Saturday evening links

by | Jul 13, 2024 | Daily Links | 417 comments

Time to get pumped.

Fun times here in Spudville. It appears the well at our cabin, and our neighbors, have become severely contaminated with road salt from the highway yard behind our cabins. I mean yeah, a chloride level of 4500ppm? No problem. It’s just a little salty. It may have just killed my neighbors septic tank as well. The State has a bit of an issue on its hands. They’ve contaminated the aquifer right next to a pristine mountain river. I need to pump out the links and drive some fresh water up there.

We lost her. Now where do I go to get my cringe inducing advice?

Jack throws a tantrum.

Is it just me that is starting to think Neanderthals were just early human fuck dolls?

“There’s too much coke, and too much smoke…”

WWIII will be a rocking good time.

That’s it for me. Other than Biden being Biden, and Baldwin skating, it’s been a pretty lame news cycle. Peace out, Glibbies.

Dear lord this is bad.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    Jack Smith must be a racist to criticize a Black man like that.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    In an emailed response to Newsweek, former U.S. Attorney Barb McQuade said about Friday’s filing: “Jack Smith’s language is strong, and appropriately so, in pointing out that Justice Thomas ventured far out of his lane in opining on an issue that was not properly before the court. A concurring opinion in a case where an issue was not raised, briefed or argued has absolutely no legally binding effect on Judge Cannon, and Trump’s efforts to capitalize on it should be rejected.”

    Stay in your lane, Boy.

  3. UnCivilServant

    A few Neanderthal data points

    The “classic” features most distinctive of Neanderthal in the public imaginations appeared late. The populations which exhibit these features also have genetic signs of inbreeding. In non-ibred neanderthal populations, the features are less exaggerated.

    Please stop juding we surviving neanderthals by the aspects of our inbred distant relations who took themselves out of the overall gene pool.

  4. Nephilium

    Well, if this was studio recorded, the studio didn’t mix that well at all. I mean, I’ve seen incarnations of that band several times, and they can sing and play.

    • Spudalicious

      Yeah, I found no redeeming qualities at all in that.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    A little while ago, as I was standing at the kitchen counter eating a hamburger and watching the neighbor’s cows, I had a thought.

    If Donald Trump poses such an existential threat not just to America but to the the planet itself why doesn’t Biden act? Just send in a NOAA death squad and leave him floating face down in a water hazard on the Mar a Lago golf course. The Supremes have already generously greenlighted that mission.

    • Mojeaux

      I’ve wondered that for the last 6 years. They need him for some reason. Otherwise, he’d been dead 3 years ago.

    • Fourscore

      The vacuum would be filled quickly, ’cause politicians suck so much. It’s suck all the way down.

      • rhywun

        Holy shit.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Say what you will about Trump, but this is gangster.

        “Trump then rose to his feet, pumped his fist in the air, and shouted “fight”, before being whisked off stage and into a vehicle.”

    • Homple

      I expect you will find your answer in subsequent posts right here today.

  6. Fourscore

    Sorry to hear about the water problem, Spud. Would going deeper do any good? Probably contaminated.

    Need a desalinization plant.

    • Spudalicious

      We re-dug the well in the ’80s for the same reason. At the time, we thought the aquifer had discharged due to a previous multi-year drought. We went from 40′ to 80′ to prevent that in the future. I think this salt has been leaching for decades. I don’t what they plan on doing for final mitigation, but the state is fucked.

      • R C Dean

        “We went from 40′ to 80′ “

        *laughs in Arizonan*

      • Fourscore

        13 feet to water in my garden well, I augered down 13 feet, then drove a point another 4-5 feet to get the joint under water. The house well is 120 feet with 60 feet of water.

      • Drake

        We have a 220 foot well.

        The state owes you some plumbing, filters, and a new deep well.

      • cavalier973

        Okay, that guy’s prayer made me laugh aloud

        They couldn’t take him out with lawfare, so they took it to the next level.

        He seems to be oky

      • R.J.

        He is OK, but this is the first of many attempts, no doubt. As we all predicted when the lawfare failed, assassination came next.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    Ostentatious horologists beware

    Police are search for several suspects they say are targeting diners at swanky New York City restaurants, robbing them of watches, jewelry and phones at gunpoint.

    They’ve struck at least six times since March, and tend to target men wearing expensive watches. So far they’ve stolen more than $300,000 worth of belongings.


    Additional incidents followed a similar pattern. At 6:50 p.m. on May 31, two people eating at Marlow & Sons in Brooklyn had their watches stolen at gunpoint. On June 18, at 8:46 p.m., a 39-year-old man was robbed at gunpoint of his $100,000 watch outside Carbone restaurant on Thompson Street. Just three days later, at Birds of a Feather on Grand Street in Brooklyn, two diners were robbed at gunpoint.

    Just wear the Timex.

    • rhywun

      Reason #2 I don’t wear a watch or jewelry of any kind.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    Somebody just took a shot at Trump.

    I just caught something out of the corner of my eye about “Trump rushed off stage”.


    • Suthenboy

      Just saw the footage. I think 2 shots. First one hit Trump on the right side of the head and he went down. Everyone ducking, SS diving on Trump.
      4-5 follow up shots, didn’t see where they hit. A woman starts screaming (I assume a bystander shot).
      Trump helped up and off the stage, on his feet holding his head with one hand and pumping his fist with the other.
      That’s all I have at this point.

      • Common Tater

        I just read no one else was shot, but it’s too early to know shit.

    • juris imprudent

      News footage I saw looks like his right ear got clipped.

  9. KSuellington

    Wow, that was an impressive response from T Dog to getting shot. He wanted his shoes back before getting carried off stage and had a raised fist. He just won the election today.

    • Mojeaux


      They apparently don’t realize they’re building a martyr.

      • robodruid

        First thoughts.
        Dems will blame it as a false flag. He seemed kinda pissed.

      • KSuellington

        I predicted he would win the day after they got their coveted mugshot in Georgia. This just takes it to another level. I’m very far from a Trump fan boy, but that response showed some serious balls.

      • Suthenboy

        He won me over in his first campaign when some dude tried to jump on the stage to assault him. He turned towards the guy and pushed aside a SS guy to confront the shithead.
        Yeah, he has the stones.

