1. Tundra

    Good morning, Banjos!

    The whole bullet vs shrapnel thing seems retarded to me. The man nearly had his head blown off on TV. Minimizing his injury doesn’t change that.

    • Ownbestenemy

      All to change the narrative that it wasn’t an assassination attempt but rather a mass shooting event and that Trump wasn’t the target and so on and so on. Two FBI agents in 2015/16 were working to ensure his presidency was shit, I doubt they were the only two.

      • hayeksplosives

        They are hating the fact that Trump’s reaction to the assassination attempt was bold and brash—very Trumpian—and created a number of iconic photographs that are seared into people’s memories.

        That’s why they had to overthrow Biden within the week—had to change the focus off of Trump ASAP.

        The “investigation” reeks to high heaven.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Isn’t Janet Napolitano brought back into the fold to be part of the independent review? That sounds like it’s on the up and up!

    • cavalier973

      That is what is weird.

      There seems to be a religious thing going on with proggie froggies, where saying something makes it true, and refuting something makes it false.

    • Drake

      Do news people or the FBI understand what shrapnel is? You know, chunks of flying metal from an explosion – usually a bomb, artillery, or mortar shell. Did the Secret Service also fail to notice Crooks toting around a mortar?

      • Not Adahn

        If the mortar had a collapsable stock, that would have rendered it invisible.

      • UnCivilServant

        But what about the pestle?

      • Not Adahn

        Pestles are for patricide.


      • l0b0t

        “Pestles are for patricide.


        Trestles are for Nellicide.

        /Snidely Whiplash

      • slumbrew

        Hey stranger! Congrats on recent events!

    • Rat on a train

      He wasn’t trying to assassinate Trump, he was shooting at cans. Trump was just unlucky.

      • Nephilium


        Completely unrelated, but the girlfriend and I caught Save Ferris last night. Holy shit they’re leaning into the nostalgia. It was glorious. Most songs off the first couple of albums, half the band hired guns, but the original members are having the time of their lives on stage again.

        Monique kissed the girlfriend on the forehead during the show.

      • Timeloose

        Mrs. Time just mentioned you last week due to your Friday’s Edna’s Goldfish music choice.

        Save Ferris are touring around here as well. We will try to check them out.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Also, why push a narrative that explicitly says he was shot at, just not as closely? As far as Mass Shooter Event, it falls flat as he SHOT AT TRUMP!! IE attempted to kill him. If you just wanted to shoot some people, why would you go to an event that was supposedly massively protected?

      Doesn’t pass the stink test, and if that is what they got, WEK SOCE.

    • Suthenboy

      As I pointed out yesterday, not just with regards to this, but all of their excuses are no better than what they are trying to explain away…aka they just keep digging.
      Shrapnel from what? That was never explained. Glass? What glass? I didn’t see any glass much less glass that shattered.
      They really are arrogant dunces.

  2. Ownbestenemy

    Even with the cost of groceries up, still cheaper in the long run to make a better meal/snack at home than a quick over-processed one from the fast-food joints.

    • cavalier973

      Cheaper, but not necessarily quicker.

      If we have leftovers, I can warm them up in the morning and stuff them in a thermos for later, but even then just grabbing a burger is easier and quicker.

      • rhywun

        Yup, time is money.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Yeah, but you have to like cooking to think that was a better solution.

      Not all of us like cooking.

    • R.J.

      Same. Everything is so expensive.

      I am looking over your resume in the next free hour.

      • Evan from Evansville

        I sent over a much more polished one.

        Thanks again, you’re a sincere help. Overthinking and lack of US time leaves much confusion for me. Yikes the old one is a bit embarrassing.

    • Gdragon

      The lunch that I made today isn’t glamorous but it cost me about a dollar in CAD and took me maybe 10 minutes to make (hell I sometimes have to wait that long even in the drive-thru). I got into a big argument about government school lunch programs a week or two ago (the day that I was grumbling here about people needing to read Bastiat/Hazlitt) and I have been inadvertently pricing every meal in my head ever since. Can’t stop a trader from market-making I guess LOL. You want to buy my lunch?

  3. The Other Kevin

    Carpooled to the gym with Mrs TOK this morning to save gas. I found out the price increase last week was from a tornado hitting a refinery. The increase is only in a handful of towns though, which is weird.

    • Nephilium

      That must be why I saw a headline talking about a spike in gas prices in the Columbus area (due to a refinery issue). I did notice that PA and OH gas prices were damned close (if not identical) which is unheard of.

      • UnCivilServant


        I was hoping to have a reprieve from the northeast gas prices if I could minimize the amount of gas I add before crossing that border.

  4. cavalier973

    Did someone already post the statement by Msgr. Carlo Maria Vigano, concerning the gay last supper at the Olympics?


    An excerpt:
    It is no coincidence that the one sponsoring this revolting carnival is an emissary of the World Economic Forum, Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig.

    • Not Adahn

      Is he the guy that’s no longer a Monsignor, nor ever a Catholic?

    • hayeksplosives

      I don’t think Barack and Michele marriage was a love match, but I don’t think she’s a biological male.

      Val-Jare knew he needed a wife and kids for his political career so she set them up.

      • juris imprudent

        Well, why deny people their retarded fantasies?

      • Evan from Evansville

        I don’t like the Michelle =Mike bit. It’s far more deleterious than funny. Detracts/ distracts from Obama’s shitty reign.

      • rhywun

        Val-Jare knew he needed a wife and kids for his political career so she set them up.

        Which is actually worse.

        See also: the ridiculous royal joining of the Soros kid and that witch on Hillary’s side.

      • EvilSheldon

        It’s obviously false and stupid, but I still find it funny. Really says more about my adolescent sense of humor than anything else.

        I suspect that for the people who genuinely believe that Michelle is a transwoman, you could probably find some great interracial futa porn in their browser caches…

      • Evan from Evansville

        IS funny, but still detracts. HOWEVER, open ridicule and mockery DOES have its place. The First Lady *should* be meaningless politically, but that’s changed. Michelle certainly deserves all the scorn for her School Lunch Initiative bullshit.

        Slight retraction: Making fun of her just to make fun of ‘her’ isn’t a good look, but anything mocking Obama can/should be encouraged.

      • Evan from Evansville

        I don’t wanna look, however, I’m quite confident scores of Michelle/Mike/Obama pornos have been produced. I bet a few are actually pretty good. Simple, 2MF, prolly a white person mixed in, could be lots of fun. I doubt I’d get off on it, as watching a dude in porn more-than-kills my… spirit. (HEARING a dude is more accurate. *I* am the moaner/enjoyer, not your cock-ass. No dude voices in porn. Stay silent. It’s a semi-golden rule in porn for a reason.

        Hilariously, (hetero) porn objectifies men in every aspect, where the female is the physical idol of worship. The dude? Just a cock w blood.

  5. Not Adahn

    My microreview of The Boys Season 4:

    It’s pointless, nothing happens, don’t bother watching it you will literally miss nothing since the storyline has been static since S2.

    Commentary on Kripke:

    I’m not sure if he’s being stupid or disingenuous, but people are NOT rooting “for Homelander,” they’re rooting “against you.” There are no characters anymore, just one authorial voice. Like a person telling a story with “and then he says, and then she responded, and he did…” there is no sense that the actors are playing characters, they’re obviously reading lines from a scriptwriter, and that scriptwriter is such an asshole that it bleeds through onto the screen.

