1. UnCivilServant

    Democrats draw backlash, suspicion over opposition to Hill Republicans’ citizen-only voting bill

    So, they are relying on non-citizen voters too.

    • AlexinCT

      The left is about power. Getting it. Keeping it. Using it. There is no low they will not engage in to do that.

      If American voters will not just accept what their betters are doing to them, then their betters will get new voters that will.

      Our mediocre credentialed elite class is despicable.

    • WTF

      They really are blatant. What legitimate reason could there be to oppose a bill to prevent non-citizens from voting?

      • AlexinCT

        It would make the shenanigans they plan harder to defend in the various courts they own?

      • SDF-7

        Voter validation / election security is racist of course! Because poll taxes and Jim Crow or something.

      • Sensei

        The argument, not that I believe it, is that localities can use it as pretext to disenfranchise legitimate citizens from voting.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Which might hold up slightly if there were a deluge of news articles of swaths of people being turned away in the states that have required an *ID to vote.

        *ID doesn’t confirm citizenship.

      • Tonio

        I’ve also heard the argument “iT’s AlReAdY iLleGaL, wHy ThEy WaStE tImE mAkInG mOaR iLlEgAlLeR?” I will note that these same people never decry the many other things legislatures do which is unneccessary.

    • Translucent Chum

      Pepperidge Farm remembers the last time the elite fled France. They even had a fancy name for them. And oh, look. Fixing the price of bread too!

      • Translucent Chum

        Thread fail. Oof.

    • Suthenboy

      The Dems quit pretending some time back. They might as well ditch the donkey and adopt the hammer and sickle.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Hammer and sickle are too masculine for their likes.

  2. Drake

    “Biden throws down gauntlet for Democrats to challenge him for nomination…”

    Long-drive contest followed by pushups?

    • AlexinCT

      I am rooting for the guy. The crooks deserve him and the disaster he will stick them with.

      • SDF-7

        Better than fortifying Kamala into office and using her to lock in 8 more years of this crap certainly. (No, I don’t think she could actually win on her own merits with her personality and record — but I do think they’d fortify the crap out of things if they all got in line behind her… after all “As long as it has a pulse, it is better than Trumpitler!” is actually being said by the current crop of morons).

      • The Other Kevin

        The entire Dem party and the press have stood behind him the whole time because they don’t tolerate dissent. This is what they get.

  3. Q Continuum

    “Biden throws down gauntlet for Democrats to challenge him for nomination”

    It’s a shame there isn’t some way for a party to vote on their nominee ahead of time, since it comes first we could call it a “primary”. I bet the Dems wish something like that existed so they could have picked someone other than Biden.

    • AlexinCT

      Democrats did that. They picked the crypt keeper and told everyone pointing out this was crazy to fuck off. Now they are desperately looking for a way to get around the will over their voters (again) to install some other idiot they hope will help them fortify the coming election, because losing will have serious consequences after more than a decade of bureaucratic abuse of power.

      • WTF

        I disagree that losing will have serious consequences since the bureaucracies will still be firmly in charge no matter who the president is.

      • trshmnstr

        ^^ this. They may have some temporary setbacks and delays, but the ratchet will keep on doing what it does.

      • AlexinCT

        Their panicked resistance is because while the bureaucracy will likely survive to keep harming the country, some of the top people involved in all the chicanery and criminality might get what they deserve. and have no doubt their priority is to prevent the later. it’s always about saving their own skins first and foremost.

      • Tonio

        “since the bureaucracies will still be firmly in charge”

        Disagree. The MAGA folks say that the president, as executive, has the right to fire any executive branch employee, particularly the higher level ones who require congressional confirmation or appointment. This has them terrified, particularly in a post-Loper environment.

        Also, this theory has been spun by the usual suspects as Trump trying to take over the entire fedgov (including Congress and the courts) using this power. More fear-mongering bullshit, but it’s all they have.

      • dbleagle

        The vast bulk of the FedGov workers are deeply entrenched and can’t be easily fired. Hence the “We Be” thought process many of them adopt to their military or appointed leadership. As in “we be here before you got here and we be here after you are gone.”

        I’ve certainly experienced it in my first career.

      • trshmnstr

        particularly the higher level ones who require congressional confirmation or appointment.

        It would make for a particularly hairy SCOTUS case. Wanna bet that SCOTUS conveniently forgets the ‘political question doctrine’ when Trump cans bureaucrats under civil servant protections?

  4. robodruid

    I dare you to dump me.

    • UnCivilServant

      You’re Married! (and a dude). So I’d never start. Makes it difficult to end something that never started.