    • Suthenboy

      Yeah, he just took 50 states. And he will have both houses of congress.
      Now, what are the foam-at-the-mouth TDS crowd going to say. “We didn’t really mean he is worse than hitler”?
      “We never meant that!”? There will be plenty of people cheering for this, that’s for sure.

      • R.J.

        The leftists are sick. Not one apology will be offered for all the rhetoric.

      • Sensei

        NJ no fucking way.

        CA likely as well.

      • Trials and Trippelations

        Yea that’s the question will Dem leaders say get more range time or Orange Man Mostly Bad?
        Perhaps memory doesn’t serve, but I didn’t think Dem leaders were that tore up over the attack on Rand Paul or that house Rep at the softball game

      • Raven Nation

        ” Not one apology will be offered for all the rhetoric.”

        I’ll go one step further. This will be Trump’s fault: the hate he’s spewed over America finally drove someone who cares about the country over the edge.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Nope. And the anti Trump haters will continue to justify their cognitive dissonance. Because the ego hit to self analyze and realize they themselves are the anti-American fascists/authoritarians/marxists is too much.

      • KSuellington

        Also sounds like they got the shooter down immediately from the audio on that video.

      • The Last American Hero

        Hahahahhaha. Bidenharrisbuttigegwhitner whoever in November, Dems take the house, pubs narrowly take the senate.

        Who counts the ballots in the swing states?

      • Shpip

        Yeah, he just took 50 states.

        I’m not so sure. Jerry Ford survived two assassination attempts in the span of seventeen days, and he still lost to Jimmy Carter, of all people.

        However, the image of Trump, bloodied but unbowed, will become iconic in our age. It’ll be sure to get the base even more juiced up.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, no way he takes NY or any of the other solid blue states.

    • Wood Chipped Wednesday

      Hell I’d say this is the dirt on top of the nailed coffin. This election was won for Trump 2 years ago IMO, it just keeps getting better and better lol

  10. groat scotum

    Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left.

    • groat scotum

      This is all absurd, right? I just don’t know in which way it’s absurd.

      • Suthenboy

        We have been riding the crazy train since 2008.

      • UnCivilServant

        Whoever’s running the sim got bored and installed the weird mods.


        Why couldn’t they go for the “comedically large heads mods” instead of the whatever the hell chaos HOI4 mod this is?

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Dems will blame it as a false flag.

    Radicalized extreme white supremacist ex-Army sniper with perfect aim clipped his ear, just like in the pitchershows to trick people into thinking Democrat pacifists are a threat to the big bully.

    • groat scotum

      Right. That’s why it looks absurd.

    • Sensei

      Just like a certain Congressional baseball game…

  12. juris imprudent

    Speaking of wells, my new one in VA is 40-50 feet off the road, but below it. As far as I know, no car’s ever come off the road into that field – but there was never a target/magnet there before. I plan on cementing in a couple of u-shaped bollards, 4 inch steel pipe to protect the wellhead.

    • UnCivilServant

      Add some czech hedgehogs?

  13. groat scotum


    Not going to credit any of this horseshit until there’s a bullet produced.

    • UnCivilServant

      The New Mexico DA filed it under the wrong case number.

      • Mojeaux


      • groat scotum

        Oh jeez LOL

      • Sensei


    • Raven Nation

      Yeah, despite my comment above, I’d still like to see evidence. For all we know right now, it was some idiot with a firecracker.

      • juris imprudent

        Trump’s right ear was clipped – definitely bloody.

      • Raven Nation


      • J. Frank Parnell

        Cut on the stage when the secret service hurled him to the ground?

      • mindyourbusiness

        The journos were saying that it might have been a piece of flyig glass. FLYING GLASS? From where?

    • Drake

      They report somebody is dead.

      • UnCivilServant

        I suspect the Secret Service responds with lethal force.

  14. cavalier973

    Expect someone to shoot Biden, only to actually kill him in “retaliation”.

    The Democrats need to get rid of Biden, so I think this is all a set up

    • EvilSheldon

      Biden isn’t out in public enough. There’s no attack surface.

      • EvilSheldon

        Unless…it really is a false flag. But that would require his Secret Service detail to be in on the plan, and that’s getting a little crazy even for me.

    • groat scotum

      Biden’s assassin would wear a vest, right?

      I mean, that would be the plan if the old PLO crowd still reined. I don’t think that’s the case anymore. TBH I don’t think any pro-Hamas folks really care all that much.

    • R C Dean

      And I thought I was paranoid.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    If this was a for real attempt, there will be buckets of crocodile tears on the morning shows tomorrow.

    • Suthenboy

      I predict it is some TDS sufferer who feels completely justified and expected a ticker tape parade. The leftist rats are going to scramble like hell to distance themselves from this and from all of the shit they said that led up to it.

      • creech

        Rats: “this is what happens when Trump and his far right fascists whip up a climate of hate and violence.”

      • R C Dean

        I think creech has the DemOp narrative. Trump’s attempted murder is, of course, Trump’s fault. What isn’t?

    • Nephilium

      No good Democrat would endorse violence, even though Trump should be killed for the good of humanity.

  16. juris imprudent

    Instead of a Glib cruise, perhaps we should make a humanitarian trip to Colombia, to help prop up those rural communities hit so hard?

    • R.J.

      A one-way cruise to Argentina?

  17. The Late P Brooks

    It’s not even improbable, much less impossible, but I will hang fire for now. Possible alternate explanations? Leftover fireworks? His ear was bloodied accidentally as the SS guys swarmed around him?

    What I do not want to see is Trump forced into a tight security bubble. It appears to me he has been pretty damn good at remaining accessible (like his little excursion into the Bronx during the trial), and I think that plays heavily in his favor.

    • KSuellington

      His right ear is hit by something as the shots are ringing out it looks from the video.

  18. Old Man With Candy

    Slow news day.

  19. The Last American Hero

    You spend 5 years calling someone Hitler, don’t act surprised when something like this happens. It’s disgusting, but this is the country we live in now.

    • The Last American Hero

      Or 9 years. Time flies.

    • Sensei

      It’s why we need gun control…

      • Mojeaux

        Already saw that one trotted out by a lefty friend.

      • Fourscore

        If the shooter had gun control there would be a new candidate

      • mindyourbusiness

        yeah, one of the newsies on the CBS marathon reporting, gotin several gun control commercials. He also revealed that he knows diddley about firearms.

