Saturday evening links

by | Jul 27, 2024 | Daily Links | 98 comments

No truth that this picture was taken in my back yard.

So yeah, TPTB, including ones that are not part of Glibs, are gathered here for the weekend. On the plus side, as we get older, our bodies tolerate less and less abuse. I consider this the body’s self defense mechanism.

And unlike OMWC, I shoulder my responsibilities, and will therefore provide the only Links you will probably get this weekend.

Oh look, Arizona ‘tards for Kamala.

Yes, I have no doubt that Vlad is shaking in his boots.

You know it’s not going well when Celine Dion is the highlight of your ceremony.

There’s gotta be some jokes in here.

First taco I’ve seen with a tail.

Yay! More dengue fever! Plagues of locusts haven’t worked, send in the mosquitos.

Of course, they’re ready for their next bale.

I’m not sure Mexicans will really notice a difference. And yes Zambada, you were ratted out.

Okay, that’s it. The news cycle sucks today, but there you have it. Peace out, Glibbies.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. hayeksplosives

    Where is everyone?

    Did I miss The Rapture?!?

    • Ted S.

      I’m here.

      I’m sure you’re excited about that, aren’t you?

      • hayeksplosives


        I’m beside myself with joy! 🤪😝

        I’m watching YouTube folks talking about the assassination attempt on Trump, the forcing out of Biden, whether those events are connected, etc.

        I’m having unwanted thoughts about who’s in charge of this country.

      • dbleagle

        The Big O is nearing the end of his third term. The day to day handler has been Dr Jill Ed.D.

        I think there is a good possibility that the NYP from the morning links about biden naming the “Aldi Obama” (hat tip for the name) as a fuck you to his former boss might be accurate.

        She has enough of a dismal record for OMB to run on that and to actively quash any DEI references. If he can beat the fortification efforts, then he can mention DEI all he wants during his inauguration.

      • Suthenboy

        Who is in charge of the country? That is easy. See who is making the money. The pols are just puppets and the money they steal is fair to middlin’. It isn’t them.

        Who sold the stuff Ukraine bought with the money they got from us? That is a good place to start.

  2. Gender Traitor

    “If Kamala Harris wins the election, it will be a huge disappointment for the Kremlin,” said Tatiana Stanovaya, the founder of R.Politik, a Russian political consultancy now based in France. “Not because they expect some concrete anti-Russian steps but because the nature of American politics will become, from their point of view, irrational and unpragmatic and self-destructive.”

    What do you mean “will become”?

    • rhywun

      “Unpragmatic” means Putin and his stooge Trump won’t be able to divide the spoils of Europe between them.

    • Grumbletarian

      Harris, largely unknown to the Russians, is viewed with alarm. “The deep state will lead under Harris,” said Sergei Markov, a Kremlin-connected political analyst.

      Balderdash, I’m sure Tan Qualye will be a force to reckon with and the deep state will kowtow to her wishes.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    “He’s smart, he’s charismatic, he has a vision,” said Cindy McCain. “You look at his record and who he is as a person, he’s a very lovely man, and of course he brings Arizona.”

    Compared to John McCain, maybe.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Is Bringing Arizona a sequel to Raising Arizona? If Kamala puts H.I. McDonough on the ticket I might vote for her.

      • Tres Cool

        “Her womb was a craggy rock upon which my seed could find no purchase.”

    • R C Dean

      “he’s charismatic, he has a vision”

      Well, he’s done a good job of keeping his light under a bushel, then. From here, he looks like aa nullity, a rubber stamp for whatever the Party wants.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        The new object of political lust is someone who has climbed high on a nothing career, just so the opposition cannot paint the other as having done something that might bring disfavor on the party.

    • Gender Traitor

      Uh oh.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        no uh oh – I just don’t have a quippy quip

    • Evan from Evansville

      Ooooh zoomies! I’ll be around later and see if folk are still ’round.

      Dinner+baseball w Dad at present.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      WTF where are you losers?

  4. The Late P Brooks

    That was a perky little tune.

    It’s trying to rain. We’ve got wind and thunder, so far.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    Nap of the earth

    A Southwest Airlines passenger believed she was about to die when she witnessed her flight flying dangerously close to Old Tampa Bay waters, miles from the airport.

    Nancy Allen was aboard Southwest Flight 425 from Columbus, Ohio, to Tampa, Florida, on July 14 when the plane dropped to below 200 feet over the water near the Courtney Campbell Causeway.

    “I think the thing that I first saw that really concerned me was how close to the water we were. I didn’t know at the time that we were flying necessarily east, but I knew that Tampa Bay was way too close to us, and that was my big red flag,” Allen told WTVT.

    At its lowest point, the Boeing 737 Max 8 was only 150 feet over the water, and still 4 miles from its destination.

    Could she see the fishermen shaking their fists?


      No, but the Lieutenant Commander on the bridge spilled his coffee on his khakis.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    The panic-stricken passenger, who had a window seat on the terrifying flight, took out her camera to record what she believed was her imminent death.

