Saturday Morning More NPR Lady Links

by | Jul 20, 2024 | Daily Links | 177 comments

I keep telling myself, “Self, don’t do this. There are zero women in the available dating pool who aren’t crazy Progs.” Yet, I keep trying, possibly because of my somehow non-diminished libido. And SP is a tough act to follow, a unicorn who shat gold bricks. But I made the mistake, yet again, of dating a couple of them in the past couple weeks. First one was a retired elementary school teacher, just like Tomb Raider. She ran away screaming when she found out that I didn’t share her intense hoplophobia. The one this past week, I had more hopes for- on the dating site, she listed her politics as “Independent,” and was a hospital specialist, which (I hoped) would ground her in a sense of reality. Ten minutes into our little stroll, she said, “I have to ask you this- you’re not a supporter of Trump, are you?” My answer of, “I hate everyone in politics, including him, but I don’t find him uniquely evil in the way I find Harris,” did not seem to please her. And she actually asked me if I listened to some show on NPR that she loves. That date may have set a record for brevity. Ah well, hope springs eternal in the human testes.

Birthdays today include a woman who figured into one of my favorite songs; a guy who proved that you can be a great thinker and an utter asshole; a guy who would LOVE the dog cohort that WebDom, l0b0t, and I are dealing with; a guy who was involved in one of Herself’s more minor lies; one of the very few AGs who actually did a right and moral thing; a pretentious and artsy writer who was actually good; one more argument in favor of term limits; a woman who always made Young Man With Candy feel funny in his no-no zone; the woman who needed what Princess Grace had; a woman who proved that you can make great art with strong political messa… oh wait, it sucked; a guitarist whose technique spans the range from A to B; a guy whose erudite and incisive writing has enligh… wait, he’s a comically bad hack; and a woman who understood the whole Patriots ball-inflation scandal.

And with that, we shall see what new things I can comment on to horrify my date tomorrow.

HISTORIC! Why, we might be able to lose all 50 states!

Well, that’s one way to teach your kid not to watch Paw Patrol.

“Gee, it seems awfully warm down here…”

I took the over on Sunday as the over/under on Jill finally having her talons unclasped from her husband-corpse.

“If you think he lies a lot, hold my beer.” To be fair, this screed was probably written by the 24 year old tard who runs his twatter account.

This really is peak Leftism. It’s hard to imagine something more amoral, and it’s useful that the legacy media have taken ff their masks.

This article is a bit long-form, but highly worth the read. Saint Barack is as evil and phony as Mother Teresa, and if Hitchens were still alive… Personally, I would have liked another 1000 words on what really caused the Ukraine war, but a boy can dream…

This Old Guy Music goes out to The Big Guy. And the weekend wake-and-bake crowd.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. SDF-7

    First reaction: “Who brings up politics 10 minutes into a date?”

    Second thought: “Well… I suppose it would weed out the time wasters. Still, you’d think you might as well get some sweaty snugglebunnies out of the deal first.”

    Third thought: “He said it was brief — he never said he didn’t put her to the testes…”

    Morning, OMWC. Good luck on the dating scene — God forbid I’m ever single again, but I don’t plan to ever date again even if it happened.

    Morning to the rest of ya (and to GT — saw you say hi at the tail of the Ded Thred(tm) ).

    • Gender Traitor

      Thanks, SDF-7, and good morning OMWC! To the latter, have you considered hanging out during Happy Hour at the gun range? You might even meet some tiny little Secret Service wannabe chicks and be able to help them with their “holstering technique.” 😉

      • Old Man With Candy

        Gun range? Are you aware of what state I live in?

      • Gender Traitor

        NA seems to know where they’re hidden.

      • SDF-7

        I thought upstate was still sane. I assume you have to get a little away from your college town (as college towns always are deep blue), but you’d have a range within… range. (ugh)

      • rhywun

        Upstate is sane. My town is known as “10 square miles surrounded by reality”.

        I was thinking there’s gotta be a lot of farm ladies around him who aren’t into NPR.

      • Old Man With Candy

        I was thinking there’s gotta be a lot of farm ladies around him who aren’t into NPR.

        They’re also not into college professors.

      • Gender Traitor

        Ix-nay on the ollege-cay, play up the cafe! Or “diner,” if you prefer.

    • Old Man With Candy

      “Who brings up politics 10 minutes into a date?”

