Monday Afternoon Long Range Links

by | Jul 1, 2024 | Daily Links | 104 comments

I can’t take this place!

With The OMB- Puddingbrain debate not that far back, and some of the other nonsense going on around here, I have decided today’s links will look anywhere but the US. Surely it has to be better out there, right?

Lets go see.

  • Why, that is enough for thousands of curses! Imma say they should have left things be.
  • Still going…maybe nearing the end of Round 1?
  • The Swiss move slowly. But, Saudi expats hardest hit.
  • The Olympics have not been serious for a while now.

Music… hmm. This seems appropriate, if old.

So it appears the rest of the world may be no better than here. Comments are open and all yours.

P.S. Happy Canada Day, to all Canadian Glibs.

About The Author

Swiss Servator

Swiss Servator

Currently serving at the pleasure of a Swiss multinational. Previously a Soldier, rugby player, lawyer, bouncer, bartender, substitute teacher, risk manager, and cubicle mushroom. Will work for raclette.


  1. Chipping Pioneer

    Prediction: Breakdancer stripped of medal in disgrace after piece of cardboard found to be non-regulation.

    • Swiss Servator

      This entire post was worth it, just for this comment. Bravo!

    • Chafed

      Lol. Maybe it was performance enhancing.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Olympic breakdancing? At least it’s coed, right?

    • The Other Kevin

      The IOC moves really slow. In this case, they’re just getting to an application for a new sport from 40 years ago.

  3. Shpip

    The crime of rape now includes not only sexual intercourse against the will of the victim, but also “acts similar to sexual intercourse” that involve physical penetration. According to the Federal Council, this means that significantly more sexual acts would be considered rape.




  4. kinnath

    The Ds will nominate Biden. In the Sept debate, they will wheel Biden out in a wheelchair and let him drool down his chin while staring blankly into space. After the debate, the Ds will tell the public to vote for Mr. Potatohead instead of letting Trump back in the office. And the public will comply.

    • Drake

      “The Public” being a vote counting computer they programmed.

    • Rat on a train

      dick tater v dictator

      • R.J.

        Count Potato’s next name change has been found

  5. The Other Kevin

    Love that song. Thanks!

    • kinnath

      Don’t know that band or the song. Must have been that era when I turned off the radio and the TV.

      • The Other Kevin

        Early 90’s I think? And you’d only hear it on alternative stations. I bet Swiss listens to WXRT.

      • Ted S.

        Late 80s. And it was a modest Top 40 hit.

      • Grummun

        This is the one I know


      • Mojeaux


        That song has lots of memories attached to it.

  6. The Other Kevin

    “An ancient cemetery with more than 300 tombs of mummies has been unearthed in Egypt in a discovery that scientists have since dubbed the “City of the Dead.””

    Make sure you subtract one kadam to honor the Hebrew god, otherwise you’ll be digging in the wrong place.

    • Shpip

      I’d cheer you on for that semi-obscure reference, but I’m not the Ra-Ra type of guy.

      • Ted S.

        Do you have to Ramses puns down Swiss’ throat?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        That is very Ap-t, Swiss.

    • hayeksplosives


      One of the few movies I could recite from beginning to end, not because I tried to memorize it, but I was that age where my brain absorbed everything and kept it.

      No way I could do that now. Nor should I.

  7. Shpip

    Patrizia Piacentini, an archaeologist at the University of Milan, is leading a team of researchers to discover more about the ancient city of Aswan, once an important trade hub, granite quarry and military post on the east bank of the Nile River, founded around 4,500 years ago.

    The city was actually built of sandstone, but they took it for granite.

    • Ted S.

      That’s not a gneiss pun.

      • Shpip

        Aswan was only a major trade hub until the time it was set upon by pyrites.

      • Shpip

        It appears that I’m now on Swiss’s schist list.

        Fortunately, he’s all talc.

      • Ted S.

        Are you saying Swiss doesn’t have the apatite for puns?

      • Seguin

        That pun was a marble.

    • The Other Kevin

      Read the article. What the author sediment.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Such pyroclastic commentary

  8. The Other Kevin

    Ship of Fools is also one of my favorite paintings. For years I was seriously considering painting my own version. But the cast of fools keeps changing and there are just so damn many of them.

    • Ted S.

      I’d have guessed you’d prefer Dogs Playing Poker.

  9. rhywun

    Old is always appropriate, especially if it is that wonderful tune.

  10. kinnath

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., threatened to bring articles of impeachment against the Supreme Court after Monday’s immunity ruling regarding former President Trump.

    “The Supreme Court has become consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its control,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on X. “Today’s ruling represents an assault on American democracy. It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture. I intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return.”

    Sovereign immunity has been part of US legal landscape for a very, very long time.

    Stupid bint.

    • Common Tater

      “AOC threatens to IMPEACH all six conservative Supreme Court Justices after Trump immunity ruling”

      All six? Yeah, OK.