  5. SDF-7

    Panicking French elite bombard their wealth managers with enquiries about relocating to Italy and Switzerland

    Wait… I thought everyone was itching to give 90% of their income over 400k (euros, but close enough..).

    You mean Buffet lied to us! And Bernie “I need another 2 mansions from the taxpayers”? Sacre bleu!

    In all honesty, I’m going to be surprised if there isn’t carve outs for the Party and the Party’s cronies in this… but yeah, the rest of France is going to take it up the derriere. Thanks for voting for the commies and enjoy Sharia law in 20 years, folks.

    As is often the case — really wish there was a place left for the disaffected to actually go and let the parasites ruin the places they’ve infested.

    Morning, Banjos — glad y’all have a backup and that you’re safe. Hope the rest of the post-hurricane clean up goes as well as it can.

    • AlexinCT

      The only people that love themselves a wealth tax are government bureaucrats, politicians, and the indolent marxist types that just use the productive like vampires use humans (cattle to feed on).

    • R C Dean

      “the rest of France is going to take it up the derriere”

      I believe they call that a “tournante” these days.

    • rudimentary teats formerly known as pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      …take it up the derriere…

      +1 stick of butter a la Last Tango in Paris

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Italy is an interesting choice. High taxes, but also high evasion.

      • AlexinCT

        Greece was where tax avoiders did their work until the last time when the German bankers made it nigh impossible to tax cheat there. The racket was then moved to Italy which was then #2 and now is the 31 place in the EU to avoid being fleeced by an unaccountable and unelected bureaucratic behemoth with an agenda to return them all to the good ole days of serfdom.

  6. SDF-7

    Tire falls off United Airlines plane during takeoff at LAX, 2nd time in months

    Well, fasten the lug nuts on that tire better guys! (/sarc)

    • WTF

      Yeah, that seems like more of maintenance problem rather than a shoddy build problem.

      • AlexinCT

        You think the maintenance crews are not impacted by a combination of DEI and low quality people doing shitty jobs as well as management that is desperate to cut costs anywhere and everywhere?

      • WTF

        Oh, of course they are. I’m just saying it’s likely not a Boeing QA/QC issue.

      • AlexinCT

        Boeing might not be free of guilt. The fact that they have been sourcing so much of their materials from the Chinese market, a country known to produce sub par shit by design, could be responsible for the problem. The amount of systems out there now having material quality issues is massive, and it every time goes back to cheap Chinese parts/materials that are so far below required standards that we are lucky people are not dying all over the place.

        One of the big problems facing the US Navy right now is the production of ships and subs in the required numbers congress is demanding. In al the chatter about why the Navy lacks the ability to do this, what is missing is that their biggest problem right now is that they have come to realize they have built vessels with low quality shit from China and have no other means to address that since the US no longer is in the market for most of the stuff they need, and are stuck trying to prevent that from happening again while fixing the ones with problems.

        In the commercial industry this phenomenon is the same if not worse. Quality control seems to have been absent.

      • SDF-7

        And this is why I believe nations should maintain critical / military industrial capability even if it goes against the free market and doesn’t always make economic sense. (And yes, they need to have actual oversight to watch for crony corruption in these cases).

        We should have shipyards to make the Navy we need. We should have fabs to make the chips we need securely. We should have aircraft factories, armories, etc. And the raw materials to feed them.

        Nationalism is not a bad thing — the default Global Order is “What can you get away with today?” grumble bitch moan complain….

      • AlexinCT

        How would you then be able to use that dependency to justify military adventurism in other places when you do all this stuff yourself then SDF-7?

      • Drake

        SDF-7 – That was Russia’s strategy. For years they were paying to maintain some massive munitions and weapons plants turning out very small quantities. Then they cranked them up a couple of years ago.

        Meanwhile, we can’t make enough shells to keep Israel and Ukraine in business, much less restock our depleted stores.

      • Fourscore

        Outsource war? Contract Mexico or Canada or Cuba or China to fight our wars.

        Win/win, even if you lose

      • SDF-7

        Hmm… now you have me thinking about the Roman Empire again today, 4×20. (“What could go wrong with outsourcing the legions?”)

      • Drake

        We could put all the fighting-age men crossing the border in the Army and train them for the infantry. What’s the worst that could happen?

      • Not Adahn

        People called Romani, they go the house?

  7. AlexinCT

    Panicking French elite bombard their wealth managers with enquiries about relocating to Italy and Switzerland

    Queue the California style “We will tax you regardless of where you move to, because” strategy?