      NPR Ladies who want to quickly weed out heretics.

      Still, you’d think you might as well get some sweaty snugglebunnies out of the deal first.

      Yeah. Sigh. She was quite cute and the sweater puppies were about the size of a pair of beagles.

      • Gender Traitor

        J’accuse!! OMWC is (our) Q!
        Srsly! Have you ever seen them together IRL??

    • Drake

      I couldn’t imagine dating again either. Living in Dixie now, perhaps the pool would be different than an NY college town.

      Maybe asking my potential lady-friends to accompany me to the shooting range would weed them out really fast.

      • Gdragon

        I don’t think that “dating” is ever going to be an activity for me again, if I fall in love it’s going to have to just happen. But sometimes it does happen that way (it did the last time).

      • Evan from Evansville

        I imagine dating quite frequently. Not exactly in the best spot professionally/personally for that *now,* but I’m always a’thinkin’. Best compliment from last ex when we first met: “[Her legit shock] You’re the complete opposite of EVERYONE ELSE [she tried to date]!” <– Ignoring who it came from, it's both a huge compliment and highly revealing–not all/most of which is advantageous to me+others.

        Carmel, IN is a solid- Blue-topia surrounded by more typical, farmer/ag Indiana. Carmel, w its money and folk, is quite lovely. It really is (tho I have my own mini-complaints). I'll be fine once back on my own horse, but gotta admit I still feel a Yankee in King Arthur's Court.

    • rhywun

      I don’t plan to ever date again even if it happened.

      Yeah, I’m not dating.

      Who wants that hell again?

      • Ted S.

        Maybe you and OMWC could date each other. 😉

  2. SDF-7

    a guy who proved that you can be a great thinker and an utter asshole

    Ohhhh… I’m halfway there….

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Jon Bon Jovi?

      • SDF-7

        I must confess that was how I was hearing it in my head when I wrote it, yes.

  3. Grumbletarian

    “I have to ask you this- you’re not a supporter of Trump, are you?”

    Not a supporter, but I do find him the least detestable option given to us lately. If there’s any politician I would say I support, it’s Rand Paul. He’s still the only politician to whose campaign I donated.

    • slumbrew

      Massie, too

    • Old Man With Candy

      Paul isn’t perfect, but I’d still vote for him without hesitation. I would also add Massie to that very short list.

      • Gdragon

        I fall more in love with Massie every day. He really reminds me of the MIT classmates that I both liked and respected (and there weren’t too many that checked both of those boxes). And I think that he’s got way more personality than Rand Paul does.

    • rhywun

      After a period where I vowed never to vote again, I’m back at “I will vote against any Democrat”. It needs to be done, and it feels good.

      It also requires no research.

  4. juris imprudent

    …to horrify my date tomorrow.

    ♪♫…three strikes and you’re out,
    at the old ball game. ♫

  5. SDF-7

    HISTORIC! Why, we might be able to lose all 50 states!

    At this point I wouldn’t put it past either wing to gun strongly for the Stupid Party moniker… so I honestly wasn’t sure which “we” you meant there.

    That said — after the COVID edicts and hypocrisy, much like other Jackass governors (Hairgel, etc.) I don’t know how Whitmer survived re-election much less than anyone thinks she has national appeal outside of Pelosi’s “Glass of Water” constituency. But obviously “What the hell do I know?” is the default setting when it comes to me and national politics (or state politics, stuck in the hellhole I’m still stuck in once I drive back…).

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      What is that the Dems always say? “The Parties Switched!” Something like that?

      Sure is starting to look like it.

    • The Last American Hero

      Whitmer’s re-election tells you all you need to know. Suzie soccer mom will vote pro abortion every time. And Suzie soccer mom hates Trump and his surrogates.

      • DEG

        We have a winner

    • cavalier973

      Jonathan Hart, not Thomas, whoever *he* is.

      • rhywun

        Jonathan’s evil twin in one episode?

  6. SDF-7

    Well, that’s one way to teach your kid not to watch Paw Patrol.

    Save them for your teenagers and Heavy Metal viewing as God intended.

  7. SDF-7

    This article is a bit long-form, but highly worth the read. Saint Barack is as evil and phony as Mother Teresa

    He honestly wanted to transform America… and like Coolidge’s quote on ‘Progress’ away from the Founding — it sure looks like he managed it. So give him points for that honesty, I suppose.