    • Nephilium

      The “Critical Supes Theory” line is the one that just broke any interest I had. It doesn’t even work in the context of the show, some writer just thought of that reference (not a joke) and had to force it in.

      • Not Adahn

        Speaking of capeshit, I watched that Jason Statham biopic of 4×20. That was an amazingly terrible movie. It was like the same writers that do all the GRRL POWAH Mary Sue protagonist trashed believed their bullshit about the reason people hating those movies was misogyny, so they decided to genderswap one of their scripts.

        Replacing Brie Larson with Jason Statham does not actually save The Marvels

      • Nephilium


        The girlfriend and I watched that, she’s a Statham fan, and even she was talking about how terrible the Beekeeper was. One of her friends didn’t understand why we didn’t love it.

        /twitches again at the scene where they wire a phone’s ringer into a bomb trigger…

      • Not Adahn

        I think I’m going to watch Outer Range S2. I remember S1 being good, but slow and without sufficient payoff and thus not worth anyone else watching unless/until they had additional seasons.

      • slumbrew

        I like how it was set in “Boston”.

        Some long establishing shots aside, that was definitely nowhere near Boston.

        As pointed out on a recent HDTGM (https://www.earwolf.com/episode/the-beekeeper-live/) the signs on the gas station are in pounds per litre.

      • rhywun

        I like how it was set in “Boston”.

        Heh like when I’m watching The Office and it’s obviously southern California, not northern Pennsylvania.

      • slumbrew

        I’m still sad they pulled the plug on Patriot after just 2 seasons.


      I haven’t watched any of it, I was already tired of the “Superman, but asshole.” trope. I heard the first couple of seasons were interesting if that was your thing.

    • slumbrew

      Thank you for saving me some time.

      I didn’t even get to season 3 yet and I’m thinking I won’t bother.

      • Not Adahn

        I wouldn’t.

      • WTF

        I made it through season 3 hoping things would improve. They didn’t. I made it to episode 2 of season 4 and had to bail out realizing it was just getting worse and worse with no fucking point.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      It seems to have devolved into trying to outdo itself in terms of gore.

  6. Suthenboy

    Am I missing something or is no one the Chinese Communist Party? There sure seem to be a lot of people with close ties to it, people associated with it and so on but no one is ever THE Chinese Communist Party.

      • Suthenboy

        Aside from Pooh-bear I mean. I am not really talking about the CCP, pointing out the mendacity of the media.

      • juris imprudent

        FWIW, Xi ain’t much of a commie, but he’s a pretty classic Chinese war-lord.

      • UnCivilServant

        While not predictive of future, the pattern of chinese history has been: fragmented warring states/warlords – Brutal dynasty that unifies the fragments – collapse and rebellon against brutal dynasty establishing a less extreme dynasty – slow decline of less extreme dynasty leading to a breakup into warring states a few centuries later. Rinse and repeat.

        We are at the “Brutal reunifying Dynasty” stage. These tended to last only a few Emperors. Since the style of regime Xi is running doesn’t lead to long term longevity, I expect the collapse of the CCP either when Xi kicks it, or after his successor (or when the Three Gorges breaks).

    • rhywun

      Yeah, when the MSM says that, you can omit the “close ties to”. You don’t do business with China without doing business with the CCP.

    • R.J.

      The next step is pack the court. Kamala even admitted she would do that. Beware.

      • juris imprudent

        That’s just masturbatory fantasy for the left. Even FDR couldn’t pull that off, and if ever we had a dictator in the WH.

    • Suthenboy

      Meh, never going anywhere. Simply pandering to their lunatic fringe communist base.

    • rhywun

      At least they admit that Joe can’t just twitch his mouth and get it done.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’s not a serious proposal, it’s all about motivating election turnout by giving their base red meat.

  7. Suthenboy

    I remember when people were lamenting that traditional restaurants were losing business to FF joints because of increasing regulations causing higher prices, people having less disposable income etc.
    Now the FF places are choking.
    I think we need a chainsaw.

    • Tundra

      Apology accepted.

      *does burnout on rainbow crosswalk*

      We’re cool, right?

    • PieInTheSky

      thats the french for you

    • mindyourbusiness

      Merde de vache.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    It’s pointless, nothing happens, don’t bother watching it you will literally miss nothing since the storyline has been static since S2.

    It’s a completely incoherent mess. Like something thirteen year olds would make up to be “shocking” and “edgy”.

    • Not Adahn

      When S4 started, I realized I had completely forgotten S3, but that it didn’t matter. The seasons completely reset to the status quo ante. Ditto this one.

      • UnCivilServant

        I hate the magic reset button.

  9. rhywun

    Former Astronaut Sen. Mark Kelly Started Spy Balloon Company Funded by China

    Perfect. I hope Kamala chooses him – Donald’s campaign ads write themselves again.

  10. Not Adahn

    My minireview of System Shock Remake.

    For you young ‘uns that never played the OG, this game might be quite a new experience. It was one of (the?) first FPSs with a mouse-look feature. FPSs at the time had a very strong exploration component, and this one plays that up, decorating it in an advancing plotline rather than a simple DOOM-era “I need to get past the door to shoot more stuff.”

    The other thing about this game, is the combat is a lot less skewed towards the protagonist especially compared to modern games. In other words, it’s hard. I remember the original “cyberspace mode” being stupidly difficult, so I started this version with that difficulty set to minimum. What I had forgotten was the mindset of playing the games of this era, when it was considered valid to frustrate the player and force them to repeat encounters until they got it right. When this is combined with the scarcity of resources that was the other hallmark of this game, I wound up having to restart the game after encountering the Cortex Reaver, having literally depleted the entire supply of ammunition available in the game and futilely whacking at it with a wrench. I restarted the game, on minimum combat difficulty and still got my ass handed to me on a couple of encounters. The game very much rewards popping out around a corner, taking a shot and retreating. That limitation on resources will probably take some getting used to. In addition to the ammunition issue, the player volume-based inventory system means that you can only carry four possible weapons at a time. Well, maybe five it you use tiny pointless ones. So you do have to take a much more active role in managing your inventory, and stashing useful but uncarryable weapons/ammo for later use or when you want them for particular enemy types.

    • Drake

      Reminds why my favorite shooter was ‘Serious Sam’ back in the day.

    • Nephilium

      One of the first games that created the genre now known as 451 or immersive sim games. One of my favorite genres of games.

      • Not Adahn

        I loved the original. Unfortunately when I tried to replay it from a GOG install, it was unplayable. This one was a lot of fun. It’s NOT an exact clone — they changed up almost everything but the plotline (though parts of the levels might have been copied over) but it really has the feel of the original.

        I also liked the original Dark Forces.

      • Nephilium


        Probably the last game in that style that really landed for me was Prey. I forget how many times I played through Deus Ex back in the day.

      • EvilSheldon

        I think I replayed Deus Ex last year. It’s so good. I may get tired of it someday, ‘…but not today.’

    • rhywun

      considered valid to frustrate the player and force them to repeat encounters until they got it right

      That is still a mindset from many developers/studios. It wasn’t fun when I was young and it sure as shit isn’t fun now. I just immediately skip anything labeled “difficult” now because I don’t like rage quitting or breaking shit.

