The Hat and The Hat: Episode 201

by | Jul 31, 2024 | Hat and Hair | 163 comments

“You have to wear the hat, Vance,” Donald insisted.

“It doesn’t fit my head,” J. D. said.

“He doesn’t want to wear the hat?” the hair asked. “This is bullshit. I have to wear the hat. You jam that damn thing on top of me all the time.”

“Don’t put me on him,” VEEP hat said. “His head is huge! I might prolapse!”

“There is no VEEP hat!” the hat said. “I am the only hat! I am the only hat!”

“What about USA hat?” the hair asked.

“Fake news,” the hat said. “Never existed.”

“He was in numerous episodes.”

“Fake news.”

“He had a graphic, a banner!”

“Fake news,” the hat grated.

“Can I go?” J. D. asked.

“You have to wear the hat,” Donald insisted after a long pause.

J. D. was sweating in the Southern White House, the terracotta tiles of the Ovalish Office wet with condensation. He had been watching Donald mutter to himself for nearly an hour.

“It’s our brand,” Donald said. “It’s how we know we are all on the same team.”

“He doesn’t deserve a hat. Father,” Barron said. “He is not of the body.”

“He could be,” Donald said. “If he would put on the hat.”

“I don’t like hats!” J. D. said as Donald lunged at with the new MAGA hat.

“That’s not me!’ the hat said. “Don’t put it on! It’s evil! Pure evil!”

The hair Kamala Kackled.

“Father, I should be your Vice President,” Barron said. “I could pick this one up with the muscles that are attached to my bones.”

“I am the only one that can deliver the hillbilly vote!” J. D. said, dropping into a defensive crouch.

“Hillbillies hate him, Father,” Barron said. “He married a brown.”

“What kind of brown?” Donald asked.

“My wife is from India,” J. D. said. “Her name is Usha.”

“That’s not an American name!” the hat crowed.

“Neither is Melania,” Donald said.

“Mother? Mother is here?” Barron asked, straightening to his full and terrifying height.

J. D. paled as the subsonic roars of the alligators in the moat shook his organs.

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. Yusef drives a Kia

    ” neither Is Melania”

    • R C Dean

      Kinda odd how the guys who married immigrants are anti-immigrant, no?

      • juris imprudent

        Anti-immigrant? Or anti-illegal-immigrant?

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Still a few kinks to be worked out.

    • Bobarian LMD

      There are a whole lot of kinks getting worked out here. BDSM, Copraphilia, Cuckolding, Role playing, and probably some Sounding.

  3. Sean


    • bacon-magic

      Yep, weird.

  4. Tonio

    He had been watching Donald mutter to himself for nearly an hour.

    I was wondering how Sug would handle Vance.

    “He doesn’t deserve a hat. Father,” Barron said. “He is not of the body.”

    Masterfully done. I love how Barron’s character is developing.

    • Nephilium

      I was almost expecting Vance to be invisible, but always wearing a suit.

      • Gender Traitor

        That was Garry Trudeau’s shtik. SF is above that.

  5. cyto

    I put the Olympics on during lunch. 3 Kamala commercials in 20 minutes. Abortion is freedom American values is the theme.

    Well produced.

    I have to wonder how they got that slot. There have been very few national political ads up until now.

    Good ad. First paid punch is on abortion. Interesting choice.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Yt has them everywhere.
      Join together
      Right to choose
      Om bad

      • Suthenboy

        You tube is all in on the one-party state.

      • EvilSheldon

        You can see ads on YouTube?

    • Sensei

      Yes, as Yusef noted. YouTube is stuffed with them.

      I just spent $2 for some questionable app that you can input YouTube links into that will bypass the ads on my iPad. I couldn’t take another Kamal ad.

      For my phone and those on Android I can’t recommend ReVanced enough.

      • Raven Nation

        Kind of tells you why Biden got booted. Clooney said it out loud, but I bet there were a lot of other donors saying the same thing.

      • slumbrew

        I can’t watch that again.

        Pure cringe.

      • Nephilium

        She ain’t in no way tarded.

      • kinnath

        I think so little of you that I am going to badly fake your accent while grinning from ear to ear.

      • Tundra

        My favorite is still when she tries to be street.

      • Suthenboy

        Worse than the ad is picturing her staring at herself in the mirror hour after hour practicing her facial expressions, body language and different accents. I imagine that particular mirror is thinking “Oh God, why me? Be merciful and shatter me!”

      • The Other Kevin

        I think Tundra is thinking about that video where she’s like “Girl I’m out on the streets”. She’s from the Caribbean, not from the hood.

      • The Other Kevin

        Does this turn people off? Or do they just think they are all phony and it’s to be expected?

