1. robodruid

    I bet he resigns soon.

    • AlexinCT

      No freaking way.. They already have enough legal problems to deal with..

    • Ownbestenemy

      Plausible. It takes the heat off the USSS, will galvanize their base around Kamala probably and add an ounce of legitimacy to her abilities.

      On the other hand, it might damage her because she will be a known quantity if she makes some stupid decisions in the next 4 months.

    • Not Adahn


      The people running things don’t need to upset their situation, putting Kamala in charge just gives her a chance to fuck thing up visibly and ruing her vacant media presence.

      The only reason to do that would be to get a historical first BIPoC Presidentress who served MORE than two terms, and only Mammy is interested in that.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        They* want “firsts” so bad in anything that they just might risk it. Having the first BIPOC/Front Hole at the helm, damn the torpedo’s, just might be worth it. And for sure they will do it if Trump nails November, just to be able to say it, along with the REEEEEing about racism, sexism.

        *The D’s, don’t be obtuse.

      • rhywun

        Yes, same effect as the first sort-of black president. Who cares that he actually hates the country and wants to destroy it.

      • juris imprudent

        They* want “firsts” so bad…

        I didn’t realize Bro was a Democrat.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The second “black” president (if Kamala makes it) is as “black” as the first. Both are only half and from first generation immigrant parents, not descendants of American slaves.

    • PieInTheSky

      A good catholic should not pull out early.

      • SDF-7

        Dammit, Pie — you just had to go and win the Internet first thing in the morning, hmm?

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Well, we know he’s not a good Catholic, so there a chance.

    • AlexinCT

      It’s 5 o’clock somewhere…

  2. Ownbestenemy

    Any proof of life for ol’ Joe?

    • AlexinCT

      Watch how the fucking liars that spent the last 4 years telling the public that anyone that dared to question Joe Biden’s competency were evil MAGA Nazis will suddenly completely pivot to act as if they never did any of that while trying to tell you that cackling hag that was drunk before 11 AM every morning is just fine. Well, at least until team blue’s mercenary attitude results in a whole bunch of incompetent but ambitions douchebags suddenly ignoring DEI/CRT and making a run for power.

      • Sensei

        President Biden had just finished trying to persuade a group of congressional Democrats to pass a $1 trillion infrastructure bill when Nancy Pelosi, then the House speaker, took the microphone.

        In 30 minutes of remarks on Capitol Hill, Biden had spoken disjointedly and failed to make a concrete ask of lawmakers, according to Democrats in the room. After he left, a visibly frustrated Pelosi told the group she would articulate what Biden had been trying to say, one lawmaker said.

        “It was the first time I remember people pretty jarred by what they had seen,” recalled Rep. Dean Phillips (D., Minn.), who would go on to mount an unsuccessful primary challenge against the president.

        That was October 2021. That month was the last time Biden met with the House Democratic caucus on the Hill regarding legislation.


      • AlexinCT

        I actually had conversations with numerous people in 2020 where I pointed out Biden was kept in the basement because the handlers knew he was a few beer cans short of a six pack. Somehow team blue managed to get 81 million ballots to fortify the election for this idiot anyway, and then had the media spend 4 years attacking anyone that dared to point out the guy had a serious problem.

        And I ask again: who has been running the country? Because no matter which asshat team blue puts on the ticket, they will be the ones running the country and the policies will stay the same (and likely only get worse).

    • cavalier973

      He’s tied up on the basement floor of the White House, drooling and whimpering.

      • rhywun

        Wannaf… f… fud?

  3. PieInTheSky

    Chinese-Owned EV Company Showered Dems With Campaign Contributions – because dems care about the ENVIRONMENT.

    • AlexinCT

      The biggest peddlers of the green related racket, whom always seem to primarily and only target western audiences (you will find nobody in other places concerned with saving Gaia from people), come from countries that either sell oil, or stand to make massive cash peddling green tech bullshit. Note that one of the largest cash transfers in the US happens because government steals money from the private sector to then pay off donors in the green tech. Same applies to pharma and the military-industrial complex. But the green tech one is where you really steal fucking YUGE!

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        And best of all, you don’t need to deliver a working product. (Eg Solyndra)

      • AlexinCT

        And best of all, you don’t need to deliver a working product. (Eg Solyndra)


        And don’t forget the billions allocated to create recharging infrastructure in the US for EVs that so far have only delivered 7 working stations after more than 3 years of the money being allocated (and most of it spent). It is the biggest government wealth transfer operation out there, stealing from the productive to enrich their friends whom then load up their campaign coffers.

  4. Not Adahn

    Good morning!

    Apparently Lily vids are not a draw. What the people obviously want is Katy Perry.

    • SDF-7

      Meh… She’s hot and cold most times.

  5. PieInTheSky

    Largest housing provider for unaccompanied migrant minors subjected kids to sexual abuse, DOJ lawsuit claims – I do find it strange when minors immigrate by themselves but they are generally vulnerable and as such attract predators, probably before reaching the US and after.

  6. Drake

    The gun youtubers are trying to replicate the ‘hoax’ earshot. Not possible with a cheap AR and a red-dot.

    Garand Thumb

    Brandon Herrera

    • Ownbestenemy

      Won’t dispel anything for the true believers though.

      • AlexinCT

        Remember that leftists always believe they are the good guys. Anything that challenges that idiot belief will require gymnastics to make go away. Admitting that after years of telling everyone but specifically targeting the usual team blue mental disorder types that Trump was Hitler and his followers Nazis, while denying proper secret service protection, all leading to one of them taking a shot at the guy, can only be explained with that meme about the Nazi dude asking if they are the baddies.

