

      • EvilSheldon

        So today I’ve talked online with two SOCOM snipers (in different units), and a retired Secret Service agent who was on details for Clinton and Bush 2. A few summarized comments:

        1.) The counter-snipers deployed at Trump’s events, if any, are going to be county or state police SWAT guys, operating under the authority of the Secret Service. Actual USSS counter-snipers (who are as good as anyone in government service) are brought out for the sitting president, maybe. There just aren’t enough of them.

        2.) Counter-sniper work is very very very hard, and spotting a threat and taking a shot takes longer than anyone thinks. This is why the first priority is to dogpile the principal and get bodies between him and potential lines of fire. The rifle teams are really there to clean up the mess.

        3.) The USSS has been getting by on reputation for a long time, and their operational capability has been going steadily downhill since the Obama era.

        There are lessons to be drawn here.

      • Gustave Lytton

        #3 Columbia piss hookers

        #2 Lon Horiuchi aside, quick shoot/don’t shoot is difficult without constant training and preparation. Counter sniping is different than most local swat sniping scenarios.

      • R C Dean

        Makes a lot of sense, Evil. Counter-sniper at a mass rally must be its own special kind of hell.

        Lon Horiuchi, like most SWAT snipers, isn’t on a counter-sniper/defensive mission. They are tasked with taking down targets in a very controlled situation.

        Just for fun, I laser ranged my back door neighbor. Right around 130 yards, oddly enough. Leaving that rooftop, with its clear line of sight close to the stage, unsecured was gross negligence. Hell, it should have had a detail on it just because it had a good view of the crowd.

      • trshmnstr

        Leaving that rooftop, with its clear line of sight close to the stage, unsecured was gross negligence. Hell, it should have had a detail on it just because it had a good view of the crowd.

        Yes. In fact, it was such a blunder that it’s a wonder that shooty mcAsshole didn’t set up camp at the complex another 100 yards behind it. Either he reconed the place and realized the mistake or he got really really lucky that the building in most prime position happened to be unobserved.

    • Gender Traitor

      Had the officer recently relocated from Florida?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Probably a transfer for Ulvade, TX

    • Ownbestenemy

      Might explain why the counter-sniper peeked above his scope just prior

    • juris imprudent

      “Where’s my backup?!?!”

      • Ted S.

        [Points to Jaz drive on desk]

    • Gustave Lytton

      “Fuck that. I didn’t sign up for this shit.”

      • juris imprudent

        I thought the line was “I’m too old for this shit”.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    “One local police officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder, and Crooks quickly took a shot toward Trump”

    Whoops, sorry. I didn’t know anybody was up here. My bad.

    • cavalier973

      “Can I ask you to keep the shooting to a minimum, sir?”

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Maybe they’ll use it as an excuse to limit (further) Biden’s public appearances.

    I just hope they don’t try to put Trump in lockdown.

    • Ted S.

      Oh good, the Copa America final is going to be pre-empted for a fucking politician.

      • rhywun

        Not yet it isn’t.

      • rhywun

        Oh never mind, I was thinking the currently airing Euros final.

      • rhywun

        Did Joe even talk? I flipped back to Fox around 8:15 and no Joe.

        Oh great, let’s talk about Messi for another half an hour.

      • Ted S.

        I don’t know. I wasn’t planning on turning it on until after the speech. I tuned in around 8:20 to hear that the start had been delayed to 8:45.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    They didn’t even have to Lloyd Ruby the kid. That’s convenient.

    • Ted S.

      Put him in a racecar?

    • R C Dean

      Well, knocking down an active shooter is what I would want them to do, not nance around negotiating his surrender while he’s mag dumping into a crowd.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Put him in a racecar?

    Haha, good catch, Ted.

    • Ted S.

      I did have to look to see if there was a real Lloyd Ruby.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Life, such as it is, goes on

    The AI Advantage: Revolutionizing Company Culture for Unmatched Business Success


    Company culture is top of mind these days, whether for recruiters enticing prospects, hiring managers deliberating over candidates’ potential fit, or leaders motivating and engaging employees to drive high-performing teams.

    Culture is key to improving employee engagement and driving retention, both essential to building a resilient, agile workforce. By one measure, 84% of an S&P 500 company’s value comes from its employees’ talents, skills, knowledge, work ethic and health.

