le Tour: an early listing

by | Jul 23, 2024 | Sports | 125 comments

I got into Tour de France later than some.  Greg Lemond is a couple of years ahead of me, so I vaguely noticed his 1990 win…but I generally ignore all things California.

I also ignore things Texas because they are generally of the fake-Texas sort:  John Wayne (who I think was from Iowa, went to USC, and whose real name is Marion), Jerry Jones, Paul Newman, Dan Patrick, James Dean (who is from Marion, IN), Ken Paxton, George H W Bush, George W Bush…you get the picture. 

Greg Abbott is, regrettably, a very real Texan…and from a dreadful place:  Wichita Falls.  In the mid-eighties, I heard about folks there cycling a hundred miles on the hottest day of the year, and, I gotta say that I thought:  boy howdy, that’s pretty cool.  And then I forgot about the Hotter-N-Hell 100 for a decade and bought a house in my adopted Tennessee and had a kid and built some neat stuff that folks paid me for.

greatest American?

FirstWife was (is?  I suppose she’s still alive) a very real Texan, a perfect size six driving a 4×4 Blazer reeking of crude oil when I met her, and I guess I recklessly ignored the part about her always wanting to move back to the Lone Star.  Like Congressman Crockett, Senator Houston, and many other good but gullible Tennesseans, I eventually would find myself hitched to a west-bound caravan.  After making camp with her and Escaped Jr by the Rio Trinidad, I heard about the HH100 again….oh yeah:  that thing.

were you really using Ulster for anything?

Since I am not of the quick-twitch sort but am an ugly and ungodly hard-headed Scots-Irish sort who can stand in shit and fight for two or three hundred years at a stretch, I thought pedaling that hundred miles wouldn’t be as hard as it sounds.  And it ain’t if you have your health, any notion of mechanisms, and can operate a water bottle.  Over that next decade or so (starting in my forties) I attempted the thing eight times, finishing five (and was absolutely robbed of a sixth).

we are so cool

During that same decade of pedaling, I noticed le Tour in pop culture and started to follow it since that gave me a great way to strike up conversations about your longer rides:  “oh, speaking of the Tour, did you know I’ve finished the Hotter-N……” sort of thing.  and Austin, which normally hates all things Dallas (because it is full of folk from Dallas?), was falling in love with the biggest asshole ever born in Richardson because, like me, Armstrong had taken up the habit of haunting hill country more than a little and there was this nice winner’s bandwagon and these yellow wristbands that would keep you from ever dying, which is mighty handy.  I would mount up for the HH100 a few more times, but there came a time when I would no longer mount FirstWife….my Fort Worth and Austin days would be over soon.

Along about then, NewWife was sitting on a beach watching le Tour while swiping left and right and fell up the profile of a guy who had posted to his dating profile possibly the worst picture of himself ever taken.  Turns out, she had an office in Plano **shudder** and our first date was prosecuted with all due haste.  Other activities were also prosecuted, and, this morning, twelve years later, we watched the latest stage together and thought about Freedom and how nice it is not to work on the Fourth and drank iced tea all day.

Baseball guys card games; that’s what we do.  Since I was once a baseball guy, I card everything…and basically live in Excel space and think a lot in 2D space.  le Tour started in Italy this year, and I started on a spreadsheet tallying finishing places for everyone, one year at a time, year after year.  And I wondered on an objective way to compare all those finishes.  And after grinding back to 2010, this is what I got for a top 20:

