Thursday Morning Links of… Brett?

by | Jul 18, 2024 | Daily Links, I Am Lame | 258 comments

Howdy, howdy. It’s been a weird week, watching karma land all at once. I don’t know which god(s) Trump sacrifices to, but they came through for him bigly. In less political news, I took my older kids to see Despicable Me 4, and I was wildly unimpressed. They threw together 3-4 things that had probably been shorts, wrapped a couple of extremely thin plot ties around them and sold it as a movie. At least I got an expensive cocktail out of it. Also, fuck summer. They either need to make school year round or abolish child labor laws. Let’s do some linking

Ace brings us a new low in what is now a plot only the CIA could have fucked up

Joe has COVID and cannot be nominated?

This is absolutely brutal. I love it.

This guy should have read OMWC’s Jewsday features. And probably just taken lessons in general from the Old Man about how to best apply, um, additives to said candy.

I saw a picture of Sydney Sweeney in a bikini frolicking with her pup, and this song has been stuck in my head on and off since.

About The Author

Brett L

Brett L

Brett set out to find America, the real America, the America of strip malls and serial killers, of butthole waxing and kelp smoothies, of cocaine and maggots. He sought it in the most American part of America—Florida: swamp gas and fever dreams, where love arrives on a rickety boat and leaves when it doesn't have the money for its fourth abortion. Oh, where has Brett gone? He’s drinking at the neck of America’s wang, chewing its foreskin and working its shaft. Brett is becoming legend. Brett can never die. Brett can never die. Brett is America, facedown in his own patriotic puke: the red his blood, the white his stomach lining, and the cold, cold blue his gas station slushie, spiked with coconut rum and tetracycline.


  1. SDF-7

    I took my older kids to see Despicable Me 4, and I was wildly unimpressed

    Given I felt that way about 3, my son has probably aged out of the target demo and it really felt like “We’re going to milk this for all it is worth” with the one trailer I saw… yeah — I thought about it when we had his cousin of the same age over so they could go out… but honestly, it just felt like it would be crap. Glad to hear my instincts were good.

    And speaking of Good… Morning, all!

    or abolish child labor laws

    Wait — you actually abide by laws for your orphan monocle mines? Gasp!

    • trshmnstr

      I think the most disappointing part about the movie is that they could’ve cut the minions out entirely, and it wouldn’t have been all that different. They were relegated to background decoration in this movie.

    • Nephilium

      Just keep in mind that’s only overturning the federal ban. Several states have their own distilling bans (which I believe would be upheld under the 21st amendment). There have been a handful of states that have removed their bans on distilling, bringing us closer to the freedom that people in (checks notes…) New Zealand (yes… seriously, only “Western” country to have legal home distilling) have.

      • R.J.

        I’ll take this baby step. It’s good if the power is returned to the state where it belongs.
        That’s an easier battle to fight.

      • UnCivilServant

        Is there an easy reference to which states don’t ban distilling and which do?

      • Nephilium


        A quick search returned this which has a section on it. Seems to line up with what I remember about the various legalization movements. Not a lawyer, don’t play one on a streaming service show, stayed at home last night.

        If you want to reference the source the original article referenced, that would be here.

        I’ve never really been champing at the bit to get into distilling as I generally prefer aged spirits, and just don’t have the land space to build a rickhouse in my backyard (and my neighbors would probably complain). I could think of some interesting things to do with gin, but my next step in alcohol geekery is more likely to be bitters.

      • slumbrew

        “Massachusetts not only allows residents of the state to own a still, but residents are allowed to distill spirits for their own personal use. It is still illegal to manufacture and sell moonshine, but as long as it is not for sale, it is legal in the state”

        Awwww, yeah. Daddy needs a new hobby…

      • R.J.

        I think give it a few weeks for one of the equipment distributors to publish a chart.
        Meanwhile, Neph, you want me to pull a post on making bitters from my moonshining book?

      • Nephilium


        I wouldn’t mind, but it’s not that necessary. I’ve got a couple of references and some stories kicking around in my back pocket. The main takeaway I’ve gotten from my readings is that you have water soluble and alcohol soluble compounds in the various ingredients you use, do the different extraction methods, combine as desired (and to keep the proof high enough to keep it shelf stable).

        Of course, I’ve also got ~6 different types of bitters on hand already, so I’m not in a rush to make more. I am looking forward to tasting the mulberry liquor I made in a week or so.

    • SDF-7

      Now they should address and free the guy just doing gunsmithing as a hobby.

      And hell — throw out Wickard (can’t regulate activity just done for personal reasons with no engagement in outside markets) for fun.

      I’m dreaming big now…

      • Suthenboy

        Wickard is an arrow through the heart of liberty. There is no person, no activity whatsoever, that cannot be regulated in minutia under that ruling. The only reason the Feds haven’t gone full bore on it is that they realize at some point the pitchforks and ropes will come out.

        That it was erected and still stands is a very damning indictment of our judiciary.

    • Drake

      Fedgov – where malice and incompetence become indistinguishable.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Hanlon’s Uncertainty Principle

    • trshmnstr

      rando idiot

      I’m not sure I 100% believe this part.

      • Ownbestenemy

        …the shooter’s phone also contained pictures of congressional leaders, such as House Speaker Mike Johnson and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

        There were also pictures of other politicians across the political spectrum, including Rudy Giuliani, the former Trump attorney involved in the effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election, and Fani Willis, the Fulton County district attorney who is prosecuting both Trump and Giuliani.

        Normal 20 year olds for sure just download photos of politicians to their phones.

      • Drake

        More like a good patsy.

        A patsy can be the shooter, just too ignorant to point fingers at anyone else. James Earl Ray and Oswald come to mind. And this one was conveniently killed.

      • Tundra

        More like a good patsy.

        No way, Drake. The kid was secretly trained by Carlos the Jackal. You can tell by his stealthy approach and his coolness under pressure.

        No way was he just placed there to catch a bullet for the narrative.

      • Aloysious

        +1 Robert Ludlum

        I will maintain until I’m dead and buried that the movies, with regards to the story not the production, were shit.

      • The Last American Hero

        You dare besmirch the name of Chamberlain?

