¡martes por la tarde, enalces mexicanos!

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Daily Links | 162 comments

Due to the midweek holiday, all of my kids are in the house since apparently their day camps don’t meet this week.

Which was fine until I was in the middle of a meeting and my son walks up and announces he’s hungry and would like some chicken.

”I’m busy, and its 0930. Didn’t you just eat breakfast? So he settles on a hamburger leftover from the weekend. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Last month’s top story: Mexico is officially gay.

Last weekend’s top story: 19 corpses found in a dump truck near the Mexico-Guatemala border.

Closer to home, if this doesn’t piss you off I don’t know what will.

Remember Frankie, Latin Women—are still women. You can’t call them broads anymore.

USMNT still can’t defeat corruption in soccer. Good thing they went full Pride flag with their kit this year, otherwise US sports fans might not give a shit.

If the coup failed, what’s the problem with calling it a hoax?

In spite of everything, he failed to learn communists aren’t people.

Never seen the video for this. For some reason it would be a lot more interesting if the subtitles were in German.

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. Shpip

    Last Wednesday, Zúñiga and other military officials stormed the presidential palace, ramming its doors with a tank and railing against the country’s politicians. In a dramatic face-to-face confrontation, Arce ordered Zúñiga to back down — successfully putting a lid on the rebellion after just three chaotic hours that reverberated regionwide.

    Uh-huh. Totally believable. Pull the other one.

    • R C Dean

      I dunno – not much an attempted coup if you stand down when El President asks you to.

  2. Rat on a train

    Does he get the jackpot in dollars or pesos?

    • mexican sharpshooter


  3. Timeloose

    “Closer to home, if this doesn’t piss you off I don’t know what will.”

    This doesn’t piss me off in the least. A visitor ” i’m assuming” took a chance to win money in the USA and against all odds did.

    I’m much more concerned about direct payments to foreign nationals and illegal aliens via various state and federal policies that encourage further emigration for the free lunch.

    • Sean

      Agreed. Doesn’t register as offensive to me either.

      • Beau Knott

        Agree with you both

    • SDF-7

      Not to mention, as lottery prizes go these days — $1.3 million isn’t all that much. And I’m sure the tax bite is bad even with them being a foreign national.

      So yeah — doesn’t really faze me any more than an American going to Monaco to watch F1 and hitting a casino jackpot would. Sorry, MS.

  4. The Late P Brooks

    Closer to home, if this doesn’t piss you off I don’t know what will.

    Void where prohibido.

    • SDF-7

      Void where pointer type is unneeded.

  5. juris imprudent

    I didn’t think other confederations had refs as bad as CONCACAF.

    • juris imprudent

      The ref isn’t to blame for the lack of goals though.

      • rhywun

        Agreed. This team sucks.

      • juris imprudent

        I think the problem is coaching, these players are comfortable with Berhalter. I think he’s too comfortable with too many of them.

  6. Grummun

    On Sept. 11, 1973, Pinochet led a coup to overthrow Marxist President Salvador Allende, ushering in a period of brutal repression until 1990 during which at least 3,095 people were killed and tens of thousands more were imprisoned and tortured for political reasons.

    I’m not a student of Chilean history, but this feels like a stolen base.

    • juris imprudent

      Allende was AFAIK legitimately elected. Their current president is a leftie. Seems Chileans like to elect that kind.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Meh, it’s Chile, dog.

      • SDF-7

        Are you saying they’re the wurst?

      • Shpip

        I’m not sure we’re prepared for this sort of frank discussion.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        I’m not sure we’re prepared for this sort of frank discussion.

        Its how the sausage is made.

      • Pope Jimbo

        You brats are going to urinate off Swiss

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I mean, he did do terrible things…to communists.

      • Suthenboy

        That is rarely mentioned..the communist part I mean.

        I have a cousin in law solid union guy. He hates me. Once he sent me an email that excruciatingly detailed the horrors that had been inflicted on strikers in the past. My response: “Provoke, provoke, provoke, agitate, agitate, agitate, agitate. Destroy property, hurt people, cripple companies and piss away untold wealth. People finally lose patients and strike back. Now you scream ‘Look what they did!’ and foam at the mouth while stabbing their fingers at you. In my opinion the army should have been called out and put the strikers down. ”

        He hates me…did I mention that?