rank cyclist A flag 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
1 FROOME Chris GBR     133     3 1 1 1   1 2    
2 BARDET Romain FRA   6     15 6 3 2 6 6 15      
3 VALVERDE Alejandro ESP     24 12 9 14   6 3 4 8 20    
4 QUINTANA Nairo COL     28 17 8 10 12 3 2   2      
5 THOMAS Geraint GBR   3 41   2 1   15 15 22     31 63
6 ROLLAND Pierre FRA   68 51 18   27 54 16 10 11 24 8 10 54
7 MOLLEMA Bauke NLD   24 20   28 26 17 11 7 10 6   70  
8 PORTE Richie AUS     38 3 11     5 48 23 19 34 72  
9 URÁN Rigoberto COL 71 25 10 8 7   2   42       24  
10 POGAČAR Tadej SLO 2 2 1 1                    
11 MARTIN Dan IRL     40 41 18 8 6 9 39   33 35    
12 YATES Adam GBR 3 9   9 29 29   4 50          
13 LANDA Mikel ESP 19     4 6 7 4 35            
14 KREUZIGER Roman CZE       109 16   24 10 17   5   112 7
15 BARGUIL Warren FRA 22     14 10 17 10 23 14          
16 NIBALI Vincenzo ITA         39     30 4 1   3    
17 PINOT Thibaut FRA 11 14   29         16 3   10    
18 ROCHE Nicolas IRL       64 45   33   35 39 40 12 26 13
19 MARTIN Guillaume FRA 10   8 11 12 21 23              
20 VINGEGAARD Jonas DEN 1 1 2                      

Normally I save such a matrix as a picture to paste to text environments, but all I can tell you is that it was easy to create the PNG but impossible to get it to look like anything using this WP editing interface.

I won’t tell you my algorithm for ranking and totaling finishes, but I will ask you:  can you see any obvious mistakes in my rankings for the years in question?  Who is out of order? 

More simply:

  • Who should Tadej rank ahead of? Is he ahead of Geraint?
  • Who should Jonas rank ahead of? Is he ahead of Landa?

I’ll keep adding years and will re-score and resort and see if some Glib’s answer delivers an objectively irrefutable ranking.

Editor’s Note: Clock story back next week.

About The Author

Don escaped Texas

Don escaped Texas

all my exes live in Texas


  1. UnCivilServant

    Which team is going to kamikaze the pack to let their frontrunner gain an advantage?

  2. R C Dean

    “Greg Abbott is, regrettably, a very real Texan…and from a dreadful place: Wichita Falls.”

    Hey now. I grew up down the road in Vernon, and I can imagine no better place to grow up than small town West Texas. I know Don loathes Texas and all, and Allah knows it has its . . . quirks, but there are far worse places, even in this country.

    • R C Dean

      Oh, and props to Don for finishing the Hotter-N-Hell. From what I hear, that ain’t easy.

      • juris imprudent

        Yeah, of all the shit the Scots-Irish can withstand, heat usually is the one that beats them down the worst.

      • mindyourbusiness

        I’ll second that.

      • rhywun


    • hayeksplosives

      Yeah, I’ve done some time in Wichita Falls since it’s not all that far from my hometown of Duncan OK.

      And of course everyone knows Burkburnette is worse!

      RC, did you ever eat at Bill’s? Best catfish EVAH!

    • hayeksplosives

      Good article. I don’t follow the tour, but I like your writing style. 👍

      • Don escaped Texas

        writing style

        I suspect we frontier folk share a certain rural whimsy

        I steal from the best: Wilde, Twain, and your own great Will Rogers; that’s where the rhythm and irony come from

    • Don escaped Texas

      I love west Texas, and my favorite stereotype is that west Texans rank amongst the best folk in the world.

      no better place to grow up than small town West Texas
      ostensibly true

      but the DQ in WF sucks, there are no falls in Falls, and so I don’t know what to say other than the interstate is really close for leaving’s sake

      also, zero SEC cheerleaders from thereabouts

  3. WTF

    I know nothing about the Tour de France other than Lance Armstrong cheated his way to several wins.

    • R C Dean

      During an era when literally everybody who was a contender was cheating. He just cheated harder and got caughter. Still, by all accounts, he was (and I’m sure still is) an asshole of the first water.

      I still like catching a stage or two as background TV, just for the scenery.

    • juris imprudent

      The most dominant doper of all time – seven consecutive (now vacant) titles.

      Anyway, Don’s ranking is wrong, simply because TP is not #1, and he is the best since Merckx and none of the rest on that entire list are even close.

      • Don escaped Texas

        Don’s ranking is wrong


        but I told you I only had the last 20 years in

        I’ve added all the greats with the results you expect

    • Nephilium

      Most of what I know about the Tour is due to the thought that if I enjoy riding, I must enjoy watching other people ride.

