Tuesday Morning Links

by | Jul 23, 2024 | Daily Links | 294 comments

The Astros are sliding after taking the division lead. The olympics start in a few days. And I got nothing else. On to…the links!

Republicans pounce. Somehow I knew that would end up being more important that the catastrophic failure, if it was merely a failure.

In a reasonable venue, he’d prevail. They are not in a reasonable venue. So we’ll see what happens.

This might be the dumbest person in America. Or the most craven. Either way, she’s an asshole.

This is crazy. None of this guy’s actions make any sense.

Is this lady a masochist? That’s starting to look like the only reason she hasn’t resigned yet.

They should have done this years ago. It’s pretty much obvious to anybody with eyes and ears.

I stand with Microsoft. Well, on this anyway. The EU’s heavy-handedness being the culprit would not surprise me one bit.

What a twist! I’m sure there’s more to the story…like they didn’t have much public support so they’re gonna bribe some public officials instead. Either way, if they own the land, it should be theirs to do with as they please. If they don’t own it and they are gonna use eminent domain to acquire it, then they’re shitty people.

I can always count on these guys when I’m stumped. They’re just that enjoyable. So many good tracks to choose from. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Tuesday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. cavalier973

    Weingarten: “If Trump is elected, there will be fascism and violence. That’s not a threat, it’s a promise. We will totally do it.”

    • AlexinCT

      What these evil people are saying to the unwashed masses is that you should fear anyone other than us or else.

      You do this shit when all you have done is deliver misery and pain, and have no positives to get people to be on your side for.

      • sloopyinca

        She’s in charge of the largest teachers union in the nation, so your last paragraph definitely applies.

      • AlexinCT

        The greatest form of systemic racism and evil in America is the abysmal job done by the public school system and especially done to minorities.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Correct, Alex, or a LARGE contributor. (Hand in hand:) Sowell’s argument re: 60s policies upending black families having 2-parent households at similar rates to whites in the ’20s, compared to…now. Yikes.

    • rhywun

      Right? They tell us exactly what they have in store for us (all of us) and half the country eagerly approves.

    • trshmnstr

      Proton. I have a personal and business domain coming to one inbox.

      • trshmnstr


        Meant for TOK below

  2. cavalier973

    Trump might be able to appeal the $454mm judgment to the SCOTUS.
    Something about being singled out for prosecution when no one else is.

    • sloopyinca

      If the NY appeals court has any sense, they’ll send this back for reconsideration based on the procedures the judge used and his combative handling of the defense counsel, his refusal to allow expert witnesses, and his overall demeanor.

      • UnCivilServant

        If they had any sense, they’d have never made it on the appeals court in New York.

      • R C Dean

        The appeals court needs to overturn it on the merits, with prejudice, based on the expiration of the statute of limitations on the state crimes actually at issue.

    • rhywun

      Something about being singled out for prosecution when no one else is.

      By a woman who specifically ran on singling one person out for prosecution.

      All I know is that bitch needs a sock in the face.

      • AlexinCT

        Preferably one that is all crusty from a few months of wiping off goo?

      • Evan from Evansville

        The distinct slap of a freshly soiled sock’ll have more impact. Not a scratch, but a profound Hopefully, froth-sock leaves residue that hardens INTO crust in each wrinkle and line.

        A boy can dream….but most of that dream is terrifying. *shrug* I’d be happily to do my fair share to provide a properly sullied sock. Someone’s gotta do these dirty jobs. Let’s get Rowe to narrate our adventures.

  3. AlexinCT

    Republicans pounce. Somehow I knew that would end up being more important that the catastrophic failure, if it was merely a failure.

    How dare you people point out what we are peddling is destructive bullshit!

    People need to start pushing back on the lie that diversity is strength when that diversity is rigged and only happens by giving mediocre or terrible people responsibility. Natural diversity, based on merit, that can be strength.

  4. AlexinCT

    Is this lady a masochist? That’s starting to look like the only reason she hasn’t resigned yet.

    She has not resigned because she absolutely feels no remorse or responsibility. In fact, I bet it irks her to no end that she can’t just tell people that she knowingly fucked up the protection for Trump precisely so someone stupid, brainwashed by the whole “Trumps is Hitler” bullshit, would rid them of him.

    • Sean

      She has not resigned because she absolutely feels no remorse or responsibility.

      A Democrat.

    • Drake


    • Tonio

      She hasn’t resigned because she has no place to go. Who would hire her after this? Her only hope is to hang on for long enough to qualify for a federal pension.

      • AlexinCT

        You saying she can’t go back to guarding Cheetos for PepsiCo? I don’t think PepsiCo has abandoned woke DEI shit yet,,,

      • R C Dean

        Oh, the left has a seemingly infinite number of sinecures on both sides of the revolving door. I doubt she’d miss any meals.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Yeah, she’d just get shuffled on the FedGov deck. They all claim that the Federal Government isn’t a jobs program and for the most part, for the field, it isn’t. For those in D.C.? Its a jobs program.

    • R C Dean

      Why should she resign? She did exactly what she was tasked to do.

      • AlexinCT

        Like I already said: I bet what irks her the most is that she can’t just tell these people giving her a hard time, in a smug and condescending way, that she did what she was asked to do, and happy to do it, and get away with that.

  5. Shpip

    As Congressional members on both sides of the aisle grilled U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Monday on how a gunman was able to fire shots at former President Donald Trump in an assassination attempt, several Republican lawmakers seized on gender and the agency’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts as among the reasons for the security failure.

    “Ma’am, you are a DEI horror story,” Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee told Cheatle during the hours-long hearing in front of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.

    Insisting on competence is sexist and racist, according to Democrats.

    Lessons were learned, that’s for sure (best read in Morgan Freeman voice).

    • Nephilium

      My favorite for that was the local news story that told us to stop body-shaming the midget SS guards.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I was more concerned about the lack of calm from the one agent that obviously has never handled her firearm with a heartbeat about 60bpm or in a stressful situation.

      • Gdragon

        When a man wants his shoes you obviously need an agent with a low centre of mass to handle that.

  6. Winston


    If you listen to the American right, our cities are unlivable hellscapes of crime and despair. If you listen to people who live in our cities, they’re actually pretty great.

    Interestingly he doesn’t do much to rebut these lies. Oh and he blames crime on density and conservatives obviously.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      All my friends that live in Manhattan and Beverly Hills love it.

    • Sensei

      Pay not attention to the homeless guy who accosted me within 5 minutes of walking to my office in NYC this AM.

  7. AlexinCT

    At this point I am going to bet money Biden is medically incapacitated (Brezhnev style) or dead, and without proof of life, the American people should tell the democrats to go pound sand. It is obvious to anyone paying attention that there is now a behind the scenes battle by the hyenas in the Clinton and Obama crime syndicates about which one of them will be the one to finish fucking over the rotting corpse. Harris is owned by the Clintons. That is why Obama has not endorsed her yet. It’s a real coup.

    • Drake

      Tucker yesterday talking to Jake Posobiec about the coup that just took place. He compares it to Khrushchev – who spent his final years under house arrest.

      Also talks about the assassination attempt that is really suspicious.