    But to measure culture, human resources (HR) teams have long been limited to using basic data—how many employees are working, what they earn, when they join, when they leave—while struggling to identify who’s feeling engaged, who’s coming up with innovative ideas, and who’s building strong social bonds and fostering productivity and inclusivity.

    Legacy methods for measuring culture through surveys or consultants are often difficult, costly, and quickly dated, and they may not reveal the culture that shows up in colleagues’ interactions rather than hard numbers.

    However, the increasing power of artificial intelligence (AI) in HR reveals that many organizations are sitting on an untapped resource rich with data: employee recognition programs.

    Let he superior intellects from the Harvard Business Review show you how to maximize your potential through the power of collaboration (and bullshit).

    • rhywun

      So… “Employee of the Month”. How come nobody thought of this before?

  27. The Late P Brooks

    I did have to look to see if there was a real Lloyd Ruby.

    I never knew him, but Lloyd Ruby drove for a couple of people I used to know. Must be why his name popped up instead of Jack.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Well, to be fair, Lloyd didn’t know Jack.

  28. Not Adahn

    Four, count ‘em FOUR multi-kid families ahead of me on security, and all of them are violating some security theatre rule requiring the screening line to come to a screeching halt.

    • R.J.

      What are you up to? Sporting event, or concert?

      • Not Adahn

        Vigil for passing father

  29. kinnath

    I have an acquaintance that lives in Western Pennsylvania. He was at the rally yesterday. That’s how I first heard about the shooting.

    He was down on the field in front of the stage. He got a pretty first hand view of the events. No details that haven’t been produced by the media. But his outrage is coming through just fine.

  30. Ted S.

    *Finally* somebody beats the hooligans.

    • rhywun

      Did it have to be fucking Spain? Meh.

      • Not Adahn

        Large and responsive crowds watching the footy at IAH.

      • Ted S.

        I’ve long been sick of the American sports media treating England as though they should be America’s team the way they do with the Dallas Cowboys.

        Hell, the post-game commentary seemed to focus more on England than the team that actually won.

      • rhywun

        I’ve long been sick of the American sports media treating England as though they should be America’s team

        Fair enough.

        My biggest pet peeve is team names like “Messiandargentina” and “Mbappeandfrance”.

    • Nephilium
  31. The Late P Brooks

    Our nation’s healer.

    Let’s all come together and agree Trump has divided the nation and created an atmosphere of hate and distrust with his lies and authoritarianism.

  32. Not Adahn

    Apparently Forbes published then pulled an article called “Will getting shot help Trump with black voters?”

    • Tundra

      No. Getting shot and having the presence of mind to make a media moment, though?


      • KSuellington

        T Dog was gonna win anyway, but that really sealed the deal.

  33. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Never going to downtown Asheville on a Sunday in summer, ever again. Took double what it should with normal traffic.

    • Tundra

      We had to move our trip to May. It was a good decision.

    • Suthenboy

      My recollection of Asheville is that of a small town that has outgrown its streets and roads.

  34. Not Adahn

    MSNBC reported the shooter was wearing a Demolition Ranch Tshirt.

    Alas D. Matt Carriker D.V.M., we hardly knew ye.

    • EvilSheldon

      If I wanted to blend into a Trump rally, cargo shorts and a Demolita t-shirt would be a pretty good way to do it.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yep, a Biden for President or an ancom flag t-shirt wouldn’t blend in too well.

  35. R.J.

    A crazy week kept me scarce. I got back from Florida Sunday, and immediately my father in law needed help post-surgery. I took him in to get cleaned out and get antibiotics since the wife had to go on a business trip, day after we got back. It was the usual cluster of paperwork and doctor BS that makes me think I’d rather linger and die than give money into the system.
    My good friend and occasional lurker just had his second kidney out to cancer. Dialysis for life now.
    One of the Californication lurkers is losing his mom, potentially today. 94 years old and ready to leave this earth.
    Definitely need a better week next week. I am glad to be home for now.

    • Tundra

      I’m sorry, RJ.

      I’ll add them to my prayers.

    • Beau Knott

      I’m sorry for the troubles those close to you are enduring.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      My sympathies, RJ and NA.

