1. AlexinCT

    FBI Believes Trump Shooter Acted Alone, Investigating Attack as Act of Domestic Terrorism

    You think they would have had any kind of other take on this after it looks like the whole security setup for this event was below sub par?

    • SDF-7

      Interesting possibility as to why that was. Honestly, given the videos I saw yesterday about the head of the Secret Service and how they’re focused on DEI hiring (like the military and everything else the PPP Admin has touched), it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re understaffed and not mission focused, leading to crap like this.

      • AlexinCT

        The DEI angle is a given. But there was more at work here than we are hearing about. Especially when you get the leadership suddenly pointing fingers instead of accepting a mea culpa.

        I have repeatedly pointed out that all efforts to make Trump persona non grata with the people have not only failed, but failed miserably, and actually have resulted in his popularity going up. So that left very few options for the people that do not want the American people to pick anyone they have not vetted and approved, which meant assassination was a necessity.

        The government knows that if they do it themselves and the usual DEI ineptitude lets the cat out of the bag, it will be a problem. But you can simply manipulate things to let the chance of someone that has been brainwashed after 8 years of bullshit to step in to do the job.

        Note how many of these liberals actually felt not a bit of worry saying in public that they wished this dumbass had killed Trump before some of them started losing their jobs.

  2. AlexinCT

    Blackwater Founder Says Failure to Intercept Trump Shooter Either “Malice or Incompetence”

    While one could dismiss this by simply claiming DEI hires and their incompetence as well as politically motivated chicanery indirectly served to set this shit up, but then again, after 8 years of “Hitler, Hitler, muh democracy!” shit, and a ton of assassination porn from these unhinged people, I am inclined to see a pattern leading to an objective.

    • Suthenboy

      I have seen a lot of bullets do very unexpected things and shots that defy explanation but I gotta say…Trump getting his ear clipped is easily in the top five weird ones.
      Thank you Alex. That is an excellent way to put it: A pattern of behavior leading to an objective.

  3. AlexinCT

    House Oversight Chair James Comer on Possible ‘Shadow Government’: We’re Looking into Who Is Really ‘Calling the Shots’ Under Biden

    The fact this wasn’t the major question before a dumbass programmed by 24/7 hate porn from team blue took a shot at Trump, should tell you that they are all still playing damage control. Cause nobody believes Biden was calling any shot, right?

    • SDF-7

      I think that’s more fallout from the Great Debate Debacle. Not that most/all of us here haven’t been wondering since the tapioca brain was sworn in — but when it is obvious to even the water carrying media that PPP isn’t there, just who’s doing what becomes a reasonable question to stress if you’re Congress.

    • juris imprudent

      This is the same question we’ve had for quite a few years. Remember Obama reading in the newspapers about what his own administration was doing – that he didn’t know. Sure as hell never knew who was doing what in the Trump years, not to mention the people that talked him out of a number of his own initial positions. Maybe it is worse now – hard to say for sure.

      • AlexinCT

        The only thing press related that I clearly remember from the Obama administration years was how they successfully cowed and coerced the media to do their will with threats that if the media didn’t kiss their ass, the media would be shut out. The media obeyed with gusto, and that allowed Obama’s cooks to claim that criminal enterprise the unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy has been running for the last 16 years, was scandal free, when anyone that has paid attention clearly saw they wiped their dirty, smelly asses with our constitution and shat all over our legal system and everything else.

      • juris imprudent

        The W Administration had a pretty compliant press when it came to the War on Terror and the Patriot Act. I know you have a particular hatred for Obama, but a lot of this transcends party and personal issues.

      • AlexinCT

        The W Administration had a pretty compliant press when it came to the War on Terror and the Patriot Act.

        That might have been so at first, primarily because nobody wanted to be accused of being unpatriotic by standing against the 9/11 terrorist agenda. But I remember that once the war actually started, the media did a 180 real fast and went all hardcore against it because team blue smelled blood.

      • The Last American Hero

        John Stewart made his career going after Bush, then wasted the rest of it kissing Obama’s ass.

        9/11 was off limits, but anything else was fair game. Bush got ripped on Katrina, the economy, Iraq, and just about anything else.

      • Not Adahn

        Yeah, Trump didn’t break the media, Obama did. He was a president that not only were they naturally inclined to support, but it was immoral to criticize, ’cause racism. They spent eight years sucking up to power. By the time 2016 came along, there was no question about how allied the media was supposed to be — the Overton window had completely shifted.

        OMB just scattered the pieces.

  4. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’

    Mornin’ Banjos- Im heading to Houston.

  5. Grummun

    Re: Blackwater dude:

    “DJT is right to question the competence of those protecting him because yesterday they failed in almost every way.”

    I haven’t seen anything that suggests Trump has had anything but praise for the USSS. And this guy is clearly selling Blackwater as an alternative the the USSS for domestic protective details.

    • SDF-7

      Hey — at least they had early video of the shooter!


      As I understand it, Blackwater doesn’t exist as such. The company renamed itself to Academie or some such as the Blackwater brand took some serious damage in Iraq.

      Regardless of his motivations, his analysis of the tactical failings are spot on and the strategic failures e.g. placing political over practical concerns, he identified seem accurate as well.

      I don’t think even DJT is silly enough to publicly critique the USSS.

  6. SDF-7

    What We Know About Trump Rally Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks

    Another article on that front.

    Dad’s a Libertarian… oh yay… I’m sure that and gun control won’t be harped on. And kid is a math/science geek… shades of the 9/11 terrorists et alia being radicalized engineers. Yay.

    • The Last American Hero

      Yeah, because kids never rebel against mom and dad.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Yep at 22 vast majority of people are just feeling out where they fit in terms of politics. Usually piecemealed but also might be a rejection of mom/dad politics or a ‘happy’ medium. Connections were made for THE NARRATIVE and that is all that matters.