    • SDF-7

      “We’ll just force the same taxes through at the EU level! And have an exit tax from the EU! Problem solved, comrade.”

  8. SDF-7

    I’ll leave you with a song

    Ok, boomer.

    • WTF

      That was the most anime theme song ever.

  9. AlexinCT

    Democrat Insiders Sound Alarm on 2024 Election: ‘Sh*t Is Going to Hit the Fan’

    Over and under that the censorship apparatus will go after people claiming the 2024 election had issues so the winner is not legit? If team blue fortifies it, the odds are 100%. Otherwise it will be zero.

    • SDF-7

      If Trump manages to overcome the Percentage of Fortification, they’ll be right there insisting the election was illegitimate and Stacey Abrams whatever brain dead puppet is actually on the ballot really won. And yeah — if he doesn’t… Most Righteous Election Evah, bigot! No misinformation allowed on social media — SCOTUS said we could crack down! (Don’t think I’ve forgotten that shit decision, Roberts….)

  10. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “Biden throws down gauntlet for Democrats to challenge him for nomination”

    Can I become the nominee if I best him a push up contest?

    • SDF-7

      No — because he invented video games when he wrote Pong before going to South Africa to be a trucker and campaign for civil rights before getting locked up with Mandela while attending all the black churches in Philadelphia — you have to beat him at Gauntlet… it is right there in the headline, jack! True story!

    • AlexinCT

      Only if you also best him at shitting your pants daily.

      • SDF-7

        Would he recognize an independent judge in such a contest? It depends…..

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Trump really should accept the golf challenge, or at the very least the challenge of carrying your bags. The 40 yard golf bag carry contest.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        “You take the blond. I’ll take the one in the turban.”

        Or maybe, “I’ll take the model. You take the one dressed like a couch.”

    • UnCivilServant

      I hate how they keep calling ‘Singh’ a ‘He’. She’s not. Never was.

      • Suthenboy

        The ministry of truth will tell you what words you are allowed to use.

    • Not Adahn

      That is a ROUGH looking 22.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      “In spite of the warning signs…”


  11. SDF-7


    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/09:
    *20/20 words (+3 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 4% by accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 07/09:
    *28/28 words (+3 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 17% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 466

    • Sean

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/09:
      *20/20 words (+7 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 6% by bonus words

      I played https://squaredle.com 07/09:
      *28/28 words (+8 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 4% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 419

    • Ownbestenemy

      No pictures of the parents? Only of the homely girl turned thot? Sun is by the far the best media the world could ask for.

    • Suthenboy

      There is no honor in murdering a child.
      West imports savages, west gets savagery.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Vickers doesn’t scream ‘imported’ surname.

      • Ownbestenemy

        *However, the savagery of killing your own offspring is since a long-gone practice of any form of the West (well..sorta).



  12. The Late P Brooks

    Outsource war? Contract Mexico or Canada or Cuba or China to fight our wars.

    Where’s Milo Minderbinder when you need him?

  13. SDF-7

    Tricky Dick was apparently even Trickier than we thought! Who knew The Great Society instead of being a horrible idea that destroyed the black family was instead what was needed to stop gang wars in Chicago today, and it is all Nixon’s fault it didn’t work! (Why not just blame Washington and Jefferson for not going full communist after the revolution so we had “equality” from the beginning? It would make as much sense there…)

    • Ownbestenemy

      We’ve all had work and school peers, friends and even family that operate like this. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is their fault. There is always something or someone to blame.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      If only Chicago had some Democrat mayors who could have solved this in the meantime. Or maybe if only Illinois had some Democrat governors. Or maybe if only there were periods post-Nixon when the Democrats had the Presidency and Congress.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Nixon wanted to ban handguns, but the racists wouldn’t let him.


      This actually wouldn’t surprise me in the least. Trickster Dickster was a first order statist.

  15. Ownbestenemy

    Ex Post Facto and Bill of Attainders be damned!

    “I will work with my colleagues on legislation classifying Trump’s election subversion acts as unofficial acts not subject to immunity,”

    • AlexinCT

      The real message here from these people, like Schumer and his ilk of team blue crooks, is that they will not tolerate any kind of rebellious actions by the unwashed deplorables to their hold on power. They are basically telling us they will ONLY allow people to vote for approved and captured/controlled stooges. Not anyone that would dismantle the debacle these credentialed elites are foisting on us so they can demoralize us and then go ahead with their globalist agenda.

      As ole Claus Schwab likes to say every once in a while to motivate his crew of imbecilic: the globalist movement is about making sure the future serfs know their place and the masters keep theirs.