      • Grummun

        This is what I was getting at: brutal repression of communists, killed and imprisoned for being communists. I’m having trouble seeing the problem.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        He hates me…did I mention that?

        *checks notes*

      • R C Dean

        I started my career in VA, with a firm that had some coal mining company clients. It used to have a lot more of them. One of the partners had a picture in his office with the logos of all the coal companies that went under after being unionized.

        I also heard a lot of stories of the violence inflicted by union goons during strikes, up to and including shootings.

        Unions are fine in principle. In practice, they are pretty much organized crime.

      • Suthenboy

        Ugh. My kingdom for an editor….


  7. Tundra

    I needed that gif. Gracias.

    On a Friday night in 2023, Monique Brasil, a 37-year-old Black community organizer,

    *taps out*

    • SDF-7

      In my day, community organizers were unqualified junior Senators, dagnabbit!

    • R C Dean

      Same here, Tundra. Who knows if somebody actually thought she was a hooker, but I’m inclined to doubt it based on “community organizer”.

  8. Tonio

    “Over 100 same-sex couples get married at mass wedding ceremony in Mexico”

    Which is different than, “Over 100 same-sex couples get married at Wedding Mass ceremony in Mexico.”

    • SDF-7

      Thank you — when I hovered, that’s how I read it at first and had to think “Man, Commie Pope is pushing things… and in Mexico of all places!”

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      100 Homo DJs should have performed at least.

      • SDF-7

        Chris Lowe did a mass adoption?

      • rhywun

        Wow. College flashback.

  9. Mojeaux

    Happy 21st bday to XX. The celebration isn’t much, but BBQ and a Shirley Temple poke cake are involved.

    Alcohol, however, is NOT involved.

    I think I spent my 21st birthday alone and broke, so I consider this a #win.

    • Tonio

      Congrats to XX, and to you for raising her right.

    • Raven Nation

      Congrats. But since you’re a KC resident, I’m astonished you didn’t identify the source of the BBQ so as to start a rhetorical war.

      • Rat on a train

        Korean BBQ?

      • SDF-7

        Kansas City BBQ — right down the street from Kansas City Wok.

      • Mojeaux

        I didn’t say because I’m a little ashamed I didn’t rear her with better taste (Bryants) (Gates), but we are going to Jack Stack. It’s perfectly serviceable bbq.

      • Raven Nation

        Well I guess I have poor taste b/c I love Jack Stack.

      • Pope Jimbo

        The only sauce that XX will have on her b-day, I guess, is the slop that those deluded folx think goes on meat that has been smoked/grilled. So sad that her trip into adulthood starts with such a misstep.

      • Mojeaux

        Pontiff, you are as predictable as the sun rising in the east.

        Raven, I like it but it’s not my favorite. If’s what the fam can agree on.

    • SDF-7

      Happy Birthday to XX. Enjoy the broke years — you don’t have much money, but you don’t tend to have as much responsibility either… and you haven’t seen the same crap repeat. Enjoy the Time Of Possibilities!

    • Chafed

      It’s a wonderful N. Happy birthday to XX.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Uh oh.

      Right, Congratulations!

    • Fourscore

      Congrats to the Mojeaux,

      At least she didn’t turn out like Merle Haggard on his adulthood birthday

    • Tundra

      Cograts to both of you!

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Civil society organizations

    In other words, communists.

    Where the fuck did that term come from? It seems to be new.

    • Tonio

      Oh, they are always changing things up. Remember how “equality” got replaced with “equity?”

      • SDF-7

        We’re Revolutionaries, maaaan! We can’t be beholden to the antique words of last decade!

  11. SDF-7

    You can’t call them broads anymore.

    I don’t know how many times I’ve told those boys — Never call chicks broads.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    In ur Circle k, stealin ur lotteries

      • kinnath


  13. rhywun

    USMNT still can’t defeat corruption in soccer

    The reffing was absolute shit – I’m still not sure that Uruguay’s gol was good.

    Speaking of the gay, I was pleasantly surprised to note yesterday that their flag was removed from City Hall across the street and just in time. The POW MIA flag remains, somewhat to my surprise given how lefty this town is. (Before I identified it, I thought it was some sort of black power thing – from a distance…)

    • SDF-7

      But what about the MIA transgender POWs, bigot!

      • Rat on a train

        Replace POW MIA with POC LGBTQIA+!