    • Don escaped Texas

      sorry man

      more Shiner won’t fix it, but it won’t hurt

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Sorry, RJ

    • Brochettaward

      I First my way through tragedy. It is the way that is the way which is the way.

    • slumbrew

      Sorry to hear of your woes, RJ.

  36. cavalier973

    I can’t get back to the glibertarians home page by tapping on the banner, anymore.

    I have to retype the address in the search bar

    • Ted S.

      It apparently depends on the browser/platform you’re on.

      The banner click works on my tablet, but not my smartphone. Other posters have reported similar things.

      • Tundra

        I use Brave on my laptop and phone. Both work fine.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Not working in my iphone for either Brave or Safari. Maybe it’s Apple device specific.

      • R.J.

        I use Brave on my iPhone. Not working, at all. No problems on the standard windows or Linux PCs.

  37. Raven Nation

    Denver/Front Range Glibs: see new Forum post about a possible meet up in August.

    • juris imprudent

      Speaking of such things – who’s wrangling for Honey Harvest?

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Forum? When I click on that I just get to the WordPress back end.

      • Gender Traitor

        If you click on “Forum” (between “Glibertarians.com” and “Daily Links,) it should say “Welcome to the Glibertarians.com Member Forum. This is a private forum for Glibertarians.com community members.” From there you have to log in again with your Glibs screen name and password.

      • Raven Nation

        And, to add to GT’s well-done intro, when you log in, it will take you back to the same screen so it looks like you have to log in again. Instead, the second time, just clcik on continue to the Forums.

        If you’re in the WP backend, you can hover somewhere up in the top left hand corner and the .us address will come up. This happens to me about 50% of the time.

      • DenverJ

        It says my password is wrong.

  38. Lord Humungus

    The levels of idiocy of Facebook was surprisingly low but still the most liberal members are defending their beliefs like religious zealots.

    Somehow shooting Trump is just a-okay because he is evil, something something 2025.

    I’m glad I wasn’t born so stupid.

    • juris imprudent

      No one is born that stupid, they have to work at it.

    • Raven Nation

      One of my friends reiterated his hatred of Trump and assured everyone that Trump’s “boo-boo” hasn’t changed his mind.

      • Don escaped Texas

        I wish your friend could be convinced that

        one can easily think Trump is bad for the country
        and still not want our principles to fly apart in order to undermine him

        how is it we have so many people who think the outcome is more important than the process?

      • trshmnstr

        how is it we have so many people who think the outcome is more important than the process?

        The entire education system is geared towards that. It’s an easier way to teach.

        I see that with my daughter. She doesn’t like to walk through the process and explain how she got to the answer. I force her to do so anyway. It’s much more valuable to be able to explain why you’re doing something, to yourself and to others, than to be able to bubble the correct answer on a scantron.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Yep, Reddit is just the same.

  39. cavalier973

    Going back to the idea that Trump staged this event to win the election:
    If that is the case, then Team Biden is completely riddled with incompetence for not figuring out what Trump was up to and exposing him.

    • Sean

      It was not staged by team Trump AND team Biden is completely riddled with incompetence.

      • R.J.

        Sean is right. Believe in the power of “AND.”

    • cavalier973

      It’s an argument against the claim that Trump somehow staged this. I’ve been seeing this claim coming, curiously, from Trump supporters.

      He really slipped one past the entire FedGov security system if it is true he successfully staged his own assassination attempt.

      • UnCivilServant

        There was no need, and the risk was way too high. The simplest explaination is the “eviler than evil” crowd took a shot at him. Whether the security hole was incompetence or malice is what remains to be seen.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    He really slipped one past the entire FedGov security system if it is true he successfully staged his own assassination attempt.

    The guy behind him who died was the real target! Mission fucking accomplished!

    • cavalier973

      I’ve actually seen that argument, too.

      The guy who died was supposed to be the second shooter.

      • cavalier973

        *I* say, it’s hard to be a participant in an assassination if you decide to protect your family, instead.

        The man killed was Corey Comperatore, 50, a former fire chief from the area who Pennsylvania’s governor says died a “hero” by diving onto his family to protect them.


        People (me included) are trying to be too smart by half.