    • R C Dean

      That’s pretty much Mrs. Dean’s take, and I trust her judgment above all others.

  20. Spudalicious

    Someone took exception to my slow news comment and decided to make me look bad. Trump was one inch from dead.

    • juris imprudent

      Well, we know it wasn’t Kyle Rittenhouse then.

      • Nephilium

        /golf clap

    • trshmnstr

      We were one inch from a very quick descent into very dark places as a society. It’s only July. We have 4 more months of this shit.

    • Ted S.

      It doesn’t take much to make you look bad. :-p

      • Spudalicious

        Hey! Yeah, okay. I’ll give you that one.

  21. robodruid

    Who wakes up Biden.

    • groat scotum

      Doubt his aids care enough to wake him.

  22. Aloysious

    Dr. Ruth, Richard Simmons both pass, and Trump gets shot at?

    This is no coincidence.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      And just like that, the Rule of threes was cast aside, all for OMB!

    • Nephilium

      There was also Shelly Duvall and the kid from ALF.

    • cavalier973

      No source for that post^^^

  23. Tres Cool

    Richard Simmons is dead, Dr. Ruth is dead, and they tried to kill Trump.
    Is that the trifecta for the week?

    • groat scotum

      Richard Simmons died? He’s the guy with the headband, right?

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Nope three dead or the spell is broken,

      • UnCivilServant

        You all forget the actress from the shining also went.

      • Tres Cool

        HEY YUFUS!

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        UCS I stand corrected.
        Sup Trey!

  24. Sensei

    CNN headline “Trump Speech Interrupted by Secret Service”

    • Sensei

      “Improved” to:

      Trump injured in incident at Pennsylvania rally

      • J. Frank Parnell

        CNN’s first headline was “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally”

      • Sensei

        They got confused about which recent president falls down easily.

      • creech

        “Convicted felon narrowly escapes justice.”

  25. cavalier973

    Start screen capturing the posts of proggie-froggies

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Trump was one inch from dead.

    And this is why you dip your bullets in cobra venom.

  27. cavalier973

    Is Twitter down?

    • hayeksplosives

      Not only is Twitter up, but Elon Musk just endorsed Trump, with a picture of him with bloodied cheek fist pumping the air.

      It’s on.

      • robodruid

        Its a heck of a picture.
        Perfectly describes the attitude of some voters.

      • mindyourbusiness

        Anybody bet that raised-fist gesture of Trump’s with the flag as background gets plastered all over the place in the next month or two?

  28. Shpip

    But two years ago, the villagers said, something alarming happened: The drug traffickers who buy the coca paste and turn it into cocaine stopped showing up. Suddenly, people who were already poor had no income. Food became scarce. An exodus to other parts of Colombia in search of jobs followed. The town of 200 people shrunk to 40.

    The same pattern was repeated again and again in communities across the country where coca is the only source of income.

    Shame for the Colombian peasants, but a boon for the American consumer.

    When the price of nose candy drops to that of a fentanyl tab, we’ll see supply and demand reach an equilibrium (of course, the government putting its butt on the scales doesn’t help things).

  29. Tres Cool

    I am impressed in what I saw of the SS agents dog-piling around Trump and using their bodies as shields. Or that was my perception.
    I wonder if they would have acted the same for Obama or Hill-Dog.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Yes, because they’re professionals.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Did notice that a large contingent of Trump’s detail is female. Isn’t to say they can’t do the job, just was interesting to see.

  30. Mojeaux

    This is a no-lose situation for Trump.

    Let us imagine, for a moment, that Trump set this up himself. NOBODY will believe it except those who hate him anyway.

    Let us imagine the Alphabet Agencies did it with precision as a warning shot. This event will disappear from the major news networks as fast as the Las Vegas shooting did. (CNN has called it “a fall.”)

    Let us imagine it was some deranged leftist on a grassy knoll who can’t shoot straight. Everybody can disavow it to save face.

    Let us imagine it was a left-wing conspiracy group. That’ll also get swept under the rug.

    Let us imagine it was Clinton/Obama Co. They missed.

    Dude is now seen as a titanium-balled martyr by of course the right, and let’s say half the undecideds and Never Trumpers.

    If it wasn’t a Trump plot (which, wow, LOL troll level 9000), they missed, and that’s where they fucked up.

      • Mojeaux

        You betcha!

      • R.J.

        I am not able to get into any links you are posting from Truth Social.

      • Mojeaux

        Me neither.

    • Nephilium

      Thinking it over a bit, it could also cover a reduction in Trump public appearances (either for health reasons, or to keep a better lid on him).

      • Mojeaux

        It would serve several purposes, and ALL of them to Trump’s benefit.

        Lots of “I wasn’t going to vote for him, but I will now” in my tweetstream.

    • rhywun

      a Trump plot

      I am cynical as hell but that’s a step too far for me.

      Assuming actual gunshots… there is the risk of killing a spectator. Did not one get killed, in fact? I think I heard that.

      • rhywun

        Someone said it could be squibs but… the “acting” is just too good.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Assuming an actual bullet hit is ear, that is a bit tight for planning a false flag.

      • UnCivilServant

        There’s also no reason to stage anything with the Democrat candidate presumtive circling the drain.

    • R C Dean

      “Let us imagine it was some deranged leftist on a grassy knoll who can’t shoot straight.”

      A rifle shot would have been a long one, given the security. More likely a handgun.

      In either case, being an inch or two off is a level of precision that no one could count on. “I can nick his head, but not blow his brains out”, said no operative ever.

  31. Sensei

    Trump goes all in for that Musk endorsement…

    Elon Musk says he ‘fully endorses’ Donald Trump after rally incident

    Musk also shared a photo being widely shared of the former president being escorted off stage after the pops rang out from the crowd. The image shows Trump with blood on his face while holding his fist in the air. The American flag can be seen waving in the background.

    Later, Musk also commented that the “last time America had a candidate this tough was Theodore Roosevelt.”

    • Mojeaux

      With regard to news and social media, Elon Musk buying Twitter was probably one of the greatest acts of charity ever given to the people of the world. NONE of this would be on Twitter without him.

      • hayeksplosives

        I gotta agree with this.

      • Chafed


  32. groat scotum


    • cavalier973

      As Mojeaux said, it completely doesn’t matter, now, unless irrefutable proof that this was faked is provided.