  14. The Late P Brooks

    It said the killings appear to be related to the bloody turf battles between the Sinaloa drug cartel and a rival gang known as the Cartel of Mexico and Guatemala. The latter gang may have ties to Sinaloa’s arch rival, the Jalisco cartel.

    I was going to say “landscapers”. Those guys are ruthless competitors.

    • R C Dean

      “Authorities find 19 bodies piled in a dump truck in a cartel-dominated area of southern Mexico”

      Would it be easier to just identify those areas that aren’t cartel-dominated?

  15. rhywun

    Never seen the video for this.

    Great tune 👍🏻

    Saw it many times on 120 Minutes.

    • Sean

      Fantastic tune.

  16. DEG

    Bolivian President Luis Arce faces a wave of criticism at home and abroad from those claiming he engineered the coup to make himself look like a hero

    Glowop within glowop within glowop

    • mexican sharpshooter


  17. Chafed

    You did the GIF! Send the kids over MS. I’ll babysit.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      You’re low, low price is concerning.

    • Mojeaux

      I don’t understand what was hard about the hill, the curve, and both. Not a steep grade, not a sharp curve.

      • rhywun

        I didn’t get it either but someone in the comments mentioned “never take the traction control off an M car” – I wouldn’t know but maybe that explains it?

      • Sensei

        See Brooks below. He mashed it and lost the back.

        Likely had the traction control off or dialed down.

    • rhywun

      lol nice

    • Tundra

      Great flick. Nearly perfect.

      • Beau Knott


  18. The Late P Brooks

    BMW driver- lift or counter steer; don’t do both. When the rear hooks up it will spit you out of the corner to the outside.

    • Tundra

      Tourquey little beasts.

    • Sensei

      Learning to drive on low horsepower cars with no driver aids is a powerful learning experience. Things happen more slowly with a better chance of recovery.

      I also managed to put a 1.8 liter E30 into a guardrail sideways at age 18. That and driving motorcycle are certainly teaching moments.

      • Tundra

        I was a lot kid for a Volvo dealer when I was in HS. They took a LOT of 911s (and other fun stuff) in on trade, so I learned very quickly about how easy it is to swap ends. But yes, driving a slow car fast is the best teacher.

      • Sensei

        I’ve never driven an air cooled Porsche, but the snap throttle mid corner oversteer is certainly much discussed.

      • Tundra

        Pretty fucking scary when you are a 17yo punk used to VWs!

        But once you feel it and have a near miss, you show proper respect (and sense)

      • trshmnstr

        Even a trip out to a decent karting track (with the real karts, not the places with mini golf attached) is an eye opening experience.

        The first time you try to drag your brakes through the turn, you learn a lesson.

      • Ted S.

        But yes, driving a slow car fast is the best teacher.

        Was it slow enough so you could fly away?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Yeah, I looped a friends 84 911 a couple times. You let up on the throttle at all in a turn, and it is all over. And, yes. My ’78 Carolla Liftback was the best teaching aid of all time for fast driving.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Not a steep grade, not a sharp curve.

    He stabbed the throttle mid-corner to pass and broke the rear tires loose. Some people really do need traction control.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Learning to drive on low horsepower cars with no driver aids is a powerful learning experience. Things happen more slowly with a better chance of recovery.

    You also learn about momentum and smoothness (or should, anyway).

    • Sensei

      Let me discuss driving a MB W123 non turbo diesel for conserving momentum and smoothness…

      You planned for everything in that tank.

      • Tundra

        Nice car, though. 240D?

      • Sensei

        The rare 300D. Not a TD.

      • Tundra


        Did you at least have a manual?

      • Sensei

        Slushbox. Sadly. Not sure how much difference it would have made though.

      • Tundra

        Lol. Probably not. I had a Peugeot 504 diesel (non turbo) and it was a poky little puppy. Also a slushbox.

      • B.P.

        I got rid of my 1975 W115 300D (no turbo) last year.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        W115, W123, that is how you know a car guy, calling them out by the body code.

        (former owner of a TE50, and SRL311)

      • Tundra


        Or motors. My beloved B230F

      • Tundra

        I got rid of my 1975 W115 300D (no turbo) last year.