      • Gdragon

        I’m hoping for an Iannucci film called “The Death of Biden” LOL

      • Bobarian LMD

        That film will only happen after all the purges are complete.

        None of us will be there to see it.

        Probably not gonna be a movie night at the camp.

    • Drake

      Obama hasn’t endorsed yet because he wants us to believe it’s an actual democratic process despite all evidence to the contrary.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Unless he endores someone else beforehand, that makes the most sense to me. Obama has a role to play in blessing the process (the undemocratic one). When she becomes the nomination at the convention then he will endorse her.

    • Winston

      It’s possible that Biden is too senile to consent to withdraw. Or the decision was made for him.

      • Nephilium

        In that case, that’s what the 25th is there for.

      • AlexinCT

        If they 25th Biden, they can’t replace Harris without scorching the earth for minority women. And I am telling you, as soon as polls make it obvious to the crime syndicate bosses that Harris’ approval makes the margin of fortification too high to remain credible, they will replace her.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        The big D question about Kamalamadingdong is Palestine. The Pro-Hamas anti-Semites are flexing right now, and will not take no for an answer. This is going to be the clash at the convention.

        Also too, if they go the 25th route, then they have to admit that Biden was senile. Which, even though most people can see it, they can still point to the R’s as discriminatory to their base, as opposed to admitting that they lied. Which is kinda sad, but far too many of them still think Biden just had a bad night and a case of the cooties.

      • Social Justice is Neither

        If that is the case then Kamala has a duty to begin invoking the 25th. If she cannot handle that decision and that responsibility she has no business running for dog catcher, let alone POTUS.

    • Winston

      If Biden is dead then why the pretense of withdrawal? He would be out of the race and Kamala POTUS.

      • Nephilium

        Because Hunter needs his pardon?

      • Ownbestenemy

        *tin-foil adjusted* Well they would need to ramp up the switch to her as the candidate first and then announce the passing of the President. Otherwise it would have been really messy.

        Don’t think dead, don’t think it was COVID though. Something more serious and either way, American public lied to.

      • AlexinCT

        They need room to do something completely evil and corrupt, in the hopes they can put a new face on the same evil policies for the unwashed low information voters, that will allow them to get close enough to the margin of fortification. Because right now they simply cant steal it without it being obvious.

        Mark my words. I will not at all be surprised Trump’s plane drops from the sky or he ends up poisoned, since shooting at him again would just be too blatant, but they are in a death knell and freaking out over the loss of power.

      • rhywun

        Because Obama doesn’t want Kamala.

      • trshmnstr

        Don’t think dead, don’t think it was COVID though. Something more serious

        Yes, but “president suffers heart attack” would be a huge win for them, as it would bring sympathy to their side, bring age front and center in the Trump/Harris comparison, and give Joe an out that isn’t dementia.

        If it is something more serious, it’s some incident that indicates he has been unfit for some time.

      • R C Dean

        Biden dead is the best thing that could happen to the Dems. The state funeral, the lavish praise, his administration’s record off limits for the election, no succession fight, President Harris running as the sitting President, Harris getting a honeymoon during the months leading up to the election.

        No, if he was dead, we’d know about it.

      • DrOtto

        I think it’s clear Biden suffered some medical emergency. They’re probably praying he survives/recuperates long enough to finish his term because Kackles on her own up till the election would be the biggest knock against her being re-elected. Right now she’s relatively unknown to most voters, but once she’s serving, it’ll be obvious just how stupid she really is, even to low information voters.

      • EvilSheldon

        Because then Kamela has to get their VP pick past a majority vote of both houses of Congress. If then can keep Biden ambulatory until the election, they can run whoever they want for VP without the chance of the House fucking it up.

      • kinnath

        Harris is the tie braking vote in the Senate.

        Harris as POTUS with no VP means nothing can happen in the Senate without Republicans voting for it.

    • ElspethFlashman

      Maybe you all have covered this before, but I am curious as to the “also- rans” in the democratic caucuses. Shouldn’t they have a right to sue, somewhere, somehow? I think the cause of action would go something like this: 1. I was (Phillips, Williamson, etc.) and could have been running in the democratic caucuses. 2. Biden was the presumed incumbent. 3. He has now withdrawn. 4. If not for Biden on the ticket, I would have gotten delegates pledged on my behalf. 5. He did not withdraw until July 21. 2024. 6. My ability to be elected is damaged.

      • Nephilium

        They would have to sue the party I would think. And that doesn’t bode well for party loyalty going forward.

      • AlexinCT

        You miss out on Manchin saying he was going to re-register as a democrat to run the moment the Biden news came out? Then Manchin promptly dropping the idea yesterday without much of a reason? I bet he got a visit by the people that “suicide” those that get in the way of the cabal’s power players.

        The democrat party is a conglomeration of crime syndicates and mercenary as fuck.

      • juris imprudent

        Lawyer and all I get – but why think a lawsuit is the answer? How is this exactly a legal dispute?

      • ElspethFlashman

        Yes, I missed the Manchin news. And I suppose that would be suing the DNC party (not some board or judicial review or ALJ type of thing). Or sue Joe Biden . . . just sort of thinking out loud, because I’d be pissed if I were team Democrat. And there’s no real cause of action under typical situations here.

  8. Shpip

    You cannot go leading a Secret Service agency when there is an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate!’ and incredulous Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., told Cheatle during his questioning.

    ‘I believe, Director Cheatle, that you should resign. I think there are colleagues on both sides of the aisle that believe that and I hope you’ll consider it.’

    You just take your lumps in front of the Congressional committee and brazen it out, saying “I take full responsibility” but not, y’know, taking any responsibility. Janet Reno proved this to be an effective strategy back in ’93.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Yep. Why resign? You have a slew of fuckups behind you who just said “I’m sorry” and that was it. At least someone moved to impeach, which is what always should happen when an egregious screwup does occur and the Executive circles the wagons which they have done by not even firing her.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Spot on Neph..thought of including it, glad you did

    • juris imprudent

      Yeah, it’s funny that anyone here is shocked by this. We’ve been watching it for years and it doesn’t matter who is in charge.

  9. Ownbestenemy

    Given the path that the Democrats have decided to go with their nomination and convention…this quote from Biden is aging like sour milk

    “This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America,” Biden said. “Each of us is equal before the law. No one — no one — is above the law, not even the president of the United States.”

  10. AlexinCT

    I stand with Microsoft. Well, on this anyway. The EU’s heavy-handedness being the culprit would not surprise me one bit.

    I mean, it is DEI 101 to blame others for your ineptitude, but this is the EU and you do not get more stupid an evil than that except for the UN.

    • Nephilium

      You mean the terrorist-affiliated UN?

      (To tie it into another link)

  11. juris imprudent

    None of this guy’s actions make any sense.

    Getting home safely? Demanding compliance from someone that ain’t right in the head? Isn’t that all standard cop stuff?

  12. rhywun

    None of this guy’s actions make any sense.

    And there is only one reason the MSM gives a shit.

  13. Tonio

    “Imagine a country where hate has no harbor, and freedom rings! The freedom to vote! To live, to breathe! The freedom to marry! The freedom for families to make reproductive choices! The freedom to read!” she shouted. “The freedom to teach and the freedom to join a union!”