    It does look interesting — off to read it, thanks.

    • rhywun

      Yeah, “fundamentally transform” should have been the warning to the nation.

      Instead, half of it eagerly accepted the challenge.

  8. Grumbletarian

    This really is peak Leftism

    WaPo: Parents care more about their ‘missing’ son in Gaza (blah blah, so maybe he’s actually a hostage of Hamas) than they do the deaths of Palestinians as reported by Hamas, boo hoo, so evil!

    Gosh, it’s almost as if there’s a war on or something.

    • Ted S.

      Now do this sort of hit piece on the people using being related to a hostage to try to bring down the Netanyahu government.

    • rhywun

      I’m still somewhat taken aback at the ferocity with which the professional Left has chosen to support Hamas. I suppose I shouldn’t be but dayum it’s eye-opening.

  9. Chipping Pioneer

    President Biden, a beloved patriarch of the party whom Democrats have for years called “Uncle Joe.”

    Well, they’ve been calling him Creepy Uncle Joe…

    • R C Dean

      You know who else was called Uncle Joe?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Bob Segers uncle?

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Uncle Joey from full house?

  10. Chipping Pioneer

    “We’re a divided nation, but even worse, we’re a divided party.”

    It’s good to have priorities.

  11. Ted S.

    a guy who proved that you can be a great thinker and an utter asshole

    Happy birthday Ayn Rand!

    • PieInTheSky

      roads are bad as they co2 or something

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      “PennDOT would need a special use permit from the National Park Service.

      On top of all that, native tribes would also have to consent to the work.

      “This turned into an unbelievable bureaucratic snafu,” Cartwright said.”

      Yeah, this isn’t surprising. I’ve been involved in stuff like this and it’s as horrible, slow and as wasteful as you’d think.

  12. rhywun

    Harris would need a running mate. And the Democrats have a decent bench.

    *slaps knee*

    Oh, he’s serious?

    • Chipping Pioneer

      I’m wondering if, even in his decrepit state, Biden still fares better against Trump than anyone else they’ve got.

      I know they claim to have polling that shows Harris competitive with Trump, but I just can’t see that.

      • juris imprudent

        The woman who’s campaign had so little momentum she couldn’t even hold out to get delegates from her home state? How could anyone think she hasn’t captured the imagination and adoration of Democrats everywhere?

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Well, there’s something significant about the passage of time.

      • rhywun

        The woman who’s campaign had so little momentum she couldn’t even hold out to get delegates from her home state?

        Well, she wouldn’t be running against other Democrats this time. She’d be running against Trump, which is worth about forty points right off the bat.

      • Homple

        “How could anyone think she hasn’t captured the imagination and adoration of Democrats everywhere?

        She needs only capture the hearts of the vote counters in several counties in large blue cities, plus set aflutter a few bytes in vote tallying machines.

      • The Last American Hero

        Homple understands how elections work.

  13. rhywun

    On one side, there’s President Biden, a beloved patriarch of the party whom Democrats have for years called “Uncle Joe.” He has built a coalition of progressive, Black and Hispanic voters and lawmakers.

    *taps the fuck out*

    JFC these people are delusional. All they have is racism and abortion.

    • Sensei

      And guns. Banning them will eliminate murder.

      • SDF-7

        Of course! Because no one was ever physically harmed before the invention of the flintlock, doncha know?

        And the UK is certainly not suffering any sort of violence by other means… oh golly no….

        (My sarcastic side for some reason is channeling a full “hot dish” Minnesota persona this morning…)

      • juris imprudent

        That’s not very nice there SDF-7.

    • PieInTheSky

      well they are not delusional as it works for them plenty

  14. SDF-7

    I played 07/20:
    *20/20 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 12% by accuracy

    I played 07/20:
    *51/51 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 481

    • Sean

      I played 07/20:
      *20/20 words (+3 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 13% by bonus words

      I played 07/20:
      *51/51 words (+11 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 6% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 380

  15. rhywun

    Saint Barack is as evil and phony as Mother Teresa

    I don’t need convincing on that front but digs in anyway.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    On one side, there’s President Biden, a beloved patriarch of the party whom Democrats have for years called “Uncle Joe.”


    *jumps in*

  17. PieInTheSky

    non-diminished libido – no college girls who want a head start on paying their student loans around?