    It’s Florida. Did she think they were going to slam into the side of a trash pile?

  7. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I really want a burger but I’m too zooted to drive. And I don’t have any ground beef at home. Dammit.

    • hayeksplosives

      I’ve got ground beef I thawed and need to use up soon.

      Vague plans of poor man’s stroganoff tonight…

      • Tres Cool

        Hamburger Helper Stroganoff totally rocks my nuts off.

        Use cream instead of milk, butter instead of margarine, and beef broth instead of water. Its next level.
        And throw in mushrooms.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Hamburger Helper Stroganoff? Is the little hand on that package masturbating?

      • R C Dean

        So, not really Hamburger Helper, then.

      • hayeksplosives

        No HH here, but I have onion, mushrooms, cream of mushroom, sour cream appropriate spices, and egg noodles.

        I will make it work.

  8. Evan from Evansville

    Noble Romans tonight, and Applebee’s several times with the ‘rents. Gotta say. They’ve upped their game. Large supreme for $30. Solid pizza for its cost. Applebee’s was damn good twice, with perfect medium-rarity on tasty beef. My parents (read: Dad) is into the same food we grew up with, as I suppose it goes.

    I’ve said it out loud a few times, but don’t know… Has Olive Garden raised their game as well? *IMPORTANT NOTE: I live in Carmel, Indiana. It’s fantsy-pantsy affluent. I am aware that has a massive impact on how well things get done. I don’t go out to eat by myself, so I have no idea.

    • Tres Cool

      Little Caesar’s has it’s place too.

      • Sean

        Dude. NO. Stop that.

        Bad Tres.

      • Tres Cool

        Its cool. I still only eat the toppings.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        I agree with Tres.

        Little Caesar’s has it’s place.

        Harbor Freight has its place.

        Aldi produce, cheese, and meat has its place.

        Burger King Classic Chicken sandwiches also have their place.

        White Castle Chicken sandwiches also have their place

        The French Laundry also has its place.

        Snap on/off tools also have their place.

      • Evan from Evansville

        No. Little Caesar’s is OFF for good. One reason: They changed the fucking bread sticks! Their pizza sucked and everyone knew it, dammit. It was worth a side-quest (in high school) to go just for the sticks.

        That remains baffling. I truly don’t understand. This wasn’t just a family opinion.

  9. Shpip

    Dengue is caused by a virus spread by mosquitos in warm weather that spreads beyond its geographic reach due to climate change.

    Oh my! Climate Change has made mosquitoes that normally live in the tropics gain a foothold in Illinois!

    The CDC said that all 34 Illinois residents were infected while traveling as of July 11, the CDC said, but did not specify from where the infected people had most recently visited.

    Ah… people were infected in some equatorial shithole before they invaded migrated to Chicago and surrounding areas. Ergo, Climate Change has fuck-all to do with the spread of the virus.

    Sell DDT to jungle countries, and let them take care of the problem themselves.

    • Sensei

      But birds! And, of course, that may not be true, but we can’t use it because it might be.

    • Tres Cool

      “If only africa had more mosquito nets, then every year we could save millions of mosquitos from dying needlessly from AIDS.”

      -Jimmy Carr

  10. DEG

    No truth that this picture was taken in my back yard.

    It wasn’t? Fuck. Well, at least you can get Chinese SKSs now.

    About one in 20 people who get sick with dengue will develop the severe symptoms, according to the CDC.

    So we need to lock the country down right?

    Removing him from the criminal landscape could set off an internal war for control of the cartel that has a global reach — as has occurred with the arrest or killings of other kingpins — and open the door to the more violent inclinations of a younger generation of Sinaloa traffickers, experts say.

    The AP is really going out on a limb here.

    Sipping some port. I was at the gym earlier then worked in the yard. Dinner at a local bar. I think after I finish the port I’ll get a little work done inside the house.

    • Animal

      Well, at least you can get Chinese SKSs now.

      I had one. If you wanted to do someone an injury with one of those clunkers, the best way to do it would be to grab the rifle by the barrel and use it as a club.

      Then again, commies never were really into precision; they are more “accuracy by volume” adherents.

      • DEG

        I had a Yugo SKS.

        I sold it unfired.

      • Sean

        I have some really nice commie weapons.

        I don’t know what you people are talking about.

      • DEG

        When the Albanian SKSs came into the country, I thought about getting one because of the rarity as supposedly only a few hundred were imported into the US. Most were destroyed instead of being sold on the surplus market. .

        Judging by current prices and what I remember them coming in for, I was stupid not to buy one.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I had a chicom SKS back in teh 80’s. That was a solid piece of kit.

      • Fourscore

        The deer here are unaware of the Chinese quality of SkS’s and I’m not the one to tell them. The venison still tastes the same to me. Never had a problem, though the deer have.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I remember the cheap surplus imports Big 5 used to run each week. Kicking myself now.

  11. hayeksplosives

    I’m in the Zooms, but I am watching YouTube so any zoom joiners might need to bark to get my attention.

    • hayeksplosives

      …giving up and taking a nap.