    But not the freedom to hold or voice unapproved views.

    That freedom to breathe thing is unhinged, and particularly creepy since “the freedom to make reproductive choices” is the freedom from stopping someone else from ever breathing.

    The freedom to teach means teachers are unaccountable to the people who pay their salaries. That is unacceptable.

    • AlexinCT

      That’s a freaking grand slam right there, Tonio.

    • Nephilium

      What’s preventing them from teaching in their back yards to all the demanding children that need their guidance?

      • AlexinCT

        You do get that they have done exactly what they wanted and the fact that minorities and poor people are kept uneducated by design, right? We stopped teaching kids civics, home ec, basic economics, and especially what the whole constitution limited government thing is about, because all that stood in the way of a marxist takeover.

    • rhywun

      Just add “(for) porn” to each clause and we see where she is coming from.

    • R C Dean

      I guess the freedom to join a union means no closed shops, right?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Spun like you had a choice to take the Vid Shot or lose your job. We aren’t forcing you. Also see: SSN not to be used as an ID.

    • KSuellington

      “The freedom to breathe”

      “Now put your mask back on, it’s required.”

  14. Winston


    I find these sorts of articles amusing. First he bemoans America’s budget deficit but also insists that the economy is good. If the economy is good with such a massive deficit then why should we cut it?

    Interestingly he bemoans that kids these days are gambling. Libertarians wanted to legalize sports betting.

    Also pretty funny seeing him bemoan that kids these days consider fiscal responsibility to be outdated. I thought that all challenges to social norms were good?

    • AlexinCT

      The only reason that the US has avoided a hard landing, a recession, and likely depression event, is that our government has printed and spent an extra $2 trillion plus, every year since the Kung Flu policies wrecked the economy, to hide the event. The insanely destructive policies made it impossible to avoid a recession, and even potentially a depression event, but team blue needed to keep people from realizing the people in charge were idiots and evil. So they did what it took to kick the can down the road. At this point the recession is inevitable, and if the spending is to be pulled back, with the current people making economic decisions (picking winners & losers over free commerce), a depression event far more likely.

      • juris imprudent

        And the only reason we haven’t felt the full consequences of that is we’ve been able to export our inflation via our status as reserve currency of the world. It will be a lot different when the dollar is less respected than the Mexican peso.

      • rhywun

        It will be a lot different when the dollar is less respected than the Mexican peso.

        And other countries are waking up and making their moves.

        Interesting times ahead.

      • trshmnstr

        And the only reason we haven’t felt the full consequences of that is we’ve been able to export our inflation via our status as reserve currency of the world.

        That and the fact that it takes a whole for the consequences to percolate through the economy.

      • trshmnstr


    • juris imprudent

      If the economy is good with such a massive deficit then why should we cut it?

      There are never long-term consequences to anything? Hey, it’s all good now, why worry about next year – that’ll be someone else’s problem!

      We only think we’ve seen what happens with soft men – that generation, and the next couple after it – well I’m glad I won’t live that long.

      • Winston

        Well you would have to rebut those who think that deficit spending is why the economy is good and the notion that things are good and will become bad at some unspecified future point is not the best rallying call.

        Not to mention that expecting a politician to commit political suicide for the sake of posterity is not the best hope.

  15. R.J.

    Government union teachers I knew were convinced only they could do the work of being a teacher. No private group could take their place. And any attempt at a tax protest (because school property taxes are high) was selfish. Think of the kids!

    • R.J.

      After the reaction to Betsy DeVoss I was convinced the entire department, unions, everything should be jettisoned unceremoniously from government. I leaned that way anyway, it just removed any sympathy for the government employees I had.

      • juris imprudent

        Freaking FDR opposed unions for public employees.

    • Nephilium

      I have an amazing amount of disdain for those who will go on strike holding up signs saying things like “Put Children First!” while they’re out putting their wallets ahead of those same children.

      • UnCivilServant

        “We have taken your advice to put children first – You’re all fired and banned from rehire.”

  16. rhywun

    It’s pretty much obvious to anybody with eyes and ears.

    +1 “without evidence”

    Surprise – Reuters is not convinced.

    • UnCivilServant

      Query – when in the budget cuts fight, how does one force the cut to hurt the agency without being applied directly to what the public notices to turn opinion against sanity?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Only way is if Congress had a line-item budget for each agency and their functions and the cuts would apply specifically to certain line-items and forbid the agencies from playing games with their budget. Fantasy I know, but that would be how you combat the “they cut our funds, all parks are closed!” and restore the power of the purse.

    • Winston

      Because their budgets would be reduced to Zero in no time?

      • Nephilium

        /looks to see the issue with that

      • Drake

        Win win.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Stop. I can only get so erect.

    • Suthenboy

      they all get it. What you see in those hearings is nothing more than theater on both sides.

      If they were honest and serious: “You are the had of the SS. One of your top protects got shot. You are fired. You are out. Clean out your desk and get off of the property today.”
      No talking, explaining, dodging questions, finger pointing, nothing. He got shot, you are out. The only question is are you fired or are you fired and going to prison?
      Adopt this approach and all of the fuck-ups and theft and rampant corruption would end in 24 hrs but that is exactly what they want to prevent from happening. They are a cabal of worthless grifters.

  17. rhywun

    I stand with Microsoft. Well, on this anyway.

    The decades-long jihad against Microsoft has been bullshit from start to finish.

    I would absolutely side with them over the EU and it’s not even close.

  18. Winston

    So what do we all think about that Biden call to Kamala? Real, recording, AI?

    • R.J.

      About as real as the one where he called America a bunch of faggots and hopes we enjoyed Cackletta and Booty Juice.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Seems odd to place that call only to be back in town for a potential joint conference with Kamala…or Kamala to Joe to talk with the American public. Just games they like to play I guess.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.


      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        To go a little further, we are at the point with so much trickery that unless we have actual witness’ to an event, it is BS.

        This is why we have notary’s and perjury laws.. We started in an era of distrust, and we need to go right back to it.

    • Drake

      I’ve seen better acting in high school plays.

  19. Sean

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/23:
    *22/22 words (+5 bonus words)
    📖 Top player by bonus words

    I played https://squaredle.com 07/23:
    *33/33 words (+15 bonus words)
    ⏱️ In the top 8% by speed
    🔥 Solve streak: 455

    *drops mike*
    *walks away*

    You get a special picture when you’re the TOP PLAYER.

    • rhywun

      I played https://squaredle.com 07/23:
      *33/33 words (+6 bonus words)
      🎯 In the top 9% by accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 329

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/23:
      *22/22 words
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

    • SDF-7

      Nifty! Congrats, Sean.

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/23:
      *22/22 words
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

      I played https://squaredle.com 07/23:
      *33/33 words (+3 bonus words)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 484

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Max Verstappen is a little bitch when things aren’t going his way. Who’da thunk it?

    • sloopyinca

      He’s ultra competitive and has always spoken his mind on the radio. He’s the same driver he’s been week-in and week-out for several years. I don’t think Horner and GP are that worried about his attitude.