      I do not, but Google keeps thinking they’re related.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Lance Armstrong didn’t have the balls to win.

  4. The Late P Brooks

    Coming soon- Governor McConnaughey (or however the fuck you spell it.

    • WTF

      Awright awright AWRIGHT!

    • Timeloose

      Here is my only encounter with Matthew McConaughey. I was at the 2016 ACL festival when he introduced Willie Nelson.

      I have to admit it was Texas Overload that afternoon. UT had just lost a nail biter to OU a day earlier.

  5. PieInTheSky

    my mom watches this stuff. I got nothin

  6. PieInTheSky

    can you see any obvious mistakes in my rankings – the name NIBALI Vincenzo sounds kinda gay so he should be last.

  7. PieInTheSky

    the question for the man glibs is: do you think you could kick Tadej Pogačar’s ass? he is athletic with great endurance and strong legs, but weighs under 150 pounds and probably not that upper body muscle.

      • PieInTheSky

        look every man should classify other men in two categories : I can kick his ass or not.

      • UnCivilServant

        I have better things to do.

      • PieInTheSky

        oh no you don’t you paint minis and shit.

      • R.J.

        Agreed. Thinking in terms of violence and subjugation is a leftist thing. Or a vampire thing?

      • PieInTheSky

        I take that as a no.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      At my age probably not. And when I was his age I too was about 150 pounds, so even then, probably not. I certainly wouldn’t want to tangle with Miguel Angel Lopez who got stabbed while fighting someone trying to steal his bike in Colombia. He’s tiny but he’s mean.

  8. PieInTheSky

    VINGEGAARD seems low though as a back to back winner and second this year which was impressive since he had a few broken ribs and a punctured lung in April.

  9. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    Prediction: Swift will endorse Kamala and the Swifties will get her elected.

    • PieInTheSky

      swifties should be put in camps when the revolution comes.

      • Sean

        ur not wrong

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        Naw. I don’t believe in camps. What needs to happen is they all get stranded at a concert after a computer glitch shuts everything down, have to walk home. The next morning, they find out the world fell down and now they have to grow zucchini to survive.

      • Sean

        and now they have to grow zucchini to survive.

        These euphemisms…

      • Nephilium


        You could just have them go to a Swift concert at Blossom. It’s well known locally as a nightmare to get out of after a show, to the point I think I’ve been to three shows there in my life (the most recent being in the 90’s… you know just a couple years back).

      • rhywun

        Another four to eight years of socialism should be punishment enough.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        The problem with that is they never connect cause and effect.

      • juris imprudent

        they never connect cause and effect

        So Swifties aren’t too swift?

    • UnCivilServant

      I do not understand this aspect of human behavior.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        I can see why an artist’s work would resonate with someone so deeply that they become a devotee of the work. In the case of music, maybe not even the lyrics, but how the parts are put together (e.g., “Concierto de Aranjuez” made me homesick for a place I’ve never been). It’s fucking POWERFUL, man.

        BUT I’m not going to defend a Swifty’s devotion to HER, personally. I’m delighted when I find out an artist shares my views, but I don’t pattern my real-life decisionmaking based on their views.

      • Nephilium

        I see it as a mostly benign cult. For most of these fans, this may be the first time in their life they feel like they fit in and are accepted. Unfortunately, since they don’t know what about is why they have friends now, they latch onto it tighter and tighter, and make it more central to their person. Now, if Swift starts asking for donations, starts offering salvation, or begins setting up a camp in a remote country…

      • UnCivilServant

        I am not even thinking about the impact of Art.

        I don’t understand ever attaining that level of devotion to a person you have never met, who would not recognize you on the street, and probably wouldn’t notice if anything happened to you.

      • Nephilium


        Exactly why I said mostly benign. It doesn’t take much to go from cult of personality to flat out cult.

        /looks over at L. Ron

      • The Other Kevin

        It just happens. I remember in the Beatles book, they talk about fans who just sat outside the band’s houses. Just hoping to see them leave the house. Some girls quit their jobs to do that full time. In one instance, Paul sat in his window and played a few songs for them.