        It’s totally possible that a troubled yoot stole his daddy’s gun to take a pot shot at Trump, and got wasted for his troubles, while poor planning and execution of the security detail allowed him to get as far as he did.

      • rhywun

        Almost supernaturally poor planning and execution.

        And yet I don’t doubt it at all.

    • cavalier973

      I saw that he was relentlessly bullied in school.

      • R.J.

        I can’t imagine why.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        A fivehead and a jawbone that Samson could have used to kill an entire army with? (thanks to the random ZeroHedge commenter I stole this insult from)

  41. Trigger Hippie

    Look, I’m not even trying to indulge in any conspiracy theories about Trump right now one way or the other. In all likelihood I’ll never know the truth of the matter. That being said, Over the last decade the KC area has been blessed with a lot professional sports success. Between the MLB and NFL the city has experienced six championship games/series and four victory parades…A fellow member of the Kansas City posited this question/comment: At every single one of those games/parades the KCPD had multiple drones surveying the surrounding area for potential threats…and possibly the most polarizing political figure of the 21st century/ex president can’t get so much as a fly by of the grounds via a cheap and effective surveillance tool before and during a campaign rally?

    *adjusts tinfoil cup*

    • Trigger Hippie

      I understand this was northern PA and not KC. The point still stands. No drones? I mean, Christ! Even if that scope of security detail isn’t the US government’s responsibility Trump should have dished out the extra security out of pocket. Not victim blaming here, just pointing out the complete failure of overall security.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        It didn’t seem to be a lack of manpower, there were plenty of cops around. If anything it seemed to be plain sloppiness that allowed it.

      • R C Dean

        I agree, Stinky. Looking at a satellite view of the scene, it seems like you would have had people on that roof as a matter of course. Not necessarily as an anti-sniper detail, but just because of where it was, it’s an excellent place to keep an eye on things in general. Not having somebody there looks more and more like gross negligence to me.

    • R C Dean

      “*adjusts tinfoil cup*“

      An excellent idea. Gotta take care of the boys, after all.

      And apparently a market opportunity, as I see none on Amazon.

      • Trigger Hippie

        The unfortunate marketing drawback is the fillings on our sacks make the cups feel a touch sensitive…you guys have that problem too…right?

  42. The Late P Brooks

    poor planning and execution of the security detail allowed him to get as far as he did.

    That’s a roundabout way to say “complacency”.

    • Gender Traitor

      Are you sure you didn’t misspell “complicity”?

  43. Toxteth O'Grady

    Epic hairstyle on that ginger witness Greg. And still holding his beer coozy!

  44. The Late P Brooks

    They should have had “Please don’t shoot the candidate” signs up.

    • The Gunslinger

      ‘Candidate-shooting free zone’ signs may have been helpful.

  45. The Late P Brooks

    Why didn’t we think of this?

    “We’re so beyond f—ed,” one longtime Democratic insider said, noting that the image of Trump thrusting his fist in the air, with blood dramatically smeared across his face, will be indelible.

    That big pile of people on the ground with Trump wasn’t the Secret Service, it was makeup artists.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The most iconic political violence photo since JFK was shot.

  46. The Late P Brooks

    “The presidential contest ended last night,” said a veteran Democratic consultant, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to give a candid assessment of his own party’s standing less than four months before the election.

    “Now it’s time to focus on keeping the Senate and trying to pick up the House,” he said. “The only positive thing to come out of last night for Democrats is we are no longer talking about Joe Biden’s age today.”

    A Biden campaign spokesperson pointed to the president’s Monday interview with NBC Nightly News host Lester Holt, along with his primetime speech scheduled for Sunday night, saying he would give “a forceful and needed address to update the nation on the horrifying attack on Donald Trump and the need for every American to come together to not just condemn, but put to an end political violence in this country once and for all.”

    “Following the president’s interview Monday evening, both the DNC and the campaign will continue drawing the contrast between our positive vision for the future and Trump and Republicans’ backwards-looking agenda over the course of the week,” the campaign official said.

    Definitely keep hammering on what a rotten guy Trump is.They should get David Frum to write that speech. That will push Joe over the top.

    • R C Dean

      The challenge they have with the House is, it’s a lot harder to steal House races. Senate races, like the Presidential race, are statewide, so you can use your urban fraud machine with equal effectiveness for those.