    • The Last American Hero

      For the record, my mom is a solid blue dem and my dad started as a Kennedy Dem, drifted steadily leftward his whole life and is now in the Maddow/Morning Joe cloud cuckoo dem camp.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I want to rebel against your dad.

  7. Drake

    Funny you have a link with Erik Prince. I was thinking that Trump is going to have to hire him and some Blackwater types to run his security for the rest of the campaign. The Secret Service is either incompetent, malicious, or both.

  8. Ownbestenemy

    Hope you all had a great weekend. Had enough cucumbers to make 2 pints of pickles. Not shelf stable, but they won’t last more than a week or so in the fridge anyway cause they will be eaten. Not a bad flavor, mainly dill and garlic. I am trying to mimic my favorite pickles, Grillo Pickles.

    • Tres Cool

      Claussen’s > Grillo’s>Nathan’s


      • SDF-7

        I haven’t seen or tried Grillo’s — but I suspect I’d agree. My wife oddly doesn’t like Claussen’s like I do… but she likes the more “cheap grocery dill slices” (I suspect comfort food effect) and dislikes the garlic in Claussen’s… which I find works very well.

      • DrOtto

        “…dislikes the garlic in Claussen’s…” – does not compute

      • UnCivilServant

        These days I tend to buy Mt Olive. Habit probably.

        With pickle preferences, I suspect it has a lot to do with habit – what are you accustomed to and expecting in flavor?

      • EvilSheldon

        Grillo’s are tasty, but holy hell they pack them in there loose. You’re not getting as much pickle for your money as with Claussen’s.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Last time I had Claussen’s I tossed the jar they were so gross. But I am pretty accustomed to the wife’s pickles, so not too surprising.

      • Ownbestenemy


        This is the second batch I have made, the first was a sweet and spicy batch that was okay.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        ”I am pretty accustomed to the wife’s pickle”

        Very progressive.

    • Lachowsky

      Wife lady and i canned 25 pints of salsa made from the garden saturday morning. Seems like a lot, but it will all be gone before the year is out.

    • Sean

      Grillo’s are quite good, but I’ve got a regular hook up for Bubbie’s again. I prefer Bubbie’s.

    • Aloysious

      I’m trying to copy Mt. Olive brand pickled Vidalia onions. They put Turmeric in the brine.

      After that, I have a pile of Cubanella peppers. Going to try to pickle those and see what I get.

      • Ownbestenemy

        For onions my go to is Bobby Flay’s method by adding grenadine. Makes for fantastic topping with a nice pop of acidity and sweetness when called for.

    • trshmnstr

      We canned 12 pints of pickles last weekend. I’m not sure if they’ll turn out though. I’m suffering from bitter cucumber syndrome this year. I haven’t had a single cucumber from the garden that I’d call “good”.

      I have a bunch of banana peppers and okra to pickle this week.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Excellent. This was our tester garden so its just a small 5×5 plot but still producing some quality vegetables. Next season it will be expanding in much greater area or at least the plan.

      • creech

        +1 Aunt Bee.

  9. Lachowsky

    Seems to me that the quality of assassin that the deep state is able to hire has really fallen off a cliff since the early 60’s

    • SDF-7

      That’s the problem with management trends like outsourcing and contracting out to the lower bidder. Sometimes you end up with the intern tasked with important projects.

    • Tres Cool

      Better work was done by two russian kids and a pressure cooker.

    • Suthenboy

      Well, they have been actively waging war on meritocracy. DEI is a self-solving problem.

      • AlexinCT

        The only reason the DEI movement worries me is that the damage isn’t just limited to the idiots that supported and profited from this stupidity. Innocents and people that would know better are far more likely to be victims.

      • dbleagle

        Good point there Alex. More “normals” suffer from DEI incompetents- unless Kamela is throned.

  10. AlexinCT

    So who else thinks the VP might not be any of the other people we have all been told are top contenders like I do? I think we are all going to be surprised by the pick, and my best guess is Devin Nunes, whom Trump knows won’t steal his thunder but will be loyal and not a deep state stooge like Pence was.

    • SDF-7

      Honestly I wish he’d go with someone really capable like DeSantis. I know it won’t win him DEI points against Harris — but he’s not getting any younger and someone else might make a run at him. He really needs someone who can do the job on Day 1 if need be worst case, and best case can get 2 terms after him. And I don’t think that’s Haley or most of the other names bandied about.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        I agree on Desantis.

        He knows how to run an executive, and could probably give Trump some pointers about how to get things done.

    • Lachowsky

      I hope he picks Vivek. That little guy seems the most serious about dismantling the managerial state and might be able to talk Trump into going along with it.

      • Suthenboy

        Yeah. Vivek. I keep waiting to see Vivek posing with a chainsaw a la Millei. Get ta’ cuttin’ dude.

      • Fourscore

        Sarah Huckabee Sanders

        You heard it here first!

      • AlexinCT

        While I truly believe Vivek is the best candidate to take over the movement to reform the republican party and the massive corruptocracy after Trump’s time is up, and I too would love him as VP, I suspect Trump wants Vivek in a job where he can have far more impact. Like being in charge of dismantling as much of the bureaucracy that would fight him as possible. same for Kash Patel.

    • Drake

      Ben Carson or Tabbi Gabbord would be my guesses – race or gender being obvious advantages. Rand Paul or Thomas Massie would be my preferences.


        I prefer Massie and Paul where they are, same for DeSantis. Plus, if Trump is a resident of Florida, DeSantis cannot be his VP.

      • R C Dean

        I’m starting to come around on Tulsi. Her hostility to the Sustainable War crowd is a big plus, and I think her Road-to-Damascus on the 2A was genuine.

        Plus, all the other names bandied about have the stink of the establishment on them, to some degree.

      • The Last American Hero

        Tulsi cannot be trusted. She is a true believer in the ability of government to “get stuff done”.