      • SDF-7

        He is whiny — but what bugs me much more is that he defaults to “Run other drivers off the track and say it was their fault” when he isn’t in the lead. Always has, and judging from Sunday — always will. He always feels he’s in the right — yet he’s always the one either crashing into other drivers or forcing them off the track. Kvyat with better PR, imho.

      • KSuellington

        He is Dutch, speaking your mind is a requirement in Dutchland.

    • The Last American Hero

      Just imagine how much more interesting the race would be if Red Bull had 2 drivers!

      • KSuellington

        Heheh, I don’t think that contract with Sergio is aging well. They put a performance clause in it though, so I imagine if he keeps up his qualifying trend he will be ditched in the next handful of races. I’m wondering if Red Bull pick up Sainz, he is a great driver, I’ll be disappointed if he is not on the grid next year.

  21. Pine_Tree

    My Dad had a stroke in 2019 and took 2 years to pass away. He was much more physically debilitated than Biden, but the simlarities (eyes, slack face, conversation ability) are similar enough, and painful enough to think about, that it’s kept me from commenting a heck of a lot on Biden’s likely trajectory. No sympathy for Joe or anything – just don’t want to talk about it. But it’s been obvious to me for awhile that he’s been on death’s door, and that he was fixing to accelerate in his decline. For Dad it got slowly worse and worse, and then the last 10 days were markedly worse. I knew it was coming for Biden, and I’d mostly bet that that’s what started back in Las Vegas with the Covid thing.

    So I bet he’s still alive, but markedly worse than he was even a week ago, and worse every day. Physical, mental, appearance, speech, all of it.

    And I’ve been saying forever that the “deep state” is going to off Kamala to replace her. Still think that. I guess the order will probably be that Biden passes away pretty soon, she becomes POTUS, they stack the VP slot with whoever they want, then get rid of her. Heck, the recent Secret Service SNAFU even makes it look like they’re setting it up.

    • AlexinCT

      My dad had a series of strokes over a 2 1/2 year period and I saw him decline form a totally self sufficient hardcase that could do anything to a baby that needed help with everything and had fear in his eyes because he simply lacked the cognitive ability to understand what was going on. This experience is why I am certain I will walk off a cliff rather than follow that trajectory.

      But like Pine_Tree, I have seen the same going on with Biden, and am galled by his handlers that they instead of trying to help him chose to bamboozle the American people because power was more important to these evil fuckers than anything else.

      • Gdragon

        I feel so awful when I think about the handful of times towards the end that I gave my mom shit because I thought that she either wasn’t listening to me or just didn’t give a shit about what I had to say before I realized that she had simply passed a certain point and nothing was firing at anywhere close to the same level as it used to. I know that she forgives me and I know that there’s nothing that I can do about it now but I still often feel like I was an inconsiderate selfish monster. At the very end just staying alive is often so so difficult. I understand that now.

  22. R C Dean

    From the overnight thread: “My take: a Republican congresscritter and a Republican senator need to introduce bills to make (at the Federal level) abortion on demand legal up unto and including time of birth (partial birth abortion).”

    It’s perfectly legal at the federal level now. There is no federal law against abortion of any kind, as far as I know.

    I’m not even sure how a law saying “you have the federal government’s permission to have an abortion any time you want” would actually work. Plus, I think it’s a bad idea to start writing laws that give permission, anyway. “Everything not permitted is prohibited” seems backwards to me.

    • sloopyinca

      I’m not even sure how a law saying “you have the federal government’s permission to have an abortion any time you want” would actually work.

      Pass a law stating “no state shall make a law infringing on the right to (insert text here).” That should do it.

      It would force their hand, but I don’t see it passing the House or getting out of a Senate committee. The Dems need to run on fighting for the right. Giving people the right is not their goal. Their goal is to campaign on it.

      • Nephilium

        It’s the flip side of the Republicans repealing Obamacare, Dept. of Education, DHS, TSA, etc…

      • R C Dean

        I don’t think the feds have the authority to ban the states from passing a law on abortion. And I don’t think that’s what hayeksplosives was proposing anyway.

        If you want to create a nationwide right that governments can’t infringe, then amend the damn Constitution (for what that’s worth).

        SCOTUS, I think, had it right that abortion politics is a toxin that we should get out of our national politics. Keeping it as a permanent feature of national politics, and upping the dose, strikes me as a bad idea.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I am of the opinion that a huge part of the US’s political disfunction is directly related to Roe V. Wade. How it allowed abortion has been poison to the electorate, in that it found a “right” but not a law to deal with that right, and so it had created so many work arounds, and had “emanations and penumbras” not found in law but in those expectations.

        And I think we would have been there in law had the progressives just waited five or ten years.

      • juris imprudent

        Zwak, I’ll remind you that Griswold – execrable decision that it was – did in fact undo an execrable state law that was as intrusive as anything the left could ever imagine.

        We never change human nature, we just flip back and forth as to which side commands the worst of it.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Juris Oh, I have no doubt. But, as we teeter back and forth between law and society, there will be instances of this on both sides that will have lasting effects until the next comes about. One only has to look back and see the various decisions in hindsight to see the crest and troughs of the waves.

        The point is, Griswald could point to a specific area of law, the 14th, and go forward. RvW tried to do this with the 8th, but couldn’t draw a direct line, and had to result to the “emanations and penumbras”. In other words, it had to make up a connection*, which is my point RE the poison in the system.

        *the commerce clause, in its current reading, has a more solid grounding than RvW did.

      • juris imprudent

        The emanations and penumbras come from Griswold, not RvW. Douglas gets the credit for that invention.

      • rhywun

        “Keeping it as a permanent feature of national politics, and upping the dose, strikes me as a bad idea.”

        What is this I can’t even.

        /The Dems

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Yes, they idea of them from Griswald, but those were based on the 14th, and fairly solidly. In Roe they had to stretch the law way past legibility to find them in the 8th.

      • juris imprudent

        Nope, Harlan II cited the 14th in a concurrence, just as the 9th was cited. The case established the marital right to privacy with no specific textual linkage – just the emanations and penumbras. Griswold really is a worse decision than Roe from a pure legal logic standpoint.

        Roe would be based on substantive due process, i.e. 14th, at least partly because Blackmun wasn’t on the court at the time of Griswold.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Well, I disagree, for the reasons cited above, so no need to keep litigating this.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Sounds like some weird version of it’s not enough to be anti-abortion, you must also be very pro-abortion.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The GOP went bipartisan on baby murder in AZ. That didn’t stop the hedonistic narcissists from their imaginary delusions of coat hangers.

      And of course that bipartisanship only extends one way. the Democrats have almost completely purged their party of anyone who doesn’t approve of & extol baby murder and demand that taxpayer dollars be used to forever fund and support it.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Engoron in February issued a scathing ruling against Trump and his company, in which he wrote that Trump and other defendants’ “complete lack of contrition and remorse borders on pathological.”

    And that’s really what it’s all about, isn’t it?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Admit you sinned you sinner and maybe we’ll let you go to Purgatory but we all know they’re just looking for am excuse to send him to Hell.

  24. Ownbestenemy

    Like magic!