      And yes, I believe to a very high degree of certainty that there are organized voter fraud operations, at a high level, in a number of states. Including Arizona, which has had a serious “ballot harvesting” problem that predates the 2020 race by a lot.


        Has AZ taken any steps to make elections more credible? I haven’t seen any of the GOP controlled state (or national) legislatures doing anything to make fraud even slightly more difficult.

      • R C Dean

        No. The AZ Repub PTB are infected with Trump hate, and election security was associated with Trumpists after the 2020 election, so they didn’t move any bills while they had both houses and the Governor. Now the Governor is Abortion Barbie from the Dem party, so naturally, now that they know the bills will be vetoed, they passed a bunch.

        My contempt for the AZ Republican Party knows no bounds. These morons were so eaten up by TDS that they managed to set themselves up to never win another statewide race. And it was 100% foreseeable.


        I thought as much, AZ needs a lot less McCain and a lot more Goldwater.

        Who can blame them, though? Graciously losing is way easier than actually governing.

    • Don escaped Texas

      keeping the Senate and trying to pick up the House

      Tricky stuff: both seem tight. I don’t like a president to have both houses; sitzkrieg suits me fine. But I think it’s better that the Dems not have the House: when the krazy house is run by the krazy party, it’s the flakiest of the flakes.

      push Joe over the top

      I didnt RTFA, but doesn’t condition of anonymity mean that he was conceding that Joe is toast?

  47. kinnath


    A STAFFER for a Democratic congressman has gone viral after saying that she wished the shooter who tried to assassinate former president Donald Trump “had better aim.”

    “I don’t condone violence but please get some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time ooops that wasn’t me talking,” Marsaw wrote, per The Daily Mail.

    In a follow-up post, Marsaw added, “That’s what your hate speech got you!!”

    Marsaw, 61, has since deleted the post but not before images of the Facebook status had been shared online.

    • R C Dean

      There are tens of millions of Americans who are thinking the same thing. Propaganda works, and the hate runs deep.

      When the Burning Times come . . . .

      • kinnath

        I’ve been amazed that I have not seen a flood of similar posts in Facebook. I know that are a bunch of left of left people in my various facebook groups.

    • Plinker762

      Ah yes, the old “I believe but I really don’t” statement.

    • cavalier973

      According to sources, the motion to indict Trump was filed roughly thirty seconds after the failed assassination attempt. “It was obvious by that point that Trump had caused a man to fire several bullets at him,” said District Attorney Jan Marsh. “If Trump were not literally Hitler, no one would have tried to kill him in the first place. It’s time we in the legal system go after Hitler and not the people trying to murder Hitler.”

  48. The Late P Brooks

    Ah HAH!

    The rooftop where a gunman shot at former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally was identified by the Secret Service as a potential vulnerability in the days before the event, two sources familiar with the agency’s operations told NBC News.

    The building, owned by a glass research company, is adjacent to the Butler Farm Show, an outdoor venue in Butler, Pennsylvania. The Secret Service was aware of the risks associated with it, the sources said.

    Welly welly well.

    • cavalier973

      “We should put in the plan to have Hank up there, just in case—ooh! Five O’Clock! Let’s go grab a couple of beers!”

    • Grummun

      Drive time from Alfred NY: 3h 32m

      • rhywun


        Plus a brief layover in Corning for “supplies”.

  49. The Late P Brooks

    Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger said his office maintains an Emergency Services Unit team, which deployed four sniper teams and four “quick response teams” at the rally. But he said the Secret Service agents were in charge of security outside the venue.

    “They had meetings in the week prior. The Secret Service ran the show. They were the ones who designated who did what,” Goldinger said. “In the command hierarchy, they were top, they were No. 1.”

    Goldinger said the commander of the Emergency Services Unit told him it was not responsible for securing areas outside the venue. “To me, the whole thing is under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service. And they will delineate from there,” he said.

    Wagons were circled.

    • R C Dean

      Fingers were pointed. Asses were covered.

      The important thing, of course, is that consequences are avoided.

      Take a look at a satellite photo of the venue. The fact that those rooftops were totally uncovered is mind blowing. The number of resignations should be in the double digits.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        And that is just what Projekt 2025 wants! 88d chess, right there!


