The Ruling Class

by | Jul 25, 2024 | Film, Fun, GlibFlick | 77 comments

The Ruling Class

For those of you unfamiliar with this film, here is a quick plot summary: A member of the British House of Lords dies during a round of auto-erotic asphyxiation, leaving the seat to his insane son who believes, among other things, that he is Jesus Christ. Hilarity ensues! Naturally other members of the household covet the title and try to wrest it from the crazy son, played by Peter O’Toole. Say what you want about the man, he plays an excellent crazy person in many films. This was the role of a lifetime and he played it to perfection. I hope you enjoy it! This is one of the highest-rated films I have shown, normally I am content to bring you gems from the trash can.

This just seemed like such an appropriate film for the times. Biden is old, our storied elite are trying to push him out and replace him with – Who? Not one viable person is left on the roster. Might as well let the guy who thinks he’s Jesus take a shot at the nomination.

One last thing, we are fortunate in that we are watching the Criterion version of this film tonight, uncut, six minutes restored if you are counting them from the American edition some of us grew up watching.

So watch! Or Don’t! Everything is voluntary until some crazy asshat takes over the government! Oh wait, that already happened. Next week, I continue my celebration of dysfunctional governments with Bananas, a Woody Allen Classic that could really use a re-viewing.

Help! Tubi is the Devil and I Can’t Watch the Movie!

Lucky for you, you can find this on Plex, and even on YouTube. Famous old movies are easy to get online. Should none of these work for you, our crack team of Glib technical assistants is standing by to help you. BY HELP MEAN….

About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. Common Tater

    “Say what you want about the man, he plays an excellent crazy person in many films.”

    Probably one of the many things in life where being a drunk helps.

  2. Common Tater

    Criterion is great, but last I checked their prices were nuts.

    • R.J.

      I need to look and see. I remember them being $60 a few years ago.

      • R.J.

        So, the DVD prices are way down, this particular one in the American region is $26. For the region-free though, it is $76, because B.S.
        There is no Blu-Ray to compare to, but the Risky Business Blu-Ray is a mere $19.

      • Common Tater

        “For the region-free though, it is $76, because B.S.”

        Yes, DVD regions are total bullshit. Too bad Oppo stopped making players.

        “There is no Blu-Ray to compare to, but the Risky Business Blu-Ray is a mere $19.”

        I’m not paying twenty bucks to see Tom Cruise in his underwear, but that’s a normal price.

      • Chafed

        How about Rebecca DeMornay without hers?

      • Common Tater

        “How about Rebecca DeMornay without hers?”

        Same as downtown?

  3. Common Tater

    High quality video for Tubi.

  4. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    I saw this 6-9 months ago, thinking it was something else. Still, I watched and enjoyed.

    • R.J.

      The top secret short this week is a nice new cartoon about people staring at their phones. That can be your consolation prize. Or you can discuss gardening. There are no rules on Thursdays.

  5. Aloysious

    *pushes play*

    *sips beverage*

  6. DEG

    I forgot tonight was movie night. I’ll queue this up for later viewing. Thanks RJ!

    For those of you unfamiliar with this film, here is a quick plot summary: A member of the British House of Lords dies during a round of auto-erotic asphyxiation, leaving the seat to his insane son who believes, among other things, that he is Jesus Christ.

    Wait a minute…. someone made a biopic about a Glib?

    • R.J.

      This is a very Glib film.
      I also forgot it was movie night, I was making Ramen with pork belly.

      • Timeloose


      • Gustave Lytton

        Whoa! Was watching Tampopo.

  7. Common Tater

    No subtitles, so having a bit a trouble understanding these British people.

    • R.J.

      They do talk funny.

  8. Common Tater

    VelociPastor is on Tubi!

    • R.J.

      Oooo! That shall be shown, right after the Third Anniversary Show in mid-August.

      • Common Tater

        Awesome! I bought the DVD years ago. For some reason it’s gaining popularity now. It was mentioned on Pop Culture Crisis, but I don’t remember why. I download PCC and leave it on when I’m falling asleep.

    • Chafed

      Alert Nephilium.

  9. R.J.

    Not a bird chirping, not a coffin creaking, not a trash can rattling. The Glibs have gone to ground.

    • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

      I am in medical transcription hell right now. It’s not that she’s Indian with a thick accent. It’s that she wants me to copy from previous notes, which sounds fine until she says, “Copy from here to there,” over and over and over again in different tiny little sections. It would have taken her less time to read it for me to type fresh.