    The Justice Department told a federal judge late Monday that it has located transcripts it previously denied having of President Joe Biden’s talks with a biographer that played a role in the recently completed criminal investigation into Biden’s handling of classified material before he became president.

    All I see is battlespace prep for whatever is about to get off that plane around noon to 1pm Eastern today

    • R C Dean

      I guess it took awhile to edit the transcripts to make Joe look witty, knowledgeable, and thoughtful.

      • Bobarian LMD

        [Redacted for National Security Issues]

  25. The Late P Brooks

    California Forever will instead “submit an application for a General Plan & Zoning Amendment and proceed with the normal County process which includes preparation of a full Environmental Impact Report and the negotiation and execution of Development Agreement,” Solano County Board of Supervisors Chair Mitch Mashburn said in a statement Monday.

    Who said you could do that?

  26. The Late P Brooks

    If the economy is good with such a massive deficit then why should we cut it?

    Let the good times roll.

    • PieInTheSky

      hell double it

  27. Ownbestenemy

    You know…this is eerily similar to when the SecDef disappeared for days too without telling a soul and the selfless journalist never batted an eye.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    …her hyena smile…

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Like a runaway freight train

    Kamala Harris has aced her moment. So far.

    The vice president has already won the backing of enough delegates to secure the Democratic nomination, sparked a fundraising bonanza and alchemized the mood of a party that looked headed for defeat.

    But while Harris can hardly have hoped for a better start in establishing legitimacy among Democrats after President Joe Biden abandoned his reelection campaign, she is still just hours into a mission that ranks as the most daunting for any modern potential presidential nominee. And the full intensity of Republican nominee Donald Trump’s attacks is yet to unfold in the most unpredictable election season in generations.

    In a rousing speech Monday afternoon, the vice president rallied campaign staff at their Wilmington, Delaware, headquarters with Biden – still recovering from Covid-19 – calling in to solidify the transition. After laying out her prosecutorial case against Trump, Harris cast the contest as “two different versions of what we see as the future of our country.”

    And in her first public event since Biden dropped out of the race on Sunday, Harris earlier Monday officiated at an event on the White House lawn centering her in the imagery of the presidency.

    People love her.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      CNN found her speech to be rousing did they? I didn’t see that coming.

      • juris imprudent

        They are going to service her as she serviced Willie Brown.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Harris cast the contest as “two different versions of what we see as the future of our country.”

      Wow, you’re telling me this for the first time.

  30. PieInTheSky

    Sonia Sodha
    Noticed responses to my tweet about male violence claiming increases have been driven by immigration. Male violence against women & children is cross-cultural & happens in EVERY community. It’s just a (racist) excuse to look away from the men you know who do it to claim otherwise

    Tom Jones


    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Bad news for the Arabs and people from Yugoslavia. On a related note, maybe that table isn’t worth Jack squat. Yugoslavia?

  31. Common Tater

    “The appalling reason a Philadelphia woman shot a seven-month-old baby in the leg has been revealed, with one lieutenant calling it ‘mind-boggling.’

    Dominique Billips, 28, was arrested Friday for the July 18 shooting and was formally charged with three counts of aggravated assault, reckless endangerment of a person and other offenses, Lt. Dennis Rosenbaum said at a news conference.

    He then revealed that she was apparently upset over a ‘$100 narcotics debt,’ and may have intended to shoot the baby’s father….

    She then shouted, ‘F**k your baby, b**ch,’ after the mother cried out in agony, ‘my baby,’ CCTV footage shows.”



    • PieInTheSky

      pillar of the community that one

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      No attempted murder charge there? Maybe they should give her a break though, she looks like a nice lady.

      • creech

        It’s Philly. And the 95% of decent folks in her community keep supporting the (D)scum who refuse to clean up the rot.

    • PieInTheSky

      Sleepy Kamala Harris

    • AlexinCT

      English major picking on someone smarter than them?

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Who cannot see auto correct refusing to use Melanin?

      • Gdragon

        I’m waiting to hear from Melatonin Trump before I decide


        Shhhh… I am listening to the Meltonin solo on this Stan Kenton track!

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Perhaps most significantly, she also notched the endorsement of her fellow Californian, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose backdoor maneuvering was critical to ending Biden’s stalled reelection bid and revealed the 84-year-old is still the nation’s most skilled and influential Democrat. After Pelosi said her backing was “official, personal and political,” other congressional leaders fell into line behind Harris – ready to entrust their party’s hopes to a historic standard bearer who is nevertheless an untested leader at the pinnacle of American politics.

    Democracy in action.

    • R C Dean

      I never, ever want to see “Nancy Pelosi” and “backdoor maneuvering” in the same sentence again.

      • juris imprudent


      • AlexinCT

        She pitching or catching?

      • rhywun


    • creech

      Pelosi probably inherited the J. Edgar Hoover files and knows where all the bodies are buried, esp. on the Clintons and Obamas.
      Original birth cert and “I’m a Kenyan” appl for college? Photos of Bill and Hill rogering an underage boy?

  33. PieInTheSky

    We are happy to release the first results of a RCT of a US program that provided $1,000/month unconditionally for 3 years to 1,000 individuals in the treatment group, with a group of 2,000 people receiving $50/month serving as the control.


    long thread. interesting. It seems transfers did reduce work and increased leisure. Also they increased interest in entrepreneurship but not necessarily success. Lots of data / findings it seems.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      The biggest indicator of success in entrepreneurship is drive, not cash. If you have drive, you will just do it, and damn the consequences. If you don’t have drive, all that cash will be spent on plants for your office, and not on getting things going.

      I have seen both sides of this in my family and friends, and it always works out the same.

      • PieInTheSky

        well in Europe many say the most important thing is a safety net so you do not fear failure. But most real successful entrepreneurs do not really fear failure, I doubt many are set back by lack of a safety net. But “I quit my job to start a flower shop” entrepreneurs are probably encouraged by a safety net.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        No, they are not scared of failure. And this applies equally to the flower shop starter if they are really passionate about starting a flower shop. Most of these people have only a romantic view of what that flower shop would take to succeed, and only want those things, and when any adversity came their way would drop it like a stone.

      • PieInTheSky

        if they are really passionate about starting a flower shop – most are not though,m they just want to ditch the day-job

  34. PieInTheSky

    Article writer, Russian language learner, Sourdough baker.

    Why I am no longer in the Party of Communists USA and have joined American Communist Party @ACPMain



    • PieInTheSky

      American Communist Party
      The founding Plenary Committee of the American Communist Party signed the Party Declaration in Chicago, Illinois on July 21st, 2024.

      Currently, hundreds of Communists are in the process of being officially incorporated.


      no women?

      • R.J.

        What’s that Life of Brian quote again? Judean Liberation Front?

      • PieInTheSky

        Fuck Off! Its The People’s Front of Judea

      • Gdragon

        I think it was The Judean People’s Front vs. The People’s Front of Judea but it has been a long time since I have seen it (and if there were other groups I have forgotten them)

      • Gdragon

        Pie beat me to it, I figured that someone would LOL

      • PieInTheSky

        “Judean Peoples’ Front? Fuck off, we’re the Peoples’ Front of Judea! The only people we hate more than the Romans, is the Judean Peoples’ Front.”