    • Suthenboy

      “Even government doesnt mess up this badly this often”
      I have to disagree on that. Take for example any single endeavor they have ever undertaken.

  2. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    Looks like (((they))) stole your link…

    • SDF-7

      I was thinking whoever This Guy is, he was busy going through SF links while trying to find the Jewsday Tuesday articles….

  3. banginglc1

    I don’t understand how Joe can have COVID, the article says he is fully vaccinated and boosted.

    • DEG

      Careful, that’s dangerously close to science denial. Wouldn’t want to be a science denier.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      He’s fit for the job, but can’t debate because of a cold and now can’t campaign because of a slightly colder cold.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Nice touch going to Delaware where they can control the visitor logs too.

      • banginglc1

        If I’ve learned anything from this site, it’s that the visitor logs at the White House mean nothing. Anything nefarious goes through the Kennedy Fuck Tunnels.

      • rhywun


      • Ownbestenemy

        *velcro ripping* ugh…this place has really messed with my head.

      • Nephilium


        When the sound of velcro parting arouses you, that’s when you truly know you love Big Brother.

    • bacon-magic

      You want people to die!!! – Screeching Harpy

    • Sean

      Odds on Gropey sporting a mask for a couple weeks?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Going with no chance. I don’t think he has COVID anymore than when Trump had it.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        A mask that covers his mouth while he gives speeches and answers questions, you mean, so nobody can tell if he’s actually talking or if they’re just piping in edited or AI-generated audio of his voice?

    • Suthenboy

      He doesnt have covid. That’s how. Like everything else they have said, are saying today and will say tomorrow it is a lie.

      • banginglc1

        Just my tin foil hat going off . . . maybe he gets “COVID” and dies from it. They get to choose a new candidate, have a martyr of sorts, and get to reinflate COVID hysteria for future clampdowns!!!

        Win, win win!

      • Compelled Speechless

        This was my thought. He’ll either die from “COVID” or contract “long-COVID” (I feel stupid even typing it) and have to step aside. The backdoor negotiations to get him out of the way are complete. They’ve had two weeks to plan the next steps, the narrative around it and pick the replacement. The next part will be really entertaining.

        On a side note, I watched part of the RNC last night (my normie wife put it on) and the energy was more like an inauguration than a convention. I really can’t imagine what the DNC could do to claw back victory now. Chanting “fight” after the assassination was the final straw that let anyone who was afraid of publicly supporting him free of their shame. He’s officially a badass now.

  4. Evan from Evansville

    Well I gotta bounce, but….DAMN. The ‘we don’t know who Harris will pick for VP’ is absolutely beautiful and appropriate.
    On to me: Today I’ll have my ‘prelim’ physical blood drawing abilities evaluated. Just to help us out for next week’s actual written and practical exams. Oddly (to me), I’m among the best in the class in needlework. Smooth entry/exits and more successful getting blood (in Day 8 of training) than the others. My issue is in overthinking the prep. I’m actually quite good at stabbing.” (I love we use that term casually in class.)

    Ev trait: I focus on each individual tree and learn it well… while ignoring the forest. It’s hard for me to get the Big Picture and then focus Smaller, yet I’ve known that’s always key to learning for some time. Stubborn, me. I’ll surprise folk today. Fairly determined. I already got 61% on my practice written, and helpfully/ tragically/ predictably, 71% is the pass rate for the proper, 150 question test.
    Onward, Upward, Always. It’s fun when I somehow come up with a crazy idea…that might be Fiendishly Foxy Crazy.

    • Rat on a train

      I remember the needle test in the combat lifesaver course. I got the needle in on the first try. The instructor told me to lift my finger to verify. Blood started squirting out with the rhythm of each heartbeat. Fortunately I was the odd man so nobody stuck me.

  5. SDF-7

    I saw a picture of Sydney Sweeney in a bikini frolicking with her pup, and this song has been stuck in my head on and off since.

    Would have also accepted this, though to be fair it isn’t exactly a song…

    • Pope Jimbo

      I don’t care about stupid songs. Why come no link to this frolicking?

      • R.J.

        I looked up “Sydney Sweeney in a bikini” and the images made my day brighter.

      • R C Dean

        No kidding. Couldn’t care less about the song. But Sweeney, in a bikini, frolicking, and pup all in one? C’mon, man!

      • Ownbestenemy

        Her pups are nice. The dog too.

  6. cavalier973

    This is interesting:

    𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆: Austin Private Wealth with CONNECTIONS to the Bush family shorted 12M shares of $DJT via a put option on July 12, just ONE DAY before the assassination attempt.

    Did the Bush’s know something was going to happen to Donald Trump?

    This massive trade represents 6% of total shares and over 16% of the float, given Trump’s 60% ownership.

    Their $1B AUM makes this a significant bet.

    Austin Private Wealth is connected to the Bush family through James A. Baker III, a Senior Policy Director with longstanding ties to the Bushes, having served as Secretary of State under George H.W. Bush and in various roles under Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.

    • R.J.

      Boy, that is interesting.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Apparently they filed an amended report saying that it was all a mistake, and the actual holding amounts were erroneously multiplied x10000 by a third party vendor. Nothing to see here, move along!

      • The Last American Hero

        They get do-overs too? Must be nice.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      Wow, remember when the Bushes could take down multiple buildings in NYC and get away with it? Now they can’t even pull off a hit. Must have put Jeb in charge.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Please shoot.

    • R.J.

      Those could be his only pair of custom orthopedics for long-term standing. I’d be pissed too.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Great shoes, wonderful shoes…the best…

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Big, big shoes. And you know what they say about guys with big shoes. Everyone says so.

    • Grummun

      Maybe I have not been paying attention to the coverage, but this is the first I have seen of that giant step ladder hidden behind the arbor vitae. Who put that there, and when?

      • Ownbestenemy

        I am amazed that the crowd wasn’t cleared, photographers were still allowed to get that close…so much weirdness.

    • R C Dean

      Err, isn’t the critical incident over?

      Just what does it take to get fired from the fedgov these days?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Go against THE NARRATIVE. Seriously, that will get ya put out on your ass.

      • Nephilium

        I’m not even sure the live boy/dead girl is enough anymore.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        “There are only two genders.”