      • Suthenboy

        It’s the ‘all phoney and to be expected’ part that turns me off. Other people are mostly a mystery to me.

      • R C Dean

        “I am going to badly fake your accent while grinning from ear to ear”

        Her hyena smile.

      • bacon-magic

        I bet she wants cake.

  6. Gender Traitor

    I eagerly await the illustration of VEEP hat, and, I hope, its incorporation into the animated H&H, complete with appropriate Middletownucky drawl.

  7. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    There is no hat but The Hat and Donald is his prophet.

  8. EvilSheldon

    “What about USA hat?” the hair asked.

    “Fake news,” the hat said. “Never existed.”

    “He was in numerous episodes.”

    “Fake news.”

    “He had a graphic, a banner!”

    Not so much breaking the fourth wall, as strangling it, cutting up the body, and burying it in several different garbage dumpsters around town…

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      And everyone says they hate PostModernism.

    • DrOtto

      Walls don’t work.

  9. Not Adahn

    Is there a link to the VEEP hat? I’ve come to expect these episodes to be ripped from the headlines.

  10. Tundra

    J. D. paled as the subsonic roars of the alligators in the moat shook his organs.

    I don’t blame him. Those dinosaurs are creepy as hell.

    • kinnath

      Still singing that glorious song?

      • Tundra

        No, thank God.

        Motley Crue killed it ded.

      • kinnath

        Good to hear.

        I’d apologize, but I’m not actually sorry.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        In my old age, I have found Sixx A.M. to be vastly superior to Motley Crue. Chafed hardest hit.

      • Tundra

        I use the Crue to kill ear worms.

  11. The Late P Brooks


    These are challenging times for automakers. Competition has never been so fierce, fueled by the rise of Chinese car manufacturers who have a head start in the EV race. Add increasingly stricter emissions regulations, and you get the perfect storm. To cope with all the hurdles ahead, some of the biggest names in the industry are joining forces. The recently formed Honda-Nissan alliance could welcome a third player: Mitsubishi.

    Nikkei Asia reports that Mitsubishi allegedly wants to join the existing deal between Honda and Nissan. Per the initial agreement announced in mid-March, the collaboration focuses on “automotive software platforms, core components related to EVs, and complementary products.” Seeing this third Japanese brand join the alliance would make sense, considering Nissan has a 34 percent stake in Mitsubishi.


    The three companies working together would reduce R&D costs and speed up development, better fending off Chinese competition. However, final details about the alliance haven’t been disclosed. It’s worth noting that Nissan and Mitsubishi have been working together with Renault since 1999.

    Game over.

    • rhywun

      Such agreements are the piles of cash we light on fire together.

      • Sensei

        This kind of stuff is much more common with Japanese companies. It’s been done this way for something like a 100 years.

        For example in the days of VHS Matsushita (aka Panasonic) made something like 90% of the tape transports. Didn’t matter if it was a Sony VHS (not Beta), JVC, Panasonic or Teac, they were going to have the transport mechanism from this JV in it.

    • Gustave Lytton

      the rise of Chinese car manufacturers who have a head start in the EV race


      • Sensei

        The western and Japanese manufacturers all put their fingers in their ears when the government push to EVs occurred.

        China saw an opportunity to enter the market and develop the technology. They didn’t need to comply with western safety standards so from a weight, flammability and tech standpoint they could beta test locally.

        As a result the CCP threw them gobs of cash. Tesla and BYD are technology leaders in the space. Here in the US Rivian and Lucid as comparable but small competitors. Meanwhile, VW and GM can’t code their way out a wet paper bag. It’s why VW threw Rivian a $5bn investment. Essentially access to their code base and electronic component architecture.

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s the part of the head start bit. GM has been playing around with EVs for 30+ years. Incompetently fucking it up and failing to capitalize, but they’ve still been in that “race” longer than the Chicom manufacturers.

      • Gustave Lytton

        BYD = Bring Your own Death?

    • Drake

      We still have a car from the now defunct Nissan-Mercedes alliance. This is like trying to keep track of who’s taking who to the senior prom.

      • Swiss Servator

        “This is like trying to keep track of who’s taking who to the senior prom.”

        Top notch, that is!

      • DrOtto

        My Mercedes platformed Dodge Magnum waves “hi”.

      • Bobarian LMD

        The current Dodge Charger is still basically a Daimler design.

      • R C Dean

        We had a Magnum. Great highway car. Too bad the electrical was all fucked up and Dodge dealers couldn’t be arsed to fix it. The air conditioner basically borked, among other things – the center of the dash would get really hot if you tried to run it. Three different dealers didn’t do shit. We would up selling it in January, so nobody would try to run the airco before they bought it.