      • The Other Kevin

        It’s telling that not one Dem has been telling Biden he needs to do a better job. If he was just a C+ president he’s win in a landslide. The guy’s getting and F- in everything. This is all they have.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        All they have to do is enact the 25th, and Kamalamadingdong is acting president. Should take care of their problems, no?

        Just kidding! She is so hated by the public and a huge part of the party that they are scared that she would be worse than the current POTATUS. They kinda fucked themselves into a corner here, didn’t they?

      • R C Dean

        Even if they 25th Biden out of office, he still holds all the delegates to the convention and would be the first ballot nominee, wouldn’t he?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Correct. Being 25thed doesn’t make her president, only acting Pres. Nor does it prevent him from running. But it would send a very strong signal out that they actually give a crap about the country, and that they do not think he is capable of running the country, let alone winning the election.

        But, they have built Trump into such a monster in their own heads that they are incapable of seeing this.

    • WTF

      Since when does the constitution matter to these assholes?

      • The Other Kevin

        They seem to value the constitutional right to abortion and for the government to censor any dissent.

    • Suthenboy

      All projection, all of the time with them. At some point they will feel their power so threatened that they will refuse to accept election results and declare some kind of martial law/lockdown whatever.
      I dont think they can pull it off, but I think the chances are high that they will try.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Help us, Joe-be-won, you’re our only hope

    Biden will also have an important audience overseas. The effects of the president’s advancing age are not just an issue for his political future; they are now the West’s problem given that he is the last defense against a stunning comeback by Trump, who spent his first term berating NATO allies and cozying up to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump has suggested he would let Moscow “do whatever the hell they want” and would not honor NATO’s sacred Article 5 mutual defense principle if he considered that a member state had not met the alliance’s defense spending guidelines.

    Trump IS the Doomsday Machine.

    • Suthenboy

      Money. It is always the money. I am supposed to be worried that slackers overseas are mad because their gravy train of US taxpayer money might get cut off?
      Oh, and Trump’s comeback is ‘stunning’.

    • AlexinCT

      I always get real hate from team blue lemmings when I point out that team blue pols never run on any positive accomplishments, but only on fear. fear of “muh democracy!”, fear of “muh abortions!”, fear “muh ability to fuck kids!”, and of course fear of the current Hitler republican. You should see the reactions when I remind them I am not an idiot like they are and remember when Trump was king of the leftist social circles and constantly feted, awarded, and looked up to. That is, until the corruptocracy got the brilliant idea that running him against that Medusa Clinton might help overcome her 52% negative approval and make the need for massive fortification unnecessary.

      Again, I remind everyone that Trumps greatest crimes were to first win the rigged 2016 election that was supposed to shoe in Hillary, and then seconded that by actually fighting the corruptocracy when they tried to shame him out of the job with a massive campaign of lies. In short, the left hates him because he uses their tactics, and does so better than they do.

      • The Other Kevin

        Currently Trump is running on issues (taxes, inflation, immigration, wars), and the Dems are running on made up ghost stories about what Trump will do if he wins.

      • AlexinCT

        here ya go.

        Where is the team blue promises other than abortion until the 140th trimester and more free shit?

      • Suthenboy

        “….does so better than they do.”

        Despite not really living up to expectations he did have some positives come out of his efforts. The left never has any positives as their policies are calculated to yield negative results.

    • R C Dean

      “In the judge’s Friday ruling she said, “materials created by Hale are exempted from disclosure based on the federal Copyright Act.”

      I wonder if someone can refuse to hand over documents that have been subpoenaed by claiming copyright. Or if the government can refuse to disclose documents under FOIA by claiming copyright.

      • AlexinCT

        I wonder if someone can refuse to hand over documents that have been subpoenaed by claiming copyright. Or if the government can refuse to disclose documents under FOIA by claiming copyright.

        I am sure these crooks would love that to be the way this plays out…

        Making it harder for the serfs to actually see what is being done by their masters is a bonus.

      • UnCivilServant

        Copyright does not mean “This document is secret” it means “This person owns the exclusive right to economically benefit from this content”

      • Ownbestenemy

        Absent the whole copyright nonsense, wasn’t the material entered into the record on whatever case/investigation they conducted and thus, public record now?

  17. The Other Kevin

    The White House put out a press release opposing the SAVE act. The main points were 1) It’s already illegal for non-citizens to vote, and 2) It’s hard for minorities to get an ID.

    Regarding the first point, without an ID, how would we know people are voting illegally? And do we trust Democrat DA’s and Merrick Garland to prosecute anyone? The whole argument is ridiculous. But of course they’ll get their way.