      • kinnath

        If Tulsi runs as the VP candidate, the left will respond with volumes of hate speech about her betrayal. This can only push Tulsi farther to the right.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        “I prefer Massie and Paul where they are, same for DeSantis. Plus, if Trump is a resident of Florida, DeSantis cannot be his VP.”

        This. You pick someone that can cover your flank, not leave it open.

      • juris imprudent

        She is a true believer in the ability of government to “get stuff done”.

        Hell, everyone in government believes that. And you sure as shit want the military to have that attitude about capability.

      • UnCivilServant

        Hell, everyone in government believes that.


        No we don’t.

  11. Ownbestenemy

    Probably would have been better to say nothing at all.

    Theres an untrue assertion that a member of the former President’s team requested additional security resources & that those were rebuffed. This is absolutely false. In fact, we added protective resources & technology & capabilities as part of the increased campaign travel tempo

    The addition was actually a subtraction.

    • Suthenboy

      Well, now that would be a bald-faced lie, wouldn’t it.

    • juris imprudent

      Like budget cuts – that still spend more year over year.

    • rhywun

      Good grief. Dude should be laying low for a while, not chattering on “X”.

    • Social Justice is Neither

      It’s true if you assume they start by stripping all SS protection, then this was an addition.

    • The Other Kevin

      Dan Bongino
      Jul 14
      Resign today.

  12. Muzzled Woodchipper

    Biden Says He’s Directed an Independent Review of Security at Trump Rally

    For what? To see why they couldn’t find a more competent marksman?

    • Tonio

      The forms must be obeyed…

    • Suthenboy

      I keep pointing out that the attempt was a complete cluster from start to finish for everyone involved is evidence that the Dems are behind it. DEI is better in principle than in practice. Oh wait, it is shit in principle too.

    • Social Justice is Neither

      Gotta be sure the emails are deleted, the servers wiped (with a cloth of course) and the proper people given immunity to know that nothing went on.

    • banginglc1

      Let’s not forget. Some Chronies need their new company to have some government bennies added to the coffer. Never attribute malice to where simple financial gain for no effort can be applied. Ok, maybe malice too.

    • slumbrew

      I love the closing “yeah, not ideal”.

    • Tres Cool

      Freckle-y redhead that seems charming and a limey accent?

      She really takes the wrinkles out of my love-sausage.

      • slumbrew

        For once our interests overlap

    • Suthenboy

      Wait until they find out about ‘Bucky Balls’.

  13. AlexinCT

    So Glibronis, as soon as this attempt to assassinate the man the left’s mouthpieces and propagandists have been screeching is the next incarnation of Hitler – note it is never some marxist asshat, despite the fact marxists managed to make Hitler, evil and murderous as he was, look quite tame – became the most talked about topic, we saw two divergent reactions. While quite a lot of the usual team blue tribals showed their true nature by wishing the attempt had been successful, most of them went into damage control. The amount of prevaricating and acting as if the logical leap from “He’s Hitler, or worse!” to the belief by people that actually took this to heart was that you need to kill Hitler, especially now that ole man Joe has shown team blue is gonna crash & burn, was something crazy, was blatant. I only got silence when I pointed out team blue has already, and on multiple occasions, blamed language for some idiot trying to kill a team blue member, making this attempt to suddenly reverse that trend quite obvious.

    My favorite idiot retort was “He was a registered republican!”. Right. Cause people that don’t hate America are going to want to kill the guy that wants to make America great. And I live in a time I seriously doubt the government’s claims about people’s motives. These people have proven to be willing to tell any lie and go to any length to hide their criminality and get their way.

    • ElspethFlashman

      I work with a Kool-aid drinking Biden supporter. That was her first post on the socials after the attempted assassination, “but he was a registered Republican.” So that somehow absolves the left of any guilt by association.

      • The Other Kevin

        Someone on Twitter posted that he registered Republican to vote for Nikki Haley. I don’t think that was confirmed but it’s plausible.

    • The Other Kevin

      We had some very liberal friends from NJ over that night. They were both shaken and kept saying “this is not ok”. Shit just got too real for some people.

      • juris imprudent

        Shit just got too real for some people.

        It will be that way if/when we ever get to expanded violence. The only players that want to play that game are the ones we don’t trust anyway.

  14. Suthenboy

    Looking into who is calling the shots. Uh huh. Like you have been looking at who funds and runs the NGO’s that have been recruiting and organizing the invasion caravans for the last 20 years? I await your conclusions with bated breath.

    • AlexinCT

      Hah hah hah…

      My kid had the exact same reaction some 28 years ago when I introduced him to Pralines & Cream ice cream from Baskin & Robbins.

    • slumbrew

      Damn, that’s adorable

    • Fourscore

      Babies love ice cream.

      So do old guys.

    • Sensei

      My son had the same reaction to his first ice cream as well.

    • DrOtto

      That looked like my oldest after trying a Krispy Kreme the first time and my youngest after trying a gin & tonic the first time (in a sip she wanted that was meant to discourage her). I wish I was kidding.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        My son did the same thing with beer… Given my personal history I should have known.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I used to eat the booze-soaked garnishes out of my parents’ Bloody Marys

    • Tundra


    • Not Adahn

      The first time my niece tasted meat was when her parents gave her a bone from Van’s Pig Stand to teethe on. Her response was almost exactly like that.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Humans are incredibly adept at making connections (right or wrong) when we seek understanding of unknowns.

      • juris imprudent

        There must be a pattern – just like “there must be a pony in there”.

      • Tres Cool

        “Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind;
        The thief doth fear each bush an officer.”

        Shakespeare something or other.

      • Fourscore

        10 out of 10 deer hunters agree. Who hasn’t put the scope on a bush that became a deer as the light was fading?

        I’ve scoped many imaginary deer while waiting for the real that sometimes appears.