      • UnCivilServant

        What, you don’t like Soulsbourne hard? (Neither do I)

      • rhywun

        The whole concept of “learn how to git gud by dying and repeating the same shit over and over again” is baffling to me. I don’t understand how anyone could enjoy that.

      • Nephilium

        I’d say there’s a difference between what one blogger used to call “Do It Again, Stupid!” and the immersive sim style of difficulty. In the latter case, there’s usually multiple paths past an obstacle, with different paths favoring different play styles. In general, they’ve gone into a frontal assault option, stealth option, or hacking/magic option. The former style is the GTA style, where if you fail a mission, you just need to keep doing it until you succeed and figure out the path they wanted you to take to complete it successfully. That style I hate and rage against.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    In retrospect, I think I quit watching The Boys after season 2 on purpose. Unfortunately, I forgot why.

  12. Sensei

    So, Kamala Harris Is the Worst Boss Ever

    And yet she will find no end of people willing to work for her so as to both get close to and gain power. Where’s the problem?

    • Drake

      The aspiring sycophants will get the hell on earth reward they deserve.

      • dbleagle

        But they seek to “share” that hell with us.

  13. PieInTheSky

    So is there any glib planning to vote for the big K?

      • Not Adahn

        Klobachar of the Komb.

    • Sean

      Vote Ketamine!

      • Nephilium

        The first rule of holes? Do more ketamine!

    • Certified Public Asshat

      That’s TOS.

      • Not Adahn

        “The Libertarian Case of for Harris” by Matt Welch, Nick Gillespie and Peter Suderman.

      • Suthenboy

        Oh yeah. I forgot about Suderman. Jesus, he really went off the rails with TDS right off the bat. In fact, he is one of the reasons I started using the term TDS.
        I seem to remember him earnestly claiming that if Trump was elected he would unleash murder rape gangs of cannibals on the populace.

    • Rat on a train


      • Beau Knott

        If nominated I will not run. If elected I will not serve.
        Knott has spoken.

    • The Other Kevin

      I would appreciate all your votes. I’m not running for anything though.

      • UnCivilServant

        You didn’t provide the proper bribe.

    • PieInTheSky

      I am sure he won fair and square. If you can’t trust the integrity of elections in Venezuela, where can you?

      • Suthenboy

        The US?

      • juris imprudent

        Even Boric in Chile was skeptical – now when you lose that kind of leftie, all you’ve got is Cuba and China.

    • Drake

      U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. has “serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people,” speaking in Tokyo.

      We’ve lost the high-ground to complain about election shenanigans.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        When it comes to what’s going on down there I don’t take either side at face value.

    • rhywun

      I wish could find that article from a couple years ago that listed all the conditions – like a dozen of them – we look at to validate foreign elections. We break every one of them here in the US.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Have Joe and Kamala called Maduro to congratulate him on his noble defense of democracy?

  15. Sean

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/29:
    *20/20 words (+12 bonus words)
    📖 Top player by bonus words

    I played https://squaredle.com 07/29:
    *20/20 words (+8 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 2% by bonus words
    🔥 Solve streak: 467

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Election skullduggery

    Elon Musk, the owner of X, retweeted a parody Kamala Harris campaign ad Friday without labeling it as misleading, an apparent violation of his own platform’s rules.

    Segments of video in the altered content — such as Harris, the presumed Democratic nominee for president, speaking to crowds and general videos of her supporters — were used in a recent Harris campaign video on YouTube. Most notably, the altered content uses a voiceover that sounds like the vice president, making it seem she is calling President Joe Biden senile and herself an incompetent presidential candidate.


    In a statement, Harris campaign spokesperson Mia Ehrenberg blasted Musk and former President Donald Trump, saying, “We believe the American people want the real freedom, opportunity, and security Vice President Harris is offering; not the fake, manipulated lies of Elon Musk and Donald Trump.”

    It was not immediately clear whether the video is a product of artificial intelligence. It was originally posted by a YouTube account by the name of “Mr Reagan,” which labeled it as a parody.

    Alexios Mantzarlis, the director of the Security, Trust, and Safety Initiative at Cornell Tech, Cornell University’s graduate campus in New York City, indicated to NBC News that the altered content may be considered a deepfake, generally defined as misleading content using artificial intelligence.

    No human could have conceived and executed such a horrible crime.

    • Suthenboy

      I am not sure in what way it is misleading. Joe Biden is senile and every word out of Kamalamadingdong’s mouth tells us she would be a worse president than Creepy Joe.

    • PieInTheSky

      SpacesX and X should be nationalized.

      • Beau Knott

        Close. SpaceX and Z should become sovereign nations.

      • Suthenboy

        You can bet they are rubbing a few out thinking about it.

  17. Not Adahn

    I did watch something that I found surprisingly good (I watched it over the phone with my Mom).

    Evil Under the Sun

    A 1982 Poirot movie with a 1970’s aesthetic with an all star cast including Peter Ustinov as the fat Frenchie Belgie, Diana Riggs as the slutty gold-digging Broadway Starlet that everyone hates, and Maggie Smith as her bitchiness sparring partner. Not quite campy.

    • Suthenboy

      I remember looking at a click-bait site that listed off some fantastic sets from various productions that had fallen into ruin. The set for that one was one. A shame. The Magnum PI set was another.

    • Rat on a train

      I have that on my server. I watched a different Christie mystery, And Then There Were None. A different ending than the original, but acceptable how they did it.

      • Nephilium

        The girlfriend and I watched See How They Run a while back, and it was a fun classic romp.

    • Sensei

      I saw that in the theater with my grandparents.

      She loved Agatha Christie.

    • Tundra

      Terrific movie. I’ve got to rewatch soon.

      • rhywun

        There is a video game too. I didn’t get far, but… it exists 🙂

    • rhywun

      I love that movie – it was on HBO all the time when we first got cable.

      The camp comes when Roddy McDowell enters the stage.

      • Not Adahn

        TW: Outdated representation of LGBTQ characters!

      • rhywun


        A gal pal and I used to watch Big Brother together a couple decades ago, and we complained that the token gay was always an unattractive, flaming queen.

        So I happened to watch an episode the other day for the first time in fifteen years or so and the token gay is… an unattractive, flaming queen.

        Plus ça change…

  18. Sensei

    Andy Kessler (Wall St BSD and Top Man) suddenly discovers Trump et al are populists.

    The New Right Looks Left
    Both sides cheer on union strikes, are anti-free-market, and hate Big Tech.


    And given Big Tech’s hatred of Team Red while doing its utmost to take advantage of its remaining free market tendencies why wouldn’t Team Red hate Big Tech?

    • rhywun

      I’ve seen a couple writers scratch their head over this but it seems obvious to me that the Nu GOP is just picking up voters that the Dems have abandoned.

    • juris imprudent

      I get it, populism is about getting votes and winning elections. But it’s no way to govern.

      Welcome to democracy asshole. How dare people that vote get what they ask for!

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., accused Musk of violating his company’s own policy.

    She wrote on X, “If @elonmusk and X let this go and don’t label it as altered AI content, they will not only be violating X’s own rules, they’ll be unleashing an entire election season of fake AI voice and image-altered content with no limits, regardless of party.”