  50. kinnath


    The gunman had his father’s AR-style rifle and was perched atop a nearby roof when some rallygoers pointed him out to local law enforcement, said two law enforcement officials who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing criminal probe.

    The father is now fucked.

    A local law enforcement officer climbed to the roof and found Crooks, who pointed the rifle at the officer. The officer then retreated down the ladder, and the gunman quickly fired toward Trump, the officials said. That’s when U.S. Secret Service gunmen shot him, the officials said.

    Why didn’t the officer have a weapon drawn when he was checking out an armed intruder?

    Bomb-making materials were found inside both Crooks’ vehicle and at his home. FBI described the devices as “rudimentary.”

    More questions for the parents to answer.

    • slumbrew

      I’ll play devil’s advocate for the first one – can one climb a ladder with a weapon at the ready? Especially if this was just “I’m going to go ask that guy some questions”.

      • Fourscore

        I climb a ladder into my deer stand with a rifle slung over my shoulder. The ladder is about 12 feet high, I try not to bump the ladder with my rifle, to avoid spooking any lurking deer. Seems like I always do make a noise though.

        I’m not as agile as a 20 year old so I’m probable slower though.

      • Fourscore

        Oh yeah, rifle is loaded and locked.

      • slumbrew

        I was referring to “Why didn’t the officer have a weapon drawn when he was checking out an armed intruder?”

        I’m not sure you can do that climbing a ladder, though I may be mistaken.

      • UnCivilServant

        What? You don’t have four arms?

      • kinnath

        Yes is it a problem.

        Assuming (big ass assumption here), the officer is going up the ladder because there are reports of a man with a rifle.

        I would climb till I got close to the top. Draw my weapon. Then peek over the top to see if anyone is there.

        If I see a guy in a tee shirt, cargo shorts, and sneakers, I’m gonna assume he ain’t on the job.

        Hindsight is 20/20 and all those other caveats.

      • Brochettaward

        That officer is never going to live down that moment. For the rest of his life, he’ll be the coward who retreated. Like the pieces of shit in Uvalde.

      • slumbrew

        Ideally, those police counter-snipers should have been covering the guy on the roof while the other officer climbed the ladder.

        If it was just some interagency miscommunication, then NBD after everyone talks.

        But there’s no way the shooter should have been able to get shots off at Trump after the officer on the ladder made that contact.

        It’d be nice to think this will all come out later but…

    • slumbrew

      To clarify – there were so many groups involved I can easily see a default assumption of “that guy must be with the Secret Service / FBI / the local SWAT / whatever, right?”

      It’s on the Secret Service to ensure those groups are all coordinated and in communication. They fucked up, bigly.

      • juris imprudent

        South Park’s spoof of incident command and the show 24 comes to mind.

  51. The Late P Brooks

    Take a look at a satellite photo of the venue.

    I did, and it also clarified something else. Based on the relative locations, that looks to be where the two security detail snipers were aiming in a different photo. Before that I had thought the shooter was more directly in front of the stage.

    That group of buildings definitely needs to be patrolled/controlled.

    • cavalier973

      I don’t know how to save these videos (I can capture screenshots and download photos), but I think they need to be preserved before they mysteriously disappear.

  52. UnCivilServant

    My bodged marinade turned into a “Your Milage May Vary” result. I switched between “I like this” and “I hate this” several times. I think if a more sensible vinegar had been used it might have turned out better. Perhaps a dash of fish sauce.

    • UnCivilServant

      On reflection, I don’t want to have it again, so it’s a failure.

      • R.J.

        Is it flammable? Can you use it to make marinade scented candles? Or could you refine it into a wax for firestarter cubes?

        On the other hand, would it repel ants? Just thinking of alternate uses.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s primarily malt vinegar and vegetable stock, it won’t burn under reasonable conditions.

      • R.J.

        Too bad.
        I know I should be going to bed but I just can’t do it. Maybe I will read.

  53. UnCivilServant


    I just signed up for a two-day seafood course at the CIA.

    I don’t know what fish have to do with toppling governments, but 🤷‍♂️ maybe I’ll become a better cook.

      • UnCivilServant

        Yeah, they have a campus in Hyde Park, which is a few hours down the Hudson.