      • Pope Jimbo

        10 out of 10 deer hunters agree.

        The converse is also true. Many times I’ve looked around and all of a sudden there is a deer just standing there in a clearing.

        How did he get there? I swear I’ve been looking over there constantly and I should have heard him in any event.

      • Suthenboy

        There is always a pattern JI, the question is whether we can see it or just imagine the wrong one.

      • juris imprudent

        Suthen, our problem is our pattern-matching-wetware hasn’t been updated since tigers were a relevant threat.

      • Suthenboy

        That is correct JI. With our limited ability to see and interpret info we invent chance, luck and coincidence in a deterministic universe because from our point of view it operates as such. At least we are smart enough to see that…little good that it does.

        *Standing in the grocery aisle waiting patiently for a woman to finish staring at items so I can get to the one I want. She notices me and is startled. “Oh, sorry I didn’t know you were there. I guess I was just looking for something that isn’t there.”
        Me: “Dont worry, I have been doing that my whole life.”
        That got a very loud cackle out of her “Aint it the truth!” she shot back.

      • juris imprudent

        deterministic universe

        Perhaps our greatest delusion.

    • slumbrew

      Did anyone check to see if the shooter had a copy “The Catcher In The Rye” with him?

    • Suthenboy

      Yeah. Worth noting that Blackrock did not make an ad in Pineville, Louisiana with someone that had zero affiliation with powerful political/corporate persons.
      Just sayin’.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Coincidences are a thing.

      • Suthenboy

        No, they aren’t. Sometimes we are surprised at inevitable outcomes we did not see coming. That is all.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I am with Suthen on this.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Nonsense, some things come down to chance.

      • Fourscore

        Everything is by chance. There are good chances and bad chances. The secret is to know the differences. Much like choice and luck.

        Chance of winning the lottery? No much

        Make the choice and with good luck you can be a millionaire.

  15. SDF-7

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/15:
    *21/21 words (+3 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 07/15:
    *25/25 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 12% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 473

    • rhywun

      I played https://squaredle.com 07/15:
      *25/25 words (+1 bonus word)
      🎯 In the top 12% by accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 321

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/15:
      *21/21 words (+1 bonus word)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

    • Sean

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/15:
      *21/21 words (+4 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 16% by bonus words

      I played https://squaredle.com 07/15:
      *25/25 words (+8 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 4% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 430

  16. Shpip

    Take only pictures
    Leave only footprints tons of trash and maybe your own desiccating corpse

    KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — The highest camp on the world’s tallest mountain is littered with garbage that is going to take years to clean up, according to a Sherpa who led a team that worked to clear trash and dig up dead bodies frozen for years near Mount Everest’s peak.

    The Nepal government-funded team of soldiers and Sherpas removed 11 tons (24,000 pounds) of garbage, four dead bodies and a skeleton from Everest during this year’s climbing season.

    • UnCivilServant

      Why are they descreating those Graves?!

      • Not Adahn

        Those were unpermitted graves! The next of kin should be grateful they’re not in prison for misdisposal of a corpse!

  17. Pope Jimbo

    Minnesoda’s shameful racist libraries!

    Actually, the idea behind this is good. Set up a program where people can access libraries even if they are technically closed. However, to sign up for access…

    Securing access to a Dakota or Scott County library is relatively simple. A person first needs to have a library card from a Minnesota regional library system, which includes any library in the Twin Cities. They then need to register the library card in-person at a library associated with the system you wish to use after hours. They will also need to bring a state-issued identification card so library staff can verify the person’s identity.

    We all know that minorities are unable to get state issued ID cards. So this is really just a stealth White Power Hour program to let white folx use the library without any pesky minorities around.

    • Pope Jimbo

      And of course being a govt program, it will require a lot more tax payer money.

      The initiative costs Scott County $20,000 per branch annually, which includes software, security measures such as cameras, and staff time. For Dakota County, it spent $275,000 for security cameras, speakers for automated announcements, building modifications, and software adjustments, and plans to spend $150,000 annually on energy costs and utilities for all 10 locations.
      Despite the lack of staff present off hours, Scott County librarian Kristy Rieger believes the initiative will require more staff, not less.
      “Reducing staff would counterintuitively erode both the user experience and the sustainability of SCL’s overall operations. Many SCL, city, and county partners are working behind the scenes to ensure visitors have a great experience, regardless of when they visit the library. Long term, we expect extended access to gradually increase the need for staff, contingent on impacts to basic operations (shelving, item processing, etc.) and community demands for programming,” Rieger said.

      No idea how letting people in on their own recognizance will require more staff, but what do I know?

      I’m also sure that this will quickly become a shit show once various NGO’s start enrolling the homeless in this program.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Basically they’re expecting people to trash the library while they’re gone.

        Kind of sounds like a dumb plan.

      • Ted S.

        They’re not wrong about some people trashing the library.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I am sure all the talking heads are out in force decrying this right?

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Killer robots

    Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter-drone weapons endowed with AI and the combination of low-cost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is worrying many experts who say low-cost drones will enable their proliferation.

    Technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican worry that the use of drones and AI in weapons could reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts.

    Human Rights Watch and other international rights groups are calling for a ban on weapons that exclude human decision making, a concern echoed by the U.N. General Assembly, Elon Musk and the founders of the Google-owned, London-based startup DeepMind.

    “Cheaper drones will enable their proliferation,” said Toby Walsh, professor of artificial intelligence at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. “Their autonomy is also only likely to increase.”

    I guess pointless wars in general are a topic for another day.

  19. UnCivilServant

    It’s only been forty one days since my lavender seedlings sprouted, and they’re already two inches tall.

    At this rate, I’ll need to transplant them to a larger pot in August. Can’t be too late in August so I can make sure they survive transplantation before going on vacation.

    • AlexinCT

      You just doing that so we ask you where you are going on vacation?