      • Raven Nation

        Fine group of working-class revolutionaries.


        As a libertarian, I felt called out by the JLF v. PFJ argument.

    • AlexinCT

      well in Europe many say the most important thing is a safety net so you do not fear failure.

      When you push hard about wat they mean, they tell you they want to avoid having to work. I know plenty of people that told me they wanted government healthcare in the US because the only reason they worked was that the welfare state had a gap when it came to healthcare, and they would be stomped into the ground from that gap.

      The sad reality is that the vast majority of people are downright lazy and willing to sacrifice anything for the promise of security and free shit. Humanity’s progress always comes from a few, and those few are always hated and vilified by the people that form the talking heads class. See Elon Musk.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    The vice president’s swift consolidation of power has been impressive. Her multi-hour phone blitz to Democratic Party power players on Sunday hinted at an operation primed ahead of time but that was kept secret and didn’t leak. The plan appears to have strangled any hope of alternative candidates and the aspirations of some in the party for a lightning primary to find a new nominee who could argue that they had won a contested bid for the party banner.

    No shit, Shirley?

    • Drake

      Democracy at work right there.

    • juris imprudent

      Fun side note to Harris’ staffing.

      Elected in November 2020, Harris took the oath of office in January 2021.

      As of March 31, 2024, only four of the initial 47 staffers from the first year are still employed – consistently and without interruption – by the Vice President.

      Furthermore, the turnover chaos isn’t getting better. In the trailing 12-month period, 24 staffers left — that’s almost half the employees.

      • Drake

        She has a reputation.

        I can’t imagine working for somebody that dumb and bitchy.

    • R.J.

      It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that all the money raised for Biden can only be released to his vice president. No other candidate can step in and grab that funding. Nothing to see here.

      • R C Dean

        I keep telling people – the DNC can get it, and spend it on any candidate they want. It’s not like that money gets refunded to the donors when the candidate drops out.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      The DNC is technically a private organization and can make their choice anyway they want. And the smoke filled rooms didn’t necessarily make bad decisions. But I’m thinking they need a lot more cigars and serious people making these decisions. Not what they’re doing now.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Where is Doktor Grandma?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Supposedly going to France right? For the Olympic delegation?

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      You mean Herr Doktor President Jill?

    • AlexinCT

      That girl must have had her finger up that turtle’s ass the way that poor thing raced to get away from her…

      • Ownbestenemy

        The rabbits are clearly DEI candidates

    • R C Dean

      Love her victory dance.

  37. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    It’s Tuesday and Biden still hasn’t been seen, and Cheatle is still employed

    • Ownbestenemy

      Well about that…

      • Ownbestenemy

        According to NBC News, United States Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        She was doomed as soon as she was attacked by both sides and she knew it. If it was just Reps she’d still be there but she was finished after that hearing.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        She lost her friend in the White House.

      • Ownbestenemy

        She lost her friend in the White House.

        I suspect the phone calls/texts went unanswered last night and she knew the decision was made. Resign or get fired. I don’t think Biden’s team would have wanted that hanging around their neck.

      • Nephilium


        I’m guessing lots of calls and texts are going to the white house staff and getting ignored.

    • juris imprudent

      Obviously whoever appointed Cheatle has asked for her resignation.

      • R.J.


  38. SDF-7

    Fostering the “PPP suffered a medical emergency” narrative. I think we’re still in “Wait and see” land — but it does sound like actual reporters getting actual info, not pure Sn chapeau-land.

    • Ownbestenemy

      TFR for Dover isn’t until 1230…
      TFR for Rehoboth is until 1330…

      So don’t expect anything until the afternoon.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Oooh…hadn’t heard there was a TFR for today

      • Dr Mossy Lawn

        There have been TFRs for Rehoboth all weekend.. it kept getting extended. now the Dover AFB AF1 transfer TFR is scheduled. I have to watch these as we often fly into OceanCity MD which is affected.

      • Ted S.

        Why would you want to go to Ocean City?

    • UnCivilServant

      That’s silly, Wales isn’t real.

      • rhywun


      • AlexinCT

        I beg to differ… I have seen many a beached Whale.

    • Gdragon


  39. KSuellington

    As I commented here on Sunday nite, I don’t necessarily think that Obama not blessing Kamalamadingdong was Dem infighting, I think it was likely planned that way. Now we see that the rest of the Dems have lined up dutifully behind her and it looks like she will have the delegates, which was the plan all along. Obama’s job is to be the thoughtful one, who after careful consideration, gives his blessing to the new Queen just before or at the convention to give her the final push. It will be an interesting few weeks to see if the Dems can shine her up to the voters that are somehow still up for grabs.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Or he could withhold his approval in exchange for a favorable VP pick and/or cabinet assurances and that approval can also be begrudging or enthusiastic, depending on the circumstances of course.

      • hayeksplosives

        Maybe he’s holding out for a promised Supreme Court appointment. He’s a constitutional scholar after all…

      • rhywun

        That is a terrifying prospect.

      • KSuellington

        Yup, it could also very well be transactional, and handpicking the VP could be it. I doubt tho that he wants a SC seat. I think he is fine being an insanely rich and influential kingmaker and behind the scenes mover in the Dem party. Right now he has massive adulation and influence with minimal responsibility and time constraint.

  40. The Late P Brooks

    Who is paying the role of Alexander Haig?

    • kinnath

      She had to make sure the evidence was bagged, tagged, and misfiled before she left.

      • WTF

        I’m sure most of the records will be ‘lost’ and ‘misplaced’ and ‘inadvertently’ destroyed.

      • AlexinCT

        It should be a casus belli that we now live in a time where people in our government repeatedly use ineptitude as an excuse for downright evil shit…

      • R C Dean

        Hell, she’s already destroyed the most important evidence – the recordings of the radio comms.

        Every day, its a few more stones in the bucket of “this wasn’t mere incompetence.”

  41. The Late P Brooks

    Obama’s job is to be the thoughtful one, who after careful consideration, gives his blessing

    We can’t very well have people thinking the Democrats are some sort hive of of mindless automatons controlled by the Party’s central apparat, can we?

  42. The Late P Brooks

    We used to joke about the day when race cars would become so “technologically advanced” the teams would put trained monkeys in the seat. Max Verstappen is that trained monkey.

  43. Tundra

    Good morning!

    Since his Holiness appears to be MIA this morning, I’ll pinch hit.

    Daily Ray of Sunshine.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    She was doomed as soon as she was attacked by both sides and she knew it. If it was just Reps she’d still be there but she was finished after that hearing.

    When you’ve lost AOC, the intellectual backbone of the party, it’s time to bow out gracefully.

    She get a job as a lecturer at the (what is it?) John Jay College of Law and Justice(?).

    • Ownbestenemy

      Janet Napolitano I see has weaseled her way back…so ya, she will be fine.

    • Sensei

      Problem is that her lieutenants are most directly responsible and of course remain.

    • The Other Kevin

      There’s all kinds of think tanks and NGO’s pushing censorship and spying on us that would gladly take a person like her.