        One of the really fun benefits of this place is all the gorgeous old cars. Talked to a dude at the hardware store the other day who had an absolutely amazing 67 MGB GT. Salt is the devil.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        My dad had a 7 series back in the 80s & 90s. That motherfucker was a truckload full of tanks.

      • Tundra

        My dad had a 7 series back in the 80s & 90s.

        Those were so ridiculously badass. Big, fast and dead quiet.

        Kind of like Pope Jimbo!

    • Sensei

      And now the new BMW 5 series is larger than the 7 series of the 80s and 90s.

  21. Brochettaward

    Yea, you fucking guys aren’t even try to First in my absence. What am embarrassment to me you all are.

  22. Raven Nation

    Turkey goalie made save of the year at the end of the Austria game.

  23. Pope Jimbo

    Finally! Someone is starting to make sense.

    I’m not a former president or a Biden granddaughter, so my thoughts about the fate of democracy carry little weight. Still, I’ve thought a lot about what a successful Democrat ticket might look like, and if it were up to me—and it really should be—my choice would be Al Franken/Kamala Harris.
    “Well, that’s stupid and makes no sense,” you’re thinking.
    I know! Nothing makes sense these days. The Supreme Court just ruled a President can order protesters to be shot and get away with it. To my mind, Franken checks all the boxes necessary to beat Trump—and nothing is more important than beating Trump.

    I will leave it as an exercise for the Glibs to read her 12 reasons why Al should be the nominee.

    • Pope Jimbo

      She didn’t even mention that Franken is the OG of finding enough ballots after the polls close to win.

    • Ted S.

      “Well, that’s stupid and makes no sense,” you’re thinking.

      And you’d be right.

    • Raven Nation

      “and nothing is more important than beating Trump”

      Occasionally, when a friend or acquaintance of mine makes this kind of statement, I ask “What is it the makes Trump so much worse than any other president”? The response quickly descend into indignation, deflection, accusation. I’ve yet to hear any kind of answer to the question that goes beyond assertion.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Thank doG for their blinding anger. If they had been halfway smart and stroked his ego, he would have given them everything they wanted.

        “Donny, you are such a good negotiator. We had hoped that you would agree to a $4T budget, but you outsmarted us. We will agree to your $3T budget”

        Dumb fuck would totally fall for that.

      • Brochettaward

        But what they want is power.Democrat isn’t in office, they don’t really care what gets done.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Holy fuck, do these assholes not realize that this, this immunity thing, is what kept FDR, JFK, and LBJ out of fucking jail!

      Shoot somebody on the street? Why not Dronessassinate a wedding party member!

      • Pope Jimbo

        Obama droning the 16 year old kid (and American citizen) of another American citizen he didn’t like without bothering with a trial? You mean that sort of murder?

    • Trials and Trippelations

      “ Straight white man. Sadly, this is still a requirement for winning the U.S. presidency”

      Only the white part of Obama won the presidency

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Big Mike concurs.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I wonder if she knows Al is (((one of them)))?

    • Suthenboy

      I am assuming the big red ‘Embrace the Lunacy’ is a disclaimer.

    • R C Dean

      “The Supreme Court just ruled a President can order protesters to be shot and get away with it.”

      Probably not. Violating Posse Comitatus would make it not one of his powers to order soldiers to do so. One of the many secret police agencies would be a closer call, but unless they are enforcing an actual federal law, that too would exceed his powers. Just a regular old nonviolent protest, well, violating the First Amendment would also be in excess of his powers and thus not immunized. Even if they were enforcing an actual federal law against rioters (like say, the BLM protestors attacking the federal courthouse), you would likely be in the minefield of limited immunity, not absolute immunity. And in that case, I’m thinking he probably shouldn’t be prosecuted anyway.

      Contrary to the wet dreams of leftists, the President isn’t an absolute dictator even if he does have immunity for official acts.

      Of course, if martial law is declared, all bets are off anyway.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Alsotoo, there is a reason impeachment is hardwired into the law. No matter what a president does, it is political. And the only solution to that is to move past politics, ie get the entire country onboard.

      • Brochettaward

        I wonder if anyone wants to tell her that this is exactly what Abraham Lincoln did.

  24. Chipping Pioneer

    swanky club in the Brazilian capital of São Paulo

    Geography is hard.

  25. Chipping Pioneer

    a stranger came up to her, asking in an accent: “How much?”

    I thought this was SOP in Brazil.