      But even proof will be scoffed at, due to the hyperpartisanship of everyone right now

  33. Spudalicious

    Biden’s only avenue was personally vilifying Trump at every turn. That door just closed. And there are photos and video from today that will propel Trump right into office. The video of him bloody, surrounded by SS and pumping his fist with a look of rage will be more than enough.

  34. Rebel Scum

    Someone took a shot at Trump. Has anyone seen Alec Baldwin lately?

    • R.J.

      *Golf clap

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Alec wouldn’t have missed.

  35. Tres Cool

    I wonder if anyone knows where Rob Reiner or Michael Moore are tonight.

    • UnCivilServant

      They’re more of the suicide bomber type.

      • Mojeaux

        No. Meathead would be the first to run screaming to hide himself behind somebody.

      • Gender Traitor

        Michael Moore would provide plenty of cover…

      • Nephilium


        Both of them. I can believe them convincing someone else it was necessary.

        /thinks back to the South Park episode with Reiner

      • Mojeaux

        I will give Michael Moore credit. He talked to people and listened, and he KNEW why Trump was going to win and he tried to tell “the elites” why and to stop being such raging assholes, but they didn’t heed his warnings. He got ex’d from his circles over it too.

  36. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    That photo of DJT just made his campaign

  37. Tres Cool

    THIS and THIS will be making the meme rounds in no time.

  38. Mojeaux

    At this point, I’m just over here with my popcorn.

    • Nephilium

      /hands Mojeaux a virgin cocktail

      • UnCivilServant

        Where did you find the virgins?

      • Mojeaux

        Shirley Temple, plzkthxbai.

      • Gender Traitor

        Where did you find the virgins?

        Not in Cleveland. **SW OH rimshot**

      • Nephilium


        Drew Carey beat you to that joke decades ago. 🙂

  39. groat scotum

    Twitter doofuses I’m listening to now think this just means Trump is more electorally popular.

    Bullshit. This is the Reichstag fire. Trump gets executed next week. We go to war with France the week after.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Um, it was a few weeks before Hitler invaded France,about 450 weeks

      • groat scotum

        Exactly, back me up here.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I agree except the timeline is a bit faster this time around

    • KSuellington

      Yup, that’s the one my (Trump hating) brother just sent me. That’s now an iconic American image.

  40. trshmnstr

    Folks, we have it all wrong. According to CNN, he fell.

    In other news, Michael Brown and George Floyd died from fatal falls.

    • Tres Cool

      If you say “fatal fall” fast enough, it kinda sounds like fentanyl.

    • Homple

      President John Kennedy has cancelled this evening’s events in Dallas because of a severe headache.

  41. grrizzly

    Shooter, two others dead at PA Trump rally

  42. Common Tater

    If he was trying to kill Trump, we know the shooter was a Democrat.

  43. groat scotum

    stock up on supplies now my friends, you’ll need them

    I mean, you’ll need them later. So why not stock up now.

  44. Sensei

    NBC news on fire too!

    Trump expected to survive after being injured at rally

  45. The Late P Brooks

    Watched PBS raw footage. Those pops weren’t very loud. Trump grabbed the side of his head immediately, before anybody got close. Also hit the dirt on his own at the second pop.

    Gotta like the SS people making a tight containment shield around him.

    People were yelling Fuck You and giving the finger in the direction of the camera; aimed at the press corps, probably.

    Also looked like something going on at the far right side of the bleachers behind him, later. Maybe somebody hit by a flyer?

    • R.J.

      Yes. There is a dead gunman and a dead bystander.

      • Sensei

        It’s possible the bystander was on the stage.

    • Sensei

      The shooter is dead. Maybe they were reacting to the shooter being shot?

      • R.J.

        Barney Fife?

    • UnCivilServant

      How was he IDed so quickly? What’s the confirmation evidence that this is the guy?

    • robodruid

      Saw this as well. DU is not happy.

    • Gender Traitor

      So a mostly peaceful assassination attempt?

      • Mojeaux

        LOL just saw that in my Twitter feed.

    • EvilSheldon

      Not him. That’s (apparently) an Italian YouTuber named Roma Giallorossa.


  46. Aloysious

    New headline: At a firey yet mostly peaceful rally, Trump escorted from stage…

    • Tundra

      Ahem. “Shooty, but mostly peaceful.”

    • R.J.

      Already down, or bad link.

    • robodruid

      not working

    • trshmnstr

      I got to see the video before it died… The money shot is in the NY Post article below. Definitely not the husky antifa guy first circulating.

      • Tundra

        It was the bystander. So fucked up.

    • Necron 99

      Note to self, never sit behind a politician.

    • cavalier973

      That Trump impersonator needs to get right on this

  47. Common Tater

    “The gunman believed to have been behind the attempted assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump Saturday was shot and killed by Secret Service, sources told The Post.

    The shooter, identified as a Chinese man, was in a sniper position located hundreds of yards away from Trump’s podium in Butler, Pa. as he spoke to a campaign crowd, sources said.”

    • Ted S.

      Other sources claim it’s Profa, and not somebody Han Chinese-looking at all.

      • robodruid

        War with China?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        A second shooter?

  48. The Late P Brooks

    Those Secret Service agents who ringed Trump just gave him a huge endorsement by rushing to put themselves between him and a bullet. They didn’t look like they were just in it for the money.

  49. Ted S.

    This is one way to get the comment count here up.

    • rhywun

      I joined only a little late and was wondering at the 100+ count.

      Then I found out why.

    • Common Tater

      Has anyone seen Sean? 😉

  50. J. Frank Parnell

    Man, Republicans are really going to pounce on this, aren’t they.

    • robodruid

      Pounce so hard.

  51. CPRM

    Just to clarify, no one took a shot at Trumps, someone took a shot at The Hat. It’s the who shot JR moment of the Hat and Hair universe.

    • juris imprudent

      I can just imagine the Hair, now with PTSD.

    • Grumbletarian

      Trump’s shoes need to make an appearance now, or at least the Hat and Hair complaining that Trump cared more about the shoes than their safety.

  52. LCDR_Fish

    Eeesh, hope the parts for my A/C repair come in this week – aiming for reinstall on Wed. It’s been about a month with no A/C and this is just driving me nuts. Currently about 88 in the house….