    • juris imprudent

      He’s at a college in upstate NY, not Florida or Arizona.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        There’s still some lookers. Over you peel off the several layers required to stay warm and can determine if they’re hot or not.

    • slumbrew

      Pffft, Uncle Joe will just forgive those loans.

    • Tundra

      Thank you. What a wonderful essay.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Michelin? I am so tired of them.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    If anything served as a unifying factor on Friday, it was Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention.

    “We just have to get our s— together because damn it, we can beat this guy,” the strategist said.

    By hook or by crook.

    • Sean

      “By hook or by Crooks.”

      fixed it.

    • Grumbletarian

      Pretty sure it wasn’t the Republicans who formed the By Any Means Necessary group.

  19. PieInTheSky

    When in Rome, do as the Romans do, says an old saying. And when you want to live in the United Kingdom, respect the rules of the United Kingdom, would be the modern application after the monstrous scandal caused by a group of Romanian citizens (ethnicity doesn’t matter) in Leeds, where they attacked the police, overturned a police car, and seem to have been involved in setting a bus on fire.

    see most Romanians would strongly disagree that ethnicity doesn’t matter

    • Ted S.

      I thought they were Roma, not Romanians.

      • PieInTheSky

        yes they were but officially Romanian citizens and several news items did not mention the ethnicity and other say it does not matter.

    • juris imprudent

      The scandal being that none of that involved a soccer match?

  20. Tonio

    Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee died yesterday. Quite possibly the stupidest congresscritter of my lifetime.

    • slumbrew

      *Hank Johnson has entered the chat*

    • Sean

      I’ll allow in the top 5, but it is certainly a competitive field.

    • DrOtto

      Name the stupidest thing she’s done, I’ll start – she suggested we need to give hurricanes more diverse sounding names as they were previously too white sounding.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        I’m not against it.

        When hurricane Shaniqua takes off her earrings you KNOW it’s bout to be time to be evacuatin’.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      *Maxine Waters has entered the chat*

    • Old Man With Candy

      Wouldn’t it be nice IF THERE WERE A LINK ABOUT THIS?

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        He’s got Shrumz(sp?) falling out his ass…

    • The Last American Hero

      Was she the one that wore the little kids cowboy hat?

  21. PieInTheSky

    Drag queens feel the pinch of rising costs

    To make it as a drag queen, you’ll need charisma, uniqueness, nerve and – increasingly – thousands of pounds.

    As queens return to battle it out in a new season of Canada vs The World, one former queen of the Mother Tucking World, Tia Kofi, says drag is getting “very expensive” for performers.

    Tia was recently crowned after winning Ru Paul’s Drag Race UK vs The World but has long been a fan favourite after coming seventh on Drag Race UK’s second series in 2021.

    Back then, she was branded “baroness basic” for her fashion choices but finding bold looks for runways and TV screens can come at a high price, Tia, real name Lawrence Bolton, tells BBC Newsbeat.

    For her first season, “I did not have the budget available to buy extravagant outfits,” she says.

    “I was doing drag full time. I had to pay for rent and living costs in London on that kind of budget.”

    When she returned for the spin-off in March, gone were the days of strutting the runway in an “adequate dress, made of material” in her first season.

    Tia was prepared to impress RuPaul and save herself from elimination – even if she didn’t save much money in the process.

    She returned with a fashion glow up, something she previously admitted to the Useless Hotline podcast she spent “too much money” – more than £20,000 – to achieve.

    • rhywun

      LOL @ the comments

    • creech

      Can’t one be in a minstrel show for the cost of a mere can of shoe polish? (As long as we are mocking out groups.)

  22. Common Tater

    “This article is a bit long-form,”

    Short for Tablet. Anyway, this seems a bit of a stretch:

    “In 2015 the Obama White House struck an agreement with the Islamic Republic, legalizing its nuclear weapons program and thereby legitimizing the tactics it employs to accomplish its strategic goals—political violence, i.e., terrorism. The Iran nuclear deal was the instrument with which Obama normalized political violence.”

  23. Gdragon

    Hey guys, guess who has two thumbs and wants to starve schoolkids to death just because he’s read Hazlitt and Bastiat? LOL, why do I ever try to discuss these things with others and believe that they will understand?

    • slumbrew

      “Why are you so mean!?”