    If people could be induced to just assume every political ad is nothing but lies and manipulation, I would consider that a victory.

    • Suthenboy

      This, because they are.

    • juris imprudent

      Oh the Left knows their own ads are lies, they just don’t want to admit that.

      • Suthenboy

        I see it more as ‘they dont care’. They are true sociopaths.

      • juris imprudent

        Oh they care – that the suckers believe them. After all sociopaths want to manipulate.

    • Sensei

      Works for me!

      Still crazy hot in the land of the rising sun? I was just speaking to my friend in Nagoya and it was crazy hot there.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Yeah, it has been hot as hell. Which gives me an excuse to drink beer, so it isn’t all bad.

    • Tundra

      Aww. Thanks, Holiness.

    • Suthenboy

      And still no names of organizers/funders of this lunacy.

    • R.J.

      Always some scraggly Birkenstock commies dragging younger kids with them.

    • rhywun

      They are welcome to stop using oil themselves.

  20. PieInTheSky

    Alan MacLeod
    It is a massive national security risk for Venezuela to have their means of communication owned by a CIA-linked billionaire who openly endorses a far-right agitator like Machado.


  21. PieInTheSky

    André Loez
    Why economists should refrain from making sweeping historical arguments, based on sophisticated calculations, when using statistics or data that rely on flawed, false, or misunderstood evidence from the past : a thread (1) 🧶


    • PieInTheSky

      Phil Magness
      An observation from someone with a foot in both fields:

      Economists often fall short of understanding qualitative historical evidence. But most historians are even worse at understanding economic data and concepts, and instead default to their political ideology as a substitute.


      • Suthenboy

        Hmmmm. Since socialism always leads to social, cultural and economic ruin, totalitarianism and mass graves I am gonna go out on a limb here to go ahead with a qualitative judgement.

  22. rhywun

    Enjoy Heather MacDonald tearing the “Boy” Scouts a new one. Apparently they have recently eliminated any reference to “Boy” from all materials.

    The need for an entity that valorizes males, or that merely acknowledges their existence, is greater today than when the Boy Scouts was founded in the early twentieth century.

    The crazy going on there (and elsewhere) is way beyond what I even thought. All by design. I don’t think the universal (mostly Western) cultural denial of the existence of “males” is going to end well.

    • slumbrew

      That’s one of the more depressing skin-suitings that has occurred.

      I’d wager a lot of the Glib-dudes were Scouts.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        I was a Beaver Scout. Not sure what that implies.

      • Nephilium

        Raises hand (with three fingers lifted).

      • Tundra

        Indian Guide.


      • Pope Jimbo

        Our den of Cub Scouts was so bad that no mothers/fathers could be found to host a Weebalo group so that was the end for me.

        What I remember the most was that we would wear that blue shirt and yellow kerchief to school on the days we were supposed to meet. That day at recess everyone who had the blue shirt on was the Calvary and anyone else were the Indians. Lots of good dust ups those days.

      • R.J.

        I was. It taught you important skills, like first aid, wilderness survival, and even how to build a model kit without getting glue everywhere.

      • Gender Traitor

        Camp Fire Girl (speaking of obsolete youth orgs)

        It was OK until junior high when interest fell and they tried to form a troop with girls from two different schools. Fail.

        WoHeLo, bitchezz.

      • rhywun

        Not me. I did a day-camp sort of thing one summer. I got bullied more in a couple weeks than in 18 years of schooling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        But what happened to scouts is just one sign of a trend I find extremely disturbing.

      • Timeloose

        I was kicked out of the Cub Scouts after an “incident” at the pinewood derby involving Hg.

      • Tundra

        Our den of Cub Scouts was so bad that no mothers/fathers could be found to host a Weebalo group so that was the end for me.

        I did a short stint in Cub Scouts and it was chaos. Leader was a mom – nice lady, but zero control over the spazzes. When the boy was young we tried again and it was even worse. Say what you will about sports, but my experience (mine and the kids’) was overwhelmingly positive.

      • Rat on a train

        I skipped the Boy Scouts but later went scouting with artillery.

    • Not Adahn

      I mean, they allow girls in now so…?

      The Boy Scouts is without a doubt the most rewarding organized activity I participated in during my youth. Some girls would have also benefitted from it, and the org that was supposed to look out for them failed.

      • juris imprudent

        Drucker made the case that the Girl Scouts was a more adaptive organization – that when faced with decline based on tradition, they evolved, whereas the Boy Scouts remained traditional and continued in a downward spiral. This was also before the revelations about sexual abuse in scouting.

      • Fourscore

        I was not a boy scout but had a Dad that was an outdoorsman that took us kids fishing/hunting and to work in the woods, logging..

        He and his family had relocated to the US in 1905, sure glad they made the trip.

    • Drake

      They tried to stay in the middle of the road and got destroyed. Used to be no gay adult leaders. Can’t have that anymore, then they get sued for kids getting molested for $billions. That was the beginning of the end.

      Admitting girls makes it impossible to have trips unless you make a separate all-girl troop, which is what the last group I was associated with did.

      • Fourscore

        1975. Army made the mistake of integrating the ladies into troop units and everything took twice as long and twice as difficult to accomplish

      • juris imprudent

        The molestations took place before gays were openly admitted into leadership. Even harder to understand here than in the Church.

      • Nephilium


        Probably the same reason there’s molestation that takes place in schools and youth sports. It’s a position where you are expected to be around children, if you want to be around children for nefarious reasons, it provides an easy cover.

      • Gdragon

        When I was little my uncle told me about how the troop that he and my dad were in “beat the shit out of” their leader after finding out that he’d tried something on one of the other kids. Probably exaggerated the details a bit but it got a smile out of young me.

  23. Chipping Pioneer

    OK, taking this one out for a spin. Critiques welcome:

    Every action taken by the state results in a misallocation of resources. Misallocating resources results in a non-zero number of expected deaths compared to what a free market would produce. The number of deaths isn’t always as big as one, but it’s always bigger than zero.

    • Not Adahn

      I’m not sure I can believe the second sentence. The free market isn’t perfect, and can result in things like the Tide Pod Challenge.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        I don’t think I’m claiming that the free market is perfect.

      • Not Adahn

        I’m trying to think of a State action that would be the equivalent. I might be willing to bbelieve that on aggregate any individual state action might cause more deaths, and I definitely believe that state actions can/do cause a higher number of deaths than anything the free market can produce, but I think on an respons-to-response basis there might be no correlation between increased deaths depending on the “actor”.

    • PieInTheSky

      Every action taken by the state results in a misallocation of resources – not necessarily. On the aggregate sure, but not necessarily every single action.

    • juris imprudent

      I think you’re going to run into problems with every. The free market needs property rights defined and defended by the state.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      I’m open to the criticism that not every state action results in misallocation of resources / leads to more deaths. I think this is a good critique. Is there an example that we could use to falsify this claim?

      • juris imprudent

        I think the biggest problem is it isn’t a simple matter of principle, it is most often a matter of degree.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Right, and maybe this is where I didn’t communicate this well, and I think where the pushback involving aggregate comes from. I don’t think that every single government action results in a non-zero integer number of people dying, but that the statistical expected number of excess deaths (a decimal number) vs. the free market is greater than zero.

    • slumbrew

      It’s impressive how consistently terrible Waters is.