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Call me next time, really

      • LCDR_Fish

        Still using AHS. Though I may cancel it when I get ready to rent this place out – hopefully in the next couple of months (waiting on orders). Delays on their end, although I didn’t put in a claim immediately either while I was trying to troubleshoot.

        3 summers ago I replaced the air handler under the house, but didn’t have funds for outdoor unit. Now that one finally gave out, but I’m in a better situation.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Fair enough, consult me in the future, I may be able to help

    • rhywun

      OMG I could not even. 😟

    • robodruid

      sorry you saw it first.

      • Tundra

        I’m sorry I had to see it at all. Nothing good in that video.

    • juris imprudent

      That hair has to be attached to the visor.

      • R.J.

        Kind of a Joe Dirt thing.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      The Beeb again…..

  53. The Late P Brooks

    Good old CNN-

    Three law enforcement sources confirm the shooter was outside the venue at former President Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania.

    Two of those sources say the shooter was on a roof, outside of the venue. Multiple law enforcement sources have referred to this individual as a sniper, although additional details about that are not clear.

    He might have been a chimney sweep. It’s too soon to tell.

    • Mojeaux

      Still doesn’t hurt Trump.

    • creech

      Someone will be along on MSM or X or Yutetube to claim the video shows Trump starting to duck before he grabs his ear, thus proving he knew it was coming when he reached a certain word in his speech.

      • cavalier973

        “Hey, guys; I have an idea: why don’t we stage an assassination with REAL BULLETS coming at me!”

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        His friend Vince McMahon taught him how to cut himself the way the pro wrestlers do.

  54. The Late P Brooks

    More CNN-

    Billionaire tech investor Elon Musk has announced he is endorsing former President Donald Trump following Saturday’s incident in Butler, Pennsylvania.

    “I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery,” Musk tweeted.

    Musk, head of SpaceX, Tesla and X, has made supporting right-wing causes — and extremism, in some situations — increasingly central to his identity.

    Stay classy.

    • juris imprudent

      He is not of the body meets the Body Snatcher screech.

    • Brochettaward

      Read: The left has done a great job alienating what used to be a highly influential progressive billionaire with their fucking insanity such as painting a 90’s era Democrat as fucking Hitler reincarnate.

      • Chafed

        Yup. Completely right.

  55. Common Tater

    “Biden campaign pulls down all ads in wake of Trump shooting

    President Joe Biden’s campaign said Saturday night that it was pulling down all campaign advertising in the wake of the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania on former President Donald Trump.

    ‘The Biden campaign is pausing all outbound communications and working to pull down our television ads as quickly as possible.'”

    • robodruid

      They are running ads? Nothing in Ok.

      • rhywun

        We get Biden ads in NY (!).

      • Trials and Trippelations

        NC ads are he’s mean. He told us to drink bleach. Shepherd Smith saying he is shredding the constitution or something like that. Closing with an obviously clipped quote of trump suggesting he plans to be a dictator on day one.
        Closes with a pic of Trump fist in the air with a black glove on. I always assumed the glove was photoshopped to give Nazi vibes

      • cavalier973

        You know who else wore gloves?

      • Mojeaux

        They didn’t fit.

      • UnCivilServant

        You know who else wore gloves?


    • creech

      The ads seen in PA are so nasty, vicious, lying and insulting that Biden won’t be able to use them again.

    • Tundra

      Well, Sundown said the other day that it was time to “put Trump in the crosshairs.” If any of that shit was in the ads, it might be a tad problematic.

      • rhywun

        +1 Sarah Palin

  56. UnCivilServant

    Here’s a question – if a manufacturer makes a digital product unavailable through legal channels, what are the ethics of pirating it? It’s in the category of “They shut down the online marketplace so I can’t buy the DLC anymore, and there was some I didn’t know about before the shutdown.”

    • kinnath

      If someone doesn’t want to sell you something, you can’t make them.

      And it not justification for stealing it.

  57. kinnath

    So, a shooter with a rifle misses the headshot by a matter of inches.

    • Common Tater

      That the shooter was deliberately just trying to clip his ear seems unlikely.

      • kinnath

        The early (and untrustworthy) reports are the shooter was a hundred yards away.

        That’s just a bit of wind or a sloppy trigger pull away from doing the job.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Apparently location was a pretty big field (unable to completely cover). Audio sounds pretty low – maybe .22 – or just a long way off. No other details yet.

      • EvilSheldon

        What surprises me is that a potential shooter could get within 125 meters of a Secret Service-protected subject without being detected and blown up.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Ok, some maps are showing that he was on a building roof outside the perimeter AND that he was spotted and pointed out to law enforcement several minutes prior to the shooting….

    • EvilSheldon

      It’s easy to do. Pros usually don’t shoot for the head, just because of how much the head moves even if the target is standing still.

      • kinnath

        The headshot is a sucker shot.

        But he is probably wearing a vest at all times. So center of mass is problematic as well. Large caliber would do the job.

      • EvilSheldon

        Probably soft armor, but he’s not wearing anything that will stop a rifle round. You’d be able to see it.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yeah, I doubt he’s walking around with a high level plate carrier at all times.

    • kinnath

      That’s not a political reaction.

      That’s a hardcore, new yorker saying “you missed mutherfucker”.

      • hayeksplosives


    • Chafed


  58. LCDR_Fish

    Drinking this right now (after 3 beers at the brewery this afternoon – the 5 mile round-trip walk burned them off pretty fast).

    Pretty tasty – not very sweet either. Good flavor. The sales rep providing samples found me a pretty easy push-over a few weeks back at Total Wine. I picked up several 4 packs of different stuff – after I confirmed it was a VA brewery.

  59. kinnath

    I am totally unnerved by this.

    • Tundra

      I am with you. I would like to teleport back to 1996 for a while.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’s not great but I’m not surprised. Not one bit.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        I just can’t believe it took this long for someone to try it.

      • cavalier973

        There were some incidents involving vehicles trying to smash into the Presidential limo a few years back.

    • hayeksplosives

      Yeah, I happened to have looked at X randomly 2 minutes after it happened.

      After the first 10 minutes the reality started to sink in and I actually was a tad weepy for my country.

      And again, thanks for buying free speech, Mr Musk!!

    • Homple

      Things won’t calm down for a long time. Better get used to it.

  60. The Late P Brooks

    Well, Sundown said the other day that it was time to “put Trump in the crosshairs.” If any of that shit was in the ads, it might be a tad problematic.