        You’re fired.

    • cyto

      The question for Cheadle is: who told you the roof was too steep to put a sniper on.

      This is the loose thread that will unravel what is happening.

      Cheadle clearly didn’t know anything at all about the assassination attempt when she gave that interview. Like, not as much as people watching NBC. Someone briefed her for the interview and told her that ridiculous story.

      That person is the one we need to be interrogating. That person *does* know something. That person has names he can name.

      • SDF-7

        Regarding the roof — what’s your beef with her? She probably answered while hoofing it to another meeting and couldn’t think long about the situation while the reporter was having a cow.

      • cyto

        It was a planned interview.

        And an almost flat roof.

        The answer isn’t some hasty cover-up. It is too stupid for that. Nobody who had even a tiny bit of operational knowledge would have said that.

        She had to have been told that. Blaming her is like blaming a potted plant.

        But the person who told her what to say…. that person does know something. And she now has reason to out that person, because they set her up to fail, and fail hard. She looks stupid and corrupt because of that answer.

        So she should be able to be flipped on as much as “who told you that?”

        And once you have the who, you can start pulling at the thread.

        Like most of these political appointees, she clearly ain’t running anything.

      • The Last American Hero

        I’d like to see the buck stop somewhere. And it can start with the worthless DEI head of “security” and work our way down to the person in charge on site that day, the broad who didn’t know how to holster a gun and the one who jumped up and shouted “where are we going?” on the video.

  7. Fatty Bolger

    I bet nobody had “attempted assassination of Donald Trump” and “replace Biden after the primary is already over” on their 2024 bingo card. Oh, wait. Both of those things were predicted. Never mind.

  8. cyto

    Maddow bringing the crazy, says Vance named his company Narya because it is Aryan except you move the N to the front…. And because Lord of the Rings is popular with the Alt right and far right everywhere.

    When I saw this I assumed it was AI generated and fake.

    I guess not

    • SDF-7

      “You know who else drank water and breathed air?!?!? HITLER! THAT’S WHO!”

      • Fatty Bolger

        Millions of liberal LOTR fans will be stunned to learn that they are now part of the alt-right.


        Oh we have been all the phobes and ‘ists since Rings of Power was belched out of Amazon’s anus and we had the temerity to point out that they turned the height of feminine power and grace, Galadriel, into generic girl boss #12654.

      • The Last American Hero

        In Europe, which likes to claim everything not socialist is far right, people have claimed for decades that LOTR supports fascism. The notion of an ancient race coming to overthrow the invaders and re-establish their kingdom, the fair skinned elves, that sort of stuff was presented as “evidence”.

      • R.J.

        That would be an interesting survey. “The political leanings of fans of J.R.R. Tolkien.”

    • Ownbestenemy

      Oh she is losing her shit. She also said Trump nearly taking a bullet is the same as Biden catching a cold.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Opps. That was Joy Reid and Circle Back Psaki

    • rhywun

      I would have guessed that is Joy Reid level crazy but I guess they’re all off the reservation now.

    • Nephilium

      My Indian uncle (who is a raging progressive) made sure to let us know that it doesn’t matter if Vance is married to an Indian woman, he still doesn’t have the upstanding character to compete against Biden and Harris.

  9. SDF-7

    To be fair — catching something on the dumpster fire that is most Steam forums would be impressive.

    What’s next — he alluded to it on Reddit? A vague reference on Discord? Sheesh.

    • cyto

      Yeah…. if that was his only noteworthy comment, he clearly was a plant. The most innocuous 20 year old boy’s steam account is going to have a mountain of inappropriate that you could spin as hate.

    • Sensei

      That’s great! I checked the organ donation box when I got my motorcycle endorsement years ago. I’m likely too old now.

      That said I hate the current organ donation system and the shortages it causes. It presents a bit of an ethical quandary participating in it because it suggests no need to reform it.

      • Fourscore

        One is never too old. Me and the missus are signed up with the U of MN Med school. First question was organ harvesting. According to the missus I’m a good candidate for a brain recovery, since mine hasn’t been used much.

        Seriously, there are a lot of parts still useable.

      • hayeksplosives

        Fourscore, that’s a good point. Regardless of other health complications of the donor, the cornea is almost always salvageable.

        And research is another potential benefit.

        I’d be perfectly content to be buried without chemical treatment or a coffin out somewhere I could help push up the daisies, but there are laws preventing that.

        “The High Cost of Dying” exposes some cartel-like protectionist shit that mortuaries/funeral homes have lobbied legislatures to put in place to prevent simple, dignified burials.

  10. DrOtto

    Marrying the Indian and having biracial kids is just to throw everyone off his Aryan agenda of white purity.

    • DrOtto

      Dammit, this was supposed to be a reply to cyto re:Rachel Madcow.

    • SDF-7


    • rhywun


      • bacon-magic

        I almost forgot about tricknology lmao.

    • Drake

      Northern Indians are Aryan. Swastikas are a common sight in parts of India and Sri Lanka.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        As long as it doesn’t have that 45 degree twist it should be fine.

    • cyto

      Also…. big fan of Tolkein, I read LoTR during the summer when I turned 12. I’ve read it 3 or 4 times.

      Did not remember the name Narya. The way she says it, I assumed it was supposed to be a country or something.

      It is one of the 3 elven rings of power.

      Pulling that name out of your butt is a deep cut, Maddow. Does that mean you are a secret far-right plant, playing at being a left wing pundit so as to discredit the left with your nutty and hateful takes?

      • Nephilium

        So who has the ring that binds Narya?

      • Aloysious

        Maddow needs to be reminded daily that there are youtubers who talk about video games or movies who get more views by a factor of ten than her puerile show for retards could ever possibly get.

      • Suthenboy

        “So who has the ring that binds Narya?”

        George Sauron, of course.

    • Homple

      I, for one, saw what you did there.

  11. SDF-7

    Bleah. Tried too many words I thought should have been there today…

    I played 07/18:
    *22/22 words (+1 bonus word)
    🎯 In the top 20% by accuracy

    I played 07/18:
    *60/60 words (+18 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 11% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 479

    • Sean

      I played 07/18:
      *22/22 words (+5 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 10% by bonus words

      I played 07/18:
      *60/60 words (+24 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 10% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 437


  12. The Late P Brooks

    Biden’s personal X account on Wednesday evening shared a thread beginning with a two-word post: “I’m sick.”