    • R.J.

      Regarding the second point, that is a huge lie. Anyone with half a brain can get an ID. In fact, if you are incapable of figuring that out you shouldn’t be voting. What a racist insult. And it gets repeated constantly.

      • The Other Kevin

        Every poll I’ve seen has support for voter ID at 60-70%, and that polls even higher for minorities. I’ve seen plenty of interview with black people thinking that second point is a joke, and not once have I see a black person claim they can’t get an ID.

        To look at it another way, if it’s so hard for minorities to get an ID, why aren’t we doing something to make that process easier?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Some study I just read puts it at ~ 11% of the population does not have a State ID of any kind. Well outside the margin of people actually participating in the voting process.

      • AlexinCT

        The voter ID problem is easy as fuck to solve: issue a government voter ID as soon as you reach voting age (or even at birth) after verifying citizenship. You would think people that love government bureaucracies would jump on another big bureaucracy, but they want nothing to do with that…. Think about that…

      • Sean

        Some study I just read puts it at ~ 11% of the population does not have a State ID of any kind.

        Like children?

        Otherwise I ain’t buying that.

    • R.J.

      And as much as I get annoyed with House Speaker Johnson, his five points for approving the bill were excellent.

    • Suthenboy

      “Why do they always want things that make voter fraud easier?”
      A: “Because they want to commit voter fraud.”

      • AlexinCT

        Occam’s razor. They use bigotry, racism, and down right stupid to justify the cheating as well.

    • AlexinCT

      If I was a minority I would be offended by these assholes. Please tell me who in today’s society doesn’t have an id. You can’t get a credit card, bank account, job, or even for those that just suck at the government teat, any of the welfare used to buy votes. Is the belief of these assholes that a huge number of minorities live primitive lives, completely disconnected from any of modern society, and only show up when it is time to vote? And that they are both too illiterate or dumb to get an ID?

      What a crock of shit. Galling.

      • R.J.

        It absolutely is. And yes, it offends minorities to hear that condescending crap.

    • Grummun

      It’s hard for minorities to get an ID

      Aren’t multiple states issuing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens?

      • UnCivilServant

        Along with automatic voter registration.

      • SDF-7

        Funny that… almost like it is a feature, not a bug… so funny….

    • Sensei

      Somehow these same potentially disenfranchised people can figure out exactly what public assistance they are eligible for and exactly how to apply for it.

      Funny that.

      • UnCivilServant

        And those all require ID, funny that.

      • Nephilium

        Yeah. I’ve known some people who didn’t have bank accounts, but (outside of suspension and not getting the temp replacement) I can’t think of anyone who was an adult without ID.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    “The rest of the world is looking — our allies are looking for US leadership. Who else — who else do you think could step in here and do this?” Biden said on MSNBC. In an interview with ABC News on Friday, the president also billed himself as essential to global security. “I’m the guy that put NATO together, the future. No one thought I could expand it. I’m the guy that shut Putin down. No one thought could happen,” Biden said.

    Okay, Geezer.

    • R C Dean

      “I’m the guy that shut Putin down”

      *opens tab, reviews war news from Ukraine, shrugs, closes tab*

  19. The Late P Brooks

    On the eve of the summit, Biden’s campaign distributed a memo lauding his leadership in keeping Kyiv standing more than two years after the Russian invasion. “Donald Trump is a threat to NATO, a gift to Putin and a wrecking ball to global peace, democracy and human rights,” the memo read. The campaign also pointed out the presumptive Republican nominee’s frequent genuflecting toward Putin. “The eyes of the world will be on the NATO summit this week, where Joe Biden has strengthened, expanded and led the NATO Alliance against Putin’s violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and unwarranted aggression.”

    Wait- NATO picks the US President?

    • rhywun

      Strange, I was unaware that Ukraine is in NATO.

  20. The Other Kevin

    @Alex, yesterday you were asking if the Nimitz will actually be retired according to schedule. Everything we’ve heard is that it will be deployed early next year, and then be retired. But as you said, the other ships are behind schedule. And they just finished a lot of work on the Nimitz, including a rehab of the entire flight deck. So who knows?

    • SDF-7

      Enterprise was replaced by Ford. Nimitz is going to be replaced by JFK, which is fitting out. So CVN-80 and 81 (Enterprise and Doris Miller being later shouldn’t affect decommissioning of Nimitz).