    Just like when The Republicans put out the hit on gabby Giffords!

    • R.J.

      That was my thought as well.

  61. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Ugh, was daydrinking and decided to take a nap. Anything happen while I was out cold?

    • R.J.

      Nope. Go back to sleep.

  62. The Late P Brooks

    I turned on the teevee to see what’s happening at the IndyCar race in Iowa. Nothing but nonstop hearsay and speculation about Trumpolini.

    Also, looking at the photos on the big screen, it kind of looks like there’s a chunk of his ear missing. We don’t know for certain what might have caused that. We’re awaiting a report from the medical experts.

    • Ted S.

      So you’re saying Van Gogh was the shooter?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Mike Tyson.

      • Homple

        “Mike Tyson”. That’s the winner.

  63. robodruid

    CBS news.
    Trump lies, not really shot by a bullet, it was glass.

  64. The Late P Brooks

    I would like to teleport back to 1996 for a while.

    I miss the ’90s

    Late ’80s? Whatever.

  65. juris imprudent

    News now saying 200-300 yards out, possibly an AR-15 pattern rifle.

    • kinnath

      This is why we need to ban AR-15s

      • UnCivilServant

        Not killy enough at long range?

      • Sensei

        Goes without saying.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        AR-15 is plenty killy at 200 yards. At 300 the terminal ballistics are a bit less favorable, but still plenty killy.

    • Drake

      He’d be dead if it was a good .30-06 hunting rifle and a decent shooter.

      • Sensei

        Or a mail order Carcano.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Don’t need anything near that big at 200-300 yards to kill a man.

      • R C Dean

        Accuracy, though. My 300 is sub-MOA (barely, but that’s with me behind the trigger). I’d take it for a 200-300 yard shot over my .556 every time. A 30 round mag means nothing at that range, One shot and done, or you’ve blown it.

      • Drake

        More for accuracy.

        Watching the video, Trump moved to his right to watch a video a second before the shot. His had been standing still, would have caught it right in the forehead.

      • EvilSheldon

        This was not a weapon failure in any way. This was a marksmanship failure. If the shooter had aimed for Trump’s upper thoracic, Trump would be dead right now.

      • R C Dean

        Evil: maybe he was aiming there, and was off by 8 inches rather than 2. We’ll never know. Don’t underestimate how crappy the vast majority of shooters are.

        But I bet he was going for a head shot.

        Even if it was under 200 yards, for a kill shot on a single person, I’d use the .300. But it’s definitely easily in spec for an AR.

    • Pine_Tree

      Nah, more like 120m.

      On a commanding rooftop that nobody was on.

  66. The Late P Brooks

    Trump will, undoubtedly, make an opportunistic attempt to leverage this unfortunate incident into a cheap political advantage.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Anyone who wouldn’t has no business being a politician.

    • cavalier973

      Biden’s campaign team:
      “How are we ever going to top this?”

  67. hayeksplosives

    I wonder if Trump wins, will he have the secret service get a sweet cybertruck decked out with combat quality armor?

    That’d be a sweet “return endorsement” of a sort.

  68. The Late P Brooks

    How many American flags will be flying in the infields at race tracks around the country tomorrow?

    Shit, I think NAPCAR is in Pennsylvania (Pocono).

    • Sensei

      Yeah, my uncle is there this weekend for the Saturday and Sunday races.

  69. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    Welp, that pretty much puts the kybosh on any Summer-of-Love type activities this season.

  70. The Late P Brooks

    If Trump had turned his head back to the right…

  71. groat scotum

    Is Trump dead yet, I swear its’ all we ever talk about anymore.

    • trshmnstr

      It was close, but he’s not Biden the bullet today.

    • cavalier973

      Dr. Ruth died.

      I managed to show my six year old “The Rabbit of Seville” the other night, but it was in installments.

      I looked on Amazon to see if I could purchase some bugs bunny dvds, but all I could find was an online streaming thing, the 80th anniversary compilation of all the Bugs Bunny cartoons, but then it said “it wasn’t available”.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        See if you have Metv over the air, they have it all

    • LCDR_Fish

      You need to look for the unedited Looney Tunes Gold edition DVDs or Platinum edition blu-rays. I need to make sure I finish my collection. Also the Tex Avery remastered blu-rays, Betty Boop, etc.

  72. Sensei

    They aren’t pouncing they are rallying.

    Bonus laugh:

    Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said in a statement that to “take the political temperature down,” Biden should “immediately order that all federal criminal charges against President Trump be dropped, and to ask the governors of New York and Georgia to do the same.”


    Can we get Elon to uninstall this HOI4 mod?

  74. Common Tater

    ““I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear,” the 78-year-old presumptive Republican presidential nominee said in his first statement after being rushed to a local hospital.

    “I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening.”

    Trump issued the statement on his Truth Social page amid conflicting initial reports, including reporting that he may have been struck by glass rather than a bullet.

    “I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania,” Trump wrote

    “Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our country.”

    Trump wrote that “[n]othing is know at this time about the shooter, who is now dead.”

    The ex-president fell on stage after the sound of gunshots at the rally as Secret Service rushed to the stage — before giving a defiant fist-pump as blood ran down his face, shouting to his thousands of supporters, “Fight! Fight! Fight!””

    • Drake

      I wouldn’t be too grateful to whoever was supposed to be watching the out perimeter and roofs.


    The Donald will have a handlebar moustache, and monocle, and be shouting “bully” at his next appearance.

    Of course, TR finished his speech after he was shot, of course, he went on to get Woodrow-fucking-Wilson elected afterward. So there’s that.

  76. The Late P Brooks

    Trump didn’t “fall”. I’d say he hit the dirt. I suspect there may have been some coaching involved, somewhere along the way.

    • RAHeinlein

      Seriously dude – just say out loud “I hate Trump and sorry the bastard didn’t die” – WTF.

      Classic PA asshole…

      • cavalier973

        I think he meant that Trump was trained to get down if he heard shots being fired at any time, not for just this particular occasion.

        Trump was the President for four years, and probably had to practice this in Presidential boot camp.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Good to see you RAH.

  77. The Late P Brooks

    In the footage I saw, the camera panned left to show a couple of guys in black suits with rifles on the roof of a building set back a little bit from the grandstand. Were they high enough to see the rooftop where the shots came from? No way to tell without more info. It would be interesting to know who shot the guy, and from where.