        Also, I am going on record here that the fact this shooter Crooks (what a convenient play on the fact he was doing the crime syndicate’s work), a young kid, has zero social media presence, is such an anomaly that I would be more inclined to believe this tool was from a different planet. I will absolutely not be surprised we find out at some time later this guy was transitioning and they need to hide that he was one of these mental disorder people the left, instead of helping get familiar with reality, encourages to be hyper stupid/evil.

    • CPRM

      If you think it’s faked there doesn’t need to have been a shot. “He just grabbed his ear, then when he was on the ground he put some fake blood on it. The fake blood was in his shoes, that’s why he took them off”

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        “Fire Can’t Burn Steel!!!111”

    • The Last American Hero

      Magic bullet technology has been available since the 60’s.

    • ElspethFlashman

      I watched the vids by Brandon Herrera. It’s worth watching.

  7. PieInTheSky

    Great Resignation 2.0 Could Be on the Horizon – the job market may not be all that hot to allow to much resignation

    • SDF-7

      Yeah — I was thinking to myself “In a layoff market — you really want to let go of a job? Okay then…”

      On the plus side, if a good chunk of the young folks prove themselves feckless it gives me more time to not get stuck working at a Walmart instead of being aged out in this known-to-be-ageist industry I work in.

      • UnCivilServant

        This is why I hesitate to leave my state job.

        I’m stuck in New York but short of a felony, sleeping on the job, drinking on the job, or taking state property for personal use, I can’t really be fired.

        And even with the felony the answer might turn out to be “depends what it was” when the union gets done.

    • Fourscore

      I was always happy to just have a job. Being unemployed begins to feeling unemployable. Easier to get another job if you’re already working.

      • AlexinCT

        Kids today don’t think that way anymore. At least too many of them don’t. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard people in my son’s age group tell him and people like him that work is for suckers. Then these same idiots complain that life is unfair and too hard.

      • R.J.

        I feel the same way. When I was unemployed, my new job 6-5 was finding another job. I took no breaks.

      • CPRM

        I took no breaks.

        You were breaking federal labor laws.

      • R.J.

        I’m an anarcho-libertarian. F the man!

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Being unemployed begins to feeling unemployable.

        Kids today don’t think that way anymore. At least too many of them don’t.

        My BIL is 9 months into his current unemployment stint. Quarter million in student loan debt (private so non-dischargeable) and $750k mortgage on the house they had to have. Sister doesn’t work, 3 young kids, and they’ve just about eaten through their savings.

        It’s a different mentality. He won’t consider any job he considers beneath him, and he’s not remotely qualified for what he thinks he’s owed. Reality is about to intercede, hard.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        @SSD have they hit you up for cash yet?

        Sounds like a pretty desperate situation. Also, that’s a yuge mortgage.

      • Sensei

        SSD. I’ve been there minus the student debt and with a more reasonable mortgage.

        The issue is once you take a lower paying job you reset your base compensation. It’s not something you do lightly.

        I was forced to that. I don’t regret it as I also knocked my hours and stress level down by about one third.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Not me and not likely to come.

        I’d have more sympathy if their situation wasn’t self-induced by both career and lifestyle decisions. Could still buy at least a year of breathing room by selling their house, moving in with his parents, and using the equity for living expenses. Won’t hear of it though.

        Sensei, I hear that. It’s tough. Even a parttime job at Walmart would be something to help contribute though. Realistically, a lower compensation and lower cost of living are what’s going to need happen. I think it would make them much happier in the end.

      • R C Dean

        The dilemma is that, on the one hand, taking a lower paying job resets your base, at least for awhile, but holding out for too long starts creates a big hole in your resume, which closes off opportunities all on its own.

  8. PieInTheSky

    Global Computer Outages Reveal Vulnerabilities of Internet Centralization – yes but efficiency

    • AlexinCT

      Still no mention that Crowdstrike is one of the companies to go all out on DEI bullshit likely being a sign of the times? I mean we keep finding in case after case of severe and insane failure that the entity involved is consumed by DEI stupidity, but nobody ever wants to call that out?

      • PieInTheSky

        US programmers blame the outsourcing to India not the DEI 🙂

        Crowdstrike should bring the good jobs back to Romania.

      • UnCivilServant

        Nonsense, you’ll be sent to the bit mines to extract 1s. (0s are sourced elsewhere)

  9. Shpip

    “If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President,” Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana posted on X. “He must resign the office immediately. November 5 cannot arrive soon enough.”

    No, keep him giving him off the cuff endorsements to Kamala. She deserves nothing better.

  10. PieInTheSky

    Has anyone considered that Biden is faking his cognitive decline and no one not even his family knows this?

    • UnCivilServant

      He was never that bright to begin with.

      • R.J.

        Agreed. His entire career he was made fun of for being a stupid asshat. It was the media campaign of a century that convinced people he was some kind of elder statesman.

      • juris imprudent

        It was the South Carolina Dem primary in ’20 – there’s the real question: how did they swing that?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        He’s always been a fucking moron and since the ‘80s a brain damaged moron (2 aneurysms). If he’s faking (he’s not) he deserves an Academy Award).

  11. PieInTheSky

    The dems should run Fetterman for president

    • AlexinCT

      Trump needs to keep hammering home that it doesn’t matter which team blue idiot they put in the WH, the destructive evil policies will not change, because team blue is a crime syndicate.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        This has been my thought too. Trump isn’t running because Biden is too old/mentally handicapped. He’s running because Biden’s policy is dog shit. This cannot be lost in the kerfuffle.

    • slumbrew

      Trump would lose to Fetterman.

      • Fourscore

        I think you’re right. We’ve come a long way.

      • AlexinCT

        In the debate? Or you mean the election?

      • slumbrew

        In the election. Fetterman, against my prediction, seems to have fully recovered from his stroke and seems totally lucid. He’s also tacked to the center, politically

        He’d be a much bigger threat than Cackles. But “white”, “male”, and “straight” means he’s a nonstarter for the Dems.