      • juris imprudent

        David Gilmour nods in agreement.

  24. PieInTheSky

    “Various surveys suggest a problem gambling rate in Britain in a range of between 0.3% to 2.5%. But in the new report that figure rose sharply when non-gamblers were excluded”. Well, duh.


    • slumbrew

      I assume that’s saying that, of the people who gamble, a large percentage have a problem.

      • PieInTheSky


      • Pope Jimbo

        What are the odds on that?

      • Ownbestenemy

        1 to 32

  25. Pope Jimbo

    I love my proggie Minnesoda news site. They just can’t help themselves.

    They recently wrote an article about Trump’s visit to the rural savages in St. Cloud.

    This was the second paragraph:

    Trump flags billowed all around the Herb Brooks National Hockey Center as thousands of Trump supporters converged on the city of around 70,000. Apparently, the center’s namesake, Herb Brooks, is someone every American should know, so I was informed earlier this week by my colleague Peter Callaghan. This non-Minnesota native had never heard of Herb Brooks. Sorry, America.

    Yes, make sure to point out very early in the story that you don’t share anything with the rubes in Minnesoda. How does that make it into the story? Are there no editors?

    I think the journalo is miffed because the rubes didn’t tug the forelock to her. She’s a journalo and they live out in the sticks!

    Of course there was a high amount of animosity directed toward the media section during the rally with speakers directly pointing at the reporters nearly a dozen times. For example, My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell said during his speech, “We’re onto the fake media. We’re onto them.” In response to this and many similar remarks through the night, the crowd turned toward the media section and began booing and jeering.

    • Tundra

      This non-Minnesota native had never heard of Herb Brooks.

      What a fucking liar.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Maybe she just blocked all that out because she was so traumatized that the Good Guys lost to the bad imperialists?

      • juris imprudent

        Well, them Yoopers are a strange and insular breed.

    • slumbrew

      Not from Minnesota, never been there, and even I know who Herb Brooks is. There’s an entire movie featuring him.


      • Fourscore

        I was living in TX at the time and even I knew who Herb was.

      • rhywun


        And, this passive-aggressive shtick that is so common in recent-generation “journalists” really needs to die in a fire.

      • Ted S.

        Gender-swapped and played by Eve Arden.

    • cyto

      City of 70,000. Had a good 10,000 outside of a Trump rally that filled a 10,000 seat arena…..

      In solid democrat Minnesota.

      Meanwhile, Kamala drew a good 3 dozen at her contemporaneous Minnesota appearance.

    • R C Dean

      “Winter Keefer” sounds like an AI-generated name.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    I don’t think the universal (mostly Western) cultural denial of the existence of “males” is going to end well.

    Maleness is literally a force of nature. It cannot be dammed or diverted or destroyed or abandoned. Call me crazy, but I think the future is in the hands of people like Cleetus McFarland and Travis Pastrana, not the mopey simps of the Ivy League. Dumb as it sounds, I watched Cleetus’ video from Connecticut last night, and several thousand people in the grandstand watching testosterone-fueled craziness and yelling, “Hell yeah, brother” at the top of their lungs gave me hope.

    • rhywun

      It cannot be dammed or diverted or destroyed or abandoned.

      I suppose not but holy shit, the amount of damage being done in trying to do so is unbelievable.

      • Pope Jimbo

        So the Army Corp of Engineers Testosterone?

        They’ve always been good for fucking shit up worse than when they started.

    • Pope Jimbo

      He should have Dodged and not gotten Rammed.

      • The Other Kevin

        If you ford the stream down the street you can avoid that dangerous traffic area.

    • Suthenboy

      That funky smelling dude in the long black roads…just when you think you gave him the slip….

    • juris imprudent

      Florida man

      So how many lives does a Florida Man have?

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Every action taken by the state results in a misallocation of resources.

    There’s that always/never thing to trip over, but I mostly agree.

    It comes back to the Drucker quote:

    Doing well what should not be done at all is the ultimate inefficiency.

  28. slumbrew

    *checks weather*

    67°! What manner of sorcery is this!?

  29. PieInTheSky

    Why we might never know the truth about ultra-processed foods

    There is a growing body of evidence that these foods aren’t good for us. But experts can’t agree how exactly they affect us or why, and it’s not clear that science is going to give us an answer any time soon.

    While recent research shows many pervasive health problems, including cancers, heart disease, obesity and depression are linked to UPFs, there’s no proof, as yet, that they are caused by them.


    it is fairly clear UPFs cause overeating (and overfattening) and are fairly bad nutritionally speaking (protein micronutrients etc) and as such I would say you can conclude they are to be avoided even if you don’t have some direct causality

    • Tundra

      A recent Food Foundation report found that more healthy foods were twice as expensive as less healthy foods per calorie, and the poorest 20% of the UK population would need to spend half their disposable income on food to meet the government’s healthy diet recommendations. It would cost the wealthiest only 11% of theirs.

      I asked Prof Monteiro if it’s even possible to live without UPFs.

      “The question here should be: is it feasible to stop the growing consumption of UPFs?” he says. “My answer is: it is not easy, but it is possible.”

      What absolute bullshit. Ground beef and veggies are cheap as hell. Mix in fish and fruit on occasion and you’ll be amazing. Avoid seed oils and sugar. This isn’t hard to understand.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Absolutely. When I was a yute and we ran out of money at the end of the month, our diet was probably more healthy than when we were flush with money.

        Poor: rice, beans, veggies, day old bread.
        Rich: pre-made food like burritos, fast food, etc.

        What sucks is the food prep time it takes to make your own meals from scratch. I’ll bet that is what the author was trying to say. It isn’t the cost of eating healthy that is the problem, it is the time and effort.

        Which makes me think that in a household where one person stays home, it is probably much easier to eat healthy because they have the time to cook decent meals. In homes where both are working, I bet a lot more UPF’s are eaten because they are too tired to cook.

      • Common Tater

        “Ground beef and veggies are cheap as hell.”

        Have you gone shopping lately?

    • The Other Kevin

      I agree with you. Simply put, those foods are high in fat and carbs and are designed to be tasty and easily digested so it’s extremely easy to overindulge.

    • Suthenboy

      The appearance of those maladies rose sharply after we increased life expectancy past 45.
      Just sayin’

    • Not Adahn

      Why we might never know the truth about ultra-processed foods,/blockquote>

      Because there is no definition of Ultra Processed Foods?

      • cyto

        Somehow I doubt it is the processing as much as it is the ingredients…. as described above, high fat, high carbs….

        Of course chicken nuggets are less healthy than boneless, skinless breast meat. Of course Swiss Cake Rolls are less healthy than a bag of carrots.

        But beef jerky is probably more healthy than a jar of raw honey.

    • Not Adahn

      How is sugar more processed than flour (especially rice flour!)

      How is pasta more processed than an omelet?

      Ground beef v. bananas/plantains/grapes — which is worse to overindulge in?

      • PieInTheSky

        How is pasta more processed than an omelet? – neither of those is ultra-processed

        Ground beef v. bananas/plantains/grapes — which is worse to overindulge in – I would say the fruit would hurt my stomach more if I would overindulge. Neither of those are ultra-processed.

        there is no precise definition of UPFs but people know what you mean by that in general.

      • UnCivilServant

        To make flour – Take grain, grind grain finely.