      It’s a good fucking thing I’m getting paid hourly because I would be so done with this bullshit.

      • R.J.


    • Don escaped Texas

      finished watching France demolish the USMNT: I didn’t expect otherwise, of course, but I keep notes and maybe some of these guys will matter on future teams (I doubt it)

      now NewWife is watching Alone, a show about highly trained back-country survival experts routinely making mistakes we’ve all known better than since Cub Scouts

      • R.J.

        I saw an ad for Alone, that does sound like a good description.

      • Homple

        “…highly trained back-country survival experts routinely making mistakes we’ve all known better than since Cub Scouts.”

        Or since we read Jack London’s “To Build a Fire”.

    • R.J.

      I book marked that one. I can listen tomorrow night. Yes, that busy. Life is crazy.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Too on point.

      4-8 years of congested nagging whine…. kill me now.

    • hayeksplosives

      “To make it true, you have to laugh about it. That’s what I’ve learned.”

      Estee Palti is a national treasure.

  10. Brochettaward

    There’s still time to First out with your cock out.

    • R.J.

      Please do. I missed you around here.

  11. Gdragon

    I was on a crappy game show when I was 11 years old and found the episode on Tubi so I’m not sure if I love Tubi now or hate it. But I definitely wish that I still had the same hairline (but not the same haircut).

    • Sean


      • Sean


        It goes. Zoom, zoom. No, wait that’s a Mazda thing…

        Having fun behind enemy lines?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It was all a matter of biding his time until the right quid pro quo was offered anyway.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, U, Stinky, and Ted’S.!

      • Gender Traitor

        So far, so good. I’m off today, but it’s not all fun & games. TT has a med appt. Other than that though, should be nice.

        How about you?

      • UnCivilServant

        Two days in a row I’ve eaten one meal per 24 hours, sleeping through my normal dinner time, and when awake in the wee hours going “it’s too late to eat anything, I should wait for breakfast.” I don’t know what caused it, but I also wasn’t hungry during those wee hours. It’s not lack of food, I have four good meals worth of fresh meat in the fridge. The night before this started I actually had a very good (for me) night’s sleep from ~10pm to ~5am, so the random switch to sleeping in the afternoon and being up in the wee hours was unexpected.

      • Gender Traitor

        That IS odd! But you’d best use that meat before it goes bad! 🥩🍗🥩🍗

  12. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Oooo, a Peter O’Toole joint where he plays a wealthy crazy person? I say! Was he acting WACKY (I like O’Toole but the wacky British movies of the day are often too wacky)?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      With the far left in France empowered and essentially untouchable after the last election it’s not surprising in the least that the pace of foolishness like this would pick up.

      • rhywun

        I’m expecting (much) worse, eventually.

      • Ted S.

        And you knew who you were then….

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘loosey!

      • Timeloose

        That really put a boom boom into my heart. Thanks Ted

  13. cavalier973

    Anyone see anything about the flag at the White House being lowered to half staff recently?

    • Ted S.

      Dollars to doughnuts it would have been for Sheila Jackson Lee. I don’t know the precise law for flying the flag at half staff for US House members who die in office.

    • Gender Traitor

      It’s half-staff at the Capitol for Sheila Jackson Lee. Someone mixing up their DC landmarks maybe?

      • Ted S.

        Yeah; it’s obnoxious how so many people immediately want to jump to absurd and easily debunked conspiracy theories.

        And of course, such people are useful for the Establishment who can point to them and tell the normies, “Look how stupid those people are.”

    • UnCivilServant

      Soviet Engineering fell into one of two extremes – Absurdly indestructable, or Completely useless. It could be either.

      • Sensei

        Exactly. It sounds difficult to do with 70s era tech.

        That kind of sensing and thinking would be done now with DSPs.

      • UnCivilServant

        I can’t load the article from work (proxy blocking) but you’d be surprised what 70s tech could do.

      • UnCivilServant

        Yes, that is within the ability of 70’s tech.

        I spend way too much time studying retro computing. It’s almost certainly the sort of “always analog” signal processing that trims out signals too high and too low for it’s target. Which would then be foolable with a thumper.

      • Sensei

        Keep in mind cost and reliability. Some uneducated half drunk worker was slamming that together on an assembly line and making thousands.

      • UnCivilServant

        And some of them will work.

    • Sean

      I wouldn’t want to find out.

    • Sensei

      I believe that made one of the links.

      • UnCivilServant

        I wasn’t here for it… 🙁