      That said — which CVN-65 may have been end-of-life… it really doesn’t seem like Nimitz should be (I know, I know… power system requirements, man power changes, etc.). Still think our close allies like Australia, Canada and the UK might be decently served by getting one (or two for the UK) for the next 30 or 40 years. I would expect them to last at least that long with another fuel cycle or two and it would give our close allies a lot more flexibility (and reliability given how many times the QE / Prince of Wales has been laid up).

      • R C Dean

        I have feeling that aircraft carriers are to modern navies what battleships were to navies before WWII. Namely, big targets for next-gen weapons.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I would agree R C Dean, but our composition of a battlegroup helps negate that. Now once they unleash autonomous drone swarms that overwhelm the battlegroup, then the game is up.

      • Drake

        Until and unless they come up with a defense against hypersonic missiles, the carrier concept is in big trouble.

      • AlexinCT

        Every platform is a target for next gen weapons. The trick is in modernizing to avoid being targeted. You do so by making it harder to detect, track and shoot at ya. As the battle between the range of attack options (cruise, ballistic, an hypersonic missiles & drones) increases, the need for defensive options will have to adapt. One thing is the use of energy weapons to overcome the expensive limitations of interception missiles (the technology available today). A platform can only shoot down X amount of incoming weapons with missiles. For example, the Burke class destroyers that are the backbone of the Navy at this time (since all the Ticos will be gone in 5 years) have a max implementation of 90+ missiles if they carry no offensive/anti-sub ones. Energy weapons technically should make that limitation moot.

        And so goes the cycle.

      • SDF-7

        I think everyone expects the CVGs to go bye-bye in a peer conflict (or I would hope they would).

        Unlike battleships (other than showing the flag) in the interwar period, carriers are very useful in our current brush fire power projection mode we’ve been in since Korea. I fully expect that’s why we’re still investing in them — Pax Americana. Full on conflict, I doubt much other than the boomers would make it.

      • AlexinCT

        I think everyone expects the CVGs to go bye-bye in a peer conflict (or I would hope they would).

        If that is so, then it is strange that the Russians still desperately want a carrier and China is going all out to build several new ones. Maybe your assessment that carriers are a cheaper way of dealing with lesser military forces pans out. Carriers however still have a function even against near peer or peer opponents, even if your risk losing one or more in a surprise attack.

        You might hold your CVG back while you use other forces to soften the enemy’s defensive/offensive capabilities, and then, once you have achieved an acceptable level of that, move one or more CVGs in to generate more sorties against targets from assets on the carrier (since it is closer you can put more hardware on target over time). One of the first things to likely go during a conflict will be satellite coverage. Once your ability to find & target such a fast moving group goes away, your stockpile of offensive missiles are just useless.

      • R C Dean

        “Now once they unleash autonomous drone swarms that overwhelm the battlegroup, then the game is up.”

        Like I was saying . . . .

        “ Unlike battleships (other than showing the flag) in the interwar period, carriers are very useful in our current brush fire power projection mode”

        Just because they are currently useful doesn’t mean they aren’t big targets for drone swarms, whether airborne, surface, or subsurface. And I would imagine drone swarms (if that is the next gen, which it looks like) would also be useful for power projection.

        I wouldn’t necessarily bet on only a peer being able to take one out, either. That’s the thing we are beginning to see in Ukraine, after all. The Ukes have basically zero navy, but have put a beating on the Russian navy.

      • Drake

        The old battleships were still useful up through the Gulf War. Once something was in range of the guns, it just went away.

        The Russians and Chinese hated them because cruise missiles aren’t made for that armor. The real problem was modernizing and crewing them weren’t worth it.

        Drone carriers probably replace aircraft carriers. Smaller crew, smaller target, maybe new defenses.

      • UnCivilServant

        Aircraft carriers are a status symbol. You can’t be a major power without one.

      • R C Dean

        “If that is so, then it is strange that the Russians still desperately want a carrier and China is going all out to build several new ones.”

        Everybody, including the Japanese who had a better idea what carriers could do than anyone else, was building battleships right up until WWII.

        The other thing drones are good for is recon. Losing satellite coverage may not be as much of a detriment for finding the other guy’s ships as drones advance. But that’s the thing about these hinge points in military technology – it’s really hard to know how things go once the tried-and-true is outmoded.

  21. UnCivilServant

    A place calls a side dish “broccoli bacon bliss” what do you expect?

    I was thinking cooked broccoli and bacon, possibly cheese.

    I got – raw broccoli cooked bacon, dried cranberries(?!) and some sort of dairy based dressing (small quantities, so I couldn’t isolate a flavor associated with it specifically)

    • AlexinCT

      Raw broccoli sucks. At least steam it (and leave it crunchy). And by dairy dressing do you mean cheese or sour cream? Cause there is a difference there.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s not cheese based. Sour cream, mayo, not sure, it was thinly applied.