  78. Ownbestenemy

    JFC…take a digital break for the day and all he’ll breaks loose.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Ain’t no meme going to touch the real picture. That’s one for the history books.

  79. The Late P Brooks

    NBC news team are expressing their po’faced bafflement and sorrow at how our political discourse has become so degraded and partisan as to allow such a thing to happen.

    • Sensei

      … while still comparing Trump to Hitler.

  80. The Late P Brooks

    Tundra- those are the guys, but what I saw was from PBS feed, after that. They were standing up by then.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      We’re they doing a standing ovation for the shooter?

  81. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    After watching the video, just a thought. (Not a sermon)

    Maybe there needs to be a height requirement for agents?

    Trump is too tall to be effectively screened by shorties.

  82. The Late P Brooks

    … while still comparing Trump to Hitler.

    Did you see how he was dressed, for crying out loud?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The number of people that are going to be investigated by the feds after commenting on this without thinking is gonna be high.

      • R C Dean

        What makes you think anyone will be investigating for posting “too bad he missed”?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        The Secret Service looks into people for saying stupid shit on a fairly regular basis. Probably not her though as she seems fairly harmless.

    • Drake

      Missed her roots with hair dye too.

  83. The Late P Brooks


    The second stringers will review the game films to see where Shooter One went wrong. We can now expect dozens and dozens of attempts n the former President’s life. We must keep him locked away off the campaign trail for his own safety.

  84. Chipping Pioneer

    Holy shit!

  85. The Late P Brooks

    Trump staged it to raise his street cred with Putin.

  86. Grumbletarian

    News reports of the event in Pennsylvania calling it an attempted assassination have all the classic earmarks of Russian disinformation. We shouldn’t jump the gun on early news reports or someone could go off half cocked.

    • R C Dean

      “someone could go off half cocked”

      *Alec Baldwin has entered the chat*

    • R.J.

      Oh, bravo.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        This guy. What a loser. Have you seen this guy? He tried to shoot me in the head. Totally missed. The worst shot. Maybe ever. Everybody’s saying it. Sad!

  87. Brochettaward

    It’s going to take a hell of a lot of fortification to take this one from Trump.

    • hayeksplosives

      Challenge accepted.


  88. LCDR_Fish

    Dunno if anyone else here is interested other than maybe Sensei – and probably not even him ;p – but one of my favorite groups – M-Flo – just posted a 20th anniversary concert on their youtube page.

    I’ve posted about them before – a while back now – but all their concerts have been a lot of fun – particularly with the number of guest performers, etc – you can tell everyone is having a real blast performing and watching. I’ve got most of their stuff on CD/DVD/Blu-ray now – hopefully this one shows up on blu-ray pretty soon.

    This show is a nice combo of their newer stuff and a lot of older, classic tracks too. Not quite as fancy visually and some folks are having a little more difficulty staying in tune, but still would have been a blast to see in person.

  89. Gdragon

    Guys. Guys!!!!!!

    Aren’t you terrified of the rhetoric?!?!

    Oh, the rhetoric! I am quaking in the corner of my basement at the rhetoric which is about to come!

    Can I work on TV now?

    • trshmnstr

      Yeah, Fuck that manipulative tactic. Dude just got shot and everybody’s clutching pearls about how he’ll respond.

      How about they take a moment and reflect on the fact that this was predicted and predictable and what that means before they try to wrest control of the narrative through crass and manipulative means?

      • Brochettaward

        The media has to go with that narrative otherwise people might start pointing fingers at them. It’s typical progjection. They don’t need people asking questions like what motivated someone to try and knock the guy off.

  90. Yusef drives a Kia

    Looks like a 500 comment post on the way, Yeah Glibs!

  91. Yusef drives a Kia

    Since the King is dead, I’m gonna get my kicks before this shithouse goes up in flames,
    Oh, he’s not dead? Well then,
    Carry on

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        The Wire, spoken by Omar Little. But it is based on the ideas of Machiavelli.

      • R C Dean

        I suspect it goes way further back than Machiavelli.

        Of course, Trump isn’t a king, with the . . . resources and powers a king could draw on. If someone takes a shot and misses, what happens next is not up to him.

  92. groat scotum

    Well, that’s one way to get Trump talking.

  93. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    Holy Kow, the seething and cope is deep over on Reddit.

  94. R C Dean

    I gotta say, I wasn’t expecting the Burning Times quite so quickly. I mean, yeah, we had the Plague and the Crazy Years . . .

    I guess the Burning TImes always come as a surprise.

    • trshmnstr

      Eh, I’m not sure anybody is going to boogaloo over a tip of an ear.

      The concerning part to me is that we have 4 more months of this and then an election that is likely to be well “fortified”. Today, a can of gasoline was dumped on the floor, and nobody is responsible enough to mop it up. Theyre all in the corner playing with matches.

      • R C Dean

        Gasoline, matches . . . .

        We’ll see, but it might be that we look back on this as the spark.

        A functional ruling class, of course, would do what needs doing to keep the conflagration from starting. Our ruling class, though?

  95. cavalier973

    My childhood home of Memphis, TN is the most crime-ridden city in the US.

    It’s the tenth most crimiest city in the world:

    What’s with all the South African cities so high up there?

    Also, it’s interesting to me that Singapore has more crime than Hong Kong.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Singapore likely has more crimes on the books than HK. If everything’s illegal there’s going to be more offenses.

    • UnCivilServant

      As far as I can tell, if the ANC intentionally wanted to Prove PW Botha right, they’d do exactly what they’ve been doing.

  96. kinnath

    20 year old white male. Long hair. Wearing a tee shirt and cargo shorts.

    I expect there will be videos of this guy out in the woods talking about arming themselves to protect the world from evil MAGA types.

    • Homple

      If such videos exist, expect them to disappear. After an investigation long enough for everybody to forget the entire incident, we will learn the shooter was a lone wolf about whom nothing was known, and his motive will forever remain a mystery because his manifesto self destructed before anybody could read it.

      • Wood Chipped Wednesday

        I doubt republicans especially MAGA republicans would let people forget about this. But all that matters is remembering it for the next 3 months until election day

  97. Festus

    Holding his fist up was cool but he should have just stood up on his own and tried to put his ear back together like Mike from Breaking Bad after the reefer truck shootout.