    • ElspethFlashman

      The heir and I planted lavender (not from seeds) in 2020. They are so full and lovely now.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m going to keep these in a pot. I’m not sure how big the plants will be since the seed packet did not list the cultivar.

  20. ElspethFlashman

    Wild stuff in the news this weekend eh? *pops head out from hole, pops back in*

    • AlexinCT

      I KNOW YOU!!!

    • SDF-7

      Does EF popping her head up out of her hole and seeing us mean we’ll have 6 more weeks of mostly peaceful protest this summer or something? 😉

      • ElspethFlashman

        Hey, no one has seen me and Wonder Woman at the same time either.

  21. Pope Jimbo

    Stay humble.

    In a world where many people wish they could get away with skipping work for a day or two, a man in Spain took things to a whole new level.
    Meet Joaquín García, 69, the man who skipped work for six years without anyone noticing—until he, quite ironically, won an award for his long service.

    Of course, no one is blaming the govt for being so inept that they paid this guy for six years without realizing he wasn’t doing anything.

    • AlexinCT

      Of course, no one is blaming the govt for being so inept that they paid this guy for six years without realizing he wasn’t doing anything.

      I don’t know if this was such a bad thing. There is a lot less damage when these people are doing nothing.

    • Fourscore

      Why do you think I stayed in the army?

      • UnCivilServant

        Because going AWOL would get you prosecuted?

  22. Shpip

    Apparently, our nation’s most prominent DEI hire is something of a one-note pony.

    See how far you can make it in. I lasted 1:16 before clicking off in disgust.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Focus grouping your speeches is the most important thing.

    • SDF-7

      What’s sad about this admin is I thought it would be KJP. True, Kamala probably is a better fit for that title… but man oh man… KJP reminds us of her complete incompetence more often.

    • rhywun


    • PieInTheSky

      she has my vote.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Well now you are unburdened.

    • Suthenboy

      Marx often said “Everything that exists deserves to perish”. He was a big fan of suffering and destruction. Critical theory grew out of that…the destruction of culture and institutions.
      Whether that moron knows it or not, that is what she is advocating. Burn down the world and standing in the ashes announce “Now we can begin”. I notice she does not tell us ‘what can be’ is. The notion of year zero is a common theme with the left for a reason.
      Was it the Cathars that believed life allows sin to exist and thus life is evil? I dont remember but I do remember the pope sent a bunch of guys to put an end to that nonsense with fire and sword. Marxism and its various flavors is the same in that what exists allows suffering so it must all be destroyed…which of course leads to much greater and endless suffering. Oh…and endless destroying.
      I agree with those that say leftism is a mental disorder.

      • ElspethFlashman

        Yet, they ask for separation of church and state. Here’s the thing, if “the state” is your religion, then there is no separation, and never will be.

      • AlexinCT

        The marxist want to deny all other religions support from theirs: the state.

  23. AlexinCT

    Over and under that this happened because they were worried that hag Mika or his bitch Joe would cry the attempt to murder Trump, failed?

    • Raven Nation

      “A person familiar with the matter told CNN that the decision was made to avoid a scenario in which one of the show’s stable of two dozen-plus guests might make an inappropriate comment on live television that could be used to assail the program and network as a whole”

    • Pope Jimbo

      Maybe they were more worried that they’d start offering advice on how to be better marksmen to future shooters?

      “Remember breath control is very important!”

      “Squeeze!!! How many times do we have to tell you that you can’t jerk the trigger?”

    • Suthenboy

      Morning Joe is a top rated show? Rated by whom and by what standards?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Caught my eye there too. ~1 million watch their show. More people tune in to cats on the internet.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I love how they are all hiding in the tall grass while the brave one investigates the human.

      • Pope Jimbo

        SDF, that’s one of the stories that should be on the Mt. Rushmore of Daily Ray of Sunshines.

  24. The Other Kevin

    This Wednesday, on a Very Special Hat and Hair…

    • SDF-7

      You noticed the Hair stayed loyal while the Hat must have run off with his shoes or something….

      • The Other Kevin

        The Hat threw himself in front of the bullet.

      • juris imprudent

        The Hat sacrificed the bill to deflect the bullet!

    • SugarFree

      Today, actually. I bullied my way into the noon spot.

      • bacon-magic

        ^^^That’s a man that knows an opportunity to work some magic with magic bullets right there. ^^^

  25. SDF-7

    Um…. this sounds reminiscent of this… more than a little odd. Do state police usually pipe up with “That thing that happened in another state? Nothing to do with us!” unasked?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Scrambling CYA and ‘we did something!’ crowd that populates all levels of government.

  26. kinnath

    I’ll give you the header, you guess the source?

    An instinct to incite: The challenge to tamp down political rhetoric in the wake of Trump’s shooting

    The most incendiary rhetoric came from Trump himself when he raised his fist and pumped it angrily yelling “fight!”

    I won’t bother providing a link

    • Ownbestenemy

      AJC or Salon…I am torn.

      • kinnath


        good guess

  27. Necron 99

    In light of Dr. Ruth Westheimer passing away at the ripe old age of 96, I would like to share an excerpt from my brother’s memoir he published November 26, 2022, just two months before his untimely death from kidney cancer.

    Back at sea. Once again Aleksandra and I were on the same ship, and once again we lived together in my cabin. Life was good. The relationship was great. Work was easy, and the itinerary—northern Europe and the British islands this time—was swell. In Ireland I kissed the Blarney Stone, gaining the gift of gab. I kissed Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the famous sexologist, too. And as usual, I read a lot of books.

    The most important book I read during this time was—wait. Back up. Dr. Ruth, the world-famous sex advisor??

    Yes. She had come aboard the Galaxy way back in my first contract, and I’d videotaped an interview with her and the cruise director. When I told my roommate, Duski, that I had met the famous Dr. Ruth, his reaction was blasé: “Did you kiss her?”