      • kinnath

        The new, not a biologist, voted with the majority. The catholic voted against.

      • Common Tater

        Good thing she is cute and has big tits.


      Oh goody! Are we going to get another foot-stompy temper tantrum?

    • Nephilium

      I’d have some respect for her if she introduced a bill to strip sovereign immunity.

    • Rat on a train

      do it

    • Suthenboy

      Does anyone have any idea what she is talking about?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Does SHE have any idea what she is talking about?

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Basically, SCOTUS said an official act by a president cannot be prosecuted.

        From TOS: “Challenging the federal prosecution stemming from his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, Donald Trump argued that former presidents can be prosecuted for “official acts” only if they are first impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate based on the same conduct. The Supreme Court today rejected that claim, which is based on an implausible reading of the constitutional text. At the same time, the Court held that a former president enjoys “absolute” immunity for “actions within his exclusive constitutional power,” “presumptive” immunity for other “official acts,” and no immunity for unofficial acts.”

        AOC has a sadz because it pre-empts political prosecutions for doing things she doesn’t like.

      • Suthenboy

        TOS: Nice assumption of guilt there. Their TDS was festering for a while before we all left but came to a boil not long after.

  11. Common Tater

    What’s the libertarian position on noise ordinances?

    • kinnath

      You can be as loud as you want so long as the sound waves don’t exit your own personal space. Anything else is harming other people.

      • Nephilium

        That’ll cause some issues for wireless devices.

      • kinnath

        Neural jack. Blast your brain as much as you want.

      • Common Tater

        So that would apply to my neighbor whose landscapers use leafblowers louder than a 357 magnum.

      • kinnath

        That is my opinion, yes.

        Leaf blowers are a crime.

      • Gustave Lytton

        If leaf blowing is wrong, I don’t ever want to be right again.

        /snaps rake in half

    • Fourscore

      That’s not noise, that’s my guitar playing.

      /False, I couldn’t even generate noise on a guitar.

    • Suthenboy

      My father lives in a gated neighborhood either in or near the Woodlands in Houston. He once had a complaint (among many) lodged against him for not washing his truck. He complained to me about it.

      “What the fuck are you doing living there? Everyone is up everyone else’ ass all of the time with petty shit like that. Why didn’t you build a house in the middle of nowhere, my God you have enough land. What the fuck are you doing there? You couldn’t get me to live there at gun point.”

      I use whatever power eqpt. I want when I want and dont give a damned what anyone thinks of it. I also shoot off of my back porch.


    And in other news, the Gaza Plateau has just swung Democrat!

    • Ted S.

      Was that a reference to this?


        That is amusing, I suppose they are fans of Hamas as well.

      • rhywun

        Called the Democrats


        False advertising is universal, I guess.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., threatened to bring articles of impeachment against the Supreme Court after Monday’s immunity ruling regarding former President Trump.

    Speaking of criminalizing policy differences…

    • creech

      You go, girl.

    • Suthenboy

      The main complaint about this court seems to be that they are stripping the executive of ‘massive’, ‘unimaginable amounts’, etc power.
      I dont hear anyone pointing out that govt. in general should never have that much power to start with.

      • trshmnstr

        I dont hear anyone pointing out that govt. in general should never have that much power to start with.

        Because they don’t believe it. Government is just what we do together, and big government just means we’re doing more together!

      • Gustave Lytton

        Someone needs to solve all these problems.

    • Ted S.

      Was she booed for being a lousy singer or did some moral scold not consider her “queer” [sic] enough?

    • rhywun

      Family Friendly™ approved

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Princess seeks pea

    Factoring in Boni’s non-negotiables – works in finance (1.7 million men in the US), has a trust fund (1.2 percent of Americans), 6’5” (a staggering 0.1 percent of men in the US), and blue eyes (27 percent of men in the US) – and of course whether they’re single or not, that left Boni with only two men available to date across the entire country, according to Hodge’s calculations.

    “Things aren’t looking good for GirlOnCouch,” commented one TikTok user in response.

    Just send ten dollars to the Church of the Sacred Bleeding Heart of Jesus, honey. All your dreams will come true.

    • kinnath


    • trshmnstr

      Is she looking for a fling or a marriage?

      I mean, im sure she can find a guy who checks most of her boxes who will gladly take her out for dinner and spend a night with her, but I don’t think a California 5 with a massive sense of entitlement and a likely 3 digit body count is going to be getting swept off her feet and into the high life Cinderella style.

    • Suthenboy

      Poison. Run.

    • Suthenboy

      She could be right. A lot of furrinurs do that. They are trying to keep official thieves hands off of their money and in doing so become targets for unofficial thieves.
      Imagine where we would be were it not for the huge cost of thuggery and savagery we inflict on ourselves.

    • Ted S.

      I thought it was only normal for black prosecutors in Georgia.


      Should I start a career in burgling, I guess I can add the homes of Cubans to those of Black Woman District Attorneys® to the list of targets.