      • cavalier973

        Only if Fetterman can convincingly fake an epic photo of himself raising a defiant fist in the air, with the American flag waving behind him, after being shot.

      • rhywun

        Comment *

        he’s a nonstarter for the Dems

        I suspect their racist and sexist principles will go out the window if it helps maintain their grip on power.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical


        Agreed. Biden got through that gauntlet despite also having the ‘old’ identifier as well. He’s the demographic embodiment of everything they claim to hate.

      • Urthona

        Trump would lose to anyone who can pretend to be moderate for the new couple of weeks.

      • Gdragon

        There’s only one thing that can stop Fetterman. The Day of the Jacket.

      • EvilSheldon

        Yup. Fetterman is despite all odds, a very capable politician. More importantly, he’s one of the few national-level Dems who doesn’t come across as an arrogant, finger-wagging scold. He’s more dangerous than he looks.

  12. rhywun

    One-Third Of Democrats Believe Donald Trump Staged Assassination Attempt

    And this is how someone like Kamala wins – with a pool of supernaturally ignorant voters.

    • PieInTheSky

      Look it is either SuperHitler or a Stronk Diverse Woman, the choice is obvious

    • juris imprudent

      supernaturally ignorant voters

      There is an abundance of them. When I hear people say that Trump is God’s anointed savior of this country, well.

      • rhywun


        I’ll probably vote for the guy (on my principle that the Dems need to be punished) but I don’t think he’s the Second Coming or anything.

  13. rhywun

    Largest housing provider for unaccompanied migrant minors

    Eric Adams?

    • Fourscore

      Punkyouation aint shit man

    • AlexinCT

      Cripple fight?

      I would avoid both of these idiots.

    • rhywun

      That ship sailed decades ago, for anyone who has lived any amount of time in a large American city.

      • Sensei

        What’s interesting is how that it is moving into the “country” too. Especially in Bluer places. As usual we can us CA as a barometer.

      • rhywun

        I don’t doubt it but even the difference between big city and small lefty college town where I live now was very noticeable to me.

    • Nephilium

      Several of our parks actually DO have rules about that:

      4.1 Noise
      Persons may use a sound-producing device at a volume that is not audible from fifty or more feet
      in picnic and public use areas unless a special permit has been issued by the Executive Director.
      A sound-producing device while on a trail or within a Natural Resource Conservation Area may
      be used at a volume that does not disturb other park visitors or wildlife.

      • rhywun

        The NYC subway has similar rules, or “rules”.

        Though to be fair, the ghetto blaster is not as common as it used to be.

      • Sensei

        Nope. Now we just get the cell phone with the volume at 10. Still annoying.

    • rhywun

      Anyway, this effect began to hit home with me a couple decades ago when I could no longer ignore the fact that there is a large number of people who are too lazy to look for a trash receptacle so they just throw garbage on the sidewalk.

    • Tundra

      The more difficult the hike, the less likely you are to run into those fuckwits. Also, I think you are well within your rights to throw the fucking speaker off a cliff.

      /not libertarian about this

      • The Last American Hero

        The NAP doesn’t apply to bluetooth speakers in hiking trails. It’s not in the text, but there are clear penumbras and emanations that validate my position.

      • Ted S.

        Bluetooth speakers out on the trails are an NAP violation anyway.

  14. Shpip

    Despite the event’s taking place on live television, and the tragic death of 50-year-old firefighter Corey Comperatore, a staggering 34% of Democrats have fallen for the BlueAnon conspiracy that Trump staged the day’s events according to the Washington Free Beacon

    Lots of people believe stupid things, in spite of the evidence in front of their eyes.

    • Fourscore

      I’m from Missouri, oops, Minnesota, so you gotta show me real evidence.

    • AlexinCT

      Admitting you are part of an evil cabal that basically set up a situation so someone could try to assassinate the guy you implied was serving the devil, kind of makes it real, real hard to keep pretending you are the good guys.

    • CPRM

      I swear she is totally into me! She’s just playing hard to get!

      • Fourscore

        I didn’t like her anyway…

      • juris imprudent

        How dare you insinuate this isn’t all about reinforcing the righteousness of me and my politics!!!

  15. Not Adahn

    Review of the 2024 USPSA Area 7 Championship at the Sig Sauer Academy:

    The stages were not inherently challenging. My initial response was “this is too easy for a level III match.” I eventually came around to the idea that “this match is a chance to go full speed and see what you can do.” From that perspective, the stages were just silly fun.

    The facilities need work. In addition to the insufficiently deep bays, I did not like the steel targets used, and I REALLY didn’t like that because of those targets they built tables over them to contain spall. Resetting unattached poppers while reaching into an enclosed area sucks unwashed balls. The surface was good, at least under the dry conditions we worked. There was also not even vaguely enough shade, and we had to steal tables from safe areas (fortunately they had safe areas every eight yards).

    The people were AMAZING. I have never worked with a harder-working, positive, gung-ho staff before ever. They were so much nicer than Area 5 people. I was initially grumbly that SIG wanted the staff to tear down the match, but honestly, that might have been the highlight of the event — a truck drove by handing out crowbars, screw guns and buckets, and then came back by for us to put the disassembled stage bits in. The walls were picked up by a forklift. And when your stage was done, everyone just moved on down the line until there was basically a block party and the entire match was picked up in under an hour, I shit you not.

    Compensation: SIG is kind of stupid when it comes to giving a fuck about people being able to buy their products. The gun variant I wanted to buy did not have a SKU for either “gun only” or “gun with 10 round mags.” So I had to go with this variant which after my various staff discounts and credits, cost me $188.20.

    • AlexinCT


    • SDF-7

      Yeah, it must really suck for a lot of Dems after this weekend.