  98. hayeksplosives

    Oh for the love of…

    My Xfinity cable subscription defaults to a bunch of icons for all the apps I could choose, like Amazon, YouTube, Hulu, Netflix

    But the big one at the top is “Xumo” and it now features a picture of Trump and the headline “Trump injured in incident at rally.”

    If I had just woken up, I’d think he tripped over a rock or something.

    An assassination attempt on a former president and presumed nominee is Kind of a Big Deal.

    • dbleagle

      They will not admit it. Nor will they admit that after you call Reagan worse than Hitler (WTH), Bush Senior WTH, Dole like Hitler, Bush Junior really WTH, McCain WTH now, Romney WTH and doesn’t drink alcohol just like Hitler, OMB 1.0 really WTH, OMB 2.0 a threat to the very fabric of American and oh by the way WTH- you might inspire somebody to kill WTH. In the morning you’ll see the political shows before me, and the Dems will be “he wore a high skirt so he was asking for it”, “It was just a paper cut and he is pouncing”, with a dash of “it wouldn’t have happened if there weren’t so damn many murder sticks around.”

      What you won’t see is, “This is much worse than the riot on J6”, “Our rhetoric helped lead to this and the very real chance of rioting in blue areas after the election”, or “You know who actually was worse than Hitler? Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot.”

  99. Wood Chipped Wednesday

    TLDR most of the comments so may have been said already, but Trump being shot reminds me of that congressional baseball practice in like 2017, some left wing extremist (that word gets thrown around too much now with no care) decided it was their calling and they ‘had to do something to make it right for the betterment of America’ so they shot people, so much for the lefts ideas of gun control, cause they follow those rules too right?

    Also, anyone picked up on what gun/ammunition was being used? My dad and I tried to figure it out.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Hard to tell in the cellphone videos…guessing a small caliber from the gunman. Interesting how they clamed up on that, unlike other shootings where it is immediately reported/displayed/villified.

  100. Ownbestenemy

    Well it is all over. Dude was a registered Republican! *no way to check if changed recently, not that it matters given recent rhetoric* Goes to prove for the Left, even Republicans see him as a threat!

  101. Gustave Lytton

    Hilarious. BBC reporter on the scene laying belly down on grass behind his car, outside of the venue, because it’s the only cover they have and they don’t know what’s going on. Meanwhile, behind him are people walking normally. Paddle that canoe hardly, Jones.

  102. Suthenboy

    My son called last night. I said ” will be painted as a lone gunman loon, will turn out later to be a TDS’r with a past of association with some NGO or leftist political activity but totally not connected to any leftist pol”
    I heard it in his voice…yep…that is who it will be. From what I have heard this morning it doesnt seem too far off of the mark, so far anyway.

    Morning all.

    • mindyourbusiness

      Haven’t checked the news yet, but I’m afraid you may be right. gave up on it last night because most of the coverage was speculation and propaganda.

  103. Suthenboy

    Also, looking at the diagram of Trump/Shooter positions it would appear the guy took a pretty good shot and missed by an inch. Holy shit, that was close.
    AR style rifle? So, .223? 300 BO? 6.5 Creedmore? There are a ridiculous number of redundant chamberings for AR’s these days. From the hit/sound delay that was a couple of hundred yards at least.

    I need more coffee. Goddammit. Everything could really be summed up in about 15-20 seconds but the bobbleheads on TV just will not shut up.

    • SDF-7

      Yay Current Year. ;P

      My current feeling is with the lone loon — even if he was “registered Republican” and “part of a fringe 2nd Amendment group” (he was apparently wearing a T-shirt from some group I’ve never heard of), he could have easily set up those links to discredit the “far Right” if things went south as they did. So other than the gut instinct, withholding any snap judgements. Didn’t get out of a U-Haul wearing khakis, so I suppose that’s something.

      More troubling is that I believe I saw at least 2 witnesses stating they pointed out the guy crawling across the roof / setting up for about 4 minutes at least to the local LEs and the Secret Service on the perimeter (“They were looking at us with binoculars and we pointed to the guy with the rifle” I believe was stated). If so, some serious talk about proper perimeters needs to be had with that detail, I would think.

      And certainly it would be nice if the “Will kill American Democracy!”, “Worse than Hitler!” and kangaroo court prosecutions would be knocked off… but that ratchet most certainly only seems to go one way.

      • Pine_Tree

        24-hour rule and everything, but apparently the t-shirt pic is some other guy.

        I’m mostly at “lone proggie TDS yoot” also, at this point. But the failure to cover the reverse slope of a roof 120m away is, at best, gross negiligence.

  104. SDF-7

    Oh, my other / initial thought was: “Trump had better announce his VP and had better make it a good one — because this probably won’t be the last of these loons and the next one might not miss.”

  105. SDF-7

    In a moment of normalcy, I played 07/14:
    *22/22 words (+1 bonus word)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played 07/14:
    *60/60 words (+11 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 472

  106. Timeloose

    So I just got off a 8 hour plane flight and arrived in Alaska.

    Anything important happen while I was in the airplane. Did trump say something stupid or did Biden fall downstairs again?

    • Grumbletarian

      Nah, it’s been a pretty boring day.

      • Ted S.

        We’re only seven hours in. Something is bound to happen.

  107. Ted S.

    OMG, just listened to Radio Japan’s English service run some soundbites from a US professor, Allan Lichtman, who who argued:

    1) Republicans better not pounce or it will backfire on them; and
    2) This might finally get Republicans on board with gun control, and that will help Democrats.

    • Sensei

      With that bio and upbringing I’m not surprised.


      Is his PhD in Intentionally Wrong Conclusions? Because you need to go well out of your way to be that wrong.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      All roads lead to gun control, it is known.

    • Sean

      Steve Scalise says “Fuck off”.

  108. Gender Traitor

    Good morning, Ted’S., Grumble, ‘loosey, SDF-7, suthen, myb, groat (if you’re still awake/conscious!) and any lurkers/Feds!

    • Gender Traitor

      …and you three who just showed up!

    • Trials and Trippelations

      Good morning.

      Very glad to not be at work today, so I don’t have to hear the ravings of my coworkers and patients (I don’t work election days or the following Wednesday for the same reason)

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, and Happy Bastille Day!

      • Sean

  109. Beau Knott

    This just rotated up on my random playlist. It seemed appropriate for this morning-after.