    Uh, no. Don’t be silly.

    “Did you at least ask to kiss her? I would have asked if I could kiss her.”

    Okay, the next time I meet her (I was sure I’d never meet her again), I’ll ask her for a kiss and that’s a promise.

    And sonofagun, who popped up aboard ship but none other? Well, a promise is a promise. We met again at the inevitable interview and I told her we’d met before and that I really learned a lot from the talk she gave to the Galaxy crew, and could I have a kiss?

    “Sure!” said Dr.Ruth, and without hesitation gave me a great big smack on the lips. Wow! I was expecting maybe a quick peck on the cheek, but no—when you’re kissed by Dr. Ruth Westheimer, you knew it! You felt it. It was awesome. And I really did learn a lot from her lectures, so she too enlarged my mind.

    • R C Dean

      Also, an Israeli sniper in her youth.

  28. The Late P Brooks


    On the campaign trail, Trump has floated a ten-per-cent tariff on all imported goods, and a sixty-per-cent levy on those from China. He has promised to deport millions of undocumented workers, which would accentuate labor shortages that already exist in some parts of the economy, including construction and agriculture. And he has pledged to extend the 2017 Republican tax cuts, which were heavily slanted toward the rich and which would otherwise expire at the end of next year. Extending the tax cuts would increase the budget deficit, which is already at a level never before seen during a period of peace and full employment.

    Another article about how Trump will send inflation sky high and wreck the carefully crafted economic boom which is Bidenomics.

    Fuck you, cut spending.

    • PieInTheSky

      labor shortage is a strange thing from an economics POV… I cannot see how one can define a labor shortage. I mean a scarce resource is used by who gets most of it. And the market sets a price. Just because I would want to hire someone at X dollars and cannot find anyone does not mean here is a shortage, it may be I am not paying enough. So what is a good definition of labor shortage?

      • UnCivilServant

        A labor short is when the electrical current discharges through the worker.

      • AlexinCT

        I am not getting as much ass as a toilet seat would?

      • rhywun

        may be I am not paying enough

        It used to be that simple.

        Now there is also I suspect a huge helping of unrealistic expectations. The last four years have conditioned millions of people to sit on the couch rather than take a job they have been convinced is beneath them.

  29. PieInTheSky

    In local news an electrician got seriously injured in a power plant when he tried to use a metal portable ladder to reach something, ant it created an arc to some hot circuit. Should have used wood.

    • UnCivilServant

      Seriously Injured? Not dead?

      • PieInTheSky

        not dead yet when I read the news, dunno. had burns on a serious percentage of body.

      • AlexinCT

        He wore a rubber for protection?

      • PieInTheSky

        Personally did not see any. In the news there are not many. But I have no idea if anyone is trying to accurately report this

      • Suthenboy

        As with most wars the Ukraine-Russia war seems more popular with the people advocating and profiting from it than with the people actually fighting it.

    • UnCivilServant

      Grapeshot or explosive shell?

      • Suthenboy

        Yeah…well it wasn’t what I was hoping for but I will take it.
        It looks more and more like the Democratic Party is dying. Allowing radical leftists to skin-suit their party is looking more and more like a bad move.

    • Sean

      Hit the road, Jack!

    • The Other Kevin

      Jonathan Turley
      Replying to
      …We will have to see how Smith will now respond from an appeal to the possible refiling by a confirmed U.S. Attorney. Historically, he has not gone quietly into the night when faced with legal obstacles…

      • AlexinCT

        This thing won’t be refiled. The whole agenda was to create a condition that would allow the corruptocracy to use quasi legal bullshit to deny the voters the ability to cast that vote for Trump. If Smith refiles, this won’t go to court before the election, so it is moot.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      ‘Judge finds special counsel was unlawfully appointed’

      This seemed extremely obvious at the time it happened. Crazy it took this long to get him removed. Real question is, will they appoint a new person?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Well that would require it to go through the Senate and well…that isn’t going to happen any time soon. Appeal won’t happen quickly I suspect, so another case in the dust bin of history I suspect.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    MSNBC will not air “Morning Joe,” its celebrated politics roundtable program, on Monday, opting to instead air continued breaking news coverage of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

    The progressive news network confirmed the decision to preempt its influential and top-rated morning show after a CNN inquiry Sunday evening. The network said the show will resume airing Tuesday.

    The decision by MSNBC to leave one of its most recognizable programs on the sidelines amid a seismic politics-driven news cycle, with the Republican National Convention getting underway in the wake of the Saturday shooting at Trump’s campaign rally, is certain to raise eyebrows.

    They’re all still hung over from the celebration they had Saturday night.

    • Gender Traitor

      More likely drowning their sorrows.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      You know what that means.

      • Not Adahn


      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Moar panic on the part of the left and the Secret Service better get their shit together.

  31. Not Adahn

    My main question that seems completely unaddressed/unspeculated about, how did shooter-boi know to pick his location? Did he just get REALLY Lucky? Did he scout out ahead of time? Did he climb up on other roofs but couldn’t get a shot from them?



    I’m calling bullshit on the “comically bad” part, thought I’d be willing to go with “bad comic” with him being a jokester with a bad ability to read the room. Of course, even if her were bad in HS, you can git gud with practice. Anyway, I’m willing to be we’ll see this being used to show how SB was a patsy and the real shooter is still out there (either a trumpalo/FSB interfering with the election or a Deep State assassin depending on the level 3 conspiracist).

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I would assume he scoped out the area ahead of time.

      • juris imprudent

        This was not exactly the Parallax View.

    • EvilSheldon

      I think that there was probably some hyperbole and creative writing in that story. But it doesn’t take a whole lot of interpretation to get the idea across that the shooter was creepy and dangerous.

    • The Other Kevin

      He was 20, so 2 years out of high school. A lot could change in that time. At that range and with a scope, not a very difficult shot.