    • Sean


    • AlexinCT


    • SDF-7

      Well, she is supposedly a nightmare dressed like a daydream….

    • bacon-magic

      “Boys only want love if it’s torture.”

    • DrOtto

      Travis Kelce was straight?

  16. Raven Nation

    I see on social media my prog friends are already posting pics of KH with the “I’m with her” theme.

    Oh, and they’re also “excited” about her candidacy.


    • SDF-7

      Maybe we’ll get a repeat of the wailing of 2016.

      • The Last American Hero

        Time to buy stock in Kim Crawford?

      • SDF-7

        She is the best and most qualified candidate we have

        Even disliking the JackAss party as much as I do…. I wouldn’t wish that state on anyone.

      • Nephilium

        She is the best and most qualified candidate we have.

        I think that says more about the depth of your bench than it does the quality of your candidates.

      • rhywun

        Long live the American Dream!

        Just… wow.

        Said by the trust-fund kid intent on destroying it. That is some fucking chutzpah.

      • R C Dean

        That is quite the lukewarm endorsement.

        “Look, we just can’t do any better, OK? You’re just going to have to settle for her.”

    • R.J.

      Have they heard her give a speech yet?
      Can you imagine her in a debate?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        “I come before you, to stand behind you, and tell you something I know nothing about!”

      • The Other Kevin

        Nuclear weapons are dangerous. They are weapons, and they are nuclear.

    • UnCivilServant

      I don’t understand that mentality.

    • AlexinCT

      I see on social media my prog friends are already posting pics of KH with the “I’m with her” theme.

      The democrat party now will go all out in admitting they are the party of batshit crazy women.

    • Necron 99

      Did you mean, “I’m with Her(pes)?

    • juris imprudent

      I pointed out that was Hillary’s shtick.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        “It’s Her turn.”

  17. Common Tater

    “One-Third Of Democrats Believe Donald Trump Staged Assassination Attempt”

    Here is another third.

    “Third of Democrats wish Donald Trump had been killed

    A third of Democratic voters I surveyed in a snap poll on 18 July openly agreed with the statement “I wish Trump’s assassin hadn’t missed.” Looking beneath the numbers, the new moral absolutism of the progressive Left picks out which Democrats support assassination and which do not.”


    • SDF-7

      A bunch of idiots who don’t understand the shitstorm Civil War 2 would bring because they’ve been fat and happy their whole lives. (See also: They really are driving the ‘soft men bring hard times’ train as hard as they can…).

      I know I can’t be alone in having almost my first thought have been “If Trump hadn’t been missed — what sort of uprising would have happened next?” — Especially if all the crap about the USSS started coming out after folks were still boiling mad about the whole thing. Franz Ferdinand with a Spray Tan leaps to mind.

      • The Other Kevin

        Suddenly everyone who wasn’t a Democrat would realize they had no hope and nothing to lose. I think we would have seen other assassinations of Democrats and their media allies. And then of course the government crackdown, and then more retaliation, and thus Civil War 2.

  18. Ownbestenemy

    The ‘he isn’t too old crowd’ is now the ‘he is too old crowd’…except for Trump.

    What a year 2024 is turning out to be

  19. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    Regarding the crowd strike thing.

    I know some of you joke about testing in production, but this seems way over the top.

    How could the update have been implemented without realizing the potential effects?

    • AlexinCT


    • UnCivilServant

      “Sure this update bricks computers, but we have a deadline to meet”

    • Nephilium

      Based on past experience? The risks were known, but very low percentage chance of happening. So over time, the testers and change management team got complacent, and just started approving these types of pushes as routine. All you needed was that one worst case scenario to get out to show case that you were not being as rigorous as you should have been in your testing.

      • AlexinCT

        I bet the people doing the PR reviews got told that there was a pattern where they called out the DEI hires too often and to stop that. Been there myself and I can tell you most people will just back off (I refuse to).

        I also wouldn’t be surprised to find out that the PR approvers ware told they would lose their job if he didn’t stop calling out the low code quality from the DEI types, and/or were replaced by one of the DEI types leading to this debacle.

        Note that the people that made adopting that DEI baloney will now go into overdrive to make sure blame is diverted, but it will be too obvious.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Just bizarre that something that would cause such widespread errors could do easily be implemented in like a billion computers, causing untold billions of damages. My boss was traveling this weekend and had called out today, for example.

      • Nephilium


        Nearly every person I’ve met (as an example) has a story about the time they accidentally took down a whole call center by clicking on the wrong button in Cisco Unified Call Manager. If you click the button in question, there is no pop up confirming the request, no time to double check, just every agent getting immediately logged out of their phones and the phones rebooting. This button was on the same screen as several other options that needed to be used anytime there was a change in team/extension/phone/etc. To get them back up, you had to start bulk jobs to undo what you just accidentally did. If you were upfront and honest about it, you could usually get a team together and get everything recovered in ~10 minutes or so. If you were one of the people who tried to hide what they did…

        I’ve heard the more modern versions at least have a confirmation dialog now.

      • UnCivilServant

        # init 6

        wait… what SSH session was that?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Yep. Takes one time to royally screw up. Doesn’t take DEI.

      • slumbrew

        Oh, sweet, innocent Lack.

        This is entirely accurate:


        Things like Crowdstike make it worse – “just run these processes with full-privileges
        , we totally won’t screw anything up…”

      • rhywun

        I have lived through one or two nightmare scenarios of my own but at least I have the excuse that our company was not practicing anything like acceptable change management at the time.

      • rhywun


        LOL I have been that lonely person in Nebraska more than once.

  20. Drake

    I I did not know that Kamala was also Montel Williams’ sidepiece for a while.

    • AlexinCT

      Montel was good at getting as much ass as a toilet seat, and I can’t blame him for tapping that round and brown when he got a chance.