    • R C Dean

      “Competition has never been so fierce, fueled by the rise of Chinese car manufacturers who have a head start in the EV race.”

      Yeah, those Chinese EV companies are going to gobble single digits of a niche market. DOOM!

      “ Add increasingly stricter emissions regulations, and you get the perfect storm.”

      So car makers are getting hammered flat by government fiat, you say?

  12. Gustave Lytton

    “Father, I should be your Vice President,” Barron said.

    *sigh* Even the rich kids’ civics education is crap.

  13. PieInTheSky

    RT20: Croatia’s Insane Kludged 20mm Anti-Materiel Rifle

    honest question: given the chance would you try to shoot this at a range?

    • Nephilium

      Well, reading RT20 just makes me think of Route 20.

      • The Other Kevin

        I’m just a bit south of it too.

      • PieInTheSky

        it looks long I assume many people live near you are not special

      • Nephilium


        It just goes the width of the US. Right through Cleveland at one point, you should just come over and drive it.

      • PieInTheSky

        I don’t like to drive on vacation and you people have no good trains

    • Gustave Lytton

      Ian fired/tried to fire a Cobray Terminator. He didn’t take this one outside.

      • PieInTheSky

        Ian looks weak like a girly man

      • Not Adahn

        He did fire some sort of autoloading cannon though. Inkuzi maybe? South African.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Not for nothing, but I don’t think I’d want to shoot this in a non-real world required situation.

        Probably have to set your shoulder back into the socket after every round.

      • Not Adahn

        I want to calculate the power factor of a 20mm grenade going at 1000fps.

    • EvilSheldon

      I’ll shoot anything that someone else is paying for, but I don’t have any real interest in this one. The logistics of ownership are just too complicated, even discounting that there aren’t any on the transferable market.

      I’d love to have an old-school M79 though…

      • slumbrew

        Milkor MGL, please

  14. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    Yeah, so nature sounds. Sounds of Georgia by Steve Hulse. I’m so happy this is available digitally now. My critique group friend’s son made this back in the early 90s and she was selling the CD. I like soundscapes so I bought it.

    • Pine_Tree

      Wonder if includes the sound a gnat makes when it’s up in your ear?

      • PieInTheSky

        what is gnat ?

      • Pine_Tree

        Just messing with you. Does it tell you where and when each soundscape was recorded?

      • Nephilium


        Gnats are tiny small flying bugs that usually are in a cloud like swarm. The size of a fruit fly or smaller, they have a tendency to go towards moisture and crevices (such as eyes, mouths, noses, and ears).

      • PieInTheSky

        muscăresc is not a word in Romanian.

      • Tundra

        Or the nasty little variant, the no-see-um. Bloodsuckers, so that will appeal to you.

        DEET, baby, DEET.

      • PieInTheSky

        also I can google gnat my comment was a joke

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        Does it tell you where and when each soundscape was recorded?

        Yes. The track list is thus:

        Alcovy River Greenway
        Brasstown Bald
        Chattachoochee River
        Chattooga River
        Harris Neck
        Okefenokee Swamp
        Tybee Island

        Fun fact: Chattooga River was where Deliverance was filmed.

      • Pine_Tree

        When one grows up South of the gnat line in S. Georgia, they’re an integral part of one’s formative years, but not really in a good way. You just learn to live with them. To build on Neph’s explanation about them looking for moisture, etc. – a normal boy ends up with scabby elbows and knees of course, and in gnat territory your scabs often will have gnats embedded in them, just like flies in Baltic amber, though less permanent.

        They don’t hurt anything – just annoying until you learn to blow them away from your face or ignore them.

      • PieInTheSky

        a normal boy ends up with scabby elbows and knees of course – that sounds like bad parenting. a boy should spend time on the computer

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        I believe they’re also called midges.

        A collective of gnats is called a “ghost” of gnats.

      • Pine_Tree

        And since I feel bad about derailing Moj’s soundscape thing with the gnat thing, a Georgia sounds comment: A whole lot of times, Georgia (like many places) doesn’t sound like anything. One remarkable exception, that depends on WHEN you listen, is that a swamp or regular farm pond, at night in the summer, can be so loud as to prevent normal conversation. I’ve never been clear on whether it was frogs or crickets or both, but whatever it is it’s positively ringing.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Inhaling an entire cloud of gnats while riding your bike is something that I experienced a lot more times than I cared to as a wee lad.

        Coughing up bug chunks ain’t cool.

        They look like pepper when they get in your food as well.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Sound thing — There’s a swampy low level pond just over the hill from my front door that just about makes your ears ring during the evening in early summer.