  45. creech

    It will be a huge mistake for Trump/Vance to think they’ve already won the race against Harris/whomever. The Dems “get out the vote” (real or dead) machine is formidable; Harris ramps up the enthusiasm, esp. among POC women; and her shortcomings will be buried under a barrage of ads (and, let’s face it, the ad folks behind the Dems are always better at tugging on heartstrings and generating fear than the GOP’s ad folks). And we can count on Trump to say something vile that will headline the news for weeks. This race ain’t over!

    • Common Tater

      It’s only July.

    • KSuellington

      Absolutely agree, it is not even close to over. I’d put it currently at 60/40 Trump, but that could very easily shift, and of course the Dems retain the biggest edge in ballot production. The switch to Kamala had no downside and a potential upside if the propagada works its magic with the persuadable undecideds and fires up enough of the base that were bored with Biden. Her being a terrible candidate is almost beside the point, there are millions of votes coming in for “Not Trump”.

    • The Other Kevin

      There is still a lot of time left. Trump will have to tread carefully, as soon as he says anything that can be taken out of context and construed as racist they will cut out that snippet and play it ad nauseum just like all the other hoaxes.

      Tulsi took out Kamala in their debate but that would sound a lot different coming from a white male.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Fully expect Tulsi to be brought into the Trump machine…

      • kinnath

        She posted a Youtube video from Rome right after the Biden announcement on Sunday. She ridiculed Harris and said people should vote for Trump.

        She’s already on the bandwagon.

      • The Other Kevin

        I have heard Tulsi’s story about how the Dems turned on her. She was on some committee and they were talking about bombing someone (Libya?) and Tulsi said no, I don’t think we should start another war. Hillary got pissed and called her a traitor. Tulsi’s also been against the war in Ukraine, and for that Hillary has called her Putin’s puppet. It would be unbelievably funny if she got Hillary’s old job. I’m smiling just thinking about it.

        But I’m almost certain she’d end up doing something in a Trump admin.

      • R C Dean

        It doesn’t matter if he treads carefully or not. Anything he says can, and will, be taken out of context. So if I was him, I wouldn’t worry too much about it, since no matter what he says, it will be nonstop screeching and feces-flinging from the DemOp machine.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Case in point: Some state pol says something about civil war and Kamala already tried to attribute it to Trump. R C is correct here. Campaign and politik as normal.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Also, Trump needs to make sure that his base isn’t turned off by him going “soft”.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I think the whole getting shot at has given him leeway to soften his touch without looking like it is just a politically calculated change in tone

        *narrator* It is a politically calculated change.

    • rhywun

      The message is out there loud and clear to campaign like they’re 10 points behind. I think they’re getting it.

    • PieInTheSky

      Trump should have learned from the previous election

    • Gustave Lytton

      And we can count on Trump to say something vile that will headline the news for weeks.

      Yeah, something like making America great again which is obvious code for turning race relations back to 1850 or taxing imports.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      It all just shows that it doesn’t matter who the candidates are. The Dems can pull a last minute pick out of their ass, doesn’t matter who, and the votes will be counted the same as if it was an incumbent campaigning the past two years.

      The GOP’s candidate will be reviled as the next Hitler. Doesn’t matter who. Anything that can be said will be twisted.

      And we’ll hear again how the two candidates running are the only two who anyone else could beat. Like the reactions would somehow be any different for Newsom or Romney.

  46. Common Tater

    “Elon Musk makes bombshell claim that he was ‘tricked’ into allowing his son to become a transgender woman – and vows to destroy the ‘woke mind virus’ that ‘killed’ his child

    ‘I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier,’ he said, using Wilson’s former name.

    ‘This was really before I had any understanding of what was going on, and we had COVID going on, so there was a lot of confusion. And I was told Xavier might commit suicide,’ Musk added.

    ‘It’s incredibly evil and I agree with you that the people that are promoting this should go to prison,’ Musk responded, when asked about gender dysphoria.

    ‘I was tricked into doing this. It wasn’t explained to me that puberty blockers are actually just sterilization drugs,’ he said.”


    • juris imprudent

      He’ll just make another. This is Cromartie, but with money.

      • rhywun

        He has the technology.

    • PieInTheSky

      Elon should practice silence once in a while or they will all come at him at once.

      • R C Dean

        Elon runs the only viable launch operation at scale in the US. Way too many People Who Matter need him. He has a lot of chits he can call in. I’m not too worried about him.

  47. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    I’mma rant to you people now that I’ve ranted on Twitter and Facebook.

    Because Spectrum is slowly deprecating roadrunner email and I may want to switch ISPs in the future, I have to switch all my accounts from my 25-year kc.rr.com addy to a different one. I tried using my gmail address, but the fact that gmail no longer supports POP3 is a YUGE problem. So I’m going to my personal domain email b10mediaworx.com.

    POP3 is ESSENTIAL for me bc I use 2 different clients AND webmail. I want my shit left on the server and not synced.

    FURTHERMORE, Thunderbird is no longer working for me, so I had to go find a new client, which turned out to be eM Client. It’s got a little bit of a learning curve, and my attempt to import my contact list failed spectacularly. So unless I figure this out, I’ll have to recompile my contact list manually (this is not as bad as it sounds) (lots of my contacts need to be culled).

    On topic:

    My husband’s perfectly wonderfully functioning 10yo gaming laptop is running Win7. WELL. Dropbox is stopping Win7 support as of next year, so now we have to figure THAT out, which we will probably use a home cloud. We’ve had one before that you guessed it! was deprecated by WesternDigital. I don’t want another WD product bc they deprecated a perfectly functioning piece of hardware.

    My Old Ways I’ve used for YEARS are being deprecated little by little and I’m mad.

    I’m running Win10 on a gaming laptop (3 years? old) and still using utilities I picked up starting in the late 90s. Shit, my 1998 desktop Tetris still works. Anyhoo, I don’t run updates/upgrades on my computer. Updates/upgrades break shit. I totally missed out on this past weekend’s silliness BECAUSE I don’t upgrade/update.

    AND LASTLY, my perfectly useful (and new) credit card is being changed to a new number, so now that I JUST finished changing all my accounts, I have to do it again.

    I spend an ungodly amount of time tending to this shit, and I’m tired of my shit breaking because someone else decided to break it. Just leave me the fuck alone until my hardware reaches end of life or I tell you I want to upgrade.

    • PieInTheSky

      Spectrum is cringe, no cap, fr fr

    • Nephilium

      On the NAS (Network Area Storage) side, I’ve been happy with my Synology. I’m running my Plex server from it, and it has a clean interface to install other packages and applications to it. It wasn’t the cheapest, but I picked it and two WD platter drives for it and put it in a full redundancy RAID setup, so unless there’s a critical failure, I’m not concerned (I understand your reasons to avoid WD, but in this case they’re just hard drives, no software from WD needed, and I’ve had good experience with their customer support).

      On the patching side, the not patching OS’s causes my eye to twitch a bit due to OS vulnerabilities, but it’s your machine and network, not mine.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        Neph, we used the WD MyCloud which has a web interface for you to retrieve files from out-and-about. One thing we did (not critical) was put our music and ebooks on the MyCloud so anybody could access them and/or know which music not to buy because I already had it.