    But the next post read, “of Elon Musk and his rich buddies trying to buy this election.” That post included a link to the Biden campaign’s fundraising page.

    He’s a great man. A true patriot, doing his best to bring the wonderful people of this great land together.

      • Ownbestenemy

        How his supposedly Gen Y/Z campaign team does not understand how Twitter works is fucking amazing.

      • cyto

        “Biden is either going to fire you guys or promote you to campaign manager for this”


        “Yeah we know.

        You literally sniff children”


        Talking about this last night, I scrolled as far as X would let me and there were only 4 tweets in support of Biden.

        And a few hours later… someone hit the dump button on Biden and all of the networks simultaneously started explaining that Biden was done and must pull out.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Pelosi is the gatekeeper I believe. If she has signaled he is done, he is done.

      • SDF-7

        Does that make Schumer the Keymaster?


      • Pope Jimbo

        Pelosi is the gatekeeper I believe. If she has signaled he is done, he is done.

        I still want Joe to try to cling to power and force them to nakedly grab power and replace him. Explicitly tell Dem primary voters to fuck off and die.

        Of course, I think most Dem primary voters don’t have a problem with the Dem powers shedding any pretense and replacing Joe.


        Shiff is the Keymaster. Schumer is Stay Puft. Hilldawg is Zuul.

      • ron73440

        Don’t forget the Crone.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        Shiff is the Keymaster. Schumer is Stay Puft. Hilldawg is Zuul.

        Swalwell is dickless. Also, he’s the EPA guy, whatever his name was.

      • SDF-7

        Peck was the EPA guy — who is the man with no dick. (“That’s what I heard!”) So that’s a tad redundant.

      • R C Dean

        “If she has signaled he is done, he is done.”

        My question is, how?

      • Ownbestenemy

        He laid out the hand with the “If the docs say I should stop I will” then “COVID”…I am guessing depending on Trump’s speech if it drops late tonight or tomorrow to take any wind out of the sails and then MSM can move on from “totally on the up and up assassination attempt’ news.

  13. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. Minneapolis missed a real opportunity. I wonder who finally got the Boy Mayor to cancel his trip to Somalia?

    Minneapolis city leaders hoped a trip halfway around the world would improve public safety and build community connections.
    WCCO obtained internal records that lay out plans Mayor Jacob Frey and Police Chief Brian O’Hara had for a weeklong visit to Somalia this past February.
    But just three days before they were set to leave, the trip was canceled.
    The mayor’s office says it was called off because of security concerns.
    Emails show safety was an issue even before the cancelation.
    A U.S. State Department employee had sent Frey’s office a “Do Not Travel” advisory for Somalia.
    One staffer also cited “significant security concerns” in January.
    Frey visited a sister city in Finland last year.

    On one hand Frey is the most sane person in the city govt. On the other, it would have been epic lulz watching the city council refuse to pay a ransom to get him back.

    • Tundra

      … improve public safety and build community connections.

      Riiiiight. What happened to all the cultural enrichment? I thought the people of Minneapolis accepted that rampant crime is just the price you pay for interesting food.

      • R C Dean

        Exactly how would a trip to Somalia improve public safety in Minneapolis? What were they going to do, pick up pointers on good policing practices?

        And why do you need to go there to get community connections with Somalians? Don’t you have plenty already>

      • Suthenboy

        Interesting food from Africa? I think the market for Sub-Saharan Africa is saturated in my area.
        Also…is it Minneapolis or St. Paul that has no working street lights or traffic lights as the invaders have stripped all of the copper wire out of public works?

      • Fourscore

        Frey is Jewish, he should know better

    • Suthenboy

      How long before the state department is issuing ‘Do Not Travel’ advisories for Minneapolis?

  14. Ownbestenemy

    My prediction is: Biden will become ‘too ill’ this weekend, probably a Friday news dump (maybe tonight to take over Trump’s speech on the newscycle). That gives MSM all the reason to shift from Trump almost getting his grey matter splattered onto his supporters to “we have an ailing president, we must unite around that!”

  15. cyto

    Talking about the move to replace Biden… one of the bits of comedy gold is the repeated claim that Biden must be replaced, because democracy demands it.

    • Nephilium

      Democracy demands lots of things, most of them idiotic.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Replaced with the best option being a woman so unpopular she did not make it to Iowa during the last primary.

  16. Pope Jimbo

    This is for TOK. TOK should really lean in and become a registered spokeman for The Disability Community. There has to be some money grifting as an official spokesman?

    At the very least you should get a sweet van like the one in that story.

    On July 11, when The Disability Freedom & Justice Caravan rolled into St. Paul and the Center to spread awareness and empower the disability community to vote, the center provided Minnesotans with disabilities with resources on accessible voting. The event had various components – a presentation on accessible voting, demonstrations of accessible ExpressVote ballot machines and two video kiosks, which are traveling with the caravan across the United States. One of these kiosks displayed a slide of photos from earlier stops in the caravan’s journey, while the other displayed various testimonies from people with disabilities concerning disability rights.

    C’mon Kev! Start shilling for ExpressVote ballot machines. Or at least get one and then sell time to various parties to use it.


    • Pope Jimbo

      The other interesting pic in that story has a Disability Community Spokesman standing in front of a slide that says “Imagine the power of 1,001,956 people with disabilities voting in Minnesota”.

      First off, that is a very specific number. I wonder where it came from. Next, there are 3,566,952 registered voters (per the Sec of State) in Minnesoda. Am I to believe that 28% of our population is disabled?

      I’m bummed now because I bet the disabled count includes a shit ton of people who are “disabled” for the purpose of collecting disability checks only. (I’m looking at all you cops who retired after the Floyd riots!)

      • Gender Traitor

        “…1,001,956 people with disabilities voting in Minnesota”.

        Maybe that’s including all Democrats.

      • Suthenboy

        That implies that those people will all vote as one bloc. Really, what the hell does that mean?

      • Fourscore

        I’m surprised the figure is that low. Walmart is full of them.