        In my case, those are frogs. Neighbor sometimes goes to gigging in it.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        A gnat is the taint of the insect world; gnat a mosquito, gnat a fly.

      • Pine_Tree

        Side note with different spelling – team names at my college (North Avenue Trade School) are the “nats”.

      • Grummun

        muscăresc is not a word in Romanian.

        Google translate thinks otherwise, but I guess you should be regarded as authoritative on the topic.

        Every time I see your* boy Popovici on the Olympics, I think “I know** a Romanian guy!”

        * if you go in for that nationalist sort of thing
        ** for a broad definition of “know”

      • Suthenboy

        “What is gnat?”

        Gnat is evil.

      • Suthenboy

        Tundra: Funny thing about our gnats…DEET means nothing to them.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    China saw an opportunity to enter the market and develop the technology. They didn’t need to comply with western safety standards so from a weight, flammability and tech standpoint they could beta test locally.

    I think the Chinese consciously went in the direction of an “electric kei car” instead of luxury performance like American and European manufacturers.

    • Sensei

      Initially yes. Very much that.

      But even a much “safer” Japanese kei car can’t comply with US (and I believe EU) safety standards. Those initial Chines models didn’t come close to the Japanese safety standards either. They saved a ton of weight and design cost by skipping that.

  16. juris imprudent

    NBC decides that USWNT fans are tits to be milked – Peacock stream only.

    • Sensei

      Maybe get the Canadians to send a drone over?

    • rhywun

      G——-t I hate m———–g streaming.

    • Ted S.

      So we don’t have to hear about them then?

      • rhywun

        Not until Rapinoe gets herself in the press again.

  17. juris imprudent

    Be afraid Pie, be very afraid.

    Romania is America’s new indispensable ally in Eastern Europe

    • Sensei

      With friends like this who needs enemies?

    • R.J.

      “They said they came to help! Run for the hills!”

    • The Other Kevin

      Just keep in mind that eventually you’re going to hear “You fucked up, you trusted us” and act accordingly.

    • PieInTheSky

      Since like 2000 Romania has been a lackey of the US and honestly I can’t say I have an issue with that from a purely self interest perspective.

      I am not sure you people can truly understand how much I hate Russians.

      • Bobarian LMD

        The problem being that when we antagonize the Russians, the countries within their near sphere of influence will be the ones who pay the price.

      • EvilSheldon

        The internationally-accepted unit for hatred of Russians is the Finn.

      • grrizzly

        This is not something to be proud of.

        The Russians had limited influence on your piss pour country after the end of WWII. No invasion like in Hungary or Czechoslovakia. Your crazy communist dictator was happy to deviate from the Kremlin line whenever he wanted.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of EVs and how much easier/simpler/better they are.

    Searching for “Boostedboiz cybertruck” should get you there. The guys who plopped the Honda Odyssey body on a Tesla Plaid (the “Plaidyssey”) bought what they say is the first totalled Cybertruck to experiment on. The thing is bricked. What would have been a straightforward fix for a internal combustion truck is dead-ended by some sort of software lockup.

    • Sensei

      For your safety!

      Lots of people use Tesla motors, but 3rd party controllers with full programming tools. My assumption is the Cybertruck is too new to have been unlocked.

      Think about the early days of ECUs and fuel injection. Folks had to put a carb and intake manifold on them until the aftermarket slowly came out with its own FI and ECU.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Romania is America’s new indispensable ally in Eastern Europe

    *Jaws theme*

    • The Other Kevin

      Absolute genius pick. He’ll help her lock in at least 10 more states. This is the best VP pick I’ve ever seen. Trump is finished.

      • Sensei

        I didn’t know about the issue Tundra linked to below, but he would have been my pick for her.

        My PA friend says Trump should still be able to take the state even with him as her running mate. I beg to differ…

      • Sean

        She’s gonna get all 57 now!

      • rhywun

        That’s hilarious.

      • Suthenboy

        It almost convinces me that the D party is full of horrible shitbags.

        Kamalamadingdong: “Would you be my running mate as VP?”
        Other shitbag: “Lady you are poison. that would be the end of my career. Besides, if I say yes the truth about me will come out so….no thanks”

    • Sean

      Nevertheless, the complaints document how PSEA made two, six-figure contributions from its general treasury to the Fund for Student Success (FSS), a little-known political fund operated by the union, which then contributed the funds to the DGA in May 2022 which, in turn, contributed heavily to Shapiro’s successful campaign for governor.