    • Suthenboy


    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Yeah, ’cause it’s tourists that are bringing teh sexism…

      Yeah, that’s it!

  26. Pope Jimbo

    Don’t worry. The cavalry is on the way! And it is being led by King Walz.

    The White House on Tuesday agreed to Gov. Tim Walz’s request for a meeting of Democratic governors with President Joe Biden to discuss concerns about the president’s rocky debate performance and determine how to best calm the political waters.

    The White House meeting Walz requested as head of the Democratic Governors Association will be on Wednesday, a national Democratic official said. Walz will be flying with some of the governors to Washington while others will likely join the meeting virtually.

    Walz held a meeting with Democratic governors Monday in which the president’s problems were discussed. He said governors were concerned about how they would message the president’s stumbles during the debate.

    • Tundra

      Geez. Hide the underage kids.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I am sure OMB is unable to sleep worrying about this possibility.

      If Biden leaves the race and Harris were to win the nomination, she would need to choose a vice presidential candidate.
      There is speculation already about who Harris’s vice president would be. Walz, Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois and Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky are among those who have been mentioned.

      • Tundra

        All grandma killers! Excellent choices!

      • creech

        And the latest CBS poll shows Harris essentially within margin of error tied with Trump. Some Dems, like Clymer, think she’ll beat Trump once the American people find out how special and effective she is.

      • Suthenboy

        I see where Hillary has a 97% chance of beating Donnie-Two Scoops. At last, the messiah has come!


  27. Trials and Trippelations

    The neighbors two doors down not only moved their Biden Harris sign from near the front door to the street after the biden debate. They got a second one to place next to it.
    I am left speechless.

    Helpful background info they own 2 Subarus and a Prius with NPR bumper stickers. They have a sign on their mailbox from the Covid times stating that they support postal workers.

    • Tundra

      I have ones that still have the “In this house” sign in their window. And a “Unions for All” bumper sticker.

      I think it might be her, though. He drives a pickup and likes to have beers with us normies.

      You should totally try to subvert him. That could be really entertaining!

    • Sensei

      No rainbow flags?

      • Trials and Trippelations

        The rainbow flag is the unofficial flag of my city

        Way back when my wife and I initially talked about leaving where we live I joked we should scope out any places we are interested in in June and note all the pride flags.
        As luck would have it we were in Waco last week to drop off our RV, and drove through one of the neighborhoods we think we’ll end up in
        Pride flags: 0
        In this house: 0
        BLM: 0
        Climate crisis with I assume like minded political candidates signs: 1

        I think we found the right place

  28. Pope Jimbo

    I don’t know why they need a meeting. King Walz has already shown them the way.

    Joe’s bad debate was all because instead of prepping, he spent too much time caring about the flood victims here in Minnesoda.

    During an interview with the PBS “Newshour” program Friday, Walz, who serves as chair for the Democratic National Governors Association, told journalist Amna Nawaz that while “I agree [Biden] had a poor night” on the debate stage with Donald Trump on Thursday, “what I do know is the totality of the president’s work, especially at the crisis time coming out of Covid and some things, as a governor we’re at the tip of that spear and we see it.
    “Look, [Biden is] not a young man, but he’s an honest man,” Walz said. “We’re right in the middle of massive flooding out here in Minnesota. His team’s out here. [President Biden] took time Wednesday, he wasn’t preparing for the debate, he was calling out here to see how the flood recovery was going.
    “I’m not gonna gloss over the fact that this was not a great (debate) performance, but I’m still seeing the president do this job. I’m still seeing him being responsive to crisis situations and putting out policies that are going to make life better for people, unlike Donald Trump, who was horrifyingly misleading last night but more than that is just blatantly cruel in his policies.”

    • Trials and Trippelations

      Wait one phone call was taxing and distracting enough that Biden couldn’t form words

      • B.P.

        Well, a cold gave him dementia.

    • creech

      Trials and Trippelations

      “blantantly cruel” yeah, like Trump in his four years never had FEMA respond to hurricanes, fires, floods, etc. In fact, he laughed at the suffering of American citizens, chanting “drown, baby, drown” every time. Only president in recent history to duck sympathetic photo ops. Who (with even half a brain) believes the shit these guys spout?

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Indeed, Biden is a cheap fake.