        After the road trip, I’ll probably have enough rewards points that I won’t have the shell out of pocket for a hotel stay.

        The book might be interesting just as entertainment. I’m only trying to be a better home cook, and realize that my seafood skills are wanting.

  54. Suthenboy

    Cop on the ladder: I can see not having a weapon in hand while climbing a ladder then retreating out of sight upon having a gun pointed at you.
    What I cant see is how a roof with ladder access offering a perfect vantage for shooting at Trump was left unguarded/patrolled/observed.
    Where was the helicopter? Drones? Why was no security on that roof before Trump arrived?
    The best take on this is gross incompetence.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Make comments on internet board = visit by secret service

      Take a rifle to a political rally of a protected person = no biggie

    • hayeksplosives

      I too think it’s gross incompetence, not a conspiracy.

      And a not-very-brave cop who shrunk down from the rooftop.

      • Suthenboy

        The word ‘conspiracy’ implies something carefully planned by several people, a plan spelled out and enacted deliberately.
        It could be both. Scream ‘Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest!?” for years on end then subtly drop the guard against malicious actors or make suggestions to the deranged and impressionable. That may not be a conspiracy in the strictest sense but it isn’t exactly not one either.

      • Ownbestenemy

        From one vantage point, I’d say the cop on the ladder actually probably helped in the least because it took focus away from the shooter, who then quickly let loose the rounds rather than taking his time. I am leaning that is probably the moment that the counter-sniper popped his head up for the whole picture that we see in the video. Maybe.

  55. hayeksplosives

    Oh good grief. Looks like the deranged left new line of attack is to condemn Trump for golfing while his rally goers struggle in the hospital.

    1) the fuck would his presence at the hospital do other than disrupt the families’s ability to be with their loved ones as they recover?

    2) awfully suspicious how the exact language of lament is used universally from the leftists howling about Trump’s golfing.

    I am voting Trump partly because my life was better under his presidency (pre COVID) but mainly as a big FU to the MSM, the deep state, and the fucking ruling elite.

  56. Suthenboy

    Labels are nearly useless but in the interest of brevity I will use the term ‘right’ to describe civilized people and ‘left’ to describe the faustian sort.
    I hear a number of people on the right urging caution and a toning down of rhetoric on both sides.
    I hear those on the left urging those on the right to not escalate the tone of discourse.
    As usual the right, in attempt to be civil, compromising with evil. Let me get this straight – after years of foam at the mouth dehumanizing and vilifying Trump and his supporters, going so far as to not-so-subtly suggest violence, we are the ones that need to tone it down? Worse, many of the right are being their usual squishy, spineless selves? That is how we got into this fucking mess in the first place.

    • Suthenboy

      Morning Sean. Yeah…I got a shocking alert on my phone a few minutes ago – Weather Channel Alert: It is going to be hotter than Hades today

      No shit.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        It’s gonna be hot in Louisiana in July? What’s the world coming to?

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean & Suthen (and hayek if you’re still awake!) Yep – no relief from the heat until midweek here.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Did you get that storm that came through yesterday afternoon? It wasn’t supposed to swing south of the river but it did and it was a good one. Saved me from watering the garden

      • Gender Traitor

        Yeah, we sure did! The strong stuff didn’t last all that long, but it was blowsy and noisy there for a while!

      • rhywun

        no relief from the heat until midweek here

        Same here.

        I am way over this summer.

  57. Fourscore

    Good Morning to all,

    Another nice warm summer day, garden has gone crazy. Checked the bees yesterday, all looks promising. A lot of rain this year so a lot of flowers. Lots of smiles on the little faces. I did water the garden yesterday, very sandy but stuff, including weeds, grow with a little extra help.

    Cut grass today, my lawn mower was down for 3 weeks so the grass needs some care.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Morning Fourscore! Checked my little tester garden. Plenty of tomatoes will be had, a few summer squash and I am onto my second jar or pickles.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, 4(20)! All the best to the Mrs. and the bees!

  58. Ownbestenemy


    I blame “See Something, Say Something”. It was seen, it was said and it was ignored. If anything, an unsecured rooftop and police were notified, that should have immediately been up on comms and they would have removed Trump while they figure it out. Good job to the whole of security detail for utter failure.

  59. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    whats goody