        But Dropbox has been critical for me and my husband for sharing a password keeper. And I had encrypted the Dropbox folder with our confidential docs in it. I did it so long ago, I can’t remember how. TrueCrypt?

    • AlexinCT

      Sorry to hear this Mojeaux. Hope you find a recourse/solution that won’t compromise your wants/needs. The most irritating thing is that they break your shit to inconvenience you so you will js=ust accept whatever abuse they want.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’ve got a similar issue. I own my last name .com and the Mrs. and I have email addresses for that domain. We’re using GoDaddy for hosting. But they changed from their free, bare bones web mail (that we liked) to Office 365 and now we have to pay $99 per year for each personal email address, and on business email address, to use their web client. Is there another web email client we could use? How do the rest of you do this?

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        I use Proton for hosting my personal email domain. I use a business package that let’s me have an account for each family member, at least a hundred email addresses, and multiple VPNs. I pay a little over $99/year.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        I pay $135/year for one domain’s hosting (b10mediaworx.com) and $95/year for the other (moriahjovan.com), but the levels indicate server usage because I actually have websites. I get unlimited email addies with those.

        I just didn’t want to mix personal with business with author, but now I’m just going to. I have a year to get rid of the roadrunner email on all my accounts before we switch to Google Fiber or something cheaper.

      • rhywun

        I use proton mail, similar price but better.

        And Moj unless I am experiencing brain fog I think you want IMAP not POP3. IMAP is the one where your mail stays on the sever.

      • UnCivilServant

        I used to use GoDaddy, but their announced move to O365 made me jump ship to Hover for DNS and Proton for the actual mailhost. I dropped the website proper because I realized there was basically no traffic. I Use IMAP and Thunderbird.

      • R C Dean

        Protonmail here. I don’t use nearly as much of the lowest non-free plan as I could. I have no idea if they could accommodate what you want, Moje, but I’d give them a look.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        No. POP3 is the one where it stays on the server. If IMAP let me do that I wouldn’t be having the issues I’m having.

        Email → webmail interface

        POP3, it stays there regardless of what I do with that email in my phone or clients.

        IMAP, whatever I do with the email in my phone or client, it will delete it off the webmail and other phone or clients. It so very “helpfully” syncs and I don’t know how to make it not do that.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        @RC I have domains with hosting I pay for, with unlimited email addresses. I’m just switching over to my business one, which I didn’t want to do. I wanted to keep the personal (kc.rr.com) separate from business (b10mediaworx.com).

        I use moriahjovan.com with you people.

    • Gustave Lytton

      IMAP user with multiple accounts and clients. It’s all on the server.

      I hate the forced change and the half baked update/upgrade cycle. “Never mind, we’ll fix it live.” I’ve got a perfectly functional MacBook that does everything it needs to just fine, battery life is decent. I’m probably going to have to replace it this year because OS updates are cut off and other software, particularly tax prep, is designed out of the box not to run on older OS versions.

      Then there’s the website design which are increasingly bloated and full of spyware.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        I can’t figure out how to make IMAP do what I want, which is to say, NOTHING.

        Email comes in to webmail. Email gets downloaded on my phone/in my client. In my phone, I delete it because I don’t need it. It deletes off the webmail so it doesn’t come in to my PC client. If I don’t delete it off my phone and it comes into my client, I will move it in my client to the folder it belongs to. Deletes it off webmail and phone.

        POP3 just lets me move emails around and delete them off my phone/client without doing anything to the copy in webmail.

  48. Tundra

    Only Half Gone

    In this moment of maximum uncertainty, then, the Party of Chaos will pretend to go along with Ms. Harris for a week or two, allowing the first woman president of-color many chances to utter world-scaring inanities and fall into cackling fits so as to demonstrate she can’t possibly be taken seriously. Suddenly you will see the long knives come out slicing and dicing Kamala like a daikon radish on the hibachi table, and anyone else besides HRC who dares to step up will get the same treatment. Notice that Mr. Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hakim, and Chuck (Nine-Ways-From-Sunday) Schumer haven’t chimed in for Kamala. They will, by God, get their convention free-for-all, though every bit of it will be scrupulously managed by the Big Dawgs. And out of that pandemonium will fly the indomitable Hillary, screeching, “Caw caw, abortion! Caw caw, Russia!” Could it work? No way. In a truly fair election, Hillary would be run over by the Trump-Vance convoy and left a bit of smoldering roadkill, drawing flies, a sad end to all that coruscating ambition.

    • rhywun

      He has been on fire lately.

      • Tundra

        Like SF, just an amazing amount of material.

      • AlexinCT

        Oh snap!!

    • Pine_Tree

      To elaborate a bit on my post above referencing my Dad’s passing: Yes, Biden will die soon. But I don’t think it’s going to be “medical emergency” fast. I think (based on my observation of my Dad) that it’ll take like 7-10 days from when his dementia finally went over the cliff. Guessing that was in Las Vegas. The doctor will be perfectly right in saying it’s not a particular emergency. It’s just that it takes awhile for things to all shut down. Definitely time to 25th him, but the breathless reporting about imminent death is off-base, I think.

      So, soon, but not right away. A week maybe.

      • Urthona

        I predict he finishes his lame duck period.

      • AlexinCT

        As someone else pointed out: team blue knows that the senate being 50-50 is a serious and sever problem for them if they plan to use that entity to fortify the election. If I was a team red senator, I would be worried I might have an accident or be suicided…

      • R C Dean

        There’s video out there supposedly of him getting off AF1 after flying back from Vegas. He barely makes it down the steps, and has to be put in the back of the SUV, including having his legs put where they belong. I’m not finding the one I saw shot from the far side of the SUV. What I’m seeing now is from a different angle and pretty much cuts off as he gives a thumbs up as he gets to the SUV, omitting the most concerning footage. Funny, that.

        I’ve known a few tough old buzzards who hung on for longer than you’d think when they were in that shape, but yeah, the dream scenario for the Dems is a likelihood – Biden dies in office, state funeral, admin’s record extolled and off the table for the campaign, Harris running as the sitting President during her honeymoon period. That’s a tough scenario for Trump and Vance to beat.

    • Urthona

      Laura Loomer is the least credible human being who ever lived.

    • PieInTheSky

      by himself or with outside help?

      • Urthona

        A couple of minutes ago, Laura Loomer got faked out by the fake Jimmy Carter death announcement. It was hysterical.

  49. The Late P Brooks

    So, soon, but not right away. A week maybe.

    Enough time for Doktor grandma to plan the festivities, then.

    • R C Dean

      Like I said, you just know she’s already got her funeral outfit(s) picked out. I’m sure she can hardly wait to be the center of attention during the state funeral and the weeks-long mourning period. I can feel my gorge rising just thinking about it.

      • Bobarian LMD

        she’s already got her funeral outfit(s) picked out.

        Something in a more somber couch cushion print than normal?

  50. The Late P Brooks

    I can feel my gorge rising just thinking about it.

    Joe Biden, greatest American ever to have lived. He stood on the shoulders of midgets.

    • Gdragon

      And then those midgets were assigned to the Trump security detail