      Additionally, the transactions were not publicly disclosed as required by the Pennsylvania Election Code. PSEA failed to register the FSS, which it quietly launched in 2018, as a political committee with the Department of State, meaning none of its contributions or expenditures — including the two contributions to the DGA in 2022 — have been publicly disclosed as required. While the DGA has registered as a political committee and files the applicable disclosures, it failed to report receiving the two contributions from the FSS in May 2022.

      Will that be enough of a scandal?

      Who knows?

      • R C Dean

        If the law was enforced, arrests made, etc., maybe. With Everyone Who Matters just sitting around, grinning, and slapping each other on the back, probably not.

      • The Other Kevin

        It will be scrubbed off Google and everyone on the news will tell you that was fake and never happened.

      • kinnath

        The Ministry of Truth will fix this shortly.

      • rhywun

        Uh… laundering money for Dems is what teachers unions do.

      • Suthenboy

        “Laundering money for Dems is what teachers unions do.”

        You mean..laundering money for Dems is what unions do.

  20. Tundra

    Three wildfires along the Front Range over the last few days. Luckily it’s really hot, dry and windy.

    Fuckers are growing fast

    • Suthenboy

      I am not going to read that. I am wondering how far into it before ‘climate change’ is blamed?
      Every single weather event these days is the most worstester ever. It’s true- before today every single day everywhere on earth was like a hallmark card day with blue skies, light breezes, pleasant balmy temps and birds singing doo-dah out of their assholes.

      • Suthenboy

        Oh, I forgot the subtle background sound of babbling brooks.

  21. Not Adahn

    BBC announcerette pronounced “junta” like “jump.” Dafuq?

    • PieInTheSky

      announcerette – you cant say that word only they can say that word

    • Bobarian LMD

      Junta round!
      Junta round!
      Junta up and get down!

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Kamala should bring all the Veep contestants on stage and do a Miss America style big reveal.

    • PieInTheSky

      I hope I win

    • Bobarian LMD

      Handing out roses.

    • Tundra

      Stupid limit here is 15, I think.

    • Sean

      This guy is NJ friendly. If you were serious.

      Sheridan’s ruling left both 2nd Amendment advocates and the state attorney general planning appeals. The judge temporarily delayed the order for 30 days.

      Of course.

    • EvilSheldon

      I’m still not going anywhere near NJ, but I’m happy for you!

    • Drake

      I know several guys in NJ who own ARs. Can’t have a collapsible stock, have to weld a muzzle-brake on it so you can’t have a flash-hider.

      Make sure you only bring the silly 10-round mags to the range.

    • Suthenboy

      Like Donnie Two Scoops we are lucky to have the enemies that we have. They are morons.

  23. Not Adahn

    There is a Buick Roadmaster wagon in the parking lot with the back part of the roof chopped to kind of El Camino it, and it’s got lots of ornamental rivets and faux carbon fiber panels.

    I haven’t seen such a work in a long time.

    • R C Dean

      Sounds hideous.

      • Tundra

        You spelled awesome wrong. Those came available with the Vette engine. They could scoot!

      • Not Adahn

        Oh it is. I remember seeing these sorts of things a long time ago. Nowadays “art cars” just have shit glued to them.

      • Bobarian LMD

        If it ain’t on 24″ rims with rubber-band appearing tires, I’m gonna be sad.

      • R C Dean

        I got no beef with Roadmasters, at all. Even ones with good custom work.

        That sounds just butchered and beat with the ugly wrench.

    • Sean


      • Tundra

        I love it. High HP wagons are bomb.

    • EvilSheldon

      One of my college professors had an LT1 Roadmaster with the wood paneling. I can testify, the Shaggin’ Wagon could really get up and go if you mashed down on the gas pedal…

  24. cavalier973

    Emerald Robinson is tweeting out that Trump doesn’t have a transition team or national security team, implying (I guess) that he isn’t serious about winning the Presidency.

    It reminds me of 2016, when I thought it a good possibility that Trump was trying to lose on purpose.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I mean sure…if it were October. I guess.

    • Sensei

      I like it! Quick skim had me with two questions.

      1. The tire rub under full lock. I get that they put wider rubber on it, but I’d like to know what’s going on and how well they reengineered the suspension when they did the mods. Might just be one of those things, but the rest of the car mods seem well thought out like including a limited slip.

      2. I get that the stereo isn’t a focus at all on something like, but WTH? I’d put a blanking plate in there before I’d put a Clarion and if I did I wouldn’t mention anything other than it has a radio.

      • Tundra

        Haha! At least he hid the stereo.

        I don’t love the 16s on that car. It came with 15s and I think they look better.

    • EvilSheldon

      Oh yeah…

    • kinnath

      I stick with my totally stock 350Z.