      • Not Adahn

        Oh I agree. I’m finding it extremely implausible that a kid on a 50′ range would shoot the bullseye target six lanes over unless he was trying to be funny.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    In the wake of the attempt on Trump’s life, some of the former president’s supporters have vehemently criticized the press and liberal media commentators for their hard-knuckled reporting, which has sounded the alarm on what four more years under the former president would look like.

    Holy fucking shit. That’s hilarious.

    • AlexinCT

      All you have to do is ask them what their reaction would be if someone had taken a shot at Biden, or some other team blue douche, after some people in the social media sphere the left today calls “domestic terrorists” for not being marxist asshats, told the public that the team blue scumbag was in league with the devil or something.

  33. hayeksplosives

    Good morning gang.

    Last night after getting back from a nice dinner at the waterfront, the BF and I were having a glass of wine and chatting with the hotel bartendress, who knows us well.

    A drunken idiot—can’t have been much more than 20 yo—was cut off from the bar. He then asked for a “hug” from the bartendress, who kept saying no. He still had his arms outstretched for his “hug” and was reaching across the bar. I said quite loudly “The lady says no. Go away now.”

    That got the attention of a male patron nearby who looked the part of a military dude. He confronted asshole kid and walked him outside. Another male patron having dinner got up and went outside. I asked bartender lady if I should get the manager. She said “ I AM the manager on duty” and then followed them out.

    Idiot wanted to find his car and drive home. Cops were called but took their sweet time. In the parking lot outside the entry doors (it’s a nice Hilton), idiot tried throwing a punch or two but was soon on the ground thanks to Military Guy.

    Paramedics eventually showed up and strapped him to a gurney, loaded him up, and drove away with a sheriff on his heels. City cops never did show up.

    What a ridiculous scene at a nice hotel. Bartendress comped the tabs of the helpers.

    No point to this story except that maybe it’s good advice not to pick fights with strangers, especially since LEO and military and militia minded persons are particularly impatient with BS shenanigans after Saturday.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Sounds traumatic, how bout a virtual hug?

    • Ownbestenemy

      “The lady says no. Go away now.” Said in the likeness of Drinker?!

      I have done plenty of stupid shit in my youth while drinking, harassing the bartender was never one of them.

      • SDF-7

        Hopefully the younger ass will remember enough to feel shame and temper his drinking (or instincts) next time.

        And that’s how society functions — sometimes older and/or wiser men are needed to knock jackasses on their butts.

    • EvilSheldon

      So you got the dinner, the drinks, and the floor show. Sounds like a boogie night out!

      • hayeksplosives

        That’s a positive spin!

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      Probably just as well the cops didn’t show up. They probably would’ve arrested the do gooders. It seems to me everything worked out and the young’un (hopefully) learned a few life lessons.

    • Suthenboy

      There is a lot of mental illness/personality disorder out there. Alcohol exacerbates that.

  34. Ownbestenemy

    I mean…he almost isn’t wrong.

    We Settle Our Differences At The Battle Box” – Biden Oval Office Speech Marred By Latest Huge Gaffe

    Can’t say he misspoke with that one because he goes on to repeat it. How no one has capitalized on making a cartoon on Biden (our amazing SF/CPRM notwithstanding) amazes me.

    • SDF-7

      I’m almost willing to say I’d be willing to settle elections with Battle Bots… I’d bet there would be some really creative ones quickly.

      • EvilSheldon

        Lock both candidates in a darkened room with half a brick each, and may God protect the righteous…

      • juris imprudent

        Once we’ve done that, is there any reason to unlock the room?

      • EvilSheldon

        I mean, you’d eventually want to hose it out…

  35. The Late P Brooks

    I’m calling bullshit on the “comically bad” part, thought I’d be willing to go with “bad comic” with him being a jokester with a bad ability to read the room. Of course, even if her were bad in HS, you can git gud with practice.

    Speaking of which, I find it odd that we haven’t heard from anybody claiming to have encountered him at a range. Did he learn to shoot playing video games in his basement?

    • SDF-7

      From the “another article” I linked above:

      Reportedly, Crooks was asked not to return after a preseason session. However, he did belong to the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club in a neighboring borough, the club’s counsel confirmed to ABC News.

      — so I’m assuming some possible range time there?

    • kinnath

      Thank you Clarence.

      • Ownbestenemy

        AHAHAHAHAHA It is clear why MSNBC cancelled Morning Joe for today because even their ‘straight’ news couldn’t be unbiased.

      • Suthenboy

        Wow. They even used the comical and discredited images of the documents that were overlaid with the TOP SEEKRIT warning tags .

    • UnCivilServant

      All white people look alike

      /white guy

      • Drake

        I watched Dark on Netflix. Everyone is German – it took me couple of episodes to figure who was who. There were several different characters who I thought were the same guy until they were in scenes together.

      • Suthenboy

        That has more to do with casting director’s sexual predilections than nationality.

      • Not Adahn

        I only watched season 1, but I was struck about how exactly like a US high school the one in the show was.

    • AlexinCT

      I bet that if it turns out to be an Antifa thug, they will kill that story so fast that it will cause whiplash.

      • Suthenboy

        If it was antifa guy then Crooks has been boiled in a barrel of NaOH.
        *Sigh* the conspiracy theories will be around until long after all of the players are dead just like the Kennedy shooting.

    • Ownbestenemy

      So identified kid’s parents are going along with it?

  36. The Late P Brooks

    I really hope the media dig in and defend their completely true and reasonable claims about Trump’s intent to go Full Hitler if he’s elected. Nothing they have said about him can be construed as in any way excessive or inflammatory or likely to provoke violence, and anyone who disagrees is a fascist totalitarian.

    • juris imprudent

      It isn’t that he is a fascist – he’s the WRONG KIND of fascist.

      • AlexinCT

        You mean he isn’t a globalist marxist?