      • DEG

        I see it as a mostly benign cult. For most of these fans, this may be the first time in their life they feel like they fit in and are accepted.

        See also Juggalos.

    • The Other Kevin

      That is a pretty solid prediction.

    • Gender Traitor

      Will Swifties vote if they can’t do so on TikTok?

    • R C Dean

      I dunno, Moje. I think Taytay is too savvy to shit on her brand by getting partisan politics all over it.

      Even if she does, I’m not terribly worried about Swifties navigating the complexities of actually voting.

      • Nephilium

        Don’t underestimate them. Think of the logistics planning to get tickets, a hotel room, and travel to a show.

        They can navigate Ticketmaster bullshit…

      • Grummun

        I’m fairly sure that of the Swifties that are inclined to vote, something close to 100% are already on the Dem bandwagon. As Dean and others have said, there is lots of downside personally and professionally for Swift and not much upside for whoever she might endorse.

  10. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    Pogacar should probably be #2 and Vingegaard #3, but with time they will probably be above Froome.

    Any results out of the top 10 should probably be thrown out or weighted close to zero. Once you are that far down in the competition your don’t really care if you are 30th or 40th. Your role on the team is different, and maybe you are going for stage wins instead, which means you might intentionally lose time in the early stages.

    • Don escaped Texas

      great thinking

      my algorithm is so steep that it effectively does that

      the open question is how steep

      I might update this since I now have twice as much data

  11. cavalier973

    “Kamala’s going to win!”

    That is so fascinating to me. Want it just last week that everyone was saying that Trump had it in the bag, due to defying an assassin’s bullet?

    Yeah, Kamala’s going to win, until Trump pries open the jaws of a pit bull, pulls free the orphan it had bitten, and punches it in the face.

    • UnCivilServant

      Outside of Fraud, I don’t see her path to victory.

      • Fatty Bolger

        So she’s gonna win?

      • kinnath

        By every measure of success or failure in elections in my adult life, Biden (now Harris) should be beaten worse that Carter.

        But that all changed in 2020 when the dems stole the election in broad daylight. I have no faith that it won’t happen again in 2024.

      • Drake

        Why would they need a path outside of fraud?

      • rhywun


      • R C Dean

        Currently Trump is leading in just about every swing state, and has more “win” and “leaning” electoral votes, per polling (for what that’s worth).

        Most people are experiencing some level of economic malaise, crime is a concern, and immigration is a top two or three issue. Crime and the economy are traditionally the issues that elections turn on

        The only issues the Dems have going for them are (1) abortion and (2) a DEI candidate (which basically just appeals to the pro-abortion crowd anyway).

        As far as the main thing (personality) Trump’s negatives are lower than Harris’s. And she’s a terrible campaigner. The DemOp media’s reach and influence has been damaged/limited in recent years, which was one of the Dem’s main tools. They do still control Big Tech, which will count for something, maybe a lot.

        So, yeah, outside of fraud, I don’t like the Dem’s chances.

      • kinnath

        It’s the economy, stupid

        Harris can’t fix this.

        Fraud is the only way she finishes first.

    • cavalier973

      The media: “That pit bull wouldn’t have been biting orphans, were it not for Trump’s poisonous policies!”

    • Tundra

      I’m not convinced she’s even gonna be the one running. If they 25th Sundown this week and she becomes 47 I could see shenanigans come convention time.

      • UnCivilServant

        Regardless of what happens to Gropey Joe, I expect Shenanigans at the convention.

  12. cavalier973

    There’s been a Biden sighting.

    • Nephilium

      Does that mean six more weeks of campaign season?

      • rhywun

        LOL six weeks too many

      • Tundra

        That’s it.

        Archive link

        Grayson’s partner tends to Massey and at one point says, “she’s still gasping” and wonders what’s taking Grayson so long with the medical kit. When paramedics and other officers arrive, one can be heard asking, “where’s the gun?” Grayson replies that Massey had a pot of boiling water and threatened to rebuke him in the name of Jesus. Paramedics took her to a nearby hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

        Grayson has been arrested and charged with three counts of first-degree murder and is being held without bond until his trial is set to begin. It is exceedingly rare for police officers to be charged with murder in the death of a citizen, and hasn’t occurred in such a high-profile case since the killing of George Floyd in 2020.