      Cheers all!

  12. Sean

    I need another AK74. 😒

    • Sukkoi19

      I just built a nice original barrel Bulgy into a Post Sample. If you watch Gunbroker you can still get good deals on parts kits.

      • Sean

        I want to be friends.

      • Sukkoi19

        Heh. Well if you need one let me know I can definitely build one. Semi auto though unfortunately.

      • Sean

        I have one Bulgy dressed in plum and a WASR-2 with upgraded wood.

  13. Sean

    We had some prime rib. I’m well fed.

    • UnCivilServant

      I had Liver, Peppers, and Onion. It cost at most $4.

      • Shpip

        That’s a good meal to have before drinking because the alcohol gets confused as to which liver to attack.

      • Tres Cool

        Which liver?

        I….did not know that.

      • UnCivilServant

        The decoy doesn’t work. Cows don’t drink booze, so they don’t fool it.

      • Tres Cool

        Of course cows drink. They get…..tipsy

    • DEG

      Prime rib is delicious.

    • UnCivilServant

      That’s silly. South Koreans are bigger than North Koreans thanks to actually having food.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        That’s one slant on it.

      • Tres Cool

        I’m sure they said it was occidental.

      • R.J.

        Careful. You guys are on a slippery

      • DrOtto


  14. Sensei

    They must have checked the wrong box while the rest of us couldn’t get a GPU for our home machines.

    Another moment of mirth for Zaman was discovering that the 700 Nvidia V100s were PCIe GPUs rather than the far higher bandwidth NVLink interfaced SXM2 form factor variety. Of course, we don’t know why the 2017-era Twitter bought PCIe instead of SXM2 bus V100 GPUs for this sizable installation, and perhaps we will never know.

    Ex-Twitter dev reminisces about finding 700 unused Nvidia GPUs after takeover — forgotten cluster was ‘powered on and idle’

  15. Sensei

    So speculation for what customer has the ability to get SpaceX to modify its proven design? DoD or NASA?

    During a news briefing Thursday, SpaceX director Sarah Walker said this sense line was installed based on a customer requirement for another mission. The only difference between this component and other commonly flown sense lines is that it has two connections rather than one, she said. This may have made it a bit more susceptible to vibration, leading to a small crack.

  16. Sensei

    Can we ever reach peak NASA?

    Barring a Hail Mary pass of VIPER to another country’s space agency or a private U.S. company, the revolutionary rover will be dismembered for parts within weeks. Adding insult to injury, having already purchased VIPER’s nonrefundable ride to the lunar surface for more than $300 million, NASA intends to fly a dummy “mass simulator” in its place. To avoid more expenditures and delays, NASA has rejected the idea of sending any of the rover’s science instruments aboard.

    The rover is complete and flight ready, but not fully tested. So you could fly it with a Hail Mary and hope it works, but that still eats up some cash. Instead they are going to fly a hunk of metal for $300m.

    • UnCivilServant

      NASA hasn’t been the same since they ran out of Nazi scientists.

    • Suthenboy

      So…now we are putting rocks back onto the moon?
      This is what happens when a culture selects for incompetence. Buckle up people, we aren’t all the way there yet.

    • rhywun

      an audience member at the event chimed in that the biggest problem was economic inequality

      Uh huh, sure that happened totally unprompted. 🙄

      • Fourscore

        Some people just can’t stop digging.

        Income inequality can be remedied in one of two ways.

        Most likely is the one where the vast majority are much poorer. IOW keep on doing the same thing, overspending.

      • Gdragon

        I love that classic clip from Thatcher’s last day/speech in the House of Commons where she calls them out on exactly that.

    • slumbrew

      Tell me again why income inequality matters?

      I assume everyone who complains about it thinks that wealth is some fixed-sized pie.

  17. Aloysious

    Spud, I will have to be the one to say that of course that isn’t you in your backyard.

    We don’t see any nipple tassles.

  18. Don escaped Texas

    someone remind me where the add media button went in the new WP editor

    • Don escaped Texas

      under the plus button top left

  19. Gustave Lytton

    I guess the Ruskies like drinking Peanut liqueur. Because there’s much better value at the same price point than Beam white label.

  20. MikeS


    • Ted S.


    • Brochettaward


      • Brochettaward

        I need you on here more. So that people can fully appreciate my greatness, I need a better foil.

      • Ted S.

        I’ve got your foil for you.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean!

      • Sean

  21. Don escaped Texas

    raining: quickly hoed the weeds popping up in the beds and then ran back inside

  22. Beau Knott

    Mornin’ all! Gonna be hot & humid here today 🙁

    Wake your neighbors with this.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Beau and DonET! Lovely weather so far down here, so I’m going to enjoy it while I can (before it gets too steamy!)

  23. Trials and Trippelations

    Watched Death of Stalin yesterday. I thought it was funny. Couldn’t help but imagine the White House looking the same way over the years and especially over the past month.

    Today is the coolest morning we can expect for a long time, so the wife and I are headed out to the disc golf course (for her second round ever)