    • R C Dean

      I know. They just can’t grasp that there’s no reason to starve school kids to death, especially with the current orphan shortage.

      • Gdragon

        I joked that you can pave more public ROADZ!!1!1!!!! if you use well-fed kids and heard the word “monster” LOL

    • juris imprudent

      You can’t have an intelligent discussion with someone who utterly lacks intelligence.

      • Gdragon

        That’s the saddest part, I don’t really think that these people are unintelligent. They just seem to be willfully ignorant. I may have to reconsider that though.

  24. PieInTheSky

    Ever since the Tories rushed through their ban on puberty blockers, we’ve been flooded with emails from worried parents. One mother asked us to share her fears.

    Our daughter has no recollection of living as male, as this has not reflected her lived reality for the last 10 years, since age four. – four year olds dude

    As professionals, practicing in social work and emergency medicine, we are well-versed in informed decision-making and risk management, and we have always been careful, curious, open-minded and questioning in our approach to parenting a trans child. – ah, the plot thins

    • rhywun


      • Ted S.

        In the middle of our street?

    • R C Dean

      “As professionals, practicing in social work and emergency medicine, we are well-versed in informed decision-making and risk management”

      *shakes head, swipes left*

    • Ted S.

      This shit will only stop when one of the kids being transitioned against his/her will kills his mother.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      So when can they get put in jail?

    • Old Man With Candy

      The one thing I’ve learned in the past two years is that it’s remarkably easy to get laid if all you want to do is get laid.

      • Evan from Evansville

        I am unaware of this ‘Reality’ you seem to inhabit. Laid-OFF I get, laid-upon as well. I’m not so much let *down,* as I’m not really actively on the prowl. Unflapped, I won’t let up as social desires knock thunderously hard-on my tumescent door.

        Good things to those who wait. Also fun: My Silver-Fox phase will be glorious, when/if/as it further develops.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Who speaks for the monolithic culture of India?

    Some South Asian Americans have already accused the Republican Party and media outlets of using Usha Vance’s profile to foster a model minority narrative about all Indians when there are many policies that also hurt their community.

    At the same time, there have also been reported instances of racism, with some even mocking the names of the Vances’ children.

    Deepa Iyer, an Indian American activist and writer, said most of the Indian community rejects policies that are anti-immigrant, racist and homophobic. She called the representation at the RNC “fake” and not representative of the Indian community.

    “We need people of color and immigrants who are going to uplift policies that are going to be inclusive and equitable,” Iyer said. “Rather than policies and platforms that are going to divide and polarize people. So, the representation does not mean anything for communities that are going to be affected by these really polarizing policies.”

    A 2023 Pew Research Center study showed that, overall about 62% of Asian American voters identify as Democrats or lean toward the Democratic Party and 34% are Republican. When broken down by demographic, the study showed that 68% of Indian Americans identify as Democrats and 29% as Republicans.

    That traitorous bitch. How dare she marry a Republican?

    • rhywun

      AP found a commie to speak for all of them. I am shocked.

      • DrOtto

        I has a confuse – in the last 2 days I’ve read 2 articles by 2 different authors that both quote the same people and suggest JD Vance is going to be soft on immigration because of his wife. Which is it already?

      • DrOtto

        This wasn’t supposed to be a reply to rhywun…

    • PieInTheSky

      Deepa Iyer, an Indian American activist and writer, said most of the Indian community rejects policies that are anti-immigrant, racist and homophobic – ah the official spokesperson for the Indian community (dot not feather)

      “We need people of color and immigrants who are going to uplift policies that are going to be inclusive and equitable,” – i am not sure what this is supposed to mean

      • R C Dean

        Pretty sure it means “vote for the commie, or else”.

      • trshmnstr

        To be fair, I’ve found the Indians I’ve interacted with to be some of the most sex segregated political groups I’ve ever encountered. The women tend to be a caricature of the AWFL. The men tend to be center right.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        “I’ve found the Indians I’ve interacted with to be some of the most sex segregated”

        Yeah, the men drink in one room and the women talk in the other. Oh, that’s not what you meant.

        “the Indian community rejects policies that are anti-immigrant, racist and homophobic.”

        That’s painting with a broad brush, and isn’t at all tied to party preference.