        I know some that work a limited number of hours or not at all and have a tough time getting to the Log Cabin by opening time.

    • The Other Kevin

      I know there are a lot of disabled people who need help with such things, but the ones I’m around are super independent. I’ve been voting since I was 18 and I’ve never had a problem. They just have one voting machine that’s a little lower so you can pull up in a wheel chair.

      This sounds like a pretty good grift, but isn’t the real money in intersectional trans rights or something?

      • Pope Jimbo

        So how much extra $$ is gonna take to get you into a dress TOK?

      • SDF-7

        It probably wouldn’t take much. He’s a bitter Klinger like most ’round these parts…

      • The Other Kevin

        My current salary +25% will do.

    • R C Dean

      “spread awareness and empower the disability community to vote”

      By Allah, but I loathe the “awareness” and “empower” shibboleths.

  17. The Other Kevin

    I used to be able to somewhat guess what would happen in the world. But I’ve given up on guessing. Things are so wildly unpredictable these days. I am spending more time online, but I’m ok with that. I feel like we’re living in extraordinary times and in 20 years I’ll be thankful I paid attention.

    • rhywun

      It is absolutely crazy times. I never thought it would be this nuts.

      • Nephilium

        I’m tired of living in Interesting Times. ‘member how boring everyone thought the world was back in the 90’s, I’m just going to hide in nostalgia for a bit.

      • Sean

        Save me a seat, Neph.

      • rhywun

        No shit.

        I miss the 90s more every day.

      • Gender Traitor

        Speaking of ’90s nostalgia, after Vance’s speech last night, the band was playing an instrumental version of “Don’t Stop.” Shades of Clinton ’92.

      • Tundra


        I’d go back.

      • Suthenboy

        The footage in this really gets me bad. It seems like yesterday. I guess we are all time travelers.

        The sixties and seventies were kind of tumultuous so to me the eighties and nineties seemed quite boring. I think boring is highly underrated. The 80’s would have been great had it not been for the big hair and godawful music.

      • Suthenboy

        Oh, one reason it hits me so is the scenes of little blondie floating in the inner tube. She is a dead ringer for Doreen _______ whose company I had the honor of enjoying at about that age…and yes in those days we swam a lot in lakes, creeds etc.
        A couple of times Doreen, myself and other friends went tubing down the Ouiskachitto. Clear as a bell I remember her dancing around our campfire in her cutoff jeans and bikini top while the car radio played Don McClean’s American Pie. The stations played that song constantly.
        Geez, how is that for nostalgia. I better cut this out.

    • Brett L

      Just tune into SugarFree’s dispatches from the near future.

    • Suthenboy

      I agree TOK. Yes, I think these are extraordinary times.
      I was talking to my son recently and he lamented about human nature. That is when it hit me and I told him so…his perspective is a bit skewed because for his entire adult life we have been riding the fucking crazy train. Things have always been bad but never like they are now, at least not in my. lifetime.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Drip drip drip

    Thomas Matthew Crooks, the shooter in the failed assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump, wrote on the popular gaming platform Steam that “July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds,” a source familiar with the matter told CNN.

    The source did not elaborate on timing or whether there were other posts.

    Investigators have been trying to learn more about what Crooks was doing in the days and hours leading up to his attempt to assassinate the former president. Crooks visited the Trump rally location twice, his cell phone contained images of both Trump and President Joe Biden, and the would-be assassin’s search history included dates of the Democratic National Convention as well as future Trump events, three US officials told CNN.

    But investigators combing through Crooks’ physical and digital trail still lack the key detail that would explain why the 20-year-old climbed the roof in Butler, Pennsylvania, with an AR-style weapon: a motive.

    Obviously a far right anarchocapitalist hoping to throw the nation into chaos leading to a return of the golden age of the robber barons.

    • Tundra

      They really chose stupidly. At least get someone who ostensibly had training.

  19. The Other Kevin

    The Biden situation, and the attempted assassination, have shown us that the powers that be can no longer control the narrative. It used to be that the government, and the news, told you a story, and only a few fringe kooks had different theories. But now there are just too many people who don’t trust them, who record things on their phones, who have outlets like Twitter, Locals, Rumble, Substack, etc. to share information. Free speech is under siege but it ain’t dead yet.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I tried to imagine what this past week would have been like in say, 1996. Sure message boards would have been lit up, but no sharing of photos, maybe someone with a handheld camcorder might have caught something but it would have been weeks before that emerged. The nightly news could control the narrative however they wished.

    • Mojeaux

      I’ve said it before and I’ll said it until you people are all are chanting it your sleep: Buying Twitter to free it up was the single greatest act of charity, and possibly most truly patriotic, that I’ve seen in my lifetime.

      • The Other Kevin

        I’m with you. I reactivated my account right after Musk bought it and I have never regretted it. Yes there is some echo chamber effect, but I follow people like Kim Dotcom who have opposing views on Israel, for example. If you curate it right you aren’t seeing the same things all day, you are exposed to different ideas and I really like that.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      In a sense it’s better than ever for the free speech lovers. Free speech has always been under siege by the accepted gatekeepers but the public didn’t realize it, only the as you say fringe kooks who it turns out we’re right all along. Free speech is under attack because the gatekeeper system has broken down for a number of reasons but that breakdown is a Wonderful Thing.

      • Nephilium

        The Cypherpunks were right all along.


      The internet presents the same threat to those in power as the printing press did and the powerful are reacting in exactly the same way. I’d like to think we can avoid a 30 Years War analog this time around but I am not sure we can.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    It’s interesting that there has been a series of news stories about a “surge” in the plague recently, as prived by increased testing of municipal waste water. A delusional paranoiac might think they were laying the groundwork for Joe’s sudden health decline.

    • Nephilium

      Or that Joe’s been drinking water, like from the toilet.

      • SDF-7

        That would at least tell us which is Commodus and which is Nero in this election…


        *SF begins frantically taking notes*

    • R C Dean

      A surge in plague, and a surge in illegals at the same time? Coincidence? Could be, I suppose.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Democracy in flames

    Donald Trump will pull off his greatest feat yet as Joe Biden confronts his darkest hour.