        To make sugar – take cane or beet, crush sane or beet to extract juice, boil juice to precipitate crystals, separate crystals from by products.

        But I do not think the problem is strictly the amount of processing, but the nutrient ratios.

      • Not Adahn

        How do you determine that neither are ultra-processed? Especially pasta — wheat pulverized into flour, extruded through dies. How could white bread possibly be ultra processed but pasta not?

        Those starchy, high-sugar fruits are completely unprocessed and yet are not healthy.

        When your definition of “Ultra processed Foods” is “Foods I think are unhealthy” then asking “Why are unhealthy foods so unhealthy” is kind of a silly thing to ask.

      • cyto

        Oooh… plantains. I gotta head to the farmers market. Yum!

    • Ted S.

      They can’t agree because “ultra-processed” is a political term, not a scientific term.

      • PieInTheSky

        you know it when you see it.

    • Sean

      Eat more steak.

      • UnCivilServant

        Diversify your animal intake. There are other tasty protein producers.

      • Tundra


      • Suthenboy

        Lets ask an expert on this food thingy.

        “Moderation in all things.” – Aristotle.

        There, see how easy that is?

      • Sean

        I do vary it. Pork is delicious, and chicken is boring. *shrug*

  30. Pope Jimbo

    My proggie website keeps me hopeful that Harris will choose King Walz for her running mate

    On Tuesday, Walz popped up on PBS Newshour and said the “hopelessness and chaos Trump brings and dystopian view of America ”will be eradicated by Harris’ “joy and optimism.”
    “I’m just here to be part of that,” Walz said.
    And on Wednesday, Walz continued to bash the Trump-Vance ticket,
    “We do not like what has happened because you can’t even go to Thanksgiving dinner with an uncle and you end up in some weird fight that is unnecessary,” Walz said on MSNBC. “These guys are just weird. They are running for he-man, women-haters club or something.”
    A Midwesterner from a small town, Walz has strong backing from labor and is a good public speaker who destroys the Trump camp with humor. He was successful in marshaling a progressive agenda through a state Legislature in which his party had the slimmest majority.
    And like most of those on the short list for the Democrats’ next vice-presidential candidate, Walz is a white male who would provide demographic balance for the first major party ticket that would be headed by a woman of color.

    I would love to hear Walz explain his proclamation that Biden was 100% fine and it was just one bad night after he met with him post debate.

    • Tundra

      I’d like to know why he killed so many old people and ruined so many businesses.

      • Tundra

        Also this.

        Fuck you, Walz. DIAF.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        I will piss on Walz’s grave when he is dead.

    • Fourscore

      “A Midwesterner from a small town, Walz”

      “A carpetbagger from Nebraska, Walz…”

      • juris imprudent

        Politically unwelcome in his home state…

    • rhywun

      “We do not like what has happened because you can’t even go to Thanksgiving dinner with an uncle and you end up in some weird fight that is unnecessary,”

      Nice bit of projection there.

      It is almost always the proggy niece or nephew that starts shit because they can’t just shut up about politics.

      • B.P.

        Making Thanksgiving more bearable is a weird platform to run on.

      • Pope Jimbo

        It is still the uncle’s fault. He should have at a minimum sat quietly and not had the effrontery to talk back to his betters.

        Unless the uncle has had top surgery, he is probably a toxic masculinity mess and nothing he says is correct. Probably so awash in testosterone that when his unit was called up to go to Iraq he actually went. (Instead of doing the brave thing and retiring early so he could run for governor. Right Walz?)

  31. cyto

    On the gender thread above:

    I just saw a new one… they are pushing to eliminate “female” and any other euphemisms. They want you to use “egg producing person”.


    Doesn’t really address the problem, does it?

    Went from “people who menstruate” and “people who have a uterus” to “egg producing person”.

    So, until you are 14 and after 50…. not a woman?

    The communist ideas around language manipulation are inscrutable to me. Don’t get the attraction at all.

    • Ownbestenemy

      If there are no rules, there is no accountability. If the rules keep changing, nothing can be held accountable. On and on.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        If you keep changing the rules, you can keep winning!

    • Suthenboy

      “Dont get the attraction at all.”

      Because you are not clinically insane trying to drag everyone else into your delusional world with you? Just guessing.

      • cyto

        Also confusing to me… the multitudes running after the quite obviously insane folks, pleading, “please! Take me with you!!!”

    • juris imprudent

      This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore.
      A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies.
      With such a people, you can do whatever you want.

      — Hannah Arendt

      That’s the point of “language manipulation”. I can use it to rule over you.

      • slumbrew

        I’m fond of this quote, which makes a nice companion to JI’s:

        “Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

        ― Theodore Dalrymple

    • rhywun

      It’s because trannies are currently on top of the victim stack. And the way to get power now is to play the victim.

      It was years ago that the NYC Subway announcers changed “ladies and gentlemen” to “hello people”. (Doesn’t that have a nice ring to it?)

      • kinnath

        nice juicy melons . . . . .

      • Not Adahn

        Whatup homies?

  32. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Isn’t it funny how the President of the United States has completely disappeared from sight? No news articles, no participation in world events. He’s been completely memory-holed, even though he’s de jure supposed to be still running the show.

    • Nephilium

      Pay no attention to the puppet behind the curtain!

    • cyto

      It is bizarre. It happened in a day too. One day, he is wall-to-wall in the fawning coverage and the very next day he is completely absent.

      The command and control mechanisms behind this must be extremely strong.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Should be wheels up on the way to TX for some thing or another.

    • Pope Jimbo

      What gets me is that they keep talking about the Donor Class and how they were the ones who kicked Joe to the curb, but not one MSM outlet has bothered to look into who exactly this Donor Class is.

      Aren’t the Dems supposed to hate Big Money in politics? Isn’t this coup an admission that they are entirely in thrall to Big Money? Fuck the primary voters!

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Only very specific big money: Hollywood. They are such star-fuckers that this is like being on Dawsons Creek mixed with The West Wing.

      • slumbrew

        That, and Reid fucking Hoffman.

        /me looks at the cash pile we send Salesforce’s way

    • The Other Kevin

      That had to be part of the deal. Biden gets to finish out his term quietly, and Kamala takes all the spotlight and pretends to be president for the next few months.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      One of he funnier things is that Biden is supposedly the head of the Democratic party. And we know that ain’t true!

  33. cyto

    Something from the language files I am not sure what to do with:

    Dwayne Wade has a trans daughter. He has been very vocal about his support and his antipathy towards Republicans because transphobia.

    Last night I watched a good chunk of the USA v Serbia game. Wade was the color commentator.

    LeBron made a strong finish at the rim and Wade says, “I know LeBron. He is a friend. And his pronouns are He/Him!!”

    He said the same line about Durant and Anthony Edward’s.

    What does this mean about where we are on pronouns and gender?

    • Tundra

      Wade talks like a fag and his shit’s all retarded?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Gets me every time. Wife and I just had that on this weekend.

      • Tundra

        Every time I walk into Costco I’m disappointed that the person at the front door only says hello.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Indeed, they should kneel down and, while facing the floor, say: “Welcome, oh Shitlord, first of thy name!”

    • rhywun

      Some people’s brains are scrambled.

      I got nuthin’ else.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Wait, this really happened?