  21. Sensei

    Nice story. I was expecting some rich guy who just wrote a check as fully 50% of these WSJ articles are.

    About two weeks ago, my son, Bill, and I got in my Porsche 356 and cranked it up. We drove the car around Ocean Parkway, jumped on Route 589, filled the tank with gas, and drove it home. It was incredible. The car was registered and insured. It had been in pieces for decades. This restoration—much of which I taught myself how to do—had taken nearly 40 years and now we were on the road.


    • Drake

      Beautiful. I would love to have a simple fun car with no electronic gadgetry at all.

    • slumbrew

      “I built a rotisserie in my garage, because at my age, I didn’t have the ability to do some of the welding unless I could turn the car.”


      Great story.

    • Tundra

      A Ray of Sunshine.


  22. Common Tater

    “Are participants in federally sponsored events on science sex and gender identity allowed to challenge the claim that sex exists on a spectrum, even with civility?

    That’s not clear based on the National Institutes of Health’s response to Just the News questions about moderators removing a scientist, professor and third unknown person from an online symposium on “the many dimensions of sex and gender in the genomics era.”

    Evolutionary biologist Colin Wright, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and academic adviser to the Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine, and Pepperdine University philosopher Tomas Bogardus are prominent academic critics of gender ideology.

    The former filed an expert declaration supporting female prison inmates challenging California’s law that gives men who identify as women, regardless of intact male anatomy or hormone therapy, presumptive transfers to women’s prisons. He’s been deplatformed by PayPal and Etsy for his views….”


    I don’t even think this is because zealous morons at the NIH can’t understand how sex and gender are two different things. They are conflating them on purpose.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      “Are participants in federally sponsored events on science sex and gender identity allowed to challenge the claim that sex exists on a spectrum, even with civility?

      That’s not clear based on the National Institutes of Health’s response ”

      Why does the right do this?

      The answer IS clear. Stop pussy footing.

      • AlexinCT

        When the people that hand out the loans these researchers depend on to put food on the table will cut you off if you challenge the results they want, you have no other choice.

        BTW, I have often killed arguments about these luxury beliefs on the left – and especially the whole climate change racket – by asking them if they believe research from the tobacco companies saying cigarettes were not a big deal or from fossil fuel companies about the extent of their environmental impacts was viable. Indubitably they pointed out the money involved immediately should send up a red flag. You should have seen their expressions when I agreed vehemently and then asked why they thought research results coming from work done with piles of government money should not be held to the same standard.

      • rhywun

        Why does the right do this?

        Because the left has been so spectacularly successful at this game, and there is rightly the residual fear of being “cancelled”.

  23. cavalier973

    Harris’ time as vice president has been occasionally rocky, defined in part by large staff turnover, retreating from politically risky responsibilities, and mocking from some Beltway insiders.

    Much of Harris’ staff has turned over in the past 3½ years.
    About half of the vice president’s staff is paid by the Senate, which requires regular disclosures. Of the 47 Harris staffers listed in 2021, only five still worked for her as of this spring, according to the disclosures. Her full staff list is not publicly disclosed.


    • Urthona

      As much as Harris is a doofus, by no means count her out. Trump is very unpopular and they gotta run basement campaign part 2.

      • AlexinCT

        The biggest boon from replacing Biden with anyone will be that the deep state will get just enough wiggle room to pretend another rigged election might be legit. Nobody would have accepted another 2020 scenario dragging Biden over the finish line in 2024. It simply would not have flown. Now that they have a new face, they can say people got enthoused and voted because new face. even though those of us more informed would know that was all bullshit because the people calling the shots would still be doing so, we would have a hard time being 1005 certain.

      • KSuellington

        Absolutely agreed, Harris has a much better chance of winning than Biden did. There are going to be very, very few unscripted moments for her in the next 3.5 months, it won’t be hard to do. I think it is 60/40 Trump, but that could easily move closer as the media tongue bath for Kamala takes hold (or could go a bit the other way if she produces another classic word salad during a debate). The elite media are gonna play up the woman card to the absolute hilt. She may become Madame President. On the plus side, if she loses it is going to be an epic internal fight in the Dem machine that has more chance of putting the progs on the outside than if it had been a Biden loss.

    • juris imprudent

      This must mean the return of Kayleighburrow and company in the Sugarverse, right?

  24. Common Tater

    I know it’s still early. I’ve been looking around, and don’t see evidence of any Dems who will challenge Harris for the nomination.

    • Urthona

      Just about everyone locked in so fast.

      That’s good for Republicans.

      If they picked in anyone who could come off as reasonable, Trump would be toast.

      • rhywun

        Just about everyone locked in so fast.

        They have to, for appearance’s sake, by their own “principles”.

        Of course it’s all a sham so who knows what’s coming.

      • juris imprudent

        If they picked in anyone who could come off as reasonable

        Narrator: Not that there was any danger of such a person being a Democrat.

    • UnCivilServant

      This is the backroom backstabbing period. You don’t publically challenge anything for the sake of party unity, you make quiet off the books deals to consolidate support before you strike.

      • Urthona

        Still gotta like Harris’s chances as every single thing switched over to her immediately. If you want her out, you gotta be super fast and smart.

      • Nephilium


        /Hunter has entered the discussion

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        If Hunter runs for President, it will be confirmed that this is the best timeline.