      • Suthenboy

        Notice how the movies always portray Evil Genius plotting unrealistic, unworkable world domination from his volcano lair as insane? Turns out it is true in real life as well. Huh…whodathunkit?

    • Suthenboy

      Steep learning curve is steep.

  37. juris imprudent

    Sure seems like there are Dems that aren’t in on the fix.

    Historically, one of the GOP’s key liabilities with young voters was that the party was full of old people who did not understand or care about the problems of ordinary Americans. But perceptions of the political parties have changed dramatically over the past decade.

    • Suthenboy

      The older I get the smarter my daddy is?

      • Pope Jimbo


        “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”

        I always remembered it as 16 years old and 20 years old.

        When the Altar Boys were hitting that age, I had to sit Mrs. Holiness down and explain that her precious baby was gone and her son was now officially a lunkhead. If we didn’t burn any bridges he’d smarten up and be a young man in a few years. But it meant picking your battles and realizing that he no longer would listen her about every single thing.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        My dad used to call puberty “going stupid”.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Lock both candidates in a darkened room with half a brick each, and may God protect the righteous…

    Not bricks, billiard balls.

    *notorious actual duel

  39. The Late P Brooks

    It isn’t that he is a fascist – he’s the WRONG KIND of fascist.

    I believe they prefer to think of themselves as conducting industrial policy. Fascism sounds so crass.

    • juris imprudent

      Like the Church taught, error has no rights.

  40. KSuellington

    I’m sure you will be seeing this somewhere today as Elon liked it so it’s gonna get some play. I’m sure this young woman will not be the only one that will now be voting for Trump after Saturday. There is something visceral about him getting up with a raised fist of defiance after almost getting his head blown off that appeals to humans. Even the humans that hate him with a passion, though they may not admit it out loud, found that highly appealing. It’s hardwired into us.

    stepfanie tyler
    graduated in 2012 w a degree in Women’s Studies

    cried in 2016 when Trump got elected

    lost touch w the dems somewhere around MeToo

    discovered entrepreneurship

    updated my voter registration in 2018 but didn’t tell anyone

    told myself i was a ‘single-issue-voting Centrist’

    the last 6-12 months i’ve believed i was going to abstain from voting in the upcoming election because the options are equally terrible

    but watching Trump survive an assassination attempt and act like a total fucking savage just shifted me into some strange, patriotic gear that my fancy-feminism-white-men-bad infected brain never showed me

    like, the dude took a bullet and stood up with blood dripping down his face, and rallied a fucking crowd while fist pumping, yelling “FIGHT!”

    sorry, but i’m voting for that.

    and saying it out loud feels so freeing

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      I’m always a bit skeptical of those stories regardless of what direction the conversion move in.

      • KSuellington

        Sure, it’s right to be skeptical. I do think that is real tho taking a gander at her account. But even if it’s not real, right now there are many out there that have just either changed their votes from RFK or none of the above to Trump. And quite a few of those will be women who were not previously going to vote for him.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’m a bit skeptical too, but at least it isn’t littered with direct quotes that are utter nonsense.

        No prescient quotes from her 10 year old kid for example.

        This at least can pass the initial sniff test. Especially since it seems like most of her political evolution was on the down low. She didn’t trumpet that she was no longer a #MeToo warrior.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I won’t believe it unless she’s recording it on TikTok in the front seat of her car. That’s the most credible genre.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    sorry, but i’m voting for that.

    Yesterday, I was musing to myself; if I were a political activist/consultant, there would be billboards popping up all over the country with Bloody Fist Pumping Trump juxtaposed with with slack jawed confused meandering Biden, withe the question, “Who will YOU vote for?”

    • Suthenboy

      You are right. I suffer from whatever syndrome it is where when something is that self-evident I tend to think pointing it out would be stating the obvious so why bother. Then I remember too late how thick most people are.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    Scared straight

    Former President Trump has something rare, precious and definitional: a moment — a fleeting chance to redefine himself, this election, America.

    Why it matters: Almost dying rocks perspectives — and people. Yes, Trump has shown little appetite for changing his ways, tone and words. But his advisers tell us Trump plans to seize his moment by toning down his Trumpiness, and dialing up efforts to unite a tinder-box America, when the Republican convention opens Monday in Milwaukee.

    “I think it’s real,” Tucker Carlson — who’ll speak in prime time at the convention, and talks to Trump often — told us. “Getting shot in the face changes a man.”


    He could unify America. Imagine he gave a speech featuring something he rarely shows: humility. Imagine him telling the nation that he has been too rough, too loose, too combative with his language — and now realizes words can have consequences, and promises to tone it down and bring new voices into the White House if he wins.

    Where would we be without the eggheads at Axios?

    • Not Adahn

      Maybe it’s just me, but when someone says “we need to Unite,” I hear “you need to do what you’re told and fall in line.”

      • Suthenboy

        This X 1000.
        Also, I dont hire people to be bipartisan, reach across the aisle blah blah. I hire people to kick commie ass. Trump does not need to soften his stance and I dont think he will.

      • KSuellington

        Yup, “unite” means conform and get in line. Fuck that. And fuck “bring new voices into the White House if he wins”. Unless if they mean by that (which they dont) bring in some true voices for Liberty. I do think Trump will soften his tone (at least for the next month) and that wouldn’t be the worst idea for him as he won’t lose any supporters that way and would definitely gain a few. I meet and know a lot of people who hate Trump. When I ask them why it is never a policy reason, it is invariably a personality issue. Which for me is crazy, as I don’t much care about that in a candidate for office, but it seems to be what most people vote on.

  43. The Late P Brooks

    Maybe it’s just me, but when someone says “we need to Unite,” I hear “you need to do what you’re told and fall in line.”

    Exactly. Get in line and march in step.

  44. cavalier973

    The lawsuit dismissal proves that all the Trump trials were staged