    • rhywun

      he’s an honest man


      • Shpip

        “By the standards of Democrat politicians he’s pretty honest compared to Richard Nixon.”

      • Beau Knott

        Yeah. That he didn’t burst into flames upon uttering that whopper … smdh

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Let me discuss driving a MB W123 non turbo diesel for conserving momentum and smoothness…

    1100cc MG Midget. I bet it made 40 horsepower, easy.

    • Pope Jimbo

      You don’t drive a MG for power. You drive it for the chicks and broads!

      19 year old me had a MG that was constantly broken and costing me $$. My mom kept asking me why I kept it and didn’t sell. Couldn’t tell her the truth, that girls would constantly ask for a ride. Then for a drive in the MG.

      • Tundra

        Worth it. Every single time.

      • Sensei

        Who needs synchromesh in first gear or working electrics? Chicks dig ‘em!

      • Tundra

        *terrible grinding noise*

        “Hey, baby!”

      • slumbrew

        That’s the wrong sort of grinding, Tundra

  30. Sensei

    Ladies and gentlemen, we found him! Just like Republicans who support Biden.

    Opinion: My Tractor Supply hat was a symbol. Now it’s in the garbage

    That’s because the company — in what it says is an effort to distance itself from “nonbusiness activities” — caved to a right-wing boycott campaign and announced it would abandon its programs intended to foster diversity, equity and inclusion (in favor of, presumably, homogeneity, inequality and exclusion?).

    I think he has things reversed.

    • R.J.

      Bet one: he never had a Tractor Supply Hat.
      Bet Two: he borrowed his neighbor’s hat for the photo.

    • Ted S.

      Note how protesting a company being non-left will get you in the mass media, but protesting a company for being explicitly lefty will get you opprobrium, as though the people protesting and not the companies themselves are the ones being divisive.

    • Suthenboy

      The last time I saw that guy he was saying “I am a gun owner but even I….” while he sawed his AR in half.
      These get so tiresome. No one buys that shit sunshine.

    • Pope Jimbo

      He’s not a real Minnesodan. He would be shopping at Fleet Farm if he was really one of us.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    My hat is already in the garbage. Once a company has made this kind of decision, it’s hard to imagine ever going back. I threw a bag of cat litter and some frozen fish guts on top then put it out on the curb. It’s gone. But let this be a lesson to the next company faced by one of these campaigns (and right-wing influencers are already gearing up for the next one): You don’t have to comply. Tractor Supply Company could have just affirmed that it supports everyone who tries to live “life out here,” while making sure that “out here” is still around as we try to pull back from this era of fire and flood.

    Whatever helps you sleep at night. Don’t do any research on John Menard’s viewpoint or activities, whatever you do.

  32. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    REPORTER: One of my colleagues behind me shouted a similar question to what I’m going to be asking you —

    KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, WHITE HOUSE: I don’t remember the question.

    REPORTER: — but I think given what happened on Thursday, given the reporting in the New York Times and other outlets about the President’s more frequent lapses, losing his train of thought, all of us saw what happened on Thursday, where he simply could not form coherent answers to many, or some, if you will, of the questions, and hear to lapse into nonsensical answers at the end, we beat Medicare, for instance.

    I’m going to ask something delicate, and you may not like it, the President may not like to hear it if he’s watching, but I think the American people need to get a yes or no answer on this. Does President Biden, at 81 years old, have Alzheimer’s, any form of dementia, or degenerative illness that would cause these sorts of lapses? And it’s a yes or no question.

    And if you don’t know, why don’t you, as one of his senior staff members, know?

    KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: I have an answer for you. Are you ready for it? Yes. It’s a no.

    And I hope you’re asking the other guy the same exact question

    The long knives are out.

      • R C Dean

        “I have an answer for you. Are you ready for it? Yes. It’s a no.”

        I don’t think Blackberry understands “Yes or no”.

      • Suthenboy

        It is certainly a ‘let them eat cake’ moment, isn’t it.

    • Ted S.

      KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, WHITE HOUSE: I don’t remember the question.

      It’s OK, your boss doesn’t remember anything either.

      • Suthenboy

        It is a waste of time to play ‘gotcha’ with people who are not coherent, consistent, reasonable or honest. It is like arguing with a schizophrenic.
        See Sowell’s estimation of Obama: “He is so slippery he makes an eel look like sandpaper”