  25. PieInTheSky

    Meta-analysis: Low-to-moderate alcohol consumption predicted reduced risk of dementia and cognitive decline. https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S156816372400237X#sec0085 The present study was designed to address the association of alcohol consumption with cognitive dysfunction and dementia using dose-response meta-analyses of prospective cohort studies. Comparability consists of a study controlling for age, sex, and additional potential confounders. According to the dose-response meta-analysis, there was a strong evidence of a non-linear (J-shaped) association between alcohol intake and risk of cognitive dysfunction and dementia. Light-to-moderate alcohol consumption was associated with lower risk. With increase of alcohol intake, the risk of cognitive dysfunction and dementia were increased. An important point in the relationship between alcohol consumption and cognitive impairment and dementia is its J-shaped association. The underlying mechanism explaining the protective effect of low-to-moderate dosages of alcohol on cognitive failure and dementia may be related to cerebrovascular and cardiovascular functions and brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Low-to-moderate drinking is associated with increased level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor as a key modulator of neuronal plasticity and development. Collins et al. proposed that moderate ethanol exposure prevents neurodegeneration due to β-amyloid, an important protein implicated in Alzheimer’s disease, by elevation of neuroprotective proteins such as heat shock proteins. Furthermore, light-to-moderate alcohol consumption is accompanied with improvement in inflammation status that may lead to lower risk of dementia.


    • PieInTheSky

      Meta-analysis: Prolonged sleep is an even greater risk factor for cognitive decline than shortened sleep. We conducted meta-analyses to reanalyze the relationship between sleep duration andnthe risk of cognitive decline. Our metaanalyses have shown that both long sleep duration and short sleep duration elevate the risk of cognitive decline compared to moderate sleep. Results revealed significant increases in the risk of cognitive impairment at both 4 and 10 hours of sleep duration, It was observed that long sleep duration is associated with a higher risk compared to short sleep duration, albeit with imprecise estimation.


      • Urthona

        Best guess: none of those things is a contributing cause of Alzheimer’s themselves. They simply correlate to normal adult function, socialization, and behavior.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Being tired can affect performance on cognitive tests? Well blow me down!

      • PieInTheSky

        Being tired can affect performance – only if you don’t drink enough

      • The Last American Hero

        Yep – this is along the lines of “coffee will kill you/coffee is a superfood” or “eggs will kill you/eggs are a superfood” studies.

        Run the study 40 times, ignore the 38 times the results were inconclusive, publish the two that show some correlation that backs up your hypothesis.

    • AlexinCT


      As soon as I see that I am done. This means someone or group of someones with their own biases chose which studies to look at (and not). Even if they did it all right and following the scientific process/method, and didn’t let their own biases impact their decisions, proving that would be suspect. So immediately assume a conclusion that has such a high probability of being wrong, it can be ignored.

      Also, there is nothing we do that won’t eventually kill us. I do not want to live a life devoid of the vices I love just to live extra years. That sounds like a prison sentence to me. Now pass me that bottle of gin and the olives.

    • slumbrew

      She’s got the inappropriate cackling down.

    • rhywun


    • UnCivilServant

      The tree forks downward because it was created by speakers of western european langauges who read left to right, top to bottom, so the starting logic node is at the top where people intuitively start on it.

      You can draw it upside down so that the branching logic resembles its botanical namesake but there is no added utility in doing so an a marked decrease in utility.

      A real mathematician would be capable of the abstract thinking to understand that. Whatever academian whote that remark (and the sheer level of pettiness screams academia) is clearly not capable of thinking.

    • slumbrew

      I’m not some smarty-pants mathematician, but I’m going to hazard that it’s called a “tree” because it branches.

      Decision trees surely pre-date CS as a discipline, right?

    • Urthona

      As a cs guy who wasn’t a math major, this seems… a bit much

    • kinnath

      Physicist enters the room . . . Gravity. The decision ball falls from the top to the bottom.

      • UnCivilServant

        That failed to compile – we haven’t implemented a physics engine yet, and you never instantiated an object of type “DecisionBall”

      • AlexinCT

        You need better open source libraries compiled by rogue Chinese, North Korea, Russian, or Iranian hackerzs?

    • R.J.




      • UnCivilServant

        You do not joke about data structures and logic flows!

  26. Drake

    The one airline completely unaffected by the crowdstrike thing… Southwest.

    Because they never upgraded past Windows 3.1 and 95.

    • Urthona

      Also I assume they don’t use Crowdstrike. Windows really wasn’t at fault.

      • slumbrew

        There was _also_ an Azure outage around the same time, so, maybe?

  27. kinnath

    So, do we get several special episodes of Joemala this week?

    • The Other Kevin

      Poor SF is going to need another kilo of coke to keep up with this.

    • AlexinCT

      Won’t that just be more drunken cackling, wheels on the bus, Ukraine is a small country tat borders Russia a big country, I sucked my way to the top, talk?

      I mean Montel already told us all back when Koh-Moh-Loh could suck a golf ball through a straw. Maybe that’s what we need in these trying times… Imagine she sucks of young round Kim and makes him her bitch?

  28. AlexinCT

    Any truth to the rumors Obama told Biden if he didn’t drop out they would curtail his secret service protection and that Hillary was already shopping for a shooter that would make it all look like a suicide?

    • UnCivilServant

      Barry O and Hillary are not on the same team.

      • AlexinCT

        You don’t have to be on the same team to share a common goal. I mean, there are scores of globalist cabals, all jockeying for which one will be on top in the end, but all with the same goal of killing off half of humanity and establishing a new feudal system to keep them and their offspring on top going forward. Obama and Hillary both want ole Joe out, but for their own personal reason. Team blue is a cabal of crime syndicates with similar end results which allows them to remain tight until the top ones start going all shark frenzy over power.

      • Sean

        One likes women and one likes men?

      • AlexinCT

        I know Hillary Clinton likes women, cause Janet reno was Chelsey’s real dad.

    • PieInTheSky

      probably not

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Watched the current episode of The Boys last night. It started out with a big disclaimer about how they would never accept or advocate political violence in real life (not even against real life monsters like you know who, I suppose). what a completely retarded show.