      • AlexinCT

        Did it taste like ass? I don’t know. Raw broccoli would already have been bleh to me, but I doubt some thinly applied dressing would make the experience any better.

        Look on the bright side. It is not brussels sprouts. Nothing can make that shit taste good, and I don’t get people that eat that. I mean, I would rather eat ass than that nasty shit.

      • Fourscore

        Gotta disagree, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi are salad ingredients. No cooking, steaming, microwaving. Nature’s best.

      • AlexinCT

        Et tu, Fourscore?

    • Ownbestenemy

      To me, that is a place that couldn’t be arsed to blanch the broccoli to perfection so it is cooked yet still ‘crunchy’ and went the lazy route of feeding you rabbit food.

    • Sean

      I’d expect roasted/broiled broccoli with chunks of bacon and possibly a cheesey sauce too.

      That’s an abomination.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Peeping Toms

    An Airbnb representative testifying at a court-ordered deposition early last year offered a rare glimpse of the company’s hidden camera problem: Airbnb has generated tens of thousands of customer support tickets related to surveillance devices in the last decade.

    During the hours-long deposition, the Airbnb employee also revealed that when a guest complains of a hidden camera, the company doesn’t – as a matter of practice – notify law enforcement, not even when a child is involved. The company may, however, reach out to hosts about complaints as part of internal inquiries – a move law enforcement experts say could hinder criminal investigations because it gives suspects time to destroy evidence.

    A CNN investigation found that Airbnb consistently fails to protect its guests despite knowing hidden cameras are a persistent concern within its industry. Airbnb’s corporate strategies, moreover, have been aimed at preventing regulation of the short-term rental market to allow the company to distance itself from responsibility for guest safety and privacy.

    It couldn’t possibly be about trying to document theft or damage. It’s all about sneaking a peek.

    • AlexinCT

      A camera in the bedroom looking at the bed, or in the bathroom shower or toilet named at ass, yeah that’s a problem. But if I have cameras in areas of normal traffic/use, the argument about privacy is bogus. What about baby monitors with cameras? I am sure some scumbag can misuse the tech, but do you outright ban the use to prevent abuse? That sounds ludicrously dumb.

      Maybe the solution is simple: the owner of the property warns potential guests that they have cameras in the high traffic areas, and then the guest can choose if that is a problem or not?

    • UnCivilServant

      I already boycotted crunchyroll for killing rightstuf.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Brian Chesky was unemployed when he and his roommate came up with the idea for Airbnb in 2007 while struggling to make rent in San Francisco. For $80 a night, they opened their home to three travelers, offering them air mattresses, breakfast and Wi-Fi. They called their start-up Air Bed and Breakfast. Thirteen years later, the company went public in the largest IPO of 2020, with a valuation of $47 billion.

    Today, Airbnb – which is valued higher than Hyatt Hotels Corporation and Marriott International combined – continues to chase the benefits of being an international hotel chain while shouldering few of the costs or responsibilities.

    Unlike hotels, Airbnb doesn’t control the properties it advertises or employ on-site staff such as security guards, receptionists or cleaning professionals. Instead, it leaves the costs of maintaining and protecting short-term rentals to hosts.

    And, while hotels can be held legally responsible for guests harmed on their property, Airbnb frequently is not. In fact, Airbnb has fought against such liability in court, arguing it has little control over what happens at its listings – despite collecting roughly 17% of each booking.

    It’s almost as if Air B&B isn’t actually a hotelier.

    • Ted S.

      But they have a pile of money that grifters want.

    • AlexinCT

      I know that the hotel industry hates Air B&B cause it drastically impacts their monopoly, and they have been lawfaring the system forever to kill as much of its business as possible. The problem is that the people that use it want Air B&B to offer hotel services on the cheap, which has allowed a lot of that lawfaring.

      I have used it. The key is to do the research. Make sure you understand the property, the owners, and what you are getting (and more importantly, not getting). Odds then are the experience will be worth the money you pay for it just because you can have the benefit of actually doing a near home experience. I you find out that despite your best effort the people that were offering the facility did wrong, there is a mechanism to address that after the fact. But the risk is yours if you use the service.

      And more importantly, if you want hotel service, go to a hotel, and accept that you have to pay the price for that.

      • trshmnstr

        Odds then are the experience will be worth the money you pay for it just because you can have the benefit of actually doing a near home experience.