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Sigh, I searched it out.

        I don’t understand the line though from a dad with a trans kid. She/hers can’t play good basketball?

    • Pope Jimbo

      Makes me sad. I remember him as a rookie playing with Shaq. He was the anti-Kobe, happy to be playing with Diesel and winning rings. No jealousy at all.

      Always seemed pretty classy as a player throughout his career.

      Once again, proves that the worst thing you can do in regards to artists/athletes/actors is learn more about them. Just enjoy what they do and do your very best to not learn anything about them outside of that.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        This affirms my biggest rule about sports; I love watching football, listening to baseball, and playing soccer, but I do not want to know anything about them outside of those specific times. Unless I am enjoying a game that moment, I don’t want to know about the the players, the coach, the uniforms, etc. Same with musicians and actors.

      • slumbrew

        I’ll throw out a minor counter example

        They’re doing “Breaking Baguettes” on Peacock as an Olympics tie-in with a recent Top Chef contestant, Kevin (French, living in Austin) and various sports folks

        They had David Robinson and his son (who’s now a commentator) and they were delightful. Wholesome AF. I want to hang out with The Admiral.

      • Nephilium

        I don’t know, I kind of loved learning that Myles Garrett is a big D&D nerd.

    • Common Tater

      If you have to tell people your pronouns you’re doing it wrong.

  34. Shpip

    So, this happened forty-two years ago today.

    I was living in Glasgow at the time, and the entire city country shut down. The few of my friends who watched from this side of the pond had to get up early. Any Glibs among those who witnessed the nuptials?

    • cyto

      Oh yeah. Huge deal. Mom was all into it.

      I never understood the fascination. We violently overthrow the monarchy… less so than France, but still…

    • Tundra

      Not live but I certainly remember it. Even then I couldn’t understand how a hottie could end up with such a douche.

      Joe understood.

      • rhywun

        Great tune 👍🏻

        No, I was not at all tuned into the royals at that (or any) age. I am not immune to some anglophila but the royals are not part of it.

    • juris imprudent

      I think my ex, when she was my pre-ex, got up at some ungodly hour (living on the west coast) to watch.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I only watched it as my mother’s friends were big into it. I don’t think she cared all that much. In fact, I think we watched a repeat of it.

    • Gdragon

      I was alive and aware of it but I was very young and lacked the attention span to watch anything for that long. But I recently found my mom’s scrapbook of it while going through her shit.

  35. The Late P Brooks


    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who also appeared on “Face the Nation” on Sunday, suggested that Trump may consider changing his mind amid the backlash over selecting Vance, whom he called an “incredibly bad choice.”

    Backlash as defined by partisan attacks and shrieking on the part of the shit flinging howler monkeys of the media and Democrat hierarchy.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Yep they are leaning in on Vance. Hoping to break him? Make him say something stupid? I don’t get this line of attack on the VP choice and not on Trump.

      • cyto

        There is a new meme going around on X. I admit, I didn’t get it the first time.

        They post an image or video of some unhinged lefty under the comment “JD Vance is weird”.

        It is one of those jokes that builds with the repetition.

      • slumbrew

        As others have pointed it, they must really fear Vance to be coming at a VP pick this hard.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Unless they are tapping into what groups similar to ours said: “Trump made horrible choices for cabinet members, etc” so therefor Vance must also be a terrible choice! Still the most surprising thing thus far is the near silence from Trump on things he normally would have been lambasting about.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        A lot of “normie” lefties also really seem to enjoy the couch fucking meme. If I was bullying a kid in middle school with he fucked a couch then I can see it landing hard. I guess these are the same people that believed in the pee tape.

      • slumbrew

        The “couch fucking” thing was a weird choice, so easily disproven.

        Just searched for “couch” in Hillbilly Elegy – just 10 occurrences, none of which involve JD fucking one.

        It’s not a big book, anyone who read it would remember such a thing.

      • rhywun

        It means they’re terrified of him.

    • cyto

      Mayne he is suffering hubris after successfully rigging the DNC primary and then successfully forcing the presumptive nominee to quit?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Surely Chuck has Trump’s best interests at heart.

    • cyto

      Love Sabine. She is so close to figuring it out.

      • Tres Cool

        She really takes the wrinkles out of my love-schnitzel

      • Suthenboy

        I haven’t seen much evidence of that.

    • R C Dean

      Not sure how you can be all-in on AGW and hate junk science at the same time.

  36. B.P.

    The Venezuelan election is going to have a direct impact on my quality of life because my town is a go-to place for Venezuelans fleeing north and the city has decided to spend hundreds of millions on the “newcomers”. Here’s an article from the other day in local news…


    Says guy who runs a Venezuelan food truck: “With so much at stake, Grinsteins said “it’s important to get involved with politics because that defines the future of a country.” And he sees parallels between Venezuela and the United States.

    “We have a country that is very divided,” he said. “We saw with Venezuela, you know, maybe people are not paying attention, and things changed so quickly, and the country went down the wrong route.”

    He sees Vice President Kamala Harris who like him is the child of immigrants, as a beacon of hope.”

    In two paragraphs: Leave place ruined by political choices, advocate for somewhat similar policies in new place.

    • cyto

      Wow. So very different from those who fled Cuba.

      • Common Tater

        That’s because Cuba was great before communism. Venezuela? Not so much.

  37. Pope Jimbo

    I wonder what Gordie is thinking?

    With dust starting to settle after the landmark Supreme Court Chevron decision upended the federal rulemaking process, Republican lawmakers are eager to hear about rules that small-business truckers would like to see challenged.
    “I think first and foremost is the speed limiter rule that’s been floated around,” said Lewie Pugh, executive vice president of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, testifying before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on Wednesday.
    The rule, which the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is looking to cap – potentially at as low as 60 mph for trucks – is scheduled to be published by the FMCSA next year.
    “Also, more flexibility in the hours-of-service [rules] would be very helpful, and eliminating the [Department of Labor’s] overtime exemption for driver pay,” Pugh said. “That was put in place in 1938. Truckers right now give away 20, 30 hours a week [due to trucking companies being exempt from having to pay drivers overtime]. That would also help manage the speed and other safety-related issues we’re talking about here.”
    With the Supreme Court’s overturning of the Chevron doctrine, lower courts no longer have to defer to regulatory expertise – or lack of it – in legal challenges of regulations that agencies have interpreted from congressional statutes that are considered unclear.

    Destroying Chevron was a good thing, but I hope that Gordie and his trucker buddies weren’t thinking that the pols are going to do a great job setting standards. Sounds like there is going to be some pretty good grift going on as Big Trucking buys the regulations they want.

  38. The Other Kevin

    Finally got rid of our “tenant” this weekend, but now the Mrs. is paranoid she might come back and do something for revenge. We discovered a picture of Mrs. TOK and that cousin was removed from our fridge (it was our photo not hers). And of course we were unfriended on FB (no surprise there). I was reminded this person at one time stole mail from her ex husband’s mail box. I told Mrs. TOK anything her cousin does will probably be illegal, while all we’d have to do is call her ex husband and drop a bunch of truth bombs. Hopefully it won’t come to that.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Uffda TOK. Hope everything goes well and you get by this crisis. Hopefully in a week or so everything cools down.

      Glad you got your house back to yourself though.