  26. Common Tater

    “The prospect that Crooks may have been depressed and taking anti-depressants has reignited a debate in the medical world: do those drugs, in fact, play a role in creating homicidal tendencies?”

    No idea, but the world seems crazier since SSRI’s were invented.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      ‘The prospect that Crooks may have been depressed and taking anti-depressants’

      I wouldn’t believe he wasn’t given his background.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Iyer said there is a lot of dissonance between Indian Americans appearing on the RNC stage and what’s at the core of the party’s ideology. She said the speakers are highlighting their immigrant backgrounds but that anti-immigrant rhetoric is still strong within the party.

    “The piece that is important to remember is that these anti-immigration policies actually affect a lot of people in the Indian community, including families that people like Usha Vance and others are a part of,” Iyer said. “It sort of feels like the children of Indian immigrants on that main stage believe that these policies wouldn’t apply to them.”

    How can we unify the country with all these people running around thinking for themselves?

    • Homple

      So, are they Indian or are they American? I’d send them back to India until they proved the lost the hyphen.

    • Gdragon

      If that doesn’t work maybe try it next with the second-best friend.

      I love that the response is “No, just buy my product instead!” LOL

  28. The Late P Brooks

    “Being Hindu, there are a lot of similar values and beliefs of the Republican Party that don’t have to do with religion,” Pandya-Patel said. “I think that people are really starting to wake up a little more and see the Republican Party bring us together.”

    Thugs of a feather stick together.

    • R C Dean

      Dot, no feather, bro.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Dot, not feather

    • Q Continuum


      I got it!

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Thugee smalls.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      ‘thugs ‘

      Nice job dotting your i’s

      Both groups like swastikas too. (If you believe the MSM)

    • juris imprudent

      “Bu, but, but, I’m the daughter of someone of absolutely no importance at all!!!”

    • KSuellington

      At least that rag is being honest about what she is demanding. I’ve seen that story in two other places that put it as she is fighting against mask bans. She wants people to be forced to wear masks in medical settings.

      • Gdragon

        Right? I noticed that as well since the article quotes The Daily Mail. Who would interpret her stance as “opposing mask bans” other than a deliberate liar?

    • Gender Traitor

      I’d like to view it, but what the heck does this mean??

      To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    That’s the saddest part, I don’t really think that these people are unintelligent. They just seem to be willfully ignorant. I may have to reconsider that though.

    I don’t think many people have the intellectual horsepower to pull themselves out of the bog of indoctrination.

    • PieInTheSky

      many people can be good in a specific job but apply zero reason to politics. No point in having a well equipped kitchen if you don’t cook.

    • juris imprudent

      out of the bog of indoctrination


    • Gdragon

      This is probably very accurate but I do suspect it’s a “won’t” thing as much as it is a “can’t” thing. If one starts really thinking about these things it might blow their entire worldview apart and upset their happy life. It’s much easier to turn a blind eye, remain in the muck and focus on something else instead.

  30. The Bearded Hobbit

    Constant server errors. Let’s see if this gets thru

    • PieInTheSky

      it did not.

  31. KSuellington

    I’ve been predicting for a few weeks that we are going to see a Kamalamadingdong candidacy. They may give it the appearance of a non coronation by an “open” primary, but it’s gonna be her at the top and another woman as VP. They are about to go Woman Power and hammer the abortion issue relentlessly and be the historicist ticket in history. The elite legacy media is about to give her the propaganda treatment that will make how they propped up Joe look impartial. And despite what polls currently say, it’s going to be close. I think Trump still pulls it off, but it will be closer than a race against Joe.

    • R C Dean

      Harris/Whitmer? I could see that. I don’t know if the DemOp Media’s reach is still enough to drag them over the finish line, though. And if there is cheating on the scale of 2020, I think the reaction is going to be much worse this time – too many people are primed for it in a way they weren’t in 2020.

    • KSuellington

      That’s kinda awesome.

      • KSuellington

        Dammit, that was supposed to be a reply to Dr Otto’s comment about Shiela Jackson Lee’s, “hurricane names are too white” comment.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I think the abortion gambit would work for them, if the economy was good. But, as even the most gaping asshole said “Its the economy, stupid!”

      • DrOtto

        I just had the talking heads telling me again Brandon’s economy is great and was terrible under Trump. Who to believe?

  32. The Late P Brooks

    she listed her politics as “Independent,”

    You know, the sort of staunchly open minded thinks-for-herself gal who would rather be boiled in oil than vote for a Republikkkan.