    The ex-president, 78, will accept the Republican nomination Thursday, advancing one of the most stunning comebacks in political history after his bid to steal the 2020 election, an unprecedented criminal conviction and an assassination attempt.

    Biden, 81, is meanwhile being rocked by a Democratic rebellion. Concerns about whether he can again defeat his 2020 opponent have boiled back up amid lawmakers’ concerns about his health and cognitive state and despair over his chances of blocking the extreme possibilities of a second Trump term. Sources told CNN Wednesday that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently told the president that polls show he can’t beat Trump and could crush Democratic hopes of winning the House if he stays in the race.

    A White House race that slumbered for months has suddenly erupted over a momentous three weeks bookended by Biden’s cataclysmic debate performance and the attempted assassination of Trump – a whiplash of events unseen in half a century.

    The 45th president’s comeback will only be fully realized if he becomes the second one-term president to win a return to the White House in November. But his rebound to this point may be even more unlikely than his unexpected win in the 2016 election. His return to the top of the GOP ticket means it is now clear that Trump was not simply an aberration, but is becoming a historic political force who has utterly transformed his party and could do the same for the nation, for better or worse, if he comes back to White House on January 20, 2025.

    Is this a great country, or what?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The Comeback Kid but no matter what the polls say the only one that matters is in November. If it’s morally acceptable to strangle baby Hitler in his crib isn’t it morally acceptable to cheat like never before to keep orange Hitler out?

      • ron73440

        I don’t see how they can let him be president even if he does outvote the cheat.

        They will find someway to thwart him in order to “protect our democracy”.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        We can’t hand the Sacred Office of the Presidency to a convicted felon but the American people have voiced their dissatisfaction with the status quo. As an acknowledgement of this we the benevolent powers that be would like to introduce President Romney.

      • R C Dean

        There will be an epic amount of “spontaneous order” cheating. One can only hope that the Repubs manage to get enough observers and lawyers on the ground in time.

        Once the official result is announced, it’s over. The amount of scrutiny, and one hopes the right kind of scrutiny in the right places, during the voting and counting as critical.

        Or not. Our rulers really don’t seem to care that much who the President is, as far as changing what they are doing. Sure, there’s a lot of noise about it, but it sure could be just kayfabe for the rubes.

    • The Other Kevin

      I stand by what I said yesterday, Biden is a first class asshole. This entire situation is his own doing. He keeps fucking over his own party, and for once the Dems keeping everyone in lockstep no matter what has backfired.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        The key is actually Clyburn. If Biden loses him he’s done.

      • The Last American Hero

        Maybe Joe will let Clyburn touch his leg hairs.

      • creech

        I doubt the Dems have “everyone in lockstep.” Joe will be gone within a week due to health problems and the Dem’s lockstep desire to “save the country from the authoritarian Trumphitlervance.

    • Suthenboy

      Unprecedented criminal conviction? Nonsense. There are plenty of examples of trumped up charges and phony convictions against people for political reasons. It isn’t unprecedented at all.

      I love how all of those things are assumed to be true in the face of no evidence whatsoever.

  22. ron73440

    Back from vacation and finally got caught up on work.

    We had a nice trip with a great ceremony for my Mom.

    My sleep schedule needs recalibrating, and I probably gained 10 pounds in 2 weeks, but on Monday, it’s back to the gym.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Presidential elections are won by votes of millions of Americans in the fall – not snapshots of the relative fortunes of campaigns in July. And Trump’s apparent momentum may have been inflated by a convention that is showcasing a party he has stripped of all dissenting voices in an eight-year political purge. The ex-president remains deeply unpopular nationally and millions of Americans disdain his personality cult, record of racially inflammatory rhetoric and his authoritarian instincts. But that’s one reason why his campaign is pulling its punches on Biden in the hope he stays in the race.

    Keep telling yourself that.

    • Ownbestenemy

      record of racially inflammatory rhetoric and his authoritarian instincts

      Oh it isn’t about Joe “Racial Jungle Forced Medical Procedure” Biden?!

    • R.J.

      Max probably thought everything he did was for the good of mankind and he was in the right. No reflection on his or his wife’s actions.

    • Sensei

      She basically lobbied for South Korea without a license.

      I’m not sympathetic as she should have known better, but it’s a yawn.

      • EvilSheldon

        Lobbying is one thing, but lobbying as an ex-CIA analyst while being actively employed by a foreign intelligence service is the dictionary definition of spying.

        That said, it’s also pretty commonplace except for the ex-CIA part.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    After Trump escaped the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania, his campaign has leveraged the aftermath to reshape his image. It has also portrayed his four years in power as an idyll of peace and prosperity. His team is seeking to dispel memories of the chaos, acrimony and assaults on constitutional order that characterized his presidency, which culminated in his attempt to destroy democracy to stay in power and the mob riot by his supporters at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, that led to his second impeachment.

    They must be doing a heck of a job, because the only chaos, acrimony and assaults on Constitutional order I remember are the Black Lives Matter race riots, and antifa besieging a federal courthouse in Portland.


      You mean you don’t see criminal mischief that a Boston sports fan would scoff at as an existential threat to the republic?!

    • Suthenboy

      That’s why they dont specify. They were the ones fomenting all of that.

  25. Ownbestenemy

    Joe introduces new characters more often that SugarFree does. Corn Pop and now…Mouse?

    • R.J.

      You don’t need a rangefinder to blast away at a big crowd. Song is very appropriate.

      • Lachowsky

        i understand it was about a 140 yard shot and the kid had a Eotech holographic sight on his rifle. I don’t think a rangefinder is going to do you any good with that kit and that short of a shot.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Or…he used the rangefinder from ground level because it was less conspicuous and using it from the roof would also be time consuming when time was of the essence.

      • R C Dean

        Didn’t look like time was of the essence once he got on the roof. He was there for several minutes at least before he pulled the trigger.

        How many mags did he have with him? I know I saw it, but I forget.

        Site/target selection was completely the opposite of almost every mass shooter. They go for undefended locations, not ones swarming with cops and snipers. They want a body count, and you don’t get that when you’re not going to survive more than a few seconds after opening fire.

        Do better, “well-positioned source” in an agency frantically scrambling to cover its ass.