  30. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Biden (or his corporeal form) will stay in Delaware for the next 6 months while the Politburo runs the country a la Weekend at Bernie’s

    • slumbrew

      Dear Leader deserves to enjoy time at his dacha

      • juris imprudent

        We really are the 70s-80s Soviet Union.

  31. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    So the head honcho where I work is very closely tied to the Obamas. She’s not in the Harris or Clinton camp. I wonder what that will mean on the next couple months.

    • AlexinCT

      Brutal, no holds barred, downright evil, jockeying for who gets to be at the top of the ticket so they can get to direct whatever efforts to plunder the American tax payers the real people running the country allow?

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I was wondering more along the lines of where I work, specifically, obviously

  32. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    I’m gonna sound like Alex Jones but I legit think they ran a coup on Joe. Here’s what I suspect we will find out to some degree or another (probably never confirmed fully.)

    I understand the coup they ran on Trump with the FISA warrant so I’m cynical enough to imagine they would do this.

    They threw everything at Biden get him to drop out. They tried to destroy his character (set him up with the debate, all the other character assassination.) Then Hunter and Jill put up a wall. The remaining avenue was to bribe them. I’m guessing they offered them pretty much anything.

    But the issue to me fundamentally is you can’t offer something to the First Lady better than another term, and you can’t offer something to a father better than pardon power if he has a son whose past crimes are not fully understood and who may be entangled with things that lead to future crimes.

    So where you end up is you have to reach deeper into the toolbox.

    The way I think this goes is you realize that the way to finally get capitulation is to have the public believe for a news cycle that Biden has dropped out of his own accord, but hasn’t. In this scenario, it can’t be walked back (run it through.)

    So to run this play you really just need two things: you need a way to distribute an ostensible resignation from a credible source, and you need the candidate to be maximally incapacitated to respond.

    So, you flip the right comms people who can post to X and other social media.

    Then (this is dark), you send people into the White House with COVID. This is where crimes may have occurred but it is basically a perfect crime.

    Then, once the candidate tests positive, you do a dry run to see if your flipped comms people end up getting blowback for posting something the candidate would never allow. (“I’m sick”)

    You also now leak fake stories to the press that the candidate is imminently going to drop out. You line up party leadership to agree that if Biden resigns they will line up the way you want.

    If things look good, you wait until the day the candidate is maximally ill during the course of COVID and blast out a resignation. As long as you have a solid cycle where the candidate can’t even physically react, and his family knows that the game theory now is against them.

    The public and even the party leadership is now set up entirely to accept the resignation, and many people who flipped have insane counterincentives to accept any claims by the candidate it was not intended.

    And the candidate, of course, wakes up a day later, and realizes if they dispute the resignation they lose everything. Instead, they now take the deal, with the entire world already aligned on the new reality.


    • AlexinCT

      Team blue is mercenary as fuck. It’s always about power. The moment the numbers showed them they couldn’t fortify the 2024 election and get away with it, thy decided they wanted a new face to gaslight their usual uninformed voter base.

    • rhywun

      Until Joe appears on live television and says “I’m dropping out”, this is entirely plausible.

      • Common Tater

        I’m guessing covid is his excuse for holding a press conference, but he couldn’t make an announcement from behind his desk in the oval office?

      • Common Tater

        * not holding a press conference

      • rhywun

        His Signature Is Being Questioned



      • Ownbestenemy

        Meh…those on the EO are autopen most likely. Would have to see a real wet signature to go that route.

    • R C Dean

      I think he’s missing one big thing. The President can’t pardon state crimes, only federal ones. I think there is no end of state crimes that Hunter could be charged with, and very likely Jill and other members of his family. I don’t think they bribed the Bidens to drop out (or that they just bribed the Bidens). I think the Bidens were threatened with multiple state prosecutio9ns if they didn’t knuckle under.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    The world reacts

    President Joe Biden’s announcement that he was ending his re-election bid reverberated around the world, making front-page headlines and prompting a flurry of responses from friend and foe alike.

    With poll numbers slipping, donors fleeing and party luminaries pushing him to exit, Biden decision to bring an abrupt conclusion to his half-century career in politics, drew not just praise from Democrats, but also kind words from America’s friends abroad.

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that he was thankful for his leadership and that he respected Biden’s “tough but strong decision” to drop out of the race.

    Zelenskyy, who spoke with former President Donald Trump just two days ago, said on X, “[Biden] supported our country during the most dramatic moment in history, assisted us in preventing Putin from occupying our country, and has continued to support us throughout this terrible war.”

    It’s all about you, isn’t it, drama queen.

    • creech

      Z: “I better call the bank in Grand Cayman and see if my balance is big enough to disappear now or do I have to work this Trump dude for another ‘aid package’?”

  34. UnCivilServant

    Why is the town of Carter Lake Part of Iowa? It is clearly on the Nebraska side of the Missouri river, and any direction out of it except via a narrow span of said river will take you into Nebraska.

    • rhywun

      Looks like an artifact of the river meandering over time.

    • PieInTheSky

      Jusy to mess with you

    • creech

      Successful insurrection or Mississippi changed course after state lines were drawn?

      • juris imprudent

        That would’ve been some change in the Mississippi.

      • UnCivilServant

        That’s no Excuse, the Missouri took that land away from Iowa fair and square.

    • KSuellington

      I don’t know the exact story of it, but I dig enclaves. I even like the word. Sounds cool.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      UCS should never go to Angle Inlet

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Russia, which Biden hammered with a slew of sanctions following its invasion of Ukraine, took a different tone.

    “There are still 4 months to go before the election,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russian media Life.ru. “This is a long period of time, during which a lot can change. We need to pay attention, monitor what will happen next and mind our own business.”