  33. The Late P Brooks


    A sleepy repeat election between two polarizing candidates has turned into quite a rollercoaster. So far, in the last week, there was what authorities deemed an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, and an apparently mounting pressure campaign to get President Joe Biden to leave the race following his disastrous debate performance on June 27 (which may or may not be working, depending on your sources). All this was backdropped by the Republican National Convention, held this year in Milwaukee, a buoyant affair for a GOP bolstered by increasingly strong presidential polling numbers, chaos in the opposing party, and the seemingly heroic survival of their candidate. The speeches, pundits, and enthusiasm in the convention hall made it clear that everyone felt confident they had this election on lock. With reports growing that some elected Democrats have privately resigned themselves to a second Trump term — and others publicly expressing their concerns — the sense of inevitability has increased.

    It could have been anything, really. We’ll likely never know.

    • rhywun

      the sense of inevitability has increased

      When you’ve lost Teen Vogue….

    • Common Tater

      Are there any teenage girls that read Teen Vogue?

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Trump’s speech had the air of your racist uncle who’s had one too many drinks at Thanksgiving, as boring and meandering as it was divisive and frightening. He and the other speakers at the convention, including VP pick JD Vance, spent a lot of time painting an image of a dark, war-torn nation in need of saving, with little plan for improvement beyond mass deportation and bold claims about bringing down inflation with few concrete details. Trump’s America is still all about Trump, but with less zing and far fewer rights for immigrants, women and LGBTQ+ people. Things have felt a bit hopeless for Democrats since the debate, but with more focus on the Biden administration’s accomplishments and the Democrats’ future plans — particularly if Biden steps down and endorses, say, Vice President Kamala Harris in his stead — the Democrats may still have a real chance at beating Trump, who is an even more diminished version of the man who lost the popular vote in 2016 and the Electoral College just four years ago. The inevitable is anything but.

    Trump’s just a crazy old coot, meandering about a bleak and frightening future. Not at all like the other candidate.

    • rhywun

      Someone is letting AI write their stories.

    • Ted S.

      As opposed to Team Blue, who insist that America will be a dystopic dictatorship if their candidate loses.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      ‘as boring and meandering as it was divisive and frightening. ‘

      But enough about Biden.

  35. DEG

    Harris, 59, has the résumé – a former California attorney general, service in the U.S. Senate and four years as an understudy for the most powerful position on the planet. Biden, in a July 11 news conference, called Harris “qualified to be president.”

    A harbinger of Steve Forbes being proven right?

    Full disclosure: I have a bet that it will be Newsom.

    • Q Continuum

      I think it’s got to be Harris; given their base’s religious zealotry they simply can’t, IMO, pass over a melanin-enriched vagina person for a pale penis person, especially a pale penis person who likes to put his penis in vaginas.

      • trshmnstr

        IMO, the DNC elites know she has a problem in the general election. They also know that the intersectionals aren’t staying home on election day if TRUMPALOOOOO is the opponent.

        OTOH, the DNC has been all in on the Feminists and Queers bloc of late. It’s quite possible that their highest ranks have been compromised by true believers.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      “four years as an understudy for the most powerful position on the planet”

      Understudy to a comatose patient. Amazing experience I’m sure. Her resume of blowing is impeccable.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Rambling vitriol- not the sole province of conservatives

    But there are other indices of “precarious manhood” that don’t relate to sexual potency—most importantly, I think, the increasing disappearance of jobs requiring work with one’s hands in construction, transportation, and manufacturing that were sufficiently remunerative and steady that they could support a family. As such work became more mechanized and as unionization declined, such jobs became scarce. In the late 1980s, the great sociologist William Julius Wilson documented the decline of such jobs among Black men, and the corresponding rise of children raised by single mothers due to the disappearance of what he termed “marriageable men.” Since then, that decline has spread to the white working class as well, leading to the significant reduction in the rate of working-class marriages documented by Andrew Cherlin in his important study Labor’s Love Lost.