        IMO, the value has plummeted over the past few years. Airbnb used to be my go to for trips, but now the fees are incredibly high and the expectations from the landlords don’t match the fees. I’m not paying $100 cleaning fee for a 2 night stay if I have to strip the bed and start the dishwasher. The costs used to be competitive with hotels and other options, but now I’d rather just go stay in a hotel or a cabin at a state park.

      • UnCivilServant

        I use hotels because I know what I can expect, what to look for in case they’re not living up to standards, and the staff tends to be more professional (exceptions exist, but on average they do it for a living)

    • SDF-7

      They really, really dislike the peons being able to use their property how they see fit instead of all things going through the Approved Gatekeepers (that they’ve shaped the regulatory state to limit entry into the market for and to fleece the tourist / tax situation).

      That anyone has to ask any government’s permission to enter into a private contract regarding giving them a ride in your car or letting them stay in your room is so, so stupid… but the Politics of Fear (as mentioned above) sure has brought it about… “But what about… “? spawns the Permission Society.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Freedom is a scary monster waiting to rape, pillage and kill you SDF

      • Fourscore

        …and a motel tax, always paid by the transients so it doesn’t hit locals, which of course it does by raising prices.

        Even here it’s it’s being criticized because it bothers the neighbors….

        Many empty plush cabins here that often are not used much in winter that could be used by vagrants, etc. It’ll happen, already a crime problem. Driveway not plowed, zip in on a snowmobile, burglarize and gone. Wear masks though, a lot of home security.

    • slumbrew

      Not even close to hot enough for that level of crazy.

  24. The Late P Brooks


    Melania Trump raised $1.4 million in a single night at a Republican fundraiser in her New York City penthouse in Trump Tower.

    The fundraiser was for Log Cabin Republicans, a Republican Party-affiliated group that advocates for LGBTQ+ rights. The group described the event as “amazingly spectacular” in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

    “We cannot be thankful enough to @MelaniaTrump for her leadership and support of equality for all. This Republican Party is one for ALL Americans,” it wrote.

    Richard Grenell, a gay Republican who served in former President Donald Trump’s cabinet, wrote on X that it was the first campaign event ever to be held at the Trump residence. “We raised $1.4 million in one night. Our goal is to get 50% of the gay vote for Donald Trump,” he wrote.

    This is the second fundraiser the former first lady has hosted for Log Cabin Republicans this year. The first event, held in April at the Trumps’ Florida estate Mar-a-Lago, also helped raise over $1 million for the group, according to its president, Charles T. Moran.

    Prior to the April fundraiser, Melania Trump’s message to the LGBTQ+ community was about the need for unity and coming together. She wrote on X: “As we look toward the future and the challenges that lie ahead, we must come together around the principles of liberty, justice, and patriotism.”

    It’s obviously some sort of trick.

    • Fourscore

      Melania’s turning tricks? Damn, inflation is bad all over.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        It’s the sign of a bad economy when the prostitutes get better looking and cheaper.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    dreaded “chocolate milkshake”—the tell-talle sign of oil and coolant mixing commonly caused by head-gasket failure.

    Maybe(!) this is just awkwardly written, but a failure (cracking?) of an oil/coolant heat exchanger has fuck all to do with the head gasket.

    • Tundra

      Yeah, I stumbled on that one too. A guy in the comments claims that the oil coolers are plastic, because of course they are.

      • kinnath

        That’s just stupid.

      • Tundra

        Cheap, though.

      • kinnath

        cheap doesn’t override stupid

        when bean counters get too much authority.

    • Sensei

      Yeah, bad writing. The failure is the exchanger.

    • kinnath

      commonly caused by head-gasket failure.

      I think they are trying to say this symptom is frequently associated with head-gasket failure even though this story is about oil cooler failure.

      So, useless information that doesn’t pertain to the story at hand. Or just badly used information that could have been valuable if written properly.

      • Tundra

        It’s as if modern automotive journalists don’t know shit about cars.

        Or even like them.

      • Sensei

        But increases the required word count!

  26. The Late P Brooks

    A guy in the comments claims that the oil coolers are plastic

    *outright prolonged laughter*

  27. The Late P Brooks

    cheap doesn’t override stupid

    Not so cheap now, are they?

    • Sensei

      Our engineering failure analysis said it had a 95% chance of failure post warranty. But we didn’t realize the supplier changed plastic suppliers…

      • Tundra

        There is a housing development going in across the street. I’ve been watching and gotten to know the site manager. I asked him about some hinky shit – like water – and he said the company only cares about making it past the 1 year mark. I’m sure are 100% correct.

      • Tundra

        *you* are 100% correct