        In that case though, Chauvin and the rest got railroaded. This isn’t the same at all.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Chauvin got what he deserved.

      • Tundra

        I thought so until I watched The Fall of Minneapolis.

      • juris imprudent

        As I recall, the Breonna Taylor cops were charged and tried.

    • Gustave Lytton

      What a shock. Facial hair and arm tatts.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Right off the bat, just bad. Maybe there is some backstory on why the deputies have such a dickish attitude from the get go; but does not excuse what played out.

  13. DEG

    Other activities were also prosecuted, and, this morning, twelve years later, we watched the latest stage together and thought about Freedom and how nice it is not to work on the Fourth and drank iced tea all day.


  14. The Late P Brooks

    Congress reasserts authority

    Democratic senators plan to introduce legislation Tuesday that would effectively overturn a Supreme Court ruling last month that imposed new limits on federal agencies when they issue regulations about a wide variety of issues, including the environment and consumer protection.

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., will introduce a bill that would restore the previous standard under which federal agencies had some leeway to interpret the law when they issued regulations under statutes that are ambiguously written. It has the backing of nine other Democratic senators, as well as Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

    “Giant corporations are using far-right, unelected judges to hijack our government and undermine the will of Congress,” Warren said in a statement Tuesday.

    The legislation, she said, would “bring transparency and efficiency to the federal rule-making process” and “make sure corporate interest groups can’t substitute their preferences for the judgment of Congress and the expert agencies.”

    For some reason I suspect none of that is true.

    • Drake

      Why are they so determined to give away the authority granted Congress by the Constitution?

      • kinnath

        Because they don’t want a voting record to run on/against.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Would require them to actually do their jobs and my guess is K-Street is hammering them with calls.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And can be thwarted by the opposition in Congress instead of just being effected by the cultural allies in the bureaucracy.

      • juris imprudent

        a voting record

        Yes they do – they want a vote that shows their good intentions. Results don’t matter.

    • rhywun

      Narrator: None of that is true, given that Senator Warren is a raging commie.

    • R C Dean

      I’m not sure they can overturn it via legislation, seeing as it’s a Constitutional issue (mainly, the courts, not agencies, have the last word on what statutes mean).

      • Ownbestenemy

        Well they pass it anyway, first ‘standing’ case is another 2-4 years out, winds through courts, finally back at SCOTUS in 6 or so years; rinse, repeat, start all over again.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Chief Justice Obama with the majority opinion…

    • Suthenboy

      Giant corporations are using far left un-elected bureaucrats to undermine up-and-coming potential competitors, i.e. regulatory capture.

      I think that is more accurate.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Liberals defended Chevron because of the flexibility it gave regulators in tackling issues like climate change. They say the Supreme Court, often skeptical of federal regulations, has effectively given itself more power by taking it away from federal agencies.


    It would also bolster agency rule-making power in other ways, with provisions aimed at streamlining the often-lengthy process, which allows industry and other interested groups to submit public comments.

    Rule by incontestable administrative decree. If that’s not democracy, what is?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      It’s Our Democracy. That’s not the same as democracy.

  16. kinnath

    Bob Menendez to resign Aug 20.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Does that give NJ time to appoint someone to fill his office and keep the 50-50 split?

      • Sensei

        Yes. Question is if they will give it to the presumptive Team Blue winner Andy Kim. He bucked the part to run and the party elders are not happy with him not letting Murphy’s wife take position.

        Team Red has about as much chance of winning in November in NJ as Biden does now.

    • kinnath

      So, the question that come to mind . . . . Did Harris hire staff of immature twits who can’t write a proper speech? Or are the speech writers competent, but know that Harris is an immature twit that needs to be written down to?

      or both, of course

      • Tundra

        Or is she one of those people who thinks they are smarter than the underlings? 5 out of 47 is a pretty bad survival rate. It wouldn’t shock me to find out she disregards her people and serves up her word salads.

        Unburdened by what has been.