    • Gender Traitor


    • PieInTheSky

      I am convinced

    • SDF-7

      “Scrambled onto the roof trying to escape police..”

      Well, that’s a new spin in and of itself. And doesn’t really fit the video of him crawling into firing position without a care in the world while the crowd is frantically trying to get some action from the police in the area.

      To quote a certain Scottish critic and lush — “I smell shite”.

      • Tundra

        It was a hit and he was the fall guy. By framing it this way, the bad people can steal Trump’s thunder and push gun control.

        But like that dude in Mo’s link said: this ain’t 1963

      • Fatty Bolger

        There are videos of him bear crawling on the roof, and not quickly, it was NOT a “scramble.”

    • ron73440

      That seems more unlikely, if he was scrambling to get away, wouldn’t they have gotten Trump off the stage while an unknown threat was running around?

      This keeps getting more fishy.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I believe it is really straight forward, they completely failed at one of their two primary missions, and because of that the USSS has to leak out all these narratives to cover their asses.

    • Ownbestenemy

      If that was the case…the water tower was a better spot. Desperation sinking in.

    • EvilSheldon

      Possible, but very unlikely. Like me scoring that Mira Sorvino/Thandie Newton 3-way unlikely.

      He might have wanted to score some extra victims afterwards, but to believe that Trump wasn’t the primary target is to descend into bare fantasy.

    • Suthenboy

      Two things: I am sick of anonymous sources. People familiar with. People who would know. Yesterday I heard one referred to as ‘a human source’, what ever the fuck that means. It is all ‘I made this shit up and trying to make it sound credible’.

      I officially do not believe a single word of anything I have heard so far. The only thing I believe is what I saw happen. All of the rest of the info I have gotten might as well be the cacophony of clucking chickens.
      Crowd shooter with a handful of rounds? Accidentally climbed onto the best vantage for shooting at near point blank range while it was totally unguarded? Bomb making materials but no assembled bomb? It is all horseshit.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    The situation is especially agonizing for the president, since he views his campaign in existential terms and as a battle to save the soul of America from what he sees as Trump’s mortal threat to democracy. The ex-president spent four years testing the rule of law and the limits of executive power in office and is vowing to pursue a campaign of personal retribution if he is reelected.

    And the fact that the Republican Party is crowning a convicted felon, who was found guilty in his New York hush money case, who lost a massive civil fraud trial and was found liable for sexual assault, has been all but lost in the rush of attention Trump has achieved after the heinous attempt on his life on Saturday.

    Trump is the personification of evil, the greatest existential threat to America ever, and he’s kicking us in the slats.

    Anybody with the faintest flicker of self-reflection might ask himself, “Is this true? If so, how badly must we, as a party, and Joe as a candidate, suck in the eyes of the American people?

    • rhywun

      he views his campaign in existential terms and as a battle to save the soul of America from what he sees as Trump’s mortal threat to democracy

      *outright, prolonged laughter*

    • Ownbestenemy

      ..spent four years testing the rule of law and the limits of executive power in office

      Again…oh we still aren’t talking about Joe “Rent Control and Student Loan Giveaway” Biden?

  27. Lachowsky

    “The Maniac Murder Cult’s goal is to upset social order and governments via terrorism and violent acts that promote fear and chaos, according to the announcement from Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security Division”

    My money is on them being a U.S. state department asset being groomed for color revolution purposes.

    • Suthenboy

      “…goal is to upset social order and governments via terrorism and violent acts that promote fear and chaos”

      Chaos and destruction is an end in itself…so Marxism.

    • UnCivilServant

      That’s an Intern. Gropey Joe would never be able to name a piece of software.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        Nice to finally have someone in the administration say something true, though.

      • UnCivilServant

        Plus there’s no way he would be entering his expense reports.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Plus there’s no way he would be entering his expense reports.

        Yeah, he’s always made Hunter fill out the expense reports.

  28. Pope Jimbo

    We know where they went.

    If you live in Hamilton County, Indiana, however, you just celebrated the 200th anniversary of the Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822. In the fall of that year, a swarm of squirrels descended from the woods and ate everything in sight. The number of squirrels “could not be estimated,” according to one eyewitness, while another reported that a single farmer killed 248 bushytails in three days.

    “The squirrels passed through this county from west to east,” he said. “The number could not be estimated. The time occupied in passing was about two weeks. They destroyed all the corn in the fields they passed over. They could not be turned in their course, but went straight on in the route taken.”
    When they hit the White River, they didn’t break stride. They swam straight across and “it was never known from whence they came or where they went.”

    • trshmnstr

      I grew up in Hamilton County Indiana, living there for over 20 years. I’ve literally never heard of this before.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Probably because people knew you were nuts and didn’t want to scare you.

      • Fourscore

        Squirrels stalking Hamilton County?

  29. The Late P Brooks

    The only real question I have at this point is whether Doktor Grandma will smother Joe with a pillow to get the state funeral extravaganza she so richly deserves.

    • R C Dean

      You just know she’s already got her funeral outfit picked out.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I didn’t see any un-upholstered couches in the WH trash….yet.

  30. Pope Jimbo

    Yet another thing Climate Change can do!

    Researchers from ETH Zurich have revealed that climate change is causing the length of days on Earth to increase at an ‘unprecedented’ rate.
    As polar ice melts in Greenland and Antarctica, the Earth’s centre of gravity shifts towards the equator, gradually slowing down the planet’s rotation.
    If emission levels are not reduced, the researchers predict that this shift could add 2.62 milliseconds to the day by the end of 2100 – a greater impact than that of the moon.

    I am so going to sue someone if I get skin cancer!

    • rhywun

      If emission levels are not reduced


      I will take this shit seriously when China, Russia, and India stop furiously building coal plants as fast as they can. And when Africa says, “Sure, we don’t want nice things like you’ve had for a century.”

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      We plugged the shitty data into our shitty model and this is the result we got. Don’t argue with science bro.

    • Suthenboy

      Shorter Researchers from ETH Zurich: OBEY.

  31. Pope Jimbo

    I’m against Trump’s pick for VP. Not for any policy reason. Not because he changed his name.

    I’m against him because he changed his name to JD Vance. Why the fuck not change it to AD Vance? That would have been an awesome name for a money grubbing pol.