      • The Other Kevin

        Hopefully so. We know there is a family feud coming, she is now living part time with one aunt and a different aunt helped her come up with the story about my house having mold. Lord knows what she’s telling them. There are still plenty of people who feel sorry for her for some reason. On to the next set of suckers, I guess.

    • R C Dean

      You did change the locks, right?

    • slumbrew

      Replacing your lock cores is pretty easy and worthwhile…

      • The Other Kevin

        That will be done asap. We’ll take the deadbolt to the locksmith. Fortunately I never set her up with the app for our garage door. And now that her crap is out of our garage, I can park there and she can’t tell if anyone is home.

      • cyto

        I want to say “watch the lockpicking lawyer”, but then, he makes pretty much any lock look absolutely irrelevant.

      • The Other Kevin

        I have seen those lockpicking videos. Thankfully 99% of people aren’t aware, or don’t feel like investing a few hours to practice.

      • UnCivilServant

        years back I bought a set of picks and a practice lock.

        That practice lock turned out to be unpickable with those picks because of an accidental quirk. The first tumbler to bind was the frontmost, and it was also very low, so any attempt to reach another tumbler to find the second to bind would knock the first out of alignment, relocking it.

    • cyto

      The bizarre photoshop job on Harris is the topper. Massive head, legs and torso from different photos…. at least 3 different shots, maybe more.

      • R C Dean

        I am still absolutely astonished that they have picked a coconut (brown on the outside, white on the inside) as their meme? Emoji? For their DEI candidate.

        I could definitely have seen Reddit or somesuch using a coconut to refer to Harris, but her supporters are doing it themselves. Amazing.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Agree with you RC, if anyone from the right had used a coconut meme on Kamala first it would have been called out for its egregious racism.

        But for some reason they have adopted it themselves. Bringing it back?

      • cyto

        They are trying to proclaimed her cringe and gaffes as virtues.

        Hence, “did you just fall from a coconut tree” becomes a positive image.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The bobble-head optics is so on point though.

    • Ownbestenemy

      “Its not a coronation!”

      Editor for NYMag – Lets run Kamalot for a headline!

    • Pope Jimbo

      Who is the weirdo woman in the back left?

      I can’t believe the Clintons (especially Herself) were not included.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Our future will be 60 years old on election day.

  39. cyto

    So…. this is happening


    Facebook “fact checkers” have declared the photo of Trump raising his fist is an “altered photo”, and as such it is being hidden on Facebook.

    • Common Tater


    • Tundra

      What’s Facebook?

    • EvilSheldon

      Yeah, I didn’t think they’d go this obvious this early…

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Green warrior

    Former Vice President Al Gore on Sunday endorsed Vice President Harris for president, joining a chorus of Democrats supporting her bid to replace President Biden as the party’s likely nominee.

    Gore, a prominent environmental activist, cited Harris’s past support for action addressing climate change in making his endorsement.

    “As a prosecutor, @KamalaHarris took on Big Oil companies – and won. As @VP, she cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the most significant investment in climate solutions in history, the Inflation Reduction Act,” Gore said in a statement on the social platform X. “That’s the kind of climate champion we need in the White House.”

    Speaking of misallocation of resources. She took on Big Oil. We should make her Extortionist-in-Chief.

  41. cyto

    Interesting video popped up when looking for clip of USA basketball game

    D Wade explaining how his wife and he realized his son was “different” at 3, and how a gay female teacher was involved in encouraging him to come out as gay and trans at 8.


    • rhywun

      “Gay and trans” does not compute.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        You should see all the transbians (MtF Lesbians) on Twitter and Reddit. They’re so ridiculous it could be a drinking game.

      • cyto

        It does if you look at the oppression totem pole.

        Dude stood to be a black, gay trans woman of color. You don’t really get any higher up the totem pole than that.

    • Sean

      gay and trans at 8.

      AT 8?!?!?!?!?

      Da fuq?

      • cyto

        There ya go…

        The video explains how you need to be educated if that is your reaction.

        Those of us who are dudes know how it works. Pre-puberty we have no idea what that is all about. Post puberty, it is all we can think about.

        While you might be displaying tendencies, whatever is happening before you hit puberty is, as near as makes no difference, irrelevant.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        If you’re 18 and think you’re trans, you might have a mental illness. If you’re 8, your mother definitely does.


        Munchausen by proxy is all the rage these days.


        You may as well change it to that at this point.

  42. R C Dean

    This is interesting. Buried in a long write-up by Naomi Wolf is a claim (I haven’t personally verified it) that Biden has not legally withdrawn from the race, and that Harris has not legally entered it as a Presidential candidate. The required FEC filings have simply been made.


    Apparently, their plan is to just . . . change the name of Biden’s campaign from “Biden for President” to “Harris for President”. That, apparently, is not the way it works. But given the way the FEC functions, they probably won’t get around to doing anything about it for at least a year.

    • kinnath

      Automatic grounds for impeachment?

      • slumbrew

        “And nothing else happened.”

    • kinnath

      The obvious question is “why is the RNC silent at this point?”.

      • R C Dean

        They have filed a complaint with the FEC.

      • kinnath

        Thanks, I have not been able to keep track.

    • cyto

      Combine this with ActBlue shenanigans that will never get investigated and you have once again something that dwarfs $250k worth of Facebook ads from the 2016 election that were enough to declare “Russian interference”.

      Tens of millions in contributions seem to have been converted into micropayments using existing donor names…. something Obama got caught doing in 2008. And nothing else happened.

      This is why you see Kamala urging you to donate $5 to her campaign every time you watch a video on youtube. They need a million valid names more than they need $5 from a million people.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Future headline: “US Supreme Court finds Election Filing Oversight to be Moot”

      • cyto

        Ruling issued by 15 member supreme court newly appointed by her excellency after Supreme Court reform law passes by unanimous consent.

  43. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    @ Ted’S regarding Norman Bates’s neurodivergency:

    When I see people referring to themselves as neurodivergent, then they ALSO inventory their mental illnesses.

    I have no problems with people saying they’re mentally ill. It’s that neurodivergent is seen as some sort of not-mental illness and thus must be noted, but differentiated.

    Take away mental illness, and what you have is garden-variety human with some quirks. (“I don’t like it when you chew that loudly.” Well, okay. I’ll try not to chew that loudly, but the rest of it’s on you.)

    • cyto

      It seems “neurodivergent” has a connotation of “and therefore superior”. Like “Yeah, I’m weird, but I am way smarter than you all”.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’s like the difference between eccentric and nuts and is largely a matter of degree and sometimes the amount of money a person has (that Carroll lady who won that case against Trump for instance, without money she’d simply be known as crazier than a shithouse rat).

    • Nephilium

      I ‘member back in the days of ThinkGeek, when they first released the neurotypical and neuroatypical shirts.

  44. cyto

    Remind me, who is the president?


    .@VP has been briefed and is closely monitoring Hezbollah’s horrific attack on a soccer field in Majdal Shams in northern Israel yesterday which killed a number of children and teenagers. She condemns this horrific attack and mourns for all those killed and wounded.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Is it the super tall guy they replaced Joe with?

  45. The Late P Brooks

    “Gay and trans” does not compute.

    It’s so bizarre. What is “transgenderism” if not the ultimate most virulent form of homophobia imagineable?