      • kinnath

        No one writes their own speeches. That’s what the hire help is for.

      • Timeloose

        Playing the “Devil’s Advocate” some of what she has been quoted saying was very out of context. The “I’m wearing a blue suit” statement was because she was speaking at a meeting with disability rights leaders in the 2022 clip, and conveyed to the blind people present her gender and what she was wearing. It’s a strange way to converse, but it makes more sense with the context.

        At the same time the woman speaks like a 10 year old on occasion. As Tundra indicated: It wouldn’t shock me to find out she disregards her people and serves up her word salads.

      • R C Dean

        I suspect she has decent speechwriters, but whenever anything crosses her mind that she thinks is profound or insightful or otherwise makes her look smart (in her mind), she just barfs it out regardless, on account of she’s just so smert and in touch with little people, or something.

      • R C Dean

        “conveyed to the blind people present her gender and what she was wearing”

        Were there even blind people present? I recall that being a fad for awhile, at any meeting.

        And even if there were, what difference does it make what she’s wearing. And are blind people too stupid to know if it’s a man or a woman talking? The whole thing, including her delivery, just drips with smug condescension.

      • hayeksplosives

        I knew that about the “blue suit” comment being for the visual impaired.

        I believe her oft-cited “Ukraine is a small country…” speech was a response to being asked to explain it in very simple terms. So she did.

        But nothing explains why she trots out the “unburdened by what has been” line dozens and dozens of times.

      • juris imprudent

        But nothing explains why…

        Oh that is just about the revolution – the liberation from all that is past. It is the unlimited vision of the anointed.

      • creech

        Trump barfs up lots of incomprehensible word salads too. Is there no way a principled person with good oratorical skills can rise to the top?

      • Suthenboy

        “…unburdened by what has been…” is a reference to year zero. They always follow the same playbook.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    I’m not sure they can overturn it via legislation, seeing as it’s a Constitutional issue (mainly, the courts, not agencies, have the last word on what statutes mean).

    What if they add “Not subject to judicial review” to the law. That should work.

    • Drake

      The “No Backsies” clause.

    • Suthenboy

      The courts are too much of a crap shoot for total concentration of power to exist so the courts must be neutered.

  18. kinnath


    Boeing and NASA’s Starliner mission has exceeded the 45-day battery window being docked at the International Space Station.

    The capsule was initially approved to stay at the ISS for up to 45 days but since no date has been set for the astronauts’ return, the stay has been extended indefinitely, and NASA and Boeing say the batteries are performing well aboard the capsule.

    The spacecraft arrived at the International Space Station on June 6. Monday marked 46 days since they’ve been there.

    While Sunday was the end of the 45-day window the mission was approved for, NASA and Boeing have said the batteries are performing and the capsule is safe to stay past that window at the ISS.

    Don’t you worry bout a thing . . . . .

    • Sensei

      They are getting valuable data. If they return now all of the problematic parts in the module will be lost during reentry.

      – Boeing PR

      This way they can keep turning valves off and get precise measurements of exactly how over temperature and how much He they are losing. It will help with the inevitable lawsuit with Rocketdyne.

    • juris imprudent

      “I’m calling about your capsule’s extended warranty…”

    • Drake

      Is Elon going to have to rescue them?

      • Suthenboy

        I wonder if the DEI crowd would rather let the crew die, replace them with look-alikes to fake success than let Musk rescue them.
        Eggs, omelets and all that.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Google nooz Kamala Harris links are all accompanied by photos of her smiling. They’re scary. Like the wicked witch preparing to slide Hansel and Gretel into the oven.

    Or a, you know, laughing hyena.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Boeing and NASA’s Starliner mission has exceeded the 45-day battery window being docked at the International Space Station.

    Don’t they have a solar battery charger? Harbor Freight sells them.

    • Sensei

      They actually do. It is the ISS itself and its panels. It’s on “shore power”. The design calls for running on shore power for up to 6 months, but this flight was only certified for 45 days.

  21. R.J.

    Wouldn’t it be interesting if Jimmy Carter outlived Joe Biden?

    • Suthenboy

      Jimmy Carter…further evidence that only the good die young.