  15. KSuellington

    The breakdancing event has some interesting rules. Apparently if the D batteries run out on your boombox during an event your team has 10 minutes to run to a local corner store to get more. It counts as a “whack” and three “whacks” gets you wiggedy wiggedy whacked out.

    • Aloysious

      I didn’t understand any of that.

      • Tres Cool

        + Kriss Kross

  16. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    For a Monday, today has been great! Our Press office has no releases scheduled, and I got my dolly trailer towed & stowed thanks the RV park owner.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Also, I read the single most valuable LinkedIn post of all time, which taught me how to make an accessible PDF from a Google Doc

      • Mojeaux

        Also, I read the single most valuable LinkedIn post of all time, which taught me how to make an accessible PDF from a Google Doc


      • hayeksplosives

        I like using Adobe Acrobat Pro to convert PDFs back to Word or PowerPoint docs. Very handy for grabbing pics and doing other editing.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Literally just export the Google Doc to Word (.docx) and then import from Word to Acrobat. For some reason, importing from Google directly to PDF strips all the accessible features. But not when run through Word first. 🤷‍♀️

      • Ted S.

        I would presume this doesn’t work for those who use LibreOffice?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        No idea – I am making a training/resource document for bureaucrats, and they don’t use Libre. Google Docs/Slides is pretty much all they use because of the collaboration tools.

    • Shpip

      I got my dolly trailer towed & stowed

      Fuckin’ A, that’s how you euphemism!

      • hayeksplosives

        I find it amusing that Americans say “Fuckin’ A!” and mean it in a very positive, enthusiastic “A+!” sort of sense.

        But Australians, who arguably introduced the term, spell it “Fuckin’ ‘ey!” and mean it derisively as a commentary on how unbelievably bad something is.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I see both uses in my game, fucin’ eh

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Not so clean tech

    The Harvard International Review says the Lithium Triangle is one of the driest places on earth, which complicates the process of lithium extraction. Miners have to drill holes in the salt flats to pump salty, mineral-rich brine to the surface. They then let the water evaporate for months at a time, forming a mixture of potassium, manganese, borax, and lithium salts that is then filtered and left to evaporate once more. After 12 to 18 months, the filtering process is complete and lithium carbonate can be extracted. While lithium extraction is relatively cheap and effective, it begs the question of sustainability and long-term impact. The question, HIR says, is whether lithium mining will benefit the globe and its inhabitants or lead to societal and environmental harm?


    Water is the primary concern of the Indigenous people. Each ton of lithium requires the evaporation of about 2 million liters (238,000 gallons) of water, which threatens to drain the region’s wetlands and already parched rivers and lakes. It also risks contaminating the groundwater, endangering livestock and small scale agriculture. Clemente Flores, a community leader, says water is the most essential part of “Pachamama” — Mother Earth. “The water feeds the air, the soil, the pastures for the animals, the food we eat,” he argues. “Our message to people with electric cars is that it is not right to ruin a region and destroy communities for a thing you want to buy.”

    Out of sight, out of mind.


      Man, it is almost like there is a cost for everything, including your ‘Coexist ‘ bumper sticker-adorned Prius!

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Green energy has tradeoffs too?
        Bosh! Flimshaw!

      • Q Continuum

        No way man, the government just makes a law to mandate it and then prints money to reimburse it. Everybody wins!

    • Suthenboy

      I wonder if that ‘community leader’ is the same guy in Bolivia that told me he hated Americans because we have all of the cars and wont give them any.

    • R C Dean

      “The question, HIR says, is whether lithium mining will benefit the globe and its inhabitants or lead to societal and environmental harm?”

      Oh, now we’re looking at societal benefits offsetting environmental costs? When did that start?

  18. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    My Fire TV stick crapped out last week and I have been unable to watch the Tour Dee France on my TV. New one was just delivered! Now I can watch spoiled brat prima donnas with gigantic legs!

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I can’t believe Mark Cavendish is still in the sport. I remember watching his rookie year with my now-deceased fiancé. He died in 2009. The fiancé’s nickname for him was “Cavendouche”

    • rhywun

      In 20 years her kids are going to pine for the good old days when Square Temps was a shithole.

    • Suthenboy

      I am not sure how to respond to that. Europe is committing suicide. Did she see this coming or did she support it when it got started?
      There is only one way to fix it. Do they have the will to do it?

  19. Gustave Lytton

    Dementia Joe ranting is hilarious.

  20. R C Dean

    The follow-ups on the SCOTUS decision on Presidential immunity are amusing. Some nob is saying Biden should use this to have Trump killed. Others are wailing that if Trump gets reelected he can go around committing any crime he wants.

    What a dumpster fire of a train wreck of a clown world shitshow.

  21. hayeksplosives

    I’m having a flashback to the “choose your own adventure” books of the 1980s.

    I’m in the one that takes place in the department store with the evil manikins.

    Why, brain, why?!