    Democrats and Republicans have both responded to these changes, but in crucially different ways. The idea of reviving American manufacturing is common to both parties, with the signal difference that in the Trump presidency, it took the form of talk and in the Biden presidency, it took the form of action. For all of Trump’s blather about getting America to build again, he never got an infrastructure bill through Congress even when Republicans controlled both houses. The investments he proposed were so piddling that the legislation never even took shape. By contrast, two of Biden’s signature achievements—the infrastructure bill and the Inflation Reduction Act (which chiefly consisted of billions in tax credits for new factories making electric vehicles and other green products)—have led to the first major increase in factory construction in several decades. In 2023, spending on building new factories increased by 73 percent over spending the previous year. Moreover, the Biden administration has favored projects that pay their workers union-scale wages or commit to not opposing workers’ efforts to unionize—conditions that never even crossed the minds of officials in Trump’s administration, much less Trump himself.

    That’s all the more reason why the MAGA movement is so reliant on the cult of toughness and hypermasculinity: Delivering nothing that’s tangible, it compensates with violent rhetoric. That’s a task that’s made easy, as violent rhetoric is Trump’s mother tongue. The plan was for him to keep that under wraps last night, to stick to the denunciation of divisive politics and the pledge to seek unity that was inscribed on the teleprompter. Trump hewed to that for the first 20 minutes, but he couldn’t sustain it. Boys will be boys and Trump will be Trump—a malevolent deranged geezer for all to see.

    Remember, boys and girls, there is no social ill which cannot be cured with massive doses of government money and intervention.

    Also, masculinity is poisonous.

    • Q Continuum

      Won’t someone rid us of these meddlesome penis poors?

      • Common Tater

        “In the late 1980s, the great sociologist William Julius Wilson documented the decline of such jobs among Black men, and the corresponding rise of children raised by single mothers due to the disappearance of what he termed “marriageable men.””

        Government had nothing to do with that.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      “Boys will be boys and Trump will be Trump—a malevolent deranged geezer for all to see.”

      Good thing we toned down the rhetoric following that assassination attempt. Things could really get out of hand otherwise.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    I think it’s got to be Harris; given their base’s religious zealotry they simply can’t, IMO, pass over a melanin-enriched vagina person for a pale penis person, especially a pale penis person who likes to put his penis in vaginas.

    That’s all well and good, but I think it has more to do with getting easy access to the giant pot of money. Harris already has it.

  38. Suthenboy

    OMWC. Men do not join book clubs to read books. Also, they dont go to Republican gatherings because they are Republicans.
    Good Lord man, you are bound to be at least a few minutes older than I am, you should know this stuff. Fish where the fishin’ is good.

  39. Suthenboy

    Historic. They always use that term. You know who else was historic?

    • creech

      Athitler the Hun?

  40. Common Tater

    “Trans Muslim Antifa militant named ‘person-of-interest’ in shooting death of Phoenix man

    A Phoenix trans Antifa member with a history of extremism is the person of interest in the shooting death of a Latino father following a Palestine direct action.

    A trans-identifying male Muslim Antifa militant with a history of violence is under investigation for the murder of a 51-year-old Arizona man that occurred on the July 4 holiday.

    Sumayyah Dawud, a trans-identifying male born as Eric Austin, and previously known as Britney Erica Austin, has been identified as the alleged person of interest in the shooting death of Phoenix man, Paul Franco. Local media and police have referred to Austin as an unnamed “woman.””

    Not trans, and probably not Muslim.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    I just had the talking heads telling me again Brandon’s economy is great and was terrible under Trump. Who to believe?

    Buck up, Eeyore. America has never been a better happier place to be.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    You know who else was historic?

    That Toynbee guy?

  43. Common Tater

    “Conservative New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu on Friday signed several bills that will affect transgender youth in his home state, including bans on transgender girls competing in girls’ sports, and a ban on transgender surgeries for minors.

    The governor also approved a bill that requires schools to give parents a two-week warning before they teach on LGBTQ topics, and allows parents to take their children out of those classrooms.

    Sununu vetoed a bill (House Bill 396) that would roll back some of the protections he approved in 2018 to prevent discrimination against LGBT people in bathrooms, locker rooms, and other facilities like jails and prisons, according to the New Hampshire Bulletin.

    “The challenge with HB 396 is that in some cases it seeks to solve problems that have not presented themselves in New Hampshire, and in doing so invites unnecessary discord,” Sununu wrote in a statement. ”

    There is a big difference between bathrooms and prisons.

  44. Suthenboy

    Good grief. At this point the best bet the Dems have is to run The Black Knight.