    • SDF-7

      Because when he went into politics, he knew people would ALWAYS be bugging him about how the races were going.

      Politicians love checking AD Vance polling, after all.

    • rhywun

      Weird. My mom went through several husbands after my birth but I never changed my name because of it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Why is MSN deadnaming him?

      • Nephilium

        I was wondering about that with the people putting in the “.”s into his name and giving away his old names. Isn’t that verboten?

  32. The Late P Brooks

    If he was planning a “mass casualty event” why did he only buy 50 rounds? Where was his bump stock? did he have dozens of prepped and loaded mags, taped together for faster switches?

    The stench of desperation is impressive.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Yep this is CYA, muddy the waters, narrative leaks.

      • Suthenboy

        …and it is 100% horseshit.

  33. R C Dean

    OK, let’s say the Dems do manage to get Biden to drop out (I really don’t see how they can force him out).

    Is there any polling, or any reason based on her history, to think Harris has a better shot at beating Trump? The only recentish polling I’ve seen is that Biden outperforms her against Trump, and her history on the national stage is basically one of more visibility = more dislike.

    • Ownbestenemy

      While I am convinced he will be dropping out of the 2024 race, this is where I am hung up on because they know it cannot be her. Maybe Gretchen? They can play the “She also was almost killed!” card on top of the womenz card.

      • R C Dean

        I don’t know how they pass over the Historic First Black Woman VP without setting their left wing, and their racial grifter sector, on fire. I guess Newsom would be out, because he doesn’t check any identity bingo boxes. The Dem bench is just crap, especially for a late entry as an underdog in a Presidential election.

        I don’t know who they have that would do better against Trump than Biden.

    • R C Dean

      OK, I just had a flashback to Hillary claiming to have been under sniper fire in Bosnia.

      I’d love to see how Trump would make use of that now, if she were the Dem nominee.

    • Nephilium

      I seem to recall that Harris’s approval and poll numbers are directly correlated to how much public exposure she has. The more she’s talking in public, the worse people like her. They like the idea of her, just not HER.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Is there any polling, or any reason based on her history, to think Harris has a better shot at beating Trump?

    It’s preposterous to pretend Harris could win an election for junior high class treasurer, much less President of the United States.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I don’t know: Trump would lose the black woman vote.

    • SDF-7

      Said it last night. This should be itself kill any campaign she’s at the front of. Get Clyburn to defend her for state slavery, Dems… go right ahead.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    The Beeb, on safari in a dark and savage land

    Residents of Butler and its surrounding county describe the largely rural area as friendly and neighbourly, a quiet place. The kind of town in which people know and help each other despite political differences.
    Now, some residents fear that their town will forever be known for the events of 13 July.
    Among them are partly retired psychiatrist Warren Goodrich and his wife Debbie.
    The BBC first encountered them at the site of the rally, where they stood near Trump when he spoke.
    When the shooting began, they took cover near a young girl who was pleading for her life, a sight that Mrs Goodrich said broke her heart.

    Those right wing gun lovers aren’t so brave now.

  36. Fatty Bolger

    NEWS: Senate briefing on Trump rally shooting just concluded.

    Key points per senators:

    – Shooter visited rally site to scope area out days in advance.
    – 62 mins from photograph of suspicions to shots fired.
    – 20 mins from sniper sighting suspect to shots fired.
    – FBI/Wray: No foreign ties, motive unknown.
    – Shooter used encrypted comms, minimal social media presence.

    Encrypted comms?!!

    • Sensei

      Encrypted comms?!!

      iPhone with a password.

    • Nephilium

      Encrypted comms?!!

      I would guess an encrypted messaging/email application. Which I believe is fairly common among the yutes these days.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Yeah but ‘encrypted comms’ sounds scary and what the Proud Boys used and J6ers!

    • R C Dean

      Oops. Narrative fail. I thought he was a lone wolf. So why the encrypted comms?

      • Ownbestenemy

        I chalk that up to people wanting to sound smart. As others said either locked phone and/or secure messaging app in which it is quite common among the yutes

    • slumbrew

      Encrypted comms!

      i.e., WhatsApp

      • R.J.

        Signal is nice.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    “It’s not just violence against people like Trump and Biden that I’m concerned about,” said Mr Gleason, the army veteran. “I’m also worried about violence against people who hold opposing views.”
    Jean Vincent said that she believes the US has entered a “very, very scary” time in which tensions are running particularly high ahead of the November election.
    “I fear that this country is sliding into chaos and is out of control. I just can’t believe everyone is acting so crazy,” she said. “There’s all this division. What happens in the upcoming election if people are not happy with the outcome?”
    Others described the aftermath of the shooting with a feeling of disgust.

    America is a frightening and uncivilized place.

    • R C Dean

      It’s the kind of place where tens of thousands march in the streets calling for ethnic cleansing, if not outright genocide.

      Oh, wait. That would be London.

  38. cavalier973

    If Crooks was the guy who shot Trump’s ear, he apparently didn’t need any more training, because that’s pretty close to the target. The kill was avoided by Trump turning his head.

    I’m not sure that that shot was made by Crooks. Crooks may have killed that one guy, and injured the others in the crowd, but the ear-shot was someone else.

    • R C Dean

      Nah. From that range, somebody who has put in some range time, like Crooks, would be on target. Especially shooting prone.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Where is that buck?

    Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) joined the chorus of those pressing Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to resign in the wake of the attempted assassination of former President Trump.

    Barrasso and Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) were seen aggressively confronting Cheatle at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee Wednesday, just days after the shooting at a Trump campaign rally Saturday outside Pittsburgh. Cheatle and the Secret Service have been under intense scrutiny as questions swirl over why the gunman was able to get close enough to shoot at the former president.

    She rushed to Milwaukee to personally take charge of Trump’s security operation?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Just a tad late to bolster your image. A role in the government that has been, for the past 40 years, quiet and prestigious. You make sure details are set, site plans are met, foster relationships across the country. You had one job, you failed and now you run to the RNC in hopes people see you as a ‘boots on the ground’ type of gal just making sure all is solid? What a damn joke.

    • R C Dean

      Every time she shows her face, people should throw dollar bills at her.