    Russian President Vladimir Putin had earlier said he preferred Biden over Trump, even though Trump has threatened to pull out of NATO, which would weaken an alliance that has backed Ukraine against Russia, much of it guided by Biden.

    Sit back and enjoy the show.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said, “President Biden has dedicated his life to public service.

    “And that is something that deserves much respect,” he said on X.

    Fuck off.

  37. The Bearded Hobbit

    Starting on the AL-CAN today. Heavy smoke and I understand it’s even worse north of here.

    Critter count yesterday: two female caribou standing next to the road.

    Will see Animal this weekend, if all works out.

    Into the fray. . .

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Law vs Outlaw

    Kamala Harris has spent much more of her life as a prosecutor than as a senator or vice president – and that is exactly how she is now going to run against Donald Trump.

    In sessions that were quietly underway at the Naval Observatory even before Joe Biden’s disastrous debate, Harris and her inner circle had already landed on the plan to look past whoever Trump picked as his running mate and focus almost exclusively on the former president.

    The vice president had expected that to be part of her role making the case for Biden. But it became clearer and clearer over the last month that she was likely going to be making the case for herself.

    Now that Biden has stepped aside — and with even more of her potential opponents planning to endorse her by the end of the day Monday — over a dozen advisers and close allies told CNN they think her candidacy will lean heavily on her background as a district attorney, attorney general and cross examiner in Senate hearings.

    It is simple, they say: prosecutor versus felon.

    What does that have to do with running the Presidency? Don’t ask.

    Actually, maybe we should be investigating the potential First Man-of-the-House’s string pulling abilities.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    The strategy will be a return to the “prosecutor for president” framework of her 2020 presidential campaign, which included her slogan taken from her days standing up in court as a young assistant district attorney: “Kamala Harris, for the people.” In those days, her team was stretching the rhetoric. But this year, the GOP nominee has been found guilty in a New York hush money trial, liable for battery in a civil case, and faces two other criminal cases related to subverting the 2020 election.

    Advisers believe that this is a way not just to raise up her own life story, but to make her come across as fighting for Americans while Trump is trying to serve himself. It’s also a strategy to play up attributes like strength, intelligence and toughness that are part of being a prosecutor but can also be of a commander in chief.

    The strategy which worked so well four years ago.

    She’s all about the Little Guy. And abortion. Don’t forget abortion.

    • slumbrew

      “play up attributes like strength, intelligence and toughness”


      • Sean

        Oh, I hope they run with that one.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Ya not so sure she wants to lean into your DA or AG days…

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Trump wins the stoner vote!

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      And prison slavery in Cali,
      Just the pot heads though

    • cavalier973

      “I promise to throw my political opponents in jail” hasn’t really been the winning message that they thought it would be.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    “It’s such a beautiful juxtaposition,” said Mini Timmaraju, president of Reproductive Freedom for All. “Her whole career she’s been taking on tough cases and tough characters like Donald Trump. Her reputation has grown from her success in putting bad guys away. And now she has the chance to put the ultimate bad guy away for good.”

    She’ll have him whisked off to Guantanamo?


      The man that is bad and orange doing a perp walk remains the goal

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      All those horrible, bad, evil, psychotic…*checks notes*…weed posessors!!

      • Raven Nation

        Don’t forget the bad parents.

    • Gdragon

      Has Trump been smoking weed? 😉

  41. The Late P Brooks

    Harris has said that approach includes laying blame directly on Trump for the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the state-level abortion restrictions that have followed.

    “The prosecutor approach is really about just deconstructing an issue,” Harris told CNN in an exclusive interview after a campaign stop in Las Vegas in April. “It’s presenting and reminding folks about the empirical evidence that shows us exactly how we arrived at this point. … He can’t hide from this stuff.”

    Several people involved in discussions and thinking about how she would campaign either with or without Biden pointed to one of the few ads from Harris’ primary campaign – before it sputtered out amid staff infighting and dried up fundraising.

    “She prosecuted sex predators. He is one. She shut down for-profit colleges that swindled Americans. He was a for-profit college – literally,” a narrator says, as footage of first Harris and then Trump goes by. “He’s owned by the big banks. She’s the attorney general who beat the biggest banks in America and forced them to pay homeowners $18 billion.”

    It’s in the bag. Nothing to do but wait for the voters’ rubber stamp of approval.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Ignore the states that have gone full on for baby murder, including using taxpayer money to finance and subsidize it.

  42. Gustave Lytton

    If Joe really has covid, why would Dr Jill be traveling internationally? When someone else is sick in our house, a) we usually try to minimize outside exposure not to pass on whatever it is and b) take care of each other. I guess I live in a completely different world.

    • creech

      She’s a doctor! Are you questioning a doctor? You Science Denier you.

    • Gdragon

      She’s working overseas with other doctors to find a cure!

  43. The Late P Brooks

    Harris wouldn’t just be the second woman at the top of a national ticket. She’s a half-Jamaican, half-Indian woman whose given names are Kamala and Devi, who identified so strongly with the American Black experience that she specifically chose Howard University for college. She’s also married to a Jewish man. Her candidacy is historic.

    Boxes were checked.

  44. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    So I guess we can all agree at this point that Jill Biden was our first woman President?

  45. The Late P Brooks

    So I guess we can all agree at this point that Jill Biden was our first woman President?

    Ask Edith Wilson.

  46. The Late P Brooks

    At this point I desperately want Trump to win, just to see if the delusional nutcakes will really self-immolate.

    • Tundra

      I think that whoever wins, there will be an epic shitshow. As SDF-7 says upstream, I don’t think people understand just how close we came to absolute chaos a week ago. It feels like a respite, not a deescalation.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Yup. Still calling Trump a threat to democracy and worse than Hitler, and should have been a better shot next time.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Just got an ad with Kamala